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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 320x180, DaveCorona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11549358 No.11549358 [Reply] [Original]

It is now being revealed a number of COVID death certificates have been faked so ITT we try to create a formula to correctly figure out how many actual deaths there have been and how (((deadly))) it actually is.


>> No.11549365

No u create that formula then u post it then we can tell u that u r retarded

>> No.11549432

No you suck my balls and I will tell you how well you are doing or not

>> No.11549726

no one cares about your shitty youtube channel you fucking soiboi

>> No.11549922
File: 26 KB, 287x431, hoesmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so salty?

>> No.11549930

People who watch anime are more depressed on average. Anime should be banned.

>> No.11549931

>test positive for covid19
>die in hospital
>attribute death to covid19
>OP thinks this shouldn't be counted so death count is actually lower than reported

ok ...... ignoring your faulty logic (cause you there's no way to win an argue with stupid) I just want to point out many people are dying who haven't been tested. They die at home or in the ambulance to the hospital. They never get tested so their deaths don't get added to the death tole. So it's actually more likely to be much more (((deadly))) than previously reported.

>> No.11549938

>cause you there's no way to win an argue with stupid
dangerously high levels of irony in this post

>> No.11549943

the irony here is like an onion

can we just all agree this entire thread was stupid and ignore it completely

>> No.11549944

I don't watch it, in fact I have seen a handful in my life, Akira, GITS, cowboy beebop, evil tanya and some vampire shit from the 80's, Helsing I think. I just like to post it because I know it triggers retards

>> No.11549946

It isn't my logic you retarded ape did you watch the video? This comes directly from the doctors

>> No.11549949

at 3:00
>"covid-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death"
Would it not be very irresponsible to not do this?
>emphasis on the word "assumed"
Lmao, I can't stand this guy :p

>> No.11549953

Well that is the only good question yet anon. I have thought about this as well. It is just semantics? They wouldn't have died without catching it even if it caused them die from some other organ failing I guess is what you are getting at?

I don't know the answer to this but there is more later on in the video as well from other doctors

>> No.11549960

>doctors "assumed" person died of covid19
>OP "assumes" they didn't (without ever even knowing 1 single thing about the patient like their name)

that's pretty much what this thread is, it's quite funny, I wanna see where this shitstorm goes next

>> No.11549965

it has nothing to do with me you absolute fucking moron, I didn't make this fucking video you goddamn idiot stfu and kys.

>> No.11549973

Why in the fuck are the people on this board so stupid? Stfu and get out of the thread you autistic pseud >>11549960

Jannies ban all non white posters in this thread

>> No.11549989

so (you) disagree with this video then?
Why did (you) make the thread, to share a video, if you think it's wrong??
You can't be OP AND say it this thread wasn't your idea. Can't have it both ways. unless somebody forced you to make this thread, blink twice if they're forcing you to do this

>> No.11549990

>They wouldn't have died without catching it even if it caused them die from some other organ failing I guess is what you are getting at?
No, we don't know that, but I think it would be irresponsible not to keep that option open as it is probably the case for many of these deaths, but likely not all. I think we just have to accept that we will never get the answer for most of these "assumed" covid-19 deaths, but maybe you are right that we can do some estimates. And yes, I believe the percentage is pretty high, likely over 50, and I am of course pulling this straight out of my ass.

>> No.11549991

>likely over 50
not even wrong

>> No.11549995

Please catch covid and die so this world and especially this board can get rid of a cancer that drags down the IQ of humanity.

Well the video commentator suggest waiting until next month and see what the total death rate vs the claimed COVID to see if they were just cannibalizing other CODs

>> No.11549998

Thank you

>> No.11550001


>Postmortem testing by medical examiners varies widely across the country, and some officials say testing the dead is a misuse of scarce resources that could be used on the living. In addition, some people who have the virus test negative, experts say.

If we actually investigated every death, like OP and video suggest, we'd find the death toll is higher and NOT lower than reported.

>> No.11550006
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bitch stop samefagging my thread

>> No.11550008

It's a shame we don't have a cruise ship on which to test everyone

Oh wait

>> No.11550012

>Well the video commentator suggest waiting until next month and see what the total death rate vs the claimed COVID to see if they were just cannibalizing other CODs
Not a bad idea really. Couldn't you do that right now as well? Don't they see solid increases in total death rates all over the world?

