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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 380 KB, 1200x1201, world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11491091 No.11491091 [Reply] [Original]

im from argentina and the country is 100% in lockdown, police patrol the street and ensure no one does anything that isnt absolutely vital, soon the army will be in the street, they say it might not be enough

is the whole world like this?
isnt like something super super unprecedented, to stop 100% of the world like that? wont this generate like some unknwon consequences that absolutely no one can nokw because it never happend?

>> No.11491104

Not everywhere, most of america is as it was but with most people off the streets

>> No.11491122

so america a country with 300 million inhabitants isnt taking harsh precaution even tough smaller countries with harsher precautions are facing 1000 deaths per day?

>> No.11491224

>implying thousands of Amerimutts aren't dying every day from the virus, and their MSM simply don't report on it

>> No.11491255
File: 915 KB, 1366x768, 3-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 deaths per day
No country is facing 1000 deaths per day.
The worst is Italy with 500 deaths.

>> No.11491261


>> No.11491269

Americans can't afford health care so nobody knows or care.

>> No.11491303

Just wait. It'll get worse.

That being said, its funny how China has this entire thing under control now.

>> No.11492854

>stops reporting infected and death
>say everything is under control
anon, dont forget, this is a chinese bioweapon we are dealing with.

>> No.11492862

The happeningfag cope just keeps getting better. I can't wait for a minth from now.

>> No.11492915

>join the police
>go anywhere you like whenever you like as long as you can say you're on patrol
>problem solved

>> No.11492958

Well in my state (Georgia), they are currently "asking" people to stay indoors. The state government might become more aggressive.

>> No.11492971

>/pol/yp logic

>> No.11493042
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Hello fellow argie, I thought I was the only one here in /sci/

Today I had to take my pupper to the vet and Buenos Aires looked like a fucking zombie movie. Barely any cars. A few people here and there walking their dogs or doing groceries. Most stores shuttered. Public transport running almost empty.

I would say this is totally unprecedented.
This is as happening as it gets and I can't believe some people are still in denial about how serious this is.

>> No.11493047
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>> No.11493060

Imagine a boomer free world. God is doing us a favor.

>> No.11493070

Outside of major cities it’s business as usual. The gaucho will rise once again and defeat the coward porteño.

>> No.11493074

Oh, and, by the way: it’ll all go back to normal in April. Stop being so fucking dramatic.

>> No.11493080

yeah, when the second wave comes

don't forget, hospitalization rate for ages 20-40 is 20%

>> No.11493090

>it’ll all go back to normal in April
Are you seriously this stupid?

>> No.11493102

If you are under 60 and healthy, you are not dying. There are no sources claiming otherwise, no matter how hard you look for them.

See you in a month, you fucking happeningfag.

>> No.11493130
File: 17 KB, 734x458, 1556281677963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed.

>If you are under 60 and healthy, you are not dying
Or you just have an unlucky condition which makes you vulnerable? Yeah, fuck those people. Let's just let people with diabetes and respiratory illnesses die just because it's inconvenient for me.

>> No.11493141

We can talk in a month. But, more likely than not, you’ll be saying you never bought into the hype and paranoia, you dense motherfucker.

>> No.11493155

>Argentinian zoomers don't know they live in the country that had one of the deadliest most controlling dictatorships in the history of the world and their police and army are just aching for a chance to repeat it.

Why is this generation so stupid.

>> No.11493158

Is this Argentina? It looks so first world.

>> No.11493168

Where can we find an estimate for the real numbers of infected people?

There have to be dozens of millions already infected.

>> No.11493169
File: 246 KB, 1024x678, santiago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you cherry pick the best parts of the best cities in the south cone of SA you get pretty looking stuff. People that post in chans and are fluent in English typically aren't living in the desolate areas.

>> No.11493170

>believing China

>> No.11493173

...Of the 12% that got infected in the first place.

>> No.11493185

Can someone answer this please?

