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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11467448 No.11467448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan is yet another medium for a long term abusive conditioning process. Imagine right now going to a board, any board, and posting about an interest you have. Maybe it's /mu/ and you want to know if anyone else is into [band] or [genre]/ Maybe it's /sci/ and it's some theory or subtopic of a broader topic. Maybe it's /g/ and it's some tech you use. Now, as you go to post take careful note of what you're actually feeling.

It's either apprehension, hardening (not talking about the porn boards here), or ramping up a readiness. This is because, you know you will be attacked. You know what this place is.

To this post people will tell me to go back to [other place], they'll say I'm weak and want a hugbox safespace and can't scale to any criticism, they'll say it's just a timewaster and not to take it seriously, many things in this vein will be brought forward. All of them are based on the same core assertion: The "mixed bag" is necessary, beneficial, and acceptable. Perhaps even ideal, good as gets. The way it should be. These things all show that they've been abused for so long they can no longer even see it. Bit by bit, the entire internet becomes the same haze of stupidity and bullshit, bit by bit this behavior becomes omnipresent. Eventually, this "mixed bag" will be all there is.

The extreme safe space mentality of some sites, and the needlessly brutal nature of some of the chans, are actually incredibly similar underneath. Eventually they will converge to the same end point. And you will only have yourself to blame. Deprecate 4chan. Deprecate bullshit. Start holding yourself and other people to a higher standard. If you don't take yourself by the reins, someone else will. If you don't use your brain, someone else will use it for you. So too of one's neighbor. Remember that.

>> No.11467455
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>The extreme safe space mentality of some sites, and the needlessly brutal nature of some of the chans, are actually incredibly similar underneath.

>> No.11467489

>they'll say I'm weak and want a hugbox safespace
They say that because other places _are_ retarded hugboxes. Now that doesn't mean this site should be turned into a radioactive trash heap on fire as a consequence, of course. But you'd waste your time trying to explain why to belligerent and on average fairly stupid teenagers (20-22 at best). Worse yet, teenagers who started as electionfags on 4chan.

>and not to take it seriously
And they would be partially correct, even though they'd be parroting things they don't truly understand. The situation you're complaining about exists because incalculable hordes of retards believe that the Internet is serious business.
Which doesn't mean the descendant of ARPANET shouldn't provide opportunities for serious discussions (say, scientific ones, for example). I'm talking about shit like E-activism.

>All of them are based on the same core assertion: The "mixed bag" is necessary, beneficial, and acceptable.
It is necessary. Places like that should exist because there is apparently huge demand. Shame 4chan became one of those, though.

>Start holding yourself and other people to a higher standard.
Rarely stopped during my life.
>and other people
Never works. They like the way things are. Same as pigs liking to roll in mud. It is their nature.

Tl;dr you're too naive, humans are shit.

>> No.11467490

It never was a net positive, dumbass

>> No.11467495

>implying general internet forums are supposed to be a net positive
Not even Summer yet and somehow Corona-chan has let you online so soon.

>> No.11467525

>Tl;dr you're too naive, humans are shit.
I can't accept it. The long term feasibility of simply accepting that people are inescapably degenerate, braindead golem, is low. The long term consequences are great. The overarching effects are coming more clearly into view.

I first came here in 2008. You're not dealing with someone who hasn't been around. On a person level years ago I said that if you spend too much time dealing with stupid, fucked up people, you will eventually start to become stupid and fucked up yourself. So I'm going to take my own advice and get the hell out of here and away from this dressed up slot machine, but nonetheless it must be acknowledged, there is a bigger picture. Look at people these days, look at this shithole. There has always been a need for filtration, private groups and so on, not only due to needing to control the flow of information, but simply because of the disruptive and quality lowering tendencies of unrestricted participation... however, it's getting to be time. Some of the shit going on needs to be attenuated and brought into order somehow, and that starts with calling out and not putting up with braindead bullshit. We need to bring back real shame, self disgust, personal standards. Even if it's just a matter of reflex on the level of a Pavlovian animal.

>> No.11467528

When I post bait I feel good: "Yes... many people will respond to this"
When I correct someone or call someone a retard I feel good: "Yes... I get to put someone in their place without getting beaten up irl"
When I share something cool other anons are usually happy to see it and I'm happy to be able to share it.
When someone attacks me or calls me a retard I first try to figure out why, if I said something stupid, but usually realize that they're just angry because I'm smarter and have better arguments than them (especially when they are not saying anything substantial, just namecalling). Either way, I learn something new or get to feel good about myself for being smarter and generally superior to others and making brainlets seethe.
So yes, I'd say 4chan is overall a positive experience for me.

>> No.11467535

Your critique is very general. It almost seems that you're avoiding what the actual cause of your disappointment and anger at this board.
What happened?
Give examples.

