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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.08 MB, 2500x1667, 200318-coronavirus-florida-spring-break-cs-230p_89ed1ace6ef43fcfc7efcc45c0a8f1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11484513 No.11484513 [Reply] [Original]


Why does this resemble a horror movie trailer?

>> No.11484520

i mean its not a horror movie for them

>> No.11484524

also to be honest if you live in florida its your own fault

>> No.11484669

Its not.
Look at it from their point of view. Everyday on virtually every media platform there is contradictory information. One day a cure is discovered, next day another country closes its borders. Its only only people dying, next its killing young people. Its hype here, anti hype there, disinformation, not enough information, too much information, lack of relevant information, nothing to worry about, then they hear a "its very serious" speech... and anyone with a few years of high school biology knows the governments did far too little far too late if it really was serious. You see the point? Frankly I am just fucking sick of it. People are only going to isolate and buy into scare mongering for so long.

>> No.11484671

If this was actually a very bad virus (think anthrax) they would still do this lmao.

>> No.11484677

reminds me of Masque of the Red Death

>> No.11484686


>> No.11484753
File: 1005 KB, 854x1050, Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 17.54.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11484777

>Type 2 Civilization soon

>> No.11484874

the trips speak the truth
Honestly, just let them. Better to let the gene pool clean itself.

>> No.11484881
File: 85 KB, 800x450, indfdsaex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart thermometers can now track where people are having fevers
>they most this

Thanks to these fuckers, we need to quarantine Florida.

>> No.11484883

El ogro albino de las americas...

>> No.11484950

>anyone with a few years of high school biology knows the governments did far too little far too late if it really was serious
Everyone with a few years voting and paying taxes knows that that's actually the expected scenario if it is serious.

>> No.11484952
File: 62 KB, 450x304, 7c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.11484959

Just keep it out of my state. We're doing OK considering and once Florida becomes the hellscape it already was we'll literally border it up like Wuhan and nuke it at some point.

>> No.11484967

Based except these are the over socialized leftoids

>> No.11485090

You know many Springbreakers are from the south right?

Do you remember Freaknik anon?

>> No.11485097

That's because Florida is Boomer retirement promised land. This virus is a hoax.

>> No.11485109

>This virus is a hoax.

>> No.11485138


>> No.11485167
File: 90 KB, 686x526, 1584061891409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Send the zoomers to Italy for spring break. I heard they have lovely weather this time of year.

>> No.11485173

>This virus is a hoax.
Everyone is catching onto that. Do our leaders look like they care about us?

>> No.11485174
File: 62 KB, 784x574, ForeverHome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11485188

They dont, they never did, enjoy the ride its a deathtrip a suicide rap.


>> No.11485206

if i get wu flu, i'm going to one of these spring break events and coughing on everyone there.

>> No.11485224

anons, the problem is not florida nor libtards nor righttards nor boomers nor the media nor anything else. the problem is fucking zoomers.

these are children. doing childish stupid shit.

their parents should just stop paying their credit cards for their miami trips. i bet all the stupid zoomer spoiled babies in that video were like "no mom im at home!"

>> No.11485245

good. florida is a literal shithole it should not exist

>> No.11485257

good luck getting there in the first place fucko

>> No.11485318
File: 6 KB, 206x244, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let them die

>> No.11485321


>> No.11485323

They're at low risk of dying.
Instead, they're gonna make it spread a fuckton and will infect people that will die.

>> No.11485334


To think, because I went to a convenience store I'm not isolating myself in a room for 20 days because I'm scared I might infect my parents (in MA), while florida man gives no shit.

>> No.11485362

They're trying to save the economy. This "flatten the curve" stuff is going to make us all go broke. Everyone getting sick right now means it all goes back to normal minus all the dead in a month.

>> No.11485365

>we need to quarantine Florida
That's not news.

>> No.11485596

>at low risk of dying.
Because docs will help them, but docs should tell them to fuck off and wait in the line

>> No.11485785

Looks Swedish unironically

>> No.11485799

No these are the plebeian idiots that come with every generation. I’m a zoomer and here at home taking online finals that are fucking hard

>> No.11485808


girl: bleaches her hair blond
murricans: she must be swedish

she does not look swedish at all

>> No.11485812

>the problem is fucking zoomers.
>their parents...
seems like you're a bit confused

>> No.11485914

Thermal gun scopes for police, when?

>> No.11485918

dude what is that ratio

>> No.11485923

those horny fucking idiots

Anyway two words if this quarantine lasts 18 months: victory gardens.

