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File: 28 KB, 400x400, WHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11518776 No.11518776 [Reply] [Original]

Did they fuck up? How?

>> No.11518783

By being corrupt cocksuckers

>> No.11518793
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>> No.11518797 [DELETED] 


You can't trust the WHO at all, they're deeply in bed with gain-of-function research, like that which broughts this very virus into existence.

>> No.11518801
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You can't trust the WHO at all, they're deeply in bed with gain-of-function research, like that which brought this very virus into existence. *

* moar info:



Nature full PDF: https://files.catbox.moe/bbamzm.pdf

> gain-of-function

> "We built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein from the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats in the context of the SARS-CoV mouse-adapted backbone. We characterized CoV infection mediated by the SHC014 spike protein in primary human airway cells and in vivo."


> "Pseudotyping experiments were based on HIV-based pseudovirus"


> “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University, told Nature.


>> No.11518811

>all those annotations

holy shit /pol/ is so pathetic lmao

>> No.11518815
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yes, they did. the WHO and CCP are the most responsible for letting this get out of hand. the WHO actively downplayed the severity of transmission. acting like CCP's bogus lack of evidence for human-to-human transmission means it is non-infectious. when really the precautionary principle should've been the go to.this resulted in many health officials and media around the world, like NYC's health commissioner encouraging people attend a parade like nothing was going on. on top of that they bitched about closing borders saying it is racist. so they discouraged many other countries to respond in kind. they made the PC-drunk political class go on a stupid witch hunt to fight the racism boogeyman, like in italy where they had a "hug a chinese person" day leading to more infections. they gimped conversation by making it about the racism boogeyman and not the virus. on top of that they actively keep taiwan out from the table, a country that is a model in pandemic response. the WHO is effectively just a mouthpiece for the CCP. they are not to be trusted, and they must be brought to justice after the dust settles.

>> No.11518824
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More than anyone.

>> No.11518851

oh and they acted like china had this under control leading to the rest of the world other than taiwan and sk preparing for it as they should have been.

>> No.11519014

I don’t trust any government, why would I trust the United Nations, which is just controlled by the most powerful governments?

>> No.11519033

By being afraid of international criticism for doing their job

>> No.11519056
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Bowing to China's lies and deceptions.

>> No.11519063

Unrelated sorry but: are asymptomatics fighting the virus?
can you defeat it without knowing that you have it?
can it just stay there forever?

>> No.11519074

Can't verify this but this is what I've heard

1) Believed china that there was no human to human spread and pretended taiwan didn't exist when they declared human to human spread

2) Regurgitated china's statistics on their outbreak when it was obvious they were cooking the books

3) Finally declared it a pandemic after literally everyone else knew for weeks

4) Still won't acknowledge the existence of taiwan or even help them with the outbreak. There's a video of a WHO spokesman literally pretending to not hear questions about taiwan and then terminated the video conference from a reporter.

>> No.11519084

>There's a video of a WHO spokesman literally pretending to not hear questions about taiwan and then terminated the video conference from a reporter.

That video was fucked. Did the guy being interviewed not realize that this would discredit WHO massively?

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear your question"
"Okay, let me repea-"
"Oh no, that's okay. Let's just move on to the next one."

It was fucking surreal to watch.

>> No.11519122

Holy shit. Do you have a link?

>> No.11519137
File: 46 KB, 600x454, 1585188963-5e7c1063f0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all true and more.

5) discouraged obvious mitigation tactics like shutting down borders.

6) made it look like china was getting it under control thus making it seem like there was no need for response measures

and a bit on who this tedros faggot is:

and for your pts, fren:
>1) Believed china that there was no human to human spread and pretended taiwan didn't exist when they declared human to human spread

>3) Finally declared it a pandemic after literally everyone else knew for weeks

>4) Still won't acknowledge the existence of taiwan or even help them with the outbreak. There's a video of a WHO spokesman literally pretending to not hear questions about taiwan and then terminated the video conference from a reporter.

this tedros faggot should be hunted down and brought to justice for this and the cholera outbreaks.

>> No.11519143


>> No.11519161

>MaSkS dOnT WoRk BeCaUsE tHeY DoN'T PrOtEcT YoUrSelF
but how do they affect the transmission of a respiratory disease that we are failing to contain? could it reduce infections of a literal pathogen we are failing to control even by a small %? what the fuck do you gain by saying masks don't work EVEN if it's true? we are trying to bring the R0 to below 1, why the fuck tell people that things that may work won't work if you gain nothing by it even if they don't work?

>> No.11519170

for this pt:
check the date. look how late they are to the party.

>> No.11519183

Jesus Christ. Please tell me that video was edited and doctored to look that bad, because that was fucking horrifying.

>> No.11519194

sorry, fren. it's even verified in this bbc article:

>> No.11519369

Thanks. This is fucking creepy. Didn't know the situation was this bad.

>> No.11519635

If they took the situation of the virus more honestly, perhaps none of this would have happened

>> No.11519858
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> A foundation created for the purpose of disease prevention says we're not prepared for a pandemic, whether it be natural or man-made
> Unsurprisingly a pandemic occurs and we weren't ready

> It waz da joos

>> No.11519911

Great video. This is surreal.
How long will the world tolerate the CCP's bullshit?

>> No.11519993

Masks don't work though. The ones that actually do should be horded for use by places that deal with vulnerable people like hospitals or retirement homes. The ones that are basically just paper you put on your face don't do anything because contact with infected sources come from a wide variety of ways.

Masks you can buy over the counter are to prevent YOU from spreading shit. Not the reverse. If you are actually sick you shouldn't even be out.

>> No.11520018

crappy otc masks work more than nothing. even a porous scarf or paper over the face is a layer which can catch some virus. just like the crappy otc masks partially prevent some virus being blown out from them, the reserve is also true.

as for the effective masks, the priority is hospitals but if citizens did have those and enough wore them properly it would help alleviate some of the burden hospitals face.

>> No.11520084


get this trending and take them to the streets

>> No.11520090

They did by telling countries "closing borders has no scientific reason to slow the spreading of diseases" or other such nonense.
They did by waiting until almost mid march to declare this a pandemic.

Not that it changes anything physically in the universe, but most countries only started acting when the pandemic was officially declared, and the WHO knew this would happen. Delaying that declaration (when Italy already had sustained community transmission for weeks at that point, besides the original epidemic in china, the very criteria for a pandemic) likely costed thousands of lives.

Maybe it will cost millions but only time will tell.

>> No.11520094

Maybe he was playing 4d chess and trying to discredit his bosses.

>> No.11520270

stop repeating rubbish propaganda

>> No.11520282

Their main fuckup was believing China. That said, it's unrealistic to stop the disease. Best they can do is mitigate the damage. The "flatten the curve" that normies keep spouting is similar to duck-and-cover in the cold war. It won't do that much to stop the spread, since people can spread it without symptoms, and still must leave their homes to get food, which is stored in a common space. It doesn't matter how much you self isolate, eventually you will get it. Their job is to reduce panic, they can't do shit. Nobody can.

>> No.11520292

>disease in foreign lands
>ban travel from those lands and other lands that maintain a high level of traffic from the diseased lands
it could have been stopped, but now we have to deal with this absolute fuckery

>> No.11520302


kek look at this brainlet repeating propaganda

>> No.11520306


unironically nuke china

>> No.11520311

Too little too late. Asymptomatic carriers spread it before borders could be closed. Closing the borders afterward will slow spread, but the seeds were already planted. Closing the borders would have worked if the WHO were psychic. Once the virus was discovered it was already spread around. Closing borders now won't hurt, but it's not going stop anything. Just delay the inevitable.

