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11493579 No.11493579 [Reply] [Original]

How are they controlling Corona so well?
Were they a superpower all along?

>> No.11493587

Corona-chan won't visit because she is too disgusted by all the shit on the road.

>> No.11493588

Ironically Indians must have a super strong immune system due to how dirty they are.

>> No.11493600

by not testing anyone

>> No.11493797

>negligible testing
>overwhelmingly unhealthy population willing to shrug off symptoms

>> No.11493813

>Dalits are not human
>Ergo, Dalits do not count as human cases
>Ergo, India does not have a high number of cases
Believe me, the slums are infested with disease. It's just no one is counting the bodies. Expect the Ganges to have a small relative spike in pollution levels for the year 2020 because of the bodies caused by this.

>> No.11493819

there's so much disease there already no one even notices if you stir one more into the pot

>> No.11493838

It could be the heat, but we won't know for a few more months.

They aren't testing as many people as the US, but those that they do test show a lower positive rate. So it's safe to say that they are having a better go of it than we are.

>> No.11493920

As with Africa so many people die everyday that they don't give a fuck why they died anymore

>> No.11494101


>> No.11494139

India has the worlds best healthcare system and the worlds best doctors. Getting into medical school is the hardest exam you can take in the whole world.

>> No.11494153

>ahh hello, I'll be your gynecologist for today... So what are you waiting for? Show bob and vagene

>> No.11494162


success breeds jealousy, there hasn't been a single virus coming from India ever. Plenty coming from White countries, Nigger countries and chink ones though.

You won't see anything from India, because it's literally just the flu. God white people are so dumb.

>> No.11494210

I lived in India and you are delusional. The stats being so low are because they are too incompetent to test and report. People go on about strong immune systems but I lived in Chennai and Delhi and people missed work to get their stomaches pumped all the time. Indians have no methods of disease control and show zero respect or thought for their communities. They spread shit all over the world.

>> No.11494215

Also Indian “doctors” are the retards who went to the US and failed and then came back. The best service is the free service from US surgeons practising in India. Not even in the US have I ever met a competent Indian doctor and I have met many. Also the corruption is so bad in India I doubt any exam will keep them from getting any made up certification they need.

>> No.11494219


Why would you go to the US if you pass the entrance exam for medical school in india fucking moron?
Indias medical schools have the hardest entrance examination in the WHOLE WORLD. That's why they have the best doctors.


The stats mean nothing. Testing people means nothing. At the end of the day it only matters how many die. And it won't be Indians, because Indian doctors know how to allocate ICU beds properly, while white doctors don't, and as soon as some melodramatic patient comes they assign an ICU unit to him, thus causing the shortage of ICU units in the first place.

This whole thing in Italy is simply because Italian doctors are incompetent.

>> No.11494222

>the best doctors
>>the best shitstreets

>> No.11494224


keep seething while you get defeated by a chink virus and the street shitters don't

>> No.11494225

u mad nigger?

>> No.11494255

>not a major tourist destination
>closed borders early
>doesn't test at all because the infraestructure is shit

>> No.11494257

That on some level maybe true.

>> No.11494263

Can anyone explain why do they dump bodies in the Ganges? In that case crocs and alligators should be released so that they can have free meals

>> No.11494270

>not a major tourist destination
Untrue. India is a major tourist destination. In fact it was an Italian family, who traveled all over India, that spread the virus.

>> No.11494272

What if they give the crocodiles coronavirus from all the infected bodies?

Then the animals are fucked too!

>> No.11494281

poor countries have an edge, this shit is caused by people that travels thats why africa is fine, there were about 15 people in all of africas history with enough money to buy airplane tickets.

indian are the same, they are considered a developing country but only because of the retarded amount of wealth thats concentrated on around 50 guys, if you take the the rest of the indiands they are actually poorer thant he poorest region of africa

>> No.11494284

crocs have crazy strong inmune systems theyll be fine

>> No.11494295

Indian here. Yes sanitary conditions are awful, but it was early precautionary measures that the government has taken which has helped control and contain the virus. Unlike the murican pedo who took the whole matter lightly and refused to impose quarantine, the states here shutdown even with 10 cases. Indians are indeed social and thus spread is easy because many are illiterate on what the virus is, forget how self care works and overall lack the proper medical facilities in lower class rural families can cause a large number of deaths.

The only reasons why an Indians flu hasn’t occurred is primarily because most Indians are vegan and those who aren’t, eat standard meat products such as chicken, pork, beef and regular seafood. We don’t eat exotic shit like bats and snakes.

>> No.11494305

True. But a lot of doctors move to the US to continue their research and have self growth. Those who stay back mostly do it to make big bucks, Also India hasn't contributed much to the furtherance of a vaccine or cure. I mostly hear other countries taking strides.

>> No.11494310

>if you take the the rest of the Indians they are actually poorer than the poorest region of Africa
Untrue. Some people live in that same conditions as Africans. But on average the quality of lifestyle is better in India than Africa and people are wealthier but not by a substantial amount.

>> No.11494313

In america the private healthcare system means that no matter how good it is (and its really not very good) you can only access medicine if youre obscenely rich or are willing to lose your hose every time you have a major problem.

>> No.11494336

That may be a major drawback of the public healthcare system. But for many, its covered by insurance.

>> No.11494366


>> No.11494369

>when people pretend a continent is a country
poo poo brain detected

>> No.11494379

Whats wrong in my comparison? Since you were the one who brought 'Africans' without naming a single country.

>> No.11494393

nah im another dude. but you dont have to play into his generalizing, western framework to begin with.

>> No.11494399

All the African countries are poor to begin with except for south Africa that filled with white immigrants. Its true that comparing a continent and a country are misleading, but on average every African country is pretty similar except for differences such as tourism.