>> No.11467541

lol retard

>> No.11467544

>point gets argued against
>site is no longer a net positive

Tell me, OP, would you rather us all agree with you? Would you want to expect zero opposition to your ides?

>> No.11467549

This has been my mindset historically, to some degree, but no longer. When did you first com here?

Also I tend to want to physically dominate people so I have tangible, visible evidence that a learning and personal growth process of realization has been engaged. I want to call someone retarded AND ideally bring them out into the parking lot and if necessary beat some sense into them. Like a radio you have to tap a few times for it to start producing coherent output. This is likely the key divide between us. I need "progress" and tangible effect, change, which becomes an unmet need. Action, consequence. It wouldn't matter if I happened to get mangled either, action, consequence, that's how it works.

I think I'm very tired of virtual environments, which are ultimately, indistinguishable from talking to parts of your own mind. This is bringing the futility, meaninglessness, and disgust. People IRL don't want to talk about anything and never have.

>> No.11467552

I knew it was going to happen.

>> No.11467557

Stop typing like you’re on a podcast

>> No.11467571

This word has gained a lot of prominence recently. On fucking 4chan. I know this is a blue board, but still.

>So I'm going to take my own advice and get the hell out of here
And the site will get just that bit more shitty. My solution was to improve signal to noise ratio.

>We need to bring back real shame, self disgust, personal standards. Even if it's just a matter of reflex on the level of a Pavlovian animal.
But the majority trying to force nerds to fall in line was the reason people fled RL for teh Interwebz in the first place. I mean, since most of the normalfags are OTI now I can kinda see some logic in that line of thought, but damn. Or maybe I just misunderstood you.

>> No.11467574

A few days ago I made a thread on /lit/ (for which I got banned lol) asking them to solve a simple maths puzzle, and it was extremely fun. They started nitpicking every part of the problem, and calling me a retard and other names. I laughed many times because it was so obvious that their pretentiousness was being put to light and their claimed hate of science and mathematics is just insecurity. I derive great joy from exposing things like this.
Later I also showed and explained the solution to the puzzle and some anons thanked me and learned something new (which always makes me happy) and many many other anons just seethed and called me a retard while posting wrong solutions. Many times I pointed out exactly why their solution was wrong and they called me a retard and stopped responding lmao.
So there was both progress (some anons learned something new and had fun with the puzzle) as well as a lot of fun for me through what you would consider to be toxic interactions.
The point is, it wouldn't be fun if it was just talking to my own mind. The whole fun of it is that you know that there are actual people behind the responses who are extremely angry at you for what you posted, and you're still right.
So in those respects I think you're wrong. I find both actual progress and fun and many other things from this website.

>> No.11467578

Are you a woman? That would explain both the way you type and why you dislike 4chan so much.

>> No.11467583

Many things have converging and becoming apparent to me lately. I posted on the music board of another, smaller chan, and recognized the sensation of vulnerability which will inevitably result in harm. This is actually an old method of brainwashing / abuse, and can be formal and structured (as in a cult), or informal and general. Essentially from an early age the child will be set up with a certain individual whom they either come to trust, or who they basically must attach to for security (eg a parent). From this point on everything the child reveals or implies will be weaponized and used to punish them later. The key is coercion and mixed messages after the child realizes how it works, such that any slip up or implicit information, is also used to punish or whatever it may be. The overall intention is to get the individual to a point where they require external permission, for internal actions. You want to establish a strong regulatory connection between external stimuli and internal functioning, This can happen at many stages of development.

And it just hit me that my entire life I've been fighting with people who have never given anything in return. Any value I've derived has been manufactured by twisting my mind to derive useful information from extremely low quality garbage. In person, on 4chan, here, there, anywhere. Anything I've tried to say it's always an uphill battle to the point where I'm actually extremely wary and don't even know how to deal with people who actively and legitimately engage. I speak in monologues because twist your words and I want to thoroughly lock out any of their airheaded bullshit before it gets out of their mouth. People's neediness is unending, they are little bitch wimps or apathetic airheads.

Naturally I now realize I can trace this back to my relationship with my mother, who would tell other people everything about me, among other things. Childhood is what makes ya.

>> No.11467589

Yeah, it's a massive cancer.
Better find a comfy altchan, because this place is literally worse than r*ddit.
People unironically wasting their time on this shithole and telling others to go back to X are trash.
I sit on /g/ only to find porn and /an/ is mostly on topic, but usually only porn boards are on topic and the least toxic.

>go back to r*ddit
I'll be doing productive shit on my comfy altchan, while you pretend to be trolling

>> No.11467590

I do this because I'm used to having to do people's thinking for them. I don't want to have to respond to some implicit shit they couldn't figure out on their own.

>> No.11467597

Extracting information from anywhere/everywhere is a necessary and worthwhile skill everyone should develop.

