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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 859 KB, 1500x1000, SARS-Cov-2.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11483181 No.11483181 [Reply] [Original]

all memes aside

it's just a slightly more contagious flu

>> No.11483288

It's worst, really worst. You don't close the fucking Earth for "a slightly more contagious flu"...

>> No.11483305

I'm trying to figure out if it's just a highly contagious flu strain or flu aids. No one in the gov. Is calling it a flu. They say it's a virus.

>> No.11483317

well we know that govt and media will downplay the severity to keep people from panicking so what we can be certain of it's worse than what we hear.

>> No.11483319

The name of the disease is Covid-19. The name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). The one for the flu is Influenzavirus.

>> No.11483321

Because it's a virus, but not an actual influenza virus.

>> No.11483343

Boomers are freaking out since it only kills them

>> No.11483357

So level with me. How different is this corona compared to previous versions? Have they always resided in the nervous system?

>> No.11483359

its less deadly than SARS but spreads much more easily. the only way you can stop covid-19 is with a time machine

>> No.11483372

You should probably stop browsing /pol/, anon.

>> No.11483387

The Korean study showing aids protien similarities is the most troubling. That's a real scientific study, is it not? I don't know about the veracity of the Wuhan lab origions but this whole thing troubles me. Not the /pol/ memes (i don't frequent thre) but just things i have seen on the news and C-SPAN. No information per se just some indicators that trouble me. The escaped lab narrative seems just as likely as the natural one right now.

>> No.11483397

>slightly more contagious
>multiple times more contagious
>symptoms show up 9-14 days after infection, with the flu it's 1-3 days
>no vaccine
>no treatment

>> No.11483405

Does respirator treatment not make it a 0.1% death rate virus

>> No.11483413
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>> No.11483429

good pic, that ought to shut up those "just a flu" idiots

>> No.11483511

and it's still a flu regardless.

>> No.11483515

Thinking it's just the flu is literally more schizophrenic than /pol/ at this point. Just admit you were wrong already holy shit it's embarrassing.

>> No.11483524
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>Everyone is on panic mode from scientists (This is the group that thinks this virus is changing the world forever in even the best case scenario) to politicians to business leaders
>minimum wage retards crying it's just the flu

>> No.11483539

It is literally not a strain of influenza

>> No.11483543

China lies about its stats alot count the other countries and see what you get

>> No.11483553
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see >>11483319

>> No.11483742

Damn so no cure ever

>> No.11483762

that's because they're stupid. see>>11483511
multiple times in this thread it has been explained that it is a strain of coronavirus and this mongoloid is still calling it a flu

>> No.11483768

there could be a vaccine within the year but the only people that should be taking it are old people who won't see the potential longterm side effects. you'd have to be an idiot to take a fasttracked vaccine otherwise

>> No.11483769

Vaccine this autumn

>> No.11483772
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>you'd have to be an idiot to take a fasttracked vaccine otherwise

>> No.11483774

Are you brain-dead? Why would you inject something in yourself without any knowledge of the long-term side effects? The vaccine could literally destroy your liver, and reduce your lifespan by 20 years. There's no way to know. Why the fuck would you risk it over a virus with a 0.1% chance of killing you (if you get it), when you could just wait a year or two and take it (or a similar vaccine) when it's finally confirmed to be harmless?

>> No.11483776

No it is NOT! It is highly contagious pandemic of panic spread by mass media. Got it?
Flu is as natural as acne and nature does not change just because Trump say something .
Don't you see that CGI cartoons are not reality but illustration of suggested imagination (lie).
The truth does not require to believe in. Got it?
There is no fakery with out experts. Grow up!

>> No.11483777

>small chance the first attempt works and is lasting.
>larger chances that it either doesn't work, doesn't work for long, or comes with serious side effects.
We're not getting a vaccine until at least Autumn next year.

>> No.11483778

>without any knowledge of the long-term side effects?
Do you think it would be a weird special unique vaccine? It's just a fucking vaccine.

>> No.11483779

saying its just a flu is like saying a tiger is just a kitten
sure it is if you travel backwards in the relationship but a tiger is more dangerous than a kitten
get it now?

>> No.11483799

where did you get this? You stupid sheep got it from the wolf.
Check sources ! CDC WHO NCBI
Those are very reliable deceivers , got it? stupid baboon seek the truth to free yourself don't follow lie . wake up in to reality that we all can observe where imagination is not required.
Rule of the people (direct democracy) is rising because we have got enough lie. Its time to prosecute everyone who participate in swindle

>> No.11483802

If you can't speak proper English on an English speaking board, why should anyone listen to you?

