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File: 94 KB, 1045x560, europe fails again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11492999 No.11492999 [Reply] [Original]

sci, why is coronavirus hitting europe so much harder than everyone else? i thought europe has the most sophisticated socialist nanny-state governments and all the best educated people, shouldn't their national healthcare systems have been ready to protect europeans better than anywhere else?

>> No.11493011

We were cocky and didn't prepare.

>> No.11493017

You have to go back.

>> No.11493021

america did not test for the longest time, check again in 2 weeks sweetie

>> No.11493034

China and Iran probably aren't reporting accurate numbers.

>> No.11493037

High population density, very urban, and Europe is small, relatively speaking (approx. the same size as China or the USA by themselves) which all provide easy conditions for spread.
East Asia has the same issues, but they're much more willing to take extreme prevention measures than Europe is, both governments and citizens.

>> No.11493056

Europe has a very old population, Italy and Spain have some of the oldest populations in the world. Same reason why the virus is not doing much in India or Africa where they have very young populations.

>> No.11493108

>why the virus is not doing much in India or Africa

And that those regions don't have much surveillance and diagnostic capability to begin with... The absence or lack of any noticeable spike in reported deaths to respiratory related failure is interesting though but again could be down to poor infrastructure/monitoring issues.

>> No.11493112

>cases per
means that if you don't test anybody then there are effectively no cases of coronavirus. there would be probably 100x the reported cases if we tested absolutely EVERYBODY. probably 1000x in places like india

>> No.11493116

This is also the case with Latin America. The test is too expensive so they are turning down people who obviously have the symptoms. The fact that the USA is reporting a similar amount of cases speaks wonders of their health system...

>> No.11493135
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the eu is a continental potemkin village. propped themselves up to appear sophisticated and enlightened. really it's nothing but dishonest appearances. good enough that it fools midwits and other assorted smoothbrains when times are relatively easy. but when reality comes knocking it's blatantly apparent how incompetent they are.

>> No.11493165
File: 54 KB, 668x593, denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eurosocialism is smart and redpilled
>europeans are more sophisticated and intelligent than americans so its not possible that the much, much higher infection in europe is real
>the bad numbers in europe are just a big conspiracy
lol, ur having irrational thoughts to justify your prejudice that europeans are naturally better than everyone else. maybe your prejudice which you use to justify irrational thoughts is incorrect? maybe a lot of your other prejudices and poorly thought out opinions on other topics are incorrect too. you can keep on using irrational denial to justify them forever, looks like you're working hard at your devotion to the irrational already.

>> No.11493186

meds are vulnerable
NJ, Argentina and some other parts of South America are fucked

>> No.11493200


t. redneck in Alabama living off the pitiful transfer his capitalist overlords give him while he eats the propaganda up and votes R every time

You Americans (and the UK) are going to be FUCKED in two weeks.

>> No.11493210

most definitely

>> No.11493223

ok europoor

>> No.11493229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11493239

Nobody in rural America is being tested. Compare to Washington state or NY state.

>> No.11493249

Europe and Italy in particular is currently paying the price for weeks of inaction. For some reason Italy seemed to get a lot of the early cases and became the epicentre of the outbreak in europe. All the other western nations seem to be 1-2 weeks behind Italy in terms of infected/deaths.

If you want to see how far a nation is into its outbreak, compare the number of infected with the number of resolved cases, i.e. recovered or deaths. A high ratio of recovered+deaths such as worst korea or japan means they managed to somewhat contain the spread.

If you have this in mind, you will see that the US and Germany for example are just at the very beginning of their outbreak, while Italy, Spain and France will probably flatten out soon.

The quarantine procedures implemented in the US might actually be just in time to diminish the impact. But for germany I suspect those are about a week too late and it will get hit hard by a wave of further infections and death in the coming week.

>> No.11493273

>For some reason Italy seemed to get a lot of the early cases and became the epicentre of the outbreak in europe.

The Milan region is both extremely dense and a major travel hub towards China. Then you couple that with a significantly higher proportion of old people, a bit of bad luck and boom. Also, they got hold of test kids early enough so we were able to track the progression better than in e.g. the US. We'll see how disciplined people here really are. And I guess we'll see once and for all if the US hospitals can deal with over-capacity or not.

