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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11530504 No.11530504 [Reply] [Original]

Main thread for everything coronavirus.
Have you been diagnosed with coronavirus?

Have you survived or are you currently fighting coronavirus?

Are you a healthcare worker who has to take care of coronavirus patients?

Latest info on treatments and anything else coronavirus?

Latest numbers and data on Coronavirus:
1,097,508 confirmed infections
58,536 confirm deaths
221,303 confirmed recoveries

>> No.11530508

North/South America and India are so screwed

>> No.11530551


Thank you OP. It really goes to show.

A million fucking hysterics and I have yet to hear one description.

>> No.11530561
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>> No.11530586


US Intelligence agency reports are starting to back up what people already knew was the case -- that the death toll in Wuhan was a fraction of what was published.

One thing to note, the figures in the article assumes everyone in the timeframe died of COVID-19, which obviously isn't true. For a city the size of Wuhan, normal deaths in the timeframe of the epidemic should be somewhere around 17-20k, per very rough napkin math. So we're looking at 20-30k dead from COVID-19 in Wuhan, not the 2.5k reported officially or the 40-47k cited in that article.

>> No.11530639

Has anybody heard about the possibilities of being re-infected with coronavirus?

I also keep hearing things about
Nervous system issues with the virus (neuro-invasive shutting automatic breathing down)
Heart failure
Liver failure
the ability for the virus to just linger in your system forever and come back whenever

>> No.11530659

I've heard about all of that from a single retarded source: /pol/.
Sounds like you should stop browsing that shitty board.

>> No.11530665

>Has anybody heard about the possibilities of being re-infected with coronavirus?
It's been brought up and investigated in several cases, yes. It seems likely that the times it was reported the patient simply hadn't recovered from the virus yet, and that the PCR test gave a false-negative result that led to them being cleared despite still having the virus in their system.

If this were a common occurrence, we would be seeing more reports of it by now, but most of the reports of this came from early on in the outbreak when the tests were absolute garbage (as opposed to now where they're only mostly garbage).

>I also keep hearing things about
>Nervous system issues with the virus (neuro-invasive shutting automatic breathing down)
It can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause viral encephalitis. This doesn't seem to be a very common event, only a small fraction of cases report it. Almost any virus can cause viral encephalitis in rare cases; COVID-19 may be one of the more likely ones, but it's still a rare event.

There was a purely theoretical study early on that suggested it might attack testicular tissue. This study had no real world data behind it, just theory. As far as I know, there has not yet been a follow-up on this study.

>Heart failure
>Liver failure
A severe case of the virus strains pretty much the entire body. In most patients, the lungs break first as that is where it concentrates, but in patients susceptible to heart or liver issues it's very possible that those go first instead.

>the ability for the virus to just linger in your system forever and come back whenever
There are viruses that do this. We don't have any evidence to support COVID-19 being such a virus. If it were, one would think that it would be noticed by now, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence so we can't say for 100% certainty yet. But probably not.

>> No.11530700
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Y'all should look into peptides as a preventive measure against the virus, especially ones like Thymosin a1 or thymulin.

>> No.11530720

This virus changes suddenly in a short period of time, so it may be used to infect immune cells and propagate it
When infected with immune cells, other normal cells can be killed because they are indistinguishable from others
Invades the central nervous system from blood vessels and erodes the brain and many organs

Mark the viral spiked sugar chains with mannan-binding protein in the early stage of infection

>> No.11530736

>general thread is finally made
>immediately filled with schizo /pol/shit
Can't you faggots shit up your own board?

>> No.11530738
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>can't tell if what I'm feeling is psychosomatic or the actual virus itself

>> No.11530777

same here mate, I've been getting chest and breathing pains all week and just walking around my apartment too briskly makes me feel short of breath.
my temperature is fine and so is my oxygen saturation so could it really just be stress?

>> No.11530823

Jeez I hope you're alright. I've just been feeling delayed if that makes sense, only momentarily

>> No.11530878

I have asthma and am prone to pneumonia
I am 30
Is it safe to assume I will die if I get infected?

>> No.11530882

>Is it safe to assume I will die if I get infected?
It is not safe to assume, no. But I'd give you 50/50 odds on ending up in the hospital. But even among those that get hospitalized in that age range, most do still make it.

Stay safe, anon. You don't want this.

>> No.11530899

I can’t drive to the hospital and I live on my own
What needs to be wrong with me for an ambulance to come pick me up.

>> No.11530921

I am not a doctor, but as someone currently suffering from an as-of-yet undiagnosed respiratory illness that is continuing to get worse and could be COVID-19, I had to ask my doctor that same question and what they said was if you had one of the following, go to the ER immediately:

>fever of 104 or higher
>extreme shortness of breath from even mild physical activity, e.g. wheezing just from walking to the kitchen
>substantial chest pain, especially if it spikes suddenly
>waking up gasping for air
>any lapse of consciousness that isn't sleep related

>> No.11530947

>But even among those that get hospitalized in that age range, most do still make it.
This won't be the case when hospitals overwhelm at the peak. And if you don't have coronavirus yet, then chances are you'll end up getting it close to or at the peak in your country. There will be a LOT more young deaths then, and yes >>11530878 it's safe to assume you will die if you get it during a time when hospitals cannot cope.

>> No.11530953

Did i ruin my ffp3 mask by spraying acoholbased disinfectant on it?

>> No.11530971

retard here.

I have the daily corona numbers since this thing began but there arent any equations in excel that will fit that bell curve. Anyone fit a prediction curve to the existing data to see how many deaths we are on track to get if we continue on the curve we are on?

>> No.11531004


>> No.11531089

regarding drug tests: why do I feel like the US is trying to stop the use of already existant drugs to combat covid-19 at all costs? the chinese, koreans and french keep testing already used drugs, related to zinc and chloroquine.. meanwhile, some forces in the US keep denying the effectivity of said drugs because "there is no evidence" while testing new drugs in vitro/in animals, as if that would somehow help the ones that are dying TODAY. is this done simply because of greed? chloroquine and related drugs are said to be really cheap and common.

>> No.11531096

>US is trying to stop the use of already existant drugs to combat covid-19 at all costs?
They're not. There are ongoing medical trials.

>> No.11531104


>> No.11531133

Well they better pick up the pace and mass-produce that shit because at this rate it's our only short term hope

>> No.11531186


>> No.11531196

>Are you a healthcare worker who has to take care of coronavirus patients?

My girlfriend is a nurse in a major hospital in a major city. She isn't in ICU so she hasn't had to deal with (known) Covid patients yet, but that is set to change immediately.

Her department is Neuro, and one of the three neuro units has undergone construction for the past week to house covid patients. They now have special dressing areas and wash stations and air-lock sections along with a bunch of other precautions installed.

The people that were originally there have either been moved or discharged. Palliative patients that were on the top floor of the hospital have also been moved to another location. Large buildings downtown are being converted into hospitals for "non-covid" patients.

She'll be dealing with people who are hospitalized, but aren't bad enough for ICU. And to be honest, we both had a sigh of relief when we found out about this. At least now she'll be given full protection and proper PPE. Whereas before she wasn't and we never knew if anyone she came into contact with had the virus. But now she'll have all the PPE she needs.

Regardless, she's going in tomorrow for the start of a new round of shifts. So there is a little worry. I'll come back here and answer what being with hospitalized covid patients is like.

>> No.11531210

Anybody on here that actually had confirmed COVID-19 (please god, no larpers) mind describing their symptoms (severity, period of onset, etc.)? From what I've been reading, this virus acts like nothing more than the flu for the first few days, with bonus diarrhea for some unlucky few. Then after that people either just get better or much much worse. The virus had spread far enough that at least a few people on /sci/ must have it.

>> No.11531226

Fuck off to /pol/, schizos, if you want to debate news articles and youtube videos or pull shit out of your ass.

>> No.11531231
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Is there any good news at all about coronavirus yet?
Anything? A treatment or a hopeful projection or somebody with credibility saying it won't be so bad?

The more time passes the more it seems like 80% of people get mild cases and recover, the other 20% get severe cases that have to be hospitalized, at 10% of those cases don't make it.

I'm just looking for some good news I'm tired of blackpills right now

>> No.11531233

there are more /pol/ schizos infecting this board (and 4chan as a whole) then there are COVID-19 cases in the world

>> No.11531237

There's 0 best case scenarios, only a series of things that can go horribly wrong.