To comment a bit further. It's the assumption that the percentage is going to be low I don't like, because underestimating is worse than overestimating, and honestly I don't feel like it's likely. This is of course my ass talking again. I apologize on his behalf :/

>> No.11550014
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When you stop intentionally spreading misinformation that's going to get Americans killed, I'll consider it.

>> No.11550019

carrying water for the latest foxnews lie
shilling for free, what a retard

>> No.11550047

It's not a lie. There have been better arguments made for this point of view than some celeb youtube faggot. Check out this: https://theemfguy.com/blog/coronavirus/ It basically convinced me that, at the very least, a lot of the panic around this virus is overkill.

>> No.11550055

>underestimating is worse than overestimating
You say that now but in the meantime the middle class will be ravaged by this. The small businesses can't survive this and will be devoured by the mega corporations and the economy even more centralized into corporate monopolies and the currency devalued by no stop printing of money and likely a great depression coming now.

>> No.11550058

you gonna post about russia, russia, russia next you brainless fucking simian fuck outta here and go back to sucking that tranny Rachel Maddow off

>> No.11550067

If you can show that it's less than 1/5 I'll give it to you.

>> No.11550078

>these people are depressed
>let's take away their happiness

>> No.11550084

holy fucking shit this
don't forget to buy local folks

>> No.11550085
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 9meals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you haven't seen nothing yet, these are the "good times", the bad times haven't started yet. You know this isn't the first time a planned economic crash has happened. They don't truth out well. This article was written ion 2016

I hope you aren't foolish enough to say it is just a coincidence.

>> No.11550091

damn auto correct *turn out well

>> No.11550095

>currency devalued by no stop printing of money
Economists predict massive deflation from this pandemic, which is increase of value in our money. This is dangerous for its own complicated reasons if it goes on for too long.

I'm not an economist so I won't pretend to to say this is factual, but is it possible that "money printer goes brrrr" could counter the effect of deflation??

>> No.11550116

Well same anon I am not an expert but I did double minor, one of them in business and as a STEM grad I can tell you economics was always voodoo, there is very little science to it from what it saw the predictive power was limited to supply and demand bell curves all the rest was basically theory that could go either way and had most times in history (gone either way as in as soon as they though they understood an ex factor shows up and reks the entire model).

Plus you have to keep in mind the people running the FED are extremely hostile to the nations they exist in, they are not looking out for our interest in fact they are parasitic predators on their host nations that orchestrate this kind of theft as the article I linked above ex

>> No.11550117



>> No.11550124

>currency devalued by no stop printing of money
>economics was always voodoo


>> No.11550126

I told you to fuck off k_ke

>> No.11550143

OK schizo

>> No.11550146
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Mr Jude y you hurt my fee fees

>> No.11550157


PDF page numbering matches content page numbering

>> No.11550158


>> No.11550167

>he doesn't know currency devaluation is supply and demand
kys you goddamn idiot

>> No.11550193

missed the point entirely

I was pointing out how anon 1s says Fox news talking point of how the pandemic is not as bad as it sounds but it's going to destroy our economy
then 1 post later he was recounting his own memories and experiences about how nobody can accurately predict the economy.

This is clearly double think indoctrination and is so obvious I thought a simple mention of the word was enough to make the point.

>> No.11550194

Lying liberals justifying the shutdown

>> No.11550214

gop is the disease
literally this time

>> No.11550222

Why do poltards think that YouTube and Twitter are evidence for anything?

>> No.11550224

dilate trannys then join the 41%

>> No.11550230

You're an idiot and I pray that neither you nor you loved ones get Corona.

>> No.11550231

Why does Jared get to work in the WH?
So Trump can smell his fingers.

>> No.11550236
File: 72 KB, 750x500, 2cx2xw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more Trump advocates states to remove shutdown, the more it looks like Trump followers are part of a suicide cult.

>> No.11550237

the irony here is palpable tranny

I hope you starve to death in the depression tranny

>> No.11550241

You are so fucking stupid I can't even fathom how you function in this world. You appear to be literally fucking retarded you projecting schizo

>> No.11550244

>i have no argument

>> No.11550248


>> No.11550254

The GoP is fucking retarded. it's like they don't realize even a small demographic shift from their aging base dying early will mean they'll never win another election.

