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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11485734 No.11485734 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11485741
File: 21 KB, 684x517, EojB54T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at me

>> No.11485743
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>> No.11485750

>fit and healthy
Choose one

>> No.11485756


>> No.11485764

I'm 30. Am I gon die brahs? Wouldn't it be better to get it now before the ICUs fill up?

>> No.11485765

Always a jealous incel

>> No.11485769

I’m 30 and I’ve had it for 6 days now. I’ve been worried a couple of times but at the end of the day it’s very unlikely it’s going to kill you

>> No.11485771

For real? Where are you? Please tell the entire story with full detail

>> No.11485774
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>> No.11485782

30 aswell, fairly sure i contracted it at work

started with sore throat and headaches
then sneezing and fever and soreness
then it got a little better
then i started coughing pretty badly but not so bad i had trouble breathing or anything

today the coughing went down and i think its over its peak

>> No.11485784

I've heard people have it for several days but then it gets dramatically worse

>> No.11485789

>being able to vlog in icu

>> No.11485792

I’m in London U.K. 30 yrs old. No previous serious medical problems.
The end of last week I had mild chest pain.
The left side of my chest hurt if I pressed from the outside, kind of felt like a bruise from the outside but was actually viral infection from inside.
Told my work and they said stay home.
At this point (Sunday morning) I was having breathing trouble.
By Sunday evening I had breathing trouble and a fever, just started feeling really tired and couldn’t focus on anything.
Monday until Thursday I was sleeping 16+ hours per day with a temperature and mild shakes. Didn’t get a bad Coof but it is a dry coof.
So yer I’m 6 days in now and i still have chest pain and mild breathing problems that get worse if I lay down. Still waiting for the fucking NHS to phone me back but they are so busy they can’t. I think I’m over the worst part though as my temp is down

>> No.11485793

how did you catch it? at work?

>> No.11485794

I thought Boris had it under control. Is Britain alright there?

>> No.11485795

No idea, I presume on public transport as to my knowledge none of my colleagues have it at work

>> No.11485797

>public transport
ya done goofed son

>> No.11485798

Holy shit bro. I'd be worried I was about to die. I heard you need hospitalization if you have breathing problems. Any advice?

>> No.11485801


so you didnt test for it? so you dont really know you have it. Could be cold or flu

>> No.11485802

good job now you are 1 step closer to H E R D I M M U N I T Y

>> No.11485803

Have you ever met a woman in real life that is like that or have you just never met a real woman in general?
You demonize these tumblr thots just as bad as they demonize us.
You've become exactly what they wanted you to be. Be better.

>> No.11485809

easy to see how this could cause an older person to croak. i still don't get why and how someone identical to you can just as likely have no symptoms at all

>> No.11485810


>> No.11485814

i've been eating bats to build up my immunity

>> No.11485815


>> No.11485816

i dunno nigga i'm just guessing, that's why i put a question mark

>> No.11485818

I didn’t test for it no, the reason is that the NHS isn’t currently testing people. They say you need to stay at home for 7 days and they stopped testing due to numbers. I’m 100% sure I had it though because it’s unlike anything I’ve had before including cold and flu. The only serious things for me where/are the breathing trouble and tiredness. Once you get it into your head that this virus will be with you for a while and you will have breathing difficulties for a while you will be ok. Just stay calm. I took loads of parecetemol and drank a lot of herbal tea.
One piece of advise. Don’t try and clear your lungs with steam as in a pan of water or something haha, that fucked me up for a couple of hours at one point and I could hardly Breath

>> No.11485823

>Have you ever met a woman in real life that is like that
they are all like this when you get to really know them.
>You demonize these tumblr thots just as bad as they demonize us.
pay back.
>You've become exactly what they wanted you to be.
lol nope. nice try. they want simps, not men who have them figured out.

>> No.11485825

That's fucking scary. Were you scared that you'd go to sleep and not wake up?

I already have trouble breathing through my nose and breath through my mouth most of the time. Am I fucked?

>> No.11485827


Individual immune response, varies from person to person. Being the same age, ethnicity, and seemingly healthy on the outside doesn't dictate how your immune system will respond to a virus.

>> No.11485828

>EXCLUSIVE: Aging slapper hitting the wall sees last chance of getting some attention
fixed that article title there for you bro

>> No.11485830

20 here I can corroborate.
Started feeling unwell last thursday definitely caught it from a chang on public transport.
Had the chest pain exactly as you described but on my right side and a fever of 102.
Layed in bed for the next 4 days and only had temporary laboured breathing and the cough.
I'm totally fine now, it's weird how it seems to affect older people a whole lot worse

>> No.11485831

which causes trouble, strong or weak immune system? couldn't we come up with an immune system test in theory to know in advance

>> No.11485833

she's 9 years past expiry date anyway, why bother surviving at this point?

>> No.11485834

ahh never mind then, it seems like you're just underage

>> No.11485835

it leads to ards in older people

>> No.11485839


But tons of people are testing because they think they have it and the positive test rate is very low. It's extremely unlikley that you had it. I'm sure you would think the others that thought they had it was retarded and you are not, but still the probability is very low.

>> No.11485840

nah, you're just a simp.

>> No.11485841

Good luck man.

>> No.11485842

>anon has the flu

>> No.11485843

The problem with older people is that they literally can’t get oxygen into their own lungs. Obviously the case varies from person to person but I’m sure you’ll be ok anon

>> No.11485844

is this why germany has so few deaths compared to cases even though they aren't testing anymore than any other country aside from those in east asia?

>> No.11485847

honestly probably. its just that i had 2 coworkers who went on vacation one to(southern) italy and one to hong kong days before we went into semilockdown and the hong kong guy was sick last week.

but yes i havent been tested and it might as well be the flu

>> No.11485851


Can you take your self-hating, rage-wanking ass back to /b/?

>> No.11485852

after you recover, will/can they test to see if it was actually COVID or just the flu?

>> No.11485853

how bout you fuck off with your inability to see through the halo there instead. it's full of asking about the goodness of coffee posting, you'll fit right in.

