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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1154272 No.1154272 [Reply] [Original]

>Likelihood of finding a wife in your undergraduate program

>Biology: 50%
>Chemistry: 5%
>Engineering: 0%
>Engineering (Homosexual): 20%

>> No.1154280
File: 17 KB, 300x375, 1276146443744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about if i look like this ?

>> No.1154283

cool science, bro.

>> No.1154284

Physics should be way lower.

>> No.1154285

sauce on data?

>> No.1154286

yea if you want an ugly wife

>> No.1154290


So Biology is the most easily retarded major then and Engineering the most difficult?

>> No.1154296


wazzah whudat?

>> No.1154298


where is this from? I obviously chose the wrong university.

>> No.1154303

Well, that's shows how successful you've been, that's pretty much it.

>> No.1154306
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only /sci/fags would see 30% as a high percentage for finding a waifu


>> No.1154308

There are two kinds of math majors. Real math majors, and math-education majors. Most of the hot chicks are math-ed.

>> No.1154309

>Engineering: 0%

No problems here boss

>> No.1154310

it's not retarded, you just need to memorize 1000 things to pass each course

>> No.1154348


The harder a course is the less females there will be.

And tbh my University has a really though Engineering course.

If anything no female have ever sat for that course without tons of outside help for programming and shit.

While bio is almost 50/50 male/female ratio.

>> No.1154352

lol my physics is about 5%

5 chicks out of about 100 people... fuuuuu!

>> No.1154353

Like half of my chemistry class is female.

>> No.1154370

if it's a freshman course it doesn't count, they all drop and go to finance or social studies

>> No.1154378

Is it a class everyone has to take, or a class only chem majors take?

>> No.1154381


In my experience

Bio is anywhere from 65% to 50% female
Chem is somewhere in the 50% to 40% female
Mathematics is like 50% female
Engineering is like 30% or something
CS is like 3% lulz

Tbh though there aren't any female oriented courses so yeah they are almost forced to choose any of them above

>> No.1154392

>female orientated courses

go castrate yourself you fucking moron

>> No.1154398


It works differently over here (britfag). Everyone doing our course does the same subjects and there are occasionally options but they're all chemistry related. So yes they are actually studying chemistry.

>> No.1154412
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>> No.1154415


about 70% of the 50% in Bio are faggoty Med students that you don't want


>> No.1154418

Yeah because who would want to marry a doctor...

>> No.1154422



No I'm sure it's in proximity to 100%

>> No.1154426


I wouldn't want anyone earning more than me for one.

>> No.1154434

Engineering undergrad reporting in.


>> No.1154435

Why? I wouldn't care.

>> No.1154436

>Yeah because who would want to marry a person with +$300k debt.


>> No.1154439

Easy... Friday night many women have too much alcohol in their system and want it bad

>> No.1154444


Guys I think we just scare off our first and only femanon.

>> No.1154445
File: 22 KB, 350x361, 51ATPase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your point

but med students are often backstabbing bastards who just are in it for the money.

Though Money is a good goal, I really don't like being the only one in my damn classes that is actually interested in the subject manner.

Sorry I'm just a little jaded and bitter from my schools over abundance of horrible people.

here's some ATP proteins to cheer me up

>> No.1154447


I would.

>> No.1154451

nah there's been a few that were legit....but I think we scared them away

>> No.1154453

Chemistry should be a lot higher. Simultaneously, Physics should be lower, as should Maths.

>> No.1154456

I asked why.

>> No.1154458


>but med students are often backstabbing bastards who just are in it for the money.

Let's see. From personal experience at least 75% of all students of every under course are there only for the money in some way or another unless it's a very specific course.

At least I find it hard to find people who are really interested in the subject field.

>> No.1154461

Math is about right. But as said above, most of them are studying to be math teachers.

>> No.1154462
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Truth. Premedfags are annoying and whiny and don't learn anything because they think they'll just be taught it all again in med school.

There are a few who aren't.

The cool kids are the biologyfags who hang around labs and only go to the art store to get forceps for spreading butterflies (which, fuck, I just remembered I have to do today).