>> No.11531240

you seem like the only schizo here, seeing /pol/ around every corner and in every window. self-terminate, faggot.

>> No.11531385

i haven't left my house since long before the outbreak even began

>> No.11531412

Is there any reasonable sources of information on the mutation rate of this virus? Or at least an educated guess of how bad this could get if it lingers for months or becomes seasonal.

I heard there are multiple strands. If it mutates fast enough to evade vaccines like influenza, is that gg for our way of life?

>> No.11531417

It doesn't mutate that much.

goes into mutations in a few threads on his twitter, have to go through them

>> No.11531427

The more people die, the more likely the remaining 10% of retards will follow protocol, and we can start the 2 week timer of getting to the other side of this crisis.

>> No.11531431

Thank you. That is a substantial relief.

>> No.11531439

Or is it

Likely would have mutated to something with less symptoms if it could.

>> No.11531446

> what is SIR

download python and learn

>> No.11531542

It only stays intact on surfaces for 3 days, not the initially feared 9 days. Apparently, infection via surface contamination is quite unlikely. Ain't that good?

>> No.11531649

Now that it's almost certainly confirmed that Commie Coof originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, what does /sci/ think they were researching and why did the lab fail to contain it?
Evidence that it came from the lab here:

>> No.11531698

Explain to a brainlet how an asymptomatic carrier can spread the disease beyond shit like rubbing their boogers all over common surfaces. Without sneezing, coughing, or other spread of bodily fluids, how does the virus spread? Does merely breathing leave aerosols?

>> No.11531711

Breathing leaves aerosols yes
Talking leaves more aerosols and micro-droplets

Put a facemask or t-shirt on your face.
Begin breathing or talking for 1 minute.
Notice the humidity buildup and heat.
Strange huh

>> No.11531742

Thanks, I'm craving cheese sandwich now. I don't have any cheese here.

>> No.11531752

> that the death toll in Wuhan was a fraction of what was published.

>> No.11531938

fuck off, schizo

>> No.11532050

26y No cough or heat.
My taste and smell is fine, but i feel needle pains in my chest, on back and side of torso.
They are instantaneous. Am i sick? Got contact with others in my way to work.

>> No.11532092

Bros just stop worrying please. Good is living in fear. Better to die on your feet, live on your knees as a slave to terror. All men die but not all men truly live.

>> No.11532284

In close proximity, speech and breathing can still transmit aerosols. Not as aggressively as a cough, but still enough. There is also the possibility that it can be transmitted through the oral-fecal route. So if someone rips a nasty fart, you might be breathing in particles.

Interestingly, there was a report recently published that the vaginal fluids of severe cases don't seem to have detectable amounts of the virus, so eating out is still safe.

>> No.11532403

>In close proximity, speech and breathing can still transmit aerosols.
I like this video for seeing how a conversation can spread micro droplets. It's important to note that these droplets won't always contain active viral particles, but the potential is there.


>> No.11532422

India is next to China and yet they have very little confirmed cases, why is that?

>> No.11532428

the obsession is real

>> No.11532429

Supposedly they're doing very little testing. I also just checked the weather in Mumbai, 90+ F and 75% humidity.

>> No.11532434

Can you explain or give more info how temperature and humidity affect virus spread

my guess is that higher temps slow down virus while higher humidity makes it more contagious

>> No.11532443


>> No.11532447

Viruses in general seem to tolerate cold better, but it can't be said that SARS-CoV-2 will disappear once it's hot. As for humidity, I've read a couple of theories. One is that lower humidity allows aerosols to remain suspended in the air for a longer period of time. Another is that our cilia and mucous membranes function better at higher humidity. Regardless, numerous studies have shown that higher humidity reduces respiratory infections. So let's hope SARS-CoV-2 behaves as expected, and that warmer temperatures and higher humidity will reduce the spread.

>> No.11532473

Imagine a bunch of Typhoid Marys and with Corona it spreads by just breathing, that's why the Six feet rule. Breathing/talking spews around 3-5 feet. Corona can stay on surfaces for a couple hours but some report days. It spreads easily.

>> No.11532765

listing nonspecific symptoms during a pandemic was a mistake

>> No.11532781

>Finished a research paper
>Gained 2 kilos
>Ran 50 km
>Got in touch with old friends
>Cooked a bunch of stuff i never thought I'd be able to
>Volunteered for the local hospital
Had a very productive week

>> No.11532784

There is no specific symptom that *must* be COVID-19, and the mildness of the infection in many people makes it even harder to diagnose based on symptoms alone.

>> No.11533376
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The coronavirus was NOT made in a lab. Scripps Institute’s research CONFIRMED this, because the virus is completely different from the ORIGINAL SARS-CoV! SARS-CoV-2 could NOT infect humans to begin with—it would be POINTLESS to try to modify it instead of SARS-CoV if the goal were some kind of weapon.

>> No.11533430

>the only reason to create viruses in a lab is bio warfare
That's the fundamental flaw with all these refutations.

>> No.11533537

>Latest info on treatments and anything else coronavirus?
What's the point of having a cure if you don't have the credentials nor the people willing to let you prove it?

>> No.11533620

making tests a 3-day blood test was also a mistake
Isn't china like, a leader in biomedical industry? Why aren't any vaccines, tests, or logistic advances coming from them?

>> No.11533651

I had it. The first to come on was muscle aches, dry cough, and fever with chills. That lasted about 2 or 3 days. Then it moved into my lower respiratory tract and I might have got a very very mild case of pneumonia. The fever broke on like day 5 or 6, then I felt slowly better each day, the last thing to go was the tightness in my chest. Took about 14 days from for symptoms to feeling completely normal again.

>> No.11533658

How long ago was that?

>> No.11533662


>> No.11533697

The USA does have a rapid coronavirus diagnostic test on the way, but given the debacle with the CDC's original test, who knows how long it'll take before it's actually available in a major capacity.

>> No.11533762
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Apparently a lot of confirmed cases are between the ages of 20 and 40. Many between the ages of 20 and 30

I thought younger people weren't as susceptible?

>> No.11533770

nice unsourced image

>> No.11533781
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>be me
>have a lot of cows
>have like 30 of those in my farm

>> No.11533792

Source is mister metokur on twitter. Apparently it's data from Minnesota.

There's some similar data from the Ohio department of health but it seems like despite the high case count for men aged 20 to 40, a very small margin of them get hospitalized. Around 20 for every 500.

>> No.11533813
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This reads like a cope. Most of the Americas are doing OK aside from America and Brazil.

So you see, it's only America and Brazil which voted far right memelords into the presidency who spent a critical month referring to the virus as "just a flu" while other countries were going into lockdown, building emergency hospitals and preparing for disaster.

And Brazil itself is doing OK compared to the US.

>> No.11533853
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Just dumping a bit more of info since I'm at at.

>> No.11533857
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>> No.11533859
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>> No.11533869
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>> No.11533878

>1 out of every 1000 burgers has the Wu Ping cough
What the fuck are we doing

>> No.11533882

Why is Africa doing so well?

>> No.11533886

It has just arrived there. It was the last continent to get the Kung Flu.

>> No.11533897

Absolutely nothing. However, the distribution is screwed. California and NYC are where most of the cases are; NY and California are only 18% of the US population, but are the epicenter. They also have two different strains, from what I've seen: The West coast strain comes directly from China, the East Coast strain comes from the Chinese laborers Israeli firms shipped into Italy to replace Italians in the garment industry.

Most countries aren't bothering to test. Every African country still has a quadruple digit number of deaths per year from malaria, which is completely unrelated to deaths from HIV. Coronvirus is nothing to them.

>> No.11534201

>North/South America and India are so screwed
Africa has been dealing with ebola for a couple years. They have groups of people who have already deal with a pandemic/disease.
Add to that the fact that it has less turist/flights that USA or Europe.

What I really dont get is India. I was expecting them to BLOW THE FUCK UP, but they are doing fine for now. Southamerica (besides Brazil) had a lot of time and things are mostly under control.

>> No.11534225

I'm wondering about this video that was posted on the /b/tarded board.
I gather the doctor is saying the ventilators are there to assist failing muscles, but heat COVID patients' muscles seem to be okay. The problem is getting oxygen from the lungs to the blood.
So oxygen concentrators are what's needed?

>> No.11534234


>> No.11534238

Does this mean blood transfusion is a treatment for failing lungs instead of respirators?

