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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11526070 No.11526070 [Reply] [Original]

I am a /biz/tard currently studying business. I am interested in Business Analytics, Finance, and Economics. What math do I need to excel at these topics? Recommend me books please.

>> No.11526081

Basic calculus, linear algebra and statistics so you know how to read the math and put it in some programming language

Financs, business analytica etc. In industry can be done by any brainlet. Math academics do the heavy lifting to develop the theoretical math.

>> No.11526405

Statistics. Lots and lots of statistics. Like an unbelievably insane amount of statistics

>> No.11526409
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A must read for everyone interested in business analytics, finance and economics.

>> No.11526414

This is a great suggestion. At first I was a bit put off by the notation but after getting over it and having finished the book, everything in finance is much clearer now. My boss remarked that my productivity has drastically improved after reading this book. Thoroughly recommended.

>> No.11526424

8/10 Well done

>> No.11526456
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This. Serre's text has helped me solidify and rebuild my basic arithmetics, which ultimately allowed me to obtain a better grasp of financial maths. Absolutely would recommend to anyone who went through the joke that is the modern educational system.

>> No.11526538

Ignore this post >>11526416

>> No.11526558

Admittedly, this book is very controversial in /sci/. As you can see, some people hate it so much that they create fake posts pretending that the suggestion was a prank. Don't listen to them OP. They only dislike it because they have low IQ, did not have the patience to get through the book or have a personal vendetta against the Bourbaki group as well as the French way of doing mathematics in general. There are a lot of V.I. Arnold's fans (also a mathematicians) who believe maths is strictly a part of physics and Bourbaki ruined everything, although you do not need to know about that.
People in financial mathematics are much smarter than the average poster on /sci/. I'm sure this is the perfect book for you.

>> No.11526620

Thank you for your help frens