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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11481665 No.11481665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any women here? Please enlighten us. Trying to figure out why my dick isn't wet despite the fact that my IQ is swole from all the Rick and Morty.
I wrote the following looking into this question: https://oligarchicalneoformalism.blogspot.com/2020/02/part-i-few-questions-are-as-important.html
TLDR: it's 60% looks, 35% status, 5% direct behavior
I guess it's time to hit the gym, boys
Kind of unfair considering women just have to breathe to get laid (well not even lmao)
We live in a society

>> No.11481674


Women are atracted to:

So a woman will make a calculus in her head to give you a score.
If you're top 10% all males she knows IRL she will be atracted to you.

Obviously some factors will be more important for some than others, so there's not proper unified answer.

A girl that cares more about intelligence will prefer a smart guy that is uglier while another would focus on height or another on money.

It's all about being top 10% male.

>> No.11481677

Doubt it tbqh
Only in regards to its effect on status desu senpai

>> No.11481680

Why don’t the bottom 90% refuse to work and produce? The top 10% of males are literally useless, valueless parasites. They’d be fucked if everyone below just stopped producing for no reward.

>> No.11481686
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People are sheeple

>> No.11481689

depends, women have a major sexual atraction factor.

some girls will be 80% on the face, another on height, anothers will care mostly about money, others will care about personality.

because women are atracted to diferent things.

So a manlet nerdy guy can still get a gf that cares more about intelligence.
Or a rich ugly could get a gold digger.
Or another guy could be an ugly rock star and get some girls that care about creativity and status.

That's why males comes in diferent shapes while girls are more unified.

>> No.11481691

It is unfair but some woman eventually lets me put my penis inside of her and I forget about the unfairness of the whole situation so who cares
I don't get half as laid as a good looking dude but at least I could lose my virginity

>> No.11481698
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>> No.11481702

>but some woman eventually lets me put my penis inside of her
But what if she doesn't? What about all the effort? What about the fact that she's 30?

>> No.11481705

>some girls will be 80% on the face, another on height, anothers will care mostly about money, others will care about personality.
Source? The data says they dont give a shit about personality

>> No.11481718

looks are important for one night stands, but personality is more important for long term partnership.

making girls laugh is really important for a lot of girls.

20% women say the intelligence of the guy is a really sexual turn on.
Some girls really like smart nerdy guys.

Some girls want a big muscular fit guy.
Another girls would prefer a slim tall twink cute boy.

Some girls would prefer a fat safe bara type of male.

Again, there's not an unified answer that all woman will prefer.
Some girls aren't even sexually atracted to Chad type of models.

It would be as silly as claiming I'm sexually atracted to 9/10 super models that come from escandinavian nations, which I find plastic looking and really dumb.

For me a girl intelligence and personality is a bigger turn on than pure looks.
Same deal with women.

>> No.11481723

Source: your ass

>> No.11481727


>> No.11481729


look up sapiosensual girls.

They exist.

>> No.11481736

>mid 30s
Find me a woman under 30 that claims to be "sapiosexual"

>> No.11481754


ok, so you never saw those beta nerdy girls who were atracted to the smart nerdy guy in school?

>> No.11481755

>But what if she doesn't?
Try a different one
>What about all the effort?
Like everything in life, it's just practice
>What about the fact that she's 30?
A beggar can't be a chooser
As a bottom feeder, as long as she's >6/10 in my personal scale I am thankful to get attention from her

>> No.11481763
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>A beggar can't be a chooser
I shouldn't be a beggar tho

>> No.11481777

fuck off
I'm tired of /r9k/ virgins shitting up every board

>> No.11481789

>what are women attracted to
Failed in the first step. Can't lump women as a block everyone of them likes different things.
Also based on my experience as being gay and hanging out with my attractive girls friends is that alt least with them, looks are not really everything.

>> No.11481799
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>Whether he thinks he's too thin or too heavy or too tall or too short, he's already accepted that he's not what the world thinks a man should look like, so he doesn't expect you to look like what the world thinks a woman should look like
>Nerdy guys are not aggressive by nature, but that doesn't mean they're not persistent
>Nerdy guys only want to do something with you if you want them to do it too. Sure, he might not grab you unexpectedly to make out with you without knowing how you feel, but let me tell you something, that's way hotter than having some guy you're not into do that and wish he hadn't.
translator's note: he's a beta and you'll get to walk all over him

>> No.11481800

>asks intelligent, practical questions

>> No.11481804

>everyone of them likes different things.
why wouldn't their trait be normally distributed? Why are you putting such an emphasis in the variance of their attraction mechanism when there's no reason to do so?

