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11572763 No.11572763 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11572766

The Truth About The Meat Industry: Uncensored


>> No.11572824

Meat factory here, please take this down.

>> No.11572840 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 4427x3706, 1556443499326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but that doesn't mean people should become vegans. Just stop supporting the "meat industry", that's all.

> About veganism

> About Vegans & Teeth

> Vegans & B12

> A Sustainable Lifestyle (VR to all Vegans)

> A SCIENTIFIC VR to Vegans claiming they debunk my Claims about Veganism

> Vegans have a SUPERIOR health!?

Some basics on vegetarians:

Here are their problems as to why they usually quit:

Vegans are deficit in B12:

High fiber diets reduce serum half life of vitamin D3:

Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:

Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:

Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:

Vegans are deficient in omega threes:

Vegans are deficit in carnitine:

Vegans are deficient in taurine:

>> No.11572846
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Okay, but that doesn't mean people should become vegans. Just stop supporting the "meat industry", that's all.

> About veganism

> About Vegans & Teeth

> Vegans & B12

> A Sustainable Lifestyle (VR to all Vegans)

> A SCIENTIFIC VR to Vegans claiming they debunk my Claims about Veganism

> Vegans have a SUPERIOR health!?

Some basics on vegetarians:

Here are their problems as to why they usually quit:

> Vegans are deficit in B12:

> High fiber diets reduce serum half life of vitamin D3:

> Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:

> Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:

> Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:

> Vegans are deficient in omega threes:

> Vegans are deficit in carnitine:

> Vegans are deficient in taurine:

>> No.11572849
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> Vegans are deficient in Coenzyme Q10:

> Vegans are deficient in iron due to the fact that iron from plant sources is less bioavailable than iron from meat sources:

> Vegans are deficient in vitamin A:
http://healthybabycode.com/why-you-cant-get-vitamin-a-from-eating-vegetables (studies linked in the article)

> Calcium in Rats:

> Magnesium and Oxalates:

> Vegans have a lower sperm count than non vegans:

> Vegans have lower testosterone than non vegans:

> Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction:

> Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:

>> No.11572852
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> Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:

> "There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour."

> Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:

> "Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."

These next five are case studies:

> Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:

> Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:

> Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:

> Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:

> "We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."

> Most recent studies using more sensitive techniques for detecting B12 deficiency have found that 68% of vegetarians and 83% of vegans are B12 deficient, compared to just 5% of omnivores:

>> No.11572859
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> On paper, calcium intake is similar in vegetarians and omnivores (probably because both eat dairy products), but is much lower in vegans, who are often deficient:

> Vegetarians and omnivores have similar levels of serum iron, but levels of ferritin—the long-term storage form of iron—are lower in vegetarians than in omnivores:

> Fruits and Vegetables:

> This is significant, because ferritin depletion is the first stage of iron deficiency. Moreover, although vegetarians often have similar iron intakes to omnivores on paper, it is more common for vegetarians (and particularly vegans) to be iron deficient. For example, this study of 75 vegan women in Germany found that 40% of them were iron deficient, despite average iron intakes that were above the recommended daily allowance:

> many plant foods that contain zinc also contain phytate, which inhibits zinc absorption. Vegetarian diets tend to reduce zinc absorption by about 35% compared with omniovorous diet:

> Thus, even when the diet meets or exceeds the RDA for zinc, deficiency may still occur. One study suggested that vegetarians may require up to 50% more zinc than omnivores for this reason:

> The Naive Vegetarian:

> Onions decreases your testosterone:

> Eating meat increases testosterone:

Why you need dietary cholesterol:

> Very great total picture kind of lecture:

>> No.11572862
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> Saturated Fat Finally Vindicated in Long Buried Study:

> Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil Consumption as Part of a Weight Loss Diet Does Not Lead to an Adverse Metabolic Profile When Compared to Olive Oil:

> Why you need cholesterol for testosterone:

> Saturated Fat:

> Humans evolved a specific hunting mechanism recently:

> Very wide and diverse amounts of similar research and current scientific consensus (look at the links at the bottom):

> Exercise lowers cholesterol:

> Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races:
https://www.nap.edu/read/11537/chapter/13 (also a generic good read on dietary cholesterol and dieting)

> Giant read through summarizing dietary protein:

> Another giant read through as to why you are a lazy fuck and should move more (very high quality, provided by the EU):

>> No.11572864
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> It is not economically friendly, nor important for the world to forgo meat as we have a surplus of retarded niggers on this planet:


> How to go through paywall articles:

>> No.11572880

That isn't all.