>> No.11534242

>I thought younger people weren't as susceptible?
Well don't listen to the WHO if you don't want to be misinformed. Chinese doctors warned of this pretty much right from the start.
>Around 20 for every 500.
That's not small. That's 4%.

>> No.11534247

The numbers and pics posted here are completely meaningless. No nation can test as fast as its spreading.

>> No.11534250

why cant you just invent ai that solves corona?

>> No.11534272
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If I at this very moment went full balls-to-the-wall on working out to lose weight and get my hypertension under control, would you greatly improve my chances of only having a mild infection? Can these issues be reversed that quickly or will the damage from obesity and hypertension linger well past me inevitably getting COVID-19?

>> No.11534304
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>> No.11534471

I guess so. The death rate is still considerably low for young people but the hospitalization rate is still high enough that it's a big deal.

I guess I've just been thinking about the chances that I would have to get hospitalized rather than the overall statistic of how many people my age will get hospitalized.

>> No.11534545

>guess I've just been thinking about the chances that I would have to get hospitalized rather than the overall statistic of how many people my age will get hospitalized
But they're the same, Anon.

>> No.11534575

Here is a reliable and up to date source of information on the virus. It may have exactly what you are looking for but it answers a lot of common questions about the sweet and sour sicken

>> No.11534577

Technically yes, what I'm saying is that I was more concerned with my health rather than the inevitability that there will be many people my age who have to be hospitalized.

Considering I have literally no health issues at all, and I'm pulling ball the stops to prevent and prepare I'm not too worried.

>> No.11534592

Since you clearly weren't paying attention.
That jump is there because they switched to include clinical diagnosis in the confirmed cases.

>> No.11534597

Apparently elderberries are actually very bad for coronavirus

I've been taking these for a month now



>> No.11534718

running15-20 50 yard sprints once or twice a day for 2-3 weeks straight to better increase the efficiency of your lungs would be both an easier and quicker fix than trying to lose as much fat as possible by starving yourself
I have no data to back my suspicions up, but I imagine musicians who play wind instruments won't be affected much by the kung flu.

>> No.11534726

>fraction of infection rate of italy and spain
>america not Okay

>> No.11534860

>friends hosted a party no too long ago
>didn't go because I was too busy lying in bed and shitposting
>she tested positive a week after
I probably already had it myself though, was having a very weird fever around that same time period

>> No.11534875

no anon that's fucking retarded

>> No.11534878
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I just found a box of unused n95 masks and found out I bought them 9 years ago. Supposedly they expire after 5 years but they've just been in storage in a plastic bag most of the time. Should be safe to use right?

>> No.11534953

Depends on who sold them. Sometimes they use N95 or ffp2 as a color code. An certificates or signs on the package?

>> No.11535041

What do you guys think about the article from Nature that claims Wuhan Wheeze wasn't created in a lab or genetically manipulated?
Spam detection doesn't seem to like the link so google "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2"

Could the virus have simply mutated into a more harmful form during the natural course of long term research?
Job postings from the Wuhan Institute of virology confirm they were doing long term research on SARS in bats, so mutations during that time would have looked natural and not been detected by the study right?
Could they have manipulated the virus through selective breeding/selective infecting?
I don't think that type of manipulation would show up in the analysis from the Nature article.

Could the virus have simply mutated into a more harmful form during the natural course of long term research?
Job postings from the Wuhan Institute of virology confirm they were doing long term research on SARS in bats, so mutations during that time would have looked natural and not been detected by the study right?
Could they have manipulated the virus through selective breeding/selective infecting?
I don't think that type of manipulation would show up in the analysis from the Nature article.
Source confirming WIoV doing long term SARs studies for anyone interested:
It's in chinese, but you can use google translate, here's the critical text from it
“long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and identified.”

Remember that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is 280 meters from the alleged wet market source, and that it's the only biosafety level 4 lab in China if you're retarded enough to believe it actually originated from a wet market

>> No.11535050

Imagine if the world focused on the flu for a year-exact same thing would happen regardless of severity. There's your peace, find some better land and live off of it.

>> No.11535094

Does anyone have any research that describes in detail the mechanism by which contact/smear transmission happens?
I spend a few hours some weeks ago trying to find papers but all I found were test regarding to the time the virus can stay alive on certain surfaces.
But nothing that actually describes how touching a contaminated surface leads to being infected with the virus.
I'm not doubting that this is possible, but I have my doubts that it contributes to a significant amount of infections in addition to droplet infection, which has a much more obvious mechanism.
Please help me anons.

>> No.11535168

On every COVID-19 video I watch, there are hoards and hoards of people claiming it's 5g. Can anyone give me a rundown on the sheer amount of conspiracy folks that seem to be coming out of the woodwork? Seriously the majority of the normalfag comments are about 5g, it feels like the world is upside down.

>> No.11535172

Like forget whether or not 5g is bad for now, I just want to know why so many people think it's causing the symptoms all of the sudden.

>> No.11535199

Germany has no 5g and deaths are low. Coincidence?

>> No.11535229
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Several people tested positive for corona at my job last week and i woke up yesterday with a 102.5 fever. The fever's gone down since then, but now i have a complete lack of smell/taste. I think it's safe to assume I have it, so I'll look into getting tested I guess.

>> No.11535239

over the years we've repeatedly seen data that shows people don't trust the mainstream media
political ideologues have long assumed that means people are "waking up"
what they didn't know was the distrust isn't limited to politics, but expands outward into everything else
this can lead to anything from adopting traditionalism as a defense mechanism all the way over to flat earth, chemtrails, 5g, and not trusting any source accepted by the mainstream ever

some people are throwing the baby out with the bathwater
the well has been poisoned and some just refuse to believe anything the media says, no matter how inconsequential

>> No.11535269

lmao cuck

>> No.11535368

>I just want to know why so many people think it's causing the symptoms all of the sudden.
It's new and being installed all over the place. Two 5G hot spots are Wuhan and Iran. My understanding is that 5G has very poor penetration, which I would expect to make it less dangerous unless you're right next to it, but it's not something I've really looked into.

>> No.11535428

If no 5G and that's the cause, why any deaths at all?
And why in America?

>> No.11535499

Is it safe to travel to NYC?

>> No.11535735


>> No.11535746

good luck

>> No.11535806

Shit bro. Good luck. Your boss sucks for letting you come to work btw. Unless you're med or so.

>> No.11535835

5G may make the virus more lethal, or somehow compromise the immune system so that it's less capable of dealing with the virus. I'm just giving ideas off the top of my head, but blaming radiowaves and EMFs for illness is nothing new. I had acute Lyme disease years ago, and there's people who believe borrelia burgdorferi was previously a pretty benign bacteria that has become far more dangerous due to EMFs and radiowaves. It may not be as crazy as it sounds, EMFs can act on the calcium channels of our cells, and the effects can be mitigated somewhat by calcium channel blockers.

>> No.11535941

Oh fuck. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 months ago. I did visit a (small) 5g test site before it happened, where autonomous cars were tested. Wtf.

>> No.11536146
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It’s more deadly than what’s being reported

>> No.11536150


>> No.11536195

>I was diagnosed with Lyme disease 2 months ago.
Acute or chronic? My acute Lyme was the worst I've felt in my life, the first week was hell, and it was months before I started to feel normal again. I developed a chronic headache about four months after the initial infection, but it's manageable and the cocktail of antibiotics that Lyme literate doctors use doesn't seem worth the risk.

>> No.11536237

Acute, thankfully. They finally diagnosed it after I had the weirdest symptoms for almost two months and went to hospital twice without them finding anything. All doctors I went to said it was all psychological and didn't seem to give a fuck.
I was given antibiotics for 20 days. I'm at week two after the antibiotics and it seems I'm getting better now. In my case, central nervous system was involved (Bannwarth syndrome, tingling nerves in left hand and leg, migraine, tinnitus). Also had tachycardia and breathing problems. Thought I'd die.
Havent had breathing problems for three days now. The only thing left is a light tinnitus that comes and goes.

Sounds like you had it a lot worse though. Four months sounds fucking horrible. So you didn't take any antibiotics? Dude, you need to treat that shit with doxycycline or ceftriaxon. Otherwise it won't go away. I had the former and worst I got was slight diarrhea for over a week or so. Totally worth it.

>> No.11536393


there were bat swabing expeditions in late 2019 associated with the lab

I would say yes

>> No.11536403

Do cases mean that, these are infected people or people who are getting tested for it?