>> No.11493283

every time some massively jealous anti-American bigot wishes death on me it makes me feel so much more positive about globalism and open borders.
lets try and enrich the planet via global trade by sharing our wealth with all the people who hate americans, lets have open borders so people who hate americans can come get free healthcare and welfare and childcare and food stamps and housing assistance and drivers licenses

>> No.11493290

That is actually a very interesting point. Most european countries have some kind of healthcare system accessible to the general public at no major personal cost. Since healthcare in the US works so fundamentally different it might be very interesting to watch how it deals with a major epidemic outbreak. I think the US has the theoretical capability to deal with it at least as well as any western nation, but the question is will that part of the patients without a healthcare plan be able to somehow get treatment.

>> No.11493319

I'll give a serious answer to blatant /pol/posting bait.

In no particular order:
>first to see such a spread in Europe
Everyone else will eventually get to our point.
>slow response from the government
Nobody realized how serious the situation was, and we paid the price. The rest of the world will find itself in our situation too eventually.
>lack of power from the government
Italy is a democracy, and not an orwellian nightmare like China, luckily, so you can't force into their homes and deport everyone who doesn't comply or tests positive and shoot their dogs in the process.
>bad response from the population
Even if the State was more totalitarian, culturally Italy is a retarded child that does the opposite of what dad says. Lots of people still refuse to follow guidelines. Reminder that Italians invented fascism, and then disobeyed fascism until Mussolini was upside down. Go figure.
>population density and social norms
Italians don't have lots of personal space, both physically and socially, and both are beneficial to the spread of viruses.
I bet my ass that China withheld informations and massaged data to not look all that bad, while Italy is publishing everything in real time.
>public health
Since we have public health (thank God), and one of the best in the world too, everyone who asks is tested, not only those who can afford it, which means the data is more representative of the real contagion. The US and all those beautiful countries where healthcare isn't a service provided by the state for its well being, but a business built on human suffering to enrich already awfully rich people, will probably never have a true picture of the contagion.

>> No.11493320
File: 59 KB, 780x468, rnain difference between usa europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fundamentally unscientific irrationality and ever-failing socialism go hand in hand because only someone who is completely irrational and out of touch with reality could look at those number and say "europe's much higher reported infection rate is proof that europe has a lower infection rate than other countries (and especially true if the other country is the most hated of all countries, the USA)"

>> No.11493323

Even if we pretend sparsely populated rural areas are spreading it as fast as cities, rural America is a minority, it's not going to change the numbers a lot.

>> No.11493413
File: 3.45 MB, 750x668, that_s_racist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Even if we pretend
why do we have to keep on making up fantasies to believe in so as to justify the infection rates not reflecting pool on european governments? why is it so important to keep on pretending that europe is somehow the infallible intellectual leader of humanity?
is it because they're white?

>> No.11493433

europoors are just arrogant.

>> No.11493444

A lot of Latin American countries have been ramping up testing capacity though.

It depends on the place. Of course a hellhole like Venezuela is unable to test people properly, but the numbers from places like Argentina, Chile or Brazil are getting more accurate.

Chile in particular has been testing pretty thoroughly (the most so far IIRC) and Argentina has ordered a hundred thousand testkits and authorized another 13 labs to start testing this week. Cars are also being stopped and screened following the South Korean approach.

>> No.11493463
File: 84 KB, 200x240, map of europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The infection rate in Iceland is 1.6%.
1.1% of Liechtenstein is infected, 1.5% of Andorra is infected, 1.3% of Luxembourg.
5.3% of San Marino is infected,
1% of Italy
0.9% of Switzerland
These are the worst rates anywhere on the planet.

>> No.11493507
File: 90 KB, 686x526, 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the /pol/vid-19 spread to other boards.
Thank God, I put on my suit.

>> No.11493513

hush, it's better if he doesn't hide his power level

>> No.11493554

Excellent summary

You got salted

>> No.11493575

This is just beyond epic cope

>> No.11493578

>These are the worst rates anywhere on the planet.
Those are nothing really.

>> No.11494212

>lemme alone, i'm tryna cope here!

>> No.11494213

It's not just the density, but the way people in cities get used to eating out & shopping frequently at places within walking distance. Even suburban location matters: The closer your place is to a big commercial district or central library, the more you'll find yourself out & about when there's time and money to burn.

>> No.11494317

japan is just as dense and they're fine.
europeans are failing hard because they're doing something stupid.

>> No.11494349

Because there is a lot of travelling. Spread rate has nothing to do with a nation healthcare system. It depends on how much you move around, and I bet Europeans move around a lot more than other nations. Both domestically speaking and foregin.

And you have to remember that this has just begun. It's taking off in USA now, and I guess it's starting in poorer nations as well now. And I think EU is far better prepared as they can survive the financial cost of closing restaurants, bars, shops, etc. etc. At least in the EU countries where people have a bit of trust in their government and will do what they have been told to. See China, not a first world nation, but they know how to get the people to do what they want, and have clearly been successful in stopping the spread.

