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File: 82 KB, 305x165, F8F8ED03-9B40-481C-965C-39A21D798C53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11460245 No.11460245 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys subscribe to the idea that ancient civilizations were more advanced that we previously thought?
Is there any validity to some of the claims that people like Graham Hancock makes about an ancient civilizations being wiped out? Or is it all pseudoscience?

>> No.11460261

>Do you guys subscribe to the idea that ancient civilizations were more advanced that we previously thought?
Depends on how much more advanced. Archaeology is only going to give a small sliver of what ancient societies were like, and it's easy to imagine that some technology would be missed simply because it didn't make it to the present. Roman concrete is still somewhat of a mystery because there's no surviving evidence to how it was made despite it being fairly advanced for it's time. There could be stuff like advanced (for the time) alloys, finely made poetry, or mechanical computers that were lost to time thus leaving us too assume that these people were less technologically advanced than what they really were.

>> No.11460416

It's quite possible. Whatever "Atlantis" was, 12,000+ years ago, had at least 19th century technology, I'm sure, and probably space age tech if you want to know the truth. The Great Pyramid contains too much high mathematics and physics to come from anything but a modern-like civilization. Then again, you'll probably tell me go back to /x/ because I think the Atlantis civilization was a divine experiment that probably knew everything about the cosmos. For Christ's sake, the Great Pyramid contains the speed of light at least three times.

>> No.11460450

Also the cataclysm event (events, really) of the Younger Dryas utterly destroyed and buried everything. Any possible remaining high tech from the original super-civilization is probably unrecognizable and in a VERY low layer.

>> No.11460471

Its entirely possible there are ruins of tech beyond our own, skyscrapers even, that are burried too deep for us to have seen any evidence yet. It may still require decades of digging before something is found.

>> No.11460487

Why wouldnt the pyramids have any more evidence of stronger tech?

I think if theres anything so advanced, its extremely deep down and will still be a loong time before its found

>> No.11460539

I agree with those ideas but, people sure can get carried away with them. It is equally offensive when scholars underestimate ancient people.

>> No.11460544


>> No.11460562

its probably true, especially for hellenistic greece. that said, the main reason the egyptians, romans, and other ancient civilizations were able to build such amazing and impressive architecture is because they didnt give a shit if thousands of their workers died.

>> No.11460604

>Or is it all pseudoscience?
it is all pseudoscience. There would be ample evidence of nuclear testing or heavy use of fossil fuels or mass production of any kind. Did they maybe discover concrete independently and the knowledge was forgotten for a few hundred years? Sure. Antikythera mechanism, fine, whatever. The idea that knowledge, once gained, is permanent is false and only in the past few hundred years has it been anywhere near the case that information is easy to preserve. But the idea that there were post-enlightenment, post-industrial or even post-nuclear civilizations that destroyed themselves so hard they destroyed all evidence of the destruction is retarded.

>> No.11460639

Dipshit. You do not know the literature on this. It wasn't a civilization who destroyed themselves. They were destroyed by the Younger Dryas cataclysms. Spend the next month getting acquainted with all things Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson, then we'll talk.

>> No.11461399
File: 15 KB, 239x346, corliss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graham hancock literally smokes weed from morning to night, and trips balls on shrooms and ayahuasca on the regs. Pretty sure my nig isn't all there. Great science fiction though.

There are mysteries to archeology; check out the books of William Corliss. He was a legit NASA rocket scientist who collected scientific anomalies, including those in archeology.

>> No.11461415

meteor impacts change global climate, they're not a giant wave of destruction that decimates all evidence of civilization. It's ecological collapse, not the impact itself. Retard

>> No.11461424

If natural catastrophes are more usual than we might think then yes its possible that ancient civilizations were more advanced than we think (its unrational to think they were more advanced than we are now). There's a lot of stuff that doesn't add up for archaeologists (gobekli tepe, tiawanaku, stone henge, easter island to name a few) but many speakers on the subject like Hancock often have more wishfull thinking than solid data. Still, I gotta give it to him after the Greenland Meteor thing.

>> No.11461448

Here's the question:
If ancient civilidations were so advanced, what crops did they eat? Basic math on the genomes of all of our crops show that they were shitty until a couple thousand BCE

>> No.11463051

It is implausible that a past high civilisation would not leave any chemical traces.

>> No.11463145

One of the few sensible persons in this dump

>> No.11463149

>NASA rocket scientist

This carries no impact

>> No.11463153 [DELETED] 
File: 786 KB, 1329x2048, elo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Since very early childhood. I don't care what some morons think or their needy accusations of confirmation bias.

>> No.11463310

No. Moving the blocks could easily be accomplished with levers and lubricated sand, and cutting was down with bronze tools and wooden pegs.

>> No.11463314

>For Christ's sake, the Great Pyramid contains the speed of light at least three times.

>> No.11463355

>graham hancock literally smokes weed from morning to night
Not true.

>> No.11463369

>For Christ's sake, the Great Pyramid contains the speed of light at least three times.

using which units?

meters? kilometers? miles? seconds?

>> No.11463439

meter and seconds.

>> No.11463507

Did Egyptians even have those units?

>> No.11463538

Furlongs per fortnight

>> No.11463542

Graham Hancock literally believes the pyramids were built using psychic powers you utter retard, stop trying to pass anything he says as based in science

>> No.11463621

>Also the cataclysm event (events, really) of the Younger Dryas utterly destroyed and buried everything.
Everything would mean across the entire globe. And how would such a cataclysm plausibly work?

>> No.11463631


yeah, ancient egypt, amiright guyz?

>> No.11463640


>> No.11463643

>citing Graham Hancock
Pretty good way to destroy your credibility.


>> No.11463651



Internet doesn't get more biased than that.

If you can't see that, you are probably still at the fedora-tipping stage.

>> No.11463653

>Internet doesn't get more biased than that.
Can you point out one (1) thing wrong in the article?

>> No.11463660

>taking rationalwiki seriously

>> No.11463675

They ate psychic energy our alien forgemaster bestowed upon them.
This stoped after the great upheval were the monstruosity of the depths arose and tore Pangea apart, scaring away the aliens and thus commencing the era of the jew.
Hitler was the last to try to stop the era of the jew but the jew lizard people learned to harvest the psychic energy of the souls of the lost and won the war.
For now brothers, for now.

>> No.11463679

See >>11463653

>> No.11463684

>he doesn't know

>> No.11463688


Wrong answer, try again.

>> No.11463754

When we measure with meters, we find the c in meters (299792458) twice, and when we measure in feet, we find c in miles (186282) once.

"Muh the Egyptians didn't have those units." Doesn't matter. The numbers don't lie. Fill in the blank for why they're there: aliens, Atlantean knowledge, divine intervention, etc. But it's not coincidence. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.11463759

>Can you point out one (1) thing wrong in the article?