>> No.11520333

Just because he said it doesn't make it right.
You can also build bridging models, deliver apps of self governance & democratizing academically... All in order to build global government.

>> No.11520569

This is bullshit.

Genomic analysis of the coronavirus (analysis of the mutations) has traced the origin of the virus to Wuhan in November 2019. The first case has also been traced to November 2019. By December 2019 several Chinese whistleblowers had talked about it and the CCP was fully aware of it. So it's not like the virus had been spreading undetected for months.

China willfully spent one entire valuable month hiding the existance of the virus and jailing whistleblowers. Then they spent another entire month, along with the WHO, trying to prevent flight bans and calling them racist while claiming (falsely) that the situation was already fully under control.

China and the WHO are 100% guilty for this disease spreading worldwide.

>> No.11520598

WHO purged most mentions of him from their website after this too

>> No.11520615

Is there a full video of this interview?

>> No.11520619

they are people and people can often by persuaded

>> No.11520624

>be persuaded

>> No.11520628


>> No.11520661


>> No.11520737

Closing the boards worked wonders for Taiwan and South Korea.

>> No.11520739

cover your mouth asshole

>> No.11520743

GET OUT! You're not welcome here!

>> No.11521062

>Masks you can buy over the counter are to prevent YOU from spreading shit. Not the reverse. If you are actually sick you shouldn't even be out.

>> No.11521067 [DELETED] 

Because the chinks have planned this.
It's a bioweapon.

>> No.11521107

America is so thoroughly effed that there aren’t even enough of those shitty cheap masks to go around. Also probably to prevent hoarding. ‘Murica.

>> No.11521120

They can't do shit, as with any UN agency they're toothless.

>> No.11521123

It could have been stopped maybe 20 years ago. MAYBE. The world is too interconneceted now.

>> No.11521140

Cough cough

>> No.11521306

a scarf will stop you throwing small droplets of saliva when you speak with the cashier or all over those delicious tomatoes

i mean i can understand they saying masks don't work if this was under control and people were overreacting, but this is not under control, it makes no sense to tell people to take LESS measures

>> No.11521313

it's not interconnected if you start enforcing borders, i mean they ended up closing the borders when it was too late, it wasn't impossible or anything, they just didn't want to do it and waiting to see if the pandemic went magically away

>> No.11521472

Maybe they’re worried about having the most heavily armed population in the world roaming the streets in masks.

>> No.11521484

there are weapon-cucked countries were they are spreading the same "masks don't work" meme

>> No.11521485

bruhh wtf that's cringe af.

>> No.11521501

He knew it would never be covered by the MSM. Why should he give a fuck?

>> No.11521509 [DELETED] 

Anons, I'm scared. We need to keep the greenlets away

>> No.11521510

so this is the new tactic of distracting from the fact that some of the first world leaders belittled the problem till it was too late and they fucked up. thank god there are enough scapegoats.

>> No.11521518

>fact that some of the first world leaders belittled the problem
who didn't fuck up, anon?

>> No.11521520

the point is that all institutions at all level failed. the first world leaders, the regional leaders, the international organizations like WHO, when a real problem appeared they all proved to be useless.

all of the SCIENCE worship is useless unless you have competent institutions that can do something competent with that science

>> No.11521530 [DELETED] 

>what's the best race for women
Their own. Now end your life, Goldblatt.

>> No.11521538

God damn, if only there was an organization for world health these world leaders could listen to for instructions to contain the virus

>> No.11521542

There is a difference between failing due to not being informed about the facts (ie. Italy following WHO advice on not banning flights and the virus not having human to human transmission), and failing due to deliberately lying. (China hiding the outbreak for a whole month, claiming it didn't spread human to human, protesting flight bans as racist)

>> No.11521551

yes, the WHO is a chinese honeypot, but that doesn't change the fact that every single country and institution after Italy failed to react too and showed no competence at all in addressing the crisis

>> No.11521556


>> No.11521557
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>> No.11521585

tmupr, bolsonaro and erdogan didnt listen to anyone. they started to do something as soon as they realized the people of the country may oppose them. how do you want to force them to follow the insturctions? there was more than enough information after the failure of Italy, yet many of leaders denied it.

>> No.11521600

thats a pile of garbage. the WHO, RKI or other insitutions warned late enough and many countries still dont take the countermeasurements. a doctor can tell a fat person to stop eating unhealthy but he cannot force him to do so. the biggest failure is the populistic politics, because they are more interested in felt facts than actual science.

>> No.11521611

i never said politics didn't fail, but WHO failed too, and the WHO anyway is mostly politics

>> No.11521629

lets hope they will learn something from this crisis ..

>> No.11521761

Yes, my first post refers to the WHO's first fuckup of believing China.

>> No.11521767

>obfuscation by blaming obfuscation
you know both can be to blame here. the leaders and who. the fact you want to distract from this when there is more than enough evidence to blame the who to oblivion is telling. idk why you would be so desperate to do damage control for them instead of demanding they be held accountable. we need institutions like the who to be free from incompetence and corruption to properly respond to shit like this.

lol what countermeasures? bitching at countries not to close down air travel? and now advising against civilian use masks when it's been demonstrated to be effective. get your facts straight before claiming your who who you put such blind faith in represents actual science here. they don't. the who is backed by sciencetm politics. absolutely worthless.

>> No.11521772

>Yes, my first post refers to the WHO's first fuckup of believing China.
the who is ccp. look at who tedros is.

>> No.11521775

Literally WHO?

>> No.11521901

>we need institutions like the who to be free from incompetence and corruption to properly respond to shit like this.
how do you solve this problem without competent politics or with world leaders who deny science? Im curious.

>lol what countermeasures?
accent to people social distancing and hygiene. tell people it is a real threat and without these restrictions the health care system will be swept away due to the too fast spread. the situation in Korea or Japan is handled much better not because of the masks. oh, and what was done ba tmupr, blasonaro and other populistic idiots? "its just a flu, it will go away soon"

>and now advising against civilian use masks when it's been demonstrated to be effective
this is retarded. the mask problem is mainly a resource problem. if people would start bying it in huge amounts we would have even more problems in hospital, see toilet paper. hospitals have already a huge problem with the lack of this resource.

>get your facts straight before cl..
a cripple that gives dancing advices. thank you.

>> No.11521922

>with world leaders who deny science
world leaders that deny science are not even close to the issue, the issue are world leaders that USE SCIENCE AS A BRAND and advance their own interests and biases while cherrypicking the parts of science that are convenient

>> No.11521928

I'm not even a flat earther, but their logo is a flat earth and a snake, the symbol for deceiving, on top of it.
First, if they wanted to capture all the continents in a logo they could've used a normal map, but whatever I don't really care.
Second, A FUCKING SNAKE. Who looked at this and thought it would be a good idea? Yeah, let's use the snake boys that will make people trust us. Fuck out of here, inb4 muh medicine symbol, this is straight up mockery.
Just like how NASA literally means to deceive in old hebrew.

>> No.11521929

>this is retarded. the mask problem is mainly a resource problem. if people would start bying it in huge amounts we would have even more problems in hospital, see toilet paper. hospitals have already a huge problem with the lack of this resource.
homemade masks still provide a % of the protection towards not infecting others, which could be enough to make a difference between having an R0 < 1 and having the disease controlled, or having an R0 > 1 and having an accelerating disease

>> No.11521941
File: 43 KB, 938x406, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you solve this problem without competent politics or with world leaders who deny science? Im curious.
by having institutions that don't deny science and have checks and balances to make sure they don't just use sciencetm to push their political bs, pic related. you really need to stop acting like the who is some arbiter of scientific fact.

