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11538514 No.11538514 [Reply] [Original]

Getting far in academia is no longer about potential or ability. Getting far in academia is now about how well you can navigate social functions and how much you can push diversity onto your field, or how much of an obedient lab nerd you can be. There are scores of men with potential who are overlooked because of the need to make their school more pozzed. These men are too autistic to follow the arbitrary rules of hyper-polite society. Basically accademia has been infiltrated by leftists. right wing men are not welcome even if they are better at what they do. As a student of white penis you have to watch the institution throw themselves at these people while you have to throw yourself at them in order to have notice taken. Especially as a student of white penis you have to make sure you pay lip service to the SJW agenda or again no cookies. in the end it just pushes all these social radical extremes into one place, turning it into a fucking mess. its about science not your opinions on politics ffs.

>> No.11538530

Academia has pretty much become 1984-like and profs are the thought police. Straying away means academic death. How did cucks get hold to that much power is beyond me. All hope is lost, there are no proles in academia to overturn the dictatorship.

>> No.11538568

yeah the humanities are totally fucked. a massive purge would be needed to clean them up. they are even trying to remove study of the classics on grounds they are too white. crazy

>> No.11538582

and even the sciences are becoming sjw in everything but lessons. luckily natural science cant be modified to be PC its just raw facts.

>> No.11538596

I never liked /pol/, still don't but holy shit academia has done more to make me right wing then any propaganda pol has produced. It's such a shit show and it makes no sense to me why this shit is affecting the math and science departments.

>> No.11538626

what you failed to see is that /pol/ is the hyper paranoid canary in the coalmine. it rebells against all sjw movements as a dialectical opposite.
Failure to take notice of the screeching of autists is what got us here. the adults have to regain their composure and mediate this transition back into normalcy (for both sides desu.)

>> No.11538730

>Getting far in academia is no longer about potential or ability.
I realized this when I worked my ass off as an undergrad and had a 3.9 GPA with tons of research experience and self-taught skills (coding languages and software) only to get rejected from every graduate school I applied for except for the one where I attended undergrad. You will go literally nowhere if you don't have connections.

>> No.11538750

I was considering a career in academia a while back but turned it down because unless I was promoting their bullshit agenda there would be no way I could make any kind of progress in that field.

I know lots of guys who went down that road and didn't make it too far because they didn't promote what the elites in academia wanted them to promote.

If only there was some way to build your own academia...

>> No.11538756

Totally pathetic. Imagine blaming your own inadequacy on others. You people have a shit attitude, you were never going to make it to begin with.
If you don't welcome adversity and extra challenges with open arms, that means you have even the slightest bit of doubt around your ability to overcome said adversity. Such people have no place in the scientific academia.

>> No.11538759

>can't play the game to get what he wants
you didn't have enough passion for your field to make it anyway.

>> No.11538790

so aggressive authoritarian lesbian deserve the fast track to professorship and all the instructors attention and if you disagree woth that youre "not playing the game". yeah you just said what i did, but you have less principles.

>> No.11538809

Why the fuck would you want to be a professor? You know they are glorified managers and do no actual research of their own, right? They answer emails and have meetings most days and teach a class or two. And to get that position you have to slave away as a postdoc for years making pennies. If you are smart enough to go that route, you are infinitely better off going into industry, where you can make as much as a professor does after a decade of experience.

>> No.11538812

So you admit that your "principles" are more important to you then your field of study?
>You just said what I did
No, I said more than that. I said that if you CAN'T play the game, then your field of study is less important to you than it is to people who are willing to. We're weeding out the half-asses.

>> No.11538814

ill be honest in some way you are right in my case. i have never bothered to apply post graduation because i didnt have the confidence in myself. thats not to say im basing my opinion on my subjective experience. there are men with better grades than me andmore skills who are just as rejected by the school.

>> No.11538817

Another angry, jealous person who couldn't make it and is projecting. It's fine, a good industry career is still a noble goal. We still respect you. Don't blow a gasket.

>> No.11538818

Technically correct I could do that, but it would be a little self-defeating desu. If I had to choose between being a complacent bystander in a horrible act, and the person fighting to dismantle it, is choose to be the person fighting to dismantle it.

Besides even if I went to the motions and just scraped by, that would still mean promoting something that hurts others like me. Not to mention the self-censorship involved. If I take so much as one step in a direction they don't like, it's curtains for me.

I honestly think it'll be easier just to build your own Academia. Leave the trash with the trash.

>> No.11538825

Not the anon you replied to but if you toss out your principles that easily you're a failure as a man and probably a closet cuck

>> No.11538827

Industry is where the real advancements are made. I quit academia after my master's and saw enough. For every successful professor I saw, I saw two or three 30 year old postdocs making $40-50k a year with no job stability since they were completely dependent on project grants. That is pathetic to me and not worth the chance when you can start off making $60-70k as an engineer in industry (my career).

>> No.11538829

>So you admit that your "principles" are more important to you then your field of study?
well when climate alarmists and feminists have taken over the physics department as a scientist my principles were to just say what i saw as true by my own data. it doesnt go well so i realised im not going to bother to try to break the glass ceiling to be around people like this. you are right. i dont have the passion to be around a bunch of true believers for the sake of the job. i dont have confidence i could have a job in an accademy for more than 5 years before people canvas for me to be fired for saying some true statement which upsets the snowflakes.

