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11476920 No.11476920 [Reply] [Original]

she's right you know

>> No.11476924


>> No.11476932

If she is getting 1800 euro a month she is not producing anything of value in the first place,so even if you give her a million dollars she would still not have a cure.
At least this way we can watch messi while we await death

>> No.11476933

Yes? 911? I’d like to report a murder

>> No.11476937


>> No.11476950


>> No.11476955

>she would be the one to develop a cure

>> No.11476964


>> No.11477068

>At least this way we can watch messi while we await death
But we don't, matches were suspended 2 weeks ago

>> No.11477079

Spaniards are so fucking cringy with their superior moral thoughts about how the world works. They are like 5 years olds discovering that millionares exist

>> No.11477111

ESTP as fuck.

>> No.11477939

Spain is full of socialist and commies. The commie government mismanaged the situation by allowing the feminazi rally saying everything's well and the next day changed it's opinion and apparently it was mayhem.
Most good researchers leave this country anyway, and while it's true that payment to scientist is shit here, she fails to mention all the wasted taxpayer money that goes into sjw shit.

>> No.11477949

BASED and Socialist pilled

>> No.11478024

>food workers produce nothing of value because their wage is low
>factory workers produce nothing of value because their wage is low
>nurses produce nothing of value because their wage is low
Read Capital or go back to your containment board you fucking moron.

>> No.11478037

Based. Fuck all niggerball fans.

>> No.11478040

Messi employs thousands of people a year though.

>> No.11478069

What’s cringy is people who defend actors, athletes, businesspeople, good-looking people in general, and other worthless parasites being wealthy and having good lives.

>> No.11478073

And a virus kills hundreds of thousands in a few months, what's your point?

>> No.11478107

cris > messoy

>> No.11478112

their labor is nearly worthless though, even if it results in something as essential as food. just like how water is basically the cheapest thing on the market yet absolutely essential for life.

>> No.11478124

The Spanish state pays her salary, not Barcelona or Real Madrid, so she can stfu or vote for better politicians and not the corrupt parasites that Spain has

>> No.11478131

>their labor is worthless
If all low wage workers stopped working tomorrow (as they should), civilization would cease to function immediately.

>> No.11478201


>> No.11478202

>white woman
>entitled cunt
yep checks out

1800 is plenty to live on

>> No.11478208

If this is entitlement, then everyone should be entitled and you’re a useful idiot sheeple if you aren’t

>> No.11478213
File: 112 KB, 921x529, a capitalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Capital or go back to your containment board you fucking moron.
people's labor are valued by what other people are willing to pay for it you dumb faggot.. not the politburo

see venezuela or holodomor for the results of a small group of people trying to play god in a market

after this incident people will value researchers slightly more and maybe pay them accordingly but the bigger problem is the GOVERNMENT raising the cost of living to the point where 1800 isnt enough to be comfortable

>I have no solutions of my own to these problems





WE COULD HAVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(if it werent for socialism)

>> No.11478216
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>then everyone should be entitled and you’re a useful idiot sheeple if you aren’t
umm sweetie how about instead of trying to use violence to steel money from rich people you stop supporting the government artificially stealing your purchasing power and making the cost of living fucking astronomical?

>> No.11478222

Just because capitalism is the least evil system doesn’t mean people should celebrate the evils of capitalism, like that it rewards stupid, evil, dishonest and/or worthless people above all others. This is mainly because “the market” consists mainly of idiots who respect people with attractive faces, enjoy watching sports, and buy something called “gamer girl bathwater.”

>> No.11478228

>entitled cunt
she's not wrong this time. researchers would be paid more than athlete meatheads if this wasn't clown world.

>1800 is plenty to live on
which is what athletes should be paid, even less actually. problem is idiot normies who can actually sit through a ball rolling from one side of the field to the next as if they didn't see the same game play out for the millionth time.

>> No.11478235

More money does nothing, just look at NASA.

>> No.11478238

capitalism would work nearly flawlessly if we knocked out about 85% of the distribution from the left tail end.

>> No.11478244

>you give the best footballer of the world a million euros a month, while give people who are low-tier practicers of a low-tier science field 1,800 a month how evil of you!

>> No.11478246

Read supply and demand

>> No.11478247

The lowest tier researcher is superior to the highest tier athlete

>> No.11478250

the average researcher who is good at their job is paid a lot more than the average athelete who is good at their job

but a lot of researchers do absolute 0 useful work. nothing. they are still paid more than athletes who can't do shit

>> No.11478253

I think the market for used bath water is not as high as that.

>> No.11478254

the low tier researchers literally do 0 useful thing in their life. athletes at least entertain a specific group of people. i watch no sports, i'm just not upset by people wanting to pay others so they can watch them perform.

>> No.11478255

Everyone understands supply and demand. People who argue against athletes being rich and necessary workers being poor aren’t doing so because they don’t understand how capitalism works.

>> No.11478259

Athletics generate revenue. That's why they pay them so much. Bitch wants top level athletic money for a flu that we would be better off just living with.

>> No.11478260

>athletes at least do [something entirely worthless]

>> No.11478266

>doesn't need taxes to get paid

>> No.11478267

the people that are interested in their performance make things that are worthwhile, hence they have money they can spend on them

>> No.11478268

Athletes can only “generate revenue” because, for some stupid reason, low wage laborers don’t refuse to work.

>> No.11478271

a researcher who is blatantly low iq (like almost all bio majors) and will never have any results with their research and relies on guvment gibs in their whole life have a net negative impact so athletes are still better

>> No.11478272

Revenue doesn't helps you with a virus.

>> No.11478274

>you have one life
>messi makes you happy for a certain time in your life


>> No.11478275

neither will your average researcher lol. the ones making breakthroughs are well paid.

>> No.11478277

Athletes are better than no one. They’re brain dead parasites who can only “”””work”””” because miserable people are providing all the infrastructure that allows their “””””job””””” to be something completely worthless.

>> No.11478279

at least those people aren't forced to pay them like they are forced to finance shit tier researchers with 0 useful results in their life

>> No.11478285

But if football didn’t exist the time spent watching it would just be spent doing something else of exactly equivalent value. Almost all entertainment is worthless because of this.

>> No.11478291

>the low tier researchers literally do 0 useful thing in their life.
that's not true. they run the scientific infrastructure for those breakthrough geniuses. they do all the bitch work which aids our advancement.

>athletes at least entertain a specific group of people.
people who are entertained with the equivalent of car keys being jingled in front of them.

>> No.11478294

>Everyone understands supply and demand.
>aren’t doing so because they don’t understand how capitalism works.

No, and you don't understand either. I'm not asking you to read how supply and demand works, I'm asking you to read why we need it.

>> No.11478295

vidya develops graphics tech. it's the only objectively high iq entertainment there is. everything else is trash brainlet tier.

