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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 500x551, regular-show-death-58ada2ab550b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11511974 No.11511974 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any benefits to no-fap? I heard many contadictory opinions on the topic.

>> No.11511979

umping for interest

>> No.11511981


>> No.11511984

wat ?

>> No.11511995
File: 38 KB, 860x686, 47-470710_hd-mspaint-emoji-yellow-thinking-emoji-meme-hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this, but this is more about pornography rather than fapping itself.

>> No.11512006

Watch porn is lowering acetylcholine levels, which is responsible of cognitive functioning of the brain
This can cause sth called brain fog.
But it only legitimize no-porn rather than no-fap

>> No.11512008

Pornography is a poison that decimates your brain.

>inb4 joo shills and coomers reply to my comment with damage control

>> No.11512022

Why feminists on RationalWiki hate no-fap movement so much? Isn't lessening sexual exploitation of women sth they want?

>> No.11512026

It gives some sense of self control. Nothing else.

>> No.11512041

Sure theres some benefits but you also lose your sex drive and become asexual if you go long enough without jerking off so I'd rather not

>> No.11512045
File: 645 KB, 689x691, szok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know feministis want for us (men) to watch porn, but also feel shitty while doing so

>> No.11512054
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You don't see any difference?

>> No.11512060

if you have to ask, you probably need to close those 50 porntabs and delete that 10k bookmark folder

also SJWs should make up their mind watching pron was bad now its bad if youre not sitting in a dark room in the middle of the day searching for random porn

>> No.11512061

Yes, but because of different grooming and the photos being taking different light.

>> No.11512072

>lose your sex drive
>and become asexual

>> No.11512079

>you also lose your sex drive
I think you're talking period known as flatline. But it is not permanent. After a week or so your sex drive comes back to normal

>> No.11512117

Not fapping then improved grooming and lighting skills, reflecting an overall personality improvement

>> No.11512119

If you feel you need to constantly fap to keep your sex drive up, you've already lost your sex drive and fap out of fear. Feap, it's called. Google it.

>> No.11512124

Yeah, but you can apply your discipline to the aspects you want to improve directly and still fap.

>> No.11512133

But isnt the definition of asexual mean not having sex? No fapping literally means you're asexual.

>> No.11512136

Sure, but people gotta start somewhere. Some do it at the gym, some do it while avoiding fapping, some read books, etc.

>> No.11512141

Define it however you want, you won't lose your sex drive from not fapping. Rather the opposite. Asexuality is to me a complete lack of will to do anything sexual, I do believe that's the general definition also

t. have been highly depressed and lost literally all sex drive for a period of my life

>> No.11512145

Ok so at that point you can fap and return to square one. Or not fap and your sex drive will lower again. Whats the point?

>> No.11512149

>you won't lose your sex drive from not fapping. Rather the opposite.
Citation needed that makes no sense. Ever hear the saying use it or lose it?

>> No.11512158

>Ever hear the saying use it or lose it?
Nope, I also believe it's rather subjective. But if you need to constantly fap in order to keep your sex drive, then how strong is it really to begin with..? I'd say that there's some underlying issues to deal with then anyway

>> No.11512172

That's like saying " if you only need to workout to be strong then your not strong to being with". Yeah ok. You have a dick for a reason its ment to be used

>> No.11512232
File: 24 KB, 400x300, consciousness-709143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok so at that point you can fap and return to square one. Or not fap and your sex drive will lower again. Whats the point?
Did you know sex drive can be used not only for fapping?

>> No.11512243

Sure, but not out of habit or 'duty', but out of satisfaction. Fapping shouldn't ever be a coping mechanism/anti depressant, especially not when it requires increasingly degenerate topics in order to 'get one off'. I believe that's the main usage in these parts of the internet, and that no-fap might help reveal some much deeper issues which require aid.

>> No.11512252
File: 126 KB, 640x640, 82406769_888733164915278_8463889369464904595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No-fap can also spike the level of testosterone.. Androgen receptors can also increase.
Not ejaculating can also save zinc in your body, which makes your skin better, so the photo that I sent wasn't complete bollocks

>> No.11512258

Fapping also produce prolacting which decreases production of testosterone in your body. Less testosterone means less bone mass, worse libido, less muscle mass and more fat distribution

>> No.11512268
File: 144 KB, 682x1023, cdfxgw02oyu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reward circle of your brain there will be more deltaphos-b due to fapping. In means that there will be unhealthy amount of dopamine, making anything else other porn and masturbation seem less exciting.

