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11578330 No.11578330 [Reply] [Original]

>what is Einstein's Pseudotensor
In an attempt to make his General Theory of Relativity comply with the usual conservation of energy and momentum for a closed system which a vast array of experiments has ascertained, Einstein constructed, ad hoc, his pseudotensor. That it is not a tensor is outside the very mathematical structure of his theory. Beyond that, it violates the rules of pure mathematics.

>Get redpilled on Einstein’s Pseudotensor here:

>what is The Landau-Lifshitz Pseudotensor
In an attempt to make Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity comply with the usual conservation of energy and momentum for a closed system which a vast array of experiments has ascertained, L. Landau and E. Lifshitz constructed, ad hoc, their pseudotensor, as a proposed improvement upon the pseudotensor of Mr. Einstein. Their pseudotensor is symmetric (Einstein’s is not) and, they say, it permits a conservation law including angular momentum. That it is not a tensor is outside the very mathematical structure of Einstein’s theory. Beyond that, it violates the rules of pure mathematics.

>Get redpilled on The Landau-Lifshitz Pseudotensor here:

>> No.11578344

>General Theory of Relativity
jewish hoax

>> No.11578389

How is a tensor defined? Does the Einstein tensor follow that definition?
BTFO, delete this low quality thread, retard.

>> No.11578702

Agreed. The reason Einstein is defended by Jewry today, and countless resources and money is wasted on trying to "prove" Einstein's theories were correct, and countless band-aids are being added to stop his broken theories from dying of blood loss, is of course because he was a Jew and because they want THEIR nonsensical bullshit to be the basis for "science" in the world, instead of real science based on real physics which would propel humanity forward in understanding.

Einsteinians are basically operating like highly religious people do when they try to defend their belief system. If the "science" of Einstein is so "valid" then why does it need so many patches and tweaks and re-workings and excuses over and over again? Einstein didn't create anything, and certainly nothing related to the real universe, so what's the hold-up? Why keep trying to resuscitate the same dead cat? Consider the absurdity of Einsteinian-based astrophysics for example, conducting very expensive so-called "experiments" only in an attempt to prove Einstein's theories, at the expense of instead actually studying the universe to learn something worthwhile.

Did scientific progress in physics really die, along with reason and the ability to reason, in the early 20th century? It's strange if that's the case, given that the end of the 19th century was a high-point of reasoning. I guess if WW2 hadn't happened or the outcome had been different, modern science would've gone a very different path.

>> No.11578867

>be low IQ anon
>see thread with "Einstein" in the title
>see the word "pseudo"
>immediately go into pro-Einstein defense mode
>mentally go: OH NO! They're saying Einstein's something something is a "pseudo", a word I've learned to associate with "pseudoscience", therefore this is... this is... this is mean-spirited Einstein bullying!! oh no! I gotta fix this. I don't know what this is about and I'm going to ignore the science, but I can't allow this to continue! Einstein's something something was the real thing, not a pseudo!! REEEEE!!

Retarded little NPC, get fucked in the ass.

>no arguments against the mathematical truth provided in OP's pdfs
You = BTFO'd forever
(and that's also a mathematical truth :) )

>> No.11578936
File: 657 KB, 703x2108, Einstein's pseudotensor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11578962

>pointing out your retarded hypothesis is wrong
>that is equal to pro-Einstein defense
Has a relative of Einstein rapes your peehole or why are you so upset with him? Love fantasy perhaps?
You don't even understand what pseudo-tensor means, let alone hodge dual.

Learn to read, your head is full of shit. Yeah, you can formulate axial tensors from antisymmetric ones, so what? Doesn't change the fact that the "proper" tensor exists.

>> No.11579084

>learn to read
Talking with yourself?
OP's post specifically deals with Einstein's pseudotensor.

>> No.11579146
File: 115 KB, 1724x785, TIMESAND___1cmc78g662rtncfdoo9ypgKKMFJERDFUOJouzhowdzz9ubd9uhdGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this criticism of the Einstein formalism, the author, in my opinion, does not make due distinction between the partial derivative and the covariant derivative. The creation of the covariant derivative, which is supposed to be covariant with respect to some inertial Lorentz frame which is only an *unphysical* approximation to local spacetime, is only the addition of a fudge factor to the ordinary partial derivative. Since there is no real Lorentz frame with which an energy density might exhibit absolute covariance, meaning the inertial observer is a only mathematical idealization to begin with, the failure of the energy density to exhibit tensor behavior only confirms that there is no such thing as an inertial frame in Nature with which the density could co-vary under Lorentz transformations.


>> No.11579346

>That it is not a tensor is outside the very mathematical structure of his theory.
Learn to grammar.
>This pseudotensor is outside the very mathematical structure of his theory as it is not a tensor.

>> No.11579379
File: 66 KB, 600x556, emsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. A. Einstein

The language reminds me of Wildberger
>Nevertheless, Mr. Einstein and his followers use it to represent the energy-momentum of his gravitational field and hence his
gravitational waves, and, miraculously, do calculations with it; a feat beyond the capacity of pure mathematics and rational

I hate rhetoric talk in papers like that

>> No.11579386
File: 137 KB, 510x908, TIMESAND___CentcomFusion+762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, man. It is a shame in my opinion that I can't avoid homelessness by plying my trade because I am on the "nat sec" blackout list where my cousins say it is their lives that are the national security, and not my own life: the life him who opposes them. As I am the Sovereign Lord, they are in open heresy.

>> No.11579458

I think fusion and fission development being stunted by the oil industry is no secret to the entire world. It's a matter of national security to maintain oil related products and developments in defence, but ironically it also hinders non oil related developments and therefore hinders national security too.
It's a mess.

>> No.11579576

That's what you get in a world run by jews

>> No.11579603
File: 56 KB, 847x923, TIMESAND___1cmc78g662fcfdoo9ypgKKMFJERDFUOJouzhowdzz9ubd9uhdGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the role of the Babylonians in all of this? And all the mixed peoples of Babylon? What is their role?

>> No.11580174

Did I quite OP post there? Fucking idiot.
The post I quite has a pic that talks about the Einstein tensor and the Einstein pseudo-tensor.

I really thought you were better than that. Do you know what fiber bundles are?

>> No.11581221

>Do you know what fiber bundles are?
kind of

>> No.11581850

Could you say what you think fiber bundles have to do with it? As far as a I know, its like a space of everything attached to a particular inertial frame. I looked at the wikipedia, but I didn't see exactly what you're not talking about I haven't done, for myself, the formal treatment of fiber bundles on spacetime manifolds (or points in them.)

>> No.11581860

>Could you say what you think fiber bundles have to do with it? As far as a I know, its like a space of everything attached to a particular inertial frame. I looked at the wikipedia, but I didn't see exactly what you [ARE] talking about[END SENTENCE] I haven't done, for myself, the formal treatment of fiber bundles on spacetime manifolds (or points in them.)

>> No.11581872
File: 188 KB, 720x338, TRINITY___Face_of_God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reluctant to do the QWERTY keyboard method. QWERTY was designed to reduce typing speed to slow down typewriters. I wonder, however, how many of these typos are inserted by enemies?

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