USA is far worse off. People there don't trust their government, and its seems that decisions regarding the virus varies between states. So the prosesss of shutting the country down to contain the spread, is taking a while.

>> No.11494358
File: 792 KB, 2950x1817, d70a20dd100df73abeea247885c415a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is more dense than Europe in fact.
Too many people on that tiny-ass island.

>> No.11494376

Tightly packed, lots of mobility, mediteranian countries have a really high avg. age and is pretty poor. Low crisis preparedness.

It'll hit the US worse even, the US will be unable to organize. Hopefully a vaccine will reach you in time.

>> No.11494378

Because we're 1-2 weeks behind them. Just you wait.

>> No.11494585

Because the virus was already in Italy before they even knew about it and only saw weird cases of pneumonia before understanding what was happening. Also a lot of people were travelling, many countries have waited to much before closing everything off and many people didn't care and still don't care about being confined some even fled the areas that were going to be quarantined infecting other regions.

Also it'll hit the US just as bad or even more, the start is always slow, wait one or two weeks.

>> No.11494589

What about Japan and South Korea? Are they also lying about their numbers? It has been spreading slowly in Japan, and it seems to be contained in South Korea.

>> No.11494596

Just asking that's all.

>> No.11494602

it has infected the world already and was all merely statistical noise. What people never seem to grasp is that all those cases are just a function of the # of tests issued. There is no coherency on how these tests are done. The data is useless. Just remember the vaping deaths. Wonder how their throatswab would test. This thing is less severe than a flu

>> No.11494606

Europe has a large elderly population.

also this

>> No.11494693

It's a mix of liberal ideology lunacy, unwarranted self confidence and the autistic quest to scrape off anything to save pennies
The virus has no passport

>> No.11494695

Japan's numbers are fake they've started testing properly only after some time and magically there is still nothing even when they were letting virus unchecked so they are going to continue lying.

USA has more infected that Europe currently if we account for undertesting and testing lag. The moment they could start testing any big numbers their cases skyrocketed and then testing numbers are only decent in New York, accidentally where the most cases suddenly popped up.

Germany is doing amazing job though, France is doing okay I guess.

>> No.11494745

There is literally zero evidence that Japan is faking their numbers. Their healthcare system is top notch and their culture in general is practicing social distancing on a daily basis. Some people have been wearing masks while riding public transport even though there was no active flu outbreak going on. Now that everyone is aware of the situation they behave accordingly and did so pretty early in this outbreak.

Of course it is possible they try to hide the number of infected cases, because they have a motive of not getting their olympic games cancelled, but I highly doubt that they could hide the amount of deaths which would necessarily occur if they had an actual uncontrolled outbreak since the beginning just like Italy. There is simply no data to support your claim about Japan.

I concur with your other points, though. US number will skyrocket this week, while most of Europe will start to flatten out.

>> No.11494777

Japan is for sure lying or at least not testing but South Korea is doing a better job then most.

>> No.11494788

>my political opinions are formed by people being mean to me on 4chinz
>our wealth
That's how they get you.

>> No.11494791

Call us back when US testing rates reach those of Germany.
Also bit embarrassing that the (50+ years old) achievement you turn to was a government-initiated and managed project that mostly involved an elite segment of the population.

>> No.11494794

It's bait, but you only get admitted to the hospital once sick. The healthcare system can't limit infections before that point.

>> No.11495006

Europe has more travel and is more interconnected?

>> No.11495013

They are actually testing people.

>> No.11495058

>Needs to steal German scientists to get to the moon
I know it's in your mutt blood to steal but if hadn't been so lucky with your Paperclip you wouldn't be able to post that picture.

>> No.11495080

Western universites, particulary those in Europe, have sold out to China so the spread was further reaching

>> No.11495114

>You aren't sick until you get diagnosed
Go back

>> No.11495173

Whites and their muh human rights bullshit makes them not force people to stay in doors like China.

>> No.11495181

>Get anally devastated by facts and logic

>> No.11495207

Japan has to lie for their olympic games to keep going. Also they are not adminstering as many tests and therefore are not reporting all cases

>> No.11495247


Just for context, of the 26,154 cases in the US, 15,164 cases are entirely in NYC.

The US basically ignored the problem and pretended it would go away. Except it got worse, now testing is ramping up and that number is going to fucking explode.

>> No.11495268

Olympics will be postponed eventually next year by that Abe and his cronies will be kicked out.