>> No.11478296

I don’t care why we need it. There’s nothing more evil than undeserving people having good lives or becoming wealthy

>> No.11478299

Lmao what a retard

>> No.11478303

>and buy something called “gamer girl bathwater.”
wow you are triggered rich people have a sense of humor and can afford that joke?

wow you are triggered

>> No.11478306

>which is what athletes should be paid
most athletes are paid ZERO but the very few star athletes generate enough AD REVENUE that they get paid more

totally fair.. only unfair thing is the government controlling payment processing and making the cost of living way too high

>> No.11478309

>I don’t care
>value my opinion


>There’s nothing more evil than undeserving people having good lives or becoming wealthy

Anyone being poor

>> No.11478312

>buy something called “gamer girl bathwater.”
its weird because i was thinking of this and almost responded with something very similar.. synchronicity

>> No.11478317

Well now we got a virus going around so research jobs should increase in value. For a time.

>> No.11478321

It’s a perfect example of how capitalism rewards shameless people, attractive people, and other evil refuse. Not that there’s an alternative, but all the people who work for a living should just refuse to keep doing it.

>> No.11478322
File: 149 KB, 1200x800, bad ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>problem is idiot normies who can actually sit through a ball rolling from one side of the field to the next
anon, that is only eurocucks in america we have teams of GIANT niggers run into eachother at full clip in battle formations

>> No.11478327

>doesn’t mean people should celebrate the evils of capitalism, like that it rewards stupid, evil, dishonest and/or worthless people above all others.

Name a system where stupid, evil, and dishonest people don't prosper.

Protip: Cheating and ruthlessness works in any game. It's not a feature of capitalism.

>> No.11478328

>all the people who work for a living should just refuse to keep doing it
that hasnt worked very well historically

look at how detroit faired with unions (mafia)

>> No.11478330

>Name a system where stupid, evil, and dishonest people don't prosper.
chinese communism

>> No.11478333

>durr hurr you're donating directly to people that are rich and not to whatever society needs the most.
The entertainment industry including sports is made to make money and I hope you all realize how important your media is in keeping you sane. All scientists have to do is get a way to get more people informed and hyped about what they're doing and not live in the shadows

>> No.11478340


>> No.11478345


>> No.11478349

>If she is getting 1800 euro a month she is not producing anything of value in the first place

Remember than in europe a nurse is just an expense, she doesn't generate you wealth by treating paying clients

>> No.11478355

>work stocking shelves for ~$450/week while attending school
>get some of that money stolen in taxes
>have zero free time, uncertain future
>some 85 IQ whore bottles and ships water to useful idiots, makes more money in a single day without working
I would prefer a literal dystopia over this, as long as it fucks over lucky people along with myself

>> No.11478404

>it rewards stupid, evil, dishonest and/or worthless people above all others
No you stupid faggot. You sound like a goth teenager. These things are worthless to YOU. Pop music, by its very nature, produces the most enjoyment for the largest amount of people despite other types of music being seemingly more skillful and/or requiring more effort. But effort itself is not a measure of value. What use in ANY music if not enjoyment? And it that sense pop objectively wins. The fact that it doesn’t appeal to you specifically is a shitty arrogant reason for saying the system is broken.

>> No.11478408

>All scientists have to do is get a way to get more people informed and hyped about what they're doing and not live in the shadows
Science football.

>> No.11478416

Capitalism objectively rewards stupid, dishonest and evil people above all others but sure, I guess who exactly fits the bill of “worthless” is up for interpretation.

>> No.11478422

People buying the bath water feel they are getting a positive value proposition. The only value proposition you have found to bring to someone (your employer) is the ability to pick up an object and put it on a shelf. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Wishing bad "luck" on other people is the most textbook sign of a bitter loser, it suits you well. Try wishing everyone success and see how that treats you if you want to rise above being a bitter boxboy.

>> No.11478432

> “worthless” is up for interpretation
You’re a fucking clown.

>> No.11478435
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>Capitalism objectively rewards stupid
Capitalism doesn't reward anybody, it's a fucking system that promotes work ethic and free trade. These things are invaluable and worth whatever cons or loopholes that end up emerging in the midst of it's undeniable success. You're just a whining crying faggot fuck suck fuck suck FUCKING SUCKING FUCKING SUCKING CUNT COCK CUNT

>> No.11478439

Spoken like a true idiot.

>> No.11478444

unironically based. i wish he monkeys on /sp/ would die

>> No.11478446
File: 325 KB, 835x557, 1577841781987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(as they should)
yes because everyone wants to be a miserable cynical depressed cunt liek you go fuck yourself

>> No.11478447

>that promotes work ethic and free trade
No, it just promotes free trade, its all about free trade and enterprise.

>> No.11478450

The person who sells bathwater, the people who buy bathwater, and the people who defend the sale and purchase of bathwater deserve to starve to death — slowly. My ability to lift heavy objects above my head is infinitely more impressive and useful than the collection and sale of bathwater. My IQ is also nearly twice as high as all of the aforementioned people.

>wishing bad luck on either people
is the sign of a person with a healthy sense of justice. You deserve horrific misfortune, anon.

>> No.11478451

trillions are poured into entertainment every year, tell me that's not a massive inefficie twaste of resources

>> No.11478456

When your work consumes your free time and happiness and exclusively benefits parasites, the noble course of action is to refuse to work.

That’s the thing with low wage workers: they get zero benefit from their own lives and work. They exist solely to be useful idiots for the benefit of parasites who get to enjoy their lives. Taking that away from them is the best thing you can do.

>> No.11478457

How did you become this delusional? There's nothing to fucking trade if people aren't busting their fucking asses to create shit. I think shit can certainly be improved but capitalism allows people to chase whatever potential they want. It looks liek you're fulfilling your maximum potential to be a whiny bitch instead of playing the fucking game

>> No.11478459

>a wilful waste is not a waste

>> No.11478461

>I'm so strong and smart that the best thing I could up with is working the lowest skill, lowest wage job possible, and it's all because life isn't fair

>> No.11478470

>My IQ is also nearly twice as high as all of the aforementioned
I doubt that, but even if true what the hell does it matter? Literally no one cares how smart you are outside of how useful your intelligence can be for them. Why the hell would you assume anyone is worth more simply because they’re smarter?

>> No.11478472

Imagine talking shit about someone doing a physical job that allows your parasitic ass to walk into a store and buy food while defending a 60 IQ whore that sells her bathwater to 55 IQ men for $250 a pop kek

You literally don’t deserve to eat anon

>> No.11478473
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>the noble course of action is to refuse to work.
no you stupid worthless fucking nigger, don't fucking use words you have no fucking business using. It's noble to do everything in your power to impose your will wherever and however to help drag humanity forward. You're probably just sour you can't afford the worthless luxuries wealthy people take for granted.
>Taking that away from them is the best thing you can do.
you need to get a job where the bosses get their hands dirty with the underlings. I push carts around and stock shelves at a grocery store. All the managers and the lead bossman do the same. Feels good man. But i get it, i get enraged when the bosses arent in the nitty gritty with the rest of us. horrible for morale. i love where im at now.

>> No.11478477

The validity of an opinion correlates directly with the intelligence of the person holding that opinion. Only smart people have valid opinions.

>> No.11478478

>arent in the nitty gritty with the rest of us.
stocking shelves isn't a difficult job

>> No.11478483
File: 575 KB, 1362x1362, zzzo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a whiny bitch that you complain about fucking EVERYTHING instead of thinking creatively to create a better life for yourself. Good job bro, you're an inspiration.

>> No.11478489

You’re wrong. Civilization only benefits parasites, and refusing to support it is noble.