>> No.11485854


From what I've read, the problem is when the immune system goes into overdrive and attacks health lung cells while trying to destroy the virus. It then causes scarring, which then can become infected from everyday bacteria. That results in an inflammation in the alveoli, with the already weakened immune system unable to fight off this second attack. The results are pnumonia, and sometimes death.

>> No.11485855

yes, fit and healthy, not fertile

>> No.11485856

you sound like you know what you're talking about. how do i not die? i'm quarantined by myself and would have nobody to care for me. i'm 30 healthy

>> No.11485860

>the problem is when the immune system goes into overdrive and attacks health lung cells while trying to destroy the virus. It then causes scarring, which then can become infected from everyday bacteria. That results in an inflammation in the alveoli, with the already weakened immune system unable to fight off this second attack. The results are pnumonia, and sometimes death.
This happened with the spanish flu but has it been confirmed to happen with COVID-19? If so then do cytokine storms stand a chance at severely affecting those aged 5-19 who were previously said to only get to mild/not sick at all

>> No.11485864

This is what I want to know too, I’m not sure if they will be able to test down the line to see if you had it. Maybe they will be able to test for immunity though like they can with TB

>> No.11485866
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The joy of the internet, anon, is that you can tell me to fuck off as much as you want. But I ain't going nowhere. Stay mad, little angry incel.

>> No.11485870


It has been confirmed in some cases, that's why there has been severe cases in both Dallas and Italy for those in their 20s and 30s with no underlying health issues. Just the immune system going into full NAPALM THE ENTIRE FOREST mode.

>> No.11485872

Is the Coronavirus the Vietcong?

>> No.11485881

How do you prevent this if its inevitable that you will get it (life circumstances) if you're aged 22?

>> No.11485882
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Anon here. I'm in the high risk category due to asthma and general shitty immune system. I've got my hands on about a months worth of food, and plan to only leave the house to get supplies.

I've got an ex-military Yugoslavic M-1 gas mask with more modern filters, and 50 pairs of medical disposable gloves. I've also got a poncho that I can throw in the shower after going outside.

It's going to get a hell of a lot worse. The gubberments are trying to keep the economy afloat for now, but prepare for at least 3 months of lockdowns and quarantine.

> Picture related

>> No.11485883

>immune system goes into overdrive
why is it so retarded? it's the same reason you get sore throats, it's not the virus itself but the overreaction

>> No.11485884

funny, you can seethe at me, calling me an incel all day for all i care. but i'm not leaving as much as you not snapping out of your pussy-worshiping simp delusions.

>> No.11485885


See >>11485882

>> No.11485887


Bruh I've not fucked a bitch in 18 months, and I'm in no rush to do so. Implying I worship pussy purely because I recognize your reactions as fucking retarded is very smoothbrain.

>> No.11485891

Wouldn't having an extremely good immune system prevent it from getting to the lungs in the first place?

>> No.11485892

Holy shit bro. Where do you live?

I've got a few weeks of food/water and some basic cold medicines. I have a perfect grocery situation, small store by my house gets shipments every 3 days. i go at 6am once a week when they open and nobody's there.

that's the only place i plan on going but i'm contemplating visiting a girls apartment a couple times a week for sex. am i retarded? i don't want to die for being a coomer

>> No.11485894

bruh, i've fucked a bitch on new years without even trying so you calling me an incel is super smoothbrain. your kneejerk defense of them however is indicative of simping. and the fact you think what i say is retarded just goes to show how much the halo clouds your judgement.

>> No.11485895

lol incel

>> No.11485903

No it’s an immune system not a force field

>> No.11485904
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>fit and healthy
Fat legs, drinks juice. Healthy means what? How many times did she suffer from the flu or similar sicknesses in the past?
I go to the gym too. Water and showering is free. Sometimes I even lift something off the ground. My towel or something.

>> No.11485907

You're a fucking child, dude. Even if you're not underaged and you're trying to be ironic, you're a fucking kid.

>> No.11485919

So what percentage of "younger" people actually get it bad vs just mild?

>> No.11485920
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>start of by posting a roast beef image (shit post)
>get a reply (another shit post)
>haha, nice argument bro, let me post this wojak haha (SHIT POST)
Retarded smoothbrain incel

>> No.11485946


I'm UK based, luckily not in a city but still in a decent sized town.

Don't risk getting your lungs assblasted just so you cna get your dick wet

>> No.11485950
File: 328 KB, 828x414, corona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem isnt the bad vs mild, even mild symptoms could require you to spend a day or so in a hospital to help your breathing. The problem will be when hospitals are overrun and cannot help anyone further in the next few weeks.

Check this quote out from the British Medical Journal, things about to really hit the fan soon.

>> No.11485962

So when will the first recorded 5-19 year olds with no underlying health conditions start to die off?

>> No.11485972


In about 2 - 3 months once the virus mutates a little more.

>> No.11485975


>> No.11485980


Check out the Spanish Flu of 1918 for an example of how bad this could get. 10s of millions of deaths, and it mutated to the point where it would infect and kill healthy people within 12 hours.

>> No.11485996

>Check out the Spanish Flu of 1918 for an example of how bad this could get.
It won't be much worse than the Spanish Flu but it will be a huge problem overall.

>> No.11486004


Oh for sure, the 1918 flu followed directly after the World War, when multiple countries were downtrodden and ruined.

We at least have far better medical services and modern understanding of disease. I don't expect as many deaths, but it will be probably the most difficult time for the Western World in the past 50 years. That's not even thinking of the longer term economic impact.

>> No.11486083

I don't understand the lockdown strategy. Is it just going to go forever? That seems insane. You can't ever open things back up because even if there are only a few cases left it will just spike again.

>> No.11486086

Would a pneumococcal vaccine be helpful by any chance? For someone who's older would it be a good idea to get that vaccination?

>> No.11486093


THIS is what scares me. Why are they focusing on moving towards lockdowns if they genuinely don't think it's a threat?