>> No.11483815

you are idiot, get some medical book, read, look in to it , take notes, compere with what mass media claim and get big aha moment. Flu is natural as nature as sheep get flu every spring .
Stupid fucks like you is abnormality in nature.
Do not have any other authority then ... for dummy like you, lets say God. Fear God only read bible there is good guidelines for total idiot like you. Flu does not have a name mass media swindle does. Focus on how to catch criminals instead. Stop watching porn get your strength back!

>> No.11483822

Yes it is strain of mass media!

>> No.11483828

Shut up leftist retard

>> No.11483833

>>11483762 I have bin in medical school (warning claiming authority)
Yes there is big mass media influence on peoples life. swindle is a crime on the large scale some one do it (33) guess who? Look to every rapport with scary scenario and you will notice (33) gang marking

>> No.11483847

Yes cure is chicken soup and cuddle with boobs.
Tea, Yerba mate, sauna and go sleep early.
You need to sweat out your lymphatic system there is no pump you have to move your body regularly. Flu is like acne your body purge toxins cells eat by blood hart is pumping and lymphatic system is for cells to poop. but you have to move sweat because there is no pump.
Got it ? mass media = 100% nonsense

>> No.11483852

stupid people are always in denial of their own dullness and they try to pretend smart, by repeating some gossip.

>> No.11483959

not even a flu
literally just a "common cold"
like all other common colds caused by coronavirus or rhinovirus

SARS-CoV-2 is has higher R0. Thats it.

reminder: avian flu was "omg plague is upon us" mortality rate 10%. then after few years, ah well its mortality rate was actually 0.2%

>> No.11483989


humans are just apes bro

>> No.11484681

We don't know what the long-term effects of catching corona would be either, and as it stands now it seems all but guaranteed that you will catch it sooner or later. In that situation why wouldn't you go for the vaccine?

>> No.11484696

I can still find chicken soup at the grocery store. But where do I find boobs? Will there be some sort of boobs availability program?

>> No.11484702

So why did Italy and Iran get hit so hard? They got hit harder than Korea and Japan despite having far more time to prepare and lad less general exposure to the illness.

>> No.11484711

Italy and Iran went full retard on prevention measures until it was way too late (and Iran still really isn't doing much)
Compare them to South Korea, who noticed a few cases popping up and immediately went into maximum police state mode to get things under control.

>> No.11484734

General incompetence.

>> No.11484750

And cars are just boats that don't float.

>> No.11484804
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all memes aside

OP is probably a redneck who barely knows wtf a flu is, and before all this he thought that coronaviruses was referring to the freakin beer.

>> No.11484888
File: 408 KB, 805x589, Screenshot_2020-03-19_21-02-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna be OK bros, beets working on it

>> No.11484912

I think they didnt prepare. Iran was in total denial about the problem apparently.

But I have heard the following explanations:
- Their deaths are high because italy has a pretty old population
- Their deaths are high because italy has poor air quality
- Asians wear masks, and masks work.

South Korea is apparently testing everyone all the time.

> less general exposure to the illness.

For things that grow exponentially, it really doesnt matter when and how much you were exposed. The growth rate trumps any initial factors given enough time.

>> No.11484913

>10% mortality rate

So this is what we have to look forward in the next few months.

>> No.11484916

Guys, help, I don't know what to think.

Supreme leader told me 2 weeks ago that it was a hoax and just the flu, and now he's saying that he Always knew that it was super serious and is mobilizing a war against it.

I don't understand but i know supreme leader can't be wrong so I need to know how to understand why he didn't say what he said 2 weeks ago.

>> No.11484919 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11484925
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>> No.11484926

You do for a significantly more contagious flu

>> No.11484928

Also apparently Italy has a different strain of the virus that hits harder while also spreading a lot faster due to how Italians have a very high personal contact culture. I can't comment on Iran, though.

>> No.11484931

>>10% mortality rate
Where the hell are you getting 10% from?

>> No.11484934

He was testing us to see if we were capable of figure it out by ourselves, to see if we are worthy of his mightiness.
Supreme leader could never bee wrong and you are a dirty little blasphemous for even considering he was wrong, I'm fighting the urge to report you to the supreme leader right now.

>> No.11484945

SARS-HCoV-1 has such ridiculous lethality, 2 is 10% only in elders and sick ppl

>> No.11484990

Is it true that the virus mutautes thus it's imposible to make a treatment for it because it will change to abother one and the cure won't work? am I retarded??

