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File: 67 KB, 1435x890, Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 12.36.08 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11487442 No.11487442 [Reply] [Original]

My only friend has become a flat earth retard. Normally I'm willing to ignore philosophical differences with friends but he's becoming more and more insufferable with this bullshit. I've tried sending him science videos but he just brushes them off as NASA conspiracies and all this shit. I'm going to attempt to explain it to him myself. Problem is I myself am borderline retarded and haven't taken a math or science class since high school. I need someone to make sure my math isn't shit. He keeps rambling on about how you shouldn't be able to see things from 30 miles away due to the curvature of the earth. So I've set aside an example to illustrate why he's a fucking idiot.

Let's say you have a 900 foot Jesus cross, or 900 feet when you account for the tilt of the earth (so a little over 900 feet) if you were lying prone at sea level 30 miles away and there were no obstructions, without factoring in light refraction or any other weird shit, would you be able to see the statue of our Lord and Savior. Given that the circumference of the earth is 24,901 miles. We can find the angle of this distance.


[math] x=(360∗30)24901[/math]


We want to find the height of the obstruction caused by the curvature of the earth, which is the middle point of the curve. We can view this as two right trianges, dividing the angle in half. Since we know the radius of the earth is 3959 miles, and we know the angle of the triangle is 0.22 degrees. We can find the adjacent side using the formula
[math]cos(angle / 2) = \frac{x}{3959}[/math]


convert to feet


149 feet, which means under ideal conditions for earth curvature obstruction (lying prone at sea level) you can still see a 900 foot object.

>> No.11487454


[math] h=3959−(3959∗cos(0.22)) [/math]

convert to feet

[math] h=5280∗(3959−(3959∗cos(0.22))) [/math]

>> No.11487542

Sunrise and sunset is the only proof you need
>Sunsets and sunrises happen at different times depending on your longitude. If the Earth were flat, then someone in New York and someone in Los Angeles would see the sun rise and set at exactly the same time as one another. But in practice, the difference is approximately three hours. Not only that, but at every point in between, the Sun rises/sets at a different time, something that could not happen if the Earth were flat. The fact that it can be evening in New York and late afternoon in Los Angeles, or morning in New York while it’s still before dawn in Los Angeles, is something that a flat Earth can’t account for.
there's no way to explain sunrise and sunset as it is if the earth has shape different than a sphere
just drop this retard friend instead of wasting your time, lol

>> No.11487556

Learn about foucalts pendulum

>> No.11487686

the speed of light is actually about 600 MPH and accounts for this difference.

>> No.11487952
File: 161 KB, 1742x1011, earth_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, bro

this shows at what distance someone 2m tall won't be able to see a 100m building, using very basic trigonometry

>> No.11487966

also, for a 900 ft object, its 41 miles

>> No.11488012

its way more complicated than this to explain the curve, some places on the planet are flat as fuck, ex. dried up lakebed in northern Chihuahua State in Mexico, called “El Barreal”

>> No.11488213

any place at sea level that is smooth will match those numbers

>> No.11488229

solution: he's not your friend anymore.

now you have no friends.

you can only go up from free.

>> No.11488260
File: 258 KB, 480x270, flat-earth-sun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how they explain it.

>> No.11488271

Wouldn't you see the Sun 24/7?

>> No.11488296
File: 43 KB, 432x330, spinning-earthers-btfo-flat-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I try to comprehend flat earth stuff the more confused I feel.

I think maybe they could explain that by claiming that light doesn't travel that far. However it still wouldn't explain sunrises/sunsets.

>> No.11488350


With this model, solar and lunar eclipses are impossible. Although truth be told, there is no possible Flat Earth model where lunar eclipses can occur, because the blood red appearance of the moon during a total lunar eclipse happens due to the light from the sun being filtered through the Earth's atmosphere.


Here's what you do. You tell your friend that on May 26, 2021, the moon will turn blood red in the sky, and that this will be visible from Australia, East Asia, and parts of the Americas. And that we are able to predict the exact day this will occur only because the Earth is round.