>accent to people social distancing and hygiene. tell people it is a real threat and without these restrictions the health care system will be swept away due to the too fast spread.
you mean like them saying it's not transmissible by human-to-human contact without mentioning the fucking precautionary principle? see here:
you are either disingenuous or haven't been following what's actually going on.

>and what was done ba tmupr, blasonaro and other populistic idiots?
blumpf closed down the fucking air travel to china while the who was bitching at him for it. so please get your facts straight.

>a cripple that gives dancing advices. thank you.

>> No.11521942

The WHO advocates for male circumcision even if the benefits are minimal at best and there's no study to prove it doesn't decrease sexual pleasure for men. All their ''''studies'''' prove it doesn't affect achieving orgasm, because as we all know male sexual pleasure happens only during orgasm.

>> No.11521947
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>oh, and what was done ba tmupr, blasonaro and other populistic idiots?
not this.

>> No.11521948

Read "precalculus mathematics in a nutshell" from cover to cover, doing all exercises. It's only 130 pages long, so there's no excuses.

>> No.11521953 [DELETED] 

>this is retarded. the mask problem is mainly a resource problem. if people would start bying it in huge amounts we would have even more problems in hospital, see toilet paper. hospitals have already a huge problem with the lack of this resource.
see: >>11521306

>> No.11521960


>> No.11521963

>this is retarded. the mask problem is mainly a resource problem. if people would start bying it in huge amounts we would have even more problems in hospital, see toilet paper. hospitals have already a huge problem with the lack of this resource.
see: >>11520018

>> No.11521964

>blumpf closed down the fucking air travel to china while the who was bitching at him for it. so please get your facts straight.
lol, imagine a literal reality show host being more reliable than the WHO, here's where we are with our "reliable scientific institutions"

>> No.11521966

It's almost as if the group of people who are many times over represented in all positions of power and influence who see all outsiders as cattle to be abused and taken advantage of at whim don't care if the disease spreads to those unchosen people.
Don't you just hate it when real life is anti-amish?

>> No.11521987

literal clown world we unfortunately find ourselves. this is what we get for having absolute brainlets who just need the phrase backed by science on a shiny official seal to believe something without ever looking into it themselves. the part i'm not sure about is if it is intellectual laziness or inability. either way same result.

>> No.11521993

science is just a brand now to cover incompetence and fragility, have to go back to virtue if we want to cleanse it

>> No.11521995

One of the worst parts is they pretend to champion science without having any of the necessary rigor the method entails. Just leave it to the "experts." As if having some letters beside their name makes them by default infallible or honest.

>> No.11522006

>science is just a brand now to cover incompetence and fragility
sadly, all one needs to do is look at all those "backed by science" scams like solar feakin roadways that these brainlets repeatedly fall for and it's quite evident.

>> No.11522024

even all medicine that falls outside of "live saving procedures and drugs" is terrible, you just have to look at how bad nutritional science has been for the last decades, it's basically a meme by this point and barely any better than "grandma-science"

>> No.11522028

I will report back after a few more posts

>> No.11522029

>by having institutions that don't deny science
its like walking in circles with you .. one more time: How do you want solve it without rational politics? Where will they get money to be independent? There is no political way around it. It needs political attention and support to get this status.

>you really need to stop acting like the who is some
where did you read that? my concern is that trumpsters or nationalists try to blame now only the WHO. after disaster in Italy the situation was clear even without this shitty organisation. are we agreeing on that?

>you are either disingenuous or haven't been following what's actually going on.
first: its from14th January, so its starting of the pandemic. how could they give at that early point a 100% qualitative answer while relying on information from chinese?
second: you know that outcome of a new virus can only be predicted and errors can be made, right?

>blumpf closed down the fucking air travel to china while the who was bitching at him for it. so please get your facts straight.
oh come on.. closed borders and then what? the virus was already in the us. nobody blames him for closing the borders too late, but for ignoring its risk afterwards and belitteling the situation even after Italy was screwed.

>homemade masks still provide a % of the protection towards not infecting
but the main concern in Europe was that people will hoard masks ... so how do you solve this situation optimaly? by the way we do not have high population density as China or Korea has, so distance and washing hands should also work fine.
my personal problem with masks now: half of the people who I see using them are often touching it by dragging it down and up and touch their nose/mouth. I doubt it will bring more benefits than it will cause damage; especially if the people that are using it are retarded ...

>> No.11522062

>its like walking in circles with you
no, dude. you're just really desperate for your preconceived narrative to be true and can't accept the facts backed by actual science. ;p

>How do you want solve it without rational politics?
what are you on about? i am arguing for rational politics here. you're making excuses for the who.

>my concern is that trumpsters or nationalists try to blame now only the WHO.
as they should be. the who is the reason we're here.

>first: its from14th January, so its starting of the pandemic.
wrong, pandemic is traced back to november.

>how could they give at that early point a 100% qualitative answer
by looking at its spread. it fits the model of infectious disease. also you seem to have missed the part about precautionary principle.

>second: you know that outcome of a new virus can only be predicted and errors can be made, right?
precautionary principle. it's that we should've prepared for the worst but the who advised against it.

>closed borders and then what? the virus was already in the us.
so we need more? you want to choke off as much infected coming into the country. then because it was in the us perhaps we shouldn't have nyc's health commissioner parading who talking pts telling people to go to the fucking parade .

>but the main concern in Europe was that people will hoard masks ... so how do you solve this situation optimaly?
dpa is a good start and guess what? oh that's something orange cheeto did.

>by the way we do not have high population density

>my personal problem with masks now: half of the people who I see using them are often touching it by dragging it down and up and touch their nose/mouth.
yes people need to be instructed on proper mask use too.

> I doubt it will bring more benefits than it will cause damage; especially if the people that are using it are retarded ...
if they are as retarded as the who then yeah i can see that.

>> No.11522066

Drumpf failed, but so did every single medicine university in the world or scientific medicine association that failed to raise hell on the media during the whole month of February

why would throwing more money at science solve anything if it can't even predict something that already happened in China and Italy? you don't even need science to predict how a fucking plague works, medieval retards knew about it

>> No.11522231
File: 55 KB, 1200x495, 1200px-AMA_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even a flat earther
No, just a moron

>but their logo is a flat earth
It's an Azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe, based on the UN logo, which was designed by an American in 1945.
As you know the WHO is part of the UN hence the same logo.

>a snake, the symbol for deceiving, on top of it
That's a Caduceus, the staff carried by the Greek God Hermes, which represents medicine since Roman times. It's a symbol that predates Christianity and the Bible - where symbolism of snakes as deceivers comes from. So instead it would be pertinent to ask why the Christians chose to use (and soil) the symbol of Medicine and the God Hermes, rather than the other way around.

>First, if they wanted to capture all the continents in a logo they could've used a normal map, but whatever I don't really care.
Go complain to the American who designed that shitty North Pole-centric UN logo. My country did not even appear on the first draft.

>Second, A FUCKING SNAKE. Who looked at this and thought it would be a good idea?
Doctors worldwide use this logo. You are just extremely, mindnumbingly ignorant.

>Yeah, let's use the snake boys that will make people trust us.
Snakes are noble animals. We manufacture many types of serums and medicines based on their venom. They never attack people unless provoked which is also why they are the symbol of liberty ("Don't thread on me").

The UN doesn't have to cater to Christian sensibilities because it's a worldwide organization. The Roman symbol predates Christianity and is used worldwide (inc. in Christian countries) to represent Medicine.

>Just like how NASA literally means to deceive in old hebrew.

>> No.11522242

Most of this is the Chinese government's fault for failure to inform their people of the virus, trying to lie about it's spread, and failure to contain it.