>> No.11494465

No, Nigeria is very economically strong as well, additionally the cultures and causes for struggle in individual African countries aren't the same, just because they suffer from the same miserable outcome.

>> No.11494470

This plus the average age is 20.

>> No.11494471

India is big on making affordable generics and their drug production isn’t as fucked hard by the China shutdown.

>> No.11494485

Literally all of North Africa is better than India when it comes to living conditions.

>> No.11494507


>> No.11494511

That's because India produces its own drugs and doesn't rely on others. This is untrue for other products. Major reason why the US economy is hit is because China went into quarantine and US produces nothing on its own because labor is expensive. Labor in India is cheap like china mainly because people are willing to do any kind of work and also due to population.

>> No.11494538

India produces most of the drugs for whole of Asia. Also India has very high social trust compared to China and other Asian countries, only Japan and South Korea are higher in that regard.

>> No.11494545

I was talking abut the coronavirus not about regular drugs.

>> No.11494689
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>> No.11494718
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>> No.11494736

>Hardest test in the world
>Because you are so poor you can't afford the $0.32 it would cost to bribe the proctor and you didn't go to school

>> No.11494753

Wow, that is foul. Still, I'd rather risk getting a tapeworm in my toenails and take a shit on this riverbank full of dead people and dogs subsisting on human shit than spend any amount of time in any part of China ever.

>> No.11494766

>entrance exam
How does checking if a monkey pulling with a force of 100N on a compound pulley test your intelligence regarding disease diagnosis where symptoms are too similar? You are a moron. I'm indian and I can say that india is the asian toilet. It's a failed country that reeks everywhere and people have forgotten the teachings of vedas which made them metal as fuck. Now, they mindlessly copy western paradigms, and fail there too. Ofc not all people do that but most of indians are shitting mindless automata.

>> No.11494778
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>people have forgotten the teachings of vedas
What about the Karma Sutra?

>> No.11494780


Then why don't you pass the examination and become a doctor? You are essentially seething because you turned out to be a brainlet and can't keep up and got left behind.
Your whole post is simply a cope.
Competition breeds excellence. There is almost no competition in the West, and it will bite them in the ass sooner or later. China is just dishonest, and the social trust is so low that they don't even trust eachother.

>> No.11494787

>There is almost no competition in the West,
Lmao. Never heard of Harvard?

>> No.11494796


Entry to Harvard is not based on an entrance examination. It's based on your "all around package" , i.e. they are looking for people who know how to sell themselves.
The school is just very rich so it attracts the best researchers and it also attracts the richest people, because to prop up your CV you need to have money in the first place.

>> No.11494812

>not based on an entrance exam
Are you some kind of retarded nationalist? Get out of your bubble and see the outside world.

If you're so hell bent on nationalism then explain why so many researches go to the US, UK to continue their education like masters and Phd. Hell even explain why Sundar Pichai CEO of fucking google went to stanford for his masters. Why not one of the dozen IITs in India?

>> No.11494814

>The school is just very rich so it attracts the best researchers and it also attracts the richest people, because to prop up your CV you need to have money in the first place
Untrue. Many many people from India go to harvard, MIT, stanford on scholarships. Have you even read about them? From where did all the Indians get this money?

>> No.11494816


naturally intelligent people seek out other intelligent people , that's why you and me are here
also very intelligent people generally like to go out into the world and explore new cultures and meet new people
just because IITs are very good doesnt mean you can't go outside lol

IITs and AIMS are very VERY good (better than every chinese and japanese institution) and if you refute this you are either seething or just plain stupid

>> No.11494820

>IITs and AIMS are very VERY good
Never denied it. If IIT was so good why not live your life there? That doesn't explain why Sundar had to go to Stanford. Since he obviously wasn't reach he could've gone to IIT. At this point you're just invalidating your claims.

>naturally intelligent people seek out other intelligent people , that's why you and me are here
Are you saying that we are intelligent or some bullshit.

>> No.11494822


>> No.11494826


its standard practise to go and visit different institutions , and maybe his goal was to work for at google so it made sense to go to a high tier US uni
the point is that indian institutions are extremely good , especially the high tier ones
regardless of whether many go outside to continue their studies or not

> intelligent or some bullshit

well we r not spending our time on facebook so we must be intelligent ok?

>> No.11494829

>naturally intelligent people seek out other intelligent people
>also very intelligent people generally like to go out into the world and explore new cultures and meet new people
You're basically saying that high iq people don't live in India

>> No.11494832

>the point is that indian institutions are extremely good , especially the high tier ones
Then explain why there are so few Nobel Laureates in IIMs and IITs

>> No.11494833


getting a nobel prize is tied to getting votes from largely europeans and american professors
so it's basically a requirement to be american or european, to get a nobel prize

>> No.11494834
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Well I don't have any social media and I enjoy staying at home because of coronachan, so maybe yeah.

>> No.11494837

>so it's basically a requirement to be american or european, to get a nobel prize
Untrue. Your research needs to be groundbreaking. You don't need affirmations of whites to earn a nobel.

>> No.11494839

Same as africans. Strong immune system will survive weak virus. It only affects developed countries because people in the developed countries have weak immune system. Indians walk around in the street without sandels, they brush off dirty cuts with water, wipe their ass with hands, scavenge trash, have the world's dirtiest toilets, shit openly in the streets, etc. Their hygiene is terrible, which ironically makes their bodies have such a high immune system as its adapted to the worsts of the shits, literally. Meanwhile we're all living in our comfortable house, showering everyday, washing our hands, cleaning our toilets, using anti-bacterial lotions/meditations daily. Our immune system is like that of a baby. Its basically peanut allergy syndrome on societal level.