>> No.11488359

you wouldn't understand because you aren't retarded

>> No.11488360


When you are standing on the Earth, you are spinning in the same direction as it. When you lift off the Earth, either by jumping or getting into an aircraft, or even a hot air balloon, you do not lose your momentum. This is a silly image.

>> No.11488367
File: 67 KB, 720x831, flat-earth-sun-rays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no the gods make the moon go in front of the sun on special occassions and make it turn red just because

I mean really the path of the moon not being simple is the least of that models problems.

the ancients did believe the earth was static for a very long time because of that line of reasoning. So maybe it's not completely retarded

>> No.11488408

That's not how it works. If your friend doesn't want to be convinced, then there's no explanation that can convince him. If you want to help him you can try to work with him to understand why he's believing in these kind of things. Like how his beliefs make him feel, why are they important to him, why does it matter.
I'm not saying you should try some kind of psychological connection bullshit, all I'm saying is that when people get involved into some ideas they quickly become emotional about it and in the end the subject doesn't even matter anymore.
If you want to change your friends mind, you need to make him stop caring about the issue first.

>> No.11488414

Then the sun doesn't rise and doesn't set

>> No.11488424

>I'm willing to ignore philosophical differences with friends but he's becoming more and more insufferable with this bullshit.

Your "friend" is trying to get rid of you by being an idiot. Don't waste your time with him, just get out and meet new people.

>> No.11489129

Don't make it complicated it with math. If he's a brainlet, he won't understand you anyway. Instead, find a large city, and go to the point where it disappears under the horizon. Then lift him up with a crane, and ask him to describe what he sees. He should see the city "grow" out of the ground. Take turns, and try to get him to explain to you what he thinks is happening, and then explain how you understand the situation. If this doesn't help, he is lost.

>> No.11489152

Why you dont just take 2 balls one small one huge and you show him how with increasing size the curve appears to be flatten.

Depending on his lvl of retardation, this may works, its the most izzy way to explain him an geometrical concept.

>> No.11489176

This is pretty good. Make it more visual, not abstract.

>> No.11489727

It's true, this is why airplanes don't have forward facing headlights.

>> No.11489734

The classic example I have heard is sending a ship out to sea. As the ship gets further away the bottom of the ship disappears before the top due to the curvature of the earth. You can literally observe it happen.

>> No.11489743
File: 2.97 MB, 1983x1313, Lake_Pontchartrain_Causeway_From_Three_Lakeway_Center.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can even look at one of the really long bridges out there. The usual excuse of "the lens is messing with it" doesn't really work here.

>> No.11489766
File: 367 KB, 1800x1800, globies-btfo-flat-earth-power-lines-lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just lens distortion from extremely high zoom

>> No.11489771

>higher up and zoomed in
Isn't that the whole point of how a globe would work? Like if it was flat your elevation wouldn't matter, but on a globe you need to get higher to get a "flat" image for a specific distance.

>> No.11489806
File: 36 KB, 474x630, globies-btfo-flat-earth-lake-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11489887


Easy. First forget all about convincing your friend he is wrong about flat earth. Never works. They are either trolling you or they are severely retarded. So any effort on your part is a waste of time.

So instead what you do is get them really drunk. Yes, really. Like blind drunk. Now, when they are out of it, get some rope and tie them up good, on their back, with their legs spread apart. Then put on some steel capped work boots and wait for them to sober up. Inform them that you believe that all pain is an illusion. In fact pain is actually a higher form of existence which unlocks the secrets of the Universe which have been deliberately been hidden from normal people by NASA, the FBI, the CIA, Israel, and the various 51 levels of government above the US President.

Once your friend has taken all this in, take a few step back and give him a MIGHTY KICK IN DA BALLS! Ask him what startling new revelations he has discovered about the moon hoax and 9/11. If he complains at all just tell him his pain is all an illusion and CGI, then kick him IN DA BALLS again. Keep this up for as long as you feel necessary.

