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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 668x291, nytimescovid19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11475386 No.11475386 [Reply] [Original]

minus 15 IQ points for the rest of your life, even if you survive

>> No.11475391

so its as harmless as fluoridated tap water?

>> No.11475392

even? so i'll lose those IQ points if I die as well?

>> No.11475394

4chan truly fucked me up
whenever i see "biopsy", i read "boipussy"

>> No.11475397

Herpes also goes in your neurons and doesn't make you dumber

>> No.11475399

/sci/ has truly flayed your mind

>> No.11475404
File: 277 KB, 483x663, herpessimplex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11475408

> Support for the concept that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), when present in the brains of apolipoprotein E-ε4 carriers, is a major risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) is increasing steadily, with over 120 publications providing direct or indirect evidence relevant to the hypothesis. No articles have contested the concept, apart from 3 published 13-18 yr ago.

That's neat

>> No.11475414

Sure that gonna make a dim on my 180 iq brain.

>> No.11475416

I feel you man this website has done more damage to our neurons than any virus

>> No.11475452

How surprising, the power structure wants everyone dumb and sterile.


>> No.11475460
File: 1.22 MB, 1291x1784, 1575735514510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew, i got at least 15 points spare

>> No.11475468

Holy fuck we're boned, imagine if this thing goes seasonal like every other flu, -10 iq points every other year.

>> No.11475469

shouldn't matter for you bro, your IQ is too low for it to even matter.

>> No.11475471
File: 92 KB, 187x192, 1391440459319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no link
>can't find a single article that even partially matches the OP image

>> No.11475472

Please tell me this is fake

My IQ is already low if I lose 15 points I'll literally be retarded

>> No.11475482


>> No.11475489

"boi" always struck me as a gross word. It just looks disgusting. I first started seeing it in youtube comments and my initial vibe was some kind of sodomized twink.

Disgusting. I hate this world. I hate all of you. You're gross subhuman degenerate filth. Die in a fire.

>> No.11475493
File: 49 KB, 500x427, P1000854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got a cuppa iq points. Can't throw them away to da gawbage

>> No.11475509

don't worry, we midwits-soon-to-be-normies will look out for you less privileged

>> No.11475521

>While it is almost certain it directly attack brain cells
Where the fuck is the proof reading?

>> No.11475522

It's in the coronavirus general OP post.

>> No.11475524

no time for that when you gotta shitpost fast

>> No.11475534
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, bert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the boipussy of a deceased patient

>> No.11475713

Oh noo, I'll have to live as just a regular genius with an IQ of 145. Yawn. At least that way I might actually live a more meaningful life instead of living the lonely live of a super genius.

>> No.11475727

Why are all these fucking rumours coming about? It decreases test, makes you infertile, reduces your IQ, permenantly damages your lungs, etc. It's like a God virus

>> No.11475738

It can fuck your wife and convince you to sit in the corner and watch too

>> No.11475765

>Why are all these fucking rumours coming about?
LARPing faggots.

>> No.11475794

Probably boomers and people who have a genetic heart, lung or immune disease trying to cope by lying to themselves that it can hurt anyone that isn't an Untermensch like them.
But the vast majority are probably just bored and depressed people who have been waiting for the moment, realised that it isn't THAT moment (yet) but still want it to be so they fear-monger as hard as they can.

>> No.11476150
File: 74 KB, 526x484, blackFacepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11476172

Because publications are how you get good positions and money as a researcher. Publish and perish, and a golden opportunity (throw out a bunch of bullshit and if you're lucky enough that it sticks you're recognized for life) leads to this.

>> No.11478434


>> No.11478442

>Chinese scientists say

>> No.11478449

nice can you explain to me how you are alive right now with a flourine-free body? i'd be curious to know the secret

>> No.11478464

>permenantly damages your lungs
It can if the pneumonia is severe enough.
That applies to just about any sickness though; even the seasonal flu can do it.

>> No.11478491

>even the seasonal flu can do it.
yes but there is a far far higher chance
would 10 doses of 75mg tamiflu(oseltamivir) taken twice a day over 5 days within the first 48 hours (if you're lucky and you could guess whether it was COVID-19 or seasonal flu) be enough to push the chances down to seasonal flu levels if you're in your 20s and have no health problems?

>> No.11478549

Different anon here, you need some flourine, but keep the levels low. A proper diet should include enough, no need to poison the water supply.


>> No.11479802

My IQ has gone up by six points in the last few years and I've been abusing stimulants and doing all sorts of retarded shit. How is IQ not a meme?

>> No.11479806

Sounds extremely like how a zombie outbreak happens

>> No.11480122
File: 155 KB, 716x518, boii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking shit about our tribe
beat his ass, Bois

>> No.11481331

What biological processes require fluoride? Don't say bone just because bone binds it, that could well be a defense mechanism or an alternate pathway

>> No.11481343

>dont say bones just because bones need it
this is a high iq thread right here

educate yourself bitchboy

>> No.11481362

Fucking lost it

>> No.11481363

>areas with medium (which is actually higher western standards) water fluoridation have a higher IQ than the ones with low or none

>> No.11481388

If you would have read your own document you would have realized that i was right. All the document said was that it is absorbed into mineralized tissue, is cytotoxic and can disrupt the structure of these mineralized tissues. My guess is that bone absorbs fluoride as an alternative to toxic fluoride flowing around in the soft tissues. No proof of fluorides essentially exists, which surprised me because i would have guessed that glowniggers would have frauded those studies into existence.