Before you blame them too much Trump did the same thing, Boris Johnson did the same thing, the president of Mexico did the same thing, etc ... etc ... etc

>> No.11522269
File: 426 KB, 640x768, 1584857981768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Trump arrest whistleblowers, doctors and journalists discussing the virus? Did the President of Mexico censor the internet and banned coronavirus related google searches? Did Boris Johnson lie and claim there was no human to human contact, providing wrong medical advice to the world? Did the President of Italy cry out racism when countries banned flights from there?

You are trying to make a false equivalency between some democratic leaders being incompetent and/or scummy, and a totalitarian dictatorship that runs concentration camps. People like you deserve a week or two in said camps so that you can take a good look at the kind of regime you are defending.

Millions died to defend democracy from totalitarianism and now we have morons defending the CCP for free for virtue signaling points. It's like you want to be a slave. Sad.

>> No.11522281

>Most of this is the Chinese government's fault for failure to inform their people of the virus, trying to lie about it's spread, and failure to contain it.
And the WHO for blindly trusting them.

I think you misread what he is saying.

>> No.11522301

>I think you misread what he is saying
Not really, I see whataboutism and an attempt to create a false equivalency.
This thread concerns China and the WHO.

>> No.11522344

Telling people that trust you that there is no problem and to keep everything open is just as bad. If you think it isn't you're crazy


>> No.11522369 [DELETED] 

What if trips cure you?

>> No.11522370 [DELETED] 


>> No.11522386

Yeah the president of Mexico is a moron, and Mexico is a third world country so I expect things to get bad there. Still there is no point of comparison to the actions of China which jailed whistleblowers and banned all discussion. Mexicans can still search for coronavirus on the internet and get informed. Nobody is infringing on their rights to do so. So I would call it a false equivalency and an attempt to draw attention away from WHO corruption and CCP influence in the WHO which is what this thread is about.

>> No.11522392

go back to pol

>> No.11522400

The CCP and their WHO cronies on the other hand should be brought to justice. I honestly don't think capital punishment wouldn't be in order either. This polshit would just derail the effort. So you have to go back.

>> No.11522410

Sorry, I just got intense for a moment. Our current situation is 100% China's fault and then those at WHO who decreased the severity of the disease so every country, even if they were warned by other parties, didn't listen and reacted too slow. They should pay, severely.

>> No.11522419
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>> No.11522565

The only solution is to scale back population to preindustrial levels. Around one billion is all this planet can handle, long term. Any political organization not striving towards this is actively sabotaging this planet is and is an enemy of humanity.

>> No.11524343

They trusted a communist government. Most people aren't retarded enough to do that, but the WHO is apparently filled with them.

>> No.11524554
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UN is superior ideology

>> No.11524599

>Just because he said it doesn't make it right.
And who claimed it was "right"...? Your post is non-sequitorish.

>> No.11524619
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>> No.11524637
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> "closing borders has no scientific reason to slow the spreading of diseases"


How the WHO has been acting now, was pre-planned months in advance.

>> No.11524639

Here, here!

>> No.11524640
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>> No.11524643


lol it's like the marker for a complete retard

>> No.11525177

I'm already immune. Start the seethe.

>> No.11525184

Yes, because people expected them to be a global authority on health matters when in fact they are just a chinese cum swallowing club.

>> No.11525185

Infect me bb.

>> No.11525191

Fuck. 𓄣

I had no symptoms whatsoever in my last post a few minutes ago. What is this?

>> No.11525193

I have recovered. Does that mean I can no longer get sick anymore?

>> No.11525202

you're probably safe if you had a lab confirmed positive test of covid and have recovered.

though i wouldn't risk anything, there are sporadic reports of reinfection. we don't understand this virus well enough yet.

>> No.11525203

sadly no, fren. i got re-infected.

>> No.11525502

literally WHO

>> No.11525545
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Unironically no. They didnt. Leaders around the world didnt want to believe the coronavirus was a big deal because it would be a massive drag on the economy. Basically once the Chinese began a massive quarantine lockdown which shut down their economy other countries just were more afraid of the hit to the economy than the coronavirus. Health experts from the beginning knew that the Chinese werent reporting non-symptomatic cases but more less blew it off.

People whining about the WHO tweet stating there is no preliminary evidence of human to human transition are full on retards. Saying there isnt yet evidence of something is in no way dismissing that potential.

>> No.11525578

they said that because they didn't want people panic buying masks, as they are mandatory in medical care

they do help a little imo, but they are much more useful in the hospital

>> No.11525583

why not tell people to use homemade masks instead

>> No.11525591

scientifically true, but very very bad messaging on the part of the WHO, but as you said they are mostly a political organization, not a medical one, and they were trying to calm the markets not assess the danger in an objective way

>> No.11525761

that would be true had they been still advising a response instead of acting like china had it under control. they did not encourage the precautionary principle and actually whined about obvious countermeasures like shutting down the borders. they also kept out taiwanese whistleblowers from the table who were sounding the alarm.

they are as useful in hospitals as they are to civilians.

>> No.11525762

They were bribed by China and deserve to be shot

>> No.11525775
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just look at the top brass hack of the who praising china for what it did, ie labeling doctors who were trying to report the severity of the crisis as "rumormongers" and fudging their numbers.

they fucked up royally and cannot be trusted.

>> No.11525786

>Health experts from the beginning knew that the Chinese werent reporting non-symptomatic cases but more less blew it off.
lol no. they were parroting the who's talking pts that it wasn't going to be a pandemic.

>> No.11525903

I remember reading that China isn't even part of the WHO. is that true?

>> No.11525995

no, that's taiwan, a model country in pandemic response. and the reason they are kept out of the WHO is because of china.

>> No.11526233

Science predicted it in 2015. It just costs money and doesnt bring in votes.

>> No.11526238

Lmao, why did you just mention Mexico? US and UK fucked up royally, but Trump should be put in jail for what he did at the beginning of the outbreak in US.

>> No.11526264

what did he do?

>> No.11526268

Not like quick google would get you answers


>> No.11526275

Trump delegating the response to state governments is going to be seen as an important move in the coming years. Many governments around the world are using this time to consolidate power and more closer to autocracies. China and Korea only stopped the virus by tracking cellphones and using drones with facial recognition software to find sick people breaking state-mandated quarantine. The efficiency of the response to this pandemic is inversely proportional to the basic human rights of the population.
The fact that the US government is just giving out money and isn't mandating any quarantine or shutting anything down is behavior to be encouraged. Democratic principles are dying left and right in the wake of the outbreak. The "back-sliding into autocracy" is the real tragedy of this virus, not the deaths.

>> No.11526283

>is behavior to be encouraged
You absolute idiot. Republican governors withold quarantine measures to prevent losing the support of their voters, because Trump didn't introduce any federal measures. Yes, it might be good for democracy, but this fact alone and the non-unified approach of different states will alone be the reason for thousands of unnecessary deaths. They are not separate entities and situations like this must be mandated centrally, otherwise it will be just half assed attempts at solutions and results will be devastating, as we will surely see in the following weeks.

>> No.11526290

>From January until last week, Trump consistently minimized the risk the coronavirus posed to the country.
and where did he get this from? the WHO was downplaying the severity of the virus transmission and telling everyone that china had it under control.

in fact when blumpf ordered air travel from china shut down the who bitched about it.

>> No.11526295

>Yes, it might be good for democracy, but
I'm going to stop you there. Democracy isn't a commodity that we can turn on and off at will.

>> No.11526298

I'm not saying the WHO is to blame, but Trump and his team should have been less retarded and taken the situation seriously, once it became clear from Italy, as did many other countries like Taiwan, SK, Slovakia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Denmark and few others.