>> No.11489946

OP here. This is actually a really good idea. I will do this. Honestly I was using this as an excuse to relearn some old trig stuff I've long since forgotten though. I hated pretty much all math and science courses I took in high school except physics, which I got an A in. I kind of miss solving those problems, they were actually kind of fun.

flat-tards will tell you it's an illusion and if you zoom in really far the ship will re-appear again.

>> No.11489953

Wat. That makes no sense. No matter how far you zoom the bottom of the ship never pops up again.
That's exactly how a globe works? Like what? If it were flat it would look flat both ways. If it's a globe you would see the curve at eye level and if you took a higher up angle the curve would start to even out as your perspective changed.

>> No.11489958

how the fuck does that prove anything what the fuck

>> No.11489960

genuine question - how could you be friends with someone like this? who you choose to surround yourself with is enormously important

>> No.11490053

The lines in the first picture are all parallel

>> No.11490144
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 89357764_2903163856430313_276493914158923776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11490192

The lens can't make part of the bridge go behind the water.

>> No.11490195

how do flat earther's even explain this? seems like the best counterexample to their model

>> No.11490197

The sky is a hologram. Holograms always explain everything.

>> No.11490229

>sky moves
>earth doesn't
>can explain literally anything

>> No.11490250

Ok, now prove the earth's actually round and that its circumference is 24901 miles. Your example means nothing unless you can either establish this first, or base it on a real place and take the fucker there and show him.

>> No.11490270

>Your example means nothing unless you can either establish this first
It's a counterexample to someone saying you couldn't see something 30 miles away on a round Earth with that circumference. They're givens.

>> No.11490295

You could easily use the shadow experiment where you have two stakes up and down the lateral axis of the earth and at noon measure their shadows. How they did it in egypt iirc

>> No.11490310

see >>11490144

>> No.11490610
File: 75 KB, 500x256, 09456365432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



no, but I actually watched some flat earth videos a while back, out of curiosity

Their explanation of why you can't see the sun 24/7 is typically that it goes into the vanishing point.

>You cant see the end of this road, pic related
>The end of the road is in your FOV
>There're no obstructions between your eyes and the end of the road
>The reason that you can't see it is that it's so far away, that it just blends in with the horizon.


The only reason that you can't see Burj Khalifa from New York, is that it's is too small and too far away (and because of fog, rain etc).

>seems legit

OP, the real killshot would be to ask him to explain the conspiracy:

1. How is this kept hidden?
2. Who, and how many are in on the conspiracy?
3. Why are there no whistleblowers?
4. What is the point of fooling everyone that the earth is round?

Remember, you can't convince him with arguments that he doesn't even understand (even if they're good).
You can't speak german with a nigerian. Engage with your friend on his level, not yours.

>> No.11490656

Yeah I love every night when the sun gets smaller and smaller and dimmer until it gradually vanishes.

>> No.11490680

lmao how do flat earthers actually believe the shit they believe

>> No.11490702

do flat earthers actually believe the shit they believe

>> No.11490846
File: 226 KB, 1080x1080, perth-johannesburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have your friend look up flight times & distances in the southern hemisphere, and ask him how they would make any sense on a flat Earth map. Or get a good telescope and play spot the ISS.

>> No.11490889

Are there any explanations they have for #4?

>> No.11490910

>Or get a good telescope and play spot the ISS.
Naked eye is better.
A telescope has a narrow field of view which makes it hard to find and track the ISS.

>> No.11490949



Jesus, you chucklefucks are just as bad as the flat earthers, prattling on with your bullshit when the answer is so simple.


>> No.11490974

It doesn't make any sense to add those two times in the first image.

>> No.11491479
File: 98 KB, 900x675, missingcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you need to watch this video


>> No.11491494
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>> No.11491727

the planes fly slower

>> No.11491922
File: 681 KB, 1871x1143, polarnight2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their explanation of why you can't see the sun 24/7 is typically that it goes into the vanishing point.