>> No.1154465


Cause I would very much dislike being the one with the pussy rather than the balls.

>> No.1154470

Strange... everyone else on 4chan dreams of being the little girl.

>> No.1154499

cs: 50%

if you want to enter a matriarchal polygamy

>> No.1154506

>>1154499 matriarchal polygamy
that's called polyandry

>> No.1154527
File: 70 KB, 440x594, Ivanka+Trump+Hosts+Callaway+Golf+Girls+Club+-wr10hmklbAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, actually it's pretty much <.1% in all of the discussed fields. Don't be such a bunch of ultra fucking nerds.

Fields where you can find a decent looking wife (bacause noone cares about the rest)
1. Modeling
2. Movie business
3. EKONOMIX if you like business bitches
4. Music
5. Liberal arts

ranked in order.

pic. related: businessbitch

>> No.1154528

number of women =/= chances of finding a wife

>> No.1154545


>cs: 50%

What are you talking about dude?

CS is nowhere near 50%. The most I ever encountered was like 8% and that was at freshmen year and to this day I never encounter a female who knows something decent about computer science not even about programming or computers even.

>> No.1154558


>Fields where you can find a decent looking wife

Actually I think most women today look decent or near it at least. I'm not that picky though.

>> No.1154569

ad0593ba59e1dc6c1cd5038a09bd28ca http://tinyurl.com/2g45dq2

>> No.1154581

im in an engineering course and i met my girlfriend because her room is in my hallway. the people i have met in my course make up less than 10% of the total number of people ive met and talked to at university.

>> No.1154587

90% of women can look hot by being young and not fat.

>> No.1154591

only in /sci/

>> No.1154603

Yeah, but NONE of the women in the fields discussed above are the least likely to be fit. Also most > 20yo.

>> No.1154609
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>Chemistry higher than Physics

>> No.1154617

Contrary to the stereotype, smart people tend to be thinner than dumb people.

>> No.1154628

Can't say I have made any observations indicating this from surveying the people at my uni. Also people in Stockholm are known to be ridiculously anal about their appearance. But the girls at the university? Not so much.

I guess it's a matter of standards...

>> No.1154629


I wholeheartedly beg to differ. Given there is no stunning beauty roaming around but most of them are decent enough.

Then again anything breathing and female and human is enough for me.

>> No.1154632
File: 15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP those percentages add up to over 100%, OP is trolling everyone

>> No.1154644
File: 243 KB, 1070x898, 1271963969207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English major here, 95% of my classes are girls. I've taken a class where I was the only guy.

>> No.1154645
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, you playin_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Think about it again, and then reassess your statement.

>> No.1154649

>Mathematics is like 50% female
Odd, I've never had a math class that was more than 1/3 female. However, yeah, CS is like 10% or less.

>> No.1154654

You fags should stop blaming your fail on your majors
Army soldiers are surrounded by men 2/3 of the time and yet they get laid all the time

>> No.1154655

>if you want to enter a matriarchal polygamy
>if you want to enter a matriarchal polygamy
if you dont get it, i cant help you. also wtf are you doing in cs if you cant get this simple joke? fuck you and everybody who was involved in your creation.

>> No.1154660
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>> No.1154662
File: 772 KB, 656x530, everyone is a winner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey, I guess this would be an opportune time to mention I'm one of only 3 guys in my Entomology class. The rest (including the professor and the TA) are girls.

>> No.1154665

Probability of death after jumping from an airplane flying at 30,000 feet: 100%
Probability of death after jumping from an airplane flying at 50,000 feet: 100%

Wait that adds up to 200%, what did I do wrong?

>> No.1154674

being trolled? he posted a slowpoke pic for gods sake.

>> No.1154675
File: 54 KB, 432x288, 1274897780862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no theology

>> No.1154676

Chicks dig bugs, who knew?

>> No.1154677

Cool story bros
You should start doing ballet while you're at it

>> No.1154685


lol wut ?

>> No.1154693

in my biology class, there 90% females.