>> No.11538831

You're not being a "complacent bystander against a horrible act." What in the world is so horrible about giving leeway to people who statistically had a tougher environment growing up? This isn't a warcrime, it's just two separate ways of thinking about fairness. From one white dude to another, it's really not a big deal even if it has some negative impacts on us.
Believe me, I was skeptical for the longest time and when I just got tired of being a cynic I realized it doesn't really matter and that no one means anyone else any harm except for a few crazy people.

>> No.11538835

My principles are "learn math, do more math." Your principles seem to be founded on constructing a house of cards to support your self-worth. I'm the cuck?

>> No.11538842

Yes, I don't know why you wrote this somewhat defensive post. I was agreeing with you on that. Though I take issue with how you say "real" advancements. The research that a physicist is doing in the lab is just as real as the innovation an engineering firm is attempting, even if it's less tangible.

>> No.11538850

>Climate alarmists
Here I thought we were talking about actual instances of unfairness, like affirmative action style practices. Instead it turns out you're just a schizo. Please go outside and lick a Wendy's toilet seat to catch Corona.

>> No.11538853

what it does is ruins the futures of all the people who had as much potential but arent black or brown or dont have a cunt. people who maybe arent the smartest but good enough, but if there wasnt a drive to pull in diversity they might have got a job. now this person is basically in purgatory and ends up in a shit low end career being bossed around by yet another woman who got there for nothing but her cunt. its wrong.

>> No.11538859

Maybe. Maybe it isn't as bad for most people, but if I let the seeds of evil and untruth grow I would be no better than the filthiest, scummiest postdoc in academia. Censoring ideas they don't like, discriminating people based on race and ideology, they are the very monster they scorn. They don't have any kind of open mind.

Besides when I give those bastards an inch they take a mile. It never was about fairness or equality it was about power and controlling the narrative.

>> No.11538860

its all connected man. the same people who think diversity is good even if it dispossesses white men of equal ability also think climate change is really scary and is a righteous moral panic. i just got the vibe that these people were npc's and im fully correct looking at the state of it today.

>> No.11538973

You're describing what an incredibly large percentage of people live as their lifestyle to begin with, and what MANY, MANY very capable minority groups have been forced to endure for many, many years. Maybe the measures that have been taken are too far, and I think many people would agree with you that the best system would be one which precisely picked out the people with potential instead of favoring certain people whether for what they have or what they don't have given to them.
All that aside, real life doesn't really give a shit about your aspirations and visions of yourself and no matter how good your grades or skills are you have to be willing to bend reality to fit your vision by whatever means you can. It's more fun that way.
I guess I'm more stoic about it all, as long as I get to keep learning the stuff I want to learn I don't really care what title or job I have.

>> No.11538988

>my personal failures are all the fault of a nebulous galactic conspiracy
Retarded lazy faggots with zero personal agency should kill themselves as soon as possible.

>> No.11538995

I agree with you, but I'm speaking as a person who interacts with the people you're talking about on a daily basis and still has a heavy dose of cynicism for them: they're not evil or actively seeking power, they're just enthusiastic and very inexperienced. It's not like the intent is to ruin people's lives. It's very helpful to me when I step away from myself for a bit and put myself into another person's head to try and rationalize why, for example, a certain censorship concern would be brought up. Sometimes I can't understand it but usually even if I still disagree I get an idea of what the thought process is and it doesn't seem self-preserving. Like a lot of people, these are people who are very ideological and don't have a ton of experience dealing with the side effects of an ideological framework.
My problem is that you seem to be reorienting this situation as some kind of battle, which is not what anyone else means for it to be.

>> No.11539007

People who are wrong often like to think they are right. It's an aspect of human psychology.
>inb4 psychology is a pseudoscience
No, they shouldn't do anything so drastic. They should try their best to focus on their current place in life and in finding joy and goals with what they have accessed. They should pick some things they really care about that are self-furthering and attainable, and should focus their passion on those instead of every single huge issue that is presented before them.

>> No.11539014

i can see you recognise that its wrong but are too attached to the system to want to challenge it. you are exactly experiencing the stifling nature of academia i describe.
It should exactly be meritocratic, and if black students or female students want special provisions for them then they can attend a womans only college or a black run college. legacy white institutions at the very least should not discriminate against whites.

>> No.11539034

you should unironically have sex lol. We all work for a combination of money and respect. by giving the underepresented groups a head start you rob them of that respect so that YOU can feel more inclusive. "oh geez racism and sexism are ok as long as they're in the amount I choose XD"

>> No.11539037

>People who are wrong often like to think they are right.
yes, they tend to think they are so right that they should be appointed above you with a hat etc. its dunning kruger effect but you cant call them stupid because they have their marginalised identity or their virtuous devotion to SJW'ism protecting them from scorn.

>> No.11539054

you can see it in the darlings of the left like AOC. they are batshit insane and sub 100 iq ideas, but if you go against that established figure the rats will bite your ankles. its the same rats in the universities.

here is an example of how to deal with these people in the house.


>> No.11539066

>as long as I get to keep learning the stuff I want to learn I don't really care what title or job I have.
You don't learn interesting stuff outside academia though

>> No.11539175


> Want to get a PhD
> don't want to put up with being a penniless cuckold who can't start a family

>> No.11540883
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