>> No.11495273

>Except it got worse, now testing is ramping up and that number is going to fucking explode.
It is expected since it's in New York, that state is such a fucking joke.

>> No.11495282

Based post, Europe is trash and America is the best.

>> No.11495285

Fuck niggers.

>> No.11495295

as bad as it might look, it's the only place where the numbers are somewhat freely spoken of and everybody who needs, is getting tested. Reality is, it's a lot worse everywhere else. Chinese are covering up the numbers, in reality, there's more like 8m dead in china so far and US already has probably as many cases as EU. I can't even imagine what's going to happen to India

>> No.11495326

>The US basically ignored the problem and pretended it would go away
my state (WA) has been basically on lockdown since the number of cases hit double digits so I don't know who's feeding you this narrative. Basically every state where the cases were >30 completely shut down. People being retards and ignoring quarantine orders doesn't change that the response was almost immediate and would have been much faster if China didn't ignore the problem and pretend it would go away.

>> No.11495344

I feel like they're either lying or they are not fully informed on the scale yet, but at the same time I'll also say that they also have a culture that would better predispose them to slower spreads than a lot of European countries

>> No.11495350

Yeah, by "on lockdown" you mean no mandatory restaurant/bar closures, no enforceable orders to stay inside, just some limp wristed "please you guys... don't hang out together in big groups, i mean, if that's ok with you..." bull shit from the governor. I guess they did close the public libraries so that's something.

>> No.11495365

The European Union only exists to protect and promote capital, and the necessary steps to deal with a pandemic are antithetical to unfettered neoliberal capitalism

>> No.11495392

This, I always laugh when braindead burgers call europe socialist

>> No.11495393

>>11492999 Because the citizens of the West have pride and won’t be treated like animals by the government like Asians. The governments have to walk carefully in the West or a civil war is inbound.

>> No.11495396

>plague btfos the whole country
>wtf why didn't you do anything
>economic disaster, civil war
>government enforces plague containment
>muh pride and freedums
>civil war

>> No.11495398

the plague containment is what is causing the economic disaster, not the plague itself

>> No.11495403

Better to die a free man than to live a slave. Something weak peoples will never understand.

>> No.11495416

tfw reading the federalist papers in quarantine and have a newfound respect for the framers. They hated government more than any modern "radical" does. Jefferson himself lamented the idea that we should go more than 2 decades without a violent rebellion against our government:
>God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.

>> No.11495420

>And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure.

>> No.11495430

Every gun shop in my town is sold out of ammo and guns. The government is in a precarious situation for sure.

>> No.11495453

I just plotted, just for shits and giggles, the log curves of Brazil, USA and Italy.
I encourage everyone in this thread to do the same and just take a look at how these curves behave.
Italy has not been exponentially growing for weeks now, meanwhile Brazil and US are at this very clear exponential growth for multiple days already, with no signs of stopping.

The angular coefficient of the USA line (an exponential is a line in a log plot) is higher than Brazil's, but Brazil's health care system is worse than the US. So hard to tell what's gonna happen death-wise.

>> No.11495468

This is actually completely true, as far as I can see the disease itself isn't that bad, just kills a couple 90 year olds who were probably about to die anyway plus the occasional hypertensive lardass. If you're not literally an ocotogenarian with AIDS there's no reason to be worried at all.

>> No.11495475

Post the plots bro

>> No.11495489

I work in a small electrical utility, I am working from home and occasionally going in to support switching. I think as long as the water and food stays stable we will be ok (here in the states) if electric, food, or water are distrupted even for a week, just look at our long history of riots. I don't think the virus will be the primary cause of suffering here in the states. It'll be economic, and if we lose utilities, it'll be a disaster. Luckily it looks like my group is in it for the Long haul.

>> No.11495493

High population density.
The main method of treating illness in first worlders is unavailable. There is currently no cure, and no vaccine to prevent spread. First worlders have a higher ability and desire to rid their area of germs, generally leading to weaker immune systems. Meanwhile, barring complete avoidance, the natural human immune system is the only thing humanity has right now to fight it.
Panic, leading to stress, leading to further weaker immune systems.
Panic, leading to mass purchasing of "survival" goods, leading to high exposure to greater numbers of people.
Panic, leading to purchasing of goods related to perceived long-term survival, and less for immune system supplements. Personally, seeing my local bread isle cleaned out but orange juice in full stock was pretty damn funny.
Panic, causing people to flood medical centers when they're not actually sick, while bringing them in close proximity to people who are.
Asymptomatic spread, which is always a pain in the ass for containment.
While minor, there are always the assholes who intentionally try to spread it. "Some people just want to watch the world burn" etc.