>> No.11536601

I'm glad to hear you're improving and that you caught it early, and especially that you finally found a doctor who would treat you. It seems like most people do recover completely when it's caught early, but it can be hard not to panic when you read some of the horror stories. CNS being involved is scary!

Mine started out feeling like the worst flu of my life. 103+ fever, uncontrollable shivering, barely able to move, then I developed the erythema migrans. Most of that subsided after the first week, but I had weakness, tachycardia, and air hunger for two months after the initial infection.

I did get 14 days of antibiotics, including an initial intravenous dose, but there's a lot of debate over whether or not 2-3 weeks of Doxycycline is enough to treat it. I found a Lyme literate doctor who would have used three different antibiotics for three months at a minimum to ensure it was eradicated. I decided to take my chances, the side effects listed for the antibiotics sounded worse than what they were treating.

>> No.11538051

>it can be hard not to panic when you read some of the horror stories
Absolutely. Would not recommend anyone reading up on those.

Did no one take the erythrema seriously? I mean, it's the most obvious sign of borrelliosis there is. I didn't have it, or didn't notice it, but had lymphozytoma which I thought was just a bad pimple.

As far as I've understood, doctors here say the benefits outweigh the detriments for 3 weeks of these antibiotics, then it all reverses. I think you're right about that antibiotic cocktail that guy offered you, since all doxy and ceftri do is make the borrelia infertile, so your body has to fight them off by itself. Sounds dangerous to just mix a few and give it to someone for a few months.

There's one doctor near me who did a long-term study in a village where almost 20% of people have it. All of them developed symptoms in at most 8 years, and all of them (except for one, who was allergic to the antibiotics used) could be healed completely by 3 weeks of doxy or ceftri when symptoms emerged. The fight lasts much longer than these three weeks sometimes, but there's hope Anon.

Good luck.

>> No.11538108

Sorry wagie. You’ll have to take unpaid leave over the Easter break

>> No.11538109

Is this the same news agency telling people they don’t need to wear masks?

>> No.11538126

Fucking line up the denialists against the wall and shoot them Soviet-style already. I'm tired of these pray-it-away shits turning churches into corona networks, kill them all.

>> No.11538144

It means of those getting tested (and all countries have different criteria for this), the number that have a positive result (given a roughly 75% test sensitivity)

>> No.11538149

just woke up with sore back and sore chest and my heart is beating irregular. this feels like sleep apnea band i recall waking up a few times in the night holding my breath.

Boys im scared do I have corona or just a very shitty sleep

>> No.11538157

Only if we can also shoot the "don't be racist let a chink spit on you" retards too.

>> No.11538174
File: 112 KB, 498x618, 14_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped this in /sqt/ but it may be worth asking here

What is it with epidemics "just ending"? There's so many of them that history just says "and then it stopped".
Spanish Flu
Encephalitis Lethargica
A lot of the smaller epidemics where the containment effort was horrid.

>> No.11538265


>> No.11538298

Probably had it, I'm 30, felt bad for a few days (tired, headache, body aches, mild shortness of breath) but it was bearable, lost sense of smell during more than 2 weeks, it's coming back now.

>> No.11538631


Theres only a finite amount of people for these viruses to infect. So once it has infected enough people, each host of the virus isnt coming into contact with enough people who are both not immune and uninfected.

They doesnt explain why they "just end". But it does explain why they explode, cause a huge disruption, and then slink away to very few infections.


Yeah. The virus gets into your body via something called an ACE2 receptor, which the cells in your mouth and throat have.

So, apparently people get more ACE2 receptors as they age, which explained why children dont show symptoms and why its so hard on old people.

A paper in nature identified a handful of genes associated with ACE2 receptors, and you can look into your 23andMe data to see if you have any of the alleles.

To your question about touching stuff versus breathing in droplets. Right, breathing in other people's exhale is probably doing a lot of the transmitting. But, viruses can live on surfaces for a while, and what you touch might inevitably end up in your mouth is you arent washing your hands. Here is my best understanding of how viruses live on surfaces:
- Viruses can live for a long time on smooth surfaces like steel and aluminium. I have read things in the range of 3 to 14 days. But I have heard copper and bronze are anti-viral.
- Temperature is important. So, if its hot viruses dont last as long
- There is a different between the virus being alive on a surface, and the virus being infectious. The virus starts breaking down and it might be so unhealthy that it cannot infect others even if it is still technically alive on a surface.
- Porous surfaces, like cardboard, fruit, and skin, are naturally anti viral. But often times porous surfaces (like cardboard) can be difficult to sanitize.

>> No.11538636

rumblings about covid causing hemoglobinopathie and free iron in the lungs.

>> No.11538654


No, that is confirmed cases. It includes everyone who has _ever_ had it, including those who died and recovered. So, some fraction of those confirmed cases are not recovered.

However, there are a ton of cases that are not discovered or confirmed. Its way more than 1 in 1000

I have been following this really closely, and here are some details I have seen:
- In a region of Italy, 70% of blood donors were found to have Coronavirus antibodies in their blood, suggesting they had the virus at some point
- Telluride Colorado started testing everyone, and they found that roughly 1% of the population tested positive.
- Many US states have seen huge spikes in the amount of out-of-season Influence Like Illnesses (ILI) in their hospitals. Presumably these cases are Coronavirus, but the hospital staff dont realize it.
- Huge HUGE fractions of the populations of New York and New Jersey are testing positive for coronavirus antibodies, suggesting they had it at some point (~30% and ~40% respectively).

So, its probably closer to like 1 in 20 Americans have Coronavirus right now.

>> No.11538683

>Viruses can live for a long time on smooth surfaces like steel and aluminium. I have read things in the range of 3 to 14 days
It's 2 hours to 9 days for coronaviruses, for this one there was a recent publication claiming with confidence it was 3 days. Much less on fabrics etc, they seem to damage the lipid hull.
Not sure about copper and bronze. They are anti-bacterial, but are they also anti-viral?
>if its hot viruses dont last as long
True in general, but this one doesn't seem to mind heat that much.
>still technically alive
Viruses aren't alive. You mean functioning. But yeah.
>But often times porous surfaces (like cardboard) can be difficult to sanitize.
True, but ozone might help. There are generators available, but you have to be super careful when handling those.

>> No.11539157

Anyone know what percentage of cases need a ventilator?

>> No.11539203

~20%, but it varies a lot with age group. Young people less likely need it, elders are more likely in need.

>> No.11539229

Not tested, so not diagnosed, so not surviving or fighting.

Should boredom caused by forced inactivity be seen as a side effect of the actual disease?

>> No.11539362


>> No.11539944

so does the malaria drug do anything

>> No.11540071

I clicked on this thread for the grilled cheese, that looks good

>> No.11540112

I agree with you, BUT >>11530586 is correct. The Chinese Communist Party lies about their numbers, covered up the spread and silenced doctors. Fuck the CCP may it burn in hell

>> No.11541108
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> in two 2 weeks I SWEAR JUST WAIT FOR IT

>> No.11542005

probably just a neet

>> No.11542389
File: 48 KB, 645x729, F081B46A88AB4A629CAB27CFC379A273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it basically fact now that the virus stays with you forever and can come back whenever?

How long till authorities admit that once you're infected you'll never recover you'll stay sick forever and ever?

>> No.11542484
File: 176 KB, 950x1192, books_for_this_mood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A virus is also not like an alien species that hunts down humans. It doesn't "want" to kill people. It stays alive longer, as a virus, if it doesn't actually harm its host too much. Viruses often mutate into a form that isn't that deadly anymore.

>> No.11543409

China's population is in the east of the country
please learn geography for next time

>> No.11543427

It's basically fact that the opposite is true. We're seeing seroconversion, SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG neutralizing antibodies in human patients, immune challenge studies with rhesus macaques show these antibodies confer immunity, and the earliest tests suggest antibody titer peaks months after convalescence, which is in line with SARS-CoV-1 immunity. So we'd expect immunity to last for at a minimum a year, and likely several years similar to other betacoronaviruses.

The "reinfection" scare has been neutered quite a bit now that we realize the false negative rate of nucleic acid tests is close to 50%.

