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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11475807 No.11475807 [Reply] [Original]

Formerly >>11454375
Make sure to visit our friends over at >>11473790 edition.

>what is /sqt/ for
Questions relating to math and science, plus appropriate advice requests.
>where do I go for other SFW questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ , >>>/g/sqt , >>>/diy/sqt , >>>/diy/ohm , >>>/adv/ , etc.
libgen.is (Warn me if the link breaks.)
>book recs?
>how do I post math symbols?
>a google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where do I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Question asking tips and tricks:
>attach an image
>look up the Tex guide beforehand
>if you've made a mistake that doesn't actually affect the question, don't reply to yourself correcting it. Anons looking for people to help usually assume that questions with replies have already been answered, more so if it has two or three replies
>ask anonymously
>check the Latex with the Tex button on the posting box
>if someone replies to your question with a shitpost, ignore it

Good charts: https://mega.nz/#F!40U0zAja!cmRxsIoiLFZ_Mvu2QCWaZg
Shitty charts: https://mega.nz/#F!NoEHnIyT!rE8nWyhqGGO7cSOdad6fRQ (Post any that I've missed.)
Verbitsky: https://mega.nz/#F!80cWBKxC!ml8ll_vD2Gbw4I1hSLylCw
Graphing: https://www.desmos.com/
Answer engine:
Tables, properties, material selection:

>> No.11475861
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Unanswered questions from the previous thread:

Maths questions:
>>11455358 (Kinda /g/)
>>11455715 links to >>11455638
>>11462238 followed by a correction >>11462246

Physics questions:
>>11459188 followed by >>11459230

Engineering questions:

/g/ questions:

Medicine questions:
>>11459088 (Shoddily answered, might count)

Chemistry questions:

Stupid questions:
>>11474546 (I mean, it's too late, but you can still answer if you want to.)

Questions regarding Yukarifag:

>> No.11476048
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Real stupid question here
Should I be moving my money out of UK banks, given how shit the Corona situation is bound to get?

>> No.11476173
File: 19 KB, 552x382, nanda kore wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why [math]\lim\limits_{x \to \infty}x sen(1/x)[/math] equals to 0 and 1?
when I use trig limits it equals to 1.
But with the squeeze theorem it equals to 0.

>> No.11476189

x to 0, my bad

>> No.11476210
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Ah I see, you have used the transpose but since the Lie algebra [math]\mathfrak{so}(1,2) \cong \mathfrak{sp}(1,3)[/math] it becomes the conjugate adjoint. You had picked [math]L[/math] skew-adjoint so you do indeed got [math]\{L,\neta\}=0[/math]; I was thinking of [math]L[/math] being self-adjoint so the expansion [math]\Lambda \cong I + i\epsilon L[/math] yields [math][L,\eta]=0[/math]. Just a matter of convention, you're correct.
Write [math]\begin{pmatrix}a & b \\ c & d\end{pmatrix} = ae_{11} + be_{12} + ce_{21} + d e_{22}[/math] where [math]e_{ij} = \delta_{ij} [/math] is an orthonormal basis in [math]M_2(\mathbb{R})[/math]. Then just match coefficients.
Indeed, near the horizon the length of your geodesic approaches [math]\infty[/math]. That analogy is fine to an extent.

I'm afraid I can't answer the other physics questions as they are nonsense.
0 is correct. Whatever trig limits is, you did it wrong.

>> No.11476229

why cant i go like this tough?
[math]xsen(\frac{1}{x}) \to \frac{xsen(\frac{1}{x})\frac{1}{x}}{\frac{1}{x}}\to1[/math]

>> No.11476244

Because [math]\lim_{x\rightarrow0}\sin\frac{1}{x}[/math] isn't defined. You can only use [math]\sin x /x \rightarrow 1[/math] only when the limit exists.

>> No.11476259

i see, thanks

>> No.11476322

I need to decide for tomorrow, ChemE or EE? Yukri fag and the rest of you please help me.

>> No.11476341

ChemE if ur a good boy and can stay employed, EE if you realistically see yourself between jobs/NEET/self-employed

>> No.11476354

interesting opinion. Could you elaborate a bit more please?

>> No.11476406

ChemE here. you do know it's mostly working with pipes and pumps and very little chemistry right? It's basically understanding how a chemical plant operates, the different processes dealing with fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer.

>> No.11476583

how do i subtract these equations from each other

c1: (x^2)-4x+(y^2)+(z^2)=4

c2: (x^2)+(y^2)+(z^2)=4

I want to do c1-c2

>> No.11476623

Not the correct reasoning.
He was wrong. You CAN do that, remember, as x goes to 0 what does 1/x go to? Not to zero, but to infinity. sin y / y is 1 as y goes to 0, and it is 0 as y goes to infinity. Here, you care about y going to infinity. Be careful about using trig limits, they usually work but you need to make sure you are approaching the right location.

>> No.11476642

/asg/? it has got an IQ edition!

>> No.11476811

No. Anything up to a few hundred thousand is protected by state-backed insurance if the bank fails.

As for whether it's better to move it away from sterling: you already lost 30% from brexit, the Euro isn't necessarily any safer (mainland Europe is getting hit hard right now), the dollar isn't necessarily any safer (lack of public healthcare, lack of sick pay, lack of testing, overall incompetence of current administration).

>> No.11476815

Every term except -4x cancels, leaving you with -4x=0 => x=0.

>> No.11476850
File: 22 KB, 275x308, Screenshot_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't I do like u = tgθ and get to 2ln|a+btθ|+c?

>> No.11476857

I mean obviously not since the answer is wrong, but why can't I? it's not clear to me why int(2/(a+bu))du can't be ln|a+bu|+c

>> No.11476861


>> No.11476862

is it because it's a sum?

>> No.11476880

ffs who writes tangent like that kys,
You can do it like that you just made a mistake, redo it.

>> No.11476885

[math]\int \frac{2}{a+bu}du=2 \ln|a+b\tan(\theta)|\cdot \left(\frac{d}{du}(a+bu)\right)^{-1} +C[/math]

>> No.11476887

yeah redoing it I realized the mess I made. thanks and sorry about the whole spamming

>> No.11476894

thank you fren. trig kinda confuses me even though it wasn't really a trig mistake

>> No.11476904
File: 2.99 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200317_131244632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was my solution, different from the textbooks solution?

Name of chapter:
2nd degree differential equations

>> No.11476905

no doubt Springer Handbook of Robotics

>> No.11476916

Oh dear [math] \sqrt{16} =\sqrt{4}? [/math] ?

>> No.11476918

Nice handwriting tho

>> No.11476925

Ah shit
I wrote 16 as √4
When its 16 = 4^2

>> No.11476926

Thanks bro

>> No.11476931

besides don't they mean with growth that the first derivative at [math](0,1)[/math] is [math]-1[/math]

>> No.11476938

Find the curve to [equation], through [points] with the growth of -1

>> No.11477010

I like how you skip the part where you solve the equation.

>> No.11477021

not a question, but a blog post
>finally get past the chapter on linear differential equations and their methods of solutions in my diffeq class
>next chapter is applications of higher order linear differential equations (aka harmonic oscillators)
>undamped oscillations are modeled by
>this can be simplified to
[eqn]\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+\omega ^2x=0[/eqn]
>which, when a linear second order DE is of form [math]y''+\alpha ^2x=0[/math], its auxiliary equation always has nonreal roots m=±ki
>and its solution is of form [math]e^{ikx}[/math]
>or [math]y=c_1cos\left(kx\right)+c_2sin\left(kx\right)[/math]
holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit it's all coming together

>> No.11477025

I just plugged in the units to where the textbook said I had to.
In the top it shows the equation, then right under that is how to solve it

>> No.11477050

Hmm this shouldn't happen, at least if your modulated function is sinusoidal (or periodic in general) than the RMS as a function of the message amplitude should oscillate around some value.

>> No.11477077

So I'd check if for even higher amplitudes it tightens again.

>> No.11477131

I have a discrete time ECG signal, I need to make a simple algorithm that detects the QRS complex, how do I do this?

>> No.11477157
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> [math]\lim _{x \rightarrow 0} \sin \frac{1}{x} [/math] isn't defined
Economical Engineering is clearly the better option.

>> No.11477253

Someone pls?

>> No.11477526

This is complete nonsense. There is no such thing as "[math]\sin y[/math] as [math]y[/math] goes to infinity", because the limit doesn't exist, which is what trig limits requires. You need the fact that [math]|\sin x|\leq 1[/math] and use dominated convergence, which is essentially what squeeze theorem is. You CANNOT use trig limits.

>> No.11477533
File: 29 KB, 591x367, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't solve this alone, am I really retarded?

>> No.11477574

the post is completely correct. what's your problem ?

>> No.11477586

>the post is completely correct
It isn't.
>what's your problem ?
My problem is it isn't.

>> No.11477591

>It isn't.
what exactly

>> No.11477592
File: 5 KB, 255x201, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a question that was to fill in this table with the additive group Z_3.

would it just be, from top to bottom: 012,120,201? or do i not understand this. i assume i don't understand it because i don't know what overline means in this case

>> No.11477594

In which universe will the trolley ever move left?

>> No.11477599

Using trig limits or l'Hopital of trig limits require the limits (or limits of their derivatives) in the fraction to exist. [math]\sin \frac{1}{x}[/math] does NOT satisfy this property at 0. Literally the only thing you can do is squeeze theorem/dominated convergence. This is non-negotiable.

>> No.11477603

The trolley is moving left under it's own initiative. They want to know how the block in the middle moves

>> No.11477607
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You might think you're good at cropping, but I can see that spanish on the corner, Alejandro.
Presumably the part about how thinking of naive "convergence to infinity" leads you to a false intuition about infinities cancelling, which is properly corrected by deep study of the great theorem of L'Hospital (Bernoulli).
The universe where the trolley has non-zero initial speed to the left.

>> No.11477612

Jews really fucked sterling with their Brexit. Thanks brit/pol you kikes.