>> No.1154695

Regardless, if any anon here is thinking about medical school, I'll give you one piece of advice a physician gave me.

"Find a wife IN medschool with a similar speciality interest, or marry a CPA. Trust me, my wife is a CPA and everything is just smooth....... giggity"

>> No.1154697


Your previous post seemed to imply that male to female in cs was in proximity to 1/1 which isn't true by any chance.

And yeah lame joke.

I don't more cs students function sexually anymore. The only 6 remaining are cigarette smoking dykes which upon second thought seem definitely traps.

>> No.1154699

Cos we all know historians get all the pussy

>> No.1154703

>Chemistry: 5%
>Physics: 30%

Physicsfag spotted. Keep telling yourself that.

I'm an engineer and I could care less. Pretty much all the girls in my classes are ugly as sin. I really don't think I'm losing out. I'll probably meet my wife somewhere outside of school, since I have a social life and all that jazz.

>> No.1154707

Hey dumbfuck, chemistry isn't even the lowest and physics isn't even the highest. Try harder.

>> No.1154710


That pic is a lie.


0% for sure

I never even thought until this moment of a female philosopher/theologian lol

>> No.1154714

I don't think guys studying say rock music or arts have time to take any ballet classes. Because... you know.. constant fucking.

Not kidding.

>> No.1154773

Well have fun being miserable the rest of your lives you lazy faggots

>> No.1154784


Well, the percent of girls in bio is around 50% in my opinion. In my engineering classes, girls definitely make up less than 5% and all of them are landwhales, so 0% is fairly accurate. I've met a lot of female math majors, so I'm assuming 40% is somewhat accurate.

I've never met/seen/heard of a female physics major, and I know a bajillion female chem majors. Just because you didn't make the numbers the most extreme, they're definitely the two numbers that are the least accurate in my opinion.

tl;dr fuck off

>> No.1154793

The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering has 937 full-time male undergraduates, compared to 431 full-time female undergraduates. There are 432 full-time male graduate students and just 171 full-time female graduate students. The total number of men in the Whiting School of Engineering is 1,399 while the total number of women is 605. "Right now, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, we are about one-third female, and two-thirds male," said Nick Jones, dean of the School of Engineering.

The national average in engineering is about one-fifth female, according to Jones.


>> No.1154800

>>1154793 READ LAST LINE
that is the last line.

>> No.1154892

Physics 30%? You got to be kidding me, there are 10% women max in physic courses..... and 80% of them are fuckugly

>> No.1155248


D: D: D: D: D: D:

>> No.1155251 [DELETED] 

6270d19b0698964612195e3df3cdf863 wut wat wot dawt aye no over no two all lulz kay dawt sea electric

>> No.1155265

So you are saying that you think 8% of the people in physics classes are ugly?

>> No.1155296

2 year chemistry
we got like 40% women, most of them hot
yeah, i don't know why either

>> No.1155300

>>Engineering: 0%
I met my wife in an engineering class.

>> No.1155309

>psychology 9001%

>> No.1155331

>Biology: 50%

Fuck year!

>> No.1155886

>Chemistry: 5%

>implying there are more females doing maths or physics than there are doing chemistry
>implying that there are more females doing maths than there are females doing physics


Especially that second part. Fuck all girls do maths. The ones that do are nearly all asians with calculators for faces.

>> No.1155910

lol you're doing a pussy subject. How about after you finish your entomology course you go and do some ecology? huh? pussyboy.

>> No.1155919

>nearly all Asians
I don't see any problem here. Also, more girls do mathematics than chemistry and physics combined.

>> No.1155926


>implying your an idiot for assuming the numbers show the ratio of women to men in a course

>> No.1155938

bullshit. And no, doing couple of calculus and stats courses as part of your physics or econ degree or whatever does not count as "doing" maths.

>> No.1155969

So, my current GF is in CS, (we met in one of our classes) is a decent programmer, good with calculus, has a slender body type, is white, (not asian) and loves to play the vidya.

