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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11474684 No.11474684 [Reply] [Original]

How are your unis / colleges handling this pandemic. Do you have systems in place that allows teaching / assignments / exams to be done online?

>> No.11474732


they are just one upping eachother in terms of online access lmao it's hilarious to watch

>> No.11474772

Yes and I hate it. I can't get a /uni/gf for the rest of the year

>> No.11474803

Bout to teach my first online math class this afternoon. Wish me luck bros

>> No.11474819

they are moving our classes to zoom. going to class was the only time i ever left my house. I only had one class but all of this still bums me out.

>> No.11474820

nothing for me yet but I suspect they might have to do exams online,

hypothetically what's stopping me from doing the exam on my desktop and just having a laptop next to me with the lecture notes open?

>> No.11474828

you think no one will notice ur dumbass C average ass got an A

>> No.11474836

I haven't heard anything from my profs yet, but the class where I'm a lab assistant is gonna make me have virtual office hours

>> No.11474838


>> No.11474841

Our differential equations class is online. We get videos and a discussion forum to ask questions during class time

>> No.11474875
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They already cancelled classes (even online one for some fucking strange reason) and only have a select few places open to the public. Great news for me since I was about to have my exam in a few days but due to cancelation, I get to study more and even study ahead.

>> No.11475054

I'm simultaneously teaching a university class and shitposting on /sci/ in my underwear, this is the best timeline

>> No.11475069

I'm more curious about public school, are school children going to be held back a year or something considering this outbreak is going to last all year?

>> No.11475254

No classes. No lectures. No parties. No events of any sort.
We do have an online platform, but apparently we're not gonna use it either.

>> No.11475552
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>4 years come to an abrupt end with almost zero time to ease into it
>Won't have a graduation
>Last day at University with virtually nobody on campus
>Weather is cold and windy
>Won't see some people ever again
>Some of my friends are already far away
>No fun goofy shit at the end of the semester

Thanks, China

>> No.11475589

My uni is open and everything. They even emailed a new notice about how everyone is expected to go back to work/study tomorrow as a normal. Cucknada fuck yeah!

>> No.11475596

Fully closed
There is some teaching online, however it's entirely dependant on the teacher's will so far.
The worst part about that is installing god knows how many single use conference software

>> No.11475598

How do I find motivation for online study?

>> No.11475600

Damn, that's depressing as fuck. But you could write a really good poem about it

>> No.11475705

This but I just took my first online final and it was brutal af. These profs trying to kill us

>> No.11476333

And thus we all became Zoomers.

>> No.11476419

my o-chem professor is a boomer and needed us to help him with setting up virtual classroom on blackboard. tomorrow starts first day of online classes and we have an exam Wednesday on synthesis with no announcements how wth is going on. that shit can't be multiple choice. oof level (high).

>> No.11478759
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he just did