>> No.11477625
File: 56 KB, 560x800, 334fd0567513be84e1518eb4319827e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assumption is that block B remains level.
>Lower left pulley
[math] V_B=(50+u)/2 [/math]
>Lower right pulley
[math] V_B=(10-u)/2 [/math]
So [math] u=-20\text{ m/s} [/math] (direction was guessed wrong) and [math] V_B=(50-20)/2=15\text{ m/s} [/math].

>> No.11477627
File: 24 KB, 600x522, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It moves to the right, sorry

>> No.11477631

I feel like a total brainlet right now. Can someone explain to me how to prove that the products of two sets of integers are equal? So you have the product of the elements in set A and the product of the elements in set B and need to prove those are the same.

You aren't allowed to take the products of the sets and prime factorization is not allowed.

>> No.11477634

he's saying that [math]\lim_{y \to \pm \infty}\tfrac{\sin y}{y} = 0[/math], therefore [math]\lim_{x -> x_0}\tfrac{\sin f(x)}{f(x)} = 0[/math] when [math]\lim_{x \to x_0}f(x) = \pm \infty[/math]. this is fine. (up to technical assumptions on [math]f[/math] which [math]\tfrac{1}{x}[/math] clearly satisfies).

>> No.11477642

>he's saying that
How does that at all help with anything? It's circular if the original question is about the convergence of [math]x\sin\frac{1}{x}[/math] at 0.
>up to technical assumptions on f which 1x clearly satisfies
Wrong. 1/x isn't analytic near 0 so you cannot use l'Hopital to reduce 1/x to x. Again, stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.11477643 [DELETED] 

>It moves to the right

>> No.11477650
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What if [math]\frac{1}{x}[/math] approaches zero from the left tho?

>> No.11477658

>How does that at all help with anything?
apply to [math]y = \tfrac{1}{x}[/math]
>1/x isn't analytic near 0 so you cannot use l'Hopital to reduce 1/x to x

>> No.11477669

>doesn't see how assuming what the the limit is to "prove" the same limit is circular
>doesn't see how the analyticity is required to sub into the fucking denominator of a limit
Are you actually this stupid? Or just trolling?

>> No.11477675
File: 44 KB, 149x155, yeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It moves to the right
Then V_B is 10 m/s, downward.

>> No.11477682
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If a|b and b|a then a = b.

>> No.11477686
File: 119 KB, 750x767, c3fb463c-e760-4ce5-81c4-8f2e3140c7ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my gf came to me yesterday all worried about this conspiracy theory video going around facebook saying not only is corvid 19 a hoax but it's to cover up the real culprit making everyone sick: NEW 5G TOWERS MAKING WAVE RADIATION FUCKING UP THE OXYGEN IN EVERYONES LUNGS

Lol I know it's a weird mix of /x/ tier anti vaxxer like bullshit. But my gf gets paranoid about it cause she's been having headaches and yadda yadda and she comes to me with facebook junk "science" so I can debunk it for her and it helps her know not to worry.

Thing is I'm just an engineer working for a research institute and not at all do I know shit about desease and pandemics enough. I can tell what smells like bullshit but that's about it. This one was easy cause the video just opens and starts with bullshit. I can't link the video and frankly don't want to but here's the gist of why they think 5g towers cause you to be sick
>5g all run at 60 hertz/mm
>60 hertz fucks w oxygen molecules
>makes their electrons spin faster
>making oxygen in your lungs fuck you up
>like this one dude in Wuhan that just collapses
>therefore it's 5g, not corvid19, making everyone sick

Now all that's wrong. But it got me thinking about how yes you can use a magnetic field to increase the energy/spin of an electron and if that did happen to oxygen on a large scale what would be the effects?

tl;Dr: what happens when you use a magnetic field to move electrons up a spin? I have only the vaguest memories from chem 1 class on this

>> No.11477695

I don't care if it helps to the original problem, because that's not my point. my point is that if by any means you find yourself in a situation where you know what lim sin(y)/y is (for y going to 0 or +-inf), you can use it to compute sin(1/x)*x = sin(1/x)/(1/x) which is what the post you called is about.
and no, you absolutely don't need analycity of f. it's just a limit of a composite function, why would you need analycity for that.

>> No.11477710

>I don't care if it helps to the original problem
So you're just posting random shit as if it's relevant? Need I remind you that you needed me to TELL you that your dumbass post is circular at best.
>why would you need analycity for that.
Because the only way to get convergence of ratios is to bound them with their difference quotients, which requires at least Lipschitz in both the functions involved in the composition.

>> No.11477719

give me a counter example then. I want [math]f(x)[/math] such that [math]\lim_{x \to x_0}f(x) = \infty [/math], but [math]\lim_{x \to x_0}\tfrac{\sin f(x)}{f(x)}\neq 0[/math].

>> No.11477724

Arcsin at 1.
I'm done. You're hopeless.

>> No.11477732

[math]\lim _{x \rightarrow 1} \arcsin (x) = \infty [/math]?

>> No.11477740

doesn't work. lim isn't ∞.

>> No.11477745

Fuck, I always missed the new /sqt/ thread when it pops up.
Question from last thread: >>11477723

>> No.11477746

Holy fucking shit i still dont know the answer guys

>> No.11477756

overline here means congruence class, just think of addition mod 3

>> No.11477757

it's fucking 1 or 0?

>> No.11477764

it's zero, use the fact that if f(x) is bounded, then lim x f(x) as x -> 0 is 0

>> No.11477791

I saying "x is within the reals squared" the same as saying "x is a real number >=0" ?

i.e. Is [math]x\in \mathbb{R}^2[/math] the same as [math]\{x\geq 0|x\in\mathbb{R}\}[/math]?
idk if that notation is right

>> No.11477795

no, the superscript of 2 means tuples of real numbers
if you want x >=0, just specify it

>> No.11477817

congrats anon, it's always a nice feeling when things start making sense

>> No.11477826


>> No.11477898

Set [math]R = G= H= \mathbb{Z}_2[/math].
Unless I'm mistaken, that's a counterexample.
Specifically, [math](0, 1) \times (1, 0) = 0[/math] in one but [math](1, 0)*(0, 1)=(1, 1)[/math] in the other one (the notation is confusing, I know).

>> No.11477957

yeah the notation is tripping me up, I'll try toying with it some more

>> No.11477967

I figured. But if you squared every number in [math]\mathbb R[/math], is that the same as x>=0 within [math]\mathbb R[/math]?

>> No.11477975

yeah that's definitely true
maybe it's a matter of preference, but I'd rather say "let x be a non-negative real number" than saying "let x be a squared real number"

>> No.11477986

>just twelve elements bro

>> No.11478376
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>stuck at home because of coronavirus
>mixture of boredom and lack of human contact
How are you lads handling it?
I'm seriously thinking about setting up a temporary /sqt/ discord server, even if it's an absolutely horrendous idea.

>> No.11478379
File: 35 KB, 643x255, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a good resource for a tl;dr on game theory? I need to be able to understand and solve questions like pic related. Thanks

>> No.11478387
File: 1.01 MB, 989x1400, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_uchisukui__69195c20f87f28101fb743114aa0627d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom your supervisor and do some research.

>> No.11478399

Why is it so ugly?

>> No.11478429

Why is number of turns the sole multiplier in step up/down transformers? Why does it affect the voltage at all? I was thinking it had to do with total flux, but then it should be dependent on wire gauge and total length of wire not just number of turns.

>> No.11478445

I'm supposed to meet a professor at thursday about research, but I don't think the university will even be open.

>> No.11478498
File: 94 KB, 640x905, yukari_highschool1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the magnetic flux through a solenoid [math]p:S \rightarrow S^1[/math] is proportional to the winding number and the mutual inductance [math]M_{12}[/math] between two slenoids [math]S_2,S_2[/math] is proportional to their linking number. Let [math]L[/math] be a line bundle on [math]S^1[/math] with the [math]U(1)[/math]-connection [math]A[/math], such that magnetic flux through it reads [math]\Phi = \oint_{S^1}A[/math]. By Chern-Weil theory the curvature [math]B= dA[/math] lies in the integral cohomology class [math]H^2(D^2,\mathbb{Z})[/math] where [math]\partial D^2 = S^1[/math], hence [math]\Phi[/math] through the solenoid actually computes the first Chern number [math]c_1(p^*L) = nc_1(L) \in n\mathbb{Z}[/math] where [math]n = \operatorname{deg}p[/math] is the degree of the cover [math]p: S\rightarrow S^1[/math].
Now given [math]L_{1,2}[/math] line bundles on [math]S^1_{1,2}[/math] around the solenoids [math]p_{1,2}:S_{1,2}\rightarrow S^1_{1,2}[/math], Poincare duality [math]H^1(D,\mathbb{Z}) \cong H_1(D,\mathbb{Z})[/math] allows us to define the non-degenerate intersection pairing [math]\langle \operatorname{PD}A_1,A_2\rangle = \operatorname{lk}_{12} \in \mathbb{Q}[/math], and we are able to compute [math]M_{12} \propto \langle \operatorname{PD}p_1^*A_1,p_2^*A_2\rangle = n_1n_2\operatorname{lk}_{12}[/math]. This shows why the fluxes, and hence the EMFs, are quantized in terms of the number of turns on the solenoid.
Yep my campus is closed too, but I'm able to hold online meetings with my supervisor through Zoom.

>> No.11478540

I didn’t really understand that, but I doubt even if I did it wouldn’t answer my question in the same way the equation for gravitational force doesn’t explain gravity. Physically, what is going on? Am I wrong in assuming that all else being equal, increasing the gauge of the secondary wire would increase the flux?

>> No.11478564
File: 343 KB, 852x704, yukari_highschool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physically, what is going on?
One loop = one unit of flux. N loops = N units of flux.
>increasing the gauge of the secondary wire would increase the flux?
By gauge you mean the EMF driving the current? Sure it simply increases the flux you have through the loop, but the fact that it's proportional to the number of loops on the solenoid doesn't change. With one loop you can in principle tune [math]B[/math] such that [math]\Phi[/math] is equivalent to that with multiple loops, but remember that your EMF must also fight against the eddy current generated from you tuning the magnetic field so you'll actually need a lot more power to drive the current necessary for that. This is why people just loop wires around solenoids since that gets you double the flux "for free".