>> No.1155976

There are girls in my electrical engineering program. All are dykes I shit you not. Epic lulz.

>> No.1155978

And then you woke up and masturbated while crying?

>> No.1155987

Why the hell would you do that?

>> No.1155991

there was a smokin hot girl there on the first day of this math class i took. the prof went over a theorem on the first day and of course she never came back.

for the most part chicks JUST DON'T DO THIS SHIT. go take an art class

>> No.1155994


Heh, before I met her, yes that would happen.

>> No.1155996
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>GF is in CS

dat mileage

>> No.1156007

Realistically, Girls only major in Psychology or Sociology.

>> No.1156012

Lower physics to 5% and I am okay with this

>> No.1156017
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>> No.1156019

No. I mean you woke up today, realized no one loves you, then masturbated until you fell back asleep?

>> No.1156033


my graduating psychology class was legit 4:1 women to men. it was the reason to show up to class on hot days

>> No.1156144

Hey I got a brilliant idea
How about you guys pick up chicks OUTSIDE of class

>> No.1156170

Maybe its cause chemistry is the new fad for getting into med schools
Bitches just want money

>> No.1156197

it makes me sad that such a beautiful girl as the one in op's pic may be a porn star

i hope my hypothesis is wrong

>> No.1156201

You're wrong anyway. People have survived from 30.000 feet.

>> No.1156215
File: 2.48 MB, 2423x3632, freqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undergrad in engineering here.

Just realised about 8% of my class is female, and 92% of those are hideously ugly.

Ah well, some EM waves will cheer me up.

>> No.1156216

>Implying we're ever outside class
You English majors are so cute!

>> No.1156248

So i guess you don't do anything on the weekends?

>> No.1156259

Oh she's a porn star alright, can't remember her name though.

>> No.1156267

>Chances of finding a wife in Musical Theater- 30%

>Chances of finding multiple hot female fuck buddies in Musical Theater- 100%

Feels good man.

>> No.1156271

LOL no


>> No.1156275

did you know moot is a thief? www.anonfalk.se except t instead of f in the middle because moot is a psycho 08701f89b1caa5b166f96a017b6c7e17

>> No.1156286

>did you know moot is a thief? www.anonfalk.se except t instead of f in the middle because moot is a psycho


holy shit this euro faggot is still spamming?

my god do you homos have nothing to do in euroland?

>> No.1156292

Those belong to extra lab work and /sci/.

>> No.1156295

Oh god Musical Theater?
I mean I can see how someone can somehow keep their heterosexuality as an English major
But fucking musical theater?
You got to be shitting me
What's next fashion design?

>> No.1156296

Nothing at all

>> No.1156335

MT girls are usually 6-9's (out of 10), and are all thoroughly deprived of dick, because fewer than 5% of MT's are straight guys.

>> No.1156350

meaning, you're swimming in pussy, and it's easy to stay straight.

>> No.1156374

Probably about 15 out of 70 people in my Psychology graduating class were men... maybe less? Too bad I'm a faggot, and they were all straight.

>> No.1156411

This sound about right, good job OP!

>> No.1156442

Yeah well I'm not going to try to dance around like a fairy for the rest of my life just to get laid

>> No.1156447

>remember my dad has a phyics degree
>mom is fugly, flat-chested, anti-MILF (to anyone)
ur right man

>> No.1156463

>Chemistry 5%

Oh, how this is fucking true. ;_;

>> No.1156468

I think nature is very wise
Us scientists are secluded socially and mate with ugly women, thus assuring our ugly offsprings will continue to do science without any distractions.

>> No.1156483

WAAAAAY lower, plus really really ugly.

>> No.1156487

I'm doing it because I love it.
Getting mad pussy is awesome though.

>> No.1156498


Yeah, Chem usually has the most chicks, and Bio, because they're going to be nurses.

>> No.1156512

I hope you're not basing this on how many chicks were in your Ochem class. As stated before, those are not chemistry students, those are just students taking Ochem for medical school.

>> No.1156528

Math might be a little high, my math classes are slightly less than 50% female and of those 50%, about 60% you wouldn't touch with a stick. Another 20% you'd have to be desperately desperate.