>> No.11481811

You're a drone as a man, born to compete and if your shit is good enough,MAYBE you get pussy. You're not owed it, nothing in nature is. Call me a basedboy but that will prove you have no idea about anything.

This brain we got might comprehend logic and all sorts of abstract shit but how we fuck is very, very old. That part never needed to change. We do this literally the same as primates. The brain was not designed such things are expected.

If that seems unfair to you then you realize unfairness is the very foundation of life.

>> No.11481836

Because you have to talk to women like humans and get to know them. All this bullshit about statistics is meaningless in the real world. You put them and sex on a pedestal and women can smell desperation immediately by the nice guy syndrome.
When I say looks don't matter I mean that my friends are attracted to pretty average looking guys that I consider unattractive. As long as you're not a fat tub of lard you should not have problems getting laid. Especially in a campus environment. Groom yourself well and put yourself out there. Talk to women normally without any expectations.

>> No.11481846

>boo hoo woe is me
You're not going anywhere with that attitude

>> No.11481857
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>Falling for the women meme

Hit the gym, ascend past women and find out men are a real alphas choice.

>> No.11481858
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The amount of incel virginal autism in that blog should be illegal

>> No.11481916
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That's an odd way to spell trannies.

>> No.11481940

Scientifically speaking, what are men attracted to?
TLDR: it's 60% khazarmilkers, 35% brapper, 5% age difference.

>> No.11481953

so is that a sexual assault rifle?

>> No.11481970

Definitely not to you.

>> No.11481982

haha seethe and cope roastie, that's your fallback when you have no real critiques

>> No.11481985

y tho

>> No.11481989

>You're not owed it,
Yes I am
What now roastie?

>> No.11481993

>Because you have to talk to women like humans and get to know them. All this bullshit about statistics is meaningless in the real world. You put them and sex on a pedestal and women can smell desperation immediately by the nice guy syndrome.
meaningless babble, what do women like? Nice guy syndrome is code for "he's ugly". They can't "smell desperation", hell all guys are desperate for that pussy
>When I say looks don't matter I mean that my friends are attracted to pretty average looking guys that I consider unattractive. As long as you're not a fat tub of lard you should not have problems getting laid. Especially in a campus environment. Groom yourself well and put yourself out there. Talk to women normally without any expectations.
They're not; they're just settling. 5/10s can't monogamously date 8/10 hyperchads

>> No.11481998

This is what incels actually believe lmao

>> No.11482032

It’s true unless you’re top 10-20% of males you’re just feasting on the scraps of others. Life is a disgusting trash map and only idiots or lucky termites deny this

>> No.11482033

Genghis Khan in a Disney Prince body.


>> No.11482054

Women want a mate who has secure status and will protect them.
Everything else is just varying personal preference.

Go to the gym, get trained in self defense and get a secure job. All you need.

>> No.11482062

They're attracted to self-esteem and good velvet voice next to their ears.

>> No.11482066

>so women will make a calculus in her head
Stop reading there. Have sex,

>> No.11482076

You're either an Elliott Rodger tier sociopath or a fat fuck if you can't get laid in college. That's why you're using this incel vocabulary

>> No.11482268

30% arent getting laid sweetheart
I even got laid in high school but it's harder in college, the women have more options and just fornicate with the top 20%
Do you unironically call people incels? Cringe

>> No.11482277

I find the pic in OPs post very attractive, and I’m 37, is that fucked up?

>> No.11482365

The "data" was collected by incels, aka people with garbage personalities

>> No.11482381

People become that way after the world shits on them. They didn’t start out with “garbage personalities”

>> No.11482384
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you have to look like this basically

>> No.11482389

Personality traits are mostly genetic, and this includes honesty/humility.Most people don't become narcissists when they aren't treated well, narcissists do.

>> No.11482404

Hotness and Richness and dick size mean nothing to me if the man is morally bankrupt and his ideals don't match mine.

>> No.11482417

I'm not a woman but as a fag I like cute face, nice hair, skinny and grabbable tummy

>> No.11482470

>Believing what people say as opinion
>Believing what women say


>> No.11482485
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Shut up it's rough out there especially for genz

>> No.11482488

>you’re either a narcissist or a useful idiot
You’re scum my dude. Anyone who gets nothing from society but continues supporting it and speaking in defense of the people who hoard everything are just useful idiots.

>> No.11482490

Spoken like a true narcissist.