Even if it only demonstrates your own intellecr, being able to construct a future that any would want to be a part of that does not fully conform to an existing story/teaching is always impressive.

Childhood is not what makes you though, it is the only thing that could break the ego of any God.

>> No.11467600

>Extracting information from anywhere/everywhere is a necessary and worthwhile skill everyone should develop.
It is not enough to live on.

>> No.11467604

>Better find a comfy altchan
They are all nearly completely dead, though. Almost everyone gets bored of slow posting rate and returns here. Or admin and/or mods go full retard, but it's not as frequent.
Also it wasn't very smart to directly namedrop a still not completely shitty board. They've been doing a good enough job of drawing the right kind of attention at least as of late.

>> No.11467610

>You know what this place is.
The nasty, bitter, and rude treatment everyone gets is why I keep coming back.

>> No.11467622


>> No.11467624

The anxiety of survival is indeed the first thing any nature-based community understands better than any other, but even they require that skillset to be taught.

It is the integrity of their adherence to natural expression that keeps them moving.

When it is a known first-response one can build complex inferences of positive gain.

>> No.11467625

So long as the ego transfers to offline interactions as well then this is a valid approach in life.

>> No.11467627

>These things all show that they've been abused for so long they can no longer even see it.
You don't even remember what an actual discussion is.

>> No.11467677
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An exchange of resources or power with lag introduced by the unique characteristics of each participant.

>> No.11467691
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>> No.11467695

pussy go out and have sex at a party

>> No.11467700
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>> No.11467717

Want to physically dominate people? Go back to the bathhouses faggot.

>> No.11467725

Oh look, another little prick that doesn't have the balls to stand up, in person, for what he otherwise wants to propagate. Can't even give a coherent substantive criticism.

Wimpy little bitch.

>> No.11467738

Any response I give you will constude into a victory and get your jollies off.
10/10 got me to respond.

>> No.11467753

Ironically the type of behavior I'm calling out is distinctly FEMININE. This snippity rag bullshit is what dumb suburbanite BROADS do. Again, you've been s oy'd or whatever has happened. It just hit me, what you see on 4chan is what women do when things get put into somewhat of the scramble and they're maneuvering, only here it's purposeless and done primarily by men. There is no comradery, there is no assistance and learning from others, there's no building each other up.

You've all been feminized, turned into insecure limp dicks. That's it. That's the plot. Now I get it. Whoa, many connections being made lately. You're not little boys, you're simply non-sexually differentiated. Androgynous. That's what our culture has sought to manufacture, androgyny.

>> No.11467757

Motherfucker I'm leaving 4chan after this. If you have something to say, you'd better make your case now.

>> No.11467759

Regardless of what he has to say, if anything, you should leave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7xVcsmO8rg
Imagine having hackers on steroids in two thousand fucking twenty. Ha-ha. Oh fucking wait.

>> No.11467767
File: 67 KB, 497x427, Fagottville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty blogpost.
fuck off newfag, if you can't handle it neck yourself already.

>> No.11467776

>I think I'm very tired of virtual environments, which are ultimately, indistinguishable from talking to parts of your own mind.

No, I frequently encounter things here that would never exist in my own mind if it weren't for this place.

>> No.11467786

You must be fucked up to care what we think.

10/10 got me to laugh

>> No.11467787

And yet you do not seem to see the tragedy. Yet.

>> No.11467789

You might have good points but you delute it with blog posting and then don't fallow your own advice to hold a higher standard.
Make a tldr and maybe us smooth brains could understand.

>> No.11467791
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holy dear fucking god what is this horseshit you've really outdone yourself this tiem op PISS FUCK PISS FUCK PISSING AND THE FUCKING AND THE CUNTING AND THE SHITTING

>> No.11467901
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I hope you at least got paid for this cute little off-topic sunk-cost blogpost because nothing would be sadder if you weren't.

>> No.11467907
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>> No.11467928

Verbose analysis diarrhea always screamed overeducated /his/ type high-midwits to me rather than Dunning-Kruger smug boys. Care to elaborate?

>> No.11467949


>> No.11468015

Do you know why 4chan takes all the hurt though? It's because instead of giving up, they choose to go on, even if unhinged. They looked at all their insecurities and said, "fuck it, I can still go on".
Like a horse? Fuck off you closet furry.

>> No.11468020

Trauma programmed and psychosocially circumnavigated,
Socioculturally, behaviorally, EXISTENTIALLY...

>> No.11468395


>> No.11468409

>higher standard
What do you mean by that?
Finding the middle ground between mean and overly nice? I don't quite get the post.

I'm also highly sceptical that "4chan has changed" in the regard you describe

>> No.11468524

I respect your text wall but unfortunately you're a faggot

>> No.11468741

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.11468806
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>> No.11468846

What is pic related? More sissy hypno for me? Yay!