>> No.11485926

Seems to be more of an orgy than anything else. Why are Americans so carnal? Can /sci/ explain why so many fornicate?

>> No.11485932

a combination of cultural decadence, the pleasures of the flesh, and that statistically women who have larger breasts are really fucking stupid.

>> No.11485934

Those kikes value pleasure more than anything else. They'll be the reason boomers die. Send them to prison.

>> No.11485935

>statistically women who have larger breasts are really fucking stupid.
Wasn't evolution meant to cull the mendacious?

>> No.11485937

*natural selection

>> No.11485940

those aren't men and they aren't from florida. they're zoomer tourists

>> No.11485941

>the pleasures of the flesh
I can only infer that they all have low iq. Am I right? Otherwise they would seek out pleasure in STEM or some other field.

>> No.11485947

dumb zoomers actually smarter than everyone else because it's a massive fucking nothingburger
> oh but they might get infected and spread to some vulnerable old pathetic shit
yeah exactly like the flu/pneumonia and no one says shit about that each year
2.5 million died of pneumonia last year

>> No.11486014

She has typically Swedish facial features as well, can pass for Danish, German, etc.

>> No.11486018

Darwin Awards: best contenders.
Was nice knowing ya, 'murrica.

>> No.11486052
File: 2.01 MB, 4000x2504, Form04_6485_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Swedish women traits, short nose, fat cheeks, round jaw and broad shape to face. Just because she's ugly doesn't she's looks like a mutt

>> No.11486060

I work at a florida medical clinic that's a satellite to the local hospital about a mile away. A RN from the hospital came by to drop off some paperwork and mentioned that a shiton of people are testing positive for the virus there and that's he's surprised the government or media hasn't announced it yet. Official announced cases are just 17 in my county, so he thinks the government is holding back to avoid panic.

we're in for a wild ride

>> No.11486095


man I wish I enjoyed my youth instead of wasting it on the internet

>> No.11486288


How DARE young people engage in reproductive enjoyment when 90 year old are dropping dead!!!

>> No.11486312

cull the heard

>> No.11486338

Why should I care about isolating myself during this pandemic? Society has treated me like absolute shit, my life sucks and I don’t really care if I or others die from this. The world is severely overpopulated anyway, and people are way more afraid of death than they should be.

>> No.11486340

For introverts that place is the apocalypse on crack

>> No.11486344

>Quarantine Florida
based and should have been done years ago

>> No.11486376

Man its so fun watching the us getting fucked up by corona. The most careless and idiotic society in the world getting what ir deserves.

>> No.11486415

And... of course I live in Florida, as do my retired parents... we all gunna die because Chad and Stacy have to fuck and party like it is the end of the world

>> No.11486420

I'm hoping a boomer who's fed up with them goes postal and kills them all. fucking zoomers ruin everything

>> No.11487529

based zoomers

>> No.11488094

Just be chad, bro

>> No.11488104

school shooters should go to the beach and shoot those wiggers instead

>> No.11488418

Bernie Sanders wants these people to have free college.

>> No.11488534

Bernie Sanders wants Americans to get an education becuse you turn out some of the most backwards, ill-educated fuckwits on the planet.

>> No.11488540

America, you are utterly fucked. You voted in the Empty Man and now you are seeing how he has nothing to offer you in the face of a crisis which is going to utterly fuck you because he didn't act quickly enough.

>> No.11488599

Based teenagers
Tbh the death rate is pretty small for healthy young people

>> No.11488604

Educated Americans are 100x more insufferable than dub light crushing mudding rednecks
The whole ideology of America that justifies the rule of the state dept and the CIA and the Ivys is anti-Americanism. It's smug liberals coming to me, a non-American, and bitching about a stereotype of other Americans to me, in order to get me distracted from the fact that they're running a global empire, and to get me fixated on people without power, and to get me to support them as a form of protection against the "red empire" of the pentagon, conservative Christians, Drumpf supporters etc.
It's transparent.
It doesn't fool me.
Fuck off yanks.
And no, in saying that I don't mean "fuck off hillbilies", I mean fuck off Berkleyite. I mean fuck off Yalie. I mean fuck off glow. Fuck off oligarch.

>> No.11488609

>Otherwise they would seek out pleasure in STEM or some other field.

The brain is after all the largest erogenous organ of the body.

>> No.11488612

>grug brain no big
>grug need one person who fault everything is
>two people can't both be wrong too complicated for grug

>> No.11489657

holyshit this look like a typical corny hollywood horro movie start
like pirania