>> No.11495516

How many people did you even have working at the same time and in close proximity? I feel like there can't be that many such people at an energy unit.

>> No.11495544

It is for almost everybody. But it is seemingly becoming obvious it is way more dangerous for a small portion of the population. The us will have to make a decision soon. Whether they want to lift quarantines so they don’t destroy their economy, and try their best to keep the amount of fat, old, weak people from dying. What sucks about America is that a lot of our population is fat, and weak. So many fuckers have diabetes here because hey weigh 400 lbs. But you are right if it isn’t a severe flu it’s only slightly more dangerous.

>> No.11495556

This, plus open borders. The countries nearest China already had plans in place, they knew from experience to be prepared, but Europe is far enough from China to assume China's problems wouldn't affect them.

>> No.11495559

I like how whenever countries do a better job than the USA or UK, they're always lying.

>> No.11495563

Based and redpilled

>> No.11495565

Also very young people or I would say people between the ages of 17 and 30 run the chance of having their immune system go into nuclear mode and kill them, but it’s a small chance.

>> No.11495566

countries like Iran and China are incredibly insecure about the image of themselves they project to the outside world. US in particular doesn't give a fuck and is openly antagonistic against its own government. It's like how your boss can show up to work in a t-shirt and sandals, but you have to wear a suit and tie. When you're on top, you don't care what you look like.

>> No.11495568

This guy gets it.

>> No.11495573

The USA denies involvement in war crimes and dictatorial overthrows of democracies all the time.

>> No.11495578

>I like how whenever countries do a better job than the USA or UK, they're always lying.
I trust some of the European numbers. I also think the USA is in worse shape than the numbers are revealing because it took so long for the testing rate to ramp. It has nothing to do with insecurity, it has to do with several countries with a history of lying out of their asses.

>> No.11495581

but the people are smaller so it evens out

>> No.11495588

refusing to acknowledge covert operations that break international laws isn't the same as faking statistics to make your country look good, anon

>> No.11495598

The UK hasn't done any testing until like 2 days ago. US has started a bit earlier, but you see the numbers already took them to like 60K cases.
You could easily say the UK are lying about it too, because we all know there's probably more than 200K infected in UK, they just don't get tested unless their symptoms are severe.

>> No.11495603

I'm from the U.S., so I'm only speaking of my opinion of other countries. The UK's response has been as much of a mess as the USA's. Germany seems to be the only Western country that knows what it's doing.

>> No.11495612

You could say UK has barely responded to it. You can see the parks full of people, rush hour in London's underground just as usual. People being idiots "because muh economy". Maybe Boris Johnson got a point that he wants the virus to spread, maybe they want to let nature do the selection for them...

>> No.11495616

Sounds like a lot of people will be losing their parents and grandparents.

>> No.11495624

no, the reason for the quarantine is not to stop it from spreading. Everyone accepts that it's going to spread and likely infect and kill many people. The quarantine is to lessen the load on healthcare infrastructure so that people don't die just because they couldn't get proper care. The chance to halt the disease in its path was a month before China officially began reporting on it. It's much too late.

>> No.11495628

Definitely not him, but Italy is just barely expected to reach its inflection point according to my one friend. Could also just be an anomaly.

>> No.11495631 [DELETED] 
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>reeeeeeeeee i hate america
massive buthurt lmao, cry urself to sleep

>> No.11495635

>Sounds like a lot of people will be losing their parents and grandparents.
I doubt it.

>> No.11495637

Well I hope not, but it's hard to believe the UK won't get hammered if they're not taking any precautions.

>> No.11495651

Why are americans obsessed with height? Are you guys that insecure.

>> No.11495667

>How insecure are Americans?
Americans are the most insecure people on the planet. They also take 2nd and 3rd place. It's not even a contest.

Everything is a dick measuring contest. EVERYTHING.

>> No.11495668

We have bigger penises than you!

>> No.11495680

we aren’t all europoors here

>> No.11495689

Europe hasn't been great in over a century. All it's good at now is creating world wars and getting carried by past achievements or superior countries

>> No.11495715 [DELETED] 

lmao manlet

>> No.11495732
File: 49 KB, 590x525, anonymous fedoraman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a massive gap in the mortality rate from the virus in OP chart, look at the tiny mortality rates in Germany, Switzerland and the USA compared to everywhere else.