>> No.11486103

>t. loves to travel

>> No.11486104

That doesn't make sense. They do think its a threat, which is why they are doing lockdowns (the whole flatten the curve thing). Problem is everyone still has to get infected eventually. Once the curve finally goes down they will have to open things up and curve will spike up again.

>> No.11486107

I heard sneezing wasn't a symptom, either way stay safe anon.

>> No.11486108

>smoothbrain simp doesn't get why that specific roast beef sandwich was posted
>calls others smoothbrains

>> No.11486111

I expect they'll continue to "temporarily extend" the lockdown until a vaccine is developed. the problem is that exposure will increase when they deploy the vaccine. They'll need to deploy it in a way that limits exposure

>> No.11486114

That's not for at least a year. No fucking way they lockdown that long.

>> No.11486117

I hope they try so we can see them swing from light poles

>> No.11486121

what does that even mean

>> No.11486124

Normies will chimp out hard after a month of this and will be hanging their governors

>> No.11486133


> Believing that the flattening curve thing will matter if it mutates and becomes significantly deadlier
> Believing that it won't be significantly worse than is being predicted by gubberments that want to protect their assets
> Not buying military-grade protective gear for the upcoming collapse of western civilization

>> No.11486134


Yeah lets destroy the gubberments and organizations that are trying to actively stop the spread of a possibly life ending disease!

>> No.11486152

>if it mutates
if you are such a faggot, why are you here and not off sucking dick

>> No.11486165

Yeah, herd immunity, that same thing that defeated smallpox. No wait, that were vaccines.

>> No.11486167


Sorry, I meant to say when. If I knew you were gonna get your clit in a twist, I would have changed my wording.

>> No.11486175

Most viruses mutate to become less deadly, not more.

>> No.11486178


Spanish Flu, anyone? No? Okay.

>> No.11486183

Who highlights shit like this you fucking neanderthals

>> No.11486189

The world could be invaded by marsh mellows and you will always have a doomer that needs his guns

>> No.11486192
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>> No.11486194

Can you catch it twice?

>> No.11486195


>> No.11486200


Probably people that were in a rush, I don't fucking know.

>> No.11486206

about 0.06% require icu

>> No.11486207

>mild symptoms
>require help breathing
you're retarded

>> No.11486215


There are currently two strains active. So in theory, yes. We will see if this mutates into other strains too.

>> No.11486217

>woman with 2 children aged 39

pick one

>> No.11486220

thanks. what's your source?

>> No.11486222

source? how are there 2 strains already? isnt that a very fast mutation?

>> No.11486226

It’s like these people have never heard of pdf readers

>> No.11486232


>> No.11486234

The immune system attacks the virus itself + cells that are infected with the virus

>> No.11486261

her immune sistem is too storng and causes more damage to the body than help.

>> No.11486293


It's a bioweapon.

>> No.11486351

Most cities like London essentially require some public transport to get around.

>> No.11486358

> visiting a girls apartment a couple times a week for sex.

Make sure she isn't there when your boyfriend arrives

>> No.11486360

lol wtf does that even mean? anyway she told me she has a cold and worried i should not come over, so i wont

>> No.11486361

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.11486367

It means you're gay as you didn't state with whom the sex would be with -simply that the apartment was a girl's.

Ona serious note, hope you're well and stay isolated so the spread is not severel.

London on lockdown soon; PLENTY of food.
Do not panic
people allowed to buy and stock upfor every week in the worst case scenarios.
Lasting from 6-12 months

>> No.11486373

>Lasting from 6-12 months

>> No.11486381

Nice one, gonna save it for Twitter thots

>> No.11486387
File: 126 KB, 710x473, 6C9AC0EC-500E-46B8-94F2-C94B8403C357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to the gym implies healthy and immunologically strong

>> No.11486390

>be better sweetie lol
The fucking irony

>> No.11486398

Source from DIRECT security gov agency
Preparation has been since China informed everyone back in November/October.

Biggest issue and of interest to /sci/ is that policy is being heavily aligned with dynamic behavioural alignment analysis
How people are shopping, panicing etc means gov need more resources to deal with the ensuing stupidity and selfishness of indivduals already seen in stockpiling.

Initial London lockdown will be weekly, but Army and state prepared for FAR longer.
Will decided as they go along.
People being reatrded is without a doubt the single biggest concern after decades of drip drip Ayn Rand-ism

>> No.11486400

Good gym excercise does mean a better immune system

>> No.11486404

This place has really gone to the dust bin, huh. Look at these posts, even if they are sarcastic
49% Reddit crossposters 50% schizos and 1% good threads being ruined by the former two.
Where to go now? Stackexchange is trash now, Reddit has been for several years already, and most other forums are dead

>> No.11486406


she looks better than when I had the flu and almost died because my lung partially collapsed

people are freaking out way too much over covid-19, specifically it's people who have never been truly sick or seriously ill before any have no idea how to handle themselves emotionally when threatened by it. It's just plain immaturity.

>> No.11486408

>overall better habits that lead to better health will make all your congenital issues disappear
Actual retard moving the goalposts

>> No.11486409

would bang

>> No.11486413
File: 41 KB, 220x171, ...9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking christ the only thing that makes this place suck fucking dick is whiny little cunts complaining that this place sucks fucking dick shut the fuck up and fuck off to somewhere else if you dont liek it stupid FUCKING cunt

>> No.11486421

>going to the gym
Why do people go to the Gym in common parlance, you goalpost inventor?

>> No.11486429

t. The Lady doth protest too much

Mate, she left you for the right reasons; grow up and move on.
Pain will never leave; don't be bitter.

>> No.11486439

Eat shit faggot

>> No.11486440

Here is an article that explains how and why there are currently 2 strains


>> No.11486509

Its funny lol

>> No.11486511
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Ostensibly, the lockdowns are to ensure that the viral spread is as limited as possible. Obviously we're far beyond any kind of reasonable containment, we were probably fucked on that option almost over a month ago. Now what you're going to see are highly affected areas with large population centers vis a vis New York and California close down--it also doesn't help that those two states are massive coastal powers with a number of essential ports that will need to remain open for trade Because of these factors, that the influx of potential cases is significantly higher on the coasts and around inland port cities/states than, say, Idaho or Montana.

