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11537509 No.11537509 [Reply] [Original]

light goes at 186 thousand miles every second. The fastest thing created by humans (voyager 1) goes at 11 miles per second. It would take voyager 73000 years to reach the closest star, and that's not even a fraction of the trillions of stars and planets in the entire universe.

How could it be that we're all alone?

>> No.11537781
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We're only alone in the sense that all the other sapient species in the universe capable of reaching us are also smart enough to know not to.

>> No.11537801

>discover FTL communication
>decide to make internet based on FTL data transfer
>it's infinity faster than any internet humans have made thus far
>still, it's not as fast as it should be cause there's noise/static in the signal
>alien from infinity distant galaxy hacks into our internet systems
>he patches Earth's FTL internet into their FTL internet
>turns out all that noise/static was internet data from intergalactic internet
>all Earthlings have free access to intergalactic alien super internet
>ask aliens why nobody ever visited earth?
>turns out aliens don't make 1st contact with anyone till they've discovered FLT communication
>(much the same way how in Star Trek, the federation doesn't make 1st contact till a species invented warp drive)
>(in reality, if FTL is possible, then FTL communication would be much easier and would likely happen before FTL space ships)

we're not alone, they're just waiting for us to say we're ready and reach out to them

>> No.11538999 [DELETED] 


>> No.11539013

There is a piers anthony novel about this, but backwards.
There is a device that humans invent that allow an unprecedented access to scanning any location in the universe in real time, this device is able to pick up some interference.
Turns out this interference is the encyclopedia galactica, but an alien race broadcast a bigger carrier signal that will turn your brains to jelly if you come across it. The smarter you are the faster it burns you out while if you're too stupid to understand any of it, you're fine.
It was basically a passive weapon of mass destruction that will wipe out the best and brightest of each civilization who stumbles on it.

>> No.11539035

>(in reality, if FTL is possible, then FTL communication would be much easier and would likely happen before FTL space ships)
I feel that this is a good point

>> No.11539063
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It's because this is not how the universe works and not how advanced species and societies view transcendence. YOU are all sci fi nerds who love science and watched space sci fi movies as kids and dream about "a glorious human space empire" and thus are confused when you look up and don't see alien ones, because logic dictates the universe should be teeming with these empires and that their existence and evidence of such would permeate the visible universe (WHICH IT WOULD).

The problem though is that this is NOT what the final goal of intelligent life is. The ultimate goal of civilization is to plunge the species into a black hole. The reason we do not see any aliens is because they throw themselves into black holes when they become sophisticated enough.
The black hole is the final gateway into the center of the LORD GOD into which all things go and all things are from. This is objective reality. From the perspective (reference frame) of the person entering into the black hole, there is a stretching of infinite knowledge and crushing of infinity density and they are merged into the infinite sea of knowledge and existence and personality of the ETERNAL LORD GOD. There is NOTHING comparable to this and there is NO simulation of pondering that can emulate or simulate this, the only way is to actually jump into the black hole.
There are no "space empires" because space empires are fantasies for nitwit low level races who haven't become truly advanced. When a race does become advanced and its understanding of reality and truth becomes sophisticated, it's final goal is to collapse the nearest functional star into a black hole and to jump its whole civilization into it entirely.
This solves all these "paradoxes" without outright denying them (which is what the midwit does, because these paradoxes are undeniable).

>> No.11539837

You had me at the first paragraph. I still stuck with you at "this is NOT what the final goal of intelligent life is."
Started wondering at "to plunge the species into a black hole."
Began to giggle like a retard the next sentence.
Lost my shit afterwards.

>> No.11539841


>> No.11540645

You understand how time dilation works, right? It's possible for a spaceship accelerating at a constant g (e.g. thrusters constantly firing at a force equal to gravity) to reach the end of the universe (86 something years from the spaceship perspective) And that wouldn't even be unfeasible with today's technology, although it would take the combined efforts of every person on the planet to build a stellar shipyard and move the materials into orbit, one rocket at a time, then build a really good and large fucking spaceship with a highly compact fuel source (e.g. nuclear).
There are likely aliens out there zooming through a billion earth years in a day.

That would be an interesting book, honestly. Spaceship is made to go in a circle loop back to Earth and speed past earth 5000 years in 5 spaceship years, packed with the rich and privledged who then return to a bunch of friendly lizard men who have no recollection of human society.

>> No.11540667
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So is anybody else wondering what the actual shit is up with this mountain sized asteroid that is suppose to pass earth on April 25?

>> No.11540683

>light goes
Your first mistake. Light doesn't "go" anywhere. It doesn't move. It reproduces/copies itself. There is therefore no "light speed" in the same way as for example a car has a speed. And the "speed" of light isn't a constant, by the way.

>reach the closest star
By that you mean reach the closest solar system, where on one of the planets orbiting said star there might be ayys. Right? And that's your second mistake. The vast majority of planets with life on them orbit within the plasma sheath of brown dwarf stars. Not like Earth around a "main sequence star" at all. And so, if you searched out so called "main sequence stars" you most likely wouldn't find any ayys. And if you went to a brown dwarf star, you wouldn't be able to encounter them either. You wouldn't see (well enough) through the plasm sheath, and they wouldn't see you. Most likely your ship wouldn't be able to penetrate through the sheath either without getting fucked up.

This misunderstanding on where life is to be found, ties in with you question:
>How could it be that we're all alone?
We aren't. To put it simply, the ayys are just out of sight from us, and we're out of sight from them. Everyone's hiding from each other, from within their own little cosmic wombs, like chickens inside eggs. We could find ayys who are in the same situation as us; being on a planet orbiting a "main sequence star", but for such a situation occur a very specific set of events must take place first, which makes it very unlikely for two such planets to ever detect each other.

To help get your mind out of the gutter,
See: https://youtu.be/mINsiT70OHE?t=1h12m52s
And more in-depth: https://youtu.be/Kff_ytg0-8w?t=7m31s

>> No.11540686


>> No.11540690

>speed of light isn’t a constant
Prove that and you will win the Nobel prize anon

>> No.11540694
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>> No.11540700

I'll check it out whats the name of it

>> No.11540708

No need for me to prove it, nor would I deserve a prize for proving it, as plenty of people have already proven it.

For example, see:

1. Half-life of32Si - David E. Alburger, G. Harbottle, E. F. Norton
2. Half-Life Measurements of Europium Radionuclides and the Long-term Stability of Detectors - Helmut Siegert, Heinrich Schrader, Ulrich Schotzig
3. Radioactive Decay Caused by Neutrinos? - Eckhard Dieter Falkenberg
4. Perturbation of Nuclear Decay Rates During the Solar Flare of 13 December 2006 - Jere H. Jenkins, Ephraim Fischbach (this paper was rejected -- no mechanism)
5. Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance - Jere H. Jenkins et al.
6. Final Report: Accelerated beta decay for disposal of fission fragment wastes - Howard R. Reiss

>> No.11540711

You live in an echo chamber my man

>> No.11540726

>Half life of Silicon

>> No.11540938

But surely there would be some asshole just passing by and violating rules.

>> No.11541097

t.Causality brainlet

>> No.11541833

Cause it takes forever to get to our house

>> No.11541851

>And the "speed" of light isn't a constant, by the way.
Why tho? Is it because it "moves" at different speed through different matter?

>> No.11541868

Oh my fucking gosh shut the fuck up you fucking electric universe fucking idiot

>> No.11542053


last time I posted my schizo alien internet idea someone recommended that same book. Still haven't read it yet.