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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11520777 No.11520777 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11520784

because *coof* the *coof* ahhhhhhh *coof* help me

>> No.11520790

did the astronauts leave poop on the moon? serious question

>> No.11520828

look like fake coughs to me

I don't know dude but I did hear about this one woman who is trying to protect the apollo site as a heritage location which makes sense because once human activity returns on the moon it'll be on a much larger scale and one or two hundred years later it could be prime real estate

>> No.11520846

You will see

>> No.11520852 [DELETED] 

Nogs need their welfare and for some retarded reason 1st worlders give 3rd worlders aid because they're too incompetent to look after themselves

>> No.11521333

Science wasn't even the true purpose of the Apollo program though.

>> No.11521413

I'm yet to see Neil Tyson actually do math.

>> No.11521418

2 + 2 = COOF

>> No.11521440

>when the diversity hits

>> No.11521460

There's bags of urine and feces on the moon, yes.

>> No.11521470

>Nogs need their welfare
the 1% is raping the country

>> No.11521695

>jewish power over every institution increase
>nation becomes more diverse
what did you expect?

>the 1% is raping the country
who are the 1%? And who creates their social environment? Everyone who is a techie in Silicone Valley belongs to the 1%, they are very progressive on social issues, yet zionism promoted by all of their companies. Why is this the case?

>> No.11521708

To be honest, he probably forgot a lot of it, since he doesn't need it to be a celebrity scientist. He could probably easily relearn most of it though.

>> No.11522289

Here's Neil explaining to Rogan how there are more transcendental numbers than irrational numbers

>> No.11522298

ahh fuck

>> No.11524131

is he aware of how many people make fun of him for these comments?

>> No.11524163
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>> No.11524178
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Intelligence of the population peaked with those born in 1972. Until then many factors such as improved nutrition, prenatal care, and a high social value placed on intelligence kept the median intelligence of newborns going up. Something happened in the early 70s to reverse this trend and the median intelligence of each year's population has decreased every year since. This is for the United States but I wouldn't be surprised if similar peaks happened throughout the west over the following decade or two depending on local conditions and legal policies.

>> No.11524191
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There was publishing war in the 80s for general interest science magazines. In addition to the long published Popular Science and Scientific American, Discover Magazine, Omni, and Science '80 appeared on the scene, while Science News and Science Digest expanded coverage to appeal to a wider audience. The public loved science and not in the Rick and Morty "gimme cool gadgets" kind of way.
Now? Well, cape movies, nuTrek, and SJW Wars are the height of popular culture and we have the self proclaimed "Science Guy" doing shows about there being dozens of genders.

>> No.11524244
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>> No.11524268


>> No.11524427

This is the biggest question!!!! I now like that black guy. I left science, seeing the system is beholden to beaurocrats and filled with de rust type frauds just having "career"

>> No.11524450

Do u have even a single fact to back that up?

>> No.11524506

Is he waking up?

>> No.11524511

fake graph

>> No.11524527

Space travel was a priority in the 60s because it was linked to nuclear weapons. Humans will not go to the Moon unless there is a military reason, or until civilian technology catches up and becomes "cheap" enough for independent factions to explore space, governments don't care about exploration unless they are convinced their survival depends on it.

>> No.11524531


>> No.11524559
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>> No.11524919

Math is overrated. Look at Faraday vs Maxwell. Our culture idealizes Maxwellian types, whereas the genius and actual ideas lay with Faraday. Math is explanatory, no more. People get confused about this in a world full of computation. Einstein's wife was far better at math than him, yet he was capable of a modest amount of creative, earnest thinking. It's why no one with actual autism has made a real contribution.

>> No.11524929

Wait, so you are saying that people presently in their late 40s are the peak of intelligence? Lol. Fuck man.

>> No.11524931

Who is the science guy? Bill Nye?

>> No.11524935

Space exploration is inherently white. Notice how even now the only people really making a difference in space exploration are white men.

Across the board white men excel in space travel.

Kind of hard to focus on space travel though when anybody with enough money to do so is a corrupt degenerate or a member of a cult. Not to mention the popularization of anti-white rhetoric. Race/class war really slow shit down.

>> No.11524944


>> No.11525482

>So there's aleph 1, aleph 2, aleph 3, aleph 4, I think there are 5 levels of infinity

>> No.11525494

>Why are we getting worse at science?

Because all the nerds are either fapping to porn or playing video games. Things that were practically impossible 50 years ago.

We live in a society based on distraction and entertainment. Well, people distract and entertain themselves.

>> No.11525495

Yeah, I didn't really respect the grass man before this, but after this holy shit he shouldn't talk about things outside his field.