Instead of autistically searching for one (1) thing like people of your caliber would do, I will point out that you don't write "encyclopedia" articles in a condecending manner - no matter how much you disagree with the person you write about.

And since whoever wrote the article on rationalwiki either didn't know that or chose to ignore this rule, it's basically not more than an angry forum post disguised as an article.

>> No.11463796

>"Muh the Egyptians didn't have those units." Doesn't matter.
Of course it matters you retarded schizo. Those are just arbitrary numbers based on arbitrary units that have no meaning to civilizations preceding them, no matter how advanced they were. If you look long enough you can find any number you want in anything.

>> No.11463804

>Instead of autistically searching for one (1) thing like people of your caliber would do, I will point out that you don't write "encyclopedia" articles in a condecending manner - no matter how much you disagree with the person you write about.
So you're whining about the tone? No one gives a fuck.

>And since whoever wrote the article on rationalwiki either didn't know that or chose to ignore this rule, it's basically not more than an angry forum post disguised as an article.
Doesn't matter what you equate it to if it's correct, which you apparently know it is since you can't even point put a single error. Nice cope, brainlet.

>> No.11463806
File: 94 KB, 300x375, alchemical-symbols_referenceguide_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have been found and covered up, if you go looking you can find them

Earth crust displacement

Start here

then here

define "carried away"

When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. - Dresden James

There is you donkey. Here is a novel idea actually look for things before you declare they don't exist. You are actually saying "if these existed people would have told me about it". No they wouldn't and they didn't. Your gnosis is no one's responsibility but your own. You are one of the plebeian cattle you are only taught what you need to make you a good producer for your masters and you weren't smart enough to notice you were being fed some bullshit and the pieces weren't aligning to what you were being told which is why you are what's retarded and should stfu

War Of The Ancient Aryans/Atlanteans As Described In The Vedas

They left a lot more than that

The units don't matter because they knew the code. If you use the code everything in the Universe aligns automatically

Graham Hancock makes you look illiterate quiet shudra

It has happened many times, again find out what Earth crust displacement is

>uses rationalwiki
>talks about destroying credibility
this is good bait m8

They aren't arbitrary, you just weren't smart enough to crack the code because you are a hack

>> No.11463812

t. moron who spews his shit without doing any research

>> No.11463813


We know about Egyptian civilization because we can see their pyramids, we can dig up their graves, we can see their art, we can read their writings. We see the effects of their trade in the artifacts of other ancient cultures, and the stories of other cultures.

All we know of Atlantis is that it was mentioned once in a book. There is absolutely nothing else. It affected no one, and there is no other story corroborating that Atlantis was ever anything more than a fiction.

People who can't evaluate their stories for their usefulness are a danger to the society as a whole.

>> No.11463817

You have a lot to learn.

>> No.11463821

>All we know of Atlantis is that it was mentioned once in a book

No that's all YOU know. You don't speak for anyone else. People that think they know more than they do and that they speak for other people are a danger to society as a whole

>> No.11463822
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, 1551269912911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graham Hancock makes you look illiterate quiet shudra
Please explain the psychic powers
Seriously you retards will always resort to ad hominems and appeals to suspicion then ignore when someone points out obvious bullshit

>> No.11463825
File: 46 KB, 800x450, ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that think they know more than they do and that they speak for other people are a danger to society as a whole

>> No.11463826

>Please explain the psychic powers
No I am not your personal tutor and don't care what you believe shudra

>> No.11463828
File: 246 KB, 2147x917, Scipsued.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed it is, amazing a fool like you can see it even if only projecting

>> No.11463838

>>uses rationalwiki
>>talks about destroying credibility
Step right up and try the schizo challenge: >>11463653

>They aren't arbitrary
But they are. Cry about it more, schizo.

>> No.11463839

>t. moron who spews his shit without doing any research
Please enlighten me, what research did I not do?

>> No.11463844
File: 57 KB, 688x430, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more pseud, being such a brainlet must be agonizing for you. Tell us of your pain

>> No.11463850

>So you're whining about the tone? No one gives a fuck.

If you are autistically screeching, you can be correct as fuck, nobody will take you seriously. And that's what happens with "rational"wiki.

>> No.11463859
File: 422 KB, 871x716, wikiedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rationalwiki is the biggest pseuds I have ever come across. They don't understand the most basic shit imaginable. I wouldn't be surprised it is actually just some Mossad run site used to smear and discredit people like the other wikis. It has already been pretty well established all the wikis are disinfo propaganda sites

>> No.11463868
File: 111 KB, 1000x508, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or is it all pseudoscience?

That's a retarded thing to say considering every couple of decades we find something that shouldnt exist for hundreds if not thousands of years

>> No.11463874
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek, the Mossad would know how to write proper articles

rationalwiki is literally
>pic related
And one that has never seen a university from the inside at that.

>> No.11463875

Actually, if you cite a wacked out crank like Graham Hancock then no one will take you seriously. You are confusing your inability to accept basic facts and reasoning that conflict with your delusions for everyone not taking basic facts and reasoning seriously because it's in a certain tone. The difference is very simple for anyone to see, since rationalwiki actually provides arguments and evidence of how Graham Hancock is wrong, while you provide nothing except whining about tone. Get fucked, schizo.

>> No.11463879

Stopped reading

>> No.11463881

yeah they didn't have flying discs and alien power but people underestimate pre-dark ages intelligence.
creating alphabet and writing system out of nothing, cities, systems, huge buildings, warfare, etc aren't easy tasks by any means.

>> No.11463909

And if we convert those number to milligrams and cents respectively, we have the exact weight of my cock and balls and how much money I've spent on Warhammer over the past decade. What's your point?

>> No.11463923

What a pussy, you can't even find one thing wrong in the article yet you still whine about it.

>> No.11463934

Yet no one can answer the schizo challenge >>11463653

Nice cope, conspiracy-addled schizos.

>> No.11463946
File: 868 KB, 1169x6371, cointelpro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly, those alphabet boys are everywhere however, even here, don't doubt it for a second

>> No.11463947
File: 242 KB, 1200x630, doggerland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All evidence points to no. I studied Geology so you'll get better evidence from Archeologists but I have kept up on some of the latest news because it's fascinating. Everything we've seen geologically of human remains shows that we progressed slowly from stone age to modern age only once. There are no great buildings of steel and glass, there are no rusted parts of cars or planes, we don't even have rudimentary steam engines until close to the modern age. There are some curiosities like the Antikythera Mechanism but these are well within the knowledge of the time according to what we know of history. Further back it's nothing. The oldest cities in the world go back 9,000 years, the only older is 12,000 years and it wasn't a city but a holy site.

The only place where some even remotely advanced civilization could be are places like Doggerland or the shores of the Black Sea but so far the only things we've dug up there are stone tools.

