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11516282 No.11516282 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the better career path?

>> No.11516294

well you should never do medicine unless you're actually passionate about some big aspect about it (helping people, the human body, etc). if you're doing it for salary you'll just end up quiting and kill yourself with 250k debt. engineering is the de facto choice if you're asking this question

>> No.11516295

Medical engineering, duh. If both interest you, that's the way to go. They sometimes call it medical physics or something.

>> No.11516298

Medicine. Debt is a spook. Don't listen the brainlet above me.

>> No.11516308

absolutely medicine

>> No.11516323

bros i'm a eurofag, should i just do medicine instead of engineering? considering it's just 6 years, the debt scares me but the pay is phenomenal.

>> No.11516333

>Medicine. Debt is a spook. Don't listen the brainlet above me.
Learn to read dumbfuck. Also we're not talking about 100k debt for a bachelor's. We're talking about 8+ years of dedicated study in a topic you are ostensibly only doing for money, and going a quarter million in debt for that (if you back out of) you are fucked. You will get your wages garnished for a lifetime on an already low wage job, there is no way out of that. The "Sam Hyde" $10/month method doesn't work in such a case.

>> No.11516340

This is the only conversation topic in the whole of India

>> No.11516348

God damnit why couldn't I be interested in medicine. I'm only interested in autistic shit like cars. If I was actually interested in medicine I wouldn't have to bullshit to literally everyone about how I LOVE MEDICINE REALLY WANT TO BE A PHYSICIAN!!! constantly. Fuck jews for transforming all the other 300k+ careers into nepotism-shielded unobtainium.

>> No.11516381
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I study computer science

>> No.11516395

a medical doctor literally just regurgitates information they learned in med school. ai will completely replace doctors soon enough

>> No.11516446
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I was at this juncture once in my life. I chose engineering. Now I'm a student who is fucking stressed as shit getting a chemE degree nearly failing.

I'm guessing since its Med School vs Eng you did well in HS. I did too. It depends on WHY you did well in high school though. Do you think you did well primarily because of your analytical /creative skills? I'd go for an engineering degree. Do you think you did well in HS primarily because you were a hard worker? Be a doctor.

A lot of medicine is memorization and recognizing patterns. Whereas a lot of engineering is creative problem solving. I'd say that good doctors and good engineers probably have similar mental processing power its just what they are better at.

>> No.11516467

Medicine has higher job security, but is far worse in terms of salary, debt, work hours etc. If you wish for a career in healthcare and don't have a burning wish to be an MD, you are better off becoming some kind of allied health profession.

>> No.11516479

Engineering, if you want a shorter path to success. You can get a bachelor's degree from any shitty school and become an engineer.

>> No.11516506

I am unironiclly really interested in law to the point of specializing in the history of early modern civil law for undergrad and now philosophy of law and politics in law school lol. The prospect of spending my life overseeing corporate mergers or reading and writing about theoretical law in academia is exciting to me. The idea of law school being this insanely hard boring slog I'm starting to believe comes from people not even interested in anything that has to do with law besides the perceived salary and status that comes with it or fans of youtube criminal proceedings. Probably the same for med school

>> No.11516510

Choose one
If you want true creativity in stem go for the hard sciences or math

>> No.11516515
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>> No.11516848
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>Discovering something someone else can revolutionize the world with 80 years later while you rot away in academia.
No thanks

>> No.11516925

That's the deal bro, there's problem solving in engineering but not the kind of creativity you see in art, math, physics, philosophy, architecture, some other humanities that requires independent research. True creativity in engineering is absolutely useless and dangerous, everything in the field is constrained application and implementation of tried and true procedures
If you're not in the top 1% in your field and you're still paid well there is no creativity involved your job, just how it is.

>> No.11516963
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Take the career that you actually want, my friend
Taking the path simply because it pays well is no different from selling your soul

You'll end up exactly like pic

>> No.11517174

be a scientist big guy

>> No.11517350

And the Middle East

>> No.11517362

>maybe $75k a year tops, seen as a cost center by management, at the absolute bottom of the corporate hierarchy
>$300k+, widely respected, unbeatable job security
Tough call, anon.

t. mechanical engineer

>> No.11517420

Geotechnical engineer here

Engineers have:

Worse salaries.
Easier work, even though it's overly complicated you basically crunch numbers in established formulas.
Less stress.
Comfy work hours.
Less chance of dying from corona because they can work from home, unless they are required on site.
Worse social status
Easier and faster path to "get there"

Tldr: both have their ups and downs, but being a doctor is considered more prestigious for a reason. It really depends on each person.

>> No.11517485

Debt aint a problem here in Australia as its like 60k for the Bachelor course and another 10-20k for the Doctorate. If you're in the US have fun

>> No.11517496

Retard. Compsci is superior

>> No.11517510

what about biomed engineering or mech eng with biology if i wanna work in the medical field?

>> No.11517512

really? i thought it was worse.
hows med school there?

>> No.11517526

don't you have a street to shit on?

>> No.11517591

your major is utter watered down garbage , you wont serve any function after you graduate you limp dick cuck

>> No.11517710

Depends on state. Most likely getting your spot taken by a chink

>> No.11517808

If by superior you mean getting asked to repair your family and relatives pc, yeah. Sure

>> No.11518191

Even just socially, you win every argument once you say "I'm a doctor". Meanwhile if you say you are an "engineer" you are in danger of looking blue collar as fuck

>> No.11519989
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>> No.11520129

Most people do shit they don't like for their whole lives. Fuck if anyone cares about 8 years. Quit being a limp wristed fag

>> No.11520136

As someone halfway through an engineering degree, I'd say medicine. I'm here doing fucking calc 3 and diff eq while med students are actually learning something interesting.

>> No.11520141

could say the same about engineering

>im here studying fucking latin while engineers are building rockets and shit

>> No.11520147

Difference is, you actually get to learn latin, and at the end of it all you get to actually be a doctor. Engineers don't actually learn how to build rockets, they learn how to do complicated and boring-as-fuck math, just to have the privilege of sitting in a cubicle and doing boring-as-fuck math for the rest of their life.

>> No.11520153

dude being a doctor sucks you hypersocial queer

"augh yeah folks social status and dealing with people all day" - you, a man with a disproportionate amount of maternally biased genes expressed in his phenotype

>> No.11520164

>Not going consulting/management role and wealthmogging doctors
You deserve to make only 75k

>> No.11520165

Has nothing to do with the social status, it's the fact that doctors actually fucking do things while engineers just type math into a computer.

>> No.11520170

Honestly if you only care about money go into accounting.