>> No.11492023
File: 127 KB, 1045x853, The Neverborn Child - Martin Hudáček.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but the explanations I've heard don't make any sense (very surprising)

Both Eddie Bravo and Eric Dubay have said something along the lines of:

Q: What is the point of fooling people that the earth is round?

A: Because if the earth was round, we would just be on a spinning ball in the middle of nowhere, we would just be tiny flesh-bags in an infinite universe with no meaning or purpose. That's the evil elites' plan! They want to make us ignorant of the fact that god created this special place. The earth is god's creation and it is flat.

Of course, this doesn't make any sense.
1. Why does a flat earth necessitate divine creation any more than a round earth would?
2. Whether the earth is flat or round is irrelevant to the question of whether the universe is infinite or not
3. Whether the earth is flat or round is irrelevant to the question of whether we have a purpose or not

>> No.11492148

Why not? If it takes me x hours to go from a to b, and y hours to go from b to c, it takes a combined journey time of x + y hours to go from a to c along that route.

>> No.11492197

I honestly believe that most flat-earthers are christens who had a crisis of faith, and instead of renouncing or reaffirming their faith like a normal person they went full retard and rejected all of reality as fake. They needed a new devil to rally against since old Nick didn’t cut it anymore, so they came up with the NWO to suit their purposes. How else can you explain an entity that is powerful enough to control a planet-wide conspiracy and brainwash 99.9% of the population yet transparent enough for randos on the internet to “easily disprove” their propaganda? It’s the new devil, strong enough to destroy you and all you love yet weak enough to be beat back by simple prayer and clean living

>> No.11493073

Jesus Christ, another flatearth thread. With the same retards making the same old retarded arguments in favor, and the other retards making the same old equally retarded arguments against. Plus a few, slightly less retarded, retards making conclusive proofs of a spherical Earth, but being retarded just by engaging with the flat earth retards.

Its a retard fest.

You are all retarded. Believing in retarded stuff makes you a retard. Arguing with a retard makes you a retard as well. I am even lowering my IQ by a few points just posting this PSA.

The government should provide "tard" rooms where all you retards can get together and tard over each other in private. So us decent people do not have to see it.

>> No.11493076


>> No.11493099
File: 99 KB, 609x714, 1557434753469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend doesn't believe in round earth
>he is "flat earth retard"
>but I'm too retarded to prove it to him
>helps me /sci/

>> No.11493402
File: 101 KB, 785x731, crying soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus Christ, another flatearth thread. With the same retards making the same old retarded arguments in favor, and the other retards making the same old equally retarded arguments against. Plus a few, slightly less retarded, retards making conclusive proofs of a spherical Earth, but being retarded just by engaging with the flat earth retards.

>Its a retard fest.

>You are all retarded. Believing in retarded stuff makes you a retard. Arguing with a retard makes you a retard as well. I am even lowering my IQ by a few points just posting this PSA.

>The government should provide "tard" rooms where all you retards can get together and tard over each other in private. So us decent people do not have to see it.

>> No.11493420

You really cannot out talk a flat earther from their beliefs because it's just that. Their belief. It's not rooted in truth or science but a faith. A faith that they know something you don't. Trouble is they don't. Even the geocentrism-religious gave up the fight and allowed science to be greater than their prophets and that we're not the center of the universe. Flat earthers should give God more credit, creation of something more than can be carried with two hands. But they won't or ever because that isn't the faith they believe in. It's the faith that they are right. There not.

>> No.11493589

But that route is slow whether the earth is flat or not.

>> No.11493741

You know a Russian guy told me that you can see the sun 24/7 in Saint Petersburg all summer.

>> No.11493946

With a telescope you can actually see the detail of the ISS

>> No.11493954

True, but it's extremely difficult to keep in view because it moves very fast.
I mean, unless you have an extraordinarily expensive motorized tracking mount.

