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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11527314 No.11527314 [Reply] [Original]

1. Book of Proof
2. Essential Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science by Harry Lewis and Rachel Zax
3. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Rosen
4. A walk through Combinatorics by Bona
5. Mathematics for Computer Science by Lehman
6. Introduction to Enumeration and Analytic Combinatorics.

Will reading these 6 books in that order make me not a brainlet?

>> No.11527519

skip 1, 2, and 5

>> No.11527738

why do we need to have this thread all the time? seriously, search warosu for any textbook there and there are like monthly posts to look back on, many of them authored by better anons than are present here now

>> No.11527773

you should just read 6 if you know proofs. If you don't know proofs read the first two-three chapters of 1 and then go to 6. You don't need to read all of book of proof. It is disgustingly dry material.

>> No.11527822


You need to dominate geometry and algebra at IMO level and after that everything it's easy, you decide what to do.

>> No.11528288

I’m a dumb CS student and Rosen’s discrete textbook has been a valuable resource

>> No.11528336

read them and find out idiot.

>> No.11528379

>will books for brainlets make me less of a brainlet
why don’t you try it and find out?

>> No.11528446

>asking if the path you are going down will be productive is bad

>> No.11528470

Will studying category theory make me smarter. Also is it important if I want a career in something other than webshit? If yes, then please recommend some textbooks.

t. Sophomore CS student

>> No.11528501

I chose Bona as textbook for a course once, and got majorly disappointed. Full of mistakes. Like "if and only if" theorems where the proof of the nontrivial direction was missing. It was an early edition, so maybe improved.

>> No.11528694
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>Will reading these 6 books in that order make me not a brainlet?
No, try this instead.

>> No.11528725

doing anything is certainly better than what you're doing right now, which is nothing

>> No.11529585

OP, are you interested in learning more theoretical CS and mathematics? Are you interested in just CS or math? Or are you just concerned with not being seen as a brainlet by your peers?

>> No.11529608

I suspect 0% of the faggots in here haven't read the title of any of those let alone read them.
Including (you).

>> No.11529631

well duh, it's supposed to be a meme

>> No.11529664

>well duh, it's supposed to be a meme
What do you mean? It's a curriculum designed by a mathematician who studied at Harvard.

>> No.11529761

source? It's clearly a meme

>> No.11529809
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Rude tbqh.
Verbitsky didn't study at Harvard.
Use google translate or whatever.

>> No.11529827

>Verbitsky didn't study at Harvard.
"Alma mater Harvard University"
"While studying Mathematics at Harvard University in the early 90s"
"After graduating from Harvard with a PhD"

>> No.11529924

Huh, looks like I'm rapidly going blind.

>> No.11529975


I'm going to contribute only because I am in my final semester of Computer Science with a minor in mathematics.

Each person absorbs information differently. Some people can read and understand relatively easily. Others require examples or practice.

I personally prefer to have learn by making mistakes and having an expert available to ask questions. Books don't talk back, so it can be very hard to learn a concept fully with it alone.

With all that said, a lot of these types of books are padded with fluff, meaning, there are only segments that are most important.

I wouldn't spend so much time on the mathematics because much of computer science is learning new programming languages and software engineering concepts. Here is my 2 cents regarding each book...

1. Proofing is worthless for most computer scientists unless you plan to do phd work. Only need to know the basics of proofing, but will not likely use it later.

2. Discrete Mathematics can be very helpful if you plan to write languages or compilers. Otherwise, not terribly used later until post-grad.

3. Again, discrete mathematics have a lot of applications, it would be a waste of time in my opinion to learn all of them. Don't be a jack of all trades.

4. Combinatorics (or combinatorial algorithms) is VERY important for computer scientists. You will likely get hit with a lot of topics, but understand basic concepts and then only actually work on a handful of popular ones (like dijkstra's or A-star) in popular languages. This will help in interviews.

5. Mathematics for computer science is a niche. Most programmers or code monkeys will never touch anything beyond algebra or pre-calc. If you have a specific goal in mind, such as data analysis or algorithms, this is a bit of a fluff.

6. Enumeration and Analytic Combinatorics I have no knowledge of specifically, so I can't comment.