>> No.11493194

Mostly metrosexual faggot whites living there, brown bulls like me are the real gauchos who produce and make money for this country.

>> No.11493195

Yes. Talk to your doctor and be honest that you haven't been taking your pills.

>> No.11493197

>50 cents were deposited in your account
And back to >>>/ccpol/ you went. If (when) hospitals will look like they do in Italy a week or two from now you can be damn sure the media mainstream or not will report on it, for example Washington state being one of the earliest clusters is already being reported extensively:

>> No.11493209
File: 218 KB, 1855x934, EO_EHnbUUAEnMJl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in first world countries its a non issue.
I live in california and sure some of the mayors of large cities are loosing their shit because they are 60+ and afraid of the Boomer Remover virus going around.
but when its all said and done it really makes my city a more pleasant place to live.
less people at the store, less traffic, I can go out to the park and everyone is out having fun, walking their dogs...
I honestly hope this never ends

>> No.11493257

>their police and army are just aching for a chance to repeat it.
I just had a semi just thinking about it.

>> No.11493268
File: 52 KB, 850x353, human_development_index_UN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern South America has its issues but it's quite developed.

>> No.11493712
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>"Fool me once, shame on ..shame on you. Fool me .. you can't get fooled again" ~Ronald Nixon Jr.

>> No.11493721

Wait till people start coming in with things like heart attacks and car accidents and dying due to the Hospitals being overbooked.
The US has roughly 2.8 hospital beds per 1000 people. Roughly 1/5 corona virus cases will require hospitalization. 1% of the population getting the corona virus is almost going to max out our hospital beds (1% of 1000 is 10, 1/5 of that is 2. Meaning if 1% of the population gets it roughly 2 out of every 1000 people will require hospitalization from this ALONE).

The issue is that we have no real way to deal with this except people getting infected and immunity (which takes 2-3 weeks) and not enough hospital beds for a large portion of the Populace to get it, unlike countries like Japan or S. Korea.

>> No.11493735
File: 974 KB, 1366x768, 3-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, have you been living under a rock or what?

>> No.11493738

So according to that chart, China is almost corona free.

>> No.11493746

China's numbers are bullshit


>> No.11493760

I'm a registered nurse at a large hospital system in Georgia. I wish they would go ahead and just become more aggressive and do a national quarantine. People are fucking idiots and nobody is really changing their behavior. The spread is about to get exponential here. My hospital is insane lately.

>> No.11493764

north korea hasn't had a single reported case. we should really probably get on our knees and apologize to figure out what they did so right

>> No.11493766

>what is asymptomatic

>> No.11493770

They executed every infected and then refused to report their cases.

>> No.11493815

Actually seems legit, except that they probably lack test kits to figure out who's infected until they're about 1 week into the infection.

>> No.11493951

>day I had to take my pupper to the vet and Buenos Aires looked like a fucking zombie movie. Barely any cars. A few people here and there walking their dogs or doing groceries. Most stores shuttered. Public transport running almost empty.
>I would say this is totally unprecedented.
>This is as happening as it gets and I can't believe some people are still in denial about how serious this is.
i am a porteño, aguante el gaucho this country is shit because of my fucking city, bring on the malon and overthroew the oligarchs once and for all.

just dont harm the pets its not their fault, children are ok

>> No.11493971

>They executed every infected and then refused to report their cases.
this, does not negate ths:
>what they did so right

>> No.11493975

only peopel who travel abroad can get infected, that narrows it down to people in the goverment or friends of them.

whoever they didnt like that travel abroad got executed, whoever they like is probably waiting it off on hawai or something

>> No.11493980
File: 148 KB, 1278x579, americanscum2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol anyone with half a brain knows that this virus is going to kick america off it's throne. they are no longer going to be a superpower when this is over. expect to see millions of mutts dead by end of the year.

>> No.11493986
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>believing china

>> No.11493991
File: 68 KB, 600x737, hahafaggot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it'll all go back to normal

>> No.11493995


people with type 2 diabetes deserve what they get. should've gone vegan and not consume animal products. its meat eaters fault this virus has spread.