>> No.11478490
File: 998 KB, 500x700, s98fh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger i've done roofing since i was 13 (30 now) and have packed 13,000 parachutes and have worked an array of manual labor jobs. This is besides the point though isn't it? I thought we were talking wage discrepancy or inability to think creatively and take chances.

>> No.11478492

t. blithering idiot.

>> No.11478493
File: 327 KB, 300x366, zf0v87h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot that's gonna die alone, miserable and believing a self-indulgent miserable delusion

>> No.11478494

stupid people spend their money on stupid shit, you want who and what capitalism rewards? Then you need to change the people. You think you are personally gonna make stupid care about important things and not sports ball, e-thots and celebrities? Good luck

>> No.11478497

Any 60 iq retard can stock shelves. Few people can get so many people’s dick so hard that they will give $100 just for a little price of that person. You’re under a really dumb assumption that effort = worth. I could spend months stacking pebbles, it’s still just a worthless stack of pebbles.

>> No.11478499
File: 88 KB, 614x392, 688859j8n3xte4g7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use what little brain cells you have to formulate an intelligent rebuttal or shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.11478500

*want to change who and what capitalism rewards

>> No.11478501

>having principles is being a whiny bitch
>just better your life bro, become part of the problem, become one of the parasites, stop thinking
You’re a fucking rodent my dude.

>> No.11478503
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>or inability to think creatively and take chances.
How do you cope with being like this as an adult male if you were raised by an overbearing mother who made you unable to take risks or make decisions for yourself and are now an anxiety ridden unassertive autistic manchild?

>> No.11478505

It is quite possible to do so. Through legislation.

>> No.11478507

Again we’re not talking about the evil forces of capitalism, we’re talking about what’s morally right. Shelf stockers are necessary for your parasitic retarded ass to be here shit talking them. Bathwater buyers and sellers aren’t even human and deserve to be drowned in their own excrement. Appealing to market forces when the market consists of non-humans isn’t a great argument.

>> No.11478512

No point to have an argument or a debate with you. And you can use that advice of yours yourself, you prolapsed haemorrhoids-ridden rectum.

>> No.11478515

Risk takers and people without anxiety have low intelligence. The only reason they’re even alive is the safety net that modern society provides. Another example of society rewarding the exact people who would be eaten alive by wild animals in a decent world.

>> No.11478516
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and it is quite simple to blow their brains out if they try

sic semper tyrannis,

>> No.11478517
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>having principles is being a whiny bitch
Selfish whiny principles. I imagine you don't have anyone you care deeply about in your life to put things in perspective giving you the freedom to whine liek a bitch to your hearts content.
>just better your life bro, become part of the problem, become one of the parasites, stop thinking
I imagine you don't have anyone you care deeply about in your life to put things in perspective giving you the freedom to whine liek a bitch to your hearts content WHILE MAINTAINING SOME PATHETIC SELF-CENTERED DELUSION THAT YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD FROM ITSELF BY CRYING LIEK A FAGGOT

>> No.11478522
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1577847336217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, man the fuck up and make a rebuttal or shut the fuck up

>> No.11478524

If she quit research and started to do milf porn, she would get much more than 1800

>> No.11478525

Thank you for giving me reassurance in validity of my statement.

>> No.11478528
File: 287 KB, 389x334, 8319d9d7262ffaee1afc33a77f388a50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raised by an overbearing mother. To this day she still tries to turn me into Norman Bates. Gotta be miserable in the face of it and do you. If you can't, welcome to the bitter end of natural selection. Can you handle your mother's tears? I know it's hard. Life is hard. God wants progress and is moar than willing to put us through hell to see who can provide that progress.

>> No.11478530

>I have the right to tell you what you can and can't like and can and can'rt spend your time, energy and resources on

Grow up you fucking child, I would bent you fucking senseless for your stupidity if you tried to limit my economic freedom then make an example out of you for anyone else that think they got some big brain idea on how to tell people what to do with your head on a pike

>> No.11478531

>an idiot wants to argue and uses fighting words to instigate an argument

>> No.11478532
File: 44 KB, 365x215, .33.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you shutting the fuck up?

>> No.11478535
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jesus you're a faggot

>> No.11478537

Only smart people deserve freedom. Stupid people responsible for making the lowest people wealthy are no different than dogs or cats and should be treated as such.

>> No.11478541

Fair point.
Humans are garbage and dumber than fucking bacteria

>> No.11478545

Nah you are just a stupid kid like evey other stupid kid thinking you have things figured out when in reality you have no idea wtf you are talking about 95% of the time.

You also have a massive ego due to being a dumb kid and the only way to help stupid kids with big egos is to threaten or beat it out of them before they get themselves into trouble with their "big ideas".

careful kiddo they call you /pol/ soon. You there were some people not long ago that felt this same way and tried to build a high culture and destroy the banks and (((bankers))) and they mobilized the whole world to stop him. He is the most ebil man to ever live and we have to hate him or everyone starts crying and having breakdowns in this shithole

>> No.11478547

Why is this true? Why is there literally an inverse relationship between success and deserving success? I was thinking about this earlier too after noticing the relative success of deceptive clickbait YouTube channels over channels with informative, interesting content.

>> No.11478548

>Imagine talking shit about someone doing a physical job that allows your parasitic ass to walk into a store and buy food
Your job is not necessary to allow people to buy food, it's a small luxury that people don't have to look down towards the ground to identify the food, and it saves floorspace stacking the food on shelves. It pretty much does not get any lower skill, or general utility to mankind. The gamer girl selling bathwater is recycling (using something that would otherwise go into a water treatment plant, using resources), innovating (to my knowledge this has not been a product before), dispersing the money through the gamer girl bathwater supply chain (storage industry, logistics, shipping, etc., these jobs to some tiny degree all benefit from the gamer girl bathwater industry), and bringing joy and satisfaction to the lonely fetishist that buys it. Society is very good at determining a job's worth in a capitalist society, there is no luck or accident here, that is how your job stacks up against the gamer girl bathwater industry. You are also not smart enough to understand it's not a zero sum game, that industry does not remove some other industry somewhere else, same dumb mistake as the useless woman in the OP.

>> No.11478554

>why do people like things I don't like?
>I was thinking about this earlier too after noticing the things I don't like get more views than the things I do like.

>> No.11478559

This called the Aryan caste system and was the world was governed for 100s of thousands of years before the kali yuga. You don't have to call them dogs or mistreat them but you need to recognize who and what everything is and care more about facts than the feelings of retards. Everyone is happier under such a system because you don't have morons and lower caste running things fucking everything up all the time

>> No.11478568

I’m a lot smarter than you are, and never implied it was a zero-sum game. Only the intelligent members of society are allowed to determine a job’s worth. People that contribute to or defend the sale of used bathwater or elevate said con(wo)men above those doing honest physical labor deserve to be denied all the benefits of physical labor. In a just world you would not have access to any of the infrastructure necessary to defend parasitic vermin on the internet.

>> No.11478575

It has nothing to do with what I like. Sure, I don’t like clickbait YouTube channels featuring an evil greedy slimeball saying to “smash that like button,” but it is also just objectively inferior to channels with informative, intelligent content. Some of it is down to opinion, but it also seems to be true objectively that more vacuous something is, the better it does. Same applies to nearly every area of life.