>> No.11495762

>(an exponential is a line in a log plot)
be careful with this. real-world data is messy, and there's multiple distributions that can look "straight" on a log-log plot once you introduce noise

>> No.11495796

Heard the same thing.

Italy and Spain are expected to hit their inflection point somewhere this week. Germany is beginning to show signs of its trend flattening and if it carries through may hit its peak the week after. The Netherlands are cautiously optimistic that they may hit their peak at the same time.

If this is true, then all in all the virus would have spread fast enough to claim plenty of victims, but the only countries with big damage will be those where the inflection point wasn't hit before ICU went over-capcity, e.g. Italy.

Meanwhile the US is diving deeper into the crapper with a death rate exceeding recovery rate and number of reported cases _and_ cases of death both plotting at a neat exponential (straight line on logarithmic scale) - meaning direct linear connection.

And this is _BEFORE_ ICU capcity is spent.

>> No.11495822

that's what happens when you make a healthcare system that's too expensive to use even when there's capacity

>> No.11495828

Unfortunately it can get tight even with 4 people working in one switch gear, getting close can be unavoidable, but we are already pretty autistic about safety so we constantly rib each other about keeping a 6 foot distance. The line techs are on rotating shifts, and only one man to a truck. It might mitigate spread but at the end of the day we gotta keep the lights on.

>> No.11495833


>> No.11495864

>And this is _BEFORE_ ICU capcity is spent.
The one good thing the USA has going for it is more ICU beds per capita than any other country in the world.

>> No.11495874

Too bad Americans are so fat they need two beds per person.

>> No.11495875

>Meanwhile the US is diving deeper into the crapper with a death rate exceeding recovery rate
The USA just started seriously testing, and there's no recovery until they test negative for the virus, so it'll be at least another 1-2 weeks before we start seeing the recovery numbers move. Mortality rate is still fairly low compared to many countries, though obviously that could change as well, but the spread show slow now that many states are limiting movement. The UK is at larger risk, imo, since they're still behind in testing and quarantining.

>> No.11495877

Kek, and we have people complaining Americans are insecure. >>11495651

>> No.11495890


The coronavirus epidemic in the UK will last until next spring and could lead to 7.9 million people being hospitalised, a secret Public Health England (PHE) briefing for senior NHS officials reveals.

The document, seen by the Guardian, is the first time health chiefs tackling the virus have admitted that they expect it to circulate for 12 more months and lead to huge extra strain on an already overstretched NHS.

It also suggests that health chiefs are braced for as many as 80% of Britons becoming infected with the coronavirus over that time.

Prof Chris Whitty, the government’s chief medical adviser, has previously described that figure as the worst-case scenario and suggested that the real number would turn out to be less than that. However, the briefing makes clear that four in five of the population “are expected” to contract the virus.

The document says that: “As many as 80% of the population are expected to be infected with Covid-19 in the next 12 months, and up to 15% (7.9 million people) may require hospitalisation.”

>> No.11495914

Weirdly enough, shitholes like Honduras and El Salvador are taking drastic but necessary measures to make it through this. In el salvador they have frozen all debt related to rent, electricity, water, mortgages and even payment plans on purchases like tvs, fridges, washing machines, etc.
I think that after the covid has wiped all the first world countries the only remaining peoples will be third worlders.
Do you think it was "their" plan all along?

>> No.11495948

Or maybe Japan just keeps people on ventilators indefinitely, which Italy cannot afford anymore.

>> No.11496053

Aging population

>> No.11496161

Swiss here:
Apart from schools and various businesses nobody takes precautions. People walk around as if nothing is wrong and get annoyed about the situation, no measures against that from the government. Kids (not in school) hang around outside constantly. Hearing people talk about it just being the flu or how they bought ibuprofen against corona is infuriating. Also, high population density and Ticino being full of Italians.

>> No.11496174

Honduras reacted perfectly.

>> No.11496282 [DELETED] 
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>more excuses for the gayass sissy eurofaggots

>> No.11496638

europeans have inferior immune systems, due to living in well sanitized environments

>> No.11496640

Look at this


>> No.11496647

I’m tired of these threads because most everybody is spouting made up or sourceless bullshit. If you want to learn the actual truth about this virus go here https://www.elsevier.com/connect/coronavirus-information-center there is a link on the page to 22000 peer reviewed publications. You have to understand science to read them, but read that shit so you stop spreading all this misinformation bullshit. I’m over it, this misinformation is going to destroy my countries economy, inform yourself and shut up.

>> No.11496653

Did anyone else here that there's snake RNA in the virus in addition to the bat? Anyone have more info on it?

