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11488502 No.11488502 [Reply] [Original]

How come loads of research comes out of China but not India? India has 1 billion + people too.

>> No.11488518
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chinks don't do any research, chinks aren't smart enough to do research because they can't think creatively like westerners can, thats why the chinks have to steal technology and ideas from europeans and americans, because chinks can't come up with anything novel of their own.

>> No.11488549

Smart Indians go abroad. Pretty much all of them.

>> No.11488591

>China average IQ
>India average IQ

>> No.11488962

Superpower by 2020

>> No.11489000


>Unironically believing that the Chinese have an average IQ of 105

Well hello there, Chang.

>> No.11489005

Then why does Japan have a higher research output and more Nobel Prizes per capita than America?

>> No.11489443

well op, they are too busy worshiping cows!

>> No.11489476

Cultural reasons. Indians are pretty smart, but the street shitting mentality is holding them back. Too tied down to old traditions. Which is fine, but not conducive for rapid advancement. China would be in the same boat if not for extremely authoritarian modernization campaigns.

>> No.11489485


>> No.11489489

OP, are you an Indian? Your positivity towards India shines in your post.

>> No.11489511

That guy is a NEET and just jealous of others. Kek

>> No.11489558

Too busy pooping

>> No.11489642

Too many nwords and mexicans.

>> No.11489823


>> No.11489825

> Nobel prize is a metric
I have some bad news for you Anon

>> No.11489830

And how many of them have seen a higher education?

>> No.11489837


>> No.11489933

Because communism.
Same reason the SU went from tsarist shithole to global powerhouse that raced the 'leader of the free world' to the stars within 40-50 years. All that while absolutely wrecking Fascist Germany and enduring western aggression towards them.

>> No.11489945

tons of research comes of india, at least in physics. for some reason they seem extremely passionate about electronics as a nation. a lot of the most successful papers as regards improvements to semiconductor devices - one of the most heavily relied upon fields in the modern world - come out of india. i'm not sure they could be called a pioneer as a nation (not that any particular nation could nowadays besides maybe america) but they provide an enormous amount of research into a variety of fields.

>> No.11490407

>Poo study ringing the nCoV-2019 bioweapon alarm ASAP (HIV-like furin enhancement confirmed after, despite denial of "muh human-touched")
>Poo scientist suspecting the bacterial integration theory first, CDC still shutting up about it.

>> No.11491313

10 bucks you're of indian ethnicity

>> No.11491327

Poos are less developed as a country and have bigger brain drain and lower average IQ. Their research is going up pretty fast too just not as fast as Chinas though

>> No.11491351

Indians have taken all the necessary steps to stop spreading this virus. Also, it's a tropical area, so virus won't be able to survive for much period of time.

Indian Anonymous Textboard: https://108ch.cf/

>> No.11491369

Japan is not China

>> No.11491372

Not even a joke. This is the correct answer. Japan also doesn't waste research dollars on Gender studies, etc. bullshit. They also have way fewer women in academia. All that helps them accomplish more.

>> No.11491384

Indian women are normally repressed in society.

>> No.11491387
File: 38 KB, 500x455, main-qimg-3709717f6b5938b61eef9aab9f5d3049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower average IQ
Only right answer

>> No.11491409

That doesn’t explain the loads of Indian CEOs heading top American companies.

>> No.11491412


1. Google CEO is an Indian
2. Microsoft CEO is an Indian
3. Citigroup CEO was an Indian
4. SoftBank Vision Fund CEO is an Indian
5. Adobe CEO is an Indian
6. NetApp CEO is an Indian
7. PepsiCo CEO was an Indian
8. Nokia CEO is an Indian
9. MasterCard CEO is an Indian
10. DBS CEO is an Indian
11. Cognizant CEO was an Indian
12. Novartis CEO is an Indian
13. Conduent CEO was an Indian
14. Diageo CEO is an Indian
15. SanDisk CEO was an Indian
16. Motorola CEO was an Indian
17. Harman CEO is an Indian
18. Micron CEO is an Indian
19. Palo Alto Networks CEO is an Indian
20. Reckitt Benckiser CEO is an Indian
21. Now IBM CEO is also an Indian origin guy
22. Britain’s Chancellor is an Indian
23. Britain’s Home Secretary is an Indian

Explain the anomaly.

>> No.11491415

Outliers on H1B visas. You never heard of the concept of brain drain?

>> No.11491420

>group is dumber than average
>well what about this one example looks like I win again
based retard

>> No.11491421

Sure. But a lot of Indian first gen immigrants are extremely successful. I would even go on to say that most of the Indian population on average earns more than Americans.

>> No.11491451

political correctness

>> No.11491453

all those companies suck

>> No.11491458

they bought large stakes in those companies which gave them a stepping stone to place ceos of their choosing. they didnt found any of those except maybe 2 which im not familiar with

you know how they bought them? wealthy indian famalies sold their own country out by using their wealth to influence their government and accepting toxic waste for money. they bought google and pepsi with money they got for turning the ganges river into raw sewage laced with industrial grade waste

>> No.11491464


>> No.11491478

Unironically because China is a more egalitarian society.

>> No.11491545


>> No.11491566

>google sucks
Stop projecting. Without google you won’t have YouTube, Gmail , photos. Google is literally the internet right now

>> No.11491569

The ceo of google was a poor guy who hadn’t seen a computer his whole life until he entered into university. Get your facts correct. Most of these weren’t even rich. They climbed the ladder by working hard.

>> No.11491570


>> No.11491571

Based whites feigning jealousy.

>> No.11491579

Wait, do you actually think google made youtube? KEK

>> No.11491602

But they own YouTube. So my statement still holds

>> No.11491651

The only part of the Internet that Google owns is YouTube, everything else has an (better) alternative. I guess they own captchas too. So how is Google "literally" the Internet right now?

>> No.11491652
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>No youtube, gmail or google photos
>a bad thing

>> No.11491653


>> No.11491659

This. Also the chinese are notorious cheaters

>> No.11491691

Can you list all the google services that you use?

>> No.11491741

indians naturally have extreme high hygiene standards

>> No.11491752

As an Anglo, I feel as if a lot of Chinese research is not actually published in English and that a lot of promising research is missed out by the wider world.

Anyone here confirm this? Is a lot of research published in just mandarin?

>> No.11491797

I voluntarily use or "use"? Voluntarily only YouTube because as I said earlier there are very few good alternatives to it. I guess invidio dot us, but that is just a front end for YouTube.

I'm guessing that you're going to point out some background/backend services I use that relies on something Google owns? Well, go ahead.

>> No.11491821

No. If you use an android phone, then android is a 'service' that you use. Same for Gmail, drive etc.

>> No.11491823

Indians pick their degree (or more like their parents) based on what has the most prestige right now.

Not the best base to cultivate a scientific community.

>> No.11491829

This. And whatever pays the most.

>> No.11491955

I don't use Gmail or Google Drive. Also android isn't a part of the Internet, it's an operating system. So I don't understand your point. Android is also pretty trash as an operating system, which is why I've rooted my phone.