>> No.11525508

All the autists who would've been doing autistic shit like deriving new mathematical theorems in the past are now being turned into autistic tranny boysluts whose only purpose in life is getting fucked by BBC.

>> No.11525538

Because unfortunately stupid people reproduce much faster than smart people.

>> No.11525539

>the results show that higher videogame usage correlates with lower GPA

>> No.11525540

we’re focusing on more important things like finding the palest white women to be destroyed by the blackest BBC. who cares about space when you have black men and white women.

>> No.11525580

>>the results show that higher videogame usage correlates with lower GPA

no shit?
Turns out you have less time to study when you play games 8 hours a day.

>> No.11525586

>what is India
>what is China
>what is Japan

>> No.11525587

Yes, as a group they are the peak of our culture's intelligence. It's all downhill from here.
Correct, though he's not correct about much.
Note that in recent years most of the "firsts" in space exploration have been first minority to do something whites did decades ago but has been so reduced down into routine that a cadaver could have accomplished the same thing. Space is now just another virtue signaling platform, doing the same old tasks over and over again with an endless parade of magic minorities showing that they too can do that which was once amazing but now is mundane.

>> No.11525590

>Things that were practically impossible 50 years ago.
OTOH, things that are practically impossible now for those nerds but routine 50 years ago were getting into a stable marriage and raising a family. Now the legal system is set up to destroy families and impoverish men.

>> No.11525597

the only thing important left to do in space is film a BLACKED scene. other than that, space is for losers.

>> No.11525600

People were conditioned by mass media and climate doomsayers to expect dystopian instead of utopian future, because it sells more and generates more attention (thats not to say climate change is not an issue, but its often overblown).

>> No.11525608
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>> No.11525611
File: 135 KB, 500x547, left-exit-12-the-final-frontier-of-space-babysitting-people-30454984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11525615


And this is why you get those "we should fix our planet before we go to space" shortsighted reddit-tier idiots.

>> No.11525635

Well for starters, the objective of the Moon landing was not to create a space-faring nation but to simply touch and go, the rest of the Apollo missions where basically leftovers of the infrastructure and budget until people started to turn around public spending in the 80s and NASA had to answer with the space shuttle which was a fiasco. So one way to see it is that you asked the fat kid in class to compete against the slightly less fat but autistic kid to see who could reach the tip of a tree first, and yeah they made it once but they are ill-prepared to do it regularly since they never actually prepared for the task they just wanted to be first and forget it.

In the end, you have to ask yourself if this is what people really want. Not only comes as a consequence of public pressure to balance budgets and promises of reusability and private investment but also from one simple fact: People do not care that much about space, transcendence or science, yeah it's nice to say it but to say that people care about space would require actual proof.

Like imagine if you cut public transportation, you would have protests, unions and a media backslash, but NASA has been making miracles for decades and the only thing it has received has been promises and no public outrage, and from the point of view of people, have you seen any actual investment? Like people abandoning their jobs and laser-focussing into STEM and investing a huge part of their money into space projects, nope, the focuss at the start of the century has been feminism, climate change and such and the only surge we ever had was with spaceX which can be considered a huge NASA PR stunt to try and captivate the population again with the spirit of the 60s, which taking into account how it only has resulted in more investment from the private sector but not that much from the public we can say that it has failed.

Because we do not care, we just want to buy our space tickets

>> No.11525782

That's stupid.
If it was compulsory, we could send back a human or to to the surface of the moon.
But that would use dangerous old techs.
We are creating right now better suits and space ship to go back to the moon. Humanity may go back as close as 2022 (maybe not the NASA tho).
Furthermore, compare Coronavirus to other pandemic, we are not solving the problem in two weeks, granted. But we are way better than previous infections because of our knowledge.
People may become dumb and dumber, but science is still going.

>> No.11525921

>jewish power
Okay so I get it, jewish people like to pull tricks with the power they get. There's lots of nepotism, lots of pulling strings, lots of corruption, that's plainly evident.
What is also plainly evident, though, is that the people with power who are abusing it in the ways you would typically ascribe to jews are not all jewish. In fact, the vast majority of the people pulling those strings are not jewish. That's not to say jews aren't overrepresented, of course they are. They're a highly insular ethnic and religious group with apparently above average intelligence. There is clearly something to examine in that.
My point, however, is this; if most of the people peddling the "jewish tricks" aren't jews, then by constantly yelling about specifically jewish tricks while ignoring the larger problem of people with lots of money and power abusing it, by doing that you are doing a disservice to yourself.