>> No.11543609

I know active cases gives a better idea of the current situation. I just find it remarkable that SARS was something foreign and alien to those of us who remember it and now it's circulating in Americans everywhere.
Are the tests specific to SARS-2? Looking for all coronaviruses by comparison is going to be misleading. I had a case confirmed by a laboratory two years ago and can confirm the anecdotes about it affecting cardiac rhythm, whatever strain I had was making my heart race.
>Many US states have seen huge spikes in the amount of out-of-season Influence Like Illnesses (ILI) in their hospitals
>Huge HUGE fractions of the populations of New York and New Jersey are testing positive for coronavirus antibodies
This idea clashes with the Diemond Princess experiment where we had a reasonable infection rate among those exposed (everyone on the ship) and 1.6% CFR. If this strain really is showing up everywhere then it's the most infectious thing we've ever seen this side of measles. I already had a hunch that it was, but goddamn.
We've been testing asymptomatic people everywhere and to me that's idiotic when we already have good data from the cruise ship. God knows how many people are testing false positive.

>> No.11543650


What do you mean by your last sentence? We've suspected for a while there's shit loads of mild and asymptomatic people out there with immunity and covid has already run through a chunk of the population without anyone noticing.

>> No.11543661


Moderate "weight-on-chest" lung ache atm. I feel okay (not painful) but this is more real than the minor symptoms 3 weeks ago, and in the same place, uppper left lung/chest. Feels like it tries for that lung, the system fights it, then it goes and hides in my upper arm/brain only to try again later. Also had some mild coofing which wasn't the case before. What scares me is that though I had a mild fever earlier, it hasn't been sustained and this suggests that the body isn't fighting it as well as it could. Gonna sleep and probably call off work (again) which will annoy boss since it's essential work but fug.

I don't have a GP set up, I don't think calling 911 is the right thing to do just now, I don't feel terrible at the moment, they don't want to test the average joe and I don't know if I can get a doctor's note. It's all so fucked. I went through this same psychological process about three weeks ago where I actually solidly stayed for 8 days while milder symptoms presented. I'm just gonna go to bed and see how I feel and make some calls in the morning.

>> No.11543687

I thought about it some more and can't articulate why, but testing asymptomatic people in the general population doesn't right with me. I think it's because you can do that accurately in a closed system like a cruise ship, but you can't so it willy nilly in a huge country and expect to have useful data at the end. God I hope you're right though, otherwise all of this chaos represents <5% of the population getting infected and that won't do shit for herd immunity.

>> No.11543699

It kind of makes sense though. It's highly infectious, it's been over a month. It make it in every major country in under a month, there's a reasonable chance that right now (compared to the official infected number) we've only tested a fraction of the people who actually have it.

It's probably not a majority of the country yet but it's definitely a good chunk of it. Can't not be with a virus this infectious.

>> No.11543805
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Can someone with brain explain?

>> No.11543819
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Recent genome from India for comparison, first image is the end of the oldest wuhan sequence.

>> No.11543820

What I'm worried about is the explosion that we're about to experience in 2-3 weeks.

Easter is this weekend, and lots of people are going to get getting together for this despite the risk. FURTHER, in the bible belt a large amount of the population is heavily drinking the trump "Its nothing bro!" Koolaid, because even though Trump HIMSELF has finally said its serious, they can't jump from the narrative of it being nothing to serious that quickly, and so lots are still thinking its nothing.

This means that bible belt thumpers are going to hold church services in massive numbers despite the disease, and we're going to have massive numbers of super spread events on the 12th which will show up in 1-2 weeks.

We could very well see an absolutely massive explosion of the virus, in an excess of 10x growth in a single week from this in the bible belt (and a minor increase in growth elsewhere)

We also have had a shit ton of lockdown procedures done to try and slow or limit its spread.
All this talk about "Maybe a bunch of people have gotten it and didn't realize it so they're immune now!" is just wishful thinking.

I would like to refer people to the stages of acceptance: Hoping/insisting that lots of people have gotten it and we just didn't realize it because its so asymptomatic is jumping back to the denial stage.
>God I hope you're right though, otherwise all of this chaos represents <5% of the population getting infected and that won't do shit for herd immunity.
It sucks, but its the hard truth. Until we get a vaccine this shit isn't going to go away without a seriously bad time being had.

>> No.11543836

I still see lots of people who don't even wear masks or social distance or self-quarantine after they're sick. Lots of people.

Still though, it's very likely that there are many cases our there that are mild or asymptomatic and haven't been tested. It's too infectious for that to not be the case to some degree, even if it's to a small degree.

As for the 5 stages, there is nothing to except because there isn't enough evidence to accept either conclusion that it's either worse than it seems or not so bad.

>> No.11543879


It's not wishful thinking. Lots of people in Italy and new York are showing antibodies. They already had the virus and didn't require special treatment.

>> No.11543886

I don't deny that the numbers are higher than the tested "official" numbers (Since people who don't require hospitalization often won't get tested but will wheeze it out at home), but this idea that there's lots of people who had it so mildly they didn't REALIZE they had it is pure bollocks.

almost all "Mild" cases still basically bed ridden the person who had it. If you had it, you KNOW you've had it since it hits that hard.

>> No.11544009

Never because that's simply not true. Inmunity, at least in the short term has been proven.

>> No.11544021

The fact remains people have the antibodies and didn't even need bed rest or had symptomps at all. It's by no means enough people to mean shit for general herd immunity, but it's a bright spot we should keep in mind for future research.

>> No.11544156

>the us is spending resources sending agents to verify something that pretty much everyone knew just out of butthurt
this isn't a dick measuring contest donnie, just buy ventilators

>> No.11545380

What are the chances coronavirus becomes endemic?

The plus side would be it could evolve into a far less lethal form, but it could also go the other way and every year or so evolve into a very lethal form

>> No.11545455

There's a real risk it becomes seasonal, but once the vaccine rolls around it'll go away for good. Fortunately it looks like it doesn't mutate nowhere near fast enough to make it necessary to develop new vaccines constantly like the flu.

>> No.11546054

the sick and old it would wipe out, have already keeled over into the shitting ditch

>> No.11546068

But isn't the whole reason things become "seasonal" due to them mutating to evade immunity?

>> No.11546200

> *reported deaths

>> No.11546234

As long as there are people without immunity and some reservoir like animals or even leftover infected from the last round it can come back.

>> No.11546628

literally just call for one. I know someone who is a crazy and she has gotten two free ambulance rides to the psych ward in the last 6 months

>> No.11546782
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I keep hearing all these claims and twitter stories that even mild cases hit people hard. That even if you're young and healthy, most cases do involve PERMANENT or long lasting organ damage not just to the lungs but also to the brain, the heart, liver, amoung other organs even in mild cases.

Is there any actual proof to back these claims up? Because at this point all I have are anecdotes from people who claim to have had a mild case who say that even mild cases hit hard and can give you permanent damage

>> No.11546789

I wonder if it will ramp down in the summer, or if we'll get a 2nd wave that's twice as bad as the first.

ngl I'm tired of having to wear a mask, the social distancing, the not being able to go to a restaurant or an event or anything all because of this virus, and I'm wondering just how long it will take till either a treatment comes through, or a vaccine is developed, or herd immunity kicks in.

Can't stay inside and do everything online forever. It would totally suck if we all had to live our lives like this for years to come

>> No.11546809

The lung damage is anecdotal. the mild cases hitting hard? Yes, that's real.

"Mild" basically means "you don't need to be hospitalized". You still have trouble breathing (Feels like you have something on your chest) and you have the shakes and chills from the fever ("Only" 101 or so).
This isn't like the cold, this is like a major flu when it hits you mildly.

>> No.11546818

I see. I guess I'm just worried about struggling to breathe so much that I can't sleep, and feeling like I'm going to die or suffocate

Idk if viral load changes how mild your case is or if mild cases can be super mild or mild but basically severe.

>> No.11546820

poor places are not skrewed, people die in those places all the time, they literally will not notice a few extra boomers dying for a month or two and won't even come close to the problems they already face with malaria epidemics ect. It's rich developed places that freak out and go into self destruct mode over little things.

>> No.11546965
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If Boris Johnson survive, his already useless micropenis (old fart fatty, you know) is going to come worst because lack of oxigenation.
How could poltards worship eunuchs like him & Trump?

>> No.11547021

Muh coronachallenging. Muh havingpresidentrumping.

>> No.11547045

Muricans being muricans

>> No.11547060

Viral load does seem to make a big difference on the severity of the illness, at least for groups that are not at higher risk.

>> No.11547122


>> No.11547138

What is the Himalaya Mountain Range Alex?