>> No.11494841


yes you do. who gets the prize is based on a vote , you can vote if you are a professor at a certain institution (not sure which ones right now, you can look it up)

naturally, if you are from europe or the US, your work will automatically be more likely to be considered for a prize, due to your direct colleagues voting for the prize

nobel prizes are a joke

>> No.11494845

>yes you do. who gets the prize is based on a vote , you can vote if you are a professor at a certain institution
Wouldn't you vote for the result which solves the problem? If an Indian lets say had to formulate general relativity while Einstein made some claims that light maybe constant, who would get the nobel? Indian guy.

>> No.11494850

Nobel prizes don't discriminate. Get your facts straight.

>> No.11494854

for that you have to know the result... which is not easy due to language , i know many people from germany for example, the older ones don't even speak english and they are mathematics professors
anyway, if you are exposed more to some result, yo uare more likely to find them interesting and overrate them than when you have never heard about it
also most profs probably hope that their colleagues will at some point vote back for them in a reasonable manner
there's a lot of academic dishonesty like that, in almost all fields

>> No.11494856


nobel prize is not based on an objective vote in the first place , so its a good measure for works done in the european and american world , but not the asian one
there are many nobel prize works that really shouldnt have gotten the prize

>> No.11494859

>which is not easy due to language
Einstein relativity was written in german. Lets discard his bullshit.

>> No.11494865
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>Japan has more nobel prizes than most of europe
>Hence Japan isn't an asian country
What bullshit are you sperging?

>> No.11494867


German and English have always been very strong languages for a nobel prize. Do you think if Einstein wrote in Chinese he would have gotten a prize? Probably not.

>> No.11494872


Almost all of which are "shared". Basically one chink/japanese did something (either togehter or independently) and then some white guy had to do the same , and then people checked whether it had been done before so they shared a prize between the two.
had the white guy not done anything, the jap would not have gotten the prize on his own which is the only thing that really matters

>> No.11494874

>German and English have always been very strong languages for a nobel prize
>Hence French, Swedish and Russian aren't. >Hence they shouldn't be given nobel prizes.
Your argument isn't cogent. Have you ever looked up the number of nobel prizes per country?

>> No.11494877

They can't even afford tests

>> No.11494878


Russian people are/were NOTORIOUS for studying in France. French belong to the European world.

Im talking about more extreme examples, for example people who grew up in India and dont speak English very well or Chinks t hat only speak Chinese.

Also most Japanese prizes are not solo prizes, they are shared ones because the Nobel Prize needs t o keep up appearances and can't be outirght academic dishonest.

>> No.11494883

>for example people who grew up in India and dont speak English very well
Most educated indians speak good enough english to be able to communicate. Have you ever watched a video by IIT professors?

>> No.11494885


nowadays , yes. But already 20+ years ago, knowing the language was crucial. Anyway, its not just about knowing the language or not, its also about proximity to people who can vote for the nobel prize.

>> No.11494889

Then why don't we see an increase in Indian nobel laureates since they all have either studied from IIT or IIM? Aren't they premier institutions, better an japanese and chinese?

>> No.11494891
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There are literat streets hitters posting in this thread right now.

>> No.11494893

coronavirus originated in China and spread by air travel

poor people and their social circles do not fly, hence why they are less affected, for now..

>> No.11494899

I repeat there is a literal strreetshitter in this thread , who think his filthy monkey people are smart !

>> No.11494901
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ask each other what it is that you need and have intention to make life more wonderful .

>> No.11494904


>IITs are the best Asian institutes
>Because the college is good, hence the professors also must be good
>But the professors haven't received Nobel prizes
>Mostly because of racial profiling
>Whites vote for their kind because we don't care if an Indian has found a cure for a disease
>We just care if a white has made 50% of progress towards a cure
>But since the Indian researches are so good the universities they work in are also good

Dude, I'm not tryna lick white ass, but you're just circle jerking at this point.

>> No.11494908

based shitposter

>> No.11494909

I have got better question does any one knows an one who get sick by "Corona" not beer?

>> No.11494913


Because they don't have much proximity to the US/EU world. There are plenty of math prizes going to Indians nowadays, because the internet has become more common place and its easier to share work.
It's pretty difficult to verify a work in biology, physiology, physics etc. if it relies on experimentation and the language is not clear.
Also nobel prizes are based on votes , not on "how significant the breakthrough is".
It's not even racial profiling, but just being closer to somebody who can vote for you is a huge advantage if your goal is to get a nobel prize, because you have the ability to convince them to vote for you directly.

>> No.11494917

What votes?
Leaving race aside, why should I vote for someone who discovered the shape of coronachan versus someone who discovered the pathway by which coronachan enters a cell? Isn't that not how 'voting' works? Maybe next time when I vote for the new Prime minister, I will vote for the one for looks the most like a white guy.

>> No.11494918

They're busy having salmonella.

>> No.11494930

Neither is Japan anymore closer to the US. At this point your just trying to flounder.

>> No.11494935


>> No.11494936


you seem to be under the false impression that the nobel prize is given out by some supernatural entity based on importance of finding
its assigned based on votes collected from various professors , if you can convince these professors to vote for you, you will get a nobel prize regardless of how important your finding was or wasn't

now if you aren't even in the same language sphere as said professors, and never have any contact to them, so they don't even know your work, your chances to get a nobel prize is 0 even if you had exactly the same idea like somebody who got the prize

that's exactly how most japanese got their nobel prize btw. , they call it "independently found" , in reality it just means that to prevent outright academic dishonesty, they checked with japanese scholars to make sure none of them had already discovered the same thing

>> No.11494944

smart people and medical stuff know for sure it is as swindle , but rule of the people (democracy) ends at the work place and we all follow orders of a men who gives us ((( Money ))) Only God can create something out of nothing there for Gods chosen people work in The Bank. Suck my dick and I give you ((( Money ))) I ad few zeros to the number and we have got line cock suckers + program TV show in competition to suck most lucrative cock .
Love, compassion, mutual care , friendship, everything we need to live and thrive, requires free human will. <-- that is beyond grabbers understanding because they was bamboozled their minds crossed in to non existing , but suggested to imagine right and wrong, good and bad, judge and charge and violence is necessity. Fear gives discipline obedience and greed force act with cruelty. That are grabbers
usually controlled by 'fish heads' one 1% born psychopath. <-- this is army of Mordor
and there is a people who build, breed, feed grow, those are creationists creates life and serves life for humanity feed grabbers too.