>> No.11550267

awww, you think there's a fair election.
Give it some time, soon there'll be no more elections .

>> No.11550269

yawn another person that cant comprehend exponential growth. why is this concept such a brainlet filter?

>> No.11550271
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>> No.11550277

GOP will just voter suppress more.

>> No.11550285

you're fucking retarded it is obvious you don't understand anything you stupid cuck

>> No.11550307
File: 526 KB, 1600x1309, EUvf_SmUUAEMRiR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correcting under-reported COVID-19 case numbers
>By applying a correction, we predict that the number of cases is highly under-reported in most countries. In the case of China, it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11550321

it only gets you so far, they managed to lose the popular vote against Hillary fucking Clinton. With states like texas on the brink of turning blue, a corona induced demographic shift could finish them off completely.

>> No.11550323

>i have no argument

>> No.11550324
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pic saved

in 6 months when people ask why we didn't prepare, got proof we were all victim to disinformation campaign.

Even now GOP is actively fueling this disinfo campaign at this fucking moment!!! Does hanlon's razor apply here? Cause I feel it's crazy to think our own government wants us dead and think letting a virus do it will keep their hands clean. But on the other hand, the president loves to brag about how he can get away with shooting a man on 5th avenue.

>> No.11550325
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>> No.11550339

just on the topic of gop, there was one senator who was well ahead of the curve. i feel he deserves credit for the bs he went through trying to warn us.

>> No.11550342


>> No.11550346


>> No.11550354




Uihlein (uline)

>> No.11550378
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>> No.11550387
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>> No.11550396

According to recent estimates from Reddit bigbrains the IFR(infection fatality rate) is 0.45% instead of the officially accepted 0.66%

>> No.11550405

i genuinely wonder how many of you /pol/yps are legit and how many of you are ccp disinfo shills using this bs to discredit your ccp narrative.

>> No.11550407
File: 496 KB, 1006x735, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you're the Jew
You really think that is gonna work here? You all need some new material

>> No.11550409

I'll just leave this here:

>> No.11550415

i wish the jannie was a more into pruning stupid fucking threads like this

>> No.11550417
File: 69 KB, 634x395, 25530434-8073543-image-a-2_1583332676853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>11550307
We are amid a disinformation campaign designed to maximize infection rates among Americans.
Plz don't contribute by parroting random shit you hear.
Lies cost lives.

Also, IFR varies with each strain of the virus. Last I heard (weeks ago mind you) the deadlier strain was most common but there was a growing trend of the weaker strain. I haven't heard anything new about this in a while.

>> No.11550418

I bet you do k*ke

>> No.11550424

I know crow777, nice link ty anon

So you think it is more dangerous than we are being told not less?

>> No.11550429


>> No.11550432

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.11550438

IFR and CFR are not the same. CFR is about 1-10%(higher in places where the hospitals were over capacity and where people had poor lungs to begin with)
We're still dealing with a flu times ten in terms of both morbidity and contagiousness.

>> No.11550452 [DELETED] 

You only get added to the death tole if you're tested.
They don't test corpses. If you die from heart failure, which is pretty common with this virus, and they can't resuscitate you in your home, then they won't put you on the ambulance. That's the standing order for New York EMTs. These deaths aren't being counted cause they don't test the dead.

>> No.11550458

No I don't think I will. I love this seethe though give me more daddy uwu

>> No.11550461

They only get added to the death tole if they're tested before dying. They don't test corpses.
If you have heart failure, which is pretty common with this virus, and they call and ambulance but they can't resuscitate you in your home, then they won't put you on the ambulance. That's the standing order for New York EMTs at the moment. These deaths aren't being counted cause they don't test the dead.

>> No.11550465

They are saying the tests are very defective too though apparently something around 80% were giving false positives from the source I heard from

>> No.11550486

>80% were giving false positives
I haven't heard that. I'd like to see a source. However, even so your logic is faulty.

If there are false positives, then the lethality would be greater than reported. Cause you have lots of uninfected healthy people screwing the ratio of infected to dead.