>> No.11478583

what the fuck are you on about? i said sin(y)/y is 0 as y goes to infinity. OVER y. LEARN TO FUCKING READ YOU FUCKING MORON.
good lord, unironically end yourself. you need to pass precalculus before you answer questions here.

>> No.11478601
File: 20 KB, 592x512, Sad girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me solve this. My hurt hurts from hitting myself too many times when I get it wrong.

If f(t)=√5 / t^3, find the rate of change function of f.

It's supposed to be a simple derivative rule problem but my stupid fucking head can't get it. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and the website my uni uses doesn't offer hints during or the right answer after.

>> No.11478611

> By gauge you mean the EMF driving the current
No I mean the wire gauge i.e thickness. Thicker wire = higher cross sectional area= higher flux( I think)
>One loop = one unit of flux. N loops = N units of flux
But the size of of every one of those units should increase if wire size increases doesn’t it? If you increase the wire size and double the area perpendicular to the field the flux should double even if it’s the same number of turns, yet the step up formula is solely dependent on number of turns.

>> No.11478617

Oh my god I just figured out why I was getting the wrong answer every time. I'm a fucking idiot. Oh jesus fuck. I want to kill myself or move to the woods.

>> No.11478623

Rate of change is first derivative. Factor out the root of 5 and simply take the derivative of t^-3. Phone posting cba to latex.

>> No.11478631

Well those give you non-universal prefactors, yes, which aren't really important for a first order calculation. The winding number is universal, however, so it must enter your flux.
Now the problem with increasing the area is that the current generates a magnetic field that falls off algebraically away from the wire, so the full magnetic field through the doubled area would decrease. it is not a priori clear that doubling the area would double the flux, or even increase it in the first place.

>> No.11478690

Do you know what the derivative of 1/t^3 is? sqrt(5) is just a constant factor in front.
The derivative of 1/t^3 is -3/t^4.

>> No.11478691

>it is not a priori clear that doubling the area would double the flux
What do you mean? The equation is just B * perpendicular area. If you stay within the same area B should be the same and a doubled cross sectional area should mean doubled perpendicular. Did I assume something wrong there?
> so the full magnetic field through the doubled area would decrease
Either way, there should be some change if not exactly doubled. Yet the equation for how much the voltage is mutiplied is only ratio of turns. Is there an assumption there I’m missing, like equal wire size in primary and secondary windings? Cause every transformer I’ve seen had different sized wires on each end.

>> No.11478697

>B should be the same
No. B is not uniform.

>> No.11478728

Why not? Why would solely increasing the wire size in the secondary winding change the field produced by the primary winding through the same space?

>> No.11478765

The entire point is that the flux is [math]\int_A B[/math]. It's only [math]B * A[/math] when the field [math]B[/math] is uniform but if you induce it from a current through the wire then ti's obviously not.

>> No.11478847
File: 70 KB, 700x509, F6D978C5-34A9-4DA2-B194-7B6A2F735DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it’s not constant, it would still be over the same space it’s just the wire occupies more of that space. I don’t see how just changing the secondary would affect that produced by the primary. What I’m talking about is just making the blue wire in this pic thicker. That would seemingly increase the flux, but I got sidetracked from my main question focusing on that. The real point was what does wrapping the wire an extra time around this core give you that is unique to number of turns and couldn’t be explained by, say, linear length of the wire wrapped around.

>> No.11478857
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 1582384836302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I’m talking about is just making the blue wire in this pic thicker. That would seemingly increase the flux,
Please explain how you think this would increase flux.
>what does wrapping the wire an extra time around this core give you that is unique to number of turns and couldn’t be explained by, say, linear length of the wire wrapped around
Just assume that the magnetic field is constant, for simplicity.
[math] \Phi=N\times B\times A [/math] where N is turns. Flux is a measure of how much magnetic field flows through an area [math]
as\ seen\ by\ the\ wire. [/math] If The wire is more coiled, if there are more turns, then B enters it more times, and there is more flux.

>> No.11478886

>Please explain how you think this would increase flux
Because the cross sectional area of the wire is bigger. Is that not the relevant area in the equation?
>then B enters it more times, and there is more flux.
Oh, right. I wasn’t fully picturing what part of the wire would actually be perpendicular if you just kind of spiraled it around. That answers my primary question, but I still don’t see how A remains constant if you increase wire size.

>> No.11478890
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>Is that not the relevant area in the equation?
No lol. It's the area of the solenoid. In the pic in >>11478847 it's the rectangular x-sectional area of the core.

>> No.11478950

So is the turn ratio a factor specific to transformers? The reason I thought it was the wire area is because the induction works even without the core. It also raises the question of why the core size isn’t relevant in the equation. Although in that case I can much more easily see how it could just be cancelled out since both wire share the same core.

>> No.11478959


>> No.11478970

How do I improve my conceptual reasoning on more advanced topics?
It gets to a point where everything breaks down and I don't understand it intuitively.

>> No.11479001

If I wanna define a ring homomorphism from a group ring, is it enough to specify where the "group elements" map to and make sure I didn't fuck up the multiplication? Can I do an "extend linearly" thing along with foiling?

>> No.11479007

Why can people keep getting the flu? I know that it mutates fast but does it really manage to change so fast that every season our immune system can’t recognize whatever part it’s looking for? Are antibodies that specific? Why doesn’t our immune system ever train itself with the immutable parts of the virus?

>> No.11479019

jesus dude

>> No.11479020
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The "group elements" form a basis for the group ring as a free module (take ten seconds to check the definition), so yes.

>> No.11479022


>> No.11479031
File: 85 KB, 500x500, Kurisu Tsun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, exactly what I needed
Have a classic Kurisu for my gratitude

>> No.11479037

You're just so lost, it's hard to know where to begin.

>> No.11479038

I have a sq. You two both know you’re adults right?

>> No.11479042

So instead you’re going to act smug about someone asking a possibly stupid question in a stupid question thread? Whatever makes you feel better my guy.

>> No.11479050
File: 105 KB, 722x1023, 1545594351787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this about the product thing? Because I think I just came up with the shittiest counterexample in history.
Set [math]G=H=0[/math], the trivial group, and [math]R = \mathbb{Z}^2[/math].
For obvious reasons (unless I'm literally having vivid hallucinations), [math]R(G) \cong R[/math], and [math]G \oplus H \cong G[/math], but [math]R \oplus R \neq R[/math].

>> No.11479053

>The reason I thought it was the wire area is because the induction works even without the core.
But it doesn't work as good without the core. The core "guides" the magnetic field into the solenoid, increasing flux.
>It also raises the question of why the core size isn’t relevant in the equation.
It is relevant. The core size is exacly what is captured in the definition of magentic flux [math] \int B\text{d}A [/math]. The time rate of change of flux is relevant to Faraday's law, which is exactly how transformers work in the first place. The diameter of the wire barely matters.

>> No.11479054

Typo, should be [math]R = \mathbb{Z}_2[/math].

>> No.11479064

Oh thanks, same poster who asked the group ring question earlier in the thread (might as well call me group ring fag). Looks good to me.

>> No.11479094

I'm trying to learn about the Carnot cycle, where internal energy through the adiabatic steps is [math]\int_{T_1}^{T_2} \frac32 \frac1T dT = -\int_{V_1}^{V_2} \frac1V dV[/math].
I'm used to the antiderivative of the reciprocal being the natural logarithm, but it doesn't make sense to me to evaluate the logarithm of a dimensioned quantity like a temperature or volume. I know that it proceeds to [math] \frac32 (\ln(T_2) - \ln(T_1)) = \ln(V_1) - \ln(V_2) = \frac32 \ln(\frac{T_2}{T_1}) = \ln(\frac{V_1}{V_2})[/math], where the logarithm is being evaluated for dimensionless ratios as I expected.
The intermediate step is bothering me. You can't raise e to a power and get a temperature or volume. Is it just an abuse of notation?

>> No.11479102

Interesting point, haven't actually thought about this issue. I'm guessing (like all conventions in physics) that it's abuse of notation, and that we should really be writing logarithms of fractions of dimensioned quantities instead of splitting them up.

>> No.11479108

>it's abuse of notation, and that we should really be writing logarithms of fractions of dimensioned quantities instead of splitting them up.
basically this

>> No.11479424

Can someone walk me through the steps for using the legendre symbol with (105/317)? I don't get it at all. And when I use the calculators, the solutions don't really make sense to me. Need some help please.

>> No.11479438

I'm answering my own question. But I'm not sure that it's right.
(105/317) = (317/105)
>(p/q)=−(q/p) if p≡q≡3(mod4). Otherwise (p/q)=(q/p)
(317/105) = (2/105)
>a ≡ b (mod p), then (a/p) = (b/p)
(2/105) = 1
>(2/p) = 1 if p ≡ 1 (mod 4).

>> No.11479609
File: 67 KB, 605x558, 1575348468642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an intersex man has functional ovaries and sperm would the offspring be basically no different then if he (or a hypothetical twin) knocked up his sister or basically a sibling?

>> No.11479610

Eggs and sperm I mean.

>> No.11479762

Generally, do engineering students have to take biology, chemistry, or some other bs life science as a general ed or something? What about Data Science majors?

>> No.11479808

>but it doesn't make sense to me to evaluate the logarithm of a dimensioned quantity like a temperature or volume.
It's fine if the base of the logarithm has the same dimensions. And log_b(x)=log_c(x)/log_c(b) for any c.

If you take the antiderivative of 1/x w.r.t. x, you get ln(x)+C = ln(x/k), where C and k are arbitrary constants. k has the same dimensions as x.
Both antiderivatives in your example are dimensionless: the infinitesimal products have dimensions of (1/T)*T and (1/V)*V.