You are like the negro, upset at the state in which you live, holding a 'black lives matter' sign and shouting that all cops are pigs, that the police must be the source of all the problems in the world and in your community. Maybe there is injustice, maybe what your community truly needs is police accountability, and to weed out those who might abuse their authority. But sadly your movement is self-defeating. Whining about racist cops isn't going to lead to any meaningful change, it's just going to make you look like a would-be criminal. "Stop shooting black people" isn't an actionable policy stance for the legislature.

You are perfectly able to tackle the real problem, but you continue to whine about a consequence of it instead.
Killing all of the jews wouldn't solve the problem of corrupt politicians and businessmen, it wouldn't safeguard against people further abusing their positions of money and power. All it would do is shuffle the look of the little symbol you put next to their names on the infographic.
Because power corrupts, jewish or not.

>> No.11526035

she does not look hungry

>> No.11526075

>NASA budget: ~21 billion a year
>spending on pets: ~75 billion a year
It's those people and da JOOS

>> No.11526089

"We" aren't. After Apollo, the US public and US government had no desire to keep prioritizing NASA as they had before.
It was never about space or science.
A moon-capable LV is more application than theory anyway.

>> No.11526171

I doubt it, they probably used the toilet on their spacecraft.

They take care not to contaminate Mars with micro-organisms from Earth and I'm guessing it's the same with the Moon. And human faeces would be full of micro-organisms.

>> No.11526302

Space is a waste of money.

>> No.11526467

And you a waste of air

>> No.11526471

Because putting someone on the moon to do jack shit just makes it a retarded flex.

>> No.11526559

I don't think NdT realises how cringey and out of date with modern netizens he is. He should be chaotically shitposting and baiting conspiracy tards before BTFOing them, all while posting pictures of actual shit as analogy to their brains. Then we could all support him

>> No.11526562

This image has been BTFO so many times on this board I'm surprised it still gets posted at all. No doubt you're also this poster >>11524244 who also has an agenda to spread?

>> No.11526587

The problem with most "help the children" social programs is that the resources are given to untrustworthy parents to give to the child. Obviously mammy was taking a rather generous cut of the pie.

>> No.11526625

Yes they left bunch of waste bags and other stuff there

We can put a man to the moon, what we can't do is find money to do it. Can blame jews for that.

>> No.11526743

Those two cents worth of calories your mom would've gotten by swallowing you would have been more worthwhile than your existence.

>> No.11526864

i think they used diapers

>> No.11527156

Curious, but we all know there’s more to intelligence than iq. Especially when you make a cultural claim like this.

>> No.11527172

Overspecialization and statism preventing scientific progress.

>> No.11527447

Because Nazis from operation paperclip retired

>> No.11527576
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I don't think it's only about prioritisation and money. Sounds like a pathetic cop-out of an explanation.
This is not exactly about going to the moon but the entirety of development happening in all fields.
I've seen engineers and programmers on the internet pat each other on the back for not studying more after work, software is degrading. There's many lazy people writing error messages as "something went wrong, click ok" and thinking he or she is working 'smart'.
Look at what websites are becoming, these large single scroll sites with like one button on every page. Its retarded and more tools get taken away as software gets more bloated.
I've seen two middle aged guys related to my family degrade completely, one's a doctor and another a surgeon, going home after work and not doing anything. One plays video games from the moment he comes home while his wife watches netflix. The other is incredibly depressed, smokes cigars while his 6 year old daughter watches minecraft and creepypasta videos on her ipad alone in her room throughout the day.
I saw a youtube video of some guy having finishes an undergraduate degree and never learning git, he did not even know what it was. It was obviously in America which from an outside perspective practically seems like a third world country now, but like how do you manage that surrounded by people learning the same field and with endless resources on the internet.
We live in a privileged time, a fairly peaceful time where technology just simply gets better and works but civilisations throughout history have forgotten how to do things and technology has entropy.
It's how public education has degraded too. I remember in first grade when I was 6 we learned arithmetic, writing and using simple computers. The things we used to learn weren't colourful with funny pictures or made to be fun but that started to happen as I got older up until 10th grade. There's garbage doodles everywhere and shit is taught as trivia and facts.