Got a nice gf three weeks into the course :3

>> No.1156542


>implying that the VAST majority of pre-med students do not major in chem, biochem, MCDB, or Bio.

>implying that Chemistry (and the blanket of related fields like Biochem) has not already been widely recognized as having the most women of any field of physical or natural science (including engineering disciplines, and overlapping with Chem E)

>> No.1156552

90% biology, 3% chemistry, 2% biochemistry, 5% other
The 5% that are chemistry or biochemistry is 80% male

Biology has the most females

>> No.1156554


Also, a shit load are chem students too. Most of the Chem teachers are women at my school, and I noticed a lot t others. Math should be higher...like 70%. There's a lot of girls who are in math programs, and therre are a ton of female Math teachers.

>> No.1156560

>>1156552 here
Don't get me wrong though, finding a girl in a chemistry program because she wants to study chemistry is an amazing find.

>> No.1156566

You're forgetting something.

Biologists who actually want a wife: 90%
Chemists who actually want a wife: 10%
Physicists who actually want a wife: 0.5 ± 0.1%
Mathematicians who actually want a wife: 20%
Engineers who actually want a wife: -100%
Engineers who actually want a homosexual partner: 9001%

>> No.1156573


>agreed with what I said

>said most pre-med students major in Chem, biochem, MCDB (molecular and cellular developmental biology == molecular biology), or biology

>Ochem is a REQUIRED class for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE MAJORS (including biology)

chemists do not judge the number of women in their major by the number of women in their Quantum photochemistry classes or their 3rd quarter computational chemistry class.

>> No.1156575
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>> No.1156581

Okay let me rephrase. Judge not the number of women in chemistry by those in your organic chemistry class, but judge by the number in your physical chemistry class.

>> No.1156593


you're now aware that you're studying in a sausageland

>> No.1156598


absolute, unadulterated, utter, pure, stinky bullshit.


>> No.1156600

Well shit in my mouth, what kind of school am I going to?

>> No.1156617

Computer Science here, what about me? Do I find wife?

>> No.1156619


if by wife you mean pimple face asian boys, then sure.

>> No.1156620


>does not get it...

>advanced physical chemistry courses are often weighted in favor of super nerdy undergraduates or Graduate students

>by the statistics, women most often enter biological, chemical (overlap with biological in many ways), or agricultural (includes environmental sciences)

>a hypothesis is that women prefer fields of study that are "nurturing" (what a weighted word, amirite?) like biology and biochem

>women are more likely to take upper division synthetic organic chemistry classes, physical biochemistry classes (the largest ratio of women I ever saw was in my computational biochem class where we used Charmm and gaussian and shit to model proteins), and upper division analytical laboratory courses than hard physical chemistry like statistical mechanics and quantum.

>judge by the required classes that everyone takes in order to see how many of every type of person are in your major, not the super highly specialized optional electives that you decided to take because it was your specific interest to do so.

>if you want to judge SOLELY on the highly specific BS in chemistry, then judge it based on the upper division physical inorganic chemistry classes most Undergraduates take in their senior year (group theory/MO theory, organometallics, etc)

>> No.1156635


if you want chicks, go to a UC.

they have tans, they drink, and they are down to fuck. I also know at least a few super cute ultra nerdy chicks who definitely have never had sex before.

one of them was a fucking genius.

she is not at UC berkeley doing organometallic synthesis.

her undergraduate work was on Lanthanide chemistry.

she made some baller as Uranium oxide compounds that had never been characterized before, all the while taking a Condensed matter physics course, upper division Quantum chemistry (MUCH harder than the equivalent class in the physics department), and the required physical chemistry laboratory that all ACS undergraduate chem degrees require (wilkinsons catalyst and shit)

>> No.1156636


"not" should be now.

dont know why I said not.

>> No.1156638

women are into chem because the chemm lab is most like a kitchen.

>> No.1156803


bitches love to do chromatography like they love to slave over a stove making me a pot roast.