It's not really any different to e.g. using complex numbers in the solution of linear ODEs where the variables are physical quantities, as the imaginary components end up cancelling to give a real result.

>> No.11479831

Let [math]p(x)=a_0+a_1x+\ldots +a_nx^n [/math] be a polynomial with complex coefficients and complex zeros [math]\alpha_1,\alpha_2, \ldots , \alpha_n, [/math] where only [math]\alpha_1, \ldots , \alpha_k[/math] are unequal to zero. What are the coefficients of the polynomial with only the roots [math]1/\alpha_1,\ldots , 1/\alpha_k [/math]?

>> No.11479833

depends on the uni, so find out, next

>> No.11480090
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1433002452480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mind is stuck guys, I need some help.

>doing function relations & graphs
>I can find graphs starting from functions
>I am stuck at finding the functions from graphs
>exercises give a function, its graph and 2 other graphs
>asks how the original function has changed to each of the new graphs

Any tips to unstuck? I feel stupid, it seems obvious but can't get it how.

>> No.11480103

In general, that's a fairly hard thing to do. But I imagine these graphs are changed in a very obvious way, like they are either translated or dilated, or rotated, or reflected. Would I be right?

>> No.11480109

ah yes, I forgot it says that whatever happens it will be +2 or -2 .
So the pondering is if it will be f(x) +- 2 or f(x +- 2)
Or the next set of graphs changes by multiplication.
picture on the next post.

>> No.11480113
File: 268 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20200318_135940492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing b now.
I have the answers but I care about the process.

The steps I will do to go from the first g(x) and (a) graph to (b) & (c).

>> No.11480152 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200318-112312_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the identity used here to turn the e part into sin?

>> No.11480154
File: 34 KB, 1014x217, 20200318_112352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the identity used here to turn the e part into sin?

>> No.11480159

How do is solve this differential equation ?
[math] |PQ'|=|QP'|[/math]

>> No.11480168
File: 25 KB, 600x1500, proof ascension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went math ssj2. Get on my level.
What are my chances for grad school?

>> No.11480173

By definition

>> No.11480174

Magnetomotive force (mmf) is measured in units of Amp-turns. Some conversions happen (flux density, magnetic reluctance etc.) but the key point is, the mmf is conserved.
If you send 5 amps through 10 turns of your primary, you have 50 Amp-turns of mmf. If your secondary is 100 turns, you get 0.5 amps. Current steps down.
>Why does it affect the voltage at all?
Ultimately, it's power that's being conserved. And since P=IV, you can do the math: 5 amps at, say, 12V is 60W, so 60W at 0.5 amps is 120V. Voltage steps up.

Wire thickness is largely trivial. It's simply so the wire doesn't burn out under high current.
>But the size of of every one of those units should increase if wire size increases doesn’t it?
only trivially

>> No.11480177

ah, I hadn't even spotted the h there. thank you

>> No.11480180 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 797x800, 0ddea121977895b7b20705641cfe34ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f(x)+a is just f(x) shifted up by a units, f(x)-a shifted down
f(x-a) is just f(x) shifted to the right by a units, and f(x+a) is shifted to the left
a*f(x) is f(x) scaled up (if a>1) by a factor of a along the vertical axis, and scaled down by that factor if a<1
f(ax) is f(x) squeezed down along the x axis if a>1, and stretched out along the x axis if a<1
f(-x) is f(x) reflected across the y axis
-f(x) is f(x) reflected across the x axis
Play with this
Separation of variables
Ah yes, the ol' MS paint proof. They will love you.

>> No.11480187

EE here, is AI worth going into?

>> No.11480193
File: 61 KB, 797x800, 0ddea121977895b7b20705641cfe34ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f(x)+a is just f(x) shifted up by a units, f(x)-a shifted down
f(x-a) is just f(x) shifted to the right by a units, and f(x+a) is shifted to the left
a*f(x) is f(x) scaled up (if a>1) by a factor of a along the vertical axis, and scaled down by that factor if a<1
f(ax) is f(x) squeezed down along the x axis if a>1, and stretched out along the x axis if a<1
f(-x) is f(x) reflected across the y axis
-f(x) is f(x) reflected across the x axis
Play with this
Separation of variables
Ah yes, the ol' MS paint proof. They will love you.
I had to take a "life science" so I took environmental science cuz it was easy. I should have just taken bio.
Two semesters of general chemistry.

>> No.11480199

>if ab = i then ab^2 = i
? why is that

>> No.11480203

I like how most calculus course introduce even/odd functions purely as a way to simplify integral calculations and ignore the characterization of the exponential in terms of even and odd functions.

>> No.11480214

I is the identity matrix. If you read further along you would know this.

>> No.11480216
File: 245 KB, 960x1540, brain enlargment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That helps! Thank you.
I also use

>> No.11480228

>receive grade for an assignment
>assistant didn't add the marks up properly, and gave me a higher grade than i deserved
would you say something?

>> No.11480249

If you are applying for graduate school they review all copies of every graded quiz/exam that you took to see the grades were correct, if they were not then they will not let you in.

>> No.11480275

do nothing about it

>they review all copies of every graded quiz/exam that you took to see the grades were correct, if they were not then they will not let you in.
grad schools get hundreds of applicants. they go by transcripts and don't review your work in individual courses

>> No.11480279

Don't fucking tell him that you actual chink/Indian.

>> No.11480282

Are you Jewish/Jewish last name? Chances are it is nepotism.

>> No.11480322

If [math]P[/math] and [math]Q[/math] are [math]C^1[/mathg], a solution is locally a solution of either [math]PQ'=QP'[/math] or [math]PQ'=-QP'[/math].
If the latter, you use the product rule to obtain [math](PQ)'=PQ'+QP'=0[/math], if the latter, [math](PQ)'=PQ'+QP'=2PQ'=2QP'[/math], if the former, and I have no idea what to do with the last one.

>> No.11480376
File: 491 KB, 720x585, Screenshot_20200105-114612~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of switching from CS to EE. I'm just worried about the extra year of study this will incur. Has anyone else done something like this? Is it worth it?

>> No.11480391

rubbing ethyl alcohol has denaturants added to it to make it toxic so it doesn't need to pay alcohol taxes. but those denaturants don't change the structure of the alcohol and ethyl alcohol evaporates at 78C. let's say hypothetically my friend has a distillation setup where he heats alcohol to that temperature and collects the vapor, would the denaturants be removed from the vapor? of course i wouldn't do such thing and this is just a question.

>> No.11480393

>CS to EE
why? if it interests you/you don't like CS then go for it but if you look at it career wise, CS is much better for the foreseeable future

>> No.11480418

If the denaturants have A) similar boiling points (+/- 1-5 C) and B) form something called an "azeotrope," you're fucked

>> No.11480429

do you know what denaturants are generally added to ethyl rubbing alcohol?

>> No.11480538
File: 392 KB, 678x460, 4c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting for that counter example

>> No.11480565


It says it will only do g(x) not g(x + a) and similar.

>> No.11480613

bump, someone pls help

>> No.11480630

wikipedia, stanford, any online encyclopedia are the best sources for tl;dr's.
i'd recommend you to never take the tl;dr route but instead read a book or take a course

>> No.11480639
File: 28 KB, 1200x1049, 1200px-Anthraquinone_acsv.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any answers to this? >>11472016
it's found in yerba mate and many other herbs.
the official statement bans it because they say it has laxative properties that could be potentially cause problems after a long time but other studies online said it is highly radioactive and carcinogenic while others said its shown to lower the chance of getting cancer, autoimmune and diabetes and to be overall healthy and very good for the body.
so which one is it? cancer, diarrhea or good.

>> No.11480652

Where the fuck are you seeing that it's banned? Source ur claims

>> No.11480670
File: 100 KB, 921x638, 20200318_151439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for bringing so many stupid integral questions today, I don't know anyone that could help me with them and have no perspective of when the next meeting with my calc professor will be due because of the whole coronavirus quarantine

anyways, I'm trying to understand where the -3 came from? I got to the 3/[(x-2)2 - √32] part but all I did was kick the three out of the integral and then use the 1/u2-a2 identity. in the end I have a similar answer to pic related but the fraction on the left is 3/(2√3) rather than -√3/2. which makes my solution completely wrong I guess

>> No.11480680

>3/[(x-2)2 - √32]
3/[(x-2)^2 - √3^2]

1/(u^2 - a^2)

>> No.11480689

oh wait, he multiplied everything by -3, didn't he? for what purpose though? could he not just kick the nominator our of the integral since it's a constant and apply the identity?

>> No.11480698

>multiplied everything by -3
multiplied the integral by -3 and then divided everything inside of it by -3 so they cancel out,* rather. only multiplying everything would mean a different integral

>> No.11480822

https://www.matportalen.no/verktoy/tilbaketrekkinger/yerba_mate_te_merket_kharta_khadra_trekkes_fra_markedet (original)
https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2019/09/12/Yerba-mate-tea-brand-Kharta-Khadra-taken-off-Norwegian-market (English)
they say it's banned because of anthrachinon (norwegian for anthraquinone)

>> No.11481008

>product rule
Why do we prove the product rule (using limits which are french and therefore gay), when it is sufficient (much easier and more beautiful) to define derivative from the rule.

>> No.11481058

>herbal supplements
figures. Just buy it off ebay or smth

>> No.11481085

imagine I'm a first year student. convince me that your *axiomatic derivative* is something worth studying.

>> No.11481115
File: 400 KB, 788x593, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__1d0bdc66211758c03e7ead8f03b60631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if (and I'm not sure it does) that works for [math]\mathbb{R}[/math] (I'm assuming you can somehow make it work because of the no exotic smooth structures thing), I'm pretty sure it collapses for [math]\mathbb{R}^4[/math], and then you need to add a bunch of autistic axioms specifying which functions are differentiable.
Also, geometric definitions are nice.