>> No.11496656

Theres a huge cyberwar happening

>> No.11496670

Go here >>11496647
It doesn’t have snake RNA, there is an entire collection of peer reviewed articles about its origin. And it’s constantly updated. Get informed.

>> No.11496698

That's bullshit, first of all people admit/deny that all the time. It depends on the individual since Americans are not blasted with pro-US propaganda. Where the fuck have you been with all the revisionist history in academia?

>> No.11496702

So the US has state-run propaganda, a government controlling social media app, and arrests people for criticizing the US? The closest the US has to propaganda is Voice of America in foreign countries, but even then it is very liberal in its reporting.

>> No.11497222

I can't refute that Japanese exclusivity and collaborative spirit combine to generally desirable effect, nor would I ever argue against more of that for Europe or the United States. That it also happens that populist right leaders in the West are malicious demagogues who have no intention whatever of implementing what operates to such an effect in Japan or anywhere else, is a separate fact that their moron followers fail to notice.

>> No.11497302

Europeans used to live in some of the filthiest cities that ever existed.

>> No.11497313
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>> No.11497326

In one post:
China quarantined the infected region and has the governmental power to fully isolate it, it's not like anyone can complain. I'm sure within the infected region the rates will be similar.
In regards the American/European comparison the different nations are at different points along their infection so obviously they would have different capita infection rates. Also, the USA is geographically huge compared to the any one European country, allowing for pockets of high infection surrounded by clear regions, which brings the national average down as it takes time for the spread to occur nationwide. Consider grouping all of Europe into one country as a whole, the average would be much lower than all those 200s/767/888 because of the as yet uninfected regions.

The differences in healthcare are just going to be about what happens to the poor people who inevitably get infected in their millions, healthcare systems don't pervade every aspect of their lives and control infection rates. The difference is in the US if they're old/vulnerable they'll be in ventilator usage debt for the rest of their lives whereas in Europe if the survive then they can carry on as before.

This thread shouldn't be a proxy for USA v Europe dickwaving competitions to the level that it is

>> No.11497328

They'd rather die than be called racist.

>> No.11497366

The US are two-three weeks behind Europe anon.

>> No.11497376

Fucker can't do math

1% of Italy population is 600.000, total covid cases are 60.000

>> No.11497746

The worst hit area of Italy has terrible air pollution.

>> No.11497770

antibiotic resistant bacteria

>> No.11497841

How would that impact the effect of a virus?

>> No.11497858

cus all you eurofags are old as fuck

>> No.11497946

>muh 6 girilion

>> No.11498061

>Comparing US testing and figures with Europe

Come back to me when the US can't hide it's cases behind media spin and lack of testing as the unfortunate bodies hit the floor

>> No.11498066
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>Since we have public health (thank God), and one of the best in the world too, everyone who asks is tested, not only those who can afford it, which means the data is more representative of the real contagion. The US and all those beautiful countries where healthcare isn't a service provided by the state for its well being, but a business built on human suffering to enrich already awfully rich people, will probably never have a true picture of the contagion

>> No.11498071

Cap this moron.
Burger education hubris at it's finest
Enjoy going back to work

>> No.11498075


Fucking BASED /sci/

>> No.11498079


>keep on pretending that europe is somehow the infallible intellectual leader of humanity?

Mate, you can't even accept the basic concept of metric measurements in real life

Enjoy slaving for corps,Trump and the Flag as they piss on you with no help

>> No.11498084


Yes they are
It's why they hate black people

>> No.11498094

>why are the numbers for countries that are testing people for a disease so much lower than a country telling people they can't be tested for a disease?
Gee, I wonder

>> No.11498102


China, Iran, and the U.S are notorious liars when it comes to anything that affects their optics. Tests are literally being rationed in the U.S, you can safely assume the released numbers underestimate the real ones by a factor of four at least.

And of course, we have lying ching chongs doing what they do best. The Jews of the East.

>> No.11498107


I can't read biolifag jargon, anon, I'm a mathfag.

>> No.11498140

>Since we have public health (thank God), and one of the best in the world too, everyone who asks is tested
Where are you getting this from? The EU has admitted they don't have enough tests for the number of people showing symptoms.

>> No.11498143

My bad, I should have been replying to the other asshat.


>> No.11498148
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This was one of the sources for the claim that was since debunked, why did she think there was snake, was there just an error in her testing?

>> No.11498154

>Call us back when US testing rates reach those of Germany.
That's already happened. The USA ran 250k tests in the last week, Germany is at 140k per week. Admittedly the USA has catching up to do, plus a larger population, but the testing is finally ramping up.