>> No.11512281

>avolition etiology
lol, coomers are fucked

>> No.11512301

It's polscience for incels.

>> No.11512303

Not having sex and sexual feelings means you're a-sexual.

It's nothing to do with masturbation you fucking coomer retard.

>> No.11512307

You sound like Vice journalist

>> No.11512330
File: 617 KB, 680x614, EUP2D90WAAAS7Cj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dopamine is neurotransmitter, which is on low level even 2 weeks after ejaculation.
And to think that some people jerk off daily.

>> No.11512348

reward circle of my brain huh?

/sci/ is a bigger shitshow than /x/

>> No.11512351

Authentic coomer documentary. 100% legit

>> No.11512355
File: 34 KB, 560x577, SNTFAEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reward circle of my brain huh?

>> No.11512362

must be why methheads are a chaste people

>> No.11512555
File: 85 KB, 620x959, 41cb5eb991f14feeeca82cb918f7f0a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that training willpower can boost your confidence. If you will keep on succeeding. But you can't succeed if you don't at least give it a try.

>> No.11512577
File: 51 KB, 706x720, meme-whole-gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elevated levels of prolactine can also cause depression. So when you wonder why there are so many depressed people nowadays. There's your answer,

>> No.11512586

Semen retention can also improve sperm motility

>> No.11512614

Excessive amount of fapping can also cause erectile dysfuntion. In no-fap circles is called PIED

>> No.11512681
File: 211 KB, 600x846, main-qimg-d7f8ff0d70452014a314314efe39d3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you stop ejaculating constantly your body also stop using your resources to create more semen. Then you can feel more energetic. In sperm there are 200 different vitamins that your body can keep during no fap.

>> No.11512693

Fapping can also raise estrogen receptors

>> No.11512717
File: 1.48 MB, 2100x1275, 1521213943702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After masturbation levels of DHT raise. DHT or dihydrotestosterone is the hormone responsible for hair loss.
So if you want to have nice hairline, you better put away that lotion

>> No.11512733
File: 79 KB, 750x732, D0W04yCWkAAgDhF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DHT is also the hormone that cause acne

>> No.11512748

Identical density of hair, on the right the hairs are just longer because they had time to grow.

>t. baldfag who tried nofap

>> No.11512757

DHT and oestradiol still causes hair loss, which level raises after fapping

>> No.11512760
File: 46 KB, 800x600, 19-11-3-high-level-of-DHT-makes-the-hair-strands-to-fall-out-faster-LEWIGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the study

>> No.11512854
File: 52 KB, 620x412, z20182996Q,Muhammad-Ali-nie-zyje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you are not fapping more responsive and more agile. Yes not fap can in fact improve physical performance and stamina. That's why famous athletes like Muhammad Ali were on nofap

>> No.11512860

same with people like Manny Pacquiao, David Haye or Mike Tyson

>> No.11512945

it's a stupid way to reward yourself. go get the real thing or get something else, don't be (((conformist)))

>> No.11512954

Why is nofap even an idea that exists? Get a girlfriend you fucking freaks.

>> No.11513016

Ikr Steve Jobs and Muhammad Ali were such virgins.

>> No.11513024

Both of them had kids

>> No.11513076

I was joking. it was a response to the previous post 11512954

>> No.11513098

>it was a response to the previous post 11512954

>> No.11514015

It's ideological claptrap, like 50% of this /pol/ annex content.
This is some real 1950s Catholic School tier memery.

>> No.11514285

Sex is arguably the greatest contribution to the world that most women will make, it is also their greatest source of power as they are typically inadequate in all other fields in comparison to men, therefore nothing riles them up more than a man who doesn't value sex.

>> No.11514336


>> No.11514340

>it's ideological claptrap
What about all the data about prolactine and DHT?

>> No.11514347

It instantly gratifies your deepest evolutionary desire with free, HD, and personalized pornography. What argument is there for it besides that it ‘feels good’?

>> No.11514349
File: 107 KB, 1275x717, cover14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible of reasoning. Its functioning can be damaged due to fapping.

>> No.11514358
File: 153 KB, 500x868, calling-a-lolicon-a-pedophile-my-good-sir-the-anime-43262215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypofrontality can also make you more compromising your morals. You start lurking things you would be abhorred by previously.