>> No.11547242
File: 25 KB, 323x280, 99C1FCE2-637C-4263-B737-7F336D47A059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has anyone debunked this shit yet? I know it’s way too long to reasonably expect anyone to watch, but if you skim the comments you won’t find a single refutation. I have never seen a video like this before, and I’m starting to believe it.

Definitely posting this in the next thread if I don’t get any replies. So, get ready for that.

>> No.11547283
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fucking tard

>> No.11547496
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Coronavirus are chinese fake news just like climate change.

>> No.11547500

I would assume that thermal fluctuations over a long period of time could impact how tightly the fibers are meshed together . Better than nothing though

>> No.11547897

no tests = no cases!

galaxy brain

nobody is testing people in the slums of india
its going to be a shithole

>> No.11547926

Thoughts on this HiQ Boomer's advice?

>> No.11547953

China's population is in the east of the country
please learn geography for next time

>> No.11547971
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the part about the bioweapon is uncertain. the fact is there is no way of being able to tell if a virus is naturally occurring or not based on some nucleotides. the only thing is the fewer sequences shared from known strains the more divergent it is, but big jumps can happen in nature. that said anyone claiming one way or another based on SNPs, whether it is from this vid or the officials who try to say they have proof it is not a bioweapon are full of shit.

everything else in that video is true tho, the ccp did try to cover up the outbreak as evidence with dr li wenliang's silencing. and the who is a trash heap of an organization that called the emergency late as of januray 30th, the go to response of these organizations should always be precautionary principle, but the who was more focused on saving face than saving lives.

>After screenshots of his WeChat messages were shared on Chinese forums and gained huge attention, the supervision department summoned him to talk, where he was blamed for leaking the information.[2] On 3 January 2020, police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau investigated the case and interrogated Li, giving him a warning notice and censuring him for "making false comments on the Internet".[17] He was made to sign a letter of admonition promising not to do it again.[2]


>> No.11548114
File: 139 KB, 368x368, defiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances coronavirus slides us into a great depression and ends up in global economic recession and mass civil unrest?

Another 6 million totaling in 16 million Americans have filed for unemployment
IMF says we're about to hit a recession so bad it can only be compared to the great depression last century.

As if a killer virus wasn't enough, civil unrest and the possibility of famine, homelessness, and pennylessness is even worse.

>> No.11548202

Damn that clears up pretty much everything. Thanks!

>> No.11548450
File: 808 KB, 720x988, covid..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of COVID19 clinical diagnosis phases (in spanish)

>> No.11549333

So how do they think all this got started? I know it originally came from bats, but I also heard (contra the popular 'bat soup' meme) they think there was an intermediate host, like a snake? So, did someone in Wuhan eat a snake?? Please tell me, step by step, how it supposedly jumped from bats to humans.

>> No.11549339

Africa which countries?

>> No.11549343

Will the alter boys in the Vatican have their revenge?

>> No.11549418

The consequences are unprecedented
Maybe it's what is required to make governments and the elites wake up to horrors of what they've created as a society

>> No.11550416
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Bitch. Not knowing Corona was created by the governments and the elites tired of paying by Boomers pensions & chronical diseased fags' healt care.

>> No.11550430

The massive economic depression is also part of their plan to better slaving you.

>> No.11550475

Jokes on them, I got a raise and overtime.

>> No.11550522
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>weird sensation that seems like I can't breath as well and rare chest pain
>very rare cough, maybe once every couple of hours
>no fever
>no chills
>no other symptoms
Do I have it?

>> No.11550529



People say to never reuse the same mask, but the virus doesn't live any more than about 18 hours tops on surfaces like metal, so if I reuse the mask after 18 h or more why is that a problem?

>> No.11550581

Please watch this and tell what you think, medanons:

>> No.11550599

Is your mouth dry and does your heart rate increase when you have these symptoms?
If yes, you have panic attacks.

Interested in this as well. Although the virus lives 3 days on metals, less long on fabric.

>> No.11550613

I do have health anxiety.
So it's probably just that then?

>> No.11550689

I had the same symptoms plus occasional chills and it was "only" anxiety in my case. The neurologist was so convinced that it pretty much disappeared right away when he told me, so he was right.
The trick is to mentally accept that you are having an attack and going for a walk (of possible at your location currently), or VERY mild activity. It will then get better soon.

>> No.11550927

>The "reinfection" scare has been neutered quite a bit now that we realize the false negative rate of nucleic acid tests is close to 50%.
Jesus, really? That high?

>> No.11550929

>they think there was an intermediate host
What if that intermediate host are really the aliens/ufos that credible people have been seeing for hundreds of years or so. What if they are waging war on us with this virus. They have been refining their attack on us with SARS, MERS, bird flu, swine flu and now covid-19. Rather than attack us with lazers and other magical tech type weapons we would normally associate with an alien attack, maybe covert biological weaponry is their way to exterminate intelligent life forms on planets. They have been playing with us for decades or centuries and now they want our planet, and we humans are not even aware of our extermination from an alien life form we know nothing about.

>> No.11551001

>aliens/ufos that credible people have been seeing
Name one.

>> No.11551127
File: 21 KB, 901x564, TIMESAND___ice26f7725rf7fgdnffvx7fgd223687180094mfcmfchlfgg4f7g7fgf7fgdnf3l38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA total cases has clearly exited the exponential phase and transitioned into a linear mode with constant slope. Do you think this virus disagree with all previous virus models, which most of us saw in our first semester ODE course, or do you think the constant slope of the line reflects that the USA is maxed out on how many new cases it can report each day?

You see? If USA has the infrastructure needed to report at most 50k new cases per day, and the cases keep going up at 50k per day, that probably doesn't tell us that the virus is slowing down. Rather, it tells us that the medical establishment is overwhelmed.

What do you think? 500-sigma outlier virus with linear growth trend, or overwhelmed infrastructure?

>> No.11551153

Pretty sure it's depleted testing capability and willingness, but we'll never know 100%.
I think such a curve for confirmed covid-19 deaths would be more explicit.

>> No.11551160

Nimitz incident and others.
The 1973 Pascagoula abduction/close encounter is convincing in my opinion.
C`mon you don't need me to tell you, google is your friend.

>> No.11552476

Calm yer tits you monghead

This is /sci/ post proofs or STFU
If they did, how, whom and why?

>> No.11552630


Just get healthier bro.

You're familiar with natural selection right? If you're not healthy you should not impede the invisible hand of Darwin. The gene pool is grateful.

>> No.11552642


You do an anti-body test?

>> No.11552673

I know that this is probably a tinfoil hat conspiracy, but how possible is it from a scientific point of view that COVID19 is a genetically engineered bio-weapon designed to wipe out blacks?

>> No.11552699

The issue is there is no way of knowing. A few SNP differences here and there from previously known viruses can be done by evolution or engineering. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the possibility. Gene editing viruses isn't beyond the realm of possibility and there are reasons to do so.

>> No.11552709

I can say with confidence medical organizations of my country have not thrown away the possibility of it being an engineered virus, it's still being actively discussed at closed door meetings.

>> No.11552715 [DELETED] 

Ok, so COVID19 wasn't originally created by the CIA, but they engineered it to attack blacks? That seems less like a tinfoil hat conspiracy, but why would anyone do that?

>> No.11552726

Is that what you got from what we said? Also if anyone made this it was that Virology Lab in Wuhan.

>> No.11552775 [DELETED] 

I imagine China would have a lot of expertise making racist bio weapons, but it just sounds too good to be true.

>> No.11552795
File: 40 KB, 645x552, 1508784068954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently some experts are warning of a MASSIVE RESURGENCE in coronavirus cases within the next few weeks

Is that possible? So far the hospitalization rate death rate, and infection rate are slowly going down. Will this be like the 2nd peak like Spanish flu?

If it comes back worse than ever depending on how bad it is it could totally fuck up any kind of recovery already in motion

>> No.11552830

I’m going to have a melted cheese.

>> No.11552876
File: 47 KB, 800x600, ManulAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could poltards worship eunuchs like him & Trump?

Because both Trump and Boris are quite literally Jew-controlled and funded puppets.

>> No.11552907

china won

>> No.11553085
File: 95 KB, 346x307, 1422065265375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n coronavirus cases within the next few weeks
2 weeks, right?

