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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11467366 No.11467366 [Reply] [Original]

Would shutting down 4chan be good for science? All 4chan ever produced scientifically is flat Earth theories and untested hypothesis about airplanes taking off from treadmills.

>> No.11467378

I wish I had never found this site.
I lost a potential gf. I failed my uni classes.

I would be a happier, more well-adjusted person if I had never clicked the link to this shithole.

>> No.11467380


OK boomer.

>> No.11467382

I'd be good for your mom because I'd mean she'd get more of this dick.

>> No.11467392

>the peasents shouldnt be allowed to speak freely among themselves
>this freedom has gone on for far too long
>the peasants should only be bale to hear the rhetoric and propaganda that is sent form Washington DC agenda

gg douchebag

>> No.11467394

No, you would have found something else which would have inevitably led you to lose the potential gf and fail your classes.
Who's to say you would have been happier with that gf or with passing your classes anyways?

>> No.11467419

>I lost a potential gf.
better off without her.

>> No.11467436

Way to duck any sense of responsibility - that attitude is precisely why she left you. Honestly you're pretty pathetic and deserve no sympathy. The only one responsible for where you are in life is yourself. Grow up

>> No.11467460

This is why Americans should vote Sanders, his old ass couldn't care less about a chinese cartoon board

>> No.11467468

Not gonna happen. Boomers love Joe Biden more than Bernie Sanders

>> No.11467470

Hillary is 5th in line for vice president.
It's her turn again

>> No.11467473

4chan is a symptom not a cause. Removing it fixes nothing, probably just makes things worse.

>> No.11467474


>> No.11467477


oh god my choices are going to be this and Trump?

>> No.11467479
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good thing the Coronavirus is about to kill all of the boomers

>> No.11467503

>It's another CENSOR THE INTERNET campaign
No one will dethrone the Cheeto at this rate with this shit.

>> No.11467505

He's right but I like anonymity

>> No.11467514

Shut the fuck up you stupid sheltered NIGGER

>> No.11467681

Democrats are known for making things worse by "fixing" them. And no, I'm not fucking off to /pol/

>> No.11467724

This place exacerbates my attention problems. I'm about to become a fucking NEET because of this shithole.

>> No.11467734

Shutting down 4chan won't cure my schizophrenia but it will deprive me of the only way to vent my insane ramblings without alarming and confusing my friends and loved ones.

>> No.11467812

Hiroshima split the website so /pol/ getting nuked eventually wouldn't be the death of it. Only coomers and stormniggers will lose.

>> No.11467830
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better than hotbeds of flagrant retardation aka the mainstream.

>> No.11467843

Gullible retards.

>> No.11467879

I would genuinely be sad if 4chin shuts down, primarily because this is the only place where I can talk casually without being hailed down by down votes or jannies taking down my post.
2 of the most popular science and math websites for Q/A are stack exchange and plebbit.
The problem with each is, you can't ask controversial questions like 'Can the corona virus be help restore natural order?' or the effect of the metoo movement on men, because you'll be labelled a misanthrope or misogynist even with some cogent arguments.

I would be called crazy if people know I visit 4chin everyday to either answer people's questions or ask some. But I do enjoy my time here. I mostly filter out the shit posts and shitposters, mendacious ones and give them back equally. I do encounter math PhD students or masters in STEM fields not saying that there aren't a plethora of NEETs. One even gave me tips on controlling my low attention span.

I may not end up learning a lot, but it definitely helps me escape from reality and connect with random anons all over the world.

>Would shutting down 4chan be good for science?
Depends. People on here are actually wasting time rather than being productive and contributing to sci or math.

>> No.11467906

Some Americans may have felt uneasy 35 years ago when DUI laws, DWI checkpoints, seatbelt laws, and car liability insurance laws were started, but most people felt that the experts must be right.

Pro-police state shows like "COPS" and "America's Most Wanted" were then aired, neighborhood watch groups were formed, "get tough on crime" candidates were elected, and laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, and chain gangs were enacted.

Nanny state smoking laws then started appearing.

When 9/11 happened, the Patriot Act was passed, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws were allowed.

Now that the USA is a total police state, Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.

>> No.11467912

I still have the freedom to draw you a dick

>> No.11467927


>> No.11467932

What did Joe mean by this?

>> No.11467936


>> No.11467943
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>People on here are actually wasting time rather than being productive and contributing to sci or math.
dominating and steering the collective consciousness of humanity by posting funny pictures on the internet is actually a lot more significant than solving some math or science puzzle. if all the math and science discoveries out there were really contributing as much to human progress as you give them credit for then life would be ultrafantastic by now, wouldn't it? herding the normies into a mindset in which eventually bright ideas from the sciences can be made use of to improve the human experience on this planet is a bigger deal than analytical solutions for multibody orbits or some faggoty colorful pictures of galaxies that will never impact our lives in any significant way.