>> No.11493961

your friend is a narcissist, there's honestly nothing you can do, except perhaps get better friends

>> No.11493990
File: 66 KB, 480x506, 6fkcloirkwqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this globetards

>> No.11494048

The earth rotates 360 degrees a day. 15 degrees per hour. 24 Hour days for 360 degrees of rotation. Because of the relative size of earth, 1000 mph. 1/4 degree per minute.
Fast is rather slow. If you wanted to get flung off Earth would have to spin around 18 times faster.

>> No.11494069

how slow? because on a flat earth it looks like it should be 20% slower not twice as slow like the times clearly show.

>> No.11494082
File: 14 KB, 270x259, 1584671505842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been in a vehicle moving more than 60 miles per hour? Were you glued to the back of your seat like that? Do you think a thousand miles per hour would be any different?

>> No.11494090

Because NASA is hiding it half the time with a giant hologram.

>> No.11494099

[math]a_r={V_t^2 \over r} [/math]

>> No.11494103

Not the both poles part. But I guess if you insist that the south pole doesn't exist, this argument won't be persuasive.

>> No.11494632
File: 16 KB, 1037x727, 8InchPerMileSquared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Earth retards cling to a formula of '8 inches per mile squared' as the formula to measure whether or not something is visible. While this does measure the 'curvature' over short distances the red line in pic related shows what that formula actually measures, when they should be measuring the blue line to know if something is visible. The fact that nobody in the Flat Earth community has noticed and fixed this issue after so many years just shows how little they care for actual mathematical evidence.

Other things to point out:
The Eotvos effect.
Get an ISS tracker app and watch it go overhead one day, ask for explanation.

>> No.11494637

>Get an ISS tracker app and watch it go overhead one day, ask for explanation.
If you really want to make an effort, get a HAM radio and talk to the astronauts as they go overhead

>> No.11495304

magic tricks only work on human

>> No.11495316

> flat earth friend
It’s time, OP. Cough on him and make sure he spends plenty of time outside. The coronavirus is a karma virus bestowed onto humanity by God to cleanse the world of retards. Harvey Weinstein tested positive for it.

>> No.11496784

Based. I'm ashamed to be here.

>> No.11496832

Your approach is folly. Start by asking him whether or not there is any evidence he would accept that would convince him he's wrong. If he insists there isn't then continue by pointing out the error in his thinking and how the rejection of all evidence against a theory is simply dogma.

From there you should at least be able to reach him and slowly grind him out of it. You don't have to make fun of him, just listen, inquire, and give him an alternative.

If he's impervious to reason however a quick jab with something like an ice pick through the eye socket (close to the nose wall) in order to hit parts of the prefrontal cortex should make a definite recovery from his delusions. Only use as a last resort though.

>> No.11496916

Literally tell your friend to buy a plane ticket and go around the earth. If he arrives back at the same spot going horizontal or vertical than obviously it's not flat because if it were then you can only go from A to B. If the earth is flat then the diameter of the disk is finite. Is it isn't than it's A to A.

>> No.11496943
File: 26 KB, 572x393, 1582334882253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of blasting him with math proofs he probably won't get, try attacking the very idea of the conspiracy by asking a single question; Why? Why would the governments of the world go to all this trouble to hide that the earth is flat? I'm all for conspiracy theories, and am more inclined to think the government is up to no good then not, but there has to be a reason as to why. Take for example, project mockingbird. There's a clear reason to spread fake conspiracies in that you now have tin foil hat retards to point at, be they real or fake, and compare your critics to when you get caught doing actually fucked up shit like MKultra and so on. There isn't a reason to fake the earth being round, or at least one that doesn't jump out at me given all the shit that goes into keeping the masquerade going.

Speaking of project mockingbird, I unironically think flat earth is a project mockingbird cconspiracy, it's just too fucking retarded to have any other explanation then glowing ones sitting around in an office shitposting on tax payer dollars

>> No.11498002

He's probably fucking with you because he knows you're an autist who spergs out when people are wrong about anything.

>> No.11498006

Yeah bro just use your crane. Everybody has a crane.

