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11493267 No.11493267 [Reply] [Original]

Are body language studies legit, or is it all pseudoscientific bullshit?

>> No.11493275

the latter

>> No.11493305

The technical term is "The Humanities"
and it's both

>> No.11493335

Only the exaggerated and obvious ones, like for example lowering yourself to not be challenging which can be seen in other mammals as well. Everything else is inflated pseudoscience to justify creating a whole subject around this topic. Kinda like psychology.

>> No.11493346

it is pseudo but NLP degenerates like to pretend it isn't

>> No.11493471 [DELETED] 

All studies are legitimized by financial backers and biased by socially excluded observers (read: scientists).

By the anove definition, YES.

>> No.11493697

If someone predicted something about you or that you would do based on undirectly-communicated signals, they probably really were reading something from you, legit. It is not bullshit that we give off tons of such signals in every human interaction. You see it most obviously in good salesmen, who read these signals and exploit them. Judging by the stupidity of this post, you probably were indeed telegraphing some bullshit that the person rightly then called you on, you stupid faggot idiot.

>> No.11493708

Definitely not legit, there is 0 difference between talking to someone in person, on the phone, or typing online, the communication and information conveyed is exactly the same

>> No.11493716

Somewhat legit but don't read too much into it. Context matters. Someone's nose might actually itch rather than it being a sign of something else.

>> No.11493717

So there's no such thing as nuance. People whine about speaking to others via text not communicating their thoughts as well, because they're obviously humanities shills.

>> No.11493719
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Why can't it just be an internally generated N-th hopeful attempt at establishing communication?

How do you define legit? Communication is purely consent-seeking and horizon broadening.

>> No.11493722

hope you b8ing.

>> No.11494840

>you interacted with a wannabe NPL retard and he was right about you, you stupid faggot idiot.
damn so i'm not who i am actually am? i've been lying to myself all along? i'm merely pretending things? or is this also one of those reverse psychology "tricks" that you use as a scapegoat when you suspect you're wrong, but in reality you can't tell if you're wrong or right cause you're both biased and clueless about the world

>> No.11494852

Its not hardscience, but rather like economics/psychology. Its all human centric patterns. Someone who would normally look you straight in the eye, is suddenly avoiding eye contact when you're trying to find out what happened to the cake in the fridge. Conclusion? Fag probably ate it and now can't force himself to tell the truth.

>> No.11494853

Asperger's detected

>> No.11494858
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Bias is inherent because we categorize 'this' and 'that'. It is a feature of nature to be cyclical and we are a reflection of that.

Being clueless about the world does not prevent the world from having a clue about you.

Regardless, we can just allow COVID-19 to be Earth's request for humans to take a timeout. The psychological/spiritual shift we will all need to take in order to not explode when we realize how much easier we could have made everything on everybody as we swallow our own ego is coming and it will be immense.


Oh look, a language-based judgement call.

>> No.11494864

Retroactively refuted by Hegel

>> No.11494870

kek many years ago i had a teacher who was sorebutt about me rejecting his education and he went on a tangent like: "you're not supposed to study on the internet because you can't see the face of those content creators and therefor you can't tell if they are lying"

he was just absolutely mentally ill. i'm so glad i live in the digital age cause people this crazy hold no power

there are definitely differences though. for example, through text you can quote people word by word completely changing the output of a conversation, and if you're concerned about finding the truth, using your voice makes it is harder for the receipt to just say some bullshit and run away and so on

>> No.11495206

found the autist.

it's obviously a real phenomenon, but the study of it is based on generalizations and not as well understood as we would like it to be. Like econ/psych like someone else said. Gotta start somewhere anyhow.