>> No.11494008
File: 427 KB, 767x564, pepeoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>15 million users dropped out

>> No.11494014

All you have to do to stop its spread is lock down your borders and basically weld everyone who has it inside buildings.
Which china, not giving a fuck about its people, is happy to do.

Its called the brute force approach, you don't have to be smart if you're willing to do it the brutal way.

>> No.11494205

>so america a country with 300 million inhabitants isnt taking harsh precaution even tough smaller countries
That 300M is spread over a much much larger land mass, it isn't the number of people that is most problematic, but the density of the population.

>> No.11494231


keep telling yourself that

>> No.11494497

KEK the CCP is about 10 months from collapsing, screenshot this

>> No.11495513

I will. China is going to come out on Top as the new economic leader once the US crashes and burns.

>> No.11495517

this is the perfect opportunity to cull political dissidents

>> No.11495535

People are teleworking, schools have moved to online classes. You really only need to go out to buy groceries and supplies.

>> No.11495546

Peace through strength, bend the knee

>> No.11495548

They may legitimately not have any infected. Who the hell goes to N. Korea?

>> No.11495561

imagine taking a CIA propaganda account seriously

>> No.11495694

Imagine all the people living for today.

>> No.11496661
File: 292 KB, 600x338, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based HK protester shows truth of what's happening since before virus even existed, at grave personal risk
>is CIA American piggu!
Like clockwork. Only 1,978,398 posts to go before you'll be a RMB-millionaire.

>> No.11497047

>the CCP = China
t. the Chinese Communist Party

The CCP is not a democratically elected government that represents the Chinese people's interests, it's more like a cancer that feeds of the nutrients provided to it by their labor as well as off foreign investment. China itself will survive the CCP and in the end shrug it off same as it did any of the countless dynasties before it no matter how murderous.

>> No.11497051

>saving some salty yuro schizopost to repost later
>because it's your post

>> No.11497053
File: 127 KB, 584x551, 1491997966307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, yeah

>> No.11497074
File: 236 KB, 680x763, tourist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No chance. Death toll will be in the tens of thousands, one or two hundred thou max. And even if it were, that wouldn't even be a fucking dent in our 300mil. Face it, we aren't going anywhere.
It's too bad though, I'm enjoying Coronacation. Traffic has been obliterated in my city, and with nothing to do, everyone in my neighborhood is just constantly going for walks. It's fucking idyllic.

>> No.11497261

Huh? why are you surprised?
do americans really believe all of latin america is some tropical, favela-ridden, druglord-controlled hellscape where people ride donkeys and guerrillas hide in the jungle? Here in Uruguay there are no druglords, no people living in favelas, no guerrillas, nearly everyone is middle class, it looks like that picture too. its a high income country.

it just baffles my mind, is absolutely everything that americans hear about south america bad? is it some media campaign against the continent to only show the absolute worst?

>> No.11497390

Yeah i hope america powers thru this then beat the shit out of china. America is stoopid no offense but i like them better for ruling the world rather than psyco asians

>> No.11497395

Yes let them lmao
The strong shouldn't be held back by the weak
Stay mad subhuman

>> No.11497416

You know....

It does not seem that bad if your not 70 or 80 plus.

I kind of wonder the way the yare treating this is its as iff ther eis something they are not telling us.

>> No.11497648

>do americans really believe all of latin america is some tropical, favela-ridden, druglord-controlled hellscape where people ride donkeys and guerrillas hide in the jungle?
yes they totally do, you dont need to know shit to be a cog in the inmense machine that is the united states of america.

Latin america is more influenced by europe, a culture that tends to value knowledge in itself and not merely when its instantly profitable.

Also precursos civilizations in america were mad cultured as well, ages ahead of europeans in most aspects except, of course, in military technology, which was their downfall.