>> No.11514435

lolicon is merely cartoons

>> No.11514556

>lolicon is merely cartoons
Try nofap and get rid off your lolita complex. I guess you have one

>> No.11514600

its literally cartoons, wheres your moral disdain for all the guro, rape, ryona, incest, vore

>> No.11514643
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-the-only-reason-that-jews-are-in-pornography-is-that-we-think-that-christ-sucks-catholicism-al-goldstein-61-52-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False dichotomy.
Lolicon porn being bad doesn't make all the other paraphilias OK

>> No.11514716

its not bad faggot, its cartoons

>> No.11515488

Fap -> Neutral
Fap + Ejaculate -> Bad
Porn -> Bad
Sex -> Good
Sex + ejaculate -> Nuetral (Depends)

>> No.11515665

I only know that I started having incredibly vivid dreams after I stopped watching porn for 3 weeks. My nights are normally pitch black.

>> No.11515673

Oh well. That might explain it.

>> No.11515788

Isn't the entire reason of nofap about getting more testosterone? Would be weird that all these guys abstaining from nofap are getting less.

>> No.11515804

abstaining from fapping I mean, not nofap.

>> No.11516820

> t. virgin

>> No.11517189

i hope you are being sarcastic... meth just dumps dopamine and serotonin and makes sex super long and pleasurable at the cost of draining of all pleasure shortly after.

tfw i spent $700 on fleshlight products because masturbation was too rough and i was excited by the products on my methout mind.

>> No.11517191


he has a point some people call it kundalini or tantric sex... personally ive never had sex where if didn't cum unless i was incredibly drunk or she was incredibly ugly.

Sex with random hoes =/= sex with a woman who you connect with on an intellectual and emotional level.

>> No.11517240

>in merely 30 days, Omar grew a beard and bought a better camera

>> No.11517268

Lmao every time

>> No.11517389

Fapping can actually shrink your prefrontal cortex as the mental state you’re in completely blocks the parts of the brain responsible for complex thinking. It also drains your essential resources. Each ejaculation is said to take 0.3mg of zinc, which is compounded by the fact that most people are thought to be deficient in zinc because of lifestyle choices. Thirdly, prolactin stays elevated for 2-3 weeks after ejaculation. Prolactin has an inverse relationship with dopamine. The more you ejaculate, the more prolactin you have, the less dopamine will be present.

>> No.11517396

You must be 18 years of age to use this site

>> No.11517426
File: 50 KB, 894x490, Tiger-travels-2000-km-in-search-for-its-mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the urge to reproduce (horny) is a very strong one. many species cheat on this urge by masturbation but this auto stimuli is nothing compared to sex and it's less satiating so the individual still prefers and seeks sex but it isn't distracted by it. same applies to humans and that's why sex feels more satiating than masturbation.
the average browser here has strayed so far from nature and reality that these rules above no longer apply to him and they have been long replaced by schizophrenia, schizoid disorders and delusions. he would rather masturbate 20 times to live leak than go outside and not be a lazy fat lardass and talk to a woman
have sex.

>> No.11517449

Nobody fucking knows what Feminists want anymore. They decide what they like and don't like on a whim, and then invent post hoc gender theory justifications for what they like.

>> No.11517604

I hope ma striped boy over there managed to get his dick wet at the end of that long trek. He earned it.

>> No.11517849
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, testosterone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about semen retention? Is it legit? I have some doubts, because it has its roots in taoism.

>> No.11517856

>Blah blah blah more evolutionary psychology nonsense

>> No.11517866

Why so dismissive?

>> No.11517870

Because speculation belongs in the trash

>> No.11517877

They want power

>> No.11517881

No? it's retarded incel science just like nofap.

>> No.11517897
File: 13 KB, 384x384, 1584597278474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking guy

>> No.11517904
File: 152 KB, 920x531, 258-2585181_consider-the-following-jojos-bizarre-adventure-dio.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about all the studies?

>> No.11517907 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 860x864, 208-2083719_wojak-brainlet-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't there's something with Daily Mail, ok? Give me a break. I can't erase posts anyway.