>> No.11494949

So Einstein spoke to loads to people and convinced everyone that his never before seen and not even comprehensible math at that time is correct and everyone should vote for him?
Seems perfect for me.

>> No.11494959


You obviously dont know much about Einstein, but he was already widely popular when he got the nobel prize, and it was for a continuation of a work from Planck (photoelectric effect), not for special relativity or anything "new".

>> No.11494962

Even Einstein was working at a fucking patent office.
>Hurr durr look at this jew
>Wait he works at a patent office
>No job at a university
>What bullshit math is this
>I reject your shitty papers
Seems like a legit conversation he had.

>> No.11494963

You can not scare people in India with a flu, because they have literally poop problem everywhere. and they can not fix their toilet system, because only lowest cast of people do that and no one want to be lowest cast people, so they have no one to take care of that problem. If you start talking on public about toilet you get stigma as lowest cast number of society. it is only City people in general that stupid to get scared , rural people are not that dumb to believe they know nature better then gov. does.

>> No.11494968

"In 1900, Einstein's paper "Folgerungen aus den Capillaritätserscheinungen" ("Conclusions from the Capillarity Phenomena") was published in the journal Annalen der Physik.[58][59] On 30 April 1905, Einstein completed his thesis,[60] with Alfred Kleiner, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro-forma advisor. As a result, Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zürich, with his dissertation A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions.[60][61]

In that same year, which has been called Einstein's annus mirabilis (amazing year), he published four groundbreaking papers, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy, which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world, at the age of 26. "
Nice cope.

>> No.11494969


lol. Do you know what you have to fulfill to work at a patent office? You have to basically be at a PhD level in a natural science to get a job in a patent office in Switzerland. Anyway , yo uare wrong.
Einstein was extremely popular by the time he got the nobel prize, and it wasn't for what you consider to be his most ground breaking work (relativity), but for something that most people voted for at that time.

If anything, Einstein is a perfect example of how you need to be extremely popular and the prize doesn't mean much, because it is often used to vote for options that are well understood and popularized easily.

>> No.11494974

Kek. He got his Phd after working at the patent office.
"After graduating in 1900, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post. He acquired Swiss citizenship in February 1901,[51] but for medical reasons was not conscripted. With the help of Marcel Grossmann's father, he secured a job in Bern at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property, the patent office,[52][53] as an assistant examiner – level III"

>> No.11494978


Yes. But he was clearly at (and above) a PhD level. You can't just become a patent officer so easily, since you need to confirm the novelty of inventions you need to have a thourough knowledge of how things work in the first place (or else you can't judge them).

Anyway, no idea why you are bringing up Einstein, he had very good relationships to the academic world and became popular very quickly.

>> No.11494979

How do you judge some rando if he's capable? Also the wiki states he got it with the help of some guy.

>> No.11494980
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Well I'm tired of arguing. Doesn't matter who won. I normally never win.

>> No.11494981
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>the amount of generalization in this thread
>muh whites
>muh pajeets
>muh chinks
>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.11494988

Just so that you don't end up cursing my by doing some black magic, I think India is a good country and I consider India as another world i.e. world within world. That's not to say I'm a nationalist or outspoken citizen, neither do I lick white ass and I also consider white women trashy.

>> No.11495044


>> No.11495062
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> white boys on lockdown
> meanwhile pajeets are dancing corona away

>> No.11495073

Don't Indian people bathe in the Ganges? From an evolutionary standpoint that should select for a strong immune system.

>> No.11495123

>Coronavirus: Bangladesh mass prayer event prompts alarm
>Local police chief Tota Miah told AFP news agency that 10,000 Muslims had gathered in Raipur town to pray "healing verses" from the Koran.
>But some eyewitnesses told the BBC the figure was closer to 30,000.

>> No.11495172

pray the Corona away!

>> No.11495191

>North Africa is the same as Central Africa
What a brainlet

>> No.11495219
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What batshit crazy stuff is going on in India? Just found this from twitter.

>> No.11495229

Why does Japan have more nobels than India despite being further away from Europe?

>> No.11495236


closer to the US, closer relations to Germany

also most japanese nobel prizes were awarded as shared prizes because it took a white guy to discover something, then it turned out that a jap had done something similarly so they included the jap to not make complete fools out of themselves

if you check the numbers of prizes where a jap got the prize on his own (and not shared) its roughly as much as India btw. but that's not the point

thje point is that if you are not close to the people who vote for the prize (regardless of your race), you are more unlikely to get the prize

this btw also means that if you are despised by your peers , you are less likely to get the prize

>> No.11495237

Because they have influence and hurr durr voting.

PS: not the guy your replied to. I was being sarcastic.

>> No.11495246

States shutdown every 10 minutes regardless of the situation. When the corrupt Pm or whatever of chennai died they shut down everything for a week and partied and flipped some cars with the cops.

Also if you honestly think Indians know how to quarantine that is hilarious

>> No.11495250

what bullshit the indian doctors are some of the worst. A lot of them peddle pseudo science, goes to show how little critical thinking skills they have.

>> No.11495253

Indian average iq is 82. They came second-last in the PISA assessment among 72 countries. pathetic nobel prize record compared to china and japan. Japan and china have the highest average iq and consistently perform in the top 3 in global academic testing. A Top student from japan will blow the fuck out of a top student from India. Just look at Indian infrastructure and compare it to the Japanese

>> No.11495256

I don’t deny the Indian mentality of quarantine. Just that Trump took action much later than the PM here.