Support local agriculture, especially those businesses incorporating or developing techniques that are sustainable yet efficient.

The grazing of ruminant livestock is one of the best holistic steps in a self sustaining vegetable operation.

>> No.11572889

PETA Opinions, the thread

>> No.11572891

Is this thread proof that Varg posts here?

>> No.11572892

holy fucking christ this thread went to shit in an instant, a mod needs to clean this shit off the board pronto

>> No.11572896

If you follow the proper vegan diet, you get enough calcium.

Vitamin D can be produced by exposure to sunlight; during winter, consumption of certain mushrooms can provide enough Vitamin D.

Vegans can take B12 supplements sourced from bacteria. In the past, there was enough Vitamin B12 in the soil in which food was grown; the levels are now often depleted due to modern agricultural practices.

The following link contains useful information; barring the glossing over of negative health effects of onions and the recommendation for vegans to take iodine and omega 3 supplements when one can easily get these nutrients from a plant based diet (though supplements would be a good idea if someone chooses to not do so)


>> No.11572900

Should say s.o.y, not onions.

>> No.11573289
File: 13 KB, 326x217, +meh+_de47dc215ef490c658c339e2dcda2969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who advocates for eating insects and bigger fishing industries?
Those are so much more humane and profitable than poultry, hog, and cattle

>> No.11573296

no one cares. all the animals in zoos are doped up on antidepressants too. putting it into our food is good for the population. makes the workers more content with wage slaving.

>> No.11573768

But it'd called "meat FACTory". Surely they won't be disingenuous to us?

>> No.11573771

This fucking idiot again.
Look, these studies have super low participant numbers, sometimes test religious nut jobs instead of average vegans. Studies do mention their imperfections you ignore all the fucking time (e.g. that they have lower iron and zinc intake, but not too low according to food guidelines).
The only true conclusions out of those are that vegans without supplement don't get B12 (but vegans DO supplement) and that they have low iodine intake.

Now IRL kys, shill.

>> No.11573773


>> No.11573778

>went to shit
It started with a link to some shit called "buzzworthy" with no intelligent input from OP whatsoever, it was shit from the start and it's OPs fault.

>> No.11573869

no, that would be illegal in my country as is meat bleaching.

>> No.11573878

>bigger fishing industries
Sure, let's deplete the stocks even harder. Turkeys are mindless fuckwads that we should delight in killing en masse.

>> No.11573904

It's not /sci/, but it was an okay start.
That faggot butthurt about vegans existing is who ruined this

>> No.11573966

My point is that poulty, hogs, and cattle are encompassed by animal cruelty laws. Insect and fishes aren't and you may torture them in bad conditioned as you will so long as you maintain profit

Not to mention that animal farms are the biggest produces of methane gas. Insects and fishes hardly produces any greenhouse gas and barely any waste while consuming a very little plot of land for the same amount of protein produce

>> No.11573972

>chickens are fed same things humas are

yes, ok? Wouldn't it be worse if they didn't get antidepressants and supplements?

>> No.11573987

no wonder US is full of fat walmart whales

>> No.11574049

It would be better if they weren't depressed.

>> No.11574392

Everyone who isn’t an NPC eats free range meat and animal products. I’m not even rich, I just eat vegetarian every other day to save money. I’d rather have less quality, ethical meat than more disgusting CAFO shit.

>> No.11574404

These facts are quite depressing. Which is why I like to eat a lot of chicken.

>> No.11574462

I'm doing the same. I don't think free-range is less quality though. Don't want any superbacteria and remnants of antibiotics and hormones in my lunch.

>> No.11574470

Nah I mean I’d rather have a smaller amount of quality and ethically produced meat. I just phrased it badly.

>> No.11574509

I don't think there exists a fish oil supplement anyone should be eating. Rancid, heavy metals, heated, oxidized. Garbage.

>> No.11574537

I see and agree.

>> No.11574540

Same goes for humans, but we aren't, so live with it

>> No.11574547

If they get enough anti-depressants that are effective, then they probably aren't.