>> No.11498087

Find out what's really bothering him
He may just be depressed

>> No.11498402
File: 127 KB, 500x501, 1535165080866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. But it's cheaper than a helicopter to rent one.

>> No.11498662

Im part of a flat earth FB group,there are no united statians,all are legit profiles of real people

a spherical earth is used to peddle evolution and atheism

>> No.11498838

this basically
and math is helpful too since it debunks any kind of spherical earth

>> No.11498950
File: 53 KB, 570x662, 1585030366449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain sunsets and sunrises right now.

>> No.11498965

A Canadian high school student made a resistant balloon that got to space, caught the curvature of the Earth on camera.

Was the student a shill? You could replicate his experiment.


>> No.11499144

Lmao, but why?

>> No.11499247

The horizon actually looks pretty flat from that.

>> No.11499311

Appeals to authority won’t work because that is what flat earths are explicitly against. It’s not really about flat earth it’s more of a subjectivist method to prove that modern science is a religion. And they trigger labcoats by doing so. Whatever you do, do not use any appeals to authority or any grand assumptions. Slowly scale them up. You should use that for any argument really.

>> No.11500140

I find it amazing how people fall for bait like this. are you guys so desperate to be seen as great teachers who will score eternal points by enlightening anonymous posters against their will that you seriously entertain the idea that these arguments are genuine and “flat-earthers” actually believe what they claim? how blatant should the trolling be for you to catch up?

>> No.11501005

Just show him this. Flat earthers are generally not scientifically literate people, they're usually just parroting what they've heard from other nutjob theorists. You won't get through to them by trying to explain the science. You can usually make them re-think by exposing how ridiculous their conspiracy idea is, though.


>> No.11502072

best argument is that two people in southern Chile and Austraila can look at the same constellations simultaneously in the southern sky. The constellations will appear exactly the same but rotated 180 degrees.

This is completely impossible with any other model than the spherical earth

>> No.11502162

You would have to know 2 people in both countries and coordinate with them to perform the experiment.

The problem with flat earthers isn't that there is no way to prove the Earth is round. It's that they literally do not trust any information they didn't observe themselves.

>> No.11502210

Well then you can just tell flat earthers to watch a sunset the sun sets bottom first and rises top first in the flat earth the sun should just shrink and disappear not set.

>> No.11502216

We don't live on Earth.
When people look around, everything is generated according to what the masters of our simulation want.

>> No.11502307

This makes a lot of sense

>> No.11502412

Just ask a pollack why the Jews care so much about other countries governments and substitute (((they))) for glow niggas

>> No.11503129

those balloons are also spinning with the earth, just imagine there is a solid string attached to every point of that balloon as to keep it straight and attached to earth. you'd need to go much further.

>> No.11503663

The ballons and the air around them are not attached to the Earth. If the Earth was actually spinning, there would be constant high wind.

>> No.11505145

>it goes into the vanishing point.
You know nothing about perspective. The reason for the hypothetical vanishing point is because parallel lines are going to infinity. That roadway dipping over the horizon would be plainly visible with a telephoto lens on a clear day.

>> No.11505569


>> No.11505579

Nahhhh dude I used to climb and the Earth is really ugly and some places are flat because the Earth isn't perfect

>> No.11506390

Ditch him. He's an NPC.

>> No.11506430

It's a lost cause.
Slowly break all contact with him.

>> No.11506542

did you just spoiler me on the plot of Ow, My Balls 7? Fuck you.

>> No.11506548

more like kick him in the discs, amirite.

so all it would take would be to fly over the south pole to demonstrate that, say, Africa and North America are way closer than this dumbass disc suggests? I wonder what the upper tiers of flat earthers (the psy-op leaders who know it's bullshit) would respond to this.

>> No.11506554

*Africa and SOUTH America of course

>> No.11507035

Show him Gauss's theorema egregium.

>> No.11507624

1. Air has mass. There are literally tons of atmospheric pressure on you right now.
2. All mass has inertial. The mass of the atmosphere is therefore spinning along with the earth, because there's no reason for it not to.