It's cute but fantasy.

>> No.11463956
File: 135 KB, 606x1592, HowToControlPeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I couldn't. I just don't care about your ignorance enough too. This guy is obviously out of place here. When presented with information he simply calls people schizo and says a bunch of stupid shit trying to lower the level of discourse. Shows zero curiosity or signs of intelligence. Does this strike you as someone who is interested in the field of science, even in this sandbox for imbeciles? >>11463934

When you all see people posting this low quality obviously trying to derail the topic of the thread you should mass report them and get them off of our board so we can have conversations above that of middle school here without these morons flinging shit the whole time trying to get you to respond on their level of idiocy,

>> No.11463968


>> No.11463970

lolz you havent kept up with shit mate or you are a piss poor researcher, your cute but ultimately not real bright

Dwarka Home Of Krishna Cover Up – 30,000 Year Old Civilization

For those that want to see real researchers work there is a nice jewtube channel called megolithUK

Immanuel Velikovsky, Phillip Lindsay, Graham Hancock, Robert Sepehr, David Childress, Anatoly Fomenko, Michael Tellinger, Michael Cremo and Henry Makow among numerous other researchers

and of course my own personal video archive where I have collected some of the best videos I have come across

>> No.11463983
File: 175 KB, 819x1024, Adepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry the name of the channel is MegalithomaniaUK


>> No.11463989
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>> No.11463997

>They left a lot more than that
Such as?

>> No.11464013
File: 450 KB, 642x449, Swat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have left quite a few links already mate you could start there, here are a few more

Atlantean Pyramids Off The Coast Of Cuba

I will show you where Atlantis is on Jewlge maps, right where it was always said to be

The Historic Timeline Of Humanity Based on The Facts

I am trying to be as helpful as I can, but not to be rude I have given you more than enough to find the truth. I have given you a road map on my website and video channel so that even a child can follow. It wasn't easy mate, took years of sorting through the schizos, misinfo and disinfo and psyops on every level. I think I have done enough at this point I am past the personal tutoring stage trying to talk over loud mouth fools. I put it all in one place for those that seek, they find


>> No.11464016
File: 548 KB, 480x216, 2001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464044
File: 761 KB, 608x739, awakening2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry my links got a little messed up. Here is Atlantis on jewgle maps

I posted the same one twice on accident

>> No.11464063
File: 29 KB, 539x432, 072..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks conceptualized atoms about 400 bc.
I don't know what have they managed to figure out before civilization went down, but 666 (which is in the basis of roman numerals and who knows what else) is the structure of carbon, which thus makes perfect sense to name it number of the beast (because beasts are carbon-based life-forms)

>> No.11464071

I think Greek like civilization 12000 years ago is a possibility that was destroyed by meteoric impact and rising waters plus climate change, but nothing really more advanced than that

>> No.11464072

>The only place where some even remotely advanced civilization could be are places like Doggerland or the shores of the Black Sea but so far the only things we've dug up there are stone tools.
You don't even know about Sundaland

>> No.11464075

I literally have no response other than you are seriously off your meds. I don't even see a point in arguing.

Dear god man.

>> No.11464077

Good thing no one cares what hacks think then innit?

>> No.11464090
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only has elementary knowledge of the topic he is trying to prevent himself as an expert on
>feigned concern trolling histrionics

>> No.11464100


I concur. Hancock himself is very reasonable. The evidence, ideas and insights he offers are sensible, and deserve further investigation. However there are also a lot of lunatics who want to jump in with their /x/ tier ravings. They muddy the waters.

>> No.11464107

There are lots of lunatics at both sides:

>> No.11464108


What utter bullshit. More likely you smoke weed too much.

>> No.11464142

>define "carried away
That's really subjective. If people can take a step back and evaluate themselves, they are not carried away, regardless of my opinion of them. I think that the Graham Hancock of today is a model of behavior. He rationally challenges the back scratching contest and will not hold on to stupidity when he is in need of correction. Personally, I believe that Atlantis was real. It may be over exaggerated or have another name. I do not think that ancient humans needed help from aliens to make things but I wouldn't disbelieve the possibility that there was some interaction. Reading the old books makes more sense at face value, except when it is obvious allegory. There was great war, there is evidence. There are tales of altercation and breaking bread with with "angels." That tells me that ancient people believe that they ate and pooped. Maybe we take the stories farther than we are meant to. I wasn't there. Could Billy the kid fake his death? Why not? He could walk six miles and never be recognized by anyone. Magic is dumb and a lot of science relies on the same but opposite stupidity. I am always scratching my head as to why a people who could find Easter island, couldn't notice a land mass that stretches from pole to pole and has the same word for potato. But then, posting about these things on /sci/ is a delicate operation and, I am sure I have failed.

>> No.11464147

Looks like anon knows what he is talking about and you don't faggot even Google thinks so

Michael Cremo: "Forbidden Archaeology" | Talks at Google

btw they have found rudimentary steam engines from ancient Greece I learned this on the history channel as a child you fucking moron

you should kys you have no future in science

>> No.11464165

nah you did fine mate

>> No.11464171


Yup. The intellectual dishonesty is so thick you could physically cut it with a knife. These are same sort of mental midgets who attacked the ideas of Darwin. Who threatened Galileo.

>> No.11464180

The ancient aryans who wrote the Vedas did long before that

Vedas are Scientific Encyclopedia || Astronomy; Quantum Physics; Biology.

the Atlanteans had tech well beyond what we have today, UFOS (vimana), crystal energy, which is likely what causes compasses to go ape shit over the bermuda traingle, some sunken crystal tech that creates energy from vibration like quartz watch batteries

>> No.11464184

meant to add nuclear bombs here, they called them Brahma weapons. Oppenheimer was well aware of this as his quote from when he witnessed it showed

>> No.11464236

Yes, I'm aware of the Greek 'steam engine' which was nothing more than a toy, and the roman water mills
and the Chinese earthquake detector
and la dee da. None of this is out of the knowledge of the day dumb fuck. Which was the point of my post. The fact you couldn't understand that is proof of your idiocy.

>> No.11464245

You literally said there was no rudimentary steam engine stfu you fucking idiot. Everything in your entire post was wrong and moronic to levels that is impressive even for this place. You are a fucking idiot that doesn't have the first clue wtf you are talking about, I could pick apart literally every sentence in your post and show how clueless you are. As I said kys you are a worthless faggot too stupid for this board

>> No.11464247

How to greek fire? (Not same guy.)

>> No.11464262

Literally Graham Hancock's website. Nice you did a Google search after you got clowned and posted the first result you found. Fuck off you goddamn troglodyte

>> No.11464291

>stone age to modern age only once
What about stone age to bronze then civilization being wiped out and repeat?