>> No.11574745

No I mean, better fight the cause, not the symptoms.

>> No.11574999

it's an alt-righter whose one-sided use of the sources only serves to emphasize his idea that a real man is supposed to hunt his food.. The pathetic use of pictures of germanic/nordic figures underlines that.

>> No.11576124
File: 363 KB, 1333x2000, 1579663505947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are anti-European. You hate European culture.

You are very likely a Jew.

Jews push Veganism on people. They're the one's who popularize it through their media outlets and entertainment industry (the same media and entertainment industry which tells us to not have children and to love immigrants). They benefit from pushing Veganism because it hurts their enemies. The Jews constantly strive to harm their opponents in every way possible, physically and otherwise.

Veganism is Jewish in practice and spirit. Veganism weakens people and destroys bodies, just like Jewry weakens the body of a nation and destroys the native culture, values, families, and everything else.

In stark contrast, an omnivorous diet is fully European practice and spirit. Thus to be anti-Vegan is to be pro-European.

You are anti-European, and of course pro-Vegan.

>it's an alt-righter
What a cheap and worthless attempt at an insult. The Alt-Right is 100% controlled opposition bullshit run by Jewry. Trump is surrounded by Jews, his campaign was run by Jews, and Ivanka's children are circumcised. Anyone who associates himself with the Alt-Right is either an idiot or an (((enemy agent))).

>a real man
In addition to being anti-European and hating European culture, you hate what you term "real men". You want all Native European men (since you are most likely a Jew) to be sọybọys with low testosterone (one reason you want us to be Vegans) and without any sense of traditional manhood. The painting >>11572849 of a Native European man protecting his blonde Native European daughter from (((Christianity))) upsets you very much indeed. You can't stand it. You want modern European men to be as far away from that as possible in mind and spirit.

>> No.11576146

what does a viking have to do with this??
>bigger fishing industries?
...nigga r u serious? The fishing industry is disgusting and huge.

>> No.11576162

veganisn causes brain damage as well, you dont need to dump 10 links, just dump the best one which you forgot

>> No.11576170

Yeah, the meat industry is beyond fucked up.

Shouldn't you be posting some BLACKED on /b/ or something?

>> No.11576172

>what does a viking have to do with this??
Obviously laziness masquerading as white "intellectualism". He's just trying to brainwash himself into continuing habits that destroy the planet.

>> No.11576185

So is vegan the same or better than a meat inclusive diet? You seem to know more than I do.

>> No.11576237
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x2000, 1570610019069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a Jew, so no.

>> No.11576245

Agriculture destroys the enivronment FAR more. If everyone was vegan then the planet would get fucked far quicker and far harder than it already is being fucked.

That said, the modern food industry, all of it, the fruit, vegetable and meat industry is terrible. We need Permaculture and to eat locally raised and grown.

>> No.11576267

I know that some Jews make BLACKED. I was referring to the fact that you stormfriends enjoy posting it on /b/ etc for your "psyops" or whatever you call it.

>> No.11576270

>Agriculture destroys the enivronment FAR more.
That's a fucking lie and you know it. Methane emissions, trillions of tons of agricultural produce go into feeding livestock every year. If agriculture is bad, meat industries are 10x worse, feeding cattle wheat is near ubiquitous and has the exact same problem as growing the wheat in the first place. You need 10x the amount of land to feed the exact same number of people. Albeit, I support grassfed beef, but literally nobody produces it, it's as expensive as fuck, and studies show it has higher methane emissions than wheat/corn fed. My perspective is to stay away, or at least only eat it once a month.

>> No.11576272

>what does a viking have to do with this??
The Viking picture is just an example of something that's both European and pro-European (they defended Europe for 300 years against Christianity).

Also see:
If one is European and is anti-Vegan, then one is pro-European. It goes hand-in-hand. To be pro-Vegan is to be anti-European.

>> No.11576278 [DELETED] 

>That's a fucking lie
Nope. Take Spain for example; agriculture is turning the country into a deset. I rest my case.

>> No.11576287

What don't you understand when I say "trillions of tons of agriculture go into feeding livestock every year"?