Hopefully, if we go into a full lockdown in the U.S.--meaning a majority or all of the states independently take their own measures to stop people from going out as much as they can, with limited assistance from the federal government--it will only last a short while, at the most four to six weeks. It really depends on the case rates per state, and what governors/federal response teams believe should be the overall response.

Keep in mind too that there are definite positives to this particular pandemic--we're in a much better spot from a financial, communication, and even political relations standpoint than we were a hundred years ago. Everybody's got a stake in the global market--and now people will be forced to reevaluate their stakes in local markets as well. In the best case scenario, the global market suffers moderately, but rebounds within the next two to five years as regional/national methods of production shift to a more local and less depersonalized approach. Absolute best case scenario, we see the biggest job boom in global history as companies reallocate resources back to their home nations; we see politicians cut down on meaningless partisan drivel and focus on effective, object long and short-term policies that boost public health, productivity, and overall lifestyle;

>> No.11486515

;and in general, most people, having been shocked out of comfort by the virus, will seek out more meaningful and substantive, or at least innocent and self-aware/conscientious, forms of entertainment/social interaction after realizing just how close we can all come to a total collapse.

It's honestly an inspiring time, and there's a huge opportunity to utilize the vast resources we have globally and really reinvest in people and our communities rather than waste away in an endless loop of spectacle.

A year from now, we'll all either feel a lot happier, very stupid, or we'll just be fucked. Simple as that, I think.

>> No.11486524

Mutation is gonna make it less dangerous not more. Think about it.

>> No.11486537

>will seek out more meaningful and substantive, or at least innocent and self-aware/conscientious, forms of entertainment/social interaction
Bull fucking shit. Don't expect anything good to come from this. People will be as hooked to social media as ever, epidemics aren't going to make the public any less brain dead.

>> No.11486549
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>t. American who thinks the entire world looks like pic related burgerland

>> No.11486550


>> No.11486553
File: 150 KB, 260x340, 260px-Margaret_Thatcher_cropped2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are all like this when you get to really know them.
Yeah right. Next thing you'll tell me is that pic related was also a tumblr thot. Fuck off incel.

>> No.11486567

We'll see, anon.

>> No.11486579

This past week I had similar experiences. I had no fever, cough, or sneezing, mucus, just headaches, occasional body aches, and a feeling of tightness in my chest that would be accompanied by having to take deeper heavier breaths. The symptoms would normally be reoccurring, sometimes going away, and coming back. This started last Friday. However the past three days I’ve felt much better and today I don’t feel sick at all. If you’re young like me this won’t be nearly as big of a deal as someone who is middle aged.

>> No.11486580

I also saw the Kurzgesagt video.


>> No.11486617


>> No.11486630
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>> No.11486641

I hate Thatcher but she literally BTFO of any Thots and is most definitely not like many other women

Also, poster is ripping his own MUM

>> No.11486648

She's literally the same.

>> No.11486679

So it's basically IBD for your lungs

>> No.11486681

Cringe 2

>> No.11486782

>bells and whistles

>> No.11486832

lids no need for the rage or hatred but women are a bit shit.

>> No.11487309
File: 131 KB, 790x1016, omg wow can't even right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ can't meme.

>> No.11487332

Any virus has the potential to be lethal to anyone, of any age. The flu can kill a 20 year old or 30 year old, but you have to be seriously unlucky for that to happen. This isn't new or alarming at all.

>> No.11487341

>The differences between the two identified strains are tiny. In fact, they can’t really be considered to be separate “strains”, says Jones. And many of the genetic differences won’t affect the production of proteins, and so won’t change the way the virus works, or the symptoms it causes, he says. One is not more deadly than the other.

>> No.11487360

She smokes.
Watch the twitter vid.
She warns others not to smoke.

>> No.11487366

Curious enough, it seems to spare children. For older people or people who are at higher risk due a condition, it's something closer to pneumonia.

>> No.11487440

Study out showing that the virus starts permanently damaging your lungs before symptoms start - by the time you need hospital your condition is unlikely to EVER get better.

>> No.11487443

serious symptoms are less common in smokers

>> No.11487459

That's 5% not 0.06%

>> No.11487468

What's the policy for those who need a surgery for cancer treatment? Will it be delayed?

>> No.11487477


>> No.11487483

I think all non-urgent surgery has been cancelled or postponed to a later date in the vast majority of places. It probably varies on how badly hit the place is, like I don't many medical treatments outside Convid happening in Lombardy

>> No.11487489

No, but this one is worse. Most flu viruses are 4 um, but the covid is 0.125 um. It's a lot easier for it to go places once you're infected.

>> No.11487536

Fuck off Eugene

>> No.11487543


>Curious enough, it seems to spare children.

That's our beloved Corona-chan for you, she loves kids and dont want to see them hurt.

>> No.11487661

this is what I had (but with small fever of 37.5), although it got pretty bad 5 days ago, so much so that I phoned the hospital because if it had gotten any worse I would have needed hospitalization. The doc said normally they would take me but unless I was close to suffocating, in these circumstances they couldn't spare the room. It was so bad that I couldn't even fall asleep, it was just impossible.

Fortunately my condition improved the next day, but it could have gone either way. My breathing still isn't perfect but it's doable now.

maybe it's not corona but it can't be a coincidence that my lungs stop working the moment there's a virus going round that affects the lungs...

>> No.11487682

have met these people
they are just retarded im sorry

>> No.11487752

This is one of the things that gets overlooked. A lot of people with no previous record of health problems do still have shit health and a weak immune system. Just like how we focus on obesity when people are visibly fat there are tons of people who are TOFI (thin on the outside fat on the inside) and have the same types of issues (metabolic syndrome).

>> No.11487769

She’s at least a size 10

>> No.11487804


>> No.11488024
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>> No.11488097

That just looks like a sly way of blaming the virus spread on millenials.

>> No.11488105

But it's a woman she probably just does some cardio and retard stretches.