>> No.11478577
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>Why is this true?
Good question. Yes why? Seems some people knew once upon a time

>> No.11478580

>Shelf stockers are necessary
But again, almost everyone is capable of stocking shelves. It’s not a rare skill. And even if it’s necessary on the whole, a single shelf stocker won’t really affect that many people’s lives. A single pop singer will affect millions. Maybe on the whole shelf stocking is important, but it takes a fuck load of people doing that to even matter. As a single person, you’d total contribution is minuscule and you’re paid accordingly. No one would be significantly affected if you personally didn’t do your job tomorrow.
>Bathwater buyers and sellers aren’t even human
Why wouldn’t they be? The sellers give joy to the buyers. The buyers pay for that joy through the work they did for others. Who are you to say they misvalued something? You are literally autistic. Are you really that unable to see that some people may enjoy different things than you do?

>> No.11478581

Christian Americans are the ones responsible for that phenomenon. They are the airheads who create the market for all the anti-intellectual garbage

>> No.11478587

Unless you are insulting people who buy and sell bathwater, you have no credibility. No one cares about market forces, this is about what’s ethically right. You sound like you are straight out of the movie idiocracy.

>> No.11478591
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>implying the libtard neo-maxists are any different the Christards in intellect and stupidity

It isn't Christards that have destroyed academia bud

>> No.11478594

The most plausible explanation is you resent everyone that is successful because you have an unwarranted sense of entitlement towards success that you don't have. For this reason, you resent all the people smarter and more resourceful than you, while commiserating with other unsuccessful losers with a narrative that they have the same "bad luck society isn't fair" thing going on as you.

>it's not about what I like, it's that my opinion is an objective fact

>> No.11478599

Buying bathwater seems like something a person with autism might do. Some weird fixation brought on by brain damage or some other severe mental illness. In any case, someone who exhibits a desire to purchase used bathwater should lose their credit/debit card and be entered into a mental health facility for screening.

>> No.11478605

You’d be right if success were achieved by being smarter or more resourceful. In reality, “success” is achieved with shamelessness, low intelligence, greed, opportunism, generally poor character, nepotism, deception, etc.

Superior people should be resentful if/when their interiors are more “successful” in any interpretation of that word.

>> No.11478610

It may be my opinion that clickbait style YouTubers are evil and dumb and deserve to lose everything, but that opinion is also correct. You are the actual accurate definition of the word degenerate.

>> No.11478612
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>and the only way to help stupid kids with big egos is to threaten or beat it out of them
i guess you either didnt read the pic i posted or didn't understand the context. Shut the fuck with your internet tough guy bullshit. The fact that you're doing this while claiming me to have ego problems is the epitome of irony you dumb fuck

>> No.11478615

I will fucking kill you nigger

>> No.11478619

Are you all really impressed by what she said? Honest question, because in my country this "why do footballers earn so much while (insert important profession) earn so little?" thinking is typical of 100IQ people trying to sound smart.

>> No.11478620
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i lol'd

>> No.11478624

The more plausible explanation is that our society genuinely rewards awful people who deserve to die, and doesn’t reward useful smart people with honest intentions. There are millions if not billions of examples like in the OP.

>> No.11478638

...and yet people continue to make worthless athletes rich. Idiot.

>> No.11478640

>this is about what’s ethically right
You’re simply defining vague terms to fit your conclusion. The only reason you seem to have given as to why it’s ethically wrong is because you don’t like it. And you don’t like it because it’s ethically wrong. Explain why or admit you’re just pretending to be the sole arbiter of morality.
>seems like something a person with autism might do
Do autistic not deserve to be happy? They earned their money and chose to spend it that way because it makes them happy. At the very least it seems like they deserve that more than someone deserves a bigger salary simply because they cried for it.

>> No.11478645
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>The more plausible explanation is that our society genuinely rewards awful people who deserve to die
Welcome to reality. You must be new here. I suggest you learn how thing work around here QUICK.
>and doesn’t reward useful smart people with honest intentions.
Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed. This is the miserable crawl towards organization for life itself. Good intentions are fucking worthless if you aren't strong enough or have the resources to impose your will. Humanity is doing the best it can with what it's got in the midst of the human nature that's been standing in the way of progress for thousands of years. We got a long road ahead of us. This stupid fucking virus is just yet another test for humans to either rise above or crumble under. Either way, progress will be made. Hopefully quick. But miserably slow is worst case scenario and seems to be the pattern. Maybe we're at a point we're things don't have to be so cut throat. Time will tell.

>> No.11478662

Of course success is achieved by those means the vast majority of the time. You don't have that perspective because as a loser, you are only exposed to other losers who appear in activities you participate in (watching youtube videos, getting mad on the internet). Some subset of those people are successful, but that does not indicate that any significant number of ALL successful people fall into that subset. If you BOTH actually believe you are super intelligent, AND you are an abject failure, you should resent yourself, not others.

Those videos bring joy to many, or they wouldn't be clicked on.
>You are the actual accurate definition of the word degenerate.
For understanding simple concepts of value propositions?

No, life IS really unfair and the man is out to get me!

>> No.11478668

>would society function if everyone acted this way?
you can ask this question to find out if someone is an evil parasite. The answer for most modern successful people is “no, society would collapse if everyone acted this way.”

Or you can just not pretend to not understand why a 65 IQ shameless whore that sells her bathwater deserves to live under a bridge, not in luxury while useful honest people struggle to get by. Scum.

>> No.11478673

Libertarianism is a mental disease, and this thread proves that. They all should be executed alongside their precious famous niggers, EPIK SELF MADE MEN, and other shit designed to subvert humanity and nations.

>> No.11478686

They’re probably not bringing joy, they’re feeding an addiction. The human brain isn’t designed to cope with modern stimuli, which is what parasites like clickbait youtubers, advertisers, and the majority of modern wealthy people use to their advantage.

>> No.11478687
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ya that'll be great, a post apocalyptic anarchic mad max wasteland is much preferable to what we have now. why don't you get the party started captain faggot fuck face?

>> No.11478693
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>which is what parasites like clickbait youtubers, advertisers, and the majority of modern wealthy people use to their advantage.
oh no, some people figured out how to profit off of the imbalance of others' emotions, what evil-doers!
fucking get used to it nigger. it's a world of predator and prey. figure out how to bring an end to it. PRO-TIP: SHOOTING PEOPLE YOU THINK ARE EVIL AINT GONNA FUCKING HELP

>> No.11478699
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>Or you can just not pretend to not understand why a 65 IQ shameless whore that sells her bathwater deserves to live under a bridge, not in luxury while useful honest people struggle to get by. Scum.
stop crying liek a fucking child and figure out how to manipulate the fabric of society better than the people you despise you worthless cunt

>> No.11478700

>figured out
you’re already giving them infinitely too much credit, kek

>> No.11478703
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>> No.11478705

>just be like one of the parasites you just got finished saying deserve to lose everything
once again, not everyone is a hypocritical piece of shit. Just the low lives you’re defending.