>> No.11464295


>> No.11464320
File: 54 KB, 302x475, Vedas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464322

Initially I thought it would be some conspiracy theory level bullshit, but in line with keeping an open mind I listened to some of what guys like Hancock had to say. The ideas struck me an entirely plausible, even if speculative at times. Hancock is no lunatic, he seemed entirely reasonable and logical. This seems like an entirely worthwhile field of inquiry which really deserves serious consideration and funding for further research. People dismissing it out of hand as pseudoscience are being very narrow minded. All I can conjecture is they are are so used to dismissing anything like flat earthers and moon hoaxers that they assume anything connected with this to be just another hoax. The fact that there are some twats running around and saying "aliens built it" or other bullshit probably gives them that impression too.

>> No.11464327
File: 645 KB, 739x594, pyramid4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11464455

There are some here but not as many as I used to think there were. It took me awhile to realize the people here are just really stupid and if it wasn't in high school text book or some pop sci article the people here are too dumb to understand it.

They don't really need a whole lot of people here because the idiots here do their job for them. The problem is stupid people and shills act exactly alike, the whole persona of the shill is to act like they are stupid which stupid people do effortlessly so it is easy to see spooks where they aren't. /sci/ is actually one of the stupidest boards on 4chan honestly when they think they are one of the smartest which makes them exponentially more clueless and annoying because they think they know what they are talking about when they don't and think they are smart when they aren't. You can't fill a glass that is already full and no one is more hopelessly enslaved then those that think they are free.

/sci/ are the kind of people that love the system and love to lick boots, they will be the kinda of people that will stab you in the back when you are trying to free them because they are afraid to leave the plantation, the house niggers. They are cowardly and meek so it is rarely worth the effort to try and teach them anything, this is the last board you will find people able to process new information and ideas. This is the automaton board for the literal NPCs.

>> No.11464478

lmao subjects like this really tickle the schizoid's almonds

>> No.11464483

case in point >>11464478

>> No.11464506

I think it is quite possible that a Bronze Age civilisation existed before the meteor impact 12,000 years ago. Possibly in Middle East and Sundaland.
Nothing like flying ships, energy crystal, but something possibly on the level of Greek or Babylonian civilisation

>> No.11464612 [DELETED] 

>I didn't say I couldn't. I just don't care about your ignorance enough too.
You can't, it's OK to admit it, schizo. No one believes your pathetic excuses anyway.

>When you all see people posting this low quality obviously trying to derail the topic of the thread you should mass report them and get them off of our board
This isn't /x/ sweaty, you're bloated is this way >>>/x/.

>> No.11464616

>I didn't say I couldn't. I just don't care about your ignorance enough too.
You can't, it's OK to admit it, schizo. No one believes your pathetic excuses anyway.

>When you all see people posting this low quality obviously trying to derail the topic of the thread you should mass report them and get them off of our board
This isn't /x/ sweaty, you're board is this way >>>/x/.

>> No.11464634

Hancock is retarded. See >>11463643

>> No.11464649

>Michael Cremo
This guy is a vedic creationist retard who thinks all the evidence for his religion has been hidden by archaeologists.

>> No.11464660
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>> No.11464675

>waaaaaah why won't you like my /x/tard shitposts
>I'm a big boy and this is serious science

>> No.11464681
File: 478 KB, 500x210, comedian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

>> No.11464701

Came to say this >>11464681

>> No.11464703
File: 76 KB, 602x895, plato3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. NPC

>> No.11464709

may I give two (2) things?
> early maps frequently show areas of land that were not actually there, due to mistakes or misidentification. That applies to the good cartographers — some early mapmakers put land in their maps because they suspected (for no good reason) that there might be land there, or possibly for aesthetic purposes — for example, to make the empty areas look prettier.
Couldn't they give any reference to that?
> In addition to all this, as with many other cranks, Graham Hancock does not believe in global warming. Is this any surprise considering how at odds he is with real intellectuals and academics?[3]
global warming is a hoax (probably fabricated to make ecological activists look retarded and to make them fight some bogus while some actual ecologic problems are left unattended)

>> No.11464736

>Graham Hancock does not believe in global warming
Not the anon but these are sloppy words. There are "Non believers" who still believe in taking care of the environment and improved methods of energy use and production. We don't want to make it sound like Graham is all about dumping toxic waste into the ocean.

>> No.11465073

>m-m-muuuuuuuh peeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrllllsssssssssss
Get over yourself, dumb schizo.

>> No.11465086

>Couldn't they give any reference to that?
They're not wrong: https://www.theguardian.com/books/gallery/2018/oct/10/made-up-places-and-costly-mistakes-a-history-of-unfortunate-maps-in-pictures

>global warming is a hoax
Incorrect. Try again, this time find something actually wrong.

>> No.11465097
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>> No.11465115

That guy doesn't recognize his superiors.

>> No.11465116

There is not a single proof. I mean where are their archives? where are their source of energy?

>> No.11465138

His comments are like a little kid honestly he is prob some zoomer staying up late because he is out of school because of the virus using that website he heard the older kids talking about at school it but isn't supposed to be using where people say nigger teehee

>> No.11465158

You tards still haven't answered the schizo challenge >>11463653 What a shame.

>> No.11465163
File: 116 KB, 500x440, fools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise I used green text said muh and called people schizo and everything haha it was so awesome, thanks for telling me about that website and how to fuck waifu pillows with jello in it

>> No.11465166
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Are you... serious?

>> No.11465168

Didnt egypt have helicopters

>> No.11465173

The first sentence is wrong in the article. Is that the challenge? Hancock is a novelist. He doesn't claim to be a scientist. He also a social commentator, of sorts. That doesn't take any certifications. I didn't read the rest because, I already know who he is and I don't understand what you want.

>> No.11465184

why are buddhists such smug anime girls.

>> No.11465359

I think there likely were civilizations in the ice age. Nothing extreme; rome-level or less but probably less. Since civilization pops up along coasts and rivers, and the seas rose at the end of the ice age, the ruins (if any) are going to be mostly underwater.

>> No.11465718

dude, meter was initially defined as 1/10000000 part of pole to equator range, so it's like "earth parameter"

>> No.11465719

Take the schizo challenge >>11463653

>> No.11465734

>Hancock is a novelist.
Non sequitur.

>He doesn't claim to be a scientist.
Where does the article claim he does?

>He also a social commentator, of sorts.
Non sequitur.

Are schizos illiterate? Where is the article WRONG?

>> No.11465748

Wrong answer, try again schizo.

>> No.11465755

>I will post something I dont understand in a moronic attempt to discredit someone!
>I am a fucking idiot!
>I win!

