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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11541823 No.11541823 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11541825

stupid attention whoring faggots

>> No.11541828

can't make it in real life so they make believe on the youtubes

>> No.11541829

pretty much this

>> No.11541835

Least this bitch isn't oblivious to the fact that she is a drone--yet she still felt compelled to make a stupid narcisstic video of herself talking superficially about physics

>> No.11541842
File: 10 KB, 412x412, lolfuckemojis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541856

bby if you lurk /sci/ put a frog in your background in the next video

>> No.11541858

It's shit. Those dogshit videos don't really teach anything, so they are popsci tier at best.

>> No.11541867

why does this girl sound like she could burst into tears at any moment?

>> No.11541875


>> No.11541890
File: 736 KB, 500x500, 1562154471315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's haunted by the fact that she couldn't make it in life, she'll at best make videos to braindead audiences who would also not make it. A cycle of failure.

>> No.11541901
File: 341 KB, 634x483, 1517900312026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541909

Is she actually autistic in some sense? She speaks with this weird tone and mannerisms; like some kind of sheltered girl.

>> No.11541918

Yeah she sounds like her hymen is fully intact

>> No.11541927

For me, it's Cohl Furey.

>> No.11541933
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just most women dude

>> No.11541935

would have as many babies as possible with a smart girl like this :)

>> No.11541951

I mean, it's better than the pajeet channels at least.

>> No.11542145

/sci/ isn't as mean as /lit/

>> No.11542162
File: 28 KB, 522x537, n79naoay6jr21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11542172


>> No.11542189

this thread lmfao

>> No.11542193

Whats wrong with the term?

>> No.11542199

She cute but she still doesn't make me not hate math and physics

>> No.11542228

>She cute but she still doesn't make me not hate math and physics
Math and physics are useful for sports for example

>> No.11542257

Doesn't help, I don't care much for sports

>> No.11542343

What do you care about?

>> No.11542351

Nothing wrong with the term, everything wrong with wasting your life studying it.

>> No.11542352

have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex

You fucking misogynist virgins need to get laid. Something about male /sci/nerds at uni just tends to lend itself to misogyny. I studied sports science at uni and came to contact with you losers all the time. All chicks doing biomed and engineering I banged talked shit about how weird the physics men were.

>> No.11542354

>muh soggy knees

>> No.11542356

>I studied sports science
How can I build muscle if I can't build muscle?
I can't have sex unless I build muscle

>> No.11542360

>How can I build muscle if I can't build muscle?
Just train hard and eat clean bro. :)
Also, misogyny is bad for gains.

>> No.11542366


>> No.11542367

>sports science

>> No.11542368

This is the most Chad post ever made on /sci/

>> No.11542377


>> No.11542382

>On average, adult women cry around 4 times as often as men and don't mature beyond the crying behavior of early teenagers.

From: https://books.google.com/books?lr=&id=iJ5r8SQ4NRUC&oi=fnd&pg=PA91&f=false

how is that misogynistic, your fucking walnut sized sports science major brain must have shorted out mate

>> No.11542388

>can't build muscle
unironically eat more

>> No.11542405

>>On average, adult women cry around 4 times as often as men and don't mature beyond the crying behavior of early teenagers.
>Women crying is bad.
>Women being feminine is bad and should be scolded, mocked and looked down upon.

This is why you are not popular with the ladies lad. Also, women have smaller tear ducts than men; it's natural for them to cry.
A man should only cry at emotion and passion; never for physical pain.

>> No.11542410

>Using a source in an internet argument

Get laid lad. He may be a sports sci major but he seems to be epitome of the Chad and you the virgin in the Virgin Chad meme.

>> No.11542437

why shift into personal attacks on a person whose positive physical attributes are very likely greater than yours? you suggested I was a misogynist for pointing out that women are emotionally labile and so it's to be expected that they're always on the verge of crying, that does not in the least bit imply a hatred for women.

>> No.11542450

>posts video that's just over TWO years old
>female pic
We all know why you made this thread.

>> No.11542461

>uses statistics to support misogynistic behavior
Almost as bad as racial "science" being used against non-whites to push their racism. Hang yourself.

>> No.11542462

>why shift into personal attacks on a person whose positive physical attributes are very likely greater than yours? you suggested I was a misogynist for pointing out that women are emotionally labile and so it's to be expected that they're always on the verge of crying, that does not in the least bit imply a hatred for women.
You can just tell lad. This whole thread is hating on this woman. It's just pathetic. Get a life.

>> No.11542464

what's a drone?

>> No.11542482

>You fucking misogynist virgins need to get laid. Something about male /sci/nerds at uni just tends to lend itself to misogyny. I studied sports science at uni and came to contact with you losers all the time. All chicks doing biomed and engineering I banged talked shit about how weird the physics men were.
But isn't it great? It's like her best friends are her mom and her grandma and she lives on a farm. I want to sneak on to said farm and say things to make her blush, then bump into her while she's watering the animals and find a reason to touch her lily white hands and compliment them, and then she'll blush and look down and I'll caress her cheek with the back of my hand and then lift her head up and kiss her on the lips then embrace her within the long reach of my arms and the gentle sway side to side as she rests her head against my chest, listening to the strong pound of my heart, and I smelling the beautiful fragrance of her hair.

>> No.11542489

ss and gomad is the best solution for you my fren

>> No.11542492

math is useful to make amazing porn folders

>> No.11542501

>We all know why you made this thread.
yeah, because these kinds of videos have millions of views, i wondered if they have anything worthy scinetifically speaking

>> No.11542618

>>>On average, adult women

>> No.11542638

This post is either a lying chick or a lying man with a clit-dick trying to make himself feel better.

>> No.11542711

Why yes, I do think Tobias Osborne is based and a revolutionary of modern "sciencetubing":

>> No.11542726

You sound like a woman.

>> No.11542786

I used to really dislike the feminism and lefty idpol tumblr culture of the 2010s; it was censorious, po-faced, pompous, negative and hateful. 'Everyone who disagrees with me is a fucking white boy with a small dick teehee' mentality is stupid.
I came to realise that 4chan isn't really much better. It's just as po-faced, angry, negative and painfully uncool. Just as easy to upset and troll. Just as fucking up itself.

The point is, the video maker is just a chick who makes little science videos. If you don't like them move on with your life. Stop caring about things that are not important. Some woman makes a science and maths video. whood-di-doo.

>> No.11543023

dilate and trannypilled

>> No.11543036

>w*ite w*man

>> No.11543037

It's just physics, bro.