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11532768 No.11532768 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> at 13 study special relativity, talk about it with physics teacher
> at 16 programming games in C with graphics
> at 19 they call me autodidact after passing all high school exams despite not attending classes 80% of the time
> at 20, car crash
> general anesthesia they put me down
> slit up my stomach just to check for damage

> at 28 now.
realized, have not learned a single new thing or aquired a single new skill since that anesthesia was performed on me without my consent.
reading a book is like, yeah I get it I can write down a summary
yet this new knowledge is compartmentalized knowledge.
before anestheisa I could integrate various fields
now everything I do is just... not the same level of intelligence.

does anyone have any studies on IQ and anesthesia?

>> No.11532773

>Car crash

>> No.11532788

might be cause you hit ya fuckin head in a car crash

>> No.11532795

well it was ice on the road but covered by snow
my rear axle lost traction and car slid over to other side
to frontal crash with oncoming car, mine was going 80km/h the other guy went more than that
broken nose arm kneecap and they opened my stomach to check if anything was bursted since I had pain in the stomach on one side but it was nothing just pain from the seatbelt

>> No.11532806

I fucking love coffee.

>> No.11532824

Correlation doesn't equal causation. The cause could easily be environmental: Have you changed locations, somewhere with a different water treatment plant? Have they constructed any radio/cell towers nearby? Did you make any enemies in the car crash, who might (rightly or wrongly) have sought revenge against you?

>> No.11532879
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There’s more and more data that exposure of the developing mind (babies, kids <5yo) to anesthesia has detrimental neurocognitive effects. Some kids require a ton of surgery for various conditions so it’s hard to tease out if they were predisposed to being low IQ anyway due to their condition or if the anesthesia and surgery had some effect. However there’s reasonable data to suggest that many otherwise healthy kids can develop behavioral problems after exposure to general anesthesia (ADHD has best evidence, albeit weak).

In adults it’s well known that going on the cardiopulmonary bypass machine for cardiac surgery definitely causes extremely subtle cognitive deficits which can be permanent.

But otherwise healthy 20 year old for an ex lap? Likely there’s no residual effect from anesthesia and surgery and you have something else going on

>t. anesthesiologist

>> No.11532882

Try aging and IQ
I'm 52 and not as nearly as smart as I was when I was younger
I now know more shit, and have better developed strategies and tactics, but I am less intelligent
Feels good though

>> No.11532967

None to all questions
It even took me these 5 years to realize
I can't learn a new field anymore, for example I went into electrochemistry a while back. Remember nothing of it now. Nothing. But I remember the basics of any field I learned before anesthesia

Everything I know I learned until that car crash anesthesia fml

>> No.11532990
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What could be the something else going on? Marijuhanna? I tried it last year, just vomited
Brain concussion, nah.

>> No.11533168

You got into foot porn maybe thats why?

>> No.11533185
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Not it, foot porn was always there.

>> No.11533932
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>Correlation doesn't equal causation
If I see this stupid fucking phrase one more time I'm gonna bust a nut. Everybody knows correlation isn't causation, that's why they ask questions

>> No.11533947
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100% this

>> No.11533969

Car crash, head trauma. Blame the anesthesiologist

>> No.11534261

how often do you consume alcohol, anon? I gave up alcohol a while ago and started thinking better again. I lived alone and drank 1-2 beers/day, but after giving it up things changed.

>> No.11534283

>Everybody knows correlation isn't causation, that's why they ask questions

>>Correlation doesn't equal causation

Mmm bust that nut.

>> No.11534370

Never I only drink coffee
Though I did get drunk around 21 at the college dorm
About the same time lost virginity and began fucking thots

The anesthesia iq must be researched more

>> No.11534377

Your typing pattern is strange, and the fact that I'm picking up on one makes me think you have brain damage.

>> No.11534408


>About the same time lost virginity and began fucking thots
Maybe that's why.

>> No.11534409

>i have a conclusion
>can you guys give me evidence?

>> No.11534429

You're obviously spending too much brain capacity on insignificant details and that's why you seem dumber. Like, anesthesia, fucking really? That must be it, bro! That's must be the key to all your fucking problems! Idiot.

>> No.11534909

My iq is now well below 140 it was at 19, last time I tested got 119. That's basically "my team is better than your team because they use xy formation, look a ball"

Someone else must take this last hint of intelligence and research anesthesia and iq
Maybe we can then increase iq with drugs

Just let people do iq test a few days before anesthesis
Then have them redo the exact test a month later

>> No.11534951

Another victim of the IQ meme

>> No.11535004

same, loved physics and astronomy and was one of the best at math in my grade as a kid. Got a bad concussion and just lost myself as a teen. Could barely do math anymore but now at 20 it seems to be coming back for some reason. I didn't feel conscious for like 4 years.

