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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11489141 No.11489141 [Reply] [Original]

what is the biggest threat to science? moralfags who oppose genetic engineering in humans, eugenics, human experimentation, and transhumanism in general?

>> No.11489144

poltards with dunning-kruger

>> No.11489177


>> No.11489188


>> No.11489189
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>> No.11489200

Whitie on the moon liberals and the shrinking first world populations.

>> No.11489237

Probably stopping hitler. His team didn’t have any morals and made huge leaps in understanding human biology.

He knew what “do it for science” truly meant.

>> No.11489288
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>moralfags who oppose genetic engineering in humans, eugenics, human experimentation, and transhumanism in general?
yes, because everyone knows they're right deep down

>> No.11489294
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>> No.11489297
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>> No.11489302

Scarce toilet paper

>> No.11489313

Have fun knowing 50-100% of all that you are was not designed by you but by a bunch of nerds.
You never invented any of it.

I hear you faggy dorks shout "You never designed your human body! And! We can upgrade our gay selfs with hardware upgrades."

But no you little cunts, it was still design by little cretins like yourself. Whereas the human body doesn't lend itself to some fag.

>> No.11489316

cope and read Brave New World

>> No.11489342

better than 100% evolved from a crapshoot rat race.

open hardware and software.

>> No.11489343

moralfags oppose that on ground of "human dignity" and other spooky bullshit

>> No.11489348

So then where the hell is all the carbon going because its sure as fuck not in the ocean

>> No.11489356
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>> No.11489361

>human dignity
>sticking peepee in vagoo

>not human dignity
>designing an optimal humanoid
it's absolutely hilarious this is what these simp brainlets actually believe.

>> No.11489444


The domination of research by investors and ideologues

>> No.11489479

what is the solution? crowdfunding?