>> No.11482493

I don’t know what world you’re living in, but not supporting your evil enemies is a sign intelligence and principle, not narcissism. Narcissists are people who have good lives and expect people with bad lives to support their parasitism.

>> No.11482496

Spoken like someone with a far worse personality than an incel, and no more than 80 IQ points to speak of

>> No.11482497

Sure, but you're implying that the only correct way is to become evil too

>> No.11482517

Definitely can’t argue with anyone that does. You only get one life — some people get to be male models and parasites who live every day in bliss while contributing nothing, other people get childhood cancer, bipolar disorder, poverty, short height, ugliness, etc., resulting in nothing more loneliness and watching from the sidelines get the things you should have.

Blinding rage and vindictiveness is a reasonable response to this.

>> No.11482520

>Blinding rage and vindictiveness is a reasonable response to this.

>> No.11482525

You’re confusing humility with low intelligence, narcissism with basic self-interest. People who have bad, unlucky lives and take that gracefully don’t have good personalities, they have mental deficiencies. Religion has historically been used to convince populations of stupid people that they should be content with having less than the termites above them.

You sound like a bad person with a dog in this race.

>> No.11482533

Define mental deficiencies
>You’re confusing humility with low intelligence, narcissism with basic self-interest.
I never said that it's that black and white, of course everyone has some self interest. Rest of your posts sounds like cope for antisocial behavior.

>> No.11482534

If you want to play the game then its more about how much you can break down a girls inhibitions.

So you have to promise safety and security
-strong for classical/ unable to beat them up nuwave
-a sense of humor that breaks down modesty, and skirts taboo just enough to titilate
-rich means you have nice places to go to fuck/have fun

-being funny
-stong sense of adventure
-very sense based-taste touch sight or hearing/curiosity
-big dick
-skills for survival

Of course you can bypass all that by being the realist motherfucker you can. And realize "the game" is really just a a small fraction of living, and most of living is learning the game by fucking up so many goddamn times.
the thing about prople who try to be real and fail are just being dishonest with themselves. They may have accepted they are a piece of shit, but they do not love being a piece of shit. Becuase the first tactic a woman will pull on a real motherfucker is brush him off and make sure he knows he aint getting any. Which will always get the posers to change up their act to a tool/douchebag or kill themselves.
BuT heres the problem, if you try and take this advice.
you aint even real, you are just trying to follow my advice.

>> No.11482539

super convenient for privileged people that unprivileged people shouldn’t be angry and hateful kek
just be a good, content slave!

>> No.11482576

Watch bros, one day in the future, there will be much more men than women, and all women will be exposed for what they are: vapid dumb cunts. The roles will switch and women will fight over men, but men will still be too autistic to have a harem

>> No.11482581

Stupid cock brained roastie has no arguments, I see.

>> No.11482616
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>muh 80/20 rule
>I'm not an incel though
Use Tinder and get on that cock carrousel you speak so much about

>> No.11482618

I meant more women than men

>> No.11482625
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>everyone is wrong except me, every single woman on the planet has or will wrong me so thats why I'm a frustrated angry virgin

>> No.11482633

They don’t need to wrong you for it to be justified hating them. If someone has an undeserved better life than you, you should hate them

>> No.11482636

>80/20 is too dystopian and evil for it to be real
But it is real kek. Proper response from the people with nothing is to stop working.

>> No.11482648

Women are attracted to men who:
1.Demonstrate risk-taking behavior
2. Are on top of the social dominance hierarchy

>> No.11482651

Even a cursory observation of people every time I walk around campus to go for lunch and my after mentioned experience of clubbing with my attractive straight girl friends show this is not true

>> No.11482654

you could test the hypothesis by controlling for the men that they grow up around, but such human trials might be considered unethical

>> No.11482673

There isn't a magical math equation that tells you what women want.

>> No.11482689

Then it makes no sense why my gf choose me

>> No.11483107


>> No.11483151

Mostly for women it's a subconscious game trying to find the "father" role in a significant other that they love and respect but don't put two and two together. They aren't free agents so they need and want a strong man to lead them, but this is where most men get it wrong and take that to mean strong as in aggressive and mean. It's all a game, you just have to know how to play women. Regardless of who you actually are you should appear respectable, knowledgeable, secure/safe, in control, etc etc. Looks play a big part I'm not denying that, but mostly it's the game that counts. Dick size matters even less, any dick bigger than 6in in length is more painful than enjoyable, it's girth that matters. But size matters less than physical intimacy, most people have no presence during sex, it's all physical. Sex should be intimate, not just hot and fast, and that is also what most women want but are afraid to ask for.

