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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11552507 No.11552507 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, my name is Anon Diracula(yes this is a namefag thread), id like to propose that the board work together on an open source project to solve some problems in maths and science. Being optimistic, we could amass a working research group of a similar size to a university department.
Already pure board autism has solved some problems in Maths, so lets keep the ball rolling and see what else we can do.

The fist step is to figure out what we would want to research, so lets hear your thoughts, anon...?

>> No.11552511

nth hyperoperations calculus? there seems to be a pattern

>> No.11552517


>> No.11552521

sounds cool my d00d. care to give us a synopsis? what in paticular requires research?

>> No.11552574

Solve P vs. NP

>> No.11552589

or maybe try to find out if P vs NP is solvable?

>> No.11552634

god i wiah /sci/ wasnt such a dead board. where are all the nerds actually posting?

>> No.11553958

review IUT

>> No.11553962

they're too busy gaming probably

>> No.11553982

>where are all the nerds actually posting?
4chan's too dumb to have serious discussions, serious sites are slow/full of indian undergrads/redditors, irl people don't even know their entry level shit
Friends at uni are too busy to have casual discussions all the time, professors aren't your friends, and everybody's too busy specializing in their field to become well-rounded in other topics

It's all so tiresome

>> No.11554085

>where are all the nerds actually posting?
I definitely recommend you check out r/math and leave /sci/ behind forever - this board isn't suitable for such intelligent, quirky, ambitious and funny young men as you!

>> No.11554096

Finding a class of fundamental binary operations which we can study through universal algebra.
Definition 1.0
A fundamental binary operation is an operation that is not iterated. Example would be succession taking some element and applying the successor. If we have a sequence a,b,c... succ(a)=b. An informal way of viewing this is addition by 1.

Does there exist some other fundamental binary operation that behaves completely differently from addition or succession?

>> No.11554105

Sorry let me rephrase this definition.
A fundamental binary operation (like a prime number in a sense) is an operation that isn't derives from another operation. For example Exponentiation is just multiplication which by transitivity is just iterated addition. This exponentiation ultimately comes from addition.
So my question is what operation follows the same process but just bahaves differently?

>> No.11554467

So you want some operation which can not be reduced to stacked additions. there are a few.

functions like OR, AND take two arguments and can output 1 or 0 depending on its conditions. so {1 or 2} acting on 1 is 1 and {1 or 2} acting on 3 is 0. This doesn't rely on addition but its a pretty crummy operator so im not sure im satisfied.

>> No.11554470

reducing the info needed. you can have the odd or even operator which returns 1 if the number is even and 0 if odd.

>> No.11554482

oh also there are the comparison operators, you know, <, <=, ==, >=, >. all of these are binary operations which exclude the use of addition.

>> No.11554488

Continuous multiplication isn't an iteration of continuous addition.

>> No.11554489

>For example Exponentiation is just multiplication which by transitivity is just iterated addition.
Why do people say this? Exponentiation is not just lazy notation for multiplication. There is no way to get at e^(pi/7) by "multiplying" stuff.

>> No.11554495

and going deepah, we can see that all symbols excluding the numbers are operators. even brackets are operators. brackets call priority orders. you could write a bracket as an operator like so.
x(y+z) = Bracketed_*(y+z, x)
The operator would do each operation in the order you put it in the list, instead of using the bracket symbol to infer the order of operations.

>> No.11554506

it works for natural numbers as far as i can tell.
3^2 = 3 * 3 = 3 + 3 + 3
3^3 = 3 * 3 * 3 = (3+3+3)+(3+3+3)+(3+3+3)

>> No.11554526

and you literally can define e^pi as an infinite series of products and additions of natural numbers

>> No.11554529
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pic related

>> No.11554530

This may come as a shock to you, but not all numbers are natural.
>an infinite series of products and additions
I thought it was "just multiplication"?

>> No.11554539

im not the same guy, im playing devils advocate.
multiplication can be decomposed into additions.
things like the factorial can be decomposed into additions with an extra counting rule or two. these operators are lazy ways of doing the fundamental operation (+) in lots of weird and wonderful drawn out ways.

>> No.11555382