>> No.11478716

If it destroys the luxury and happiness of i.e. male models then it is preferable

>> No.11478721

>you can ask this question to find out if someone is an evil parasite
That’s retarded. If you asked that for literally anything, the answer is no. Society wouldn’t function if everyone studied infectious disease Or math, we’d all starve to death.
>while useful honest people struggle to get by
Again, you’re conflating the usefulness conceptually of a task with the usefulness of a a single person contributing to the concept. A single stocker does infinitesimally little for society as a whole. You can’t take credit for a million other people’s work. Meanwhile, millions of people watch the nba because a few dozen people are really good at basketball. Those millions would be affected if Lebron died tomorrow. It’s a really simple concept you seem to keep misunderstanding despite your supposed intellectual superiority.

>> No.11478729

A spectator sports athlete, like any other big entertainer, sells advertisement. It doesn't take much to figure out why they make money.
>you give a footballer one million euros a month
Nike, Adidas, Fly Emirates, Chevrolet, Jeep and other big sponsors do. Not "us". It's just companies investing in marketing.

>> No.11478733

If no one cared about athletes they wouldn’t appeal to advertisers.

>> No.11478740

Professional athletes and entertainers are some of the most UNDERPAID people in relation to what they bring in. A star player making $20 million a year is driving in an order of magnitude great value than that to all the associated organizations (advertisers, networks, stadium, merch, etc.). Now compare the value of a stockboy, there's obviously no way what they are doing is barely above break even.

>> No.11478741
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It sounds liek you value integrity moar than getting shit done. If you aren't ruthless/shameless you will not change anything. Just stay the fuck out of the way and take care of your family and hope walking miracles are around the corner waiting to fuck shit up son.

>> No.11478745

I’m not conflating anything. Like the woman in the OP, I have observed that our society rewards the lowest people. That’s it. There are very few wealthy people who demonstrate any respectability, intelligence or creativity. They are, by and large, evil people who are willing to cheat, lie, steal and leech.

>> No.11478746

just put on a mask and throw acid on them and run the fuck away bro, no need to bring down the fabric of society to get that done lol

>> No.11478752

It’s almost like you need some regulation when your population decides that a useless fucking moron playing a GAME FOR BABIES deserves to be a billionaire. Holy shit.

>> No.11478758

So you're saying people should stop watching stuff that they enjoy?
Stop watching football and basketball because athletes earn too much money. Stop watching Hollywood flicks because actors are too rich. Stop enjoying things.

And also, even if athletes didn't get paid this much, you can be damn sure this money wouldn't go to scientists, teachers and whoever you think deserves it more.

>> No.11478764
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They're people just liek us. If you think you'd be any different if you fell into the same crevices of opportunity you're naive as fuck

>> No.11478775

shes a fucking moron! Footballers aren't government funded, they're essentially employee's of privately run businesses (the clubs they belong to) if she's going to make this shit argument she should be complaining too her brooke-ass government then researchers working in public labs aren't getting paid enough by the state

>> No.11478779

Speak for yourself, I’ve passed up several opportunities to become a wealthy parasite; through paths of little resistance too.

Not everyone is an unprincipled creature that should have been aborted.

>> No.11478784

Yea. If you’re watching a movie, the fact that the piece of shit on the screen gets to have an easy awesome life should disgust you out of continuing to consume that product.

>> No.11478788

You're the fucking moron here. The people aren't deciding shit. The only decision your average Joe does is to watch the Manchester United game of that night and crack a beer open. Nobody makes a fucking petition for Mbappé, Neymar or Pogba to get a raise.

>> No.11478789


>> No.11478793
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>Speak for yourself, I’ve passed up several opportunities to become a wealthy parasite; through paths of little resistance too.
Why didn't you take those opportunities and pour the wealth into community programs that help addicts or abused children/orphans? You sound liek a retard to me.

>> No.11478798

If they gave researchers more money for better equipment maybe this thing wouldn't have escaped the lab in the first place.

>> No.11478854
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Stupid communist cunt, the government doesn't give money to football players, they create their own wealth through the private sector. If she thinks she is underpaid, she can always put the blame where it lies, in Spanish socialist politicians, not footballers.

Also, if she lived in communist Venezuela (where they are currently eating rats to survive and have no running water) she would enjoy a wonderful wage of $7 USD a month.

The private sector (including the footballers) create the wealth that funds her wage. Overtax them and drive them out of the country and her real wage would plummet to a Venezuelan level.

>> No.11478877

Yeah *cough cough*, what the fuck do we even need biological researchers for anyway?

>> No.11478921

entertainment industry is basically viral memes market.

>> No.11478924
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real socialism did those tho

>> No.11478927

I could a find some natural shit able to delay corona using probablistic mumbojumbo, there's always a plant able to do that.
And then you can overpower the virus with chems.
The real problem isn't there though.

Like some anon pointed out, stop giving money to fags and feminists there's more important things.

>> No.11478934

>I could a find some natural shit able to delay corona using probablistic mumbojumbo
do it then

>> No.11479207

I bet if they gave the right person 1m usd a month, they could do amazing thing with it in regards to covid-19, especially if they could work with the government. Maybe one could hire celebrities (like fotball players) to starr in propaganda to make people stay inside for a couple of months. Far cheaper than patrolling he streets like they did in China. Maybe also hire some engineers to design some solutions for reducing transmission in grocery stores and other places.

>> No.11479217

>propaganda to make people stay inside for a couple of months
they did
>I bet if they gave the right person 1m usd a month, they could do amazing thing with it
who is the right person?
>Maybe also hire some engineers to design some solutions for reducing transmission in grocery stores and other place
too late

just surf the curve and enjoy the ride while you still can

>> No.11479223

It's not sense of humour, anon.

>> No.11479281

>I bet if they gave the right person 1m usd a month, they could do amazing thing with regards to covid-19
Being rich doesn't make you smarter. There is only this much a scientist can do, no matter how intelligent he is. If you're concerned with investing in the fight against COVID-19, there are way more efficient measures you could take rather than giving one person 1 million dollars a month, such as raising the capacity of the healthcare system to attend more patients.
>maybe one could hire celebrities (like fotball players) to starr in propaganda to make people stay inside for a couple of months
Neymar is doing that for free on his social media, and so are many other public figures.

You seem to miss the fundamental problem, too. You talk about how "they" should give the money to scientists, without understanding really who "they" are. Biomedical scientists (the ones that could do something about the virus) are employed by either the state (through state-funded research centres), universities, big pharma or private research centres. Big pharma and private research centres pay them according to how much profit they give them, universities pay them accordingly to their academic prestige and the institution's financial capabilities, and the state pays them according to the approved science budget. If you want to do something about researchers being underpaid, the best you can do is press your government to raise science budget, not bitching about how much LeBron James makes a month. The second issue is that the same companies that pay athletes millions aren't doing that because they think it's cute, but because it is an INVESTMENT for them. Sponsoring Cristiano Ronaldo is profitable. Giving millions to athletes is just like paying for ads on YouTube or TV. Giving money to scientists would be philantropy, which is a whole different deal.

>> No.11479337

I dream of a world where ECRs get scouted for sponsorship. Researchers get sponsorships in the millions. That'd be fucking based.