>> No.11550492

>getting false positives means there are more infected
>my logic is faulty

Um mate

>> No.11550498

>>getting false positives means there are more infected
no, it means those who are infected have a much greater chance of dying than previously thought, or in other words
>then the lethality would be greater than reported

>> No.11550501

retard tide pod eater

100 dead, "1000 sick" =10% lethal
whoops 80% false positive
100 dead, 200 sick=50% lethal

fuck off and eat another booger

>> No.11550507

you are legitimately fucking retarded I see

100 tested for corona virus test positive
80 were false positives

20 is more than 100

Jesus fuck kys you goddamn imbecile

>> No.11550514

I see what are you saying, less cases but more lethal. This is a double edged sword depending on the R naught. Ebola is likely 100 times more lethal but a lot harder to catch, doesn't mean you shut down the world because some people in your nation have ebola

>> No.11550518

I mean to add you adjust the R naught based on the false positive. Lethality is a lot less important than the R naught in what we are discussing here

>> No.11551388
File: 62 KB, 400x524, 1586441001073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually a conspiracy(yes i know) to ban cash and push id2020 to chip everyone

>> No.11551523
File: 218 KB, 407x450, chipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh anon stop being so paranoid

>> No.11552183

bumping for a formula, come on /sci/ you autistic consensus cultists, this is one of the only things I would trust you to be able to come up with a correct answer on (if you actually have the facts)

>> No.11552192

Why? People like him make the world worse when they try to convince people that the virus is a hoax.

>> No.11552251

OP never did that You straw man and discourage critical thinking, you should be executed after you are banned from this board for being a hack pseud

>> No.11552275

struck a nerve

>> No.11552314
File: 1.96 MB, 286x400, 1498980311708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a forced u mad bro fan fic
stop eating beans nigga

>> No.11552324

why would I honestly engage with someone who watches right-winger conspiracy videos? it's easier to just make you seethe and reply at me in anger

>> No.11552331

>Implying any aut here has gotten past Calc 3

>> No.11552354

By your same logic plenty of people have it that don't get tested, therefore the number of infected people is higher, which brings the death toll lower.

>> No.11552368

literally no one in the world cares who you engage with until you try to talk to a female and she tells you to please go away which is why you are here trying to get involved in a conversation above your IQ level. Since you know you have literally nothing to add in intellectual conversations you just say things to trying to get some attention just so can simulate having interaction with people who are either disgusted by you or know you are an idiot and would likely kick your ass for acting the way you do on the internet irl

>> No.11552465

holy shit it worked lmao

>> No.11552473

>Listening to an Anti SJW retard like Computing Forever

>> No.11552519

>Implies every country is systematically lying

>> No.11552522

That is acceptable to accept both
That deaths are rising
That infection rate is probably higher

>> No.11552534
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>he doesn't know yet

>> No.11552537


>> No.11552540
File: 1.64 MB, 1241x1754, CONINTELPRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just pick any random detail no matter how nonsensical and ridicule it


>> No.11552573

>Not a source of evidence for your original theory of systematic collusion

Mate, now include all the epidemiologists and medical professionals too


>> No.11552582
File: 961 KB, 285x180, dodge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you fuck off and stop spewing diarrhea all over this thread bitch ass faggot

>> No.11552584

>Anti SJW retard
Tbf a lot less retarded than SJW.

>> No.11552806

>Posts on /sci/
>No evidence backed argument or witty insight
>Resorts to typical burger insults and conspiracy theories with no humour

Yep, definitely a mutt from /pol/
Listen, post evidence or a genuine insightful comment or forever wallow in your own excretions

>> No.11552808


>> No.11552833

>They never get tested so their deaths don't get added to the death tole. So it's actually more likely to be much more (((deadly))) than previously reported.
We'll find out the whole story five years later when they get around to doing the excess mortality studies but so far it looks like covid is cutting a bloody swath across the world.

>> No.11552847

It's not that they're faked, it's that the decision on how to label someone's death has always been political and very difficult. I'm not going to claim conspiracy shit like "muh hospitals and governments lying" but there's a HUGE bias to say that the cause of death was coronavirus when due to the panic and insanity. The real issue is that there is a huge selection bias in most countries to only test those exhibiting symptoms and only those that have serious illness will go to a hospital. This paper does a good job at summarizing a decent estimate so far for the CFR and IFR:


>> No.11552910

I'm not OP, not from America or from /pol/ you shit sucking retard stfu and hang yourself

>> No.11553295

great post anon ty

>> No.11553320

Good Red Ice show on this topic

>> No.11553336

with a 2% death rate the infection rate is 50x higher

>> No.11553365
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