>> No.11465760

/sci/ summed up

>> No.11465767

Unfortunately, the French underestimated the distance from the pole to the equator and made the meter smaller than it should have been. The circumference of the Earth is 40,075,000 meters instead of 40 million. This means that if the meter is actually defined as 1 ten millionth of the distance from pole to equator, the speed of light should be 299,231,399 m/s
What a weird coincidence that the Egyptians had the exact same error in estimating the meter AND also knew about seconds, a completely arbitrary division of time. Wow, it's practically unbelievable (if you aren't retarded).

>> No.11465771

>>I will post something I dont understand in a moronic attempt to discredit someone!
What didn't I understand?

>> No.11465851

>They're not wrong
What exactly should explain that to me in your link? Maps are sometimes mistaken and thus antarctida is drawn on some of them by mistake?
Don't you know discoveries are often made decades (or centuries) before they are discovered officially?
Don't you know the geneticists have found australian genes in south America (but not in north one)?

>> No.11465975

>Maps are sometimes mistaken and thus antarctida is drawn on some of them by mistake?
So you agree with the article? You were supposed to find something wrong with it.

>Don't you know discoveries are often made decades (or centuries) before they are discovered officially?

>Don't you know the geneticists have found australian genes in south America (but not in north one)?
LOL, so what?

>> No.11466200

> LOL, so what?
So his theory is that people could cross oceans. So why no marineer could know there's something south to africa is beyond me.

>> No.11466240

>So his theory is that people could cross oceans.
People did cross oceans, by going over the Beringia land bridge from Asia to the Americas. Some of those people settled in the Amazon in isolated communities that preserved the genes they shared with the Asians that migrated to Australia and became aboriginals. If you ignore all context you can find "evidence" for any fairy tale you want.

>> No.11466246

context of previous academic beliefs? It doesn't seem very likely to me that while they crossed the continent which has that amazing bottleneck they haven't leave their genetic trace in the Northern part of the continent.

>> No.11466252

Thats what Im saying, the pyramids are impressive but show no clear signs of advanced tech other than "manufacturing and moving blocks that big is kinda hard"

>> No.11466266 [DELETED] 
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/sci/ are belief repeaters, they aren't thinkers/knowers. Their entire lives they have been rewarded, not for thinking, but for memorizing and repeating. Their identity is completely built around pleasing the system for good boy points. They are the perpetuators of the status quo as it is their reward system. This is why in revolutions they always kill the academics.

The prols who are self sufficient and have nothing to lose by destroying the system as the system offers them nothing, and in fact takes from them, whereas the academics are leaches that are completely dependent on the system as it is what allows them to leach off the rest of society selling their snake oil and delusions. Even they see how absurd modern academia is with the Marxist nuttery and gender studies and psuedo science critical theory and getting published with absolutely ridiculous premises and conclusions with no fact checking or oversight, academia is a laughing stock at this point, yet /sci/ tries to pretend their particular field of knowledge has not been affected by it and look like complete and total morons, which they are of course.

Adolf Hitler said: "It was not the intellectuals who gave me the courage to undertake this giant task, but I can tell you this, I found the courage because I've encountered two types of people during my lifetime the German farmer and the German worker"

/sci/ will be at the front of the line on day of the rope

>> No.11466305


>> No.11466331

>context of previous academic beliefs?
Evidence you fucking mong.

>It doesn't seem very likely to me that while they crossed the continent which has that amazing bottleneck they haven't leave their genetic trace in the Northern part of the continent.
The Northern part is less isolated so older genes are more likely to disappear. What seems likely to you is irrelevant since you have no clue what you're talking about, just like Hancock.

>> No.11466341

>scientific evidence is a belief

>> No.11466362
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>> No.11466529

>The Northern part is less isolated so older genes are more likely to disappear. What seems likely to you is irrelevant since you have no clue what you're talking about, just like Hancock.
Another anon, please explain this topic

>> No.11466534
File: 106 KB, 449x449, NoTrust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally every human endeavor is a "conspiracy" by very definition you mindless ape. Stop shitting up this board with your idiocy

>> No.11466535

Why would you care what that moron says when he has been conclusively shown to have no idea wtf he is talking about 100 times over in this thread.

>> No.11466545

Due to contrary believes, what you see is a directed energy weapon. It is easy to compare it to normal craters and see the difference.

Atlantis wasnt build on 3 rings. After the lower developed civilizations broke contact to Atlantis. They found Atlantis with in 3 rings.

You see the pattern of an high-EMP-spike-wave-contraction.

>> No.11466547

>why would you care about all hypotheses, just trust me!
Thats a bad mindset.

>> No.11466568

Who has the balls and explain our people that our ancestors get crushed by an extraterrestrial force?

>> No.11466575

show me one lab created impact crater with that pattern. just one impact crater, just one.

>> No.11466576

nice straw man. Someone pushing the mainstream narrative is not putting forth a hypothesis they are mindlessly repeating. Plus he has been proven conclusively wrong in the thread already. Instead of yapping with morons perhaps you should spend your time reviewing the sources you were provided if you are actually interested in learning about the topic the thread was created for. This seems elementary to me, why is it elusive to you?

>> No.11466580

also never asked you to trust me and specifically said the sources were already in this thread so why would you make that up for your straw man? Do you have a learning disability by chance?

>> No.11466603

You never showed your conspiracy theories are in the set of human endeavors in the first place, so your semantics are pointless.

>Stop shitting up this board with your idiocy
Nice projection.

>> No.11466606

>he has been conclusively shown to have no idea wtf he is talking about 100 times over in this thread.

>> No.11466618

Why do you need someone else to explain it to you? Can't you read?

>> No.11466638

>mainstream BAD
Wow, you sure convinced me. It doesn't sound like you are compensating for your lack of intelligence by clinging to a contrarian position at all.

>Plus he has been proven conclusively wrong in the thread already.

>Instead of yapping with morons perhaps you should spend your time reviewing the sources you were provided if you are actually interested in learning about the topic the thread was created for. This seems elementary to me, why is it elusive to you?
Indeed, you should read >>11466305

>> No.11466639

How does gene isolation has anything to do with the similarities between australian aboriginal dna and amazonian dna?
It does explain why amazonian dna does not comply with the rest of south or north america. Current hypotheses include several waves of migration but its highly unlikely.

>> No.11466640

>also never asked you to trust me
That's good, since no one does.

>specifically said the sources were already in this thread
Your pseudoscientific sources have been thoroughly refuted.

>> No.11466642

>reee I say stup huehuehue

In the fucking thread where else autistic wet brain

>can't read a thread and visually see hyperlinks
You are too stupid for science mate try the lgbt boards they are fun and informative for people like you

>> No.11466643

You don't sound any different than concensus-drones.

