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11536927 No.11536927 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why do people believe conspiracy theories and historical revisionism? Is it a lack of schizophrenia diagnosis?

You see the typical flat-earther/anti-vaxx guy denying there is a pandemic right now. The level of de-realization with them is so high their denial includes real time events.

Should these people be hospitalized? This has to be a disease.

>> No.11536942

its just the childish mindset of holding on to your position no matter what because you refuse to accept you could be wrong aka lack of self critical thought

this occurs in almost all circles of human life
most people just have a severe problem with being wrong
this site is a perfect playground to see it in action

>> No.11536951

conspiracy theories are paranoid psychosis and historical revisionism is a reactionary response to discrimination or discrimination itself

>> No.11537058

It's a complex phenomenon, but to briefly summarize;

>severe lack of trust in the government and government body's
>poor/non-existent critical thinking capabilities like >>11536942 said
>favouring what you want to be true heavily vs what is in fact true (confirmation bias)

also important to note not all conspiracy theories are equal - some have decent evidence supporting them, some that were theories in the past have been proven correct and of course the majority are complete nonsense

>> No.11537480

If you aren't intelligent, contrarianism allowing you to preserve the delusion of intelligence is the next best thing.

>> No.11538354

Im sure its called dissociative disorder its obvious they wanna believe the theories that “lights up their world”, its their coping mech.

>> No.11538496

Historically many "conspiracy theories" of the time turned out to be true. Many also turned out to be false and just conspiracy theories, but the fact that many did happen is why.

>> No.11538497

I don't necessarily "believe" in them outright, but I've always found it fascinating.
If you don't lose your head up your ass it can be quite educational.
I learned more about mars and the various missions and instruments sent there from Richard C. Hoagland and his fascination with Cydonia then I ever did from formal education. You just have to take the ayy lmao claims with a pinch of salt but otherwise it was sound science.
He also BTFO moon hoaxers a few times using weaponized autism because his brand of crackpottery is contingent on space exploration being legit.
Shit like ayy lmaos and UFOs are just a fun hobby that I don't take seriously but its fun fantasy and escapism.

>> No.11538498

>why do people believe conspiracy theories
Because sometimes they are true.

>historical revisionism
Are you retarded?
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with historical revisionism.
Basically the historical view on ANY event has changed over time.

>> No.11538499

"Some" not "many."

>> No.11538506

How was believing that the US government had backdoors into most devices the result of " the childish mindset of holding on to your position no matter what because you refuse to accept you could be wrong aka lack of self critical thought".

>> No.11538511
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*manufactured epidemic

>> No.11538522

>You see the typical flat-earther/anti-vaxx guy denying there is a pandemic right now.
I'm neither of those, but...

>Scientifically speaking, why do people believe conspiracy theories and historical revisionism?
ever read about the actions of intelligence agencies? or about the kind of shit people have done to make themselves rich? ever heard or thought that the history they taught you in highschool is not really what happened, and that your teachers left some "small" details that turn out to give other arguments and visions more weight?

>> No.11538989

I believe childish conspiracy theory have been meticulously crafted to obfuscate people and keep them from seeing or criticizing the real conspiracy.


>> No.11538998

You might be interested in this:


>> No.11539077

It's the same as religiosity, we don't really do well with randomness.

>> No.11539310

> why do people believe conspiracy theories

Let me share my firsthand experience: Back in the seventh grade I a depressed loser. No friends, no accomplishments, parents and teachers all through I was worthless. I saw a video "proving" the moon landing was a hoax and fell in love. I thought to myself "The next time my science teacher brings up the moon landing I'll tell him all the reasons its fake. Then everyone will see I'm both a super genius and a rebel who stands up to authority". I was completely pulled in for emotional reasons. Believing in a conspiracy lets people believe they are a lot smarter and more important than they really are.

Luckily I came to my senses before I had a chance to argue with my science teacher. Obviously things wouldn't have played out like I imagined. This would have hurt me emotionally and made me dig in even deeper. I would now have a personal vendetta against the moon landings. If they were real I was publicly an idiot.

>> No.11539670

>Jacques Lacan said that a husband who is pathologically jealous from suspecting that his wife is sleeping with other men is still to be considered as a pathological case, even though his wife is in fact cheating on him. Regardless of possible factual evidence of the suspicion, it is the fanaticism in looking for it everywhere, which is of interest to psychoanalysis: Why does the guy invest everything into this one question? What are the fears that he avoids confronting through the obsession with every detail of her behaviour?