>> No.11553097
File: 161 KB, 549x666, 20200410_222212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this well thought out response.
>walks out of /sci/ never to return again

>> No.11553160

So how many people do you think are either asymptomatic their ENTIRE duration of having the virus, or are so light as to not even realize they have the coronavirus? (Like light stuffed up and that's it)

Because all the stories I read from people who've had it say its utterly unmistakeable and feels like you've been hit by a truck, and that you feel like you have serious trouble breathing...
But then I keep reading all these stories about how people are being tested and finding that they have antibodies and never even realized they had ever had the coronavirus?

>> No.11553197

Maybe all your friends are just fatties or weak.

>> No.11553239

Not friends, the various news stories from med people who've had it.

>> No.11553245

This isn't as far fetched as you think man.

Easter is this sunday, and the virus has a long incubation period. All the Bible belt rednecks are going to be holding church services because science be damned, God would rather people die than not be worshiped. Enclosed spaces + asymptomatic carriers = Super spreader event.
Even outside of the bible belt, families getting together for easter will result in a minor uptick guaranteed.

We will see an extreme increase in cases in 1-2 weeks.

>> No.11553489


>> No.11553506

looks like thats a no op

>> No.11553524


>> No.11553562

I think Boris is more the pet bitch of the City of London corsairs then the jewish bankers. But yeah, youarerite.


>> No.11553598
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>> No.11553633
File: 113 KB, 500x375, Cal-Lightman-lie-to-me-17497968-500-375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the elites tired of paying by Boomers pensions & chronical diseased fags' healt care. >The massive economic depression is also part of their plan to better slaving you.

>> No.11553639


>> No.11553641
File: 29 KB, 400x396, 1483332556162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11553661

The unusual long span resistance of the virus in diverse surfaces makes me suspect of some kind of bio engineering.

>> No.11553671

Shit medicine

>> No.11553678

China virus put Trump in full-socialist-mode CCP tired of winning.

>> No.11553679
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Chun Li Fatal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11553696

what about that chink study? blood diseases and not respiratory illness?

>> No.11553776

/med/ is dead and I don't feel like calling an emergency line until I know I'm not wasting time so maybe some medfags can help me here since Anxiety is talked about in COVID 19 threads.
When is racing heart and aching pain in the left arm supposed to be serious? I have been experiencing this for the last 20 min. I ask because I have also experienced panic attacks that have the exact same feelings in my right side at times and sometimes the left. I have had an ambulance called on me due to panic symptoms that were more severe than when my grandma had an actual heart attack. I'm extremely tired of never knowing if it's serious.

>> No.11553783
File: 101 KB, 828x937, IMG_20200410_130137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there friend. If it's just that then it's a panic attack. Try to distract yourself and remember that evening the off-chance that you do have it, you probably aren't going to die.

Like I said though just distract yourself by any means necessary. Breathing exercises. I had a panic attack similar but worse a week or so ago and I got over it by staying away from anything related to coronavirus, breathing, and once I was calm making sure I was prepared for the off chance that I do actually get it and need medical attention.

>> No.11553788

It's not COVID 19 related but this does make me feel better and I'll pass this image along. It comes on randomly. I hate that impending sense of doom is both a symptom of heart atyack and panic attack, in fact they have way too many similar symptoms

>> No.11553792

I had it too and this is good advice. Some mild exercise helped me. Stay away from the news for a few days. You won't miss anything.

>> No.11553803

That's only natural. Killer unknown virus, economic impact. Unknowns everywhere. In times like these I try to remind myself that fear is the mind killer and that it will get me nowhere. I want to be ready for whatever shit comes my way, I can't prepare of I'm too busy being afraid. Besides, there no guarantee that once this is over the global economy won't just totally collapse under its own weight and take most of us along with it, but chances are once this is over it'll be business as usual granted a recession is 100% guaranteed by now. Can't not have a recession when you stop the world for a few months.

Stay safe and stay calm friends. We're all in this together. We'll make it.

>> No.11553805

I don't know if I got it, I started having short breath problems in march 5th and I still get winded to this day, although the intensity of the symptom has decreased. Could it be corona? Do you think I'll have lung damage for the rest of my life?

>> No.11553815

Did you actually get tested or are you just assuming you had it based on the symptoms?

>> No.11553825

Solid advice to those who are feeling anxiety over COVID 19. Just not relevant to my current situation.

>> No.11554032
File: 914 KB, 5606x1900, 8272[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is this faggot shit gonna be over? i'm trying to become a grand marshal and these wagies are bringing me down

>> No.11554059

best of luck, bro. queue up and blast that children of bodom

>> No.11554083
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, astron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Hellyer.

>> No.11554124
File: 78 KB, 980x537, Wahabits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you know... The City, Sionists and Wahabists are allies.

>> No.11554162
File: 242 KB, 1400x934, Trump Illuminati Vow of Silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GB leaders support sionism since ever (David Lloyd George, Herbert Samuel, Edward Grey, Lord Oxford, Jaim Weizmann, Mark Sykes, Arthur James Balfour, Lionel Walter Rothschild)

>> No.11554164
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1520205784775s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do horses have severe symptoms from COVID-19 ?
How stupid would it be to infect draft horses with SARS-CoV-2 and filter their blood to produce serum like a snake anti-venom ?

>> No.11554170
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 624246174001_5442670182001_5442667327001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail to the King!

>> No.11554183

The three Illuminati angles.
Can you guess wich is in (((Top))) of the pyramid?

>> No.11554185

cute, it's like von Daniken is talking from beyond the grave.

>> No.11554376
File: 318 KB, 1815x1030, TIMESAND___8356shii69u3ou76d4dm7mftyjetiy562q652i65353qio6gjnh5okeo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, certainly. Johns Hopkins is reporting about 40% USA mortality and about 20% global mortality. I think discrepancy comes from the USA people being a lot more likely to go to the doctor than average global people.

>> No.11554379

>What do you think? 500-sigma outlier virus with linear growth trend, or overwhelmed infrastructure?
Also could be that social distancing is attenuating the growth on a knife edge of linear growth but that would be a big coincidence, no?

>> No.11554430

El Arcon is an anagram of Elon Car or Lone Arc. Also Ra Clone and Orc Lane. Maybe Lorena C is a name that is important to you?

>> No.11554469

There's the biggest mountain in the world between those two counties.

>> No.11554474


>> No.11554901

Got tested yesterday. Came back positive. Fever started 4 days ago. Never went above 102 degrees but somehow felt worse than any other fever I've ever had. Severe night sweats to the point I thought I wet the bed. Throat pain on the 2nd day that hasn't gone away, actually the symptom I hate the most. I've coofed here and there but always had green mucus expelled from it.

>> No.11555133

Fuck. Wish you the best, Anon.

>> No.11555252

got a weird cough a week ago, but no fever yet.
cough is slowly getting worse.
should I worry

>> No.11555260

also there's no reason why it would only infect older people

>> No.11555261

you‘ll be ok

>> No.11555855

brainlet here, what's the best way to stay informed on vaccine progress? like every news site I can find report tons of false positives for clicks

>> No.11555857

What are the actual chances of getting infected? Not even talking about death. But for example, in my local grocery store I see the same people working there since for ever, meaning that nobody has caught the virus, and they interact with people all day.
What are the chances I catch the virus if I go to the super market with no mask on, compared to someone who is exposed to hundreds of people throughout the day, every day? I just find it odd how they are not getting infected way easier.

>> No.11555860

Unironically, /pol/

>> No.11555948

but why? no company is going to give you nitty gritty details and we're probably 16 months out from a vaccine if there's even a vaccine possible

>> No.11555987

How many people will die?

>> No.11556063

Right now is literally the calm before the storm
Hospitals are overwhelmed in New York, Italy, Spain, and New Jersey.

It's only a matter of time before they decide to open things up for their precious economy and 2 weeks later an explosion of cases will emerge and the death toll will skyrocket

Oh wait nvm most hospitals are empty rn and they don't need half of the ventilators they claimed they needed. Did I forget to mention the how likely it is that it's already spread to 10 times the official case number and most of the probably don't even know it because it's so mild they won't notice?

It's a nothingburger. The economy collapsing and the grabs for power though? Very very real. They were right when they said it would be 9/11 everywhere. Just in a different way.

>> No.11556064
File: 60 KB, 1080x714, Denise-Tantucci-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are swarthy med lungs more susceptible to it

>> No.11556075

16million jobs lost and a 1/3rd of tenants didn't pay their rent this month, government is mailing out checks, yep that's the real crisis. wonder how bad it'll get

>> No.11556076

Yeah I was pretty sure I was going to die a few weeks ago. I'm actually kind of annoyed that I didn't

>> No.11556124

I'm probably just a delusional optimist but since this recession is totally artificial and the only reason people aren't going to work is because there's a lockdown, if the lockdown is lifted nationwide, eventually the economy will recover faster than the doomers think it will.