>> No.11497650

>If you are under 60 and healthy, you are not dying.
If youre whatever age and you cant get a respirator when you need it you will soon be having a chat with st peter

>> No.11497660

>Why is this generation so stupid.
Hello fellow argie, you must be a fellow zurdito also, either that or a cia agent probably.

Yes, youre right, we must absolutely have to be careful when giving to much power to the army, yet they are an absolutely necesary tool to fight this. Glorious Alberto already said he wasn't going to declare martial law, thats good! but we still must be careful.

>> No.11497664

no one in sweden gives a single fuck. Literally nothing has changed.

We dont get sick

>> No.11497666
File: 33 KB, 653x195, norwegian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first world

you guys are too retarded to realize that without socialized medicine you have to be a literal millionaire or your life hangs by a thread constantly. If you or anyone close to you gets cancer or has any kind of severe issue you instantly lose your house or die, as simple as that. That's comparable to the worst places of africa rather than """"the first world""""

>> No.11497669

is immunity demonstrated? people have been getting it over and over

can you be an asymptomatic carrier?

>> No.11497673

is the amount of cases noticeable?

>> No.11497677

>everyone in my neighborhood is just constantly going for walks.
youre not gonna make it bro im sorry

>> No.11497782

>you guys are too retarded to realize that without socialized medicine you have to be a literal millionaire or your life hangs by a thread constantly. If you or anyone close to you gets cancer or has any kind of severe issue you instantly lose your house or die, as simple as that.
Do you honestly believe this? There's absolutely people who are screwed over by our medical system, but the threshold is nowhere near being a millionaire.

>> No.11497795

the problem is, like most americans, you cant think outside the box, you THINK youre doing ok, right, what if you get cancer? what if your wife, son father/ brother gets cancer and one of them cant affoard them. Its either pay or die/watch them die. This WILL happen to a family in the span of 2-3 generations, its unavoidable. The idea that a middle class person can prosper in that system is totally false, but you fail to see it because as soon as youre ok for a few years you think its all your merit and not the pre existing conditions that allowed it.

>> No.11497831

There's something called "insurance" that you can buy (and you don't have to be a millionaire).

>> No.11497837

>the problem is, like most americans, you cant think outside the box, you THINK youre doing ok, right, what if you get cancer?
Anon, I've been through this with my family and with friends. I've personally know people who had brain surgery, heart surgery, and various cancer treatments. Both of my parents were hospitalized for pneumonia this winter. None are wealthy, and none had any trouble paying for their treatments. You absolutely need health insurance, but you don't need to be a millionaire to afford it.

>This WILL happen to a family in the span of 2-3 generations
I don't have much desire to argue about what could happen in the future, I'm only arguing about right now and your claim that only millionaires can afford treatment, which is absolutely false.

>> No.11497881

>There's something called "insurance" that you can buy (and you don't have to be a millionaire).
yes, health insurance, if you have a real problem then you have to pay just the same, dont like it? fight them in court. Their business is charging not paying.

>> No.11497947

>Also precursos civilizations in america were mad cultured as well, ages ahead of europeans in most aspects except, of course, in military technology, which was their downfall.
this is straight up bullshit, sorry dude but native americans weren't close to europe, nobody even used the wheel, the only people americans shat on were africans and abos

>> No.11497982

>yes, health insurance, if you have a real problem then you have to pay just the same
No you don't, that's the point of having health insurance.

>Their business is charging not paying.
Most people won't have any significant health problems, but they'll still pay for insurance just in case. That's where insurance companies make their money. Thousands of plans from healthy customers more than compensates for the few that require expensive treatments.

>> No.11498001

The United States has no idea what's in store for them. We are one week behind Italy with only some preparation and a president so incredibly stupid he says he's going to 'reopen' the US economy next week despite all evidence showing that will not be wise or good. His only concern is the economy and he's about to throw it down the shitter to 'save' the stock market. He has no idea what he's doing because forcing millions of Americans back to work at their fast food chains and retail markets during a pandemic will have the opposite effect. Our only hope is if it dissipates due to the oncoming summer weather but I can guarantee you even if we dodge a bullet in mid April/May we are fucked with this brainlet in charge when it comes back in September.

