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11508657 No.11508657 [Reply] [Original]

dear virologists,

will Corona
a) die out
b) slow down
c) keep its pace
during spring and summer?

>> No.11508672

all of the above

>> No.11509023

>no difference in spread between the two hemispheres

Yeah, I'm thinking you aren't having a summer vacation this year.

>> No.11509027

South Africa looks fucked to me

>> No.11509056

>South Africa looks fucked to me
1,170 cases with only 1 death.

>> No.11509066

>looks at the numbers
>not the graph of exponential growth

Where are you guys coming from?

>> No.11509081

South Africa is taking measures to flatten the curve by having a 21 day lockdown.

>> No.11509093

it will slow down as we discover that 80% of people are just immune or asymptomatic

>> No.11509098

mutate into a new class of prion-virus-animal pathogen that flies around and snuffs us all in our sleep.
t. just trust me bro, i know these things

>> No.11509454

It will most likely show a cyclical trend eventually, before being much less prevalent altogether.

>> No.11509470

It is a virtual certainty that it will become a seasonal disease. There will be another bump in the epidemiological curve next northern hemisphere winter. In matter of months it will slow down in terms of of new infections per day when the population at risk in areas with local transmission saturates out and climate in northern hemisphere becomes warmer. It will not die out because it is easily transmitted and is not virulent enough to burn itself out, nor to justify an extreme effort from society to isolate all cases.

Note: I am not a virologist.

>> No.11509484

The answer to your questions depends on if people go on lockdown. If we do nothing it will spread and everyone will get in a few months. If you take measures to self isolate it will die out

>> No.11509490

Someone needs to just compare the growth of coronavirus across climate zones and see if heat makes a difference. There is probably enough data out there.

>> No.11509565

It's not about the viruses itself it's more about people having weaker immune systems when it gets cold

>> No.11509889

No one has properly estimated the paramaters so it's still unknown. You can fit a curve no matter how shit your data is, so the models they have are approximate in some sense but I would not trust them.

>> No.11509894

Also, exponential growth is expected EVERYWHERE, it is very well known virus and bacteria grow at that rate at some intervals, the public health policies only help to change the overall curve not the growth type.

>> No.11510717

I read https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-blood-type-linked-to-covid-19-risk

but why is it that they don't include being RH negative or positive in the study? Why would you only half ass the study with ABO types and not include RH?

>> No.11510735

Because blood types don't matter in this case

>> No.11510976

I want to get revenge on the Chinese for this, how feasible are ethnic bioweapons?

>> No.11511020

Feasible but horrifying. Most Chinese people don't have a say in their government if you want to hurt the people who hurt you you might want to work for something like an individual based virus that kills a certain person or family.

>> No.11511057

it doesn't matter how long they lockdown if the population ignores the order
South africa can't keep ghouls from fucking shit on the regular, how would they stop them now

>> No.11511060

take off that trip you disgusting redditor mongrel

>> No.11511488

[Environmental Scientist specialising in passive dispersal / modelling]

I'm currently working on a research vessel atm. We expect this variant to last until November. It will persist in the population indefinitely, and vaccines are potentially the only way to minimise the seasonal effects expected. Until immune systems are familiar with the new foreign proteins.

If you're interested in this, I recommend reading papers and the conversations between actual epidemiologists. As misinformation from general practitioners is becoming increasingly frustrating.

And just to rub salt into the wounds, we're using MATLAB to model the dispersal and contact pathways.

>> No.11511508

Nice dubs
How about treatments? Any word on when a treatment will show up?

>> No.11511526

When do you predict the inflection point is gonna hit for the entire world, assuming current average government trends? How many dead before a vaccine in November?

>> No.11511540

>prion virus
>not a thing

>> No.11512596

How will it both die out and keep pace?

>> No.11512605

>Note: I am not a virologist.
that is obvious.

>> No.11512694

>I want to get revenge on the Chinese for this, how feasible are ethnic bioweapons?
google "Chinese Cell Phone Accounts"
We know the Chinese government has been lying about the impact and death toll from the beginning.
They've had 21 MILLION "pay as you go" cell phones go silent and not renewed in the last three months.
It's entirely possible (perhaps even likely) that tens of millions of the people you want to hate on have already died.
The worst part about being Chinese is China.
They're already being "punished".
Go jerk off to a trap thread and stop fuming.

>> No.11512700

in the latter case there will be another spike in a few months since there will be no herd immunity

>> No.11512704

>Any word on when a treatment will show up?
It's a virus.
AIDS treatment has seen considerable progress over the last forty years.
I'd use that as a model to shape your expectations.
tl;dr: If you're young enough not to have kids yet, your grandkids (God/luck permitting) will probably be OK.

>> No.11512706

>>prion virus
>>not a thing
Would 10% of you PLEASE STOP overcooking your steak, thinking it will save you from Mad Cow disease.

>> No.11512737
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>no herd immunity
Very serious question:
I live with my BFF.
He's got COPD, is on oxygen, and we stated self-isolating a week before everybody else in America.
We both work from home, so no biggie.
My GF and her daughter live together.
The daughter has tested positive, but isn't sick enough to get a hospital bed.
So they're living under the same roof.
I haven't slept there since the 7th, and am likely clean (3 weeks, no symptoms).
Best case for my GF and her daughter is both catch it and live through it, thus becoming immune.
Then what? Can they still spread it? Or is it safe to worship at her altar of Venus again without worrying I might be killing my BFF?

>> No.11512840

> Can they still spread it?
If they are fully recovered then no. From what I read, corona can persist in the body for at least two weeks after symptoms clear. But when it is gone it is gone. And yes they will become immune so the possible second wave in a few months shouldn't affect them. But thats a different story. We don't know how long those recovered will become immune but it is not unreasonable to expect at least 1 to 3 years. Plus the next wave may be a much milder version.

>> No.11512953


>> No.11513038

>I am not a virologist.
no shit sherlock.

>> No.11513433

>girlfriend and her daughter

>> No.11515050

If you isolate the virus dies out

>> No.11515058

Can a virus become Re-airborne? If you empty a bag full of contaminated items and upon putting the bag away, the airflow from crumpling the bag, would it send the virus back into the air? Or is it only airborne upon leaving an infected person's mouth?

>> No.11515230

Have sex

>> No.11516241

Your answer is that it can happen in one half of the globe and not the other?

>> No.11516276

get raped

>> No.11516311

>flatten the curve
Redditor that doesn't Laplace–Gauss area distribution and thinks viruses are treatable and that thinks reducing mortality is a good thing. Not gonna make it.

>> No.11516372

>not finding a mate with proven fertility
>not having a new model ready to go for the future
Only dipshit losers buy into the virgin oneitis mate model.

>> No.11516427

have sex virgin

>> No.11516567
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>we're using MATLAB

>> No.11516570

There has been some differences in the U.S. Humidity seems to be more important than temperature.

>> No.11516576

CDC suggested not to stir up dirty clothes as they could agitate the virus particles.

>> No.11516791

Why do statisticians use log graphs to show exponential functions? Is it simply because the data looks nicer filling up the entirety of the chart space instead of most of the data being bunched near the bottom until it shoots upwards?

Because I feel like it's poor form from a science communication standpoint. Unless people know what a log graph is, they will misinterpret a "flattening" graph as one that is actually flattening. When in reality, it's still exponential.