>> No.11485000

And when Hospital care isn't available, I.E. young people who can't get beds because they're over capacity.

>> No.11485017

Fuck those young people for being retarded idiots and going out. Let them die in the streets.

>> No.11485022

>am I retarded??

>> No.11485053

I think you're confusing "Vaccine" and "treatment"

Vaccine is where you get a shot with the genetic material of the disease so that your body can recognize the virus and have anti-bodies ready to go if you encounter the live virus.
In this situation, the virus can mutate from year to year making the previous vaccine inneffective because your body is confused and doesn't recognize that virus as the previous one (Its STILL good to have it though because your body will still have experience with a variant of that virus and will take less time to make new antibodies. This is why native americans were so shit fucked by europeans coming over, since their bodies didn't have experience fighting these viruses before)

A TREATMENT is something different, its medication designed to suppress or reduce the severity of the damaging symptoms of the virus in order to avoid damage/death from it, such as the inflammation of the lungs, allowing you to go through the disease relatively cleanly and give your body free time to make its antibodies. (Look at cold medicine, which is just designed to reduce the symptoms for example).
If the virus mutates, its highly unlikely for the treatment to become inneffective, since its still targeting the same symptoms.
So if we figure out a treatment to prevent pneumonia from this disease its most likely not going to become invalid, while with a vaccine we'll have to reinvent it every year (Albeit with it being more useful)

>> No.11485055

Citation needed my dude

>> No.11485064

Thanks :*

>> No.11485965

Young people aren't going to need an ICU to begin with unless they had pre-existing health complications.

>> No.11485973

When you really look at the virus, it looks like Corona-chan’s ovaries impregnating you.

>> No.11486044

learn to spell you fucking retard, opinion discarded
Bird Flu/H1N1 was complety gone on its own after two years, everyone had immunity.
All these doomfags are going to have egg on their faces soon enough

>> No.11486112

depends. 20% of all people infected show really severe symptoms regardless of age. it's just that younger people usually surviva overall, not they they won't get hit hard.

>> No.11486137
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The flu statistics come from a hundred years of proper clinical study.

The statistics on COVID-19 are hastily compiled out of news feeds and preliminary tallies from multiple sources with inconsistent methodologies.

Do you suppose there's an opportunity for a serious fuckup here?

>> No.11486140

I can now relax

>> No.11486209

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.11486219

It probably would be weird special unique compared to previous vaccines, considering it is being developed by moderna, an RNA biotech company

>> No.11486272

Hydroxychloroquine is effective and readily available. The influx of severe cases will deplete our supply though, so its no silver bullet. We still have to stretch this out over many months so hospitals don't get wrekt.

>> No.11486332

>Also apparently Italy has a different strain of the virus that hits harder while also spreading a lot faster due to how Italians have a very high personal contact culture. I can't comment on Iran, though.
Source on that?

>> No.11486341

you do when you want a new banking system put in place.

>> No.11486411


It's not that the virus is in of itself flesh-eating-apocalyptic
It's that it's effect en-mass depletes societal infrastructure that cannot cope with treating that many people all at once.

Hence, to protect health systems and wider population, EVERYONE has to co-operate otherwise MORE die due to the chaos and pressure inflicted if too many people that are vulnerable get it ALL at the same time

>> No.11486417

Yes, but that's the issue;
The rate of infection of people outstrips supply and delivery of that treatement in even the most prepared health infrastructure

Essentially, the US is fucked if it doesn't nationalise healthcare facilities and I trust them to do the right thing once they've exhausted all other retard-tier options

>> No.11486694

You guys know jack shit about economics,right? Im taking a shit and i can’t bother to explain everything again but no, coronavirus isnt WW3 nor is it the start of a Mad Max type society.

Google “recession/ depression”. Read about economic crashes during the years and finally look at the stock charts during 2008 and then now.

Anyone who was the tinniest bit involved with economics would have know that the crash we are living through today was expected to happen during 2020. Of course nobody knew the virus would be the reason but it was due to happen.

Try to think how “earth’s shut down” will impact the economic bubble that we were living through and then youll understand why the media is spoon feeding paranoia.

>> No.11486700


All the big companies are buying back their own stocks now that they are half price. What does that tell you?

>> No.11486721

Can someone explain why media in my country did not say a word about the so called treatment? Not even about the vaccine trials. Are they manipulating this?

>> No.11486750

This is very new news. It takes time to propagate.

