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11526688 No.11526688 [Reply] [Original]

The Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, which was invented in 1920, may be useful in fighting corona virus. They haven't officially announced this yet, but they're going to in the next few days. There's hope lads

>> No.11526726

Medicine from 1920 sure sounds safe

>> No.11526732

It's still used today world wide.

They're finding countries that have mandatory vaccinations for TB have much fewer cases, while countries that don't (such as Italy and the US) have exponentially growing number of cases. This is why places like Africa aren't having massive outbreaks while places like the US are.

>> No.11526750

lots of things seem to be helpful against many of the symptoms, yet no one seems to give a shit. here it says antioxidants and even some chinese herbs can be helpful against cytokine storms:

and this wiki article mentions probiotics:

>> No.11526758

They're going to announce it in a few days, but if you're skeptical and want to see the correlation yourself, compare countries with mandatory vaccination
seen here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BCG_vaccine#Usage
with number of infected
seen here https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
and see for yourself. The correlation is pretty clear even if you just glancing at this.

Just 2 days ago they started phase 3 trials in Australia and Netherlands. Keep fingers crossed and keep eyes open for news about this coming out soon.

>> No.11526759

>chinese herbs
You mean the organic compounds found in them? :)

>> No.11526768

In case anyone is interested in the trials.


>> No.11526839

also, does anyone have a more comprehensive list of countries with mandatory TB vaccination? Not every country is listed in the wiki. I can't find any info about China. I know they use to vaccinate for TB but I'm not sure if they kept up mandatory vaccinations all these years.

>> No.11526908
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>Yellow: The country now has a universal BCG vaccination program. Blue: The country used to recommend BCG vaccination for everyone, but now does not. Red: The country never had a universal BCG vaccination program.

>> No.11526912

>“Iran is yellow – and it’s been hit very hard by the pandemic – but BCG vaccinations started there in 1984, which wouldn’t have been in time to protect the elderly Iranians who have succumbed to the disease.”