>> No.11495259

High IQ people don’t live in India. All of the high IQ Indians have immigrated out of that literal shithole. All of the rich people in India are unbelievably corrupt and incompetent

>> No.11495261

Japan isn't closer to the EU yet their Nobel prize per capita puts India to shame

>> No.11495264


>> No.11495266

He invalidated his own claims.

>> No.11495278

Look you don’t need to try to cope if you are Indian. Just do well for yourself, how people view India doesn’t reflect on you.

>> No.11495283

Just take a hard look at yourself man, you're coping terribly. you don't want to acknowledge your nation's incompetence so you make up bullshit reasons to why you're nation sucks at everything

>> No.11495294

I’m not trying to be a nationalist. This is not a political board where I can promulgate fallacies. This is a science board where I answer honestly and help others when needed. Also I neither love nor hate India. The same goes for the US. I’ve watched CNN and read a couple of American news sites like NYT, Reuters, Washington post, WSJ etc whom I consider as legitimate news sources. I even despise my own countries news sources because of rampant lies and fake news (if you don’t know what I mean, some 10 years ago, a news channel was broadcasting about some ufo shit).

>> No.11495300

You may question my news sources but I believe that reporting on coronachan shouldn’t and isn’t politically motivated.

>> No.11495303

They consider Ganges a holy river and bathing in it washes away all your sins. But Ganges is so fucking dirty.

>> No.11495307

The funniest shit it today people 'GOT TOGETHER' to thank the doctors and other social workers by clapping.

>> No.11495308

Punjabs already live in a shit covered society so they’ll survive some novel coronavirus.

>> No.11495314


Chinks lie and cheat on PISA, they also eat everything that moves and invent a new infection/virus global disease every decade or so. Japs are just mindless drones that copy and do whatever their overlords tell them to. They are literal manlets with an eternal inferiority complex and their MUH samurai culture is originally from India (chinks and japs are unable to come up with their own religion, just like white people are).

Other than that, there are 0 Japs or Chinks leading top companies , whereas almost every second company is led by an Indian. Notice something? The top students from China and Japan with their "higher IQ" apparently aren't performing at all.

ALso the infrastructure in INdia is very very good, just not available everywhere.

Anyway, Indian medical schools are the best in the world, and Indian doctors are the best in the world because they are selected by the hardest entrance examination in the world.

>> No.11495329

>invent a new infection/virus global disease
Well to invent a new virus it takes a lot of intelligence. You just validated his claim that chinks have high iq and Indians have low iq because Indians can’t invent new viruses. Kek

>> No.11495332

This is cope of the highest order.

>> No.11495333


they aren't inventing them though, they literally just spawn them because they are unable to stop eating wild animals you retard

other than that there hasnt been a SINGLE disease coming out from india , but your 12312312 IQ people apparently cant stop spawning them kek

>> No.11495347

You typed the word ‘invented’. Speaks about your iq tho. Based kek

>> No.11495351


> what is irony

stop eating bats chang before you talk to me

>> No.11495358

So, has /sci/ decided that it came from eating a bat? Wasn't Pangolin a suspect, too?

>> No.11495372


> highest IQ race
> eat live animals without cooking them, cleaning them just because you are a soulless nigger
> contract some novel disease
> act like everythings fine
> people start dropping
> quickbuild a hospital that collapses after 6 days
> start exporting your elite who have the disease everywhere into the world
> send them masks to act like you are the actual saviour and not the retard who started it all
> be jap
> draw anime and manga with caucasians because you have an inherent inferiority complex that you will never be able to overcome
but remember, chinks and japs are VERY high iq

>> No.11495373

Jesus , they're lying about the true numbers. Otherwise it seems silly to have a curfew when 'only' around 300 people have the virus

>> No.11495377


> china lies about everything 24/7
> india has low numbers
imagine siding with chinks and japs over indians
you must be a zipper yourself lmfao

>> No.11495378

Lol I’m Indian.

>> No.11495382


let me tell you this: chinks will NEVER be better at indians at ANYTHING. NEVER.

they are literal bug men that can't think on their own. They do everything their government tells them do without questioning and their leaders turn out to be retarded as fuck more often than not.
Every single time some chink athlete goes to a competition it turns out hes roiding or cheating. Every single time a scientific publication from China comes out it turns out they lie through their teeth to save face and make a good impression.

Chinks don't even trust other chinks so much that they go to countries like Australia to buy their baby formula because they know their own companies will add literal carcinogenics and what not to save a penny.

That's the "very high IQ super race" you are dealing with. They are just a bunch of liars and fakers that are incredibly incompetent and dishonest.

>> No.11495395

>Every single time some chink athlete goes to a competition it turns out hes roiding or cheating. Every single time a scientific publication from China comes out it turns out they lie through their teeth to save face and make a good impression.

>> No.11495397

>Chinks don't even trust other chinks so much that they go to countries like Australia to buy their baby formula because they know their own companies will add literal carcinogenics and what not to save a penny.

>> No.11495399

>/pol/fags have invaded
thanks corona

>> No.11495401


Check any competition and publication you want. They even cheat at the international math olympiad by claiming the students wrote different answers.
Magically get "6 gold medals" by being completely shameless.

Top IQ but can't learn english ? who knows. Fuck asians, and fuck every white nigger supplicating them and vouching for them. You will all be purged at the day of the curry.

>> No.11495411

lol, angry loser that he lost at the game of life.

Fucking communist, youll never experience true life, being with a hot girl with a nice car house tv travelling, luxuries.

perhaps if you had worked hard.

It's also hilarious how you speak about corruption of money, i could corrupt you with a couple thousand dollars if necesary, but obviously its not cause youre useless and harmless

>> No.11495417

Send me a article where it states explicitly they’re cheating

>> No.11495418


send me an article where you think they aren't.