>> No.11517910 [DELETED] 

>I didn't there
I meant " I didn't know"

>> No.11517914

>there's something
There should be "there's something wrong"

>> No.11518003

I think feminists in general know least what feminists want, but it's pretty clear what feminists want from an evolutionary and psychological view. Feminism is the social manifestation of the female psyche. Feminism is female behavior magnified to a social scale.

What other posters said is probably closest to the truth: Women gain influence through their bodies and sex. Anything that reduces their value as sex objects is seen as a threat to their power, even if it's just subconscious. Feminism is female sobconscience played out on a social scale.

That is consistent with women being upset about Project Melody, sex robots, and MGTOW. MGTOW upsets them because marriage and sex is a way for women to get power. Even though many feminists are so unattractive that many of them would not be able to use sex very much, feminism is largerly female subconscience played out, which is why feminism seems contradictory in many ways. Watch what women do, not what they say. Then there is no contradiction.

Men are evil oppressors and marriage is a prison for women. Yet, men who go MGTOW make women upset, too. Why? Because women need to be in a victim role and they cannot admit that they depend on the manipulation of men to achieve their ends. That manipulation happens either through sex, and if the woman is too old or unattractive, through the state.

There is no contradiction in feminism. If you read Schopenhauer, Bax, Kohlberg, Piaget that will make more sense of feminism than anything that feminists say about themselves. I think most feminists are not consciously aware of their own motivations.

As others said, porn makes women upset because that means fewer men will pay attention to them or spend money on them. But, this is only applicable to high status males. Women do not care of men they deem low in social status ignore them. Once men of high status, such as celebrities, for example, state that they go MGTOW or avoid women, that is when women get really upset.

>> No.11518522
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, cd475f_7387296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really that scientific, but hear me out. On an average people spent 1 hour a week watching Internet porn. I think this time can be used better like by browsing 4chan for example. Or you can work out or read a book idk.

>> No.11518529

Can attest. Quit porn bros

>> No.11518565
File: 37 KB, 628x649, 82e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nofap can also help in having better self esteem. It can even improve one's mental health.
There was this one study who took about 450 people and start asking them question about their porn watching habits and their mental health. 30% people view pornography about 4 times a week. 25% of selected people watches porn every day. On average all the 450 people had 6.5 level on their depression. But people who watch porn 4 times a week had 18 level of depression on average
I am not 100% sure about this one, because this study can show that porn don;t cause depression, but depressed people tend to watch it more. It can be interpreted differently.

>> No.11518605
File: 77 KB, 550x424, Testosterone-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a simple infographic for y'all showing why having optimal level of testosterone is even worth pursuing

>> No.11518628
File: 183 KB, 1125x2436, 07r12sopvf341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn is especially dangerous for young undeveloped nervous system of children and teenagers. Adolescence is the period of life when watching pornography is the most harmful.
And what PornHub does?

>> No.11518682
File: 70 KB, 1000x817, 73whc7tjmyw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this one study, when scientist test porn watchers' ability to delay gratification. They got a simple task: you can get 10$ right now or 20 $ next week.Study found out that people who watch porn had a bigger problem with postponing gratification.
The same study showed that people not watching porn for 3 weeks delayed gratification easier.
Having an ability to postpone gratification is important to achieve success in life.

>> No.11518707
File: 63 KB, 640x431, 5c80357685bf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who watch porn constantly over a span of years also have fewer nerve connections and smaller mass of gey matter in the reward system. Because of that porn watcher have more difficult time making decision and motivating themselves to do anything.

>> No.11518710

>gey matter
I meant grey matter obviously

>> No.11518836


>> No.11518840


>> No.11518846

>They got a simple task: you can get 10$ right now or 20 $ next week.Study found out that people who watch porn had a bigger problem with postponing gratification.

Lol beta male doesn’t do orgasm denial to get bigger cums

>> No.11518884

what studies

>> No.11518895


>> No.11518922

Could be legit psychological effects, which is also resulting in neurochemistry changing and ultimately also neurophysiology being affected to some degree. The data points in this direction, but it’s to hard to really measure and close every loophole. There is also the zinc and protein factor, which does come into play, if the individual isn’t eating healthy.

>> No.11518925
File: 94 KB, 894x894, that_20_year_old_coomer_who_s_also_a_furfag_by_azonbobcat_ddldceh-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuroscience of Internet pornography
Sperm mobility

>> No.11519077

>Sperm mobility

<not peer-reviewed proofs
86iq chimps should be banned