It's a crisis and we will feel the pain, just not some end of the world omg the world banks are crashing riots in the street resources are running thin death everywhere tier pain.

>> No.11556136
File: 15 KB, 343x338, 1566995651324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is mister metokur right about the coronavirus or is he just a fearmonger?

He makes all these claims like it will kill millions, it stays with you forever, the death rate is higher than they say, it fuck up your organs, and more.

I can't tell if it's some kind of irony or what but he insists coronavirus and it's consequences will all be worse case scenario shit even if there's evidence to prove otherwise

>> No.11556144

My breathing is fine but i have green phlegm. Should i be worried?

>> No.11556188


lol are those even p100 flters

>> No.11556238

a few, no more than a bad flu year though

>> No.11556274

treatment fucking WHEN

>> No.11556374

Literally every science literate person I know is freaking out about it. Why the disparity in views?

>> No.11556383

Midwit detected

>> No.11556390

Because Trump told them so, and he cannot be wrong!

>> No.11556748

>get a runny nose and slightly dry/phlegmy throat
>1 week later my nose starts burning and later that day I get a headache like no other (that nsaids couldn't eliminate) for a few days and chills for one night (but no fever)
>lose my sense of smell and just feel tired
>get itchy eyes and feel like I have to burp constantly
>resting heart rate is up 20%
>feel chest tightness (like a small cat sitting on your chest) but personally I think it was stress/anxiety related because there'd be heart palpitations while it felt tight and I'd feel like I had to breathe manually

A few weeks later and all my symptoms are gone and my sense of smell has started to return. I assume that it was just a cold turned sinus infection along with a panic attack but the losing my sense of smell left me spooked. What are the odds it was Covid-19? I never had a cough or fever and idk if the chest tightness was stressed induced.

>> No.11557019

Because a virus outbreak of this size is new to everybody that's alive now (including shutting down everything) people (mostly people who don't inform themselves beyond MSM headlines) think it's some kind of alien virus that is totally different than any other virus, while there's no evidence it's that bad.
Yes, it's a bad situation. I'm also scared, but normally I'm also anxious of getting the flu, or worse diseases.
This is not the flu, but on a scale from flu to ebola, it's more in the flu region than the latter.

>> No.11557036

>there's no evidence it's that bad.
Being ignorant won't protect you.

>> No.11557047

Because they closed everything down nitwit, and we arent even done with it. Literally single digit IQ. "Look, nothing happened!"

>> No.11557054

That's not how CRF works. Recovery takes multiple weeks while death on average takes 8 days. You either look at a fully/mostly recovered country like South Korea or you look compared to total infections.

>> No.11557056

The majority of virus and bacteria live on surfaces for multiple days.

>> No.11557064

We gained 1 million cases these past 2 weeks, 500k in the prior two weeks. That's 90% of all cases within a month.

Faggots like you constantly move your goal posts.

It's literally never enough because you'll respond with "oh, but you predicted it would be 10 million this week but its only 5 million, gotcha!"

There's a reason the quarantines and shutdowns and distancing things exist, because they work you fucking brainlet.

>> No.11557080

sounds like it could have been covid, just that you got mild symptoms
lucky you, anon

>> No.11557091

Saw this today. Pretty scary.


>This photo was taken at 9am on March 13th when my wife took me to our local hospital ER due to chest pains, fever, and pre-stroke blood pressure levels. I spent an hour listening to a (highly condescending) Doctor refuse to test me because I “did not fit testing criteria” and tell me why it was impossible that I had contracted the virus due to its extreme rarity and that it was not in western Europe yet during that same period (which we now know is incorrect) even though I was told by two nurses that I was the first person their hospital had walk in requesting to be tested.

>Almost one month later on April 6th my wife and I were both tested after finally finding a free drive-thru testing facility outside a National Guard depot. Yesterday on Friday April 10th, after almost one month without any symptoms, I received a call from the Nashville CDC stating that my test resulted in a positive detection for Covid-19. My wife (who has been by my side since Europe) tested negative.

>All I know is I first felt symptoms a month ago yet I'm still positive and contagious and now on quarantine in the dojo until April 19th and really wishing Id taken my wife’s advice and put a bathroom in the floor plans..live and learn.

>> No.11557095

Because most people are science illiterate. Anyone with half a brain realises how serious this is.
"It's just a bad flu season" yeah, with literally the entire world shut down. How do people think it would look if life carried on as normal? It would be an insane disaster.
The scary thing is there's no end in sight. As soon as restrictions get relaxed the number of cases and deaths will start to rise again until a) we have a vaccine and vaccinate billions of people which will take years or b) about 70% of the population gets infected and we develop some herd immunity but people are starting to get reinfected and we don't know enough about the virus to know if this is viable.

>> No.11557102
File: 8 KB, 600x308, 1918_spanish_flu_waves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will people like you wake the fuck up? When it's 5 million? 10 million? 100 million? 1 billion? The first phase of this fight will be over when the number of new cases stops rising which is still some time away. The second phases will be slowly reopening and fighting the new out breaks. The third phases will be stamping out the little new outbreaks when the virus is almost gone. This will take years.
And god help us if we're just in the first wave and this thing mutates to become more deadly. If this goes Spanish flu we're fucked. We might just be at the red X.

>> No.11557285

t. propaganda artists

>> No.11557297

>"It's just a bad flu season"
A lot of people seem to think that since they're young, they're immune to the virus.

It's true that people in the 20 to 44 age bracket have a roughly 0.2% CFR, per current stats. Young people are very unlikely to die. But, of the diagnosed cases in that 20 to 44 age bracket... 5 to 14% of them end up hospitalized, depending on the country and study you're reading.

When was the last time you knew someone in that age bracket who got hospitalized over the flu? Sure, you'll probably live, the odds are in fact with you... but do you actually want to go through that?

>> No.11557322

t. samefig propaganda artist

>> No.11557324

Who the fuck cares? Even with millions of deaths it's still a drop in the pond.
The world is suffering from mass hysteria and can't think logically about this.
People fucking die for all different reasons, all those young people dieing can end up mangled in a car accident too
Controlling contagiousness is simple with basic hygiene practices, making some retards suck up their pride and wear a mask isn't hard.
You can't have a world without risk, if you want ultimate safety never leave your house.

>> No.11557373

>You can't have a world without risk, if you want ultimate safety never leave your house.
ironic given the situation. I laughed.

>> No.11557956

not that many
maybe 60k max in the US is considered the worst case now, it was higher but we got a pretty good handle on it in a short amount of time. Italy and Spain are going to worse since they have shitty healthcare systems and aren't enforcing their lockdowns

>> No.11557990

Yes it is. You know, public schools.

>> No.11558011

Change The City for Freemasonry for best understanding of most anons

>> No.11558032

Most probably they are infected whitout knowing. If they not wear masks are propagating the virus.

>> No.11558048


>> No.11558052

I have cold and constant lung pain when breathing. I visited the beach a month ago and have traveled by plane.
No fever though. Chances of me having covid?

>> No.11558077


>> No.11558238
File: 2.09 MB, 1296x1728, BJ-ATHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quarantine is to "dosificate" infections and to avoid people without symptons infect others. It's a flu guys ALL THE WORLD IS GOING TO HAVE IT now or latter. Is just we don't can have the 4% of the world in hospitals at the same time, 96% of the world don't are going to note shit but they are going to have the virus at some point. Betwen 10% or 20% of hospitalized people is going to die because Corona (.40% - .80% of the world are going to die, we don't can get all deaths at the same time because non Corona related infections by poor disposal of corps).
If we don't saturate hospitals people who require it are going to have a better chance to survive.

>> No.11558312

This is why no country is wasting resources in massive corona tests

>> No.11558340

live =/= infect

>> No.11558352
File: 83 KB, 696x522, Trump Wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is muh wall?

>> No.11558382

I Name Paul Hellyer
>Hurr Durr von Daniken
>beyond the grave

>> No.11558402
File: 689 KB, 1600x1178, Moebius Star Wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Hellyer
>von Daniken
Mauro Biglino
>Hold my beer

>> No.11559068

>This will take years.
This will take *A *year. The vaccine will negate the need for phase 3.