>> No.11481128

Why care about R or R^n in particular
any field is good enough
see complex analysis

>> No.11481135

missed the point completely

>> No.11481143

You missed the point entirely. Any reasonable (read "non-indoctronated") student is only interested in calculus not in playing with autism toys such as limits
infinity does not exist btw

>> No.11481148

missed the point completely

>> No.11481398

thanks anon, found a good stanford online course which is helping me come to terms with the fundamentals

>> No.11481513

>By Lagrange’s Theorem any subgroup of S_3 must have size 1,2,3 or 6.

Can someone explain this to me. I don't understand how you can have a subgroup bigger than its group

>> No.11481520

S_3 is size 6.

>> No.11481584

does -1 divide 3

also why cant negative numbers be prime

>> No.11481728

1. depends on your definition of divides
2. cause -n "divides" n and the other way around, so there would be no primes

>> No.11481752

Is the reason why people say to have a 2 week quarantine because it takes at most 2 weeks to exhibit symptoms?
Celebrities like NBA players came out positive but have have not shown any symptoms.

>> No.11481868

>cause -n "divides" n and the other way around, so there would be no primes
as in, (-3)=(-1)*3? If that's the case, then there are no positive primes either

>> No.11481886
File: 172 KB, 788x588, __houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__f3137ff13ff25486dcb54775b4ca1cc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative numbers aren't natural, so in some definitions (i.e. wikipedia's) they aren't natural trivially.
A prime [math]p[/math] is a natural number whose natural divisors are [math]1[/math] and [math]p[/math].

>> No.11481889

>they aren't natural trivially.
Aren't prime.

>> No.11481895

My plants are cuttings less than 30cm tall. Will they die to frost if I put them outside. South east England.

>> No.11481898
File: 62 KB, 800x633, 1cab694715166c77c39c67b41ffe74d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'pends entirely on the plant in question

>> No.11481911

Let's say tomatoes. I know it would be sensible to keep them indoors but I'm hoping to get them planted as early as possible..

>> No.11482092

What is the sum of the all the products of all distinct subsets of {1,2,3,4,5,6}?
I brute forced it by doing like, 1*2*3 + 1*2*4 + 1*2*5... 4* 5*6, and got 735.

Is there a nicer, closed form way of finding this out?

>> No.11482097

distinct subsets of length 3*

>> No.11482627

>Virgin latex
Uses latex as a "2nd check" to make sure his proof is accurate.
Isn't autistic in his wants for a perfect typesetting, but is only using latex because that's what everyone says he should use.
>Chad Gimp
Doesn't care if he can read his proof. Knows it's correct.
Gets into graduate school based on sheer output knowing most math papers go unread anyways.

>> No.11482958
File: 160 KB, 1280x729, thumbnail_20200319_125633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to evaluate the constant of a 3D wavefunction for a free particle. The first assumption is that in 1D the constant is 1/sqrt(pi), but I can't get that. Any advice?

>> No.11483093

Any book recomandations for the following subjects?
-Abstract Algebra
-Multivariable Calculus
-Afine and Projective Geometry

>> No.11483100
File: 345 KB, 725x1000, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_arnest__bc6be6e7a96cbe652fddc5950b935ef5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all distinct subsets
Assume we've evaluated it for our previous set without one element. Then, our new subsets split up into the old ones, old one times the new element, and single element from the old one times the new element. Any of those is easy to evaluate (first one is trivial, second one is the previous sum times the new element, third one is the sum of all elements in the old set times the new element), so you can compute it inductively.
>distinct subsets of length three
For length two, we'd use [math](\Sigma_i a_i )^2 = \Sigma_{i \neq j} a_ia_j + \Sigma_i a_i^2[/math] (note how [math]a_ia_j[/math] is "kinda sorta doubled.")
For lengthy three, you can try fiddling around with [math]( \Sigma_i a_i )^3[/math] and cancelling things out.
>wanting to study affine geometry
What for?

>> No.11483139

that's not my point, i don't even live in Norway. i just want to know about anthraquinone, what is its function in plants and if it's toxic

>> No.11483156

Geometry by Brannan for Affine and Projective geometry.

>> No.11483162

I feel like my teachers is moving too slowly with the course; cute Remi pic

>> No.11483174
File: 32 KB, 706x354, BadTroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no question but i've had this image lying around since forever and i never got around to using it, so here it is in the hope that maybe one of you can.

>> No.11483247

Are you sure you have the right wave function?
>[math] \Psi(x)=A\exp(jk_xx) [/math]
isn't square integrable.

>> No.11483271

Why are spacings of 1/10 of a wavelength solid to electromagnetic waves? where does this property come from?

>> No.11483287
File: 31 KB, 617x226, 098089098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the assignment, I was not able to get anything coherent, so I started to see if I could even get the 1st dimensional constant. I've browsed youtube a little and now know that the constant comes from a Fourier transform, I'll look into this exercise again in the evening.

>> No.11483315

So I had an understanding once that is now lost, I used to think of division in terms of "grouping". Let me give you an example, and if you understand where I'm trying to get at, please explain it to me. I want this intuition back.

For example, dividing 36 months by 12 groups months into 3 years. I "sort of understand" this, but not fully. Full understanding unfortunately eludes me.

>> No.11483326
File: 666 KB, 900x543, __remilia_scarlet_izayoi_sakuya_flandre_scarlet_patchouli_knowledge_hong_meiling_and_1_more_touhou_drawn_by_60mai__a13d833758928c355e81e38f148bea0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you just have to compute the n-dimenional gaussian.
IIRC you used something like [math]\exp(k r) = \exp(k_1r_1 + k_2r_2 + k_3r_3) = \exp(k_1r_2) \exp(k_2r_2) \exp(k_3 r_3)[/math] and Fubini to split up the integral into the product of the the integrals along each of the three axis, which were all equal.

>> No.11483334

Ah, you used a formula that looked like [math]\int_{X \times Y} f(x)g(y) d \mu _{X \times Y} = ( \int_X f(x) d \mu_{X} )( \int_Y g(y) d \mu_{Y})[/math].

>> No.11483341

What's some good outsourcing sites where I can pay some genius chink to do my homework?

>> No.11483383
File: 290 KB, 938x718, 20191203_180123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it likely that integrals have many equivalent answers that at a first glance look nothing alike? trigonometric integrals, more specifically. for example, this website has 3 different approaches with different (or are they?) answers to the same integral, but I can't tell whether they're equivalent or only one of them is correct

>> No.11483531

you could do this formally, like >>11477625 . But to me the problem is clear. The cart is moving the rope at 50 m per second and the weight 10 m per second. So so in a second 60 m of rope is lost between 4 layers. 60/4 = 15 m/s.

>> No.11483535

Ask ya boy wolfram to differentiate them answers.

>> No.11483570

I actually used the gaussian integral in >>11482958 when solving the integral for the 1D case. It seems that in this case you can't normalize the function, so you ahve to do a Fourier transform on it to get the 1/sqrt(2 pi) constant.

>> No.11483586

why does cervix exist and what function does it actually serve?

inb4 wikipedia

>> No.11483654

that's a good idea, thanks!

>> No.11483709
File: 4 KB, 956x562, Riedl-Pfleiderer_process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is its function in plants
As a highly symmetric molecule, the diradical could be useful for some novel metabolism. It appears to be used industrially to convert O2 to hydrogen peroxide; so my guess is some enzyme catalyzes the production of some pretty exotic plant peroxides/difficult oxidations
>and if it's toxic
consensus appears to be "maybe," but probably not

>> No.11483734

btw do you know any website that could be used to search the properties of chemicals especially ones that aren't popular?

>> No.11483781
File: 16 KB, 102x155, yukari_(not cameron_diaz).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math]\int\frac{dx}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{ikx}\delta(x)= 1[/math]. The plane wave is the Fourier transform of the delta function. It's not square integrable in the conventional sense but only as a distribution.

>> No.11483785

would it be okay to wipe down this boxes of candies i got my mother for her birthday with alcohol? dont want to accidentally give her the covid from some candies... but i dont want the alcohol to leech through the cardboard either... oh bother...

>> No.11483795

I just used wikipedia, plus several years of college I guess

Chemspider is decent for obscure industrial chemicals. Merck Index should have drug and health info.
I think you're shit outta luck for biomolecules/enzyme catalysis though. Just gotta comb through the literature for species name/enzyme class and pray you get a hit

>> No.11483816

Is it valid to say that Dirac delta convolved with itself is Dirac delta, and in what sense?

>> No.11483834
File: 1.89 MB, 1828x1428, yukari27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Take [math]\mathcal{S}[/math] the (tempered or compactly supported) test functions, complete it in the convolution product then take the topological dual [math]\mathcal{S}'[/math], you'll find that the Dirac delta is the unit in the algebra of distributions [math]\mathcal{S}'[/math] in the sense that [math]f\ast \delta = f[/math].

>> No.11483836

IIRC you defined convolution of a function with a distribution and then convolution of a distribution with another distribution by associativity (i.e. for any f, [math](g * h) * f = g *(f*h)[/math], so we have [math]( \delta * \delta ) * f = \delta * ( \delta * f) = \delta * f= f[/math].

>> No.11483943

If n is odd natural number with exactly k distinct prime factors. How many solutions modulo n does x^2 ≡ 1 mod n have?
Kinda lost on this one.

>> No.11483947

The size of S_n is n!

>> No.11483949

chinese remainder theorem

>> No.11483953

Yup. This formulation is probably the most convenient one:
[math]Z_n \cong Z_{p_1} \times ... \times Z_{p_k} [/math]

>> No.11483958

Can you elaborate on that? I figured I had to use that in some way, but I'm not really sure how.
Is it just k? And why?

>> No.11483966

The isomorphism sends [math]1[/math] to [math](1 ~ \mod ~ p_1, 1 ~ \mod ~ p_2, \cdots, 1 ~ \mod ~ p_k)[/math] , so you compute the pointwise square roots.
>Is it just k?
Also, watch out if one of the primes is 2.

>> No.11483967

> \mod already adds in a space
T-Thanks LaTeX.

>> No.11483978

So what would the answer be? This isn't for homework or anything, I just don't really see what the answer is in general.