>> No.11527590

Yeah, we really needed those Nazi. The space program has been shit since they died

>> No.11527624

This was just really some nonsensical rant that didn't really get deeper into the matter as I hit the 2000 limit. But want to comment on this.
>pat each other on the back for not studying more after work
I mean why should they today. There's no feeling that nobody is working towards anything good anymore, just making some guy richer. I can't imagine how many stupid Karen-tier people the doctor has to deal with daily either or what the surgeon has to fucking do at times.
You want to learn how many of my friends (all born before 97) read? (garbage doesn't count). 1, largely because I managed to get him into it, and easily one of the smartest stem types I've known.
It's not even just science that's going down, lets see where philosophy is. Still arguing about Hegel and dividing the entire field between analytical and continental categories like a bunch of retards. Holy fucking shit. Shut up. There's a few urbanomic-tier stuff that's interesting but so much of it is just "look I am being random, look at all my crappy neologisms that will never be used again".
The math I got in secondary education was sub-par, just some person writing what's already in our books on the white board.
People are now controlled by algorithms so they watch more pornography or read another tweet or whatever. It's fucked.
I'm not really saying much, just being fairly bitter and should stop it. This rant sucks.
I just don't feel like anyone is alive anymore, me included.

>> No.11527750
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Just about ALL the worlds population growth for the next 80 years will be in Africa.
If you are an environmentalist and really care about global climate change then you MUST do everything you can to stop the African Population Bomb.

>> No.11527763

What is wrong about the first picture? It's my first time here.

>> No.11527767

>cultural claim
Expand on this.

>> No.11528206

Every time this image is posted one poster says "this image is debunked" and refuses to discuss any further.

>> No.11528226
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Because the oligarchs care more about 'diversity' of appearance than diversity of thought.

>> No.11528266

pretty sure we could get to the moon if it was a life or death situation like we were held a gunpoint by the deathstar or something and dared to go there
but otherwise the technology we used to get there is too unsafe to be justifiable now

>> No.11528438

Culture is a catchall excuse leftists use when confronted by facts they don't like and can't refute.

>> No.11528451


>> No.11528466

i doubt he thinks about that at all while he's balls deep in 14 year old pussy on his mattress of cash in his mansion

>> No.11528503


>> No.11528627

Once you learn what all these words mean you realize that this image is intentionally misleading and terrible. It was clearly written by a child. Please learn some science before trying to inject your political agenda here.

>> No.11528676
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>> No.11528682
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iktf bro

>> No.11528691

>Because we are not flying people up to run around on a rock we are getting bad at science

It's not like science is far beyond what they were capable of back then.

>> No.11528700

Well you're saying that our society is less intelligent as whole and that factors like diet and social value on intelligence are causing this. Could you elaborate on the factors that you think are causing this?

>> No.11528867

It isn't an issue with knowledge. It's an issue of hardware...

If you don't built rockets which can go to the moon, you can't go to the moon...

>> No.11528945

>TL;DR typical NAXALT non-arguments.

>> No.11529022


>> No.11529085

Maybe this is because of how comfortable our lfe became. If you live in 1st world country you don't need to do a thing except your job, and culture of consume only encourage that.

>> No.11529101
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>> No.11529108

because money is given to critical theory bullshit

>> No.11529406
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yeah. Just got a bit too bitter about the situation. Can only simply diagnose the situation, learn to exist within it and do your best to overcome it.

>> No.11529411
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>> No.11529922

The reasons for the decline are not relevant to the fact that the decline exists. If you want to reverse the decline, then yes, the reasons matter. If you want to show the decline exists, the reasons don't matter. You can't show the decline doesn't exist because you do or do not understand or like the reason for the decline. It exists regardless of your feelings about it.

>> No.11529951

Ok, there's an iq decrease. What factors do you think are causing this?

>> No.11529986

>My point, however, is this; if most of the people peddling the "jewish tricks" aren't jews, then by constantly yelling about specifically jewish tricks while ignoring the larger problem of people with lots of money and power abusing it, by doing that you are doing a disservice to yourself.
you are not paying attention, besides Jeff Bezos, name some of these people. In the case of the Corona pandemic, one of the reason Trump was so slow to respond and downplaying it was to delay the response until the ground work could be laid for a company owned by the Kushner to get several government contracts in combating the Corona virus. This gets no coverage in the mainstream media because the Kushner family is jewish

>Killing all of the jews wouldn't solve the problem of corrupt politicians and businessmen, it wouldn't safeguard against people further abusing their positions of money and power. All it would do is shuffle the look of the little symbol you put next to their names on the infographic.
Yes it would, it would solve the problem of dialectical control. Either side of any issues must go through a jewish filter. On the right there are the neocons (and their new iterations such as the dark enlightenment etc.) and one the left the overall progressive movement

>> No.11530048

The three of them ain't shit compared to what the USA and the USSR have done. Not to mention the German engineers involved in project paperclip.

Only reason space race isn't going on now is because
>>11524527 this and also because it's us against the world racially.