>> No.11498160

>Germany is at 140k per week.
Actually found a more recent link, and this number is likely wrong. They're only reportedly running 12k tests per day, which is still the highest in the EU. Some countries are only running a few thousand per day.

>> No.11498170

The only reason I'd believe that is because they wanted to keep the 'Lympics goin'

>> No.11498171

it might be a power grab to get more ventilators due to claiming to have more cases because they test more ppl.

>> No.11498188

Uh yea the US has all those things

>> No.11498191

That's possible, they've certainly run the most tests, but NYC is also the most densely populated city in the USA, and their subway packs people in like sardines before and after work. It's a great environment for spreading disease.

>> No.11498369

tell me about it. I had to beg my boss to let me telework (mental health counselor) last week because i got tired of pretending to care for idiots saying "LEMME BRING MY KIDS IN THEY CRAZY AT HOME" Thankfully my family listened despite calling me a schizo and I hope I saved us all. It's bedlam out here. People are still walking the streets, touching things at stores, playing basketball, soccer, and handball like it's a day off. NYC is going to get so much worse

>> No.11498876

At least you showed some sense. It sucks that it will probably get worse, but people need to take personal responsibility at some point. Maybe reality will set in once the deaths start piling up. I'm in Maryland, and there's still some people out and about (though much less than usual), but they're making an effort to keep separation.

>> No.11498961
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This thread (and board) is full of fucking retards. There's a very simple answer (apart from China obviously hiding the real numbers) and that is, the rest of the world doesn't have the infrastructure to carry out enough tests efficiently and to track the people the infected had contact with.

In the end, Europe, Japan and South Korea will have the least casualties compared to the rest of the world


>> No.11498978
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>Lumping Europe with Asia
Nice try. South Korea has this under control. Europe doesn't.

>> No.11498984

>the rest of the world doesn't have the infrastructure to carry out enough tests efficiently and to track the people the infected had contact with.
S. Korea and Taiwan sure are making it look easy, they're averaging more tests per day than every freaking country in the EU except for Germany. Japan is hardly testing.

>> No.11499401


>> No.11500177




>> No.11500201


Europe is full of old crumbling infrastructure
Just because you have the right policies in place doesn't mean you can actually execute at the necessary level when the time comes

>> No.11500217

>Everyone else will eventually get to our point.
Pretty much this

>> No.11500250

sure, because european are superhumans that can do no wrong and make no dumb mistakes out of laziness, greed and ignorance

>> No.11500304


retard bureaucrats make up numbers edition

>> No.11500387

Possibly, but it's interesting because the briefing was never meant to be released to the public. It's possible shit is worse than we realize, but is being downplayed so people won't panic.

>> No.11501393

Japan has the second oldest population out of any country in the world.

>> No.11501401

European countries have respectable health care systems and are actually testing people. The USA, China and others aren't for political reasons.

>> No.11501408

nobody actually prepared that includes burgerland

>> No.11501425

So this is actually wrong. Have you looked at the numbers? The majority of Europe is barely testing, Germany's the only country that has run a respectable amount of tests.

>> No.11501431

>sci, why is coronavirus hitting europe so much harder than everyone else?
just wait a week when the US catches up to the same rate. it will be 10x worse than Italy.

>> No.11501456


>> No.11501473

deliberate lack of controls on human movement and large populations of anti-social foreigners and unwillingness to enact any serious social orders because someone might call them names

>> No.11501861


At least they got a bunch of hugs before catching the coronavirus, unlike incels/NEETs on 4chan who don't have much of a social life. And I'm not saying this because I'm an incel, even though I'm an incel/NEET.

>> No.11501899

Ouch anon, ouch. :-(

>> No.11501912
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>> No.11501977
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white whine. You don't need to lie when you have hordes of internet defenders working for you free-of-charge.

The US doesn't need a state-run propaganda, amerisharts continue the tradition of "slavery is a choice"

>> No.11502172

South Korea had already put a partial lockdown before even the first death. Meanwhile Spain had political rallies while at 600 confirmed cases

>> No.11502174

white people have shitty immune systems. It's why half of them dropped dead from the black death.

You'll notice that cold climate people in general have shitty immunity.

>> No.11502193

>You'll notice that cold climate people in general have shitty immunity.
Are you not aware that Japan, South Korea, and Northern China get cold as hell in the winter?

>> No.11502644

well that's why Mongoloids are the master race.

They have to weather the coldest winters and the hottest summers. Only the toughest survive.

The result is that they have even higher IQs than europeans, and equal immunity as tropical peoples.