>> No.11466648

you are failure and anyone that is around you for more than 5 minutes can see you are utter buffoon. You have no future outside of fast food

>> No.11466654

>sniff sniff you hurt my feels so I will use that as a reason to act like what you said is wrong
stfu tranny

>> No.11466657

>steam engine
the greek toy was not used for work, and is hence literally not an engine

>> No.11466665

>eNgInEs aRe uSeD fOr wOrK
you are so stupid it is actually quite impressive do you have a brain injury?

>> No.11466668

>How does gene isolation has anything to do with the similarities between australian aboriginal dna and amazonian dna?
What don't you understand about what I already said? Gene isolation means that genes belonging to the Asian common ancestor of South Americans and Aboriginals are more likely to be preserved.

>Current hypotheses include several waves of migration but its highly unlikely.

>> No.11466672

>In the fucking thread where else autistic wet brain
Where in the thread? You're really terrible at lying.

>> No.11466674

>doesnt know what an engine is
not gonna make it

>> No.11466676

>older genes are more likely to disappear.
This is some of the stupidest shit I have read yet.

Except for the fact that it should be common knowledge that most Aryans have neanderthal genes and anyone discussing this topic who knows anything all about genetics should know this. stfu you psued moron

>> No.11466679

Chinks have double the Neanderthal DNA of Euros, unless you are talking about Iranians/Alans/Ayrans win which case yes, they have more Neanderthal than Euros

>> No.11466680

There are people really this stupid on this board >>11466674 that literally don't even know the definition of basic words or how to look them up

a machine with moving parts that converts power into motion.

>> No.11466681

You're incredibly buttblasted. Please post more, schizo.

>> No.11466686

But isolation works towards speciation. Why would 2 tribes being 20000 years apart (at best) yeild a similar genepool?

>> No.11466687

>non extractable work
>an engine

>> No.11466688

>my stupidity and inability to say things above a double digit IQ level really pisses you off haha owned

jannies this persons only contribution to this thread has been to say schizo 20 times. Why don't your fucking job

>> No.11466690

They were not as isolated as you think

>> No.11466693

*do your fucking job

he very clearly falls under spamming and trolling and low quality posts. I know you do it for free but you volunteered so do your job

>> No.11466698

>This is some of the stupidest shit I have read yet.
That's because you're too dumb to see how dumb you are. I bet you don't even understand the difference between a genetic ancestor and a genealogical ancestor.

>> No.11466699

If jannies did their job this thread wouldn't even be here.

>> No.11466707

>The Great Pyramid contains too much high mathematics
t. brainlet

>> No.11466719
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Lets say blue is the first wave, green the second and red the last. Then south america would have less interbreeding from tribes than northamerica. Or are you proposing tribes from oceania crossing the ocean?

>> No.11466727

They aren't even that similar, they're just more similar to Aboriginals than to New Guineans, which is not surprising since they were isolated from New Guineans while New Guineans were not isolated from admixture.

>> No.11466730

Ocean crossings are highly probable, given the skill of Polynesian sailors

>> No.11466733

More projection. I have contributed plenty of substance to this thread, you've ignored it all and cried about it instead. Cry more for the jannies, pathetic brainlet. Hopefully they'll delete you're shitty pseudoscience.

>> No.11466735

Not him but it looks like at least 3 different anons in this thread have exposed you as a mid wit drooler. Well you did that to yourself actually.

There is no question you are the stupidest person in this thread by quite a large margin. Your posts are painful to read they are so cringe inducing

>> No.11466736

>Not him but it looks like at least 3 different anons in this thread have exposed you as a mid wit drooler.

>> No.11466765

The genes are 10000 years old, but Polynesian sailing is not, try again.

>> No.11466790

Polynesian sailing and exploration was basically continuous from 1600 BCE onwards

>> No.11466798

I will also say that genetic mutation and change is weird and doesn't occur like people think it does. Some alleles are susceptible to drift, but most adaption occurs in quantized jumps, which are very rare to appear and even rarer to be selected for, unless under immense pressure.

>> No.11466822

1600 BCE is not 10000 years ago...

>> No.11466834

So what? I don't even know what the point of this discussion is since Graham never said anything about Aboriginals sailing to America. Is this supposed to be part of the laughable "evidence" of knowledge from ancient advanced civilizations? How can you talk about what's "likely" when you have literally zero evidence?

>> No.11466946
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>citing rational wiki
Pretty good way to destroy your credibility.

>> No.11466963


Watch this video series and try to hold on to your worldview. 120 IQ+ only need apply

>> No.11467020

Another contender for the schizo challenge? >>11463653

>> No.11467025

Stop samefagging so hard, it's embarrassing

>> No.11467064

Oh sweaty, do you even know what samefagging is?

>> No.11467117

it just occurred to me that maybe one day we will find an 12,000 year old harddrive with at least 4tb of ancient anime on it.

>> No.11467132

>it just occurred to me that maybe one day we will find an 12,000 year old harddrive with at least 4tb of ancient loli anime on it.

>> No.11467284

c = 1.8026175 × 10^12 furlongs per fortnight

>> No.11467431

have you been watching the history channel anon?

>> No.11467567

you are clearly samefagging because your retardation and shilling style has a very specific signature easy to spot as this graphic explains >>11463946

All you have done is this thread is gaslight, name call, play stupid (if it is an act, it wouldn't surprise if it isn't but I will err on the side for caution for the sake of prudence), samefag and run your mouth. You clearly aren't interested in an intelligent discourse or are too stupid to engage in one so how about you go to /b/ where they are more your speed.

>> No.11467630

>you are clearly samefagging
OK, retard. Explain exactly what you think samefagging is.

>All you have done is this thread is gaslight, name call, play stupid (if it is an act, it wouldn't surprise if it isn't but I will err on the side for caution for the sake of prudence), samefag and run your mouth.
Actually all I've done is refute pseudoscientific quacks like Graham Hancock and then replied to retards ignoring the refutation and whining, your post being one of them. Cry more retard.

>> No.11467647

There were no advanced ancient civilizations. We know this because there are no ancient satellites in space. The end.

>> No.11467708
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>> No.11467801
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>> No.11467875

This, in my opinion, is a reasonable thread, with a reasonable question asked by OP, and there is no reason why the topic can not be discussed rationally and in a scientific manner. It has been however been hopelessly derailed, now has little of any real substance. Like so many other threads on this board.

Off topic I know, but these threads fascinate for a particular reason. For what they reveal about the types of posters found in this board.

I would expect the sort of people using /sci/ to have at least a passing interest in science, and because of that to have at least a rudimentary grasp of science related values. Being open minded to ideas and theories, evaluating evidence impartially, making unbiased observations. You would then expect discussions to be rational and based upon logical thought and relevant information. You might even expect statements to be prefaced as opinion, or as fact, where the poster is more certain and willing to provide independently accessible evidence from reputable sources.