>Isn't this structure very similar to the one which can be found in contemporary conspiracy theories? If we follow Lacan, conspiracy theorists are mostly pathological cases, regardless of the possible truth of their theories - what is at stake is the enjoyment in being on the track of "something big". Conspiracy theory thus effectively becomes a placebo answer to our post-political impasse. Instead of engaging in a struggle to change fundamental political structures, conspiracy theory maintains that everything would have been fine, if it wasn't only because... Are conspiracy theorists therefore ultimately End-of-History liberalists?

>> No.11540172

it wasn't, but it was the product of actual proof and researchto prove it right, but without that it is exactly the great fucking reasoning conspiracy nuts use against all official research

just to explain it to you as simple as possible, saying the government always lies is just as braindead as saying it never lies.
both can be lifted by muh real happenings.

>> No.11540901

Are you a pseud, retard, or a deceiver? Basic-ass scientific discovery is run through the gauntlet of ridicule and sand baggery before a truckload of faggots admit that the truth is self evident. How do you put flat earthers and anti vaxers in the same category? Don't you think that people wanted JFK to die? What are you and all your disposable respondents going on about? Give some specifics.

>> No.11540918

There are people right now claiming things along the lines of:
>Hospitals are empty, no one is dying of Corona.
>There is no Corona virus.
>Corona virus can be treated by [choose your favorite snake oil (yes this currently includes plaquenil until it is demonstrated to be effective).
>Pretending like they read scientific literature, but they only just read the title and cherry pick sentences from the paper that make them seem right.

You're the deceiver.

>> No.11540922


>> No.11540923

>but without that it is exactly the great fucking reasoning
Before any evidence surfaced it was a literal conspiracy.

>saying the government always lies is just as braindead as saying it never lies.
You don't need to believe that the government "always lies" to believe they are willingly hiding certain things, such as mass surveillance from the public.

>> No.11540926

>Someone says something wrong
>Therefore everybody I stuff into the same category as him is wrong
Holy shit. You need to learn some serious critical thinking skills.

>> No.11540939

Thanks for the bolster. (Not the dummy.)
That's you, my friend.

>> No.11540943

its a acknowledged fact the united states military lied about most of WW2 and the boomers lied just to protect their parents

japan had the most sophisticated subs in ww2. america liked them so much they sunk them and copied the designs. it wasnt just the gyrocopter carrier faggot things musashi and yamoto a couple of the largest battle ships ever were accompanied by 2 subs and thats why america stalled out for 4 years making no head way. they recalled the 2 subs which at the time were the 2 largest subs in the world and 1 battle ship because of russians annoying them during the war so as to protect the homeland. this was a error in judgment as the russians didnt have the man power to spare and were just "menacing" japan to juke them

also WW2 didnt last as long as every one claimed in the atlantic. it was proven that various battles never happened because concord jets didnt exist. so platoons couldnt have gone from point a to point b in the stated time to fight the battles. basically the lats 2 years of the war in the atlantic were a lie. this was proven by historians back in what 2014

also japan didnt take the philipines in WW2. it also didnt take korea in ww2. korea was taken in the 1800s and the philipines was taken in ww1. america mass produced text books with lies in them

prove it? every european textbook has japan taking the colony from germany in the philipines in WW1 which allowed japan a seat at the table for the league of nations which was created. not just a faggy seat no one of the good ones. germany couldnt even defend the philipines in ww1 so japan just took it almost no contest

>> No.11540955

Cool post bro. I have personal experience from talking to grandpa, who has a very recognizable name, when I asked how Hitler died, he said that nobody really knows. It wasn't until later that the bunker suicide rumors caught on. Probably when enough truth-knowers kicked the bucket. That load of crap lasted for years, until DNA testing became a regular thing and, wouldn't you know it? The skull isn't his. It never was. Where is he? We don't fucking know.

>> No.11541050

Science used to be about constant questioning of seemingly established "facts".
Also, it takes a seriously deluded mind to connect flat-earth shills with pandemic deniers. I wouldn't hospitalize you though, it's an established method of autocratic governments and families (like Kennedy's Rosemary) only.