>> No.11526299

>Republican governors withold quarantine measures to prevent losing the support of their voters,
source? all i remember is the health commissioner of nyc saying it's not a problem. and that tom cotton repub trying to shine light on the issue that is covid19.
>Trump didn't introduce any federal measures.
dpa, closing down air travel, etc.

>> No.11526304

In one hundred years, do you think the populous will cheer or condemn us for throwing away liberty?

>> No.11526305


>> No.11526307

yes blumpf is a moron for trusting the institution tasked with informing countries on how to prevent such an outbreak. so really criminal charges should be leveled against them.

>> No.11526310

Wtf are you implying, that this situation can't be solved through quarantine measures while keeping democracy intact? This can only happen in shitholes where people voted authoritan leaders into office like Hungary.

The approach western countries took was too late and too little, if a more devastating virus came, the western world would be defenseless.

>> No.11526319

ok yeah desantis should be investigated and thrown out of office for this. but what's your take on tom cotton? he was the loudest voice in the senate and a gop while the dems were going off about impeachment. both parties are responsible for not acting on time.

>> No.11526324

I don't follow US politics close enough to know what you're talking about, I only registered few of these cases, but it is clear the US approach to the pandemic is disjointed and insufficient and it is clear to me that this is due to lack of federal leadership.

>> No.11526329

>China and Korea only stopped the virus by tracking cellphones and using drones with facial recognition software to find sick people breaking state-mandated quarantine.
china didn't stop shit. they went on a witch hunt over doctors sounding the alarm. their measures also don't work. sk and taiwan on the other hand are model nations that should be in charge of the WHO from now on.

>> No.11526336

>this situation can't be solved through quarantine measures while keeping democracy intact
it could only be solved by going back in time and telling everyone that this one is different from the dozens of other pandemic scares that turned out to be nothing. Lessons are learned, yes, and hopefully they won't be repeated. This being left to state governments is the right move. The fact that they're unprepared doesn't change that—everyone was unprepared. We've already committed to a certain number of cases and "flattening the curve" isn't about reducing that number of cases, it's about spreading them out over time. Nobody is talking about "stopping" the virus, it's about how you handle the cases that you've already committed to.

>> No.11526339

well that maybe why you are missing the bigger picture. it's not just federal but regional problems all traced back to bogus reports from the WHO. we had nyc's health commissioner encouraging everyone to to go to a fucking parade when the outbreak was happening at here were cases in the us.

as for tom cotton. he is a gop senator who was sounding the alarm. he got a lot of flack from the media for this.

>> No.11526341
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This guys makes WHO look like fools and so far he's predicting quite good since January


>> No.11526344

I don't doubt at all that there are reasonable and stupid people on both sides.

>> No.11526352

ok just checking.

>> No.11526355

you seem to think they actually did anything ever
they allow catholic charities to refuse contraception in Afirca, theyve always been fucking useless

>> No.11526360

I didn't mention Mexico, the other anon did in a desperate attempt to deflect attention from China and the WHO which is what this thread is about.

>> No.11526363
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thanks for reminding me of that. memory holed that one. and they "legitimized" bogus medicine practices, but you probably know. just for those who don't, pic related.

>> No.11526364

I think he didn't refute that they fucked up, just that the reason things are shitty as their are is in part also due to the way political leaders approached the situation while it was alredy clear this is something bigger.

>> No.11526370

dont forget using circumcision as std abatement like some fucking kellog experiment

>> No.11526388

that too.

>> No.11526408

this fucking covid isnt the real plague we need to purge the world of superfluous people like WHO and NGOs

>> No.11526475


>> No.11526478
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>> No.11526513

Taiwan is part of the PRC, though

>> No.11526514

meanwhile... https://time.com/5807075/senators-sold-stock-coronavirus/

>> No.11526542

>Taiwan is part of the PRC, though
not according to them, and shouldn't a people be the ones to decide that instead of an external entity? unless ofc you are an oppressive authoritarian who doesn't care for a people's right to self-determination.

>> No.11526555

right. and the falklands are british, too.
you western fucks always have convenient arguments that benefit you and only you

>> No.11526560

>you western fucks
nice freudian slip, ccp troll. btw the falklands should belong to whoever their residents want them to.

>> No.11526564

except those residents were influenced or sent there by other powers. and there are lots of examples of western powers doing exactly the same as the chinese do. so, no. stop the bullshit.

>> No.11526572

You are a moron.

The Falklands were not inhabited by anyone before the British settled there. I bet you're a salty Argie still crying because you got your ass kicked by the British. lol they were thousands of kilometers away and you couldnt take over some sheep on an island

>> No.11526575
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>western powers doing exactly the same as the chinese do
pfffthahahahaha, is that what winnie jinping told you? lmao

>> No.11526582

I don't think this was a freudian slip, Westerners are known for ethnocentrism. You know what's known for not being ethnocentric? The United Nations and their superior ideology.

>> No.11526595


>> No.11526597
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>Westerners are known for ethnocentrism.
>You know what's known for not being ethnocentric? The United Nations and their superior ideology.
not when they suck the ccp's dick like you do.

>> No.11526600

>john oliver

>> No.11526603

Racism on 4chan, and in general is pretty out of fashion.

Just so you're all aware.

>> No.11526604


>muh self-determination
your governments keep sending commandos and troops to train "rebels", intervene and bomb random countries

you, your nations, your politicians and your capitalists are a bunch of hypocrites who deserve some lessons in the form of thermonuclear explosions

>> No.11526611

ok ccp


>> No.11526621
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>wah wah the racism boogeyman in the west
meanwhile in china:

>> No.11526622
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>> No.11526629
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calling me a nazi really doesn't work here. my best friend is a merchant and i have dated merchant girls.

>> No.11526635

No it does, you're obviously pointing the finger at 'the other guys' and demonizing the east instead of looking at yourself.

>> No.11526636

>Doug Casey –an American writer, speculator, and anarcho-capitalist— comments:
nice arguments you got there, you fucking retard. the guy doesn't give a single source for his claims

>They loan money to some backward African government to build a port, railroad, and airport, or what have you. The Africans can almost never pay those loans back, so the Chinese – as part of the deal – take over the facility and staff it with their own people. This is actually going on today. If the African leaders don’t like it – unlikely since they’ve pocketed millions under the table for facilitating the deal – they will likely find their lives are in danger. If that doesn’t work, the country may have a visit from the Red Army.
LOOOOOL, that's exactly what western powers have been doing for, what, 2 or more centuries? it's as if the chinese learned from the best...
man, western love talking shit about other powers while doing exactly the same again, hypocrisy of the worst kind.

>> No.11526647


>> No.11526659

>No it does, you're obviously pointing the finger at 'the other guys' and demonizing the east instead of looking at yourself.
fucking pottery. yet you won't critically look at the organization you uphold so dearly. the fact you think china isn't responsible for the outbreak getting out of hand when they went on a witch hunt of doctors who were sounding the alarm calling them "rumormongers" and making it impossible for them to stop the spread is why i'm here. so your blatant misinformation and whataboutism is cut at the root.

>> No.11526660
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>> No.11526667

he trusted them? did i missed something?

not only nazi, you are also a ballistic retard for posting this very "original and professinally" done crap on /sci/

>> No.11526671
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ok ccp

>> No.11526674

china is at fault. what now?

>> No.11526675

I think I had watched that video, and you know what's funny about it? the US, UK, France, etc. pushed for the syria, libyan, iraq, afghan, etc. wars and ended up benefiting the fucking chinese. the chinese beat your governments at their own fucking game. this and that video clearly show that you can't simply stop the chinese anymore. western powers helped build modern china, they gave them the technology for almost nothing, and then the chinese fucked you raw.

oh, and btw, do you have any videos of the number of secret and not so secret bases of the US in africa? what about the ones of other powers like UK, France, etc.?