>> No.11498023

>He has no idea what he's doing because forcing millions of Americans back to work at their fast food chains and retail markets during a pandemic will have the opposite effect.
I don't think he can enforce this at that state level. The states hit hardest have already issued their own mandates, and they're not going to be lifted by next week.

>We are one week behind Italy with only some preparation
The major thing we have going for us is an abundance of ICU beds, which Italy was lacking in. We just have to hope the quarantines and restrictions were issued early enough to prevent overwhelming our hospitals, but we won't know for another week because of the delayed testing and lag time with the virus.

>> No.11498024

i'm in Florida and we are not under a quarantine. But resturants are closed except for take out, and most people are choosing to stay inside.

Just dumb young people going out and partying at the beach.

>> No.11498045

Its breaking out in Australia and Brazil
Summer heat does shit all to it

>> No.11498067

>No you don't pay
Are you retarded or a child?

>> No.11498168

I think you should work on reading comprehension, friend.

>> No.11498175

>The states hit hardest have already issued their own mandates,
the problem is that once it hits its too late. you have to prepare EARLY or youre in the 1-5% death rate

>> No.11498266

Lol keep saying this to yourself insecure shitskin

>> No.11498880

funny thing is that proponents of this kind of thing are the type of people that wouldn't last a second if there was true "survival of the fittest"

>> No.11498963

Complete 100% projection
We literally have a "survival of the fittest" type scenario and I haven't died, seems the data supports me.
It's not like you would know anyway, who tf even talks to you. Just stay inside all day and keep masterbaiting to your delusions little guy.

>> No.11499597

Im good looking smart, relatable, have a phd in structural engineering, im a VERY good marksman and i can bench press 200 pounds for 8 reps.

I dont know what skill you think im lacking delutional fuck, see you in ANY kind of apocalypse you want, meanwhile im fucking you over in normal life which is also survival of the fittest

>> No.11499605
File: 417 KB, 822x741, americababysitsniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it wasn't my post and im not a eurofag. america is fucking finished lol, your country is going to get decimated by this virus. you're days away from overtaking italy in terms of infections and your health care system is worse than third world. adios, amerimutt,


70% of americans have metabolic syndrome and this virus spreads like wildfire. you are FUCKED. gonna be so delicious drinking the salty tears of amerisharts on this website when shit finally hits the fan over there.

pic very related.

>> No.11499607


yes, they're not telling us that this thing leaked from a wuhan lab and they're not letting on to the fact it takes longer for younger people to drop dead from this virus but rest assured, a lot of young people will die too.

>> No.11499616


lol Australia and the rest of the southern hemisphere are entering the cold season. stupid american.

>> No.11499643

Number of cases in North Korea

>> No.11499721

imagine being this much of an uneducated ameridumb that you think brasil constitutes 100% of a tropical coast where its always summer and sunny 24 hours per day.

God damn your teachers dont even try do they?

>> No.11500395
File: 112 KB, 960x1200, ICU Beds per Capita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your health care system is worse than third world
Whatever you say...

>> No.11500516

Unfortunately not.

>> No.11500787

haha, here anyone can get access to health, in your country its a mess that cost a lot of money per person, most of that money is wasted on insurance.

Cuba's healthcare is orders of magnitude both cheaper and better than the united states

>> No.11500802

>you're days away from overtaking italy in terms of infections
They said this two weeks ago

>> No.11500932

its not an exact science, preapre for the united states to lose 1/2 of its collective knowledge (mostly in old people).

Im very curious to see how the united states will look dumbed down even more.

>> No.11501173

Cool, well that get you a ventilator when your lungs fail?

>> No.11501549

>2009 US data
So... 10 year out of date data?
You do know that US beds per 1000 have been on a drastic decline over the past 10 years (especially once republicans took power) right?