>> No.11483158
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roastie meme used to avoid appearing shallow.

>> No.11483167


i'm intelligent and tall and creative and not unattractive. women seem to prefer pop-culture obsessed idiots.

>> No.11483170

and most women are terrible at recognizing intelligence.

>> No.11483327


>> No.11483331

Source: your ass
You look good and/or have status. Above poster was right about point 2 coincidentally, he was wrong about point 1, women don't care about risk taking, it only gets you laid if it happens to pay off

>> No.11483338
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>i'm intelligent and tall and creative and not unattractive.
I would describe myself the same way yet I'm in a dry spell. Why?
> not unattractive
You're probably about average like me. That doesn't cut it, incel. Remember that to even think about touching a woman before she's 30 you either better have 90th+ percentile physique genes or you better live in the gym. This is okay because womyn are queens are deserve to only let their holes be touched by ripped guys, who in 2020 are clearly the most evolutionarily fit people on the planet

>> No.11483388

>There isn't a magical math equation that tells you what women want.
Yes there is , just use statistics and treat female mate preference as a normally distributed IV explained by various DVs. The link in the OPs post does this and finds the following equation.
0<D<100, D means desire
0<L<60, L means looks
0<S<35, S means status
0<P<5, P means personality or direct behavior
D = L + S + P
The highest scoring man the whore can get is what she goes for. As you can see, if you're average in looks you're missing out on 30 points, so it's hard to compensate. Let's compare same personality (since it hardly matters anyway), and avg. looks, high status vs. best looks avg status.
D = 65 + 18 +5 = 88
D = 32 + 35 + 5 = 72
If you're not a ripped dudebro it's over. Of course assume the average guy is in the middle for everything
32 + 18 + 3 = 53
So the high status guy is still leagues better than the average guy, but not as good as ripped dudebros, explaining Jeremy Meeks

>> No.11483391

It's true on tinder, it's less true the more monogamous the environment because 5/10 whores just can't get top guys exclusively, they actually have to settle. For all those you see on college campuses tho the guy is always way better looking than her or at least the same but with way more status and friends.

>> No.11483395
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>neoserfs who won't let me exploit them have something wrong with them! You're supposed to let me exploit you!

>> No.11483400

No hole, that's not how it works, most of these studies were done by women

>> No.11483402

This, women can't do math

>> No.11483701

Gee I wonder why no women will get close to to you. This lack of self awareness belongs to /r9k/

>> No.11483720

...am women, agree with this.

>> No.11483764

>Penis length

Dropped. Studies show 90% of the women prefer girth over length.

>> No.11483767

They become like this after years of rejection/loneliness/seeing parasites get everything good. Your post is stupid.

>> No.11483782

>scrote doesnt get what he wants with no effort
>ugh i hate women theyre all holes
>wtf why am i not getting pussy
amazing logic.

>> No.11483797
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>people have already told you to better yourself, go to the gym, take better case of your appearance, groom yourself
>keep replying with self pity and vitriol
On anon keep up the good work

>> No.11483808

no butt?

>> No.11483813

Men who are popular with women are typically low IQ and evil. This starts even before puberty. If you have to put in effort, you’re already one of the people that got fucked over. Plus, needing to put in effort is going to cause serious resentment in anyone who isn’t stupid, because it gives others power over you.

>> No.11483820
File: 56 KB, 750x750, FUCK BIRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kys before you shoot up a crowd incel

>> No.11483823

Everyone wants to be a man who gets it with no effort. Effort is inherently wrong in dating; it literally means you are undesirable.

>> No.11483827

How is basic hygiene and grooming effort?

>> No.11483832

Are you projecting, useful idiot? Sounds like you’re trying to cope by sticking your head in the sand. The luckiest people have others come to them for sex and dating, they don’t need to try. They have a wide selection of potential mates. They don’t have to play a humiliating, degrading numbers game. I understand there’s a lot of really stupid, lowly men who are okay with this, but you can’t expect people to be content in that nightmare position.

>> No.11483835

Who said anything about basic hygiene and grooming? You are literally retarded if you think even one percent of lonely men are lonely because they don’t practice hygiene.

>> No.11483840

Almost as if ugly people tend to be more insecure and less approachable people overall

>> No.11483842

Case in point

>> No.11483843

I'm ugly but i get girls really easily. Honestly I am not very smart either. Honestly my dick is kind of only 5 inches. Honestly chicks just like confidence. if you can plant a seed in a womans head that you are more important than she is. you automatically have control. its all about dominance and not necessarily confidence but if you are persistent you will learn the ways of the girls brain.