>> No.11541090

>Is it a lack of schizophrenia diagnosis?
paranoid schizophrenia does have a real nasty way of going unnoticed

>> No.11541111

Most of these are true though, vaccines were created by ((them)) just to make you like ((them)) more, look at what's happening now! NPCs just don't care if the Jews are right or wrong, they will still support them.
Remember, 1488!
>inb4 sut uap naszi geo 2 /pol/ u boltaerd haha i desprov u bay sowing dis ((stady)) aat haw vacines waork

>> No.11541141

Because governments do nothing but lie to their citizens

>> No.11542120

then how did they arrive at that opinion in the first place? Believeing that for example, the earth is flat requires first accepting that your previous belief in round earth is wrong unless your parents taught you so

>> No.11542125

not everyone is equally gullible

>> No.11542155

Lol, the teachers are in on it. Wow dude.

>> No.11542167

Belief in science today because x is no different than belief in authority y of the past because z, i.e. not everything false is unscientific. I hope you die of covid.

>> No.11542174

Just be an anglo-saxon
>dud we defeted nazis and shiet
>lad we wuz romans n shiet
>mate we neva los to emus no

>> No.11542224

ask >>>/his/ , retard. primary and high school books are made for retards like you.

>> No.11542837


>> No.11542930

Gonna use the holocaust as an example. It is the exact same leap of faith to claim it happened and was horrible as it is to claim it didnt happen or it didnt happen as severely. No one was there and the evidence isnt readily available so unless you have the resources to out and prove it you literally take the leap either way based on what you are biased in favor of (AKA what you think most likely happened because you werent there)

scientifically speaking

unironically trying to refute this opinion makes you a brainlet. applies the same to the hot topic of climate change

>> No.11543015

>we only abuse our power and lie to you about it some of the time you wacky conspiracy theorist
>dude just trust us lmao

>> No.11544318

I've seen one thing crazier than believing in conspiracy.
It's refusing to believe another that fit your belief even better but insinuate your first guess was wrong.

>> No.11544355

>It is the exact same leap of faith to claim it happened and was horrible as it is to claim it didnt happen or it didnt happen as severely.
Except for this little thing called evidence.

>No one was there
Except for everyone who was there and gave eye witness testimony.

>the evidence isnt readily available
Except it is.

Why are you on the science board if you think facts don't exist?

>> No.11544833

Not only are you comically wrong and stupid, you deserve to be beaten within an inch of your life. /pol/tard

>> No.11544867
File: 16 KB, 258x267, 563161ea27e93bd430715e0ba0aa528c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of conspiracy theories and historical revisionist stuff floating around.

1. The idea that mankind isnt made out of different subspecies, with their own characters, immunesystem, etc.

2. The Out of Africa theory, which he literally cant prove as true, because we lack all the evidence and human skeletons are rare.

3. The concept of racism, as if disliking Jew, Blacks, Chinese and White people is all somehow the same thing.

4. The revisionist idea that ancient Europeans until very recently where all pitch black negroids.

etc. etc. etc also hairy men with dicks cannot be woman.

>> No.11544880

>The concept of racism,
I want to add to this, White people dislike:

Blacks/Muslims because they are criminal.
Muslims/Jews because they are bigots
Jews/Chinese because they are competitors.

etc. this is not the same thing and the moment you take apart the reasons for disliking groups, the concept of racism disappears and new concepts appear.

>> No.11544931

The human mind is really good at finding patterns in random noise. Like seeing faces in clouds or woodgrain.

>> No.11544957
File: 51 KB, 626x935, 1566026232517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone believe everything their government tells them? Are you people fucking braindead?
People who just bitch about "conspiracy theories" as if they were a monolith and then engage in this whacking off where they all talk about how dumb they are, while accusing "conspiracy theorists" of a need to feel intellectually superior are some of the most unaware people I see online.
How about you try engaging your own brain from time to time and decide for yourself whether an individual conspiracy theory has merit without conflating them all with your gay little reptile theories you trot out to justify smugness in intellectual laziness.
How anyone can be both aware of what's going on in the world with all these elite paedophile rings (which were conspiracy theories for decades before we had hard evidence) and bullshit around the endless war on terror and hijacking of government for the benefit of a few, yet also think that anyone else who does not agree with the official story of any of these events is somehow an inferior, is totally beyond me. It's both hypocritical and logically inconsistent.
If you think conspiracy theories are retarded, then answer this. Have you never actually doubted that an event happened the way the media reported it? You've never doubted whether there was more to a story behind the scenes?
If you have, well done, you're like the vast majority of conspiracy theorists, who don't believe all conspiracy theories at once, and mostly believe in smaller scale conspiracies. If you haven't, you're the definition of trusting to a fault.