>> No.11576288

it was a shitty start
>sauce: buzzworthy
>on /sci/
Sticking up for that is promoting idiot tier research. Why even have /sci/ if we accept that as sauce.
Fucking you and OP can go prance in a field and then suck each other off in midair while hanging from nooses

No one's butthurt vegans exist. We're 11/10 annoyed with people pushing the sorriest and lamest excuse for believing in something/anything, and since you won't take it upon yourself to shut the fuck up about your personal gripe with the status quo we have to take it upon ourselves to expose how stupid your beliefs are and hopefully humiliate you into thinking twice before bringing up the subject no one gives a fuck about again and again. Have you seen a chimpanzee eat? Holy fuck, every single animal agrees death by 1st world human is the best way to go.
Just please shut the fuck up and realize morality doesn't extend to other animals. Either God made morals or humans made morals, and either God said we can eat animals or we said we can eat animals. You would change the rules to benefit someone else besides us? For what purpose? They don't even comprehend what you did. They literally cannot be taught to understand. They are missing that part of the brain. Are you starting to realize how much this revolves around only you and how childishly short sighted you are? 99.999% either don't care or hate you.

I cannot imagine how fucking annoying the world would be if we didn't tell you to shut the fuck up every time you talk. I don't enjoy this. But someone has to do it. I would wipe every vegan off this planet with a tear in my eye if I had to, but it's a burden I'm willing to take upon my soul because I'd be making the world a better place.

>> No.11576291

>That's a fucking lie
Nope. Take Spain for example; agriculture is turning the country into a desert. That's one of the most painfully obvious examples of the highly destructive actions which are REQUIRED in order to be able to produce as much vegetables as we need today. If everyone in Europe was Vegan, you'd see Spain x100 and in most countries, not just Spain.

I rest my case.

>> No.11576297

For a response, look to this post: >>11576287

>> No.11576343

I hope by now you can understand that, while meat is A problem, it is not THE problem. Land use and agriculture are THE problem, every time a cow is fed 90% of the energy that went into that corn, onions, or wheat is lost. So long as humanity decides that grassfed beef will cost 3x the price of cornfed, nothing about meat is worth it for the sake of the environment, at least eating it on a daily basis. I don't care about your stupid ethics, I just don't want to be walking around a desert 20 years from now.

>> No.11576360


lmao even as a vegan i know this is bullshit. i work on a poultry farm and we do not give them anti-depressants. be more worried about the shitty vaccination oil we inject into their chest.

>> No.11576367

lol, vegans btfo.

>> No.11576368


a vegan diet reverses many chronic diseases. insulin resistance, CVD , ED etc....meat based diets CAUSE chronic disease. meat cucks have almost no nutritional knowledge.

>> No.11576370


yes keep eating meat please. i want you to have a soft erection by age 40. more pussy for us vegan men with 10% higher T levels.


>> No.11576439
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You demonstrate your low intelligence and ignorance. Producing X amount of food (calorie & nutrition wise) via agriculture destroys the Nature faaar more than producing the same amount of food via raising animals.

And Spain, the gigantic country-sized greenhouse REQUIRED in order to produce vegetables and other crops all year round (and yet still isn't enough; vegetables and other crops need to be grown en-masse in other countries as well to meet demands) for the rest of Europe, exists. Spain exists and is what it is today. You can't change it. Reality > your feelings.

As already stated, if everyone in was vegan we'd see Spain x100 in many countries. And as already stated, the modern food industry itself is unsustainable - it must be ended, both the agricultural industry and the meat industry. We need Permaculture and to return to eating locally produced food. However, just to illustrate the points already made: IF today all humans suddenly cut down on agriculturally-sourced food (fruits, vegetables, wheat etc) by 90% so that 90% of that production ceased and shut down, Nature would start returning and desertification halt and reverse. Plant-based food wastes massive resources (you get far less calories and nutrients) and demands extraordinary amounts of toxic chemicals (in order to supply the demand -- and no; it's impossible for organic/ecological agriculture to supply even 10% of the current demand) and takes up vast areas of land (where the soil minerals get depleted) and leads to desertification, and requires insane volumes of oil and airplane fuel (because newsflash - plants can't grow in winter, they must be flown in from abroad).

BTW -- I'm including this (and really only writing this post at all) for the lurkers, as the guy I'm responding to obviously doesn't give a shit about reality -- Regarding soil depletion and what it leads to, see: https://files.catbox.moe/d1bqre.webm

And even more enlightening: https://files.catbox.moe/kgccuk.webm

>> No.11576446

Whatever helps you sleep at night man.