>> No.11486811

>Doing the right thing

He's avoiding issuing commands to nationalize the nation's factories to produce needed supplies to fight this because "CAPITALISM GOOD, GOVERNMENT BAD", he's not going to change that shit because he doesn't want to set a precedent of the 1% being beholden to the good of the nation.

>> No.11486818

>less deadly than SARS
nigga it killed more people yesterday in one day than SARS did in its entirety.

>> No.11486830

Doesn't even use the same receptor, and isn't in any way related to HIV. It's a respiratory illness, like the common cold - which kills some elderly via pneumonia in much the same fashion - just, well, not nearly so often.

Several thousand labs in several different nations, some hostile to China, both public and private, have sequenced the the thing, and thousands upon thousands of individuals have been going over that data with a fine tooth comb. If there was a CRISPR'd section from another virus, it'd be impossible to keep a secret at this point. (Not that having a random segment from HIV would help it be anymore dangerous - be like loading a 44 magnum with a AR-15 clip - dun help.)

It's a typical coronavirus mutation - like SARS and MERS - we get a new one every ten years or so, we just don't generally hype it up so much.

>> No.11486873

because the only "Treatment" is being put on a ventilator currently?
Believe me if they had an actual medicine to suppress the symptoms and help they'd be screaming it from the top of their lungs to try and get the economy back on track: They keep touting fake treatments that are just being tested for the sake of being tested, so if they had a legitimate one that was proven to work they'd be telling people about it.

>> No.11486885

They'll be forced to
We're all socilaists now.
All the libertarians have is
>Muh China
without answering how the free-market can fix such issues?

>> No.11486888


In the UK When the Tories start being more socialist than Tony Blair, the world has CHANGED

>> No.11486892

This is Ralph from Ed Ed n Eddy

>> No.11486916

I love this board. You're all so clueless.

>> No.11486951

This was my concern sadly. Guess im trapped faf away from home for a long time then, i cant work and im running out of money
>muh relaxing vacation in the mountains

>> No.11486959
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>hehe...the FOOLS....only I know the TRUTH

>> No.11486981

It's actually a bad cold more than a flu

>> No.11487000

All those numbers pertaining coronavirus are literally out of thin air since:
A) testing for coronavirus is based on PCR, therefore have a very low attendibility.
B) lots of infected people don't even know they are.
C) it's not possible to have a real-time monitoring of the deaths and their cause.

>> No.11487786

This post didn't age well

>> No.11487812

What strikes me about the % mortality is that there's undoubtedly an unknowable number of people who are infected either without knowing it, or who have mild enough symptoms to not need hospitalization, or simply don't have the means to get tested. I think it's just too early to have accurate statistics at this point.

>> No.11487832

And "slightly more contagious" is exactly why it's a huge problem.

>> No.11487840

Especially accounting for any misrepresentation of numbers from china or lack of measurement from lack of tests globally

>> No.11487882
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Covid-19 is a sneaky motherfucker and that's where the danger lies.
>get infected with the seasonal flu.
>you're not infectious until you start showing symptoms.
>takes about a day or three before symptoms show after infection.
>now that you know you're sick you'll probably stay home and not spread it as much.
Meanwhile, covid-19
>get infected
>you won't show symptoms from anywhere from 5-14+ days.
>you can still spread it even when you're not showing symptoms.
>by the time you do show symptoms you could have infected a ton of people already.
And then there's the rate of hospitalization for both. Covid-19 definitely has the flu beaten on that front, and this will result in preventable deaths if healthcare is overwhelmed. However, we do not know the rate of those who are infected with covid-19 who aren't serious and can just stay home to shake it off. Not only are we behind on testing, but these people may never attempt to be tested in the first place for varying reasons. We know too little at this point.

>> No.11488019

lol, indeed.
40% of those in ICU are under 50

>> No.11489372

The average is 5 days, which is about the same as the common cold it's related to, the whole coronavirus family has some outliers at 30 days.

Not like herpes, typhoid and other salmonella bacteria, colostrum, chlamydia, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, all of which regularly leave folks asymptomatically contagious for a year or more, or HIV - averaging several years, and occasionally, a lifetime with no symptoms.

And yet more disinfo from social media. Better than 90% are either elderly or already had respiratory conditions. It's just one two had an uptick of 40% of younger infections (which is easy to do, when you have less than a half dozen), and another NYtimes article was showing a chart as to what the hospitals would be looking at with 40% of the nation infected, and some idiot on Facebook decided to conflate the numbers.

Everyone is so determined to hype this thing up, which is just making a bad thing worse. By the time it starts killing people in significant numbers, there's going to be no economy left to fight it with.