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11515332 No.11515332 [Reply] [Original]

Crippling depression edition

>> No.11515362

I'm an experimental physicist.

And with corona-chan shutting down my lab I can't do shit without muh lasers.

Guess I'll write that paper and read literature for half a year lol.

>> No.11515363
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>> No.11515391


>> No.11515523

international politics

>> No.11515538

>not doing both theory and experiment
>not having access to supercomputer to run simulations of experiments to prepare feasibility studies or preliminary theoretical papers during downtime

never gonna make it

>> No.11515539

The stoodier is a failure of society, not of the individual

>> No.11515542

I've started my masters this year and I have course work for the first semester. I'm quite sad that they are delayed

>> No.11515558
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>parants say they're proud but secretly wish he'd get a job
I did not need to see this today

>> No.11515563

It's the failure to recognize sophism and racketeering in academia. The partisan divide makes it so the useful idiots who can afford education and the idiots with the balls to make use of their education are on opposing sides.

>> No.11515681

based serbia continuing to exist between two major powers when polan couldn't

>> No.11516126
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>> No.11516322

You don't have crippling depression unless your loans went into default and can't go on with graduate school dreams for another few years till everything is fixed because retards and their arbitrary programs are meant to penalize people who've had bad enough lives already.

>> No.11516376

>Crippling depression edition
nope it's another drank another coffee to study and wasted it on shitposting edition

>> No.11516389

Don't you have funding for your program?

>> No.11516564

the lab I'm in at my school is shut down too, my advisor is just sending me a lot of shit to read until we can go back in.

>> No.11517519

I do actually have access to a computing cluster and have run simulations on it.

But it's not really what I need to be doing at this point. Also, I don't trust my calculations too much.

>> No.11517564

Was taking graduate linear algebra and got 125/100 on the first test (average was 25) and was writing full solutions of every theorem and problem in the book. Now school is out because of corona and for the last 2 weeks I've been studying Japanese, playing vidya, watching pewdiepie, and I even started watch a fucking anti-feminism talking animal channel (rex at 2.0x speed but still) today. Why is my life spiraling out of control?

>> No.11517567


>> No.11517598

>Ottoman Empire
>major power

>> No.11517607

Free time always leads to decadence for me. That's why I'm tidying up everything in my house right now. I'm also learning russian and having fun on linux. I try to cut my vidya/series time by 2. The next step of my master plan is to gradually reduce screen time while gardening.

>> No.11517711

don't underestimate the power of throwing turks at your enemies 3:1

>> No.11518052

>me computing several possible evolutionary pathways for the virus while positioning cures.

>> No.11518060

>I'm an experimental psychic.
>And with corona-chan shutting down the carnival I can't do shit without muh crystal ball.
>Guess I'll write dead people letters and read palms for half a year lol.

>> No.11518077

You might actually make it. We should pull this crab back into the bucket. You will leave us and go on to better places if we don't.

So I'll say that you are a fucking retard and will never make it. You are stupid and incapable.

Actually studying things will never get you anywhere. It's all a conspiracy and you should wallow in your depression like the rest of us. How dare you be motivated, you piece of shit. Don't learn anything useful like Linux, either. It's a commie OS and will make you homosexual.

>> No.11519027

hello bobo

>> No.11519044

now is the time to learn theory
i'm dedicating myself to dft and wft

>> No.11519125

Do they actually police your activities at your schools? The department said all research was shut down but my advisor is totally cool with me going in to do my rxns. Works out great, have almost the entire building to myself. I cut my hair in the restroom, fapped in my cubicle, drink beer before heading out every night

Purr bliss