>> No.11479354
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markets have also done the same and if the regulations around housing were relaxed it would end the housing crisis without crushing authoritarianism

bonus points for not killing 120 million people in various kinds of forced starvation and gulags

>> No.11479359

yes it is u gullible bitch

nice job missing the joke

>> No.11479363

Wow I didn't know someone could be these retarded.

>> No.11479365

the largest sports league in the world makes like $15 billion a year which is less than 10% of what the US spends on biomedical research, it's just concentrated in a few thousand hands instead of hundreds of thousands because that's the nature of each industry

>> No.11479408

based, hope you guys enjoy your corona

>> No.11479413


>> No.11479415

things don't have an intrinsic value you dumb fuck

>> No.11479467

You're probably right, guys. Thank you for responding.

>> No.11479486

She is right. Science helps create abundance and wealth. Things like the green revolution happened thanks to scientific work. Imagine the amount of wealth that could be generated if proper investment was made in science. A muscled narcissistic retard kicking a ball does not create prosperity, only gives entertainment. Entertainment at the end of the day leaves you just as poor, if not poorer after paying for it.

>But muh "if people does not want to pay for it it has no value."

Maybe from that perspective is correct to say that mediocre entertainer's like ball kickers do deserve more money than a nurse, scientist,etc. But surely is a recipe for social disaster not to properly reward the people that actually keeps society afloat, and even more disastrous not to properly fund work that could make our world much better. Surely the reasoning of the money people must be "if it works this way, maybe we could take a bit more a see how far we can get doing this shit". Is retarded, parasites at the top do this shit all the time. People wanting to pay for literal shit is no excuse for not wanting to improve things.

>> No.11479527

>Imagine the amount of wealth that could be generated if proper investment was made in science.
All this tldr drivel and you're basic premise is horribly wrong. There's roughly $2 trillion spent on science in some form a year, sports might crack 10% of that if you factor in everything. Are you one of those braindead retards that just looks at a US federal budget allocation sheet and think that's the only possible source of funding?

>> No.11479559

>The athletes generate revenue!!!

None of this is any reason as to why the athletes should make that much money, however. They bring in money. Great. Why should they get all that money?

>> No.11479562

That's how free market works

>> No.11479567

Science is not as profitable as sports, retard

>> No.11479572

Are you retarded?

>> No.11479575

"give me moar money pls even though I won't achieve anything significant"

>> No.11479586

1800 is too much for this bitch desu, I rather die.

>> No.11479589

>The entertainment industry including sports is made to make money
It's "makes" money by taking money, that is to say work, from the fans who pay to watch it. Money doesn't come from nowhere.

>> No.11479603

the don't you fucking retard, every sports league generates peanuts compared to any big corporation and the amount of people that make a living off of it compared to people that call then scientists in some form or fashion is microscopic

i swear this is actually the dumbest fucking board on this site

>> No.11479605

Anon is right, tho. If anyone can do a certain type of work, it’s worthless economically speaking. No matter how valuable it may be for society.

If people spend similar resources (attention) to watch farmers grow crops, those farmers would get similar contracts. But I can guarantee you hypocritical fuck won’t pay to see how hallways are cleaned or watch a show how groups do that competetively.

>> No.11479608

Who should get it the owners?

>> No.11479623

your work at walmart has little value if i can shake a homeless guy awake out of bed in his car in the parking lot and have him at 75% of your production by the end of the shift, despite walmart being pretty critical to people in certain situations right now. how people can't understand this concept when they are little kids let alone full grown adults is baffling

>> No.11479628

don’t consume entertainment, then. It’s that simple. Go watch research livestreams in your time off. It’s supply and demand. Your actual demand is what counts, not bitching on a chinese bird watching magazine.

>> No.11479630

what has any of that rambling got to do with my point?

>> No.11479641

This epidemic is the end of capitalism.

>> No.11479763

This is why Spain is in mayhem right now

>> No.11480081

This. She's a stupid bitch.

>> No.11480226
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>If they gave researchers more money for better equipment maybe this thing wouldn't have escaped the lab in the first place.

>> No.11480280

>intrinsic value

>> No.11480306

money is so fucking gay

>> No.11480311

>If all low wage workers stopped working tomorrow
It's called a "strike," and scabs exist. Especially with mass immigration, scabs will always exist.

>> No.11480412

Wait. This is 4channel. You're not supposed say that.

>> No.11480732

Why are you obsessed with the attractiveness of people who make money?

>> No.11480772

She has a point

>> No.11480786

>Being rich doesn't make you smarter. There is only this much a scientist can do, no matter how intelligent he is
If you were infinitely smart you would not choose a career path that would help humans at the cost of your own well-being, thus reducing significantly the average intelligence of top scientists by design (I see 'top' because it would of course simultaneously attract profiteers).
Moreover, no matter how smart you are, you can only do that much with 30-50 years old equipment that takes several days and millions of dollars to process one sample whereas the new machines process thousands of samples per hour.

>> No.11480793

Fucking lol'd so hard my fucking sides!

>> No.11480794

Attractive people all receive way too much charity. Their entire lives are charity. All that free shit should go to people who have bad lives, not leeches with easy lives

>> No.11480855
File: 118 KB, 680x369, ngubu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people value watching some ngubu run behind a people every week over having someone researching preventive cures for potential pathogens.
That's all there is to say about it, the rest is babbles, unless you want to eradicate those people of course.

>> No.11480888


>> No.11480907

Lmao "free" healthcare everybody

>> No.11480971

How good are the billions of dollars collectively spent on pop music good for now

Would not an optimal economical system allocated all these funds beforehand to biological researchers possibly averting covid19 crisis going on right now?

Fuck your pop music, I dont want to get covid19ed and i dont want my immunocompromised mother to get it either

Your pop music money funded nothing but the lavish life style of a bunch of fucking worthless cunts

>> No.11481026

>Your pop music money funded nothing but the lavish life style of a bunch of fucking worthless cunts
and ain't that based?

>> No.11481035

I don't think she was speaking about herself, or about any one specific individual. She was talking about a trend in society, and you're either retarded or pretending to be.

>> No.11481057

The CONSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMERS enjoy stuffing their bloated egos with the world's resources (i.e. "success"), and you just need to work harder and then maybe you too can enjoy life (i.e. consume vast amounts of biodiversity and shit out desolate uninhabitable wasteland).

>> No.11481065

You wanna bet all the fucking useless sports ball players get paid anyway, despite not even playing this season. Maybe they should work the fields instead.

>> No.11481103

your personal ability to lift a box is of no use to me
however i may find use in something that you don't find useful

capitalism is why i can make my choice without it being all about arrogant bitter fucks like you
we're not your daddy

>> No.11481109

Wow schlomo, cool it with the racism.

>> No.11481111

it's not a waste of anything
i have no problem supporting my family while enjoying entertainment
what kind of world do you want?
no entertainment, just everyone as naturally miserable as you are?
fix your mental health and learn that smiles, joy, and entertainment are far more valuable then whatever shit you'd buy yourself were you smart enough to earn a decent salary

>> No.11481119


>> No.11481121

holy dumbfuck, i don't remotely need your store to eat.
grocery stores are a luxury time saver, not different from entertainment.
not needed, but wanted.

maybe you talk iq so much because you wish you had more of it in your life

>> No.11481132

you're a typewriter complaining that computers came along... "this isn't benefiting anyone except the parasite stores and manufacturers making these things!!!"

no benefit to civilization except for parasites?
you think in little girl emotions while the rest of us form complex interdependent thought

>> No.11481144


>Median salary in Spain is €1.590.3 per month

>Earning more than the average spainard. Telling them to fuck off and die because you're not earning more than them by enough to match your sense of superiority over them.