>> No.11467948

Yeah, fuck censorship. This is the only place where you can talk freely as you may want, without having your posts taken down because people thought they were 'anti-good'. Almost every site has some degree of circlejerk but plebbit is like a large circlejerk hive mind. Fuck this shitty site.
r/askreddit: What do you like about sex?
r/wooosh: lmao look at this troll rekttt
r/politics: fuck conservatives, actually, also fuck liberals too
r/memes: lolol keanu reeves wholesome xddd plebbit better facebook instagram sucks xdddd unironically. lolol (I'm not saying 4cuck is any better, but at least come up with actual humor over just repeating the same shit again).
could've been better if /pol/tards stopped raiding, they're just so irrational and retarded, it's not worth talking to them as they will discredit you because they made a claim that you're a jew, of an opinion they disagree with.

>> No.11467952

wide open__(¡)__beaver

>> No.11467961

Again I believe that depends on the interest of some people. A specific section of people will love blabbering on about math and science while taking little to no part in posting r/aww images. While others love being frog posters or posting other random stuff. Solving math and sci won’t end up solving major third world problems nor make our lives /comfy/ but it would definitely be a adrenaline or even learning experience for those passionate about /sci/.

>> No.11467970

Exactly. A lot of women these days have taken advantage of the metoo movement and falsely accused innocent men or abusing their power. Trying to report such cases, a lot people turn to white knighting these women. So you basically suffer for nothing. There are a myriad of different examples of censorship but this is a prominent one.

>> No.11468019 [DELETED] 
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>All 4chan ever produced scientifically is flat Earth theories and untested hypothesis about airplanes taking off from treadmills.
random anon solved problem that's plagued math experts for 25 years

The problem is 4chan is community driven. We segment those communities into boards. People who want to act like assholes and shitpost can go to /b/. But now, everyone shitposts outside of /b/ and Hiromoot won't lift a finger. /pol/ has become a hotbed for government sponsored propaganda campaigns and has successfully brainwashed the /pol/ community with the belief that they need to "red pill" all the other boards. AKA, breaking down the boarders of community driven content, so everything becomes /pol/ or /b/

Then you have outsiders who see the shitstorm this place has become, and think that's how it's suppose to be done. We use to tell those assholes to LURK MOAR till they realized their 1st glance assumptions are incorrect, but these days the newfags who don't understand how this shit is suppose to work outnumber everyone else. All these problems grow year after year, and there is no solution. I'd hate for 4chan to get shut down, but I gotta wonder, if there's no solution to these growing problems, how big do they become till they're intolerable?

>> No.11468032

Not sure if trolling or oblivious.

>> No.11468034

with all the propoganda floating around, can somebody link to actual post on his twitter?

post link or it's fake

>> No.11468035

I think a very smart undergrad solved a combinatorics problem on /a/

>> No.11468036

You came here because you knew, deep down, that something wasn't quite right with the world and you were intellectually curious. Clicking that link required bravery, and now you have to live with information that most people cannot even begin to fathom.

>> No.11468045

There is nothing worthwhile left on this site and I came here in 2006 way before you stupid /pol/niggers ruined it.

>> No.11468055 [DELETED] 

Do you think Joe Biden is circumcised? How about clamped? He does seem to be clamped. Actually he appears overtly brain damaged, like an overgrown infant. You know how infants are always grasping for mommy's boobies, grasp grasp grasp, grabbing onto everything, always in search of something to grab, and especially looking for the nipple-like structure (which will also be grabbed)? That's Biden. He's still in the infantile state, always grasping and grabbing and fondling and suckling. He's an overgrown little boy. Deeply fucked up husk of a human being and certainly not a man.

Probably far more than his penis was circumcised. I'm not exactly sure how they make these people.

>> No.11468104

I hope they do, because the replacement will be even more vicious and antifragile, probably hosted on a mix of blockchain and IPFS.

>> No.11468111

>blaming a website for messing up your life
No dude, it's your life and your choices. Be mature and stop deflecting responsibility.

>> No.11468269

>the jake brahm generation
not impressed

>> No.11468619
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It seems you're sitting in all wrong threads. Is it because you don't have a clue what's happening in the real ones?
The big bad gang bang thread they deleted after three good days of discussion was incredible!

>> No.11468694

Didn’t some anon make some discovey which led to 4chan becoming the co-author of a paper? Didn’t we unironically contribute to science?

>> No.11468703

Be sure to vote Bernie guys

>> No.11468739

I guess you could say, it was a BANG!

>> No.11468809

Is this an actual tweet by him?

>> No.11468976
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>that something wasn't quite right with the world

>> No.11468984

Why are you such a weak bitch anon kys please

>> No.11469010

And not a single tear was shed apparently. Sadly most people don't seem to want to change it, firmly believing safety and generic creature comforts are the most important things in life. Sometimes I feel like giving up on this country too

>> No.11469013

Post ramblings. Do you go to /x/? Because I see a lot of schizos over there.

>> No.11469038

This but with Discord

>> No.11469168
File: 47 KB, 500x375, not_voltaire_but_kevin_strom_said_this-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the image above you could be one of those cases
it could be easily caused by threads like this:
(this one was also pruned or deleted)

>> No.11469172

this one?

>> No.11469176

>by threads like this
by threats like these