>> No.11526678


>> No.11526679

is this supposed to hurt my feelings?

>> No.11526685
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just mock what you look like.

>> No.11526692

it wasnt ironic. i mean it. now that you reinvented the wheel and said something obvious: how does it change anything?

>> No.11526697

The post you're replying to is ""pol"" because...?

>> No.11526701
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>> No.11526703

>reinvented the wheel
that phrase doesn't mean what you think it does.

>> No.11526704

Because 4chan is filled with white nationalist propaganda.

>> No.11526705

>mock people by posting pictures
good luck with that

>> No.11526706

ok ccp

>> No.11526707

Is that all /pol/cucks can do? Just post pictures of people they don't like and say "haha this is you!"?
Are you mentally 8 years old?

>> No.11526716

>mock people by posting pictures
meanwhile: >>11526701

>> No.11526717

also don't think this is me defending trump, just calling you out on your won bs. and no i'm not /pol/. again i am deeply embedded in the merchant community.

>> No.11526718

not native speaker, but you understood my point.
now to my question: what does this knowledge change on the current situation?

>> No.11526725
File: 22 KB, 1082x130, told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not native speaker
you can go back to wechat anytime.
>what does this knowledge change on the current situation?
you were told yesterday when you agreed with this post and you still came back being a dishonest prick.

>> No.11526731

The strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must.

>> No.11526739

wechat? because you think im chinese?

>you were told yesterday ..

and this is all you got? pointing fingers, blaming, no constructive feedback (beside the pic) and accusing everyone being chinese? what a nice world you must live in.

>> No.11526740
File: 13 KB, 1029x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even post that image, you idiot.
Take your fucking meds.

>> No.11526751 [DELETED] 

>, no constructive feedback
weeding out bad actors from the who isn't constructive feedback? you really have no reading comprehension or are being a dishonest prick.

>> No.11526756

exactly. so enjoy learning chinese ;^)

>> No.11526757

>I didn't even post that image, you idiot.
uhuh, sure you didn't.

>> No.11526767

>pointing fingers, blaming
like you didn't do that with your whataboutism. you just don't like it pointed at the organization you have such blind faith in.
>no constructive feedback
weeding out bad actors from the who isn't constructive feedback? and to do that you need to point them out.
> and accusing everyone being chinese
only you, ccp.
>what a nice world you must live in.
it was nice till you ppl fucked it up.

>> No.11526771

I am chinese lol

>> No.11526774

Literal retard.

>> No.11526776

>t. actual brainlet

>> No.11526777

You're getting two anons mixed up, and also you claimed a whataboutism towards a video of a white nationalist on Fox News aggressively calling China the 'uncivilized world'

You're dismissiveness & blame game does not work in an educated environment. It only works in areas where sociopathic & antisocial behavior is encouraged.

>> No.11526783

so there is no need in discussions on how to improve the situation and exclude same errors in next years? better concentrate on commonly known stuff that has been known for years? this will do the job.

>> No.11526786

>and also you claimed a whataboutism towards a video of a white nationalist on Fox News aggressively calling China the 'uncivilized world'
where did i do that?

>You're dismissiveness & blame game does not work in an educated environment.
oh the fucking pottery.

>> No.11526787


also, triple 7's for conformation bias of standing for honor, integrity, and freedom of all. (Not just white, conservative americans)

Go buy your anti Covid-19 toothpaste from Alex Jones you honkey.

>> No.11526790


>> No.11526791

>so there is no need in discussions on how to improve the situation and exclude same errors in next years?
i told you how this will be accomplished. we need to make sure those who run the WHO are trustworthy and competent. and in order to do that we need to remove the bad actors. the only way to do that is to shine a spotlight on them .

>> No.11526792

And/or take initiative on the world stage yourself.

Provide solutions, not only problems.

>> No.11526795

well that is whataboutism, this thread is about the WHO not some nobody white nationalist.

>> No.11526801

>And/or take initiative on the world stage yourself.
i have in my own way. i am sending out information on the WHO's bad actors after all.

>Provide solutions, not only problems.
i just did. meanwhile you are impeding the obvious solution by defending the bad actors. so step out of the way.

>> No.11526805

What in the actual fuck, are you even keeping track of your own arguments? Your argument against The WHO (not the band) is based on their international relations with China. I've provided context on aggressive behavior from the American Right, towards the East, which is obviously what the justification for this thread is based upon.

tl;dr it's bull shit hostility towards other cultures. (Xenophobia)

>> No.11526806

Pandering to the Chinese

>> No.11526812

> Your argument against The WHO (not the band) is based on their international relations with China.
which have been demonstrated to be true.
>I've provided context on aggressive behavior from the American Right, towards the East, which is obviously what the justification for this thread is based upon.
yeah because some nobody white nationalist john oliver is railing about is in charge of america. jeez you are delusional.
> bull shit hostility towards other cultures
something ccp is known for. like falun gong for example.

>> No.11526815

>yeah because some nobody white nationalist john oliver is railing about is in charge of america. jeez you are delusional.
You are being this some nobody white nationalist John Oliver is railing about

>> No.11526820

oh please. let me fill you in on something. prior to this i was hoping to go work in china for bgi after grad school. i absolutely love east asian culture and think it is better than western in many ways. but until the ccp is replaced by falun gong or more liberal influences i will not.

>> No.11526824

>you just don't like it pointed at the organizatio
can you show me where I defend this questionable organisation? really curious.

>only you, ccp.
i dont even know what it means ..

>it was nice till you ppl fucked it up.
we? who are you even talking about..?

thank you.

I agree on that. But I see it very problematic since the populistic nationalism is spreading faster than covid. Without serious politics and strong will to ebade such situations again, there is no chance that an organization will get this status. While China have interest in controlling the WHO, the US (in alliance with Europe) should take the leading role to create something trustworthy. nobody will give a fuck if Germany or UK will initiate this organization ..

>> No.11526832

Dunno about a full video but here https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1585809738598.webm

I'm sure you can find the full interview easily enough on Youtube. Link anon provided is dead.

>> No.11526836

>can you show me where I defend this questionable organisation? really curious.
by you kneejerk denial of sources that expose them as evidenced through this and the other threads on the WHO. you are the commie right? at least own up to it, it's fine. we all make mistakes. i did too.

>I agree on that.
ok so then don't defend the likes of teddy and aylward.
>But I see it very problematic since the populistic nationalism is spreading faster than covid.
that's your battle, dude. i really don't care. i just want to make sure the world's health organizations are staffed by reliable and trustworthy people. so please don't conflate criticism of the WHO with ideology. if a rightist points out something true, you should lend them an ear. that doesn't mean you believe their ideology wholesale. as i said yesterday, treat politics al carte.

>> No.11526862

>by you kneejerk denial of source
no offense, but you should take your meds. you have prejudice to anybody who does not agree with you instantly. this not how a civilised conversation works.

>that's your battle
my battle? like corona is only my battle now?
this conversation goes nowhere.

>> No.11526875

>you have prejudice to anybody who does not agree with you instantly.
that is fucking rich, dude. you label anything you disagree with as white nationalist conspiracy theories when i am clearly a center liberal.
>this not how a civilised conversation works.
you did not start this in a civilized manner, so you can stop pretending. i was the first to lend out an olive branch. so really you should be the one taking meds.

>my battle? like corona is only my battle now?
no, your battle is ideology. i don't care about that. i care about health.

>> No.11526878

Argie here. We see ourselves as a Western country so we wouldn't use this kind language. You are not replying to an Argie but to a CCP shill.