>> No.11483846

Ugly people have a monopoly on good/interesting personalities. Suffering and loneliness can and do ruin your life, but they’re also the only way to become a good and interesting person.

Above average looking people have the reality TV of personalities

>> No.11483858
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>Ugly people have a monopoly on good/interesting personalities
>I'm a good guy and girls only like bad boys
You literally can't make this shit up, you are a walking stereotype

>> No.11483862
File: 415 KB, 828x734, 4A1C590E-A33D-4C02-955D-EA32568A9F21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to groom yourself or even shower you already lost kek

If anything, this guy would get more women if he walked around looking disheveled and repulsive. Women would say something like “omg he’s so confident to go in public like that!”

The reality that we live in is a fuckin nightmare.

>> No.11483868

Maybe it was different where I grew up but did you ever go to school? The popular kids all had behavioral problems and were special ed as fuck. This seemed to continue into university. There’s no greater predictor of a person being low life scum than their popularity with women.

>> No.11483881

Incel forums have rotted your brain. You are just parroting their shitty defense mechanisms that removes your responsibility from the situation
You clearly have a repulsive personality and I can guarantee that you are good looking enough to get laid but your personality disgusts everyone. In Uni you have to actively avoid getting laid because it's stupidly easy.

>> No.11483892
File: 379 KB, 602x369, attractiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he wouldn't. You are bitter and you have a warped version of reality from not wanting to take personal responsibility.

>> No.11483906


Penist lenght is kinda pointless given that they don't have nerves inside the vagina to feel it. It would be more logical to measure penis width.

>> No.11483909

>t. 3 incher

>> No.11483910

You are delusional. Everyone who believes in personal responsibility has a sub-90 IQ. The way the universe works is that if something sounds horrific, it’s probably true, and vice versa. Women consider 80% of men to be below average in appearance. Those 80% of men should not put in effort or take responsibility, they should stop working and refuse to support society.

>> No.11483912

>lie down and rot
Have you gone through all of your incel dictionary yet?

>> No.11483917

>things aren't perfect so you should give up
Can't I just make money and hire a surrogate if I want to reproduce?

>> No.11483918

Do they prefer penis grower or shower?

>> No.11483929

As much as I like SpaceX, I blame /sfg/ for attracting these crossboarder idiots to /sci

>> No.11483930

Why not? Your life can’t get any worse. The only result of people lying down and rotting is the removal of all luxuries and pleasures from good looking people, which is heroic. Average or below average people who support civilization are useful idiots.

>> No.11483944

personally if I can’t have perfection I’m not gonna try at all

>> No.11483945

Why would you think I talk this way to holes I want to bone???
Silly female

>> No.11483952

>Men who are popular with women are typically low IQ and evil.
Based, although calling them "evil" is kind of gay, per Nietschze in "Genealogy of Morals". The reality is that they are truly inferior worms working against the aristocratic principal of nature to subvert and destroy life itself.

>> No.11483954

Why should I have to "improve" myself to get vagina? My genes are 99th percentile as it is, I shouldn't have to peacock and be some whore's funny assclown to reproduce.

>> No.11483956

If any girls saw the way you men post they'd never date you.

>> No.11483960

>They don’t have to play a humiliating, degrading numbers game
Why is everything you say so based? This times a million. Why should any man have to go be a clownish court jester that lives at the gym to deserve vagina? It's something only brainwashed idiots and holes say

>> No.11483961

>sits in his room all day
>wtf why arent women throwing themselves on my cock

>> No.11483964

I’ve only know one extremely good looking person and he was the single worst person I’ve ever met. Just unambiguously stupid and evil. He was also extremely popular with women. Observing this pretty much ruined life/humanity for me. Getting a dose of reality like that permanently damages you.

>> No.11483965

He's right tho, have you ever met a "hot" person that approaches acceptable behavior? I don't think I have. They're all very annoying, selfish, and low IQ. You have to be at most average looking before you can be interesting

>> No.11483968

>people can't easily pick up obvious cues that you're a sociopath
ok incel

>> No.11483970

>You clearly have a repulsive personality
Based off of what? He disagrees with you and hurts your feelings on an anonymous imagine board? Quite frankly what he says indicates he has a great, based, and awake personality. Of course this type tends to ubiquitously offend the natural neoserf so I guess it makes sense that you say he's horrible because he hurt your feelings

>> No.11483972

Pure bullshit. There are assholes and nice people no matter how attractive you look