>> No.11544965

This guy's got the right mentality on it

>> No.11544977
File: 393 KB, 610x457, 7lWjDiH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godamn based/10

>> No.11544988

Yano'am is made non-existent.
Israel is laid waste and his seed is not;
Hurru is become a widow because of Egypt.

This doesn't agree. Ain't it said that history is written by the victorious?

>> No.11545004

Damn, the point went right over your precious little heads. Brainlets confirmed.

>> No.11545043
File: 160 KB, 500x374, Independant Thought Alarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, you should instead believe everything influencers say on the internet, it have to be true or they wouldn't have millions of fans and russianbot supporting them. We all know social network algorithm favor clickbait money over mindless fact, that's proof they know what they are doing because money is important!

>Have you never actually doubted that an event happened the way the media reported it? You've never doubted whether there was more to a story behind the scenes?
Of course, this is why instead of comparing hundred of so called "analysis" by "expect" I just make my own opinion all by myself and then look for a conspiracy theory that support it.

>> No.11545045

Well done. I never learned how to think but, at least I know that I'm just full of crap that people put in my head.
Those guys are dumb.

>> No.11545047


No, they exist.

There are very sick and bad persons outside. Go out of your bubble sometimes, boy.

First world people are so innocent, that's why your countries are being taken by 80 IQ's subhumans from our shitholes.

>> No.11545124
File: 36 KB, 400x400, thunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>severe lack of trust in the government and government body's
Isn't that just a symptom of not being evil or mentally retarded

>> No.11545138
File: 49 KB, 363x333, 1582663597842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent post.

>> No.11545176

Once again this proves to be the most unbased board on the entire site.
Which kind of surprises me, because as autistic and detailed as /sci/entists should be, y'all should notice when a story doesn't add up. Unless you guys are actually this socially autistic that you think people in authority positions don't lie?

Pro tip: life isn't a Disney movie. Everyone has motives. Good people lie. Bad people win.
Also pro tip: there isn't anyone who believes all the conspiracy theories. And chances are you believe one already.

I mean there's so many contradicting versions and accounts and billions of dollars moving around, you don't actually believe no one's lying for their own benefit, do you?

>> No.11545186

I was a conspiracy theorist about shadow governments and Hollywood/elite pedophile rings, but now it turns out I'm right

>> No.11546834


People believe in conspiracy theory because of domino effect and first person observation. Thing lead to things. Either way it’s a stack. Post revisionism is there for the classified. There for peace or truce. But not always since mafias form around fiascos but that’s the point of holding a legal article. You can get schizophrenia from knowing different versions. The public and confidential. As they are two separate stories for a delivery.

To say you want them hospitalised is to say that’s what you wanted accomplished. Kind of insidious right?

US military nor federal agencies hold right to every article. Which is why there are one/two stop flights. To uphold an article. For example I hold the Fjiti people from Fjiland in Tjiland. However Jawetland wants Fjiland and calls Fjiti people Tji to forfeit rights. It’s not Jaweti article or sphere but they pulled an antagonising lawsuit. So now Fjilanders want to return to Fjiland what does Fji or Tji people do? What does Jawetilanders do? What can they do under their own jurisdiction? They could start a company offering coupons in Fji and call it their sole right over Fji to Tji people by simply offering amnesty to redeem the coupons. So in sense they have their own revision and legal authority. Does that make public sense? Does it make public sense if the byproduct of Fji and Tji marriages...offsprings make Kwijilandi people. And by crossing a kwijilandi to a rijiani we get wijili people. By crossing wijili people to njalti back to a rijiani back to a tji back to a Fji we get Wyuyu people whom are the enemies of Jaweti people. So now everyone says rage against the Jaweti so Jaweti must set aside conspiracy dialogues aside their revisionism to keep on going or have some sense of validity. Does that make public sense?

>> No.11546838


Does it make public sense when they have their own revisionism that says they are older than you? When they are byproduct of your doings. So now they are all in your land right...and...you can’t say much because it’s illegal to even remember.

>> No.11546844
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>why do people believe conspiracy theories
Why do you believe people are incapable of conspiring?

>> No.11546864

Lel, my great grandfather was one of the founding members of psychoanalysis and even I know it's 50% bullshit.