>> No.11483983

Dude, basic combinatorics. Pointwise, any root is always either 1 or -1.
[math]2^k[/math] if all primes are uneven, [math]2^{k-1}[/math] otherwise.
Reminding you that [math](x^2-1)=(x-1)(x+1)[/math] and that [math]Z_p[/math] is always an integral domain.

>> No.11484033

Right. Thank you. I wasn't sure what you meant by pointwise here. And it's not altogether clear why it's not 2(k-1) and 2k.

>> No.11484049

Because [math]1 \cong -1 \mod 2[/math].

>> No.11484181

Could anyone help me with this problem?


>> No.11484192

Why did they decide 1 click in a web browser was sufficient when people were already trained to double click when using their operating system?

Who decided this, and why?

>> No.11484324

Why should I go to college if I have the internet? is there is anything I'm missing there as a rich person who doesn't have to work a shitty job?

>> No.11484373

validation by a professional
that, or a portfolio of worthwhile projects/history of worthwhile endeavors

>> No.11484377
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Doesn't the gamma function prove that 0! is not 1, but infinity (within the extended reals)?

>> No.11484381

this is totally worthless shit if you think about it

>> No.11484393

Demonstrating competence is not worthless.
Though yes, I agree the current system is broken

>> No.11484403

Are you stupid anon? [math]\Gamma(n+1) = n![/math] so plug in [math]n=0[/math].

>> No.11484521

Can vectors be infinite?

>> No.11484529

so, then what, gamma(0)=(-1)!=infty? Did I just read it wrong?

>> No.11484549


>> No.11484560


>> No.11484561
File: 9 KB, 248x178, capture-20200319-202827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the following graph, as you may see, this graph doesn't have the values for both X and Y axis.

I'm being asked if there are repeated values in any [math]a_j[/math] and in any [math]b_j[/math] i suppouse that both [math]f_1, f_4[/math] have the same value in [math]b_j[/math] because they intersect in the same place in the Y axis, right? how do i solve this crap?

>> No.11484563

In what universe does [math] (-1)! [/math] mean [math]0![/math] anon?
Yes? Why does this surprise you? Factorials aren't defined for negative integers.

>> No.11484570

Any vector necessarily has finite norm by definition.

>> No.11484576

I also have to "compare" [math]a_j[/math] with 0, what does this mean? i should simply replace [math]a_j[/math] with 0?

>> No.11484579
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>> No.11484595

That's neither true nor helpful.
Not every vector space is a Banach space and indeed there's non-metrizable vector spaces.
But generally, of course even if the answer to the literal question is formally no, he's asking for extensions of the notion to include those objects.

>> No.11484600
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>that's neither true
>not true
>every vector has finite norm isn't true
You're working with some pants on head retarded definitions, aren't you?

>> No.11484606

Also, every real/complex vector space is metrizable by a norm.
Take a base. The norm of an element is the sum of the modulos of it's coefficients in the base.

>> No.11484614
File: 2.25 MB, 332x250, imretarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a formula for dividing a sum unequally along a linear curve based on a growth rate equal to the first number in the sequence?

e.g., 1 across 4 places = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4

>> No.11484622

It's extremely cheap disingenuous to go down that route. If "not every vector has a norm" is factually true, one doesn't need to get emotional about it and start moving goalposts.

>> No.11484625

hard to parse that sentence

>> No.11484639

What is the definition of phase in the electrical sense? I can’t articulate the difference between split-phase, which I understand is a single phase system, and a two phase system with phases 180 degrees apart other than by appealing to the number of transformers used.

>> No.11484649

I need to be able to divide a number into x places unevenly in such a way that they increment by the same amount each step, preferably with the amount they increment being equal to the lowest number.

>> No.11484654

>same amount
We want to help you anon

>> No.11484659

How many phase you have, separated by 360 deg / line count

>> No.11484664

Ah, then you want [math] n [/math] weights [math] w_k [/math], such that for [math] k<n [/math],
[math] w_k = k / \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} [/math],
which simplifies to
[math] w_k = 2\cdot k / n / (n-1) [/math],

E.g. for n=4, you get
[math] w_0 = 2\cdot 0 / 4 / 3 = 0 [/math],
[math] w_1 = 2\cdot 1 / 4 / 3 = 1 / 6 [/math],
[math] w_2 = 2\cdot 2 / 4 / 3 = 1 / 3 = 2 / 6 [/math],
[math] w_3 = 2cdot 3 / 4 / 3 = 1 / 2 = 3 / 6 [/math]

If you don't want to start it at 0, compute the thing for
[math] w_l = l / \sum_{j=1}^{n} [/math],

The above are the partitions of 1 you look for, if you want to ramp up to a higher number, just multiply the thing

>> No.11484666
File: 178 KB, 349x273, yukari_shush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? All vectors in a normed linear space, Banach or not, have finite norm; I don't know why you think mentioning non-metrizable things is relevant. Just because a space doesn't have the conventional notion of a norm doesn't automatically mean it has vectors with infinite norm, which was what Remi's was saying.
Most non-metrizable spaces people encounter (in the e.g. weak or Mackey topology) can still be endowed with semi-norms. The problem there isn't with vectors having "infinite norm", it's that they can't be specified by a single norm.
>The norm of an element is the sum of the modulos of it's coefficients in the base.
In general Zorn guarantees a basis in a generic vector space but it doesn't have to be countable. Secondly, you can't really say [math]|v| = \sum_a |\lambda_a|[/math] unless you have a notion of orthonormality, which not even separability guarantees, and this is modulo convergence and completeness issues.
Though it's true that if you want a useful notion of a norm/semi-norm it better be finite.

>> No.11484668

[math] w_k = k / \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} j [/math]
[math] w_l = l / \sum_{j=1}^{n} j [/math]
is what I meant, of course

>> No.11484672

[math]D = n*x + T_{n-1}*x[/math]
Where D is some number into n partitions and T_x is the triangular number of x.

>> No.11484674

He didn't say "vector in a normed linear space", he said vector.
I'm fully aware that non-metrizable spaces are autistic. Doesn't mean it's wrong, especially if you adopt standard math axioms.
Nice get

>> No.11484683

Sorry, what??

>> No.11484705 [DELETED] 


>> No.11484708

Sorry forgot to mention though it should be evident, x will be your initial number/increment

>> No.11484719

I'm having trouble proving the following problem.

H is a subgroup of G. X is the set of left cosets of H. For all a\in G, p_a: X--> X is defined as p_a(xH) = axH. Let h: G --> S_X defined by h(a) = p_a.

I've managed to prove that p_a is a permutation. I've also managed to prove that h is a homomorphism. Likewise, the set {a\in H: \forall x\in G, xax^-1 \in H} is the kernel of H.

Here is where I am running into trouble. I need to show that if H has no normal subgroups other than {e}, G is isomorphic to a subgroup of S_X. I'm trying to use the fundamental homomorphism theorem but it doesn't get me where I want to. I know that if H contains no normal subgroups other than {e}, then H is precisely the kernel. However, the fundamental homomorphism theorem gives me that S_x is isomorphic to G/H which is not what I want to show.

Please help a retard out.

>> No.11484724

Any introduction to biology book will be a good start. But this is a math thread, no?

>> No.11484752
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>it doesn't have to be countable
Any element is written uniquely as a sum of finitely many elements of the base, so the sum is always well defined either way.
>Secondly, you can't really say |v|=∑a|λa| unless you have a notion of orthonormality, which not even separability guarantees, and this is modulo convergence and completeness issues.
I have literally no idea what you mean.

>> No.11484758
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>H is precisely the kernel
Oh? Normal subgroups [math]N[/math] of [math]G[/math] satisfies [math][g,N] = 1[/math] for every [math]g\in G[/math] hence [math]p_a[/math] is trivial for every [math]a\in N[/math], so [math]h(N) = 1[/math]. Normal subgroups in fact fit into the kernel of [math]h[/math].
>Any element is written uniquely as a sum of finitely many elements of the base
Really? For [math]every[/math] vector space? Think harder sweetie.

>> No.11484766

>of [math]G[/math]
Of [math]H[/math] of course.

>> No.11484776
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Anon, you can't sum infinite vectors on an arbitrary vector space because it has no topology.
Any element can be given as a finite linear combination of basis vectors by definition. See the wikipedia page to refresh or something.

>> No.11484780

I'm unfamiliar with the notation '[g,N] =1'. Could you explain what this means? Also, how does the h(N) =1 help me show that G to some subgroup of G?

>> No.11484795
File: 97 KB, 314x215, yukari_impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finite linear combination
They're called formal* linear combinations, and endows a specific topology on the space; namely the topology inherited from the direct limit [math]\lim\limits_{\rightarrow} V[/math] of finite-dim vector spaces. This is a specific choice of topology, not sure why you thought you don't need any for this in the first place.
[math][g,N] =1[/math] it means they commute, so [math]gNg^{-1}=N[/math] for every [math]g\in H[/math].
>Also, how does
Subgroups [math]N\subset H[/math] are normal iff [math]N\in \operatorname{ker}h[/math]. First isomorphism theorem then gets you [math]G \cong \operatorname{im}h/\operatorname{ker}h = S_X/\operatorname{ker}h[/math]. If there are no such normals then [math]\operatorname{ker}h=1[/math] so [math]G \cong S_X[/math].

>> No.11484841

Are the tuhu posters getting into a fight? This shall be a sufficient source of entertainment.

>> No.11484864

I had to do n+1 for the bottom formula but other than that it seems to work like a charm, thank you kindly

>> No.11485597

what if you can't even find a base?

>> No.11485821

>Really? For everyevery vector space? Think harder sweetie.

>> No.11485910 [DELETED] 

>Any element is written uniquely as a sum of finitely many elements of the base
Not the guy you respond to, but the statement is trivially false.

Take R^2.
In the base e1=(1,0), e2=(0,1), the vector (sqrt(2),0) is written sqrt(2)*e1 in that base.
But in the base f1=(1,1), f2=(-1,1), the same vector is written as f1+f2.

So no, it's basically never unique.