>> No.11535125

Did they put you under drugs?

>> No.11535263

>Likely there’s no residual effect from anesthesia and surgery and you have something else going on
But cognitive ability can be reduced for many months. It should come back, but there are significant neurological effects; this can be shown in the MRT. If somebody is very good at something effects will be noticeable to him for relatively long time.

>> No.11535783

ITT: Regretful failures look back on their past for excuses

>> No.11536310

>muh IQ
Didn't even read the rest of your gay post

>> No.11537937

Yeah... because car crashes NEVER cause brain damage.

>> No.11538218

brain damage cant cause loss of intelligence

>> No.11538279

absolutely based song, Cliff was an amazing bass player

>> No.11538309

It can cause savant syndrome all the way to not being able to talk

>> No.11538360

fuck off OP

i abused drugs heavily starting from 14 all the way up to 17 years old, including amphetamine, psychedelics, ketamine etc
and I feel like I've never felt sharper now at 19 years old, I'm in a top 10 medical school
stop looking for excuses, it might've been damage from the car crash which is something else but definitely not anesthesia, especially since you were 20 and your brain had developed for the most part

>> No.11538378

or perhaps it's because you've mentally castrated yourself with childish obsessions like muh IQ

>> No.11538430
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>at 19 they call me autodidact after passing all high school.
pause... you didn't finish high school before 18?? LMAO brah git gud.

>> No.11538443
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> at 13 study special relativity, talk about it with physics teacher

Sure when you were 13 you ofcourse had enough mathematical fortitude to do tensor calculus

> at 16 programming games in C with graphics
So you used some nigger's libary. Big fucking woop.

>> No.11538550

I seem to be the opposite. I'm 28 and I'd say that I've gained at least 10 IQ in the past 5 years. Every aspect of my logic has improved and I'm not talking about strategies or well-folded thoughts. In fact what I've noticed is that the quality of my dreams has improved as well, the NPCs became witty and intelligent, the environment became dominantly sci-fi with an amazing detail and the plot became interesting enough to make me love dreaming again. I'm having an amazing dream every other day which I believe is all thanks to this dream simulation mechanism improving, i.e I'm more intelligent.

However it's worth to note that my social abilities have deteriorated drastically and I turned from the sociable class clown in my teens to the standard autist who stutters once in a while and cannot utter anything funny. Also the schedule of my day has basically consisted of mental grunt work, followed by arguing and typing out pseudo-intellectual garbage on several boards, to watching documentaries or playing strategy games, for these last 5 years so that may have helped as well. Your brain may stop developing but the neuroplasticity is still there.

>> No.11539062


>> No.11539084

You're brain damaged sorry.

>Didn't attend class 80% of the time

People who achieve things at an adult level put tons of time, learning and hard work into their discoveries. You let your ego get in the way and are now suffering for it.

>> No.11539091

You had abdominal surgery? I noticed after mine it's harder to concentrate. I think my muscles didn't heal very well and my body is under too much mechanical stress from not enough ab strength. I also have headaches and neck tightness that only started a month after my surgery when I was still weak.

I've never heard any mention of something like this though.

>> No.11539102

>still in high school at 19
lol get a load of this retard

>> No.11539106

Taleb is a dumb Arab faggot and so are you

>> No.11539115

I'd say the more likely explanation for your experience is that life gets harder as you get older. High school is harder than elementary school, and university is harder than high school. So yeah it's easy to be among the smart ones when you're younger than 20, but afterwards everything gets more selective.
Maybe you wish for an external factor not under your control to be responsible for your experience because it is painful to accept the intrinsic factors such as lack of discipline or self-confidence that are holding oneself back.

>> No.11539192

There's so much to mock here that it doesn't even feel worth the effort

>> No.11539216

>at 13 study special relativity, talk about it with physics teacher
Special relativity is fucking trivial lol.

>> No.11539242

>finishing highschool at 19
i think you are just "special" so your physics teacher tried to pay some extra attention to you

>> No.11539369

Seems like a cope to me

>> No.11539380
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>> No.11539692

I mean being 28 year old by itself is enough to pickle your brain quite a lot. Not to mention the car crash.

I'm not saying anesthesia didn't play a role though, it probably did as well.

>> No.11539959


>> No.11539980

Aww baby’s first midlife crisis.

>> No.11540146

>arguing and typing out pseudo-intellectual garbage on several boards
I know you