>> No.11576451

your fantasy world is going to require a long post-apocalyptic period after we burn out the earth trying to sustain agriculture/meat. lol it's gonna fucking suck holy shit i can't wait will it be in my lifetime?

>> No.11576456

Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21353476

>> No.11576457
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>> No.11576458

Most modern fish you buy from the supermarket comes from fish farms and not fisherman.
The fish caught normally is sent to restaurants and China.

>> No.11576463

>counter propaganda
>counter counter propaganda
Fuck man I hate this shit. Can't there just be a fucking consensus? I don't wanna get a degree in understanding veganism just to decide what to eat.

>> No.11576470

how can i have a garden with water melons and banans and tomatos and beans in winter? and also to enough food from that so my family can live on that food daily... please tell me

>> No.11576472

just fucking eat everything and figure out what you respond best to

>> No.11576475

Consensus isn't science. This is a science board. The truth isn't found by voting.

>> No.11576477

My dad has a pretty good garden. Grows a lot of asparagus, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, okra, broccoli, ect. That's only in the summer though.

>> No.11576480
File: 75 KB, 600x508, 1573359244832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just look at all the propaganda and then side with the propaganda you think looks more truthful and most in line with reality.

>> No.11576482

What if the scientific community voted on it?

>> No.11576488
File: 157 KB, 767x767, 1585695454767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only in the summer though

>> No.11576505

Fuck meatcucks

>> No.11576508


>> No.11576520

It doesn't matter who is voting, because the truth isn't created by a majority. It's not created at all. The truth is merely something which exists independent of human opinions. It can be discovered. That discovery can be made by 100 people or by 1 individual.

It would depend on the scientists, if the science and theories they're operating under are correct, and also depends on if there's any money or politics motivating them. Sometimes the science itself is simply wrong, take for example modern mainstream astrophysics; some things in it could today be very incorrect, and only be correctly understood by just a few scientists right now, and won't become mainstream and accepted by the majority of scientists until say 2040 (just made that year up), so a "scientific" vote on the issue today would result in a lie/falsehood becoming the consensus, while the truth remained buried and ignored.

>> No.11576524
File: 2.58 MB, 640x464, bateman very nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. That's a great argument. I'm going all in on veganism now.

>> No.11576556

Well if it's the best understand as of right, even if it's not true that's good enough. The alternative no guidance at all.

>> No.11576563

Literally none of the articles are saying what you claim them to say.
Were you expecting that nobody would look at them or something?

>> No.11576584

But can't you take supplements? Micronutrients can be made without killing animals... Am I wrong?

>> No.11576620

Seriously though, did a vegan rape you or why are you so mad?

>> No.11576635

>But can't you take supplements?
You can, those faggots just ignore that fact otherwise they can't shit on vegan diets.

>> No.11576645

>posts an anecdotic case with a type 1 diabetic
This is the average study on why "veganism is bad" lmao

>> No.11576653

>Sticking up for that is promoting idiot tier research.
They literally filmed what it looks inside meat farms. That's basically like
>I don't believe in the evidence for general relativity because the scientists doing the measurements were Jewish
>No one's butthurt vegans exist
I definitely see at least one in this thread.
>We're 11/10 annoyed with people pushing the sorriest and lamest excuse for believing in something/anything,
Not sure what you mean here. You mean how everybody says "vegans are so annoying" or "they always tell you they're vegan" and "they're prophets shoving their agenda into you" then you're believing a myth perpetuated by edgy kids.
>expose how stupid your beliefs are
I thought you weren't mad? What arr my "beliefs"?
>Just please shut the fuck up
About what?
>realize morality doesn't extend to other animals
Why would I "realize" your stupid believes instead of humiliating you into thinking twice before bringing up this subject?

The rest of your post is just schizo ramblings I don't care about. You should leave the basement sometimes, as you seem to have no clue about how the world works.

lol, bullshit.

>misquoting the study for your petty agenda
Back to /pol/. You're as degenerate as that butthurt idiot post 10000 links to bullshit studies never having read, let alone understood them.