>> No.11488112
File: 63 KB, 500x268, engy sex can wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11488498


>> No.11488521

It's almost as if being is an excessive /fit/izen DOESN'T make you healthier.
Imagine being this stupid of a zoomer

>> No.11488524

Imaging seething so fucking hard that you spend the time to make this meme.

>> No.11488556

>make this meme
>"funny" pictures are memes

>> No.11488585

Do not hesitate to call an ambulance if you feel you need it. I don't want to alarm you but this is not something you're *guaranteed* to shrug off within a week or two. I mean at your age/condition it's unlikely to take a serious turn for the worst, but not impossible so all I'm saying is if you at some point feel like it is then literally do not hesitate for one second to call for help.

>> No.11488594

only if you're retarded and can't read

>> No.11488602

seriously what is this meme that 40 yos think they're young? you're approaching middle age, you don't go straight from young to middle aged

>> No.11488608

I'm hopeful this will have a ton of positive effects long term. At the very least it's forced the world to realize we can't just act like nature can't bring us to our fucking knees in a matter of weeks. We're hopefully never allowing this to happen again, or at least for generations.

>> No.11488611

Imagine an actual research paper getting this many (((you)))'s in /sci/
It's a fucking tabloid rag shill fest up in this faggot hole.

>> No.11488759

>sibly fat there are tons of people who are TOFI (thin on the outside fat on the inside) and have the same types of issues (metabolic syndrome).
How do you know if you're like this even if your bmi is healthy?

>> No.11488773
File: 146 KB, 794x1049, 1584550192297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread is giving me nostalgia for the /b/ of yesteryear.

>> No.11488874

newfags cannot comprehend the idea of making OC

>> No.11488993


>> No.11489034

well on her way

>> No.11489041


>> No.11489044

Nope. Still very young.

>> No.11489046

Ah yes, the Lancet and Nature, known for publishing papers on one patients experience with the virus

>> No.11489061

>Study out
Yeah fuck off, that's a load of shit

>> No.11489069

how long can a woman breed without getting autistic babies?

>> No.11489071


>> No.11489075

> wow someone who ate a peanut had a really bad reaction to it guess that means i can nether eat peanuts.

while new viruses that we don't know much about can be scary this is obviously ( to me anyway) a bad reaction to the covid-19 virus. doesn't mean everyone going to be like that.

>> No.11489078

I would never let them insert a catheter

I had a cystoscopy once and it hurt like a bitch

>> No.11489079


>> No.11489080


>> No.11489081


>> No.11489111

she is probably a leftist so she deserves it

>> No.11489124
File: 2.79 MB, 3968x2726, IMG_20200321_140748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have contracted Covid-19, self-isolated for seven days, and been symptomatic for five days: dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and sporadically pain while breathing, nausea, chills and sweats (usually at night), fatigue, no fever so far.
Especially the shortness of breath is very scary, it makes you paranoid and hard to go to sleep. Please stay safe and don't go out, tell your boss to fuck off. I didn't and now I'm paying the price...

This is my daily intake:
>500mg of Quercetin (non-perscription ionophore) + 25mg of Zinc: intended to replicate the effect of chloroquine. I'm aware that chloroquine has only been proven to be effective in vitro, but for now it's the most promising approach even if it's a long shot.

>1000 I. E. of Vitamin D3: mitigate the risk of a cytokine storms

>250mg of Vitamin C: Chink doctors apparently hyper-dosed Vitamin C to unknown effect. I plan to 2x the dosis if my symptoms get worse.

>1 daily dosis of regular multi-vitamins: support immune system. Apparently Zinc also flushes out certain minerals from your system so I'm trying to replenish

I realize I'm approaching unhealthy levels of daily intake, especially if I further increase dosages. I can only hope my liver and kidneys will hold out longer than the virus.

>> No.11489142


enjoy your permanent lung damage

>> No.11489160

Do you think you're without sin? You will become just as desperate and pathetic as me if you catch it.

>> No.11489174


>> No.11489203

Not him, but i believe only those who are without god will catch the disease. God sent this plague out for a reason, and I believe as long as I continue to have faith in Him and wash my hands I won't catch it.

>> No.11489225

>i believe only those who are without god will catch the disease
You can believe that, though it doesn't make it true.

>> No.11489719

>self-isolated for seven days, and been symptomatic for five days

Bitch, how do you still have it. I had difficulty breathing and chest pain along with a hoarse throat and minor coughing, but it's mostly dissipated now. I had a slight fever like a week before, but that might've been the flu.

>> No.11489721

Also how old are you and why so paranoid

>> No.11490010

I assume its people that are generally sedentary and dont eat healthily

>> No.11490022
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>> No.11490284

I was in Beijing and got the "flu" on Jan 25th. Here's what happened.
>slight sore throat and headaches
>extreme fatigue
>heart at 110 ppm sitting down, I am fit as fuck and strong like a bear
>The third day I started developing a very slight fever and chills.
>I treated myself with ginger and honey, cleaning and lifting.
I got better so I flew back to my country... But there was something off. The sore throat didn't quite go away ever. Not fully. The fatigue came and went.
>Four weeks ago I started having breathing problems
>I got bronchitis so I didn't care
>Then the chills returned.
>The accelerated heart rate and slight fever too
>One week later, the bronchitis got worse.
>I can feel the bottom of my lungs burning slightly when I breathe.
>Sometimes it gets hard to breathe.
>All of the other symptoms are completely gone.
>As soon as I do some exercise, the bronchitis gets worse.
I went to the doctor to test for corona. they refused. They said unless I had fever, they wouldn't do it. But these breathing problems do not really go away with anything, so I am worried. this bug is sneaky, and as soon as my body lowers its guard it's there again. I really don't know what I can do, but I hope it can be healed.