>> No.11495423

Now you're just beating around the bush.

>> No.11495426


nope. im serious. show me a scientific article by CHINKS FROM CHINA RESEARCHING AT A CHINESE INSTITUTE
which you think is 100% legit.

>> No.11495427

>by clapping
worse than americans...

btw, did you see >>11495123 ?

>> No.11495428

>They even cheat at the international math olympiad by claiming the students wrote different answers
If you seriously claims this, then you're the biggest loser who can't cope that chinese are doing better at math olympiad. You're just being mentally retarded and coming up with dogshit reasons to hate the chinese. I don't suck their dicks but I definitely applaud their effort and hard work that it take to get medals in olympiads.

>> No.11495429

You're claiming that they're cheating, retard, it's on you to have some basis for your claims.

>> No.11495431


theres even a video about it on youtube you dumb nigger. a IMO documentary from 2006. The chinese team didnt have all gold, suddenly their coaches went to argue and argued based on language
and magically had all gold.

FUCK chinks. Fuck Gooks. Fuck Japs. and fuck every white boy supporting them. You'll all get the bullet you soulless niggers.

>> No.11495433

Exactly. Retard is just running in circle because he has no more shit to spew out.

>> No.11495435


i claim they are cheating/dishonest in every article, so show me a single one where yo uthink they are being honest .

good luck LOL

>> No.11495437

I'm even betting on you being a loser and a NEET whose just sitting at home disappointing your parents. How sad!!!

>> No.11495438


stop swallowing bats alive you jungle nigger.

>> No.11495439

link the video you fucking moron

>> No.11495442

1h 10 min

" we haven't been able to evaluate any of the papers, so we have asked for a translation (From the coaches)"

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, they all got gold medals,,, i wonder why?


>> No.11495444

Retard I'm Indian. You've been chatting with your own fellow 'brother' this whole time. And to my whole reply that's the only thing you could come up with. You just attested my claims of you being a NEET and your parents being disappointed by you.

>> No.11495448

Just present evidence, anon.
>show me a single one where yo uthink they are being honest
What anyone thinks doesn't matter. You're claiming the existence of cheating and not providing any sources. Asking for sources or evidence isn't the same as claiming the opposite of a claim.

>> No.11495449

move to china where they will treat you like a subhuman because they believe living as a single ant colony makes them superior

you are pathetic and if i ever find you, see you, meet you i will kill you on sight you little cocksucker

>> No.11495451

Lmao. Those chinese solved it in chinese. For you that's cheating. How mendacious!!

>> No.11495452



now. will you present to us a SINGLE paper which you think is not garbage?

or not?

protip: everybod who works in academia knows this simple formula:

100% chink names - > into the trash
100% chink institutions -> into the trash

saves you a lot of headache

>> No.11495455

its a little bit more than that, the coaches actually got the solutions, and were asked to give the translations after that
so its not just a "translation" problem, the problem is that the IMO coordinators relied on the honesty of the chinese coaches - and obviously got fucked for it

>> No.11495456

Again when you sperged you only attested my claims. The fact that my statements are repulsive to you, just makes me believe you have a lot of issues. I hope you're not trolling anon. If not get some help.

>> No.11495458

Is that it? Only one?

>> No.11495460

>If not get some help.
*If so, then get some help

>> No.11495462


i have 0 issues. its just a fact that chinks are COMPLETELY subhuman in every facet of life.

Any time you think they got their shit together, its just an act.

Hello? They fucking EAT LIVE ANIMALS and TORTURE DOGS and see nothing wrong with it. what more proof do you need that somebody is subhuman?

They actually had to have a government intervention in 2017 or so to stop people from walking over others that were in an accident due to fear of being sued (lol) and actually helping their fellow bugmen.

Imagine getting ran over by a car and everybody just scuffling away because thats the hiveminds order.

>> No.11495464

Whats your thought on this whole 'chinks cheating' matter?

>> No.11495466

That's only speculation though. I think it definitely calls for being more careful on the next iterations and/or monitoring more strictly, but it's not evidence for cheating.

>> No.11495469

>They fucking EAT LIVE ANIMALS and TORTURE DOGS and see nothing wrong with it. what more proof do you need that somebody is subhuman?
I don't deny they're retards. Sorry, but claiming they have low iq and that they cheat on tests is just equivocating.

>> No.11495473


You have to be low IQ and technically not human if you dont realize after the 123213th disease fucking your OWN population over , that eating wild animals ALIVE is a bad idea.

Also you have to be so fucking retarded to require ORDERS and GOVERNMENT ISSUED LAWS to simply HELP others. FROM. YOUR. OWN. KIND.

(we arent even talking about animals here lmao, that will never hpapen because chinks are absolute fucking insects)

Do you realize just what kind of menace we are dealing with here? People always joke about turks being roaches, but chinks are ACTUAL roaches in real life.
They are also very submissive by nature (and act like women, have no sexual dimorphism) and when they lash out only in a large group.

All of Asia should just be nuked , including Japan. They really are subhumans in every way you can conceive.

White people just love them because they are submissive and supplicate to them- MUH ANIME, MUH SAMURAI!!!!


It's not speculation. Ask any person in power doing research under 4 eyes and they will confide to you (in joke obviously because muh racism) that reading what a chink wrote is simply wasting your time.

>> No.11495477

I'm giving you a benefit of doubt. But you need to give more sources. One does not validate anything.

>> No.11495480

>All of Asia should just be nuked
What about your india?

>> No.11495482
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Holy schizo. Thank God I'm on based 4chin, otherwise I would've turned to pulp.

>> No.11495487


What was the last disease that came out from India? inb4 you say indian people hahaxD!

>> No.11495488

One question. What's your current occupation irrespective of coronachan?