>> No.11485913

nevermind, misread claim

>> No.11486053

If I have [math] f(x) \in C^{\infty}_c(\mathbb{R}) \subseteq \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}) [/math], then I can take its Fourier transform [math] \mathcal{F}(f) = F(\xi) \in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}) [/math].
My question is: can I make sense of [math] \mathcal{F}^{-1} \left \{ F(\xi)/\cos(k \xi) \right \}[/math]? Where does it belong?
And what would happen if f is not a test function but something bigger like [math] L^2 \cap C^{\infty} [/math]?

>> No.11486054
File: 905 KB, 1000x1412, __remilia_scarlet_and_patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_eichi_yuu__e1ab968d3968e2c097257d53cfdf0267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let [math]V[/math] be a vector space over a field [math]K[/math]. We say that a set [math]L[/math] is linearly independent if, for any [math]\{ l_1, \cdots , l_n \} \subseteq L[/math] and [math]\{ k_1 , \cdots , k_n \} \subseteq K[/math], [math]\Sigma_{i=1}^n k_il_i = 0[/math] imples that [math]k_i=0[/math] for every [math]i[/math].
We call a maximal linearly independent subset of [math]V[/math] a basis.
Theorem One: For any basis [math]B[/math], any element [math]v \in V[/math] can be written as a finite linear combination of elements of the basis.
Proof: Assume [math]v[/math] cannot be written as a finite linear combination of elements of [math]B[/math]. We will show that [math]B \cup \{ v \}[/math] is a linearly independent set.
Assume that, for some [math]\{ b_1 , \cdots , b_n \} \subseteq B \cup \{ v \}[/math] and some [math]\{ k_1 , \cdots , k_n \}[/math], not all [math]k_i =0[/math], we have [math]\Sigma_{i=1}^n k_ib_i = 0[/math]. If [math]v = b_j[/math] with [math]k_j \neq 0[/math] for some [math]j[/math], we then have [math]\Sigma_{i=1, ~ i \neq j}^n k_i b_i = -k_j v[/math], and [math]v =[ \Sigma_{i=1, ~ i \neq j}^n k_i b_i ]/k_j[/math], and thus [math]v[/math] can actually be written as a finite linear combination of elements of [math]B[/math], which violates the hypothesis.
Assume none of the [math]b_j=0[/math] or that [math]b_j = v[/math] and [math]k_j = 0[/math]. Then, by removing [math]v[/math] from the sum if necessary (since it doesn't actually contribute to it), we have [math]\Sigma_{i=1}^n k_ib_i = 0[/math] with all the [math]b_i \in B[/math], and thus, by the linear independence of [math]B[/math], all [math]k_i[/math] equal zero.
Theorem two: For a vector space [math]V[/math] and a basis [math]B[/math], any element [math]v \in V[/math] can be written as a unique finite linear combination of elements of [math]B[/math].

>> No.11486057
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Proof. Assume that [math]v = \Sigma_{i=1}^n k_i b_i[/math] and [math]v = \Sigma_{j=1}^l k_j b_j[/math]. Then, [math]0=v-v = \Sigma_{i=1}^n k_i b_i - \Sigma_{j=1}^l k_j b_j[/math], and linear independence guarantees all [math]k[/math] zero.
Theorem three: Any non-trivial vector space admits a basis.
Proof: We order the set of linearly independent subsets by inclusion. Because the vector space is non-trivial, it contains some nonzero v, and then [math]\{ v \}[/math] is a linearly independent subset, which shows that the set of linearly independent subsets is non-empty.
Assume we have a chain [math]B_{ \lambda}[/math], [math]\lambda \in \Lambda [/math]. We claim that [math]B = \cup _{\lambda \in \Lambda} B_{\lambda}[/math] is linearly independent. Assume it isn’t. Then, for some [math]\{ b_1 , \cdots , b_n \} \subseteq B[/math] and [math]\{ k_1 , \cdots , k_n \} \subseteq K[/math], we have [math]\Sigma_{i=1}^n k_ib_i = 0[/math]. Because [math]\{ b_1 , \cdots , b_n \} [/math] is a finite set, there is some [math]\eta \in \Lambda[/math] such that [math]\{ b_1 , \cdots , b_n \} \subseteq B_{ \eta}[/math]. Then [math]\Sigma_{i=1}^n k_ib_i = 0[/math] implies all [math]k_i[/math] zero because [math]B_{ \eta}[/math] is linearly independent, and [math]B[/math] is linearly independent.
By Zorn’s lemma, there’s a maximal linearly independent subset of [math]V[/math], a basis.

>> No.11486061 [DELETED] 
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Theorem 4: Any real or complex vector space admits a norm.
Proof: We choose a basis [math]B[/math] of V. For [math]v \in V[/math], we can write [math]v = \Sigma {i=1}^n ki b_i[/math]. This is well defined, because the linear combination exists, is unique, and is finite. Set [math]f(v) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n |k_i|[/math]. [math]f(v)=0[/math] if and only if [math]v=0[/math] follows trivially. Similarly, [math]f( \lambda v) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n | \lambda k_i| = \lambda \Sigma_{i=1}^n |k_i|[/math]. Finally, we have [math]u = \Sigma_{i=1}^n u_i b_i[/math] and [math]w = \Sigma_{i=1}^n w_i b_i[/math], where we’ve hidden the process of reindexing, etc. Then [math]f( u + w) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n |u_i+w_i| \leq \Sigma_{i=1}^n |u_i| + \Sigma_{i=1}^n |w_i| \leq f(u) + f(w)[/math].

>> No.11486071
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Theorem 4: Any real or complex vector space admits a norm.
Proof: We choose a basis [math]B[/math] of V. For [math]v \in V[/math], we can write [math]v = \Sigma_{i=1} ^n k_i b_i[/math]. This is well defined, because the linear combination exists, is unique, and is finite. Set [math]f(v) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n |k_i|[/math]. [math]f(v)=0[/math] if and only if [math]v=0[/math] follows trivially. Similarly, [math]f( \lambda v) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n | \lambda k_i| = | \lambda | \Sigma_{i=1} ^n |k_i|[/math]. Finally, we have [math]u = \Sigma_{i=1}^n u_i b_i[/math] and [math]w = \Sigma_{i=1}^n w_i b_i[/math], where we’ve hidden the process of reindexing, etc. Then [math]f( u + w) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n |u_i+w_i| \leq \Sigma_{i=1}^n |u_i| + \Sigma_{i=1}^n |w_i| \leq f(u) + f(w)[/math].

>> No.11486278

Hello my friends, do dilution ratios change to scale? I use 6% sodium hypo chloride bleach at home to sanitize tile floors. The ratio is 1 1/2 cup per one gallon of water. I use this to clean my 2000 square foot home. If I needed to sanitize a 10000 square foot warehouse that has concrete instead of tile would I need to double the dilution ratios or just make more bleach when solution is saturated with dirt? The person I'm working with is of the mindset that because you're you're cleaning concrete instead of tile and the facility is larger then 2000sqf you have to double or triple the amount of bleach. Is that correct or just a waste of bleach? It absolutely reeks of bleach for half an hour after he cleans.

>> No.11486352
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I want to start studying graviton scattering and gravitational corrections in QFT processes without touching supersymmetry or strings. Does anyone have a good paper/book/notes that i can look at? Thanks

>> No.11486380

How do I compute limits like these with Landau notation.

[math]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{e^{2x}-e^{2x^2}-\sin{2x} }{\sin{x} - x}[/math]

>> No.11486544

Explain Asymptomatic diseases to me? Does not showing any symptoms also mean the disease won't hurt you? Will symptoms show up later on? Or will my body get fucked without showing any symptoms? Or am I immune to the disease while being a carrier?

>> No.11486590

Disclaimer: I also posted this on /fit/

All pools are closed, so I'm thinking of going swimming in my local lake. The water is still pretty cold, it's my understanding that a neoprene wet suit is very suitable for this situation. However, I don't have a neoprene wet suit and I won't be able to get one now because of Corona...

Are there any alternative clothing articles that can be used for warmth?

>> No.11486653

Should I minor in csse? I've got 2 year left in my mathematical visualization major and a mo minor would add like 2 more quarters? I fell for the programming meme so that's what I wanna do.

>> No.11486849
File: 758 KB, 905x1032, __yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_hospital_king__0a6e3bc9078bba0165aef72df8c38c87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the point sweetie. I did not object to the fact that every vector can be written as a finite linear combination [math]in~the~direct~limit[/math] [math]\mathcal{V} =\lim\limits_{\rightarrow}V[/math], that's obvious to anyone that's already taken intro linear algebra. My point was that this endows the direct limit topology on [math]\mathcal{V}[/math], namely the weakest topology in which the projections [math]p:\mathcal{V}\rightarrow V= \operatorname{Span}\mathcal{B}[/math] are continuous; and indeed we must have a topology, as the moment you endow a norm the boundedness of [math]p[/math] becomes synonymous with continuity of [math]p[/math]. I'm saying this is a specific topology that absolutely does [math]not[/math] encompass "all" normed linear spaces. If you wanted to bring in topology in your objection you have to understand what it entails first.
>can I make sense of
Yeah, you can compute it with residues. Starting with a test function its Fourier transform also ends up a test function; using Faltung theorem [math]\mathcal{F}^{-1}(F(\xi)/\cos(k\xi)) = f(\xi) \ast \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\cos(j \xi))[/math] we know that this is also compactly supported and smooth. Though note that [math]\mathcal{F}(\cos(k\xi)) =\int\frac{d\xi}{2\pi}\cos(k\xi) = \delta(k)[/math] in the sense of distributions so you have to evaluate the convolution in [math]\mathcal{S}'[/math].
>what would happen if f is not a test function
Then you land outside of it, until you hit [math]L^2[/math]. By Parseval [math]\mathcal{F}[/math] is an automorphism and preserves the [math]L^2[/math]-inner product, so in a sense [math]\mathcal{S}'[/math] is the "biggest" space you can evaluate [math]\mathcal{S}[/math] and their Fourier transforms on. If you enlarge [math]\mathcal{S}[/math] you shrink your corresponding [math]\mathcal{S}'[/math].