To even casual users of this forum this is obviously not the case. What we find instead are plenty of trolls, the willfully ignorant, conspiracy theorists, the most unscientifically minded people you can imagine, most of whom use non-rational arguments and fallacies to attack other users and pollute any thread with a deluge of inanity and irrelevance.

They never stop. This has been consistent in this board for as long as I can remembered.

I just wonder where they come from and what their motivation is. This in itself deserves some study as a real social phenomena. It would be illuminating to understand the mindset of these rats.

>> No.11467877

Perfect troll thread and pic made by the op.

>> No.11467889

A few years ago I worked with a kid, about 23, who was the living embodiment of a 4chan troll. He acted this way in real life. He literally did it for the lulz; it was his prime motivation. If somebody got angry at him, he would get all excited and chuckle uncontrollably, kinda like how dogs act when you first come home. I think they have accepted that they are low quality people, but are also bad people, so the only joy they can get out of life is negative attention, that and a bit of sadism.

>> No.11467892

not technologically advanced. they saw our tech as pollution, a trap that discourages or distorts evolution from the human form, a cancerous growth out of the medium of free will. advanced in that they experienced what they were, what is now occluded to us, in relation to the world they inhabited in a way that made "magic" commonplace, and the body apparent as a vehicle one rides like a train for a while.

>> No.11467894

>I just wonder where they come from and what their motivation is

>> No.11467898


>> No.11467900

yes. virii are nano machines invented by early humans to kill bacteria instead of using medicine and other things. the best evidence we have

>> No.11467973


Points well made. Now if only there was a way to call in the equivalent of rat exterminators. Certainly what we have doesn't work. Why even have janitors if they are so disinterested?

>> No.11468011

This is such a terrific bait post. I love it.

>> No.11468028

I think there was a previous civ but they were perhaps roughly equivalent to our 18th or 19th century tech at the very most. Tech being non-linear, it's difficult to draw exact comparisons.

I don't buy the idea that they were equally or more advanced as we are now. 12,000 years simply isn't enough time to erase all the evidence, especially if they were space faring. We should see plastics in the fossil record, and derelict spacecraft in deep space orbits.

>> No.11468422

younger dryas, african humid period, eye of the sahara, milankovich cycles, critaeus & timaeus, tectonic plates, primordial origins of aegypt

>> No.11468490

the "science" of this thread stopped when this post was ignored

>> No.11468549

>Graham never said anything about Aboriginals sailing to America
I heard it from him

>> No.11468626

Did he tell you it indicates migration of an Asian population into South America and Australia or did he present it solely as evidence of Australians crossing the ocean?

>> No.11468645

>Asian population
I think that gene was only shared by some australians and amazonians only (but I'm not a specialist, I can be wrong on this one, check the data yourself)
He told it not to me personally, but to Joe Reagan

>> No.11468691

I did check the data: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4982469/

>Regardless, our results suggest that at least two different ancestry streams penetrated south of the Late Pleistocene ice sheets, perhaps taking different routes or arriving at different times from a structured Beringian or Northeast Asian source, or reflecting more longstanding gene flow. The genetic data allow us to say with confidence that Population Y ancestry arrived south of the ice sheets anciently: the fact that the geographically diverse Andamanese, Australian and New Guinean populations are all similarly related to this source suggests that the population is no longer extant, and the absence of long-range admixture linkage disequilibrium suggests that the population mixture did not occur in the last few thousand years. Further insight into the population movements responsible for these findings should be possible through genome-wide analysis of ancient remains from across the Americas.

Why does Graham cherrypick evidence and only present the conclusion he wants as the explanation?

>> No.11468931

>>It would be illuminating to understand the mindset of these rats.

Fascinating. Now let me ask you. What is your age and background? Have you ever received any scientific education? Would you be willing to participate in some tests? Path finding through a maze. That sort of thing. Plenty of tasty treats at the end.

>> No.11468965
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I'm admittedly jealous, your thread took off, I try a thread on such topics and get nothing but hate and then 404.
I have thought this too. I wouldn't go as far as Space Faring, but definately somewhen Industrial.
You clearly know nothing of the Pyramids.
An asteroid obliterated the Northern Glaciers sending any cities near coasts 120 meters under water. Also if we disappeared tommorow nothing would remain in a thousand years. This was Twelve thousand years ago.
He used to, rarely if ever anymore.
Diets change, who could possibly know what they ate.
Who ever implied they used such chemicals?
This has been disproven many times over.
A quick Google, my ignorant friend.
Quote him on this and I'll believe you (protip you cannot).
Atheist detected. Hows the Nihilism treating you?
Not true, did you know the Ancient Egyptians and North American Indians have parallels in their religious beliefs? Hailing from a mother Civilization?>>11463844
Guenon would be dismayed, that qoute goes both ways, fool.
And it is because you stop reading that your eyes remain shut, I've heard the blue pills taste like blueberries. Is it true?
They are under the sea, roughly 120 meters. Very expensive to investigate.
The article is PURE rhetoric. If you look into most of his research there is actually verifiable evidence for most of these things. Admittedly the Ark of the Covenant is pretty dumb, but everything else is a steady theory. The original Pacific Islanders where white with red hair. Look up the original New Zealanders. There is a DNA signal in South America which hails from the pacific.

>> No.11468982

Hold up, what is cherry picked there? Its a rational conclusion. Also every theory I have read of his is presented as unbiased as possible, only ever showing such biases comparing data from other sources of theorem (Occams razor also).

>> No.11469152
File: 502 KB, 714x450, comedian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you have ever proven to be true 95% of what you believe to be true
You live in a fish bowl and think it is the sea you are a clown mate

>> No.11469243

>I have thought this too. I wouldn't go as far as Space Faring, but definately somewhen Industrial.
Why "definitely?" What evidence do you have?

>You clearly know nothing of the Pyramids.
What doesn't he know?

>An asteroid obliterated the Northern Glaciers sending any cities near coasts 120 meters under water. Also if we disappeared tommorow nothing would remain in a thousand years. This was Twelve thousand years ago.
That is a hypothesis, not a fact: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Dryas_impact_hypothesis#Criticism

>Diets change, who could possibly know what they ate.
>Who ever implied they used such chemicals?
You claim to know that they existed, were industrial, and had cities, without evidence. Yet you can't assume they had common features of civilizations like crops or chemical traces when these present a challenge. Pretty damn hypocritical.

>This has been disproven many times over.

>A quick Google, my ignorant friend.
The point seems to have gone over your head. All those units are arbitrary and would have no meaning to civilizations that preceded them.

>Quote him on this and I'll believe you (protip you cannot).
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hKOHa17RII

>Atheist detected. Hows the Nihilism treating you?
Is this supposed to be a response to Hancock being BTFO?

>Not true, did you know the Ancient Egyptians and North American Indians have parallels in their religious beliefs?
All humans have parallels in their religious beliefs.