>> No.11490373

Shit bro. Similar here, except I wasn't in China and no bronchitis, but breathing problems since beginning of February, migraine and all the rest of what you describe.
I saw 6 doctors since then plus emergency ward and all of them told me I'm just stressed and those are panic attacks. 2 tested for multiple sclerosis, but found nothing. Migraine and fever are gone, headaches less often, but breathing sucks almost all the time.
I have no idea what to do, since doctors don't have time right now and I'm not on the verge of dieing, so nobody cares.
Best of luck, Anon. I'm sure we'll make it.

>> No.11490439

Way to clog up the pipeline.

>> No.11490451

>Have you ever met a woman in real life that is like that or have you just never met a real woman in general?
What is it with you people? Women are not that important, sex is not that important. You're overvaluing these things. Someone's human worth or the strength of their arguments isn't reliant on whether a woman opens her legs for them.

>> No.11491100

Simp mad.exe

>> No.11491141


>> No.11491171

seething loose cunts lmao

>> No.11491218

I'm curious when the virus has passed and there's more studie son it (imblying the virus will pass) just why some people get fucking shellacked by it and some do relatively fine. I know they make a big deal about age but I've heard of 30 somethings getting fucked by this and 60 somethings being "Eh no biggie".

I am expecting eventually something akin to rationing and the Oil embargo of the 70s "odd days gas up today, even days tomorrow". Where you can go to the grocery store on only certain days, armed guardsmen/police at grocery store to make sure you are getting no more than you are rationed. I am optimistic the rationing won't be starvation diet at least for the US, more just a guardsmen keeping people from buying or looting all sorts of shit and causing a panic.

People are going to be even mroe atomized by this, not less. Considering we literally have to atomize to avoid the virus. You're pretty much going to get even more social media/internet living, not less.

Oh I expect China will fuck up again and again. But now I think if there's a coofing in China countries will instantly freeze travel from China or if you've been in China in the past 2 weeks. And the Chinese may have to fix their shit to remedy that.

>> No.11491234

It's a sneaky fucker. For me it comes and goes. We reached something of a stalemate, But a stalemate make taking medicines is not a good thing. i'm really worried about it because the hospital already collapsing. I'm happy none in my family are going through this.
Any /sci/ advice to cure this shit?

>> No.11491252

>Any /sci/ advice to cure this shit?
Take it easy for a while. Don't try to exercise until at least a week after you think it's gotten better

>> No.11491423

>newfag mad he's been outed

>> No.11491461

I think it's much more likely, rather than that her warning should somehow be heeded, that she's too stupid to assess the severity. No joke, I'd ask if she's a leftist, or "rightist," before maybe listening to her.

>> No.11491468

>but still the probability is very low.
Indeed, it's much more likely anon happened to contract some unrelated disease, than that a mass of hysterical people are just stupid, idiot.

>> No.11491471

39, healthy

that's anti-science

>> No.11491492

Where find? Pharmacy stuff, other than standard feel-good stuff, should be available on the deep web, but it is not, to my knowledge

>> No.11491505

>See an image criticizing people responding with virtue signaling and ridicule of sex life, instead or real arguments
>immediately respond with virtue signaling and ridicule of sex life, instead of real arguments

Imagine being an NPC and you can be prompted to run recursive programs in your brain by a picture lmao

>> No.11491514

almost time to get out there and put your immunity to work for the herd

>> No.11491517

vaccines are literally herd immunity m8

>> No.11491520

mutated because of ww1 and the packed hopitals it caused and for no other reason

>> No.11491533

wash and disinfect your apartment/cloths. only eat cooked food and be meticulous in your washing. The danger isnt the virus itself its the free loaders living in your apartment.

>> No.11491536

either that or take some anti-biotics.

>> No.11491540

don't overdo paracetamol, it can do more harm as it inhibits your immune system.

>> No.11491559


>> No.11491667

>the healthiest person they could find for their propaganda is a 39yr old roastie with kids

that should tell you everything you need to know

>> No.11491668

We should hang them if I'm honest

>> No.11491670

why wash your hands? are you saying your faith isn't enough?

>> No.11491673

I’m the London U.K. anon from previous earlier in thred.
Imfully recovered now more or less on 8th day since symptoms emerged.
Thanks for all the advice.
Good luck to all

>> No.11491837

Did you talk to the NHS?
It's good to hear some cases who did recovered too. Feels like most people speaking up have the severe version. Best wishes, Anon.

>> No.11491844

Do you think you have any permanent damage? Any advice if I get it?

>> No.11491849

ameriniggers call it Tylenol

>> No.11491905

Is this what nu-boomer (wo)manchildren tell themselves?

>> No.11491976

>Attention whore cool wine aunt does attention whoring
>Film at 11

>> No.11492355 [DELETED] 

Tylenol is aspirin.

>> No.11492377

>Have you ever met a woman in real life that is like that
I really wish it was just a straw man, but at least half of the female population is like this.

>> No.11492478

Don't do drugs kids

>> No.11492494

You're still young in your 30s. At 40 you're not young anymore but not old either. You become old at 55.

>> No.11492499

You act like that, roasty

>> No.11492779

>sore throat

>> No.11492800
File: 203 KB, 1920x1920, 1584244111929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sore throat is a common but not always present symptom of COVID-19.

Sneezing, however, is not a symptom of COVID-19. That anon most likely has a cold.

>> No.11492931

high quality post, thanks

>> No.11492932

Millions will die

>> No.11492941

>Millions will die
I doubt it, I fucking doubt that millions will die.

>> No.11492957

I spoke to the NHS yes, I phoned and spoke to a nurse who took down my details and symptoms, I got a call back 2 days later by which point the most severe part of the illness had passed

>> No.11492976

I hope I don’t have permanent damage but obviously there is a chance, i feel if I was to have any damage it would be in left lung as this is where I felt the virus initially infected and stayed longest. My advice would be just to keep as calm and comfortable as possible, get it into your mind that this virus will be in your system for a good few days at least. It is not terrible so don’t be scared.

>> No.11493018

Dry fasting and some water fasting with snake juice

>> No.11494584


>> No.11494593

Don't go to the gym with a fever
There are too many crazy gym rats with "no excuses" mentality that fuck themselves up harder than they should

>> No.11494618

I've been working out at home with some basic shit like dumb bells but it's tough cause I don't have heavy weights so I have to do a fuckton of reps with everything. I'm not going to go to the gym obviously

>> No.11494626
File: 59 KB, 640x540, im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the ticket; you and Ozzy Osbourne are immune to this shit.