Just more whataboutism bringing up the Falklands to draw away attention from China and the WHO which is what this thread is about.
Taiwan is not part of China, but a separate, developed, democratic country.

>> No.11526879


This anon is cool, I'd invite him to my speakeasy.

>> No.11526884

The type of people to see messages in Alphabetty Spaghetti

>> No.11526885

thanks, fren. after this is over we should grab a pint.

>> No.11526886

Based /sci/

>> No.11526889


>> No.11526890

Maybe I'll see you at 'the top' one day.

>> No.11526892

Based and reasonable anon.

>> No.11526893

Masks are better than no masks in stopping spread

>> No.11526895

>Closing the boards
Don't give the jannies ideas

>> No.11526896

you too, fren.

>> No.11526898

A broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.11526916

Do argentinians really see themselves as a western country? No offence but as a French person, I don't see you as Western. I don't regard anyone in South America as western

>> No.11526923

That's probably because South American's aren't white. Alot of this world is cultural relativism depending on where you are and what perspectives you've been exposed to.

That's why multiculturalism (and neoliberalism *cough*) is actually good.

>> No.11526924

That's because you are ignorant but that's fine. It's not the topic of this thread and I do not wish to derail it.

>> No.11526936

>South American's aren't white.
62% of Argentines are ethnic Italians. The remainder are Spanish, French, Polish, Germans, Anglos, Welsh, mestizos (roughly 30% to 56% of the population have some native dna traces depending on which study you rely upon), as well as Asian and Arab minorities. Roughly 60% to 70% I would say are "white".

That aside, to me Western has to do with the culture though, not the ethnicity. Aside from drinking mate (a Paraguayan tea) everything in our culture comes from European roots. Argentina is basically a southern european culture.

Your case would have more strenght in a place like Bolivia, or Peru, where there are stronger native influences in the culture and language.

>> No.11526986

observe, the rationality of /sci/

>> No.11526997

he's not wrong at all.

>> No.11527005

As someone who studied the Tao, it's nice to observe balance & rationality.

>> No.11527012
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>As someone who studied the Tao

>> No.11527015

Toaism, Confucianism, Nihilism, Stoicism, etc

I'm a philosophy major, what can I say. It's good to be a good king. Plato said the world will be ruled by good kings.

>> No.11527022
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Thank you fren

>> No.11527029

This could easily be inversed to be an American version of this jpeg.

>> No.11527054

>science predicted
a literally who guy published an article and everybody in his field proceeded to ignore him or take any measures from it, hurrah science!

>> No.11527059

there are 50 (fifty) states in the united states that could have prepared their hospitals, supplies, and plans to avoid the virus if they had wanted. but no, Blumpf failed, but everything else is perfectly fine even though everything else failed too

>> No.11527066

Argies literally used to be one of the front runner economies of the world up there with the euros and yanks back at the start of the 20th century
hyperinflation and shitty governance put paid to that.

>> No.11527075

>. Plato said the world will be ruled by good kings.
I thought Plato said the world would be best ruled by good kings?
and something about philosopher kings then some later analogy to how Markus Aurilius was Rome's philosopher king?

>> No.11527077

Yes welcome to 4chan. You'll see many memes and their variations during your stay here.

>> No.11527251

Let's go with yes. I'm not an expert, and I take political theory next semester.

>> No.11527274

That's a little harsh. The WHO and China warned the public about this coronavirus while Trump was claiming, "it's a total democratic hoax, just like the flu" and shit well shit now you have 200,000 cases in Amerikkka. Who is the fuck up here? The smart rational scientists who have been warning us about this virus or the racist idiot who keeps calling it a "Chinese virus" which is racist and not true. It's Trump's fault for the virus spreading in America, not China's. China and the CCP are not perfect but at least they aren't racist and they are transparent can't say the same thing about Trump.

>> No.11527280

China and the WHO tried to prevent flight bans which could have stopped the spread of COVID-19

>> No.11527284

>boats about his major
>doesnt know basic crap about Plato that even high schoolers know
Really amazing to be a king philosopher, indeed

>> No.11527291

And yet China got it under control thanks to Xi and the CCP which authoritarian yes, but they got it under control unlike in Amerikkka where it is spreading thanks to that stupid orange racist fuck that the dumb Americans elected in 2016.

>> No.11527301

>trusting the Chinese numbers

>> No.11527311

>The WHO and China warned the public about this coronavirus while Trump was claiming
the who didn't declare a global emergency till jan 30th. one day after blumpf started the task force.
>Who is the fuck up here?
>China and the CCP are not perfect but they are transparent
uhuh, that's why they went on a witch hunt trying to silence doctors as "rumormongers".

>And yet China got it under control thanks to Xi and the CCP which authoritarian yes, but they got it under control
lol nope.

>> No.11527322

there is more that shows china is actively lying about their figures.
>In the case of China, it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11527346


>> No.11527354

>China got it under control

You are not aware that China deliberately suppressed the initial reports of the infections originating from the market

You are not aware that a Chinese doctor had to blow the whistle internationally about this new Coronavirus as a consequence (this course of action is a really big fucking deal in China, people who talk have been murdered by the Chinese government before)

You are not aware that this Chinese doctor subsequently died from COVID-19

You are not aware that had the infection been taken seriously at the very beginning and managed aggressively by the Chinese authorities, it could, potentially, have been contained locally

You are not aware that the 2003 SARS epidemic originated from a Chinese wet market

You are not aware that this specific risk was identified many years ago and that the unhygienic practices in the wet markets are clear risk factors for transmission of such viruses from animal populations

You are not aware that China have been told multiple times to clear up their wet markets but they always turn a blind eye to this shit

tl;dr- China are directly responsible for large volumes of death and significant suffering

>> No.11527362

You're racist.

>> No.11527367


>> No.11527369
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>any criticism of china is racism

>> No.11527381

Yes you're racist. China bashing is based off of racism and xenophobia.

>> No.11527389

by that same logic america bashing is racism too, CCP.

>> No.11527396

Chong chang chong, your "opinion" is wrong.

>> No.11527400

No. Amerikka isn't a race. Chinese are an ethnic group, the U.S. is not. Drop the racist attitude. You are being racist against the Chinese.

>> No.11527401

This planet can support tens of billions of people. It's not America's fault that warlords don't give a fuck about getting supply routes right to feed people.
90 fucking percent of us live on the coast. A micro fraction of a percent of land available to us, of which is only 30% of the whole fucking planet.

>> No.11527418

china is a country too, dipshit. i have nothing against the chinese as an ethnic group. in fact i really like chinese culture. the ccp can go fuck itself. falun gong will rise again.

>> No.11527431

>I have nothing against the Chinese. I really like the Chinese culture. I just hate the CCP!
No, you're still racist. You claim to love the Chinese but you'll attack the country and its leadership and make up garbage crap about China. Yeah, you're a racist.

>> No.11527437

Obvious troll, try to not feed

>> No.11527493

>> calls out racism
>> ok with the term spanish flu

>> No.11527534

>Isn't humble

>> No.11527682

You're still racist. Just because you deny your racism, doesn't mean you are no longer a racist. You hate China and Chinese people period. You use your anti-CCP propaganda under the cloak to be racist against China.

>> No.11527857
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>> No.11527873

>china shills are now resorting to SJW tactics
this is good to see because i know it wont work

>> No.11527962


>> No.11527985

Is this supposed to be on /sci/

>> No.11527991

Is Corona science?
Is WHO involved with Corona?

>> No.11528049

You're run even more stupidly that Italians too.

>> No.11528061

Bill Gates now wants to chip people.
Oh, and he was Jeffrey Epstein's best friend...

>> No.11528074

>Bill Gates now wants to chip people.
And that's a good thing.
All normalfags need to be chipped.