>> No.11501586

They literally bragged about shooting an official for returning from Wu-Han at the border Anon...

>> No.11501644

I liked the nice chart. Latest data is 34.9 ICU beds per 1k, so essentially no change. Also, hospitals beds =/= ICU beds. The USA is low on the former and high on the latter.

>> No.11501686


Tfw: Isolated hill billies will survive and shape the future of the US

>> No.11501692

looks liek we know what theyre doin right then lol

>> No.11501696

fukkin lol

>> No.11501732

We are working on the babies. They are the future.

>> No.11501742

>ke some unknwon consequences that absolutely no one can nokw because it never happend?

yes, most experts silently agree on this, no matter what happens, this is the end of a chapter, human society will never be the same, just like in the french revolution or fall of the roman empire.

Just like a couple of week ago everythign seemed normal and now about 1/2 the population of the world is secluded in their homes, just like that capitalism will disappear.

This time next year you will be filing a form to the state to apply for consumption of luxury items like a computer or iphone.

>> No.11501746

>well that get you a ventilator when your lungs fail?
literally yes.


>> No.11501767

Its also worrisome that Trump is outright saying that he'll only give States ventilators "if you're nice" to him.
basically, democratic leaning states can all die, only bootlicker states will get them out of the emergency cache.

>> No.11501770

>literally yes.
Literally no. How can you get a ventilator that doesn't exist?

>> No.11501789

>How can you get a ventilator that doesn't exist?
there are a lot of ventilators, also professionals and a system thats ready to distribute it to everyone. Besides were flattening the curve heavily to prevent overcrowding, the us is doing basically nothing, youll get an extreme spike in concentrated in a few weeks

When its literally a matter of life and death, do you think private clinics(who own the majority of respirators) do you think they will heal you or a rich guys who pays them 5 times?

who is gonna force them to be benefical? trumps goverment?? ahhahaha

thats what you get stupid poor american, never be poor and vote right wing, you deserve to die coughing, you have it coming, im almost sorry but nah, meet your deserved fate.

>> No.11501796

>thats what you get stupid poor american
I never thought I'd see a Cuban calling an American poor. I don't know if it's incredibly sad or hilarious.

>> No.11501798

all americans who dont vote bernie deserve whats coming to them. Sadly, all will get the same fate

>> No.11501821

Panama here, we are doing exactly the same. That said, our politicians can't even read so we are only doing this because the rest of the world is doing it in an attempt to save face because if things go to shit they can say "Well this is what the US, UK and EU did, we followed the best science". Please stop being retarded so our politicians can stop all this bullshit.

>> No.11501831

I don't know why, but this post had me laughing out loud.

>> No.11501832

So eating more carbs as a diabetic? Hmmm

>> No.11501833

fucking same god damn that's funny shit

>> No.11501834

us and uk are not doing a strong enough quarantine

>> No.11501837

Young Americans have shit lives thanks to Boomers so a lot of us don't really care of the plague kills them and burns society to the ground

>> No.11501839

I voted against him: MOST of us did. He lost the popular vote, he only won due to our system being rigged against the favor of majority rule.

>> No.11501851

Unfortunately, statistics are showing that its not a boomer remover.
More than 38% of those hospitalized from this disease are below 50. And those 38% are basically going to die if ventilators and ICU care isn't available.
Meaning that while the Boomers will die WITH care, the young are going to die if the health system gets pushed past capacity anyways.

In other words, Boomers will STILL get the last laugh as their idiocy kills the younger crowd off anyways.

>> No.11501887

Maybe but like I said young people have shit lives in America so I don't even really care anymore

>> No.11501897

doctors are gonna prioritize a 50 year old over an 80 year old, it's already happening in all severely affected areas

>> No.11501903

sure, what if that 80 year old has a net worth of a billion dollars?