>> No.11495440

lookie lookie daily mail writing half truth articles. She was smoking cigarettes and even said on the video for others to know, to stop smoking

>> No.11495447

>under control
having a laugh anon

>> No.11495783

Stop taking this site seriously

>> No.11495792

She obviously had an auto immune disease that she didn’t know about. A healthy 39 year old with a normal immune system wouldn’t have that outcome

>> No.11495813

this you

>> No.11495814

Cringe 3

>> No.11495902

What's wrong with Boris?

>> No.11495924

It’s true you heathen

>> No.11495928


>> No.11495956

Low probabilit actually means something that isn't "imposible".

>> No.11495971
File: 1.96 MB, 3000x3209, IMG_20200323_220545__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>27M UK Doctor here

Currently on day 5 of self-isolation for suspected COVID19 - likely from one of the many patients coming through the emergency department.

Symptoms started with a cough and muscle/joint aches on 19/03/20 that were of moderate intensity for 24 hours. I would feel slightly short of breath after doing two full flights of stairs in the house but not enough to worry me. No fever or other symptoms - began self-isolation the same day. I noted a resting pulse of ~110 that day; usually around 80bpm for me. Oxygen saturations were >97% at rest.

The following morning (20/03/20), I felt much better and have continued to feel the same upto and including today. Cough has lessened and is now productive of minimal amounts of grey sputum although still present and the myalgia has reduced as well. Shortness of breath from the first day has completely gone. Still no fever; I have been checking every 8 hours or so as well as whenever I feel chills.

Day 5-7 will be important as this is the time in which people deteriorate and develop acute respiratory distress so I am watching closely. Hopefully I don't develop a bad clinical picture and can tank through the next two days

AMA, I will try to answer as many questions as I can.

>> No.11496002
File: 167 KB, 647x1445, 1578454858786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but it's JUST A FLU BRO

>> No.11496008
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>Yugoslavic M-1 gas mask
this is an excellent mask. I have 3 masks and that one fits me really well too.
I'm currently using Scott Promask because I have 10 filters for it.

>> No.11496010

i've never seen grey sputum before, what's it like and why is it grey? keep us posted

>> No.11496018

Lovely fresh london air m80
I will update over the next few days with how I am feeling

>> No.11496029

If 99.99% of people under 40 will be fine then obviously a few are going to have issues, doesn't change the overall fact that young people shouldn't be sacrificing the entire economy and going bankrupt to save Boomers

>> No.11496038
File: 49 KB, 1069x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it honestly can't be as bad as eating rotten eggs
I was puking non stop for days

>> No.11496039

Young people who get to the hospital turn out fine. If too many young people get it, there won't be enough hospitals, and the death toll for them goes up.

>> No.11496046

Yes she easily could. You just have to be unlucky. Everyone's body is different and handles infections differently. Even a healthy young person can die from the seasonal flu if they're that unlucky. Now here's something a lot worse than the seasonal flu.

>> No.11496050

I've had stomach flu twice as a child. So much puke and diarrhea. I've been sick like a billion times. I have chickenpox scars. I'm probably fucking immune to AIDS at this point.

>> No.11496063

Ask your mom.

>> No.11496078

"gym-goer" stupid asshole doing a meme routine and who performed no cardio is basically the same as an old man

>> No.11496089

It's disturbing. How will she give blowjobs if she can barely breathe?

>> No.11496104

This argument works on other countries but not America. Fucking Boomers made it so young people can't afford the hospital anyway, so wtf do I care about flattening the curve?

>> No.11496135

Its so delicious how the incels try to convince themselves they aren't missing out on sex by demonizing """"thoths""""".

Brotip, its as good as you think and better, sex with a hot chick is the fucking shit

>> No.11496136

Do eggs even go rotten? I’ve eaten eggs raw even after a month old and didn’t seem different, just a bit more of a stronger eggy taste

>> No.11496171

>Do eggs even go rotten?
They sure as hell smell rotten coming out of my ass.

>> No.11496411


>> No.11496713

They do, especially if processed incorrectly. In the US the battery farms are so disgusting that they actually wash and bleach the eggs, which removes the natural bloom and weakens the shell. The shell is semipermeable, to let in oxygen for the chick. An even slightly damaged shell can pass bacteria.
Eventually the proteins will spontaneously denature, the water will evaporate through the shell, and your egg will taste like shit, but it won't make you sick and the process will take months. Bacteria through the shell, or maybe even pre-contaminated from a very sick hen, will make you sick, and can spoil the egg in a week even if refrigerated.

>> No.11496752

>I went to the doctor to test for corona. they refused. They said unless I had fever, they wouldn't do it.
What in fucks name. There is more than enough circumstantial evidence to warrant a test. Testing really is in such critical shortage.

>> No.11496758

>Don't take any chances
Why not? No argument or quantitative risk assessment is given for this claim.
>Just look at me
Okay, let us see what is so compelling about her in particular that should cause general caution to be taken
>Fit-and-healthy gym-goer, 39, struggles to breathe as she gives stark warning from intensive care hospital bed.
By what metric are we inferring that she is "fit" and "healthy"? BMI? VO2 Max? Time in which this person can run a mile? Gym-goers can be unhealthy.
Furthermore, according to data tables published by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm)) people in the 20-44 age range have a 2.0-4.2 percent chance at requiring ICU care. There is a minimum of a 95.8 percent chance that persons in this age group will not be admitted to the ICU. Only 1 in every 23.8 people of this age group can be expected to need ICU care based on these statistics.
This also does not account for the fact that this statistic will overestimate ICU needs based on unidentified cases, whether they be cases that have symptoms and are too mild to report it to a physician or whether they are cases that are asymptomatic.