>> No.11528080

They moved from a health focus, to a political tool as the information they had became politically sensitive for nation's and their trade. Basically if you have an epidemic or disease issue in your country and the WHO called you out, it resulted in a loss of business confidence.

So then steps were made to make it more " politically sensitive ", in the form of lobbying and kick backs.

>> No.11528085
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>> No.11528097
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>> No.11528129

Its funny because Corona and 1984

>> No.11528138
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A little harsh? Are you this forgetful? At first I thought that the WHO is "just sucking Xi's dick in order to get access to Wuhan data" but then we got to witness the WHO continually sucking the CCP dick, then fondling the balls, then moving on to literally whitewashing the entire decrepit cruel regime and the fact they covered up between half a million and 10 million deaths.

Do you understand MASS DEATHS just being swept under the rug and UN colluding in the coverups and whitewash?

The WHO took it way too far, they covered CCP's ass at every turn, they backed the CCP at the expense of the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD including China:
>deny the virus poses a risk
>deny h2h transmission
>downplay h2h transmission in face of overwhelming evidence
>praise the "Chinese approach" when everyone knew the CCP did EVERYTHING WRONG
>keep praising it over and over again
>deny Taiwan access to resources, follow CCP instructions to insist Taiwan and HK are "province of China"
>keep relying on Chinese data MONTHS beyond the point the entire world stopped believing the CCP lies
>defend the CCP and their crimes and actions from every journalist asking tough questions, every fucking day
>also getting paid hundreds of millions by the Chinese government
>UN partner with Tencent, same Chinese state company who runs WeChat who censored any mention of virus from DECEMBER ONWARDS and is still doing just that in order to promote Zoom so the CCP can botnet the entire fucking world
There is no reason to defend these cocksuckers, they legitimized the CCP in doing so ensured the world trusted CCP lies and that this virus would spread 100x as fast because of it. They fucked the world, now that they're complicit they're thick as thieves. Entire WHO should be replaced with a new body ASAP, they should no longer be trusted. I used to think the UN had merit however ineffective, then they helped the CCP kill 10-20 million people.

It's the world vs. the CCP now, fuck your elections.

>> No.11528157

Anyone have link to the study that calculated there could've been 95% less spreading and deaths, maybe even containment of the virus if China wasn't headed by the fucking CCP?

>> No.11528160 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11528164


>> No.11528225

Never forget.
>"at this point, there is no evidence for human to human transmission"
>two months after it was known
>"at this point, the virus is contained, we need more money so we can keep it contained"
>"at this point, the WHO does not recommend travel restrictions"
>"at this point, the WHO does not recommend the general public in the West wear face masks because they're too stupid to wear them correctly or follow basic instructions"
>"keep giving us more money, we can always use more money, more money makes the fight against the virus more effective, give us more money now"
>"at this point, it's an epidemic, but still not a pandemic"
>"okay you can all use the word pandemic now, please give us more money"

>> No.11528229

People don't seem to realize the CCP resembles a SA drug cartel more than a government. Xinjiang (overt genocide) and Hong Kong (covert genocide) are their model for dealing with any situation now. I wouldn't be surprised if they have threatened to kill the entire families of any WHO official who even considers deviating from their script, as they've done in Tibet (everyone dead, imprisoned or fled elsewhere), Xinjiang (ditto) and Hong Kong (where they've now thrown ~5000 people, mostly kids from rooftops or bridges and threaten the rest with lengthy jail sentences). The CCP is worse than any cartel or terrorist organization, they're not a government, they're the number one threat to the human race, it's not just a matter of being the weakest link, I suspect they abandoned the very concept of co-existence some time ago after Xi came to power.


>> No.11528244

>UN partner with Tencent, same Chinese state company who runs WeChat who censored any mention of virus from DECEMBER ONWARDS and is still doing just that in order to promote Zoom so the CCP can botnet the entire fucking world

>> No.11528248

his whole channel is about China. what's up with that?

>> No.11528253

>Global partnership with Tencent

>> No.11528554
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Good reminder. Regardless of WHO, there is no excuse for being unprepared. Especially, when US simulated this exact scenario.

>> No.11528562

Falun gong is not a culture, retard. It's the Chinese version of Scientology

>> No.11528564

Falun gong ran thousands of ads for Donald Trump, has sponsored conversion therapy, and believes people are separated by race in heaven. How is this liberal?

>> No.11528569

Falun gong ran thousands of ads for trump, supported conversion therapy, and believes people are separated by race in heaven. How is that liberal?

>> No.11528570

>Traditional Chinese cultural thought and modernity are two focuses of Li Hongzhi's teachings. Falun Gong echoes traditional Chinese beliefs that humans are connected to the universe through mind and body, and Li seeks to challenge "conventional mentalities", concerning the nature and genesis of the universe, time-space, and the human body.[46][47]
>Falun Gong (UK: /ˌfɑːlʊn ˈɡɒŋ, ˌfæl-, - ˈɡʊŋ/, US: /- ˈɡɔːŋ/)[1] or Falun Dafa (/ˈdɑːfə/; Standard Mandarin Chinese: [fàlwə̌n tâfà]; literally, "Dharma Wheel Practice" or "Law Wheel Practice") is a Chinese religious practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance (Chinese: 真、善、忍).
>with a moral philosophy centered on the tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance

>> No.11528571

Fuck sent it twice

>> No.11528573

>Falun Gong's cosmology includes the belief that different ethnicities each have a correspondence to their own heavens, and that individuals of mixed race lose some aspect of this connection.[20] Nonetheless, Li maintains that being of mixed race does not affect a person's soul, nor hinder their ability to practice cultivation.[20] The practice does not have any formal stance against interracial marriage, and many Falun Gong practitioners have interracial children.[63]

>> No.11528574

that's fine, you're a barinlet after all.

>> No.11528579

>It's the Chinese version of Scientology
sure it's spooky religious bs. but that doesn't mean it is devoid of a moral framework like the CCP.

>> No.11528582

>How is that liberal?
it's closer to liberalism than the CCP, that much is certain.

>> No.11528699

>‘Zoom is malware’: why experts worry about the video conferencing platform
>The company has seen a 535% rise in daily traffic in the past month, but security researchers say the app is a ‘privacy disaster’

>> No.11528847
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by giving shit advice.

>> No.11528856

and declaring an obvious emergency so fucking late. even blumpf was on it before the WHO.

Jan 29th
blumpf's emergency task force started

Jan 30th
WHO finally declares COVID19 a global emergency.

>> No.11529046

all fifty (50) states failed to prepare, you don't need Trump's permission to do things, all the universities and medical institutions are rotten to the core and Trump is just the cherry on top

>> No.11529068
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Since we're doing whataboutism with orange cheeto. Where were the Dems during this time? Oh, that's right, spouting off "just the flu bro" tweets and calling people racist for being concerned about the CCP virus. Get your head out of your partisan butt holes. Both Dems and GOP have to answer for this, but not nearly as much as the WHO and CCP.

>> No.11530290

>declaring an obvious emergency so fucking late.
I like how almost all the threads back then said the exact opposite of that.

>> No.11530481

Not just in the US, but in the UK as well, hospitals were waiting for instructions from public health bodies who were waiting for instructions from the department of health who were waiting for instructions from the executive who were waiting for instructions from WHO who weren't doing their jobs properly.

Basically, nobody who should have been making decisions was actually making any decisions. In the UK, it has been middle-grade doctors in a lot of institutions who have been driving the hospital planning and protocols. The major lesson to learn from this is that it is no excuse to look further along the chain of command and blame the next person along in line. There comes a point where multiple individuals could have stopped this madness well in advance, made proper contingencies and started to equip themselves appropriately.