Entitled cunt confirmed.

>> No.11481147

fucking fascist
you should be destroyed, thinking you have some 'right' to evaluate others and decide their fate

>> No.11481155

in a just world, some faggot like you doesn't get to decide what's of value, what counts, what's important to others

yay for the just world!

>> No.11481161

>He thinks a handful of geniuses make scientific breakthroughs
Life isn't like your marvel movies, anon. Tony Stark doesn't exist.

>> No.11481165

Think about what brad pitt gets out of society compared to an average wage slave. He contributes nothing and reaps everything.

>> No.11481168

holy dude, i'm very successful, was homeless at 15, never treated anyone like shit, no family, no deceptions.

you need to grow up and drop that incredible entitlement.
develop yourself, be good to others, others will help lift you up and you'll find success.

>> No.11481171

The inventor of personal computers and their concepts did not gain a single penny for their work. Congrats on proving his point.

>> No.11481174

it rewards people who do over people who say
learn this
because shitty people get out and losers like you just whine (say) is exactly why the outcome is the way it is

the problem is you, not the system

>> No.11481176

>There's nothing to fucking trade if people aren't busting their fucking asses to create shit.
Anon, the people busting their asses to create things don't get the profits. The profits go to the owners. It's why Warren Buffet made more than $1,000,000,000 from Coca Cola last year and the people actually creating coke products made a pittance. If the workers got the value they create, that would be socialism.

>> No.11481177

devils advocate here.
brat pitt is way less bad than some psychotic billionaire who convinces billions of retards to buy his useless widget, then spends it on futile garbage ego shit like space exploration, when the resources would have been better spent keeping that same billion retards from rioting due to starvation and killing eachother off as well as those who are slightly less stupid like doctors/scientists etc.

>> No.11481178

I hate it when people who don't understand how economics works complain about pay rates.

>> No.11481182

>muh social darwinishm
>muh ya better consume that or I will

Fucking market worshipper cultists are the ultimate height of mass retardation being inflicted on the world.

>> No.11481183

>it's either trillions of dollars into entertainment or no entertainment at all got it?
you're dumb as shit

>> No.11481184

The most well-paid researchers are those that do the least work. Researchers in the first place do not do work, they hire and coordinate people who DO do work (grad students, postdocs, staff, etc.). Those aforementioned people, yet, can barely survive on rice and beans in ghetto crime-ridden shoebox housing in virtually all the world. In some places like the netherlands and france, they literally can't survive with what they're paid, yet they have to work 3-5 years or get nothing.
In some countries like cucknada, new professors get a salary of exactly $0 and must gain grants to survive, this is for 3-5 years as well. Grant amounts are also pathetic and barely allows them to survive.

>> No.11481189

Literally the very polar opposite of reality, mr. goldstein.

>> No.11481190

Brad pitt also makes less money than mentioned billionaires, so you're actually agreeing with him.

>> No.11481194

It's so cute when status quo clowns like you tout "the system" right at the beginning of the end.

>> No.11481202

this guy back in the day raged at the cave painters...

>> No.11481208

can you read?
benefit to society, not inventor

>> No.11481211

How does socialism raise cost of living?

>> No.11481212

>bio majors are useless
toxicology, cancer treatment, disease control, vaccination all need bio majors which i believe objectively is quite important

>> No.11481216

sorry it went over your head

>> No.11481217

She is infinitely more useful to society than Christiano Ronaldo or Rihanna or Eminem or some shitty black rapper

It is either
1. This is not free market at work
2. This is indeed the free market at work and free market theory is garbage and markets indeed do need regulations

>> No.11481218

>missing the point this hard
what shes saying is its stupid to give so much money to people who do nothing of value for the world, such as kicking a ball and running up a field for 90 minutes every week
and she's right

>> No.11481220

So bringing computing into a 40-years-long dark age was a credit to society worth countless billions huh? ((()))

>> No.11481221

brad Pitt sucks for the same reason all good looking people suck. They’re living great lucky undeserved lives at the expense of everyone else. Take what a good looking person has earned and multiply that by 10 and that’s how good they have it.

>> No.11481222

Bio majors are glorified lab monkeys. Bio* is where it's at (biostats, bioinformatics, comp bio, chemioinfo, etc.)

>> No.11481225

OK jew

>> No.11481227

the only people missing the point are the low iq low income people who throw all their money at soccer monkeys

>> No.11481230

its not even that, they throw their money at companies who sell them soccer on their tv and shit

>> No.11481233

it's worth the life of all puppies and cute babies, certainly
keep blaming everything on others; keep thinking you're smarter than everyone you envy; continue to claim your lack of success is a sign of success.

>> No.11481239

that is kinda true yes
im just a trigerred bio major lol, i'm doing developmentsl biology so i can get monies from ivf work

>> No.11481248

if millions of dollars have to be wasted like that I'd rather give them to the madman sending sports cars to the asteroid belt than to the guy starring in shitty movies or the guy kicking a football

>> No.11481249

Where in my post did I state that Im against art or artists getting paid for their work?

Stop projecting faggot

>> No.11481252

In the US, at least success and parasitism are closely linked. Successful people are disproportionately handsome low IQ men with connections who occupy worthless and or unethical positions. There’s nothing less respectable than “”””success.””””

>> No.11481254

>it's the only objectively high iq entertainment there is
t. neckbeardy :O face, and I'm a fucking retro game collector. They're toys, anon.

>> No.11481258

He didn't say otherwise, sub-0 IQ'd individual of tainted descent.

>> No.11481264

>throwing fries in a fryer is a special skill, let's pay this McWorker $5000 a month

>> No.11481268

It’s more impressive than what like 99% of rich people do kek

>> No.11481285

Can't spot the disputed point, eh? Give it time and work it through as best as you can, from beginning to end.

>> No.11481286

I actually sympathize now with drug companies gouging up prices as much ad they possibly can from average consumer

Fucking cunts dropping $250 on gamer girl bathwater or hunderds of dollars on a sneaker some nigger drippling a basketball wore but get severly upset if they have to drop the same amount of money on a medicine or a doctor appointment to keep them from the grave

Bernie might have been wrong all wrong, we need drug companies ripping off consumer, it is right thing to do.

>> No.11481352

low IQ is correlated to handsomeness/reproductive selection?
"There is nothing less respectable than success" oh yes that's practically a cliche isn't it?

>> No.11481357

must be scary to be a communist in an automating world...
muh labor

>> No.11481373

Not as scary as an increasing number of unemployed and disenfranchised people who might as well eat you and your children before their own.

>> No.11481375 [DELETED] 


>> No.11481377

Handsome men are almost always dumb as fuck. Probably not for a genetic reason but because good looking people are charity-ridden leeches who are too busy socializing and getting undeserved happiness/pleasure to read or become interesting people

>> No.11481389

>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.11481400

>Handsome men are almost always dumb as fuck
Holy shit. Gigacope.
Not only that, the positive correlation is WAYYY higher in men than women.