>> No.11501905

then he's an extreme minority, and he probably has a private doctor who doesn't even count towards the public healthcare system anyway

>> No.11501913

>public healthcare
in a country which is basically founded on "fuck human rights as long as it gives me profit"

how long you thikn it will be before a black market for respirators appears?

basically a bidding war in which insurance companies always win

>> No.11501928

it doesn't matter if a black market appears for it, the vast majority are in public hospitals

>> No.11501931

Except if you look at italy they STILL won't have enough care/Ventilators/beds available for all of the young even after cutting out the boomers.

So "high risk" young people (I.E., those with pre-existing conditions of any kinds) will be be left to die when things get bad.

>> No.11501936

the high risk ones are the ones that are competing for the ventilators, low risk people with mild symptoms are just sent home

>> No.11501945

Sommaybe shitholes like Italy or Spain should stop being shitholes

>> No.11501951

they have good medical systems, their problem is that they're very social and let the virus spread far faster than it needed to

>> No.11501968

>the vast majority are in public hospitals
so? public hospitals under trump management, theres NO WAY he will take an immoral decision for profit, right?

>> No.11501970

ha, under this level of scrutiny? no, there really isn't

>> No.11501995

sure, america is known for its close obedience of international law under scrutiny.

Be vietnam korea iraq, etc...
Whole world watching
Hey america, please dont violate the geneva conventions in the most horrible and coward ways
*busy violating the geneva convention in the most horrible and coward ways* huh, excuse me did you say something?


>> No.11501999

i admire your optimism burguer

>> No.11502000

>international law
its own scrutiny, you fucking retard

not even american

>> No.11502065

"Oh, we're safe! its just OTHER countries are shit, we're perfect!"

God this utter denial is infuriating. One only needs to look at the US health care system in hard hit areas to know we're going to be pushed past capacity HARD by this virus. (New york is already about to break).

If Trump put the health of his country over CEO's and the 1%'s profits he could easily have fixed this: He's able to mandate the manufacture of ventilators and other goods.
BUT then the rich wouldn't make as much money! So instead he's "leaving it up" to the free market to fix things voluntarily.

>> No.11502177

Then society breaks down and we eat the rich. Still a win

>> No.11502207

shut up, you pig. all americans deserve what's coming to them for putting all their trust into these degenerate kid fuckers we put up in congress, bernie included

>> No.11502292

>shut up, you pig
Cow would be more appropriate, we prefer beef, pork is more of a Latin and South American thing.

>> No.11502363

If this is a bioweapon, it's probably the least effective bioweapon ever conceived.

>> No.11502365

This will cause the sixth great extinction. But one that includes rather than excludes humans like before.

>> No.11502384

If it fucks up the economies of everyone BUT themselves, its hell of effective.

A weapon that can only be used as a bluff of mutually assured destruction is unviable, while one that can be released and does mild damage to yourself while DECIMATING your enemies economies is incredibly useful/effective.

>> No.11502416


lol found the keto-retard. saturated fat causes insulin resistance. people on low fat high carb (complex carb) whole foods plant based diets reverse type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

>> No.11502580

Shenzhen daily life has scenes like that. That could be just be salvage anywhere at any time in the last several years.


>> No.11502748

nigga the us has industrial capacity to cover the earth in respirators, its mind boogling that they arent willing to lose 0.05% of their profits just not to look like bad guys,
no they wont do it.
if they can keep their profit s they will no matter how insanely unetical it is

>> No.11502757

Oh god, I hope

>> No.11502777

>american government is incompetent and ineffective at protecting its citizens
anon I...

>> No.11503601

>saturated fat causes insulin resistance.
Transient only.

>people on low fat high carb (complex carb) whole foods plant based diets reverse type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Some do, but based on what I've seen from the Ornish studies, people still had horrible glucose control, an A1C of around 7.

>> No.11503626

Found the Orish info I was talking about.


Average A1C goes from 8.1 to 7. An A1C of 7 is still awful. 5 is normal. I've seen low-carbers going from over 8 to under 6 in a couple of months. I eat high-carb btw, and I think it's fine for many who are already healthy, but the reversal in diabetes has been overstated.