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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11476710 No.11476710 [Reply] [Original]

>its just a flu bro

>> No.11476720

The same news has been coming out of belgium. people who need forced breathing apparatus for 2 to 4 weeks. and here is the kicker: half the patients are non risk healthy people between 30 and 50. the will most likely never fully recover.

>> No.11476724

they were in their 60s tho

>> No.11476726

Is this not common after lung infections for old people?

>> No.11476728


This is the most idiotic fake i have ever seen.

Who else believe you can grow +100% bronchia with in days? not even the most cancerous cancer can ever cancer that many. gtfo retard. maybe its capillary idk i dont care, fact is nothing grows like this.

>> No.11476734
File: 625 KB, 718x720, 1584443991683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say I never do anything for you.

>> No.11476743

Retard's Law
The chances of an uneducated retard to post something retarded without being educated on the subject is high regardless of the state of the discussion.

>> No.11476779
File: 10 KB, 193x197, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot >>>/plebbit/

>> No.11477789

that is caused by bacteria and not viruses.

>> No.11477793

\text{ }^{\color{#571da2}{\displaystyle\text{W}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#462eb9}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f47c8}{\displaystyle\text{y}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f62cf}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#437ccc}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#4b90bf}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#56a0ae}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#62ab99}{\displaystyle\text{t}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#71b484}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#82ba70}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#96bc5f}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#a9bd52}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#bcbb48}{\displaystyle\text{o}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#ceb541}{\displaystyle\text{n}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#dcab3c}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e39938}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e68033}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e3632d}{\displaystyle\text{c}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#de4227}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}\text{ }^{\color{#da2121}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}

>> No.11477833

doesn't the virus cause the infection?

>> No.11477835

It is I had, I’m good.

>> No.11477838

Okay boomer.

>> No.11478283

In 1930, there was higher quality x-ray picture possible.

>> No.11478290

you don't understand why a thread about the scientific effects of a virus is on sci? are you stupid?

>> No.11478297

>Who else believe you can grow +100% bronchia with in days?
Certainly not me. I've spent years working out at the gym and got 0% muscle growth.

>> No.11478300

>its absolutely false because i used irony

>> No.11478307

what's the white stuff?

>> No.11478326

>67 year old healthy man

>> No.11478342

>patients in the their 60s

>> No.11478343

Nothing to worry about guys.

>> No.11478346

W h y i s t h i s o n / s c i /













>> No.11478354

>half the patients are non risk healthy people between 30 and 50

>> No.11478357

>and here is the kicker: half the patients are non risk healthy people between 30 and 50. the will most likely never fully recover.


> By contrast, only one in four individuals who contracted the virus were between 19 and 50 years old.

>> No.11478362

This looks like advanced COPD + pneumonia.
This looks like more typical pneumonia, though somewhat aggressive. It's also not necessarily a specific symptom of Covid-19, but a potential complication of multiple infectious diseases.

>> No.11478364

That's a link about Italy.
He's talking about news from Belgium.

>> No.11478386
File: 858 KB, 200x267, 1569000081421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11478389

Literal fucking Italian health care
Even China is better
What a joke of a country, go get invaded by Greece ok

>> No.11478713

Everyone calm down... Don't worry, just chill out man, calm down

>> No.11478753


>> No.11478770

>60 year olds from a country with the poorest air quality in the world have bad lungs

>> No.11478782

Didn't take much work to find the source. Unfortunately this is not a fake.


>> No.11478790

>60 year olds from a country with the poorest air quality in the world have bad lungs
They may have very well been bad from the start, but we know the virus made them significantly worse thanks to the progression shown in the baseline and follow-up CT scans.

>> No.11478799

Normal people with access to clean air won’t get nearly as bad

>> No.11478829

>Normal people with access to clean air won’t get nearly as bad
not that anon but yep this doctor is a psyop too i bet in your fantasy world https://nypost.com/2020/03/17/coronavirus-doctor-says-lung-scans-for-young-patients-were-nothing-short-of-terrifying/

>> No.11478937

That's a single article you saw on /pol/. You don't understand Flemish or Dutch so misunderstood it for sure. This medics goal was to warn the youth and stop them from having parties. Truth is, he isn't telling how many 30 to 50yo there are and if you ask them they'll say that number changes everyday. He's(or the article writer) is using the worst mri photo you can find too. That image of the fluid filled lungs is not even from europe itself.

Far majority of the intensive care patients are above 80.

>> No.11478989


Not the person you're replying to but ICU patients != hospitalized patients or even more generally patients who require some sort of medical care or who will suffer greatly because of this illness.

Its not the end of the world but the idiots going "ItS JusT a FlU" are going to fuck us all over.

>> No.11478992

Is /sci/ ready to apologize yet?

>> No.11479006

>Is /sci/ ready to apologize yet?

>> No.11479013

I'd be more inclined to if /pol/ wasn't currently filled with schizo Qanon-tier doomsday/conspiracy rambling.

>> No.11479051 [DELETED] 


ik ben nederlands mongool
en hier een link uit nederland dat meer dan 1/3 jong is


>> No.11479052

What is going on in the lower pics? Are those brain scans?

>> No.11479056



ik ben nederlands mongool
en hier een link uit nederland dat meer dan 1/3 jong is


>> No.11479058

>Muh common cold is gonna destroy the world


>> No.11479073

>ctrl + F
>read the whole thing anyways and see nothing
Weird. That thing you linked does not once mention that half the patients are 30 to 50 or even how many there are at all. Now why would you make up a number like that?

>> No.11479076

It's a cross section looking from head to toe. Middle part is the heart and black is lung. Lungs should be clean black with clean white cracks for vessels and airways. Gray and white blobs are inflammatory fluids that will prevent breathing. You can see in day 5 there's barely any clean lung left in the slice so they're probably on a vent by then

>> No.11479106

If one gets corona can they do anything to prevent covid 19 pneumonia?

If one gets the pneumonia can they do anything to keep the fluids in their lungs under control?

>> No.11479153

>If one gets corona can they do anything to prevent covid 19 pneumonia?
Just drink your corona away from infected people and you should be fine.

>> No.11480647

>By contrast, only one in four individuals who contracted the virus were between 19 and 50 years old.

can confirm, i work in a hospital and am in charge (with numerous others) to make the covid statistics (i suck hard at excel i literally have no clue what im doing)