>> No.11495490


bugkiller, chinkhunter, zipper-exterminator, you name it kiddo

>> No.11495491

>inb4 you say indian people hahaxD!
Sorry but Indians aren't a disease. So nuke every country including murica except India?

>> No.11495498

Wait are you Indian or no?If yes wdym by bugkiller? Do you like, spray pesticides etc or have your own pesticides company?

>> No.11495500


other countries learn from their mistakes. Chinks don't. Do you know what type of animal is incapable of learning? nonironically insects

btw it takes quite an effort to contract a disease from a wild animal, you need to basically cut the animal and then cut yourself and then manage to mix enough shit together to get the disease alive into your body

last time this happened, except the 1230123921i30912i3 times in China, was in some nigger country when a nigger managed to cut himself and contracted HIV from a fucking monkey

so yes. Chinks are literally worse than niggers.

>> No.11495501

Also what are you doing here on /sci/?

>> No.11495502

Last question...... I feel like you're from Rajashthan or Punjab. Is that right?

>> No.11495503

im a scientist and chink hater

>> No.11495505

BTech from IIT or BSC from IISC?

>> No.11495507

The upper class will hole up in bunkers and soldiers will just dump the corpses into mass graves.

>> No.11495510

You haven't answered my questions..........

>> No.11495522

Ok pajeet.

>> No.11495526
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>> No.11495562

Fucking hell

>> No.11495627

Loser still can't answer.

>> No.11496155

Lmao you threw the entire fishing line in, but I’ll bite.
If you want to talk about how coronavirus operates you should have read research papers, taken some notes and brought them here. Reading newspapers who have a political interest in CoVID-19 are not useful for that and you should have taken this to pol. Left wingers are getting the government crackdown and benefits they wanted, as well as blaming corona on America, which is why Trump goes out of his way to remind people it is from China. It is in their interest to spread panic to get more government power.

>> No.11496795

I’m not interested in knowing if trump calls it the Chinese virus. Yes, I’ve read and watched some videos about the virus. But I just seek basic information from those mews sources like how many deaths, what measures are being implemented etc. I’m don’t care if trump has imposed more taxes.

>> No.11497019

Why would I pass a shit IQ exam to become a shit doctor for shit people? Others will do it. I don't wanna deal with other smelly shitters likes of the people who gave birth to your retarded ass. Youtuber Tibees did a video on IIT entrance exams, and the proffessors of universities found the exam totally absurd regarding the diversity and depth of topics in the exam. Just because you can put a shitload of MCQs on a paper, doesn't make the test intelligent. Rote motherfuckers like you use it as a gauge for intelligence. But the fact of the matter is no great person like Einstein, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell or Dirac etc had to pass such a shitty exam which asks how to calculate monkey pulling and the amount of carbon in X molecule. We have computers to do that. Science is about problem solving. IIT entrance tests upon solved problem solving pattern recognition. Learn the difference retarded low IQ manlet with a cuck penis

>> No.11497027

Lmao true tho

>> No.11497030

The only reason shitposters like you exist, is because the time you invested, by force of parents and society to "learn" IIT not science, now you are keen on defending your ego. But listen here brainlet virgin, the only reason IIT exams are hard is because Indian Infrastructure is SHIT and there are too many people and too few colleges. A country is not built in 70 years of independence. It took america 400 years to establish their infrastructure and they started with far fewer people. Indian people on the other hand, and I'm not talking about the rural people, I'm talking about the absolute FILTH middle class, which you probably belong to, forces their children into competitive exams to become "engineers". Just how many shitters love engineering? Human psyche is not a black and white board, it's a spectrum, and education system understands that but cannot implement it. The only reason for making IIT exams difficult is because hundreds of thousands apply each year and there are not 10% of that number of seats available. It's simple math brainlet.

Also competitive exams don't build intuition or true understanding. You can mug up any chemistry book, but do you really understand the history of science and the motivation for development of that topic? No, because you are a rote monkey. If you want to do real science, you need your brain, not a validation from IIT. Fucking idiot.

>> No.11497040

how do u think we shoul let people into universities maybe a standardized test like sats....
oh wait the sats are literally the ame as jee mains.
oi manlet if u think its esy the fucking beat 800000 and get into top 5000 and say ohh i just mugged up better plz stfu.
jee mains is easier but if u want to test your shitty brain check out the advanced papers u fucking retard. fucking out of 450 marks getting aboves 200 is considered goood u little shit.
just mug up u say fucking pathetic. idk about ur shitty countries education but mugging up 2 years of topics i s literally retarded.

>> No.11497042

are all indians high iq no but some of us enjoy problem solving.
>>all u need is a brain
u stupid what are u a garage scientist lmao what u gonna discover how to eat a dick?
u gonna learn higher sciences without going to a school u autistic shit. u gonna be a fucking genius huh. newton was smart but u think he can fucking solve quantum shit on his own u retarded af man

>> No.11497052

what should be the method to find out the "high iq".
and becoming a doctor is literally mug the fuck up or fucking die.
what u gonna learn as a doctor huh ohh sex makes babies u retard,
try looking at a medical book then talk to me u little shit and u "developed" countries have a huge number of retard as far as i can tell.
and as for shit people still better than people who elected trump ( very good choice imo)

>> No.11497171

>newton was smart but u think he can fucking solve quantum shit on his own u retarded af man
What the fuck are you talking? You high or something?

>> No.11497174


>> No.11497175

>doctor is literally mug the fuck up or fucking die.
Those are the half knowledge doctors because they use memory rather than problem solving to come up with solution. In one word, they're are UNSUCCESSFUL.

>> No.11497203

dont u solve it after learning about it lmao. like u become a doctor after entering a medical school.
hello 20 yr old student solve my case of being retarded plz.