>> No.11576661

>get criticized
>assume others are vegan
Proving him right.
Hey, the vegan boogeyman doesn't exist. He won't sniff your butthole at night. Just sleep, nothing will happen.

>> No.11576777

The majority of these don't say what you claim they say. Did you read these papers?

>> No.11576786


Cool. Just like us. 99% of us are slave stock. You surely can sense, if not know this, Anon. If does not have to be this way. We were made to be happy without drugs. If you can only be happy with drugs it is because you are being intentionally suppressed by other humans.

>> No.11576793

/sci/ isn't your personal source of "supply", get the fuck out if you don't want to contribute something of value.

>> No.11576796

And one where his entire diet was processed onions products

>> No.11576800

I did. And you?

>> No.11576804

"buzzworthy" isn't something of value.
>and you
telling you you're a retard a a big service to the board.

>> No.11576807

*is a big service

>> No.11576870

>implying that was my only post
You are irl retarded.

>> No.11576963

Based and ancestor pilled

>> No.11577117

How do you know someone is allergic to peanuts?

>> No.11577213

Mods don't clean shit you reddit spaz that is the jannies job.

Also don't forget to down vote threads on this subreddit you don't like because you are incapable of ignoring them.

>> No.11577979

The alternative is to find the truth yourself and not allow yourself to be "guided" by what a majority believes.

>> No.11577985

wall-of-text schizo

>> No.11577994
File: 186 KB, 220x216, Bateman ooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. That's a great argument. I'm going all in on veganism now.

>> No.11578004

Fun fact.
All animals don't think the same and what would stress us out wont necessarily stress them out.
Hence why we can easily breed some animals while others that get stressed in a domesticated setting, like deer or moose, can't be easily bred.

>> No.11578042

>get criticized
>assume others are vegan
Proving him right.
Hey, the vegan boogeyman doesn't exist. He won't sniff your butthole at night. Just sleep, nothing will happen.

>> No.11578046

>supplements sourced from animals
Choose one and only one faggot

>> No.11578061

Animals bred by humans are stressed in the living conditions they are subjected to. The difference is not that they aren't stressed; the difference is how they react to stress. Humans intentionally breed docile species of non-human animals. Same reasons beagles (a very docile dog breed) are commonly used in animal experiments.

>> No.11578327

That is if the majority let you thrive in their chaotic lies.

>> No.11578350

Who says anything about supplements sourced from animals, idiot?
You're too dumb even for this sorry excuse of a board.

>> No.11578391

Not wrong, and all micronutrients we need are available from non-animal sources. Check out pcrm.org and/or nutritionfacts.org

>> No.11580056

Vegan cuck

>> No.11580233

They do. Did you read the papers?

>> No.11580237

>>11576563 >>11576584 >>11576777
Samefag. Why do you feel the need to lie? Is veganism that fragile an ideology?

>> No.11580244

Desertification and soil depletion is real and happening right now. Would happen even faster and on an even more devastating scale if everyone was vegan.

>> No.11580250

A satellite view proves it's not bullshit. Or will you claim satellites are fake?

>> No.11580338

Not him, but I read most of them, and they don't. Stop pretending.

More crops are produced to feed to livestock than humans would consume. Factor 7 or 8. Fucking read about things you want to discuss first.

A satellite can look into the future? Cool stuff.
>no reading comprehension

>> No.11580438
File: 1.26 MB, 426x653, 1587282098960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a heterotroph
retards like you are why we cant live off sulfur and hydrogen. kys faggot

>> No.11580594

If everyone went vegan there would be less plant agriculture, not more. A big chunk of plant agriculture is just growing food for livestock but if we just ate the plants directly instead of feeding them to animals and then eating the animals then we would be making far more efficient use of our ecological resources. Most livestock in the world is raised this way and if all meat was raised in the 'organic, free range, permaculture, etc' manner then most of the world would be on plant based diets anyway because there would not be anywhere near enough meat for everyone to eat it on a regular basis.

Whether plants or animals most food IS being created in ecologically unsustainable ways today but we are in a bit of a trap. To turn our entire food production over to sustainable methods we would not be able to produce enough food to feed the current world population. But if we continue to keep the world population fed then we are essentially subsidizing that population size and people will continue to breed and consume and the world population will grow even larger, all while we turn the world into a desert where soon we won't be able to produce ANY food.

>> No.11582321