>> No.11496768

I just recently turned 27 and I just tried to quit vaping about a week ago but relapsed and vaped on Friday and Saturday and stopped again on sunday. I haven't had much but a small cough every once in a while and a little bit of irritation in my throat when breathing through my nose. Today has sucked because for some reason my chest feels really tight. I don't know if I would say my breathing is harder but it doesn't feel normal either. The most I could get for a temperature was 98.9. I'm still working and am just hoping this feeling in my chest is due to me trying to quit vaping

>> No.11496772

what's their endgame?

>> No.11496776

literally dated like 3

>> No.11496785

It's just being skinny fat.

>> No.11496938

Shit I felt that weird bruise pain just below my left nipple 24 hours ago but it feels less painful today and I haven't really had any other symptoms

Is this the end?

>> No.11496940

Any general advice for a 30 year old male? What medicines should I have on hand? What should I do if I start to feel symptoms? How do I not die?

>> No.11496941

this meme reeks of incel origin

I bet u tried to charm some alt girl and she thought u gross or sthn n now u mad af

>> No.11496949

r u trying to roleplay as the meme bro. you sound silly lol.

>> No.11497445
File: 452 KB, 1431x1248, IMG_20200324_123757__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11495971 here

Whose endgame? the UK government?

I have no idea - it appears to me that their endgame is to minimise deaths from COVID19 by using social distancing as a brake pedal on spread of the virus in order to not exceed capacity of critical care beds as much as possible. Personally, I think that current social distancing measures are already too little too late and the NHS is vastly underprepared to deal with a crisis of this magnitude and immanence; we are in for a bad couple of months - but that's just my opinion. Also, I am not willing to attribute malice to things that can be explained by incompetence, which is what I think is the real issue; ther is no 'endgame', there just wasn't a good contingency plan.

Bear in mind, this applies mostly to those over 60.


>> No.11497448

> Any general advice for a 30 year old male?
You are unlikely to become seriously unwell with COVID19. Get hold of a medical thermometer and a fingertip pulse oximeter like the one in pic related. You could get a blood pressure monitor too but it's not neccessary in my opinion because if your blood pressure is dropping with the illness, you should have been at the hospital hours ago - you would have felt seriously unwell and other vital signs would have become deranged well before blood pressure.

> What medicines should I have on hand? What should I do if I start to feel symptoms?
If you develop symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) strict self-isolation is advised as per the official advice on gov[DOT]uk/coronavirus. Carry on with normal indoor activities. Use the above equipment to measure your vital signs ***AT REST***. This means sitting quietly and comfortably for at least 5 minutes before measuring.

Normal values are:

>> Temperature 36.0 - 37.8C: Above 37.8C is a fever; you may choose to use paracetamol to bring your temperature down. Personally I avoid doing so unless my temperature is >38.5C as a fever is part of the body's fighting response to infection. Anecdotal accounts of ibuprofen being detrimental in COVID19 have not been decisively confirmed or refuted yet; use paracetamol in preference to ibuprofen or other NSAIDS. Lastly, physical cooling methods such as cooling the environment you are in and allowing your body to radiate heat away from itself can be undertaken for intractible fever of >38.5C despite use of paracetamol/ibuprofen - if you reach this stage, seek medical attention.


>> No.11497450

do you look slim/fit with your shirt on?
take it off
do you look like a fat slob, ugly belly, no muscles to speak of and fucking tits?
you're fat

>> No.11497453
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 37104f1e-1501-40fa-919f-771a427e6d7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11497448 cont.

>> Heart rate 60-100: This is highly variable depending on overall level of fitness, which causes lower resting heart rate and level of physical exertion which can increase heart rate up to 160 with strenuous exercise. THIS IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO MEASURE THESE VALUES AT REST, TO AVOID INCORRECT INTERPRETATION. In my first post >>11495971 I mentioned how my heart rate was elevated on the first day of illness; do not be alarmed by a mild increase in heart rate but if it is >120bpm AT REST, call 111. Make sure you keep well hydrated as dehydration will push your heart rate up.

>> Oxygen saturation >96%: Anything lower than this suggests hypoxia. Once again, this can be very variable - it can be as low as 89% in normal people during sleep. So sit up straight and breathe deeply when measuring. Secondly, if your hands are cold the vessels in your fingers will constrict and give falsely low readings - make sure this is not the case to avoid undue panic. If you are not able to get your oxygen saturations above 94% and feel short of breath, it is time to seek medical attention.

There are no other specific reccomendations for medication I can give. Other general points to consider during the current lockdown: eat a balanced diet - your body needs the right nutrients to fight and heal, drink plenty of water - illness of any sort increases insensible water losses, especially with co-existing fever, stay active - easy to forget during self-isolation and lockdown but don't spend all day in a chair; see gov[DOT]uk/coronavirus about exercise.

>How do I not die?
Remember, given your age and assuming a lack of other known co-morbidities, you are at very low risk of becoming seriously unwell. Your body, and specifically your immune system, has evolved over millenia into a biological machine capable of fighting diseases like this at your age to ensure you can live long enough to propogate your genetic code. Above all, utilise common sense. Be safe, anon.


>> No.11497712

That's a cold, lil buddy.
That's corona

>> No.11497751

The vast majority of people below 35 will have mild/no symptoms pal

>> No.11497785

Yeah, and? The first guy had non-corona symptoms (sore throat, no difficulty breathing), and the second guy had strong corona symptoms. I had a sore throat, fever, and fatigue two weeks ago. I'm not claiming corona because it was a fucking cold. I'm 31.

>> No.11497835
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, coomer (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>propogate your genetic code

>> No.11498172

What? Disease is a strong evoltionary selection pressure and the ability to fight it effectively had been highly selected for generation after generation for a long time

>> No.11498305


>> No.11498324


>> No.11498412

I wish I had a pulse oximeter
t. asthmatic prone to pneumonia
Is there symptoms I can watch out for so I know if my O2 stats are falling below 90?

>> No.11498475

see >>11498473

>> No.11499571

Not sure about oxygen levels but my fitness watch has predicted the onset of fevers in the past. My resting BPM shoots up the day or so before a fever.