>> No.11486852

>However, I don't have a neoprene wet suit and I won't be able to get one now because of Corona...
You can't order a wet suit online? The postal service isn't shutting down, and I can't imagine wetsuits are a high-demand item right now.

>> No.11486857

Oops, of course I meant [math]\mathcal{F}^{-1}(\cos(k\xi)^{-1})[/math].

>> No.11486908
File: 13 KB, 1023x808, candidate hamiltonian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this graph Hamiltonian, with each VERTEX being visited exactly once, on an open walk/trail/path? It's a representation of a puzzle game level which, If I've interpreted and modeled everything correctly, must be Hamiltonian. I keep getting stuck, with multiple vertices left out. 43 vertices, 57 edges. Any useful properties/lemmas here?

If anyone cares to look, the level is #14 in this. https://armorgames.com/connecty-game/18884?fp=ng Tedious to load and skip levels, but you can arrow to the level after a few minutes. The level also does have an extra condition on certain locked tiles/vertices and previous steps, but I ignore that for the purpose of the present question.

>> No.11486909

I heard something about Amazon only delivering essential items now, but I didn't check if that's actually true. Guess i should go check it out.

>> No.11486923

AHAHA look at this fag, he make mistakes!
I bet Jacob Lurie doesn't make mistakes.
Mmm Jacob, give me your cummies; slurpslurpslurp

>> No.11486943

They're not ONLY delivering essentials, they're just prioritized over non-essentials. It'll take a couple more days than usual to get it, but it will arrive.
Or you could just order from a sporting goods store who is probably experiencing minimal demand right now and doesn't have the "millions of food orders a day" issue to deal with.

>> No.11486955

You know that tail on the right has to be the beginning of a path, so follow it to the first intersection.
From there, it can either go down, or to the left. In either case, the path not taken is left behind as a dead end. You know that will have to be the end of the path.
Your first problem is that triangle at the top: whether it's part of the beginning or the end path doesn't matter. It has to be a third end.
If you can only draw one non-branched path, this problem is impossible.

>> No.11486961

I'm having a derp moment: how do I construct the projection matrix onto a given subspace?

So let's say I have two Hermitian matrices which don't necessary commute, [math]A, B \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}[/math]. I diagonalize [math]B = V \Lambda_B V^\dagger[/math] and pick a subset of its eigenbasis as the spanning set of the subspace I'm interested in. To "project" B, I can simply use its diagonal representation [math]\Lambda_B[/math] and do something like numpy.delete to remove the rows and columns outside the subspace.

How should I do this for [math]A[/math]? I thought maybe you can do something like [math]V^\dagger A V[/math] to rotate it into the [math]B[/math] eigenbasis, then remove the same rows and columns. But this seems to be plagued with tons of numerical fuzz and I don't even seem to preserve Hermiticity of the (basis changed) matrix. (For the record, I have confirmed that [math]V[/math] is as unitary as I can get it, i.e. up to numerical precision.)

Furthermore, I don't know how to get back into the "standard basis". Say my subspace has dimension [math]m < n[/math]; then my new projected, truncated matrices [math]\tilde{\Lambda}_B[/math] and [math]\widetilde{V^\dagger A V}[/math] are [math]m \times m[/math]. I can't invert the unitary transformation now, since the dimensions don't match up, and something like truncating [math]V \mapsto \tilde{V}[/math] doesn't work either, since [math]\tilde{V}[/math] won't even be unitary anymore.

I'm sure the answer is supposed to be something like an orthogonal projection [math]\Pi_S[/math] onto the subspace [math]S[/math], and I should compute [math]\Pi_S A \Pi_S[/math] and [math]\Pi_S B \Pi_S[/math], and then delete rows and columns "accordingly" (that part is also unclear), but I can't recall how to construct this matrix.

>> No.11486968


Yes, I've been having similar thoughts. Thanks for the reply at least. It's possible I'm missing/misrepresenting an edge or two, but I doubt it, I've been looking at the level carefully for over a day now.

>> No.11486976


Well fuck my ass, I think I just solved my own problem. Stand by, I may have something, maybe not.

>> No.11486979

Yes, I've solved the level, stand by for a Hamiltonian path of the above, thereby answering my own stupid question.

>> No.11486993

I don't really remember the classical method, but here's what I would do.
Compute an orthonormal basis for the subspace through Gram-Schmidt.
Notice that [math]P_w[/math] (the projection on [math]span(w)[/math] ) is a classical computation of [math]P_w(u) = w \langle w, v \rangle = w w^T v = (ww^T)v[/math].
Then you just sum the matrices [math]ww^T[/math] along the orthonormal base.

>> No.11487033

Okay, so it really is just the sum of rank 1 projectors. Thanks, I'll try it.

The eigenbasis of [math]B[/math] that I use to construct the projector *should* be orthonormal, since I'm just taking them from the columns of [math]V[/math], which is unitary. So I think I can just use those.

>> No.11487042 [DELETED] 

>it really is just the sum of rank 1 projectors
I'll emphasize again that the base needs to be orthogonal, but yes.

>> No.11487047

Thank you, but I have some problems with your answer.
>Starting with a test function its Fourier transform also ends up a test function
If I start with a test function, its transform is never a test function (except for the constant 0).
-I'm interested in the transform of [math] \cos(k \xi)^{-1} [/math], not [math] \cos(k \xi) [/math]
>you can compute it with residues
How can I do it?

>> No.11487051
File: 9 KB, 816x729, candidate hamiltonian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answering my own above stupid graph question:

The model given above has several mistakes. Its left hand side is completely wrong, it misses one edge on the top right tail, and certain points are imagined within the central large square region. Once these are straightened out, it becomes straightforward to walk a an open path in the correct model, a demonstration that the graph is Hamiltonian, a requirement of the game's levels, all of which can be similarly modeled as various graphs.

>> No.11487075
File: 266 KB, 428x556, yukari_smile1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By a standard result the regularity of [math]f[/math] determines the (polynomial) boundedness of [math]\mathcal{F}f[/math], but yes, it is generally not compactly supported; this is why Schwarz picked to work with the tempered test functions instead.
>I'm interested in the transform of [math]\cos(kξ)^{−1}[/math], not [math]\cos(kξ)[/math]
I'm aware. I merely wanted to illustrate that, with how ill-behaved [math]\sec[/math] is on [math]\mathbb{R}[/math], it can't be more well-behaved than [math]\cos[/math] and even just Fourier transforming [math]\cos[/math] takes you into the distributions.
>How can I do it?
By residue theorem [math]\int_\mathbb{C} dz f(z)\csc \pi z = \sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}f(z) [/math] for holomorphic [math]f[/math] that vanish at (complex) infinity. Complexify [math]x\rightarrow z[/math], shift [math]z \rightarrow z+\frac{\pi}{2}[/math] then evaluate the Fourier transform with a Poisson-like sum [math]\sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}} f(n)e^{in\xi}[/math]. This is just a sketch btw, you can work out the details.
>how do I evaluate the sum
Depends on what [math]f[/math] is, but in general dunno.

>> No.11487134

Wait a second right there.
The Schwartz space contains non-trivial analytic functions?

>> No.11487139

Nevermind, it doesn't.

>> No.11487142

Meant [math]f(n)[/math] obv fuck

>> No.11487230

of course it does. any polynomial is in the Schwartz space. Also the typical example of function in the schwartz space [math] e^{-x^2} [/math]

>> No.11487241

sorry not polynomials

>> No.11487242

>literally always unbounded on the real line
>in the Schwartz space
Good point on [math]e^{x^2}[/math], tho, I completely misapplied the maximum principle.

>> No.11487283
File: 11 KB, 726x574, treatment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing the autism, for a moment...

The next level (15) calls for the same thing, another Hamiltonian path. This time, I drew it out first, and used the graph first to produce the in-game result. Once applied, the extra conditons worked out, and the solution worked. Idea: drawing the planar (an abuse of notation) graph beforehand can be a relief for the imagination, once the structure/topology is understood properly.

The game under consideration is part of a family of "Hamliton-path-like" puzzle games, often involving cubes and paths of square tiles, which are to be walked continuously with certain other constraints.

>> No.11487298

do you have any reference where I can find an example of a similar application of the residue thm?

>> No.11487585

you made a little error in the top left but its fixable

how do u know if paths are hamiltonian without testing?

>> No.11487590

CHECK out the NEW thread



>> No.11487703


Yes, you're right, but I actually solved the level, which actually has that structure, so I must have fixed it unconsciously. At that point, it solves itself since choices are eliminated.

To answer your question, the reason why I know that such-and-such graph is hamiltonian without testing, is because I'm modeling video game levels which are supposed to be solveable, i.e. isomorphic to hamiltonian graphs. I've been trying to model them in simpler, 2D terms (cosmetically, the game appears 3D but really isn't). Thanks for catching another goof.

>> No.11487723

i meant how do u know a graph is hamiltonian

>> No.11487741


By being able to "take a walk" along it, that visits each of its edges exactly once. The notion of a Hamiltonian graph is complementary to that of the Eulerian graph where in the latter each /edge/ is traversed exactly once. These notions entail precise definitions of "walk", "trail", "path", "closed" (starting and ending at the same spot), "open" (stard and end at two different spots), and various closely related species of cases. I even pulled a Chartrand book of the shelf last night when I was thinking about this (productive quarantine learning). I know almost nothing about graph theory beyond meme popsci basics but applying it to puzzle games is proving to be a nice exercise. Here is an example of another "hamiltonian-like" game:


I just never thought of these games in terms of graph theory before, it's useful.

>> No.11487772

i knew that i meant how you could doit without outright testng the path, but oh well

as far as eulerians, i know there are some conditions to excise it from possibility like a mismatch in numbers. theres also, the septagon. did u know you can hamiltonianally walk a septagon, but not a hexagon, or octagon, or any even n-gon (at least i think thats what it was but i forgot but its an ez proof)