>> No.11481405

>sciencedirect of all things
>didn't even read own link

>> No.11481424

Sure, the correlation is smaller in the US. But it's still positive. And that's taking into account the fucking women who drag it down with their retardation.

>> No.11481437

All the good looking men I’ve had contact with have been barely about retarded, and they’re always extremely bad people on top of that

>> No.11481440

The people spending 900 dollars on basketball shoes are not the same ones struggling to pay for their insulin

>> No.11481444

the founders of google were 2 researchers who happened to be actually good at what they were doing.

>> No.11481447
File: 136 KB, 960x835, ancedote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11481455

So we should kill handsome women and all ugly people instead?

>> No.11481462

All of the useful and respectable people are ugly/average kek

>> No.11481464


For real tho, I don't understand why that anon hates handsome men but not handsome women. At least the former's got some IQ while the latter is the real useless parasite.

>> No.11481472

This is correct. The lazy and useless benefit far more from society than the hardworking.
This is a strawman argument. You, in fact, are the one arguing with little girl emotions.

>> No.11481480

Not sure if clinically retarded or merely pretending.jpg

>> No.11481484

Because women are wonderful effect.
Plus he probably wants to fuck.

>> No.11481485

Look at how much better the life of a good looking person is than an average or ugly person. Now how much extra effort and usefulness do good looking people contribute to deserve that dramatically better life? None, they are in fact almost always totally useless, holding positions and careers that involve socializing and lying.

>> No.11481499

Men should despise handsome men, women should despise beautiful women. Common sense.

>> No.11481507

Looks like I'm right >>11481484

>> No.11481512

You aren’t.
If you’re a man, it’s other (better looking) men who are stealing all of the happiness you’re entitled to. Women don’t matter.

>> No.11481519

>see success
Jesus you sound exactly like a nigger complaining about whitey.

>> No.11481528

At least in the case of good looking people, their success has always been achieved unfairly and they deserve to lose everything.

>> No.11481531

>holding positions and careers that involve socializing and lying.
Not really.
For an example, autistic men are more good-looking because they're exposed to more prenatal testosterone (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11263685/)) which correlates with facial symmetry (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513803000849?via%3Dihub).). But they can't socialise for shit and they're all losers.
Meanwhile it's the normies who can socialise the best. Not sure about uggos tho.
Plus, what's stopping a normie or uggo from lying too?

>> No.11481540

So you DO WANT to fuck?

>> No.11481551

t. kike

>> No.11481552

That's the thing. Everyone has a favorite group that they like to blame all of their problems on. From whitey, to jews, to capitalists and to chads.

>> No.11481556

>see venezuela or holodomor for the results of a small group of people trying to play god in a market


It's ok when Uncle Sam manipulates markets
>Muh Banana Republic

>> No.11481577

“Chad” is different from the other groups. The definition of Chad might as well be “a parasite with a life 100x better than what they’ve earned.” Despising Chad is logically valid, rather than a silly racist generalization.

>> No.11481621

Wow so deep, so intelectual. Actual criticism of society, I’m awaken now

>> No.11481780

Lmao at the runwaway /pol/tard seething about the bathwater whore
What a fun read, absolute nonce

>> No.11481893

study up on your classical fallacies

>> No.11481904

>Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed.
These rules only apply to the wild jungle. We aren't animals, we are human beings that structure around a system with politicians/courts/society etc.
To define the structure of society around jungle rules such as "Kill or be killed" is ridiculous, and such a proverb furthers the point that indeed this is a zero-sum game, which you vehemently denied previously in

>> No.11481909

The funds are provided by the viewers the more people you get involved the more money you make.
How the fuck are you supposed to invest in research is you don't know what the fuck they're doing or where to throw your money?

People don't know who the fuck she's talking about or who the fuck is doing the research she probably doesn't know a single researcher's name that's working on a cure

>> No.11482193


>> No.11482228

It didn't escape from a lab. It was transfered in an asian live animal market. Covid is animal to human virus.

>> No.11482401


>> No.11482403

Yikes too

>> No.11482418

God bless you, dude! Reading this shitstorm of a thread it is very nice to see a post like this!

>> No.11482453

>parasite claims it earned something
this is new

>> No.11482662

maybe the entertainment industry in all its forms should be taxed out of their assholes since it's a blight

>> No.11482987
File: 13 KB, 630x350, laffer-curve-630x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish football is profitable because it has the best footballers in the world, hence people all over the world watch it.

Overtax it and no more foreign footballers, they'll go to other markers where they are paid more, meaning less viewers from around the world, less ad revenue and thus less money for the government to tax so they can pay the wages of nagging communist researchers.

Laffer Curve nigga, there is a point when more taxes means LESS revenue for the government.

>> No.11482992

It should be world effort also
>laffer curve

>> No.11482998

Retard, I am talking in a hypothetical scenario before the virus spread.

Overtaxing football would be a bad move in a normal situation but today overtaxing football is simply impossible, there are no matches going on, tournaments cancelled, no public attendance and no revenue, at present there is nothing to tax.

>> No.11483002

i'm also talking about normal conditions you imbecile

>> No.11483005

Then you would know it's impossible to coordinate such a thing. Are you being dense on purpose, peabrain?

Laffer Curve is a proven thing too.

>> No.11483029

>impossible to coordinate such a thing.
you sound pretty retarded, you only need the eu intervening as far as soccer is concerned, as for amerilard sports, take the nfl for instance, what would they do? you think they'd move to europe where nobody cares and drop their american market? they'd bitch and nag and take it because there's nothing they can do, government is stronger than a corporation. same goes for every entertainment industry. as for real life examples take the eu making facebook its bitch and them taking it, what do you think they'd do drop the second largest market in the world?

>Laffer Curve is a proven thing too.
lmao where did you study public economics? the prestigious praeger university? many assumptions underlying this simplistic representation of reality are questioned, from the form of the curve itself, to where we sit along the curve assuming it is a single peaked parabola, to questioning if the ultimate goal of a tax policy is simply maximizing revenue

>> No.11483403

>you sound pretty retarded, you only need the eu intervening as far as soccer is concerned
Yeah that's totally happening... the EU couldn't even deal with tax shelters, the Tobin tax, 2009 recession or coronavirus, but somehow it would have the power to coordinate a continental tax on the sports sector.

>many assumptions underlying this simplistic representation of reality are questioned, from the form of the curve itself, to where we sit along the curve assuming it is a single peaked parabola, to questioning if the ultimate goal of a tax policy is simply maximizing revenue
And I never implied otherwise, but the Laffer Curve exists and it's a fact. Where each country sits on it is a different matter.

>> No.11483644

take those risks and make those decisions now remeber regret is the price of choice

>> No.11484196

>being absolute fucking mongs who can't connect the dots
she's not wrong.
if the salary for a researcher was a million euros a month, you would have only the most motivated, hard working, best & brightest all competing hard for the position.
people would raise their kids from a young age to become scientists for fame and riches, and science teams would aggressively hunt for the ronaldos and messis of mathematics, science, and engineering.
in all likelihood she wouldn't even be a researcher. instead, there'd be a groomed and certified genius in her position doing 100x as much as her.