>> No.11497236


>> No.11497408


You are barely intelligible and seething. Seek psychiatric help. It's okay, ego destruction is often volatile. It will take time. Just calling someone a manlet/brainlet/ without proving their POV wrong isn't much anon. You are just a little kid with a peanut sized brain and peanut sized testicles. You mad because I pointed out the reason why your "IIT" exams are not the same as SAT and are worse off with the pressure they exert on possibly bright students in the name of competition. I hope you literally think before you talk because you can't even type as far as I see. :)


>> No.11497425

Your point is both valid and invalid. Valid because sometimes problem solving under timed conditions is not enough to gauge a persons intellectual abilities.
But there's no other easier way to segregate/filter millions(lakhs, if you're Indian) of students. Also companies require you to generally have good problem solving abilities if they employ you
An example that goes against your point is the IMO. IMO is basically a timed problem solving exam. Whoever gets gold, silver ends being a mathematician like Terrance Tao etc because they have a very high caliber.

>> No.11497439

But this does not mean that you can't be a mathematician and do wonders if have no medals. Many famous mathematicians don't have medals although this maybe more to do with opportunities available during their times.

Also note that getting rank 1 in JEE - Advanced doesn't automatically make you a mathematician. you're just good at math but not excellent. Also math seeking students generally don't go to IIT because they have shit tier math departments.

>> No.11497447
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The irony is that someone washing away the dirt off of their body ends pollutes the river water with soap and dirt. This same soap and dirt water is used by others downstream to clean themselves. Its almost as if I collect my dirty bathwater and give it to my neighbor to use the same water for washing themselves. Yuck.

>> No.11497525

So much sin. Sooooo much sin.

>> No.11497558

Call Jesus to wash them away. kek.

>> No.11497560

I did make that case in my second post. I'm aware that is the only way to segregate from so many students. I even have a friend who cleared IIT and he was exceptionally talented. I mean he knew 12 std physics when we were in 11. I didn't. Neither did I pretend to. But here's what happened years later, we both studied physics and we both hold up conversation in physics without much intellectual difference.

>> No.11497710
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What if you are capable and just flunked for like not studying?

>> No.11497769

I cannot deny that possibility. I hated studying chemistry because it felt totally irrelevant to my interests. That's why I didn't cross it. IIT physics too is a joke. Monkey pulling, electrostatic charges in a cube and all that shit. How is that testing quantitative aptitude? Maybe to a degree, but as far as developing understanding, which is the WHOLE POINT of physics, it didn't do much. All it takes to crack those exams is perseverance and right material. Any code monkey can do it.

>> No.11497820

>I hated studying chemistry because it felt totally irrelevant to my interests. That's why I didn't cross it. IIT physics too is a joke.
Physics and chemistry don't have much applications in real life. But it does help you in appreciating the world around you especially with physics. As far as math is concerned, I think to some degree its important and tests you're general math ability. Although you won't need calculus to secure a job, but knowing it can give you an edge over others.

>> No.11497832

also when I say I hated chemistry, I particularly hated inorganic chemistry. Organic was a different ballgame. But I had shit teachers who didn't know either thermodynamics or how to teach OC. I read Morrison and Boyd the few remaining months, and it was a work of art. Now if you read that text, you'll understand my displeasure with the indian way of testing. That text invokes joy and mystery and urges you to turn the next page to know more. That text makes you a better chemist. but it's not possible to go through that within 6 months or even a year because you have other things to do.

>> No.11497871

>But I had shit teachers
A classmate of mine who was in the top 10 studied for the most part by himself mainly because our classes had a shit ton of problem because of money (The directors were greedy when they saw the amount they each could rake in which led to a split, considering that there were more than 400 students and each had to pay 200,000). Also our physics teacher knew nothing about physics. He would write the problem on the board and go to his office to look up the solution. If he was asked to solve a problem, he would give the problem to the smart guy to solve it.

>> No.11498035

That problem is ubiquitous which is why india is perceived as as an inferior nation. Our talent is wasted away and burnt out in the wrecked gears of system. India was a land of free thinkers and amazing philosophy. Now they are the tik tok capital / laughing stock of the world. They deserve it. The unfortunate born here, don't.

>> No.11498265


>> No.11498365
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It's an Indian bioweapon.
This is how the superpower2020 prophecy gets fulfilled.

>> No.11498376
File: 144 KB, 354x600, Bonnet_macaque_(Macaca_radiata)_Photograph_By_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indian believing europoid lies about China
You realize if India was the powerful one, they'd be hating you?

You're actually fucking retarded. europoids just hate whenever someone else approaches them in status, and right now that happens to be China. If you can't understand that you unironically have the IQ of a literal macaque.

>> No.11498766

What an absolute clown

>> No.11498778

In the loo, the only casualties are the Corona viruses themselves

>> No.11499724

He’s just a nationalist who can’t see passed the Indian border

>> No.11499748

Lots of Indians, Mestizos, and non-Chinese Asians are stupid as fuck. They actually think they're white.

I can understand why a white-passing Mestizo would bootlick, but some of these delusional cucks look straight out of the Aymaras. Same applies to SEAsians.

>> No.11500271

Lad NEET isn't even the second hardest ENTRANCE exam in the country. JEE mains and Advanced are way harder.
Not to mention the olympiads

>> No.11500574

People swim in the Ganges - and survive! It would have killed most people pretty quickly.

Checking the weather maps I see New Delhi is 20 - 30 C which is not that hot, while further towards the south it is 30+C. That should mean enormous variations in infection rate if the temperature hypothesis is correct.

>> No.11500652

coming back to the topic of corona itself:
the PM just gave a quarantine speech yesterday.
so india is basically in quarantine(lockdown).
cases rn 500+ but still in testing phase so real numbers is unknown.

>> No.11500729

You have like 15 times higher risk of dying from corona if you smoke. The average non smoker in cities like Bombay have lungs like chain smokers due to the polluted air. People should drop like flies in India.
Maybe the heat helps, we'll see soon enough.