>Hailing from a mother Civilization?
Hailing from the same species.

>They are under the sea, roughly 120 meters. Very expensive to investigate.
LOL, so how do you know it's there?

>The article is PURE rhetoric.
Meaning what? It's dishonest? It doesn't have substance?

>> No.11469262

>If you look into most of his research there is actually verifiable evidence for most of these things.
If you look into most of his research and then do your own, you'll see that he constantly misrepresents and ignores evidence. See >>11466305

You can find actual archaeologists debunk pretty much anything he says with a simple google search, try it.

>The original Pacific Islanders where white with red hair.
First of all, so what? Even if you had evidence of this, I doubt it means what you think it does.

>There is a DNA signal in South America which hails from the pacific.
It doesn't hail from the Pacific, it is shared by certain Amazon populations and Pacific Islanders, because those are the only places where it survived. The signal is from a common Asian ancestor population that migrated to both South America via the Bering land bridge and to Australia.

>> No.11469269

>Hold up, what is cherry picked there?
He avoids whatever parts of the papers he cites that disagree with his beliefs. That is why you were never told this is evidence of a common Asian ancestor even though he cited the papers that said so.

>> No.11469272

The problem is the shills have all their little buddies in the jannie and mods role and if we allow them to willy nilly hand out bans they will only ban people that speak truth to power, (not like they don't do that already). However after me being here for 4 years myself sharing this knowledge with people and being banned constantly there are now too many people for them to simply keep banning them all as the brainless normie hacks here slowly start to wake up and discuss these things.

>> No.11469283

>Also every theory I have read of his is presented as unbiased as possible
How would you know? You obviously didn't look at what others have said on the topic. For example, Hancock relies solely on Charles Hapgood's opinions for his discussion of maps, even though Hapgood made many obvious mistakes and has been refuted many times by cartographers and historians.

>> No.11469287

I think there is some questions he raises that need to be looked into.

Is it not true the pries rei map possesses a superior longitudinal accuracy of an uncharted contentient?

How do we explain the global presence of the swasitka? The similar foundation myths found in many ancient cultures?

Why did a south american tribe possess a more accurate precise measure of the solar year than what came until modern history and where did the Olmecs get it?

To me he is a guy who got involved, made up his own mind, and ain't afraid to speak it. There is an academic in him somewhere as well, which i think lends well.

>> No.11469306

>>implying you have ever proven to be true 95% of what you believe to be true
You don't seem to understand that scientific theories are not proven or believed, they're accepted until evidence comes along that falsifies them. Why are you on the science board if you don't even understand what science is? Not to mention that you seem to think that this misunderstanding allows you to make whatever claims you want without evidence. You're incredibly retarded.

>> No.11469323
File: 52 KB, 850x400, twain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to understand you were bamboozled and your ego is so massive you can't even entertain the idea which is why you are a joke. I have been in the real science world for over 20 years with numerous academic and professional awards for my work little child. What have you done in your sophomore year studying brainlet tier, w/e it is you study?

I actually double minored with a minor in anthropology so if you want to go by credentials, which brainlets like you tend to do because you can't think for yourself only look to perceived authority the way you have been trained too, I am the only person in this thread even qualified to discuss this topic mouthy little pseud hack.

You don't know what you are talking about, you are a foolish mouthy child and you are an idiot. I have proven you wrong conclusively little fella. I have posted the evidence 100 times over but you are always too busy running your mouth that you never spend the time to actually know what you are talking about.

I will bet everything I own and both my balls no one in this thread thinks you have the first clue wtf you are talking about and know any history beyond your high school text book for even a microsecond, or that you haven't taken a position and simply google things as they come up to support your view to make your response. You are a joke and the fact that you are incapable of seeing it is the punchline. You got rekt now stfu and go lick your wounds.

>> No.11469338

This is a thread about archaeology, yes you can actually prove these things by finding and dating artifacts. If you don't understand how archaeology works why are you in this thread? Anon is right you are a moron stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.11469345

>I have been in the real science world for over 20 years with numerous academic and professional awards for my work little child.
Sure... sure you have. Which field are you in? I'm a microbiologist myself.

>I actually double minored with a minor in anthropology so if you want to go by credentials, which brainlets like you tend to do because you can't think for yourself only look to perceived authority the way you have been trained too, I am the only person in this thread even qualified to discuss this topic mouthy little pseud hack.
An undergraduate degree qualifies you for nothing. A minor qualifies you for less than nothing. That you thought this would impress anyone is just further proof of your delusional state.

>I have proven you wrong conclusively little fella.
Where exactly? You keep claiming this yet you fail every time to show it. You're a pathetic liar.

>I have posted the evidence 100 times over but you are always too busy running your mouth that you never spend the time to actually know what you are talking about.
OK, please post the evidence showing that the articles I posted about Graham Hancock are wrong. Or you could just keep posting these substance-less chest bumping posts and making a fool of yourself.

>I will bet everything I own and both my balls no one in this thread thinks you have the first clue wtf you are talking about and know any history beyond your high school text book for even a microsecond, or that you haven't taken a position and simply google things as they come up to support your view to make your response.
No one cares what you think, dumb schizo.

>> No.11469348

>This is a thread about archaeology, yes you can actually prove these things by finding and dating artifacts.
Then show me the proof.

>> No.11469358
File: 349 KB, 850x446, kikeArgument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a literal autist and clearly a child. You couldn't get a degree in flipping burgers. You are a liar and probably a free mason or jew. If you aren't being purposely obtuse, spending multiple days in this thread gas lighting and trying to push the mainstream narrative while refusing to acknowledge you have already been proven wrong then you have some serious issues and I legit feel sorry for you. I don't care what you think I am sure I not alone. I hope you die from corona virus

>> No.11469366

You couldn't answer a single question or provide a single piece of evidence. This indicates I was right about you being a pathetic liar and a delusional schizo. Please post more, confirming further your complete and utter impotence.

>> No.11469378

if any nuclear bombs were detonated prior to the first tests in the 1950s there would be evidence in the geological record. There is not.

>> No.11469383


>> No.11469384

There is an I already posted it buddy

>> No.11469385

The cause might be a hypothesis, the fact that the sea rose can hardly be disputed.

>> No.11469393

I mean you can find plenty more if you actually looked for it first, but this is /sci/ so I know that would be quite unusual for people to actually look for things before they claim don't exist


>> No.11469396

Nuclear bombs create non-natural isotopes which do not decay for millenia, these isotopes do not exist in the geological record prior to the first tests in the 1950s. There's even a market for whats known as low background steel, steel that was manufactured prior to the first nuclear tests and therefore is not contaminated with small amounts of these isotopes.


>> No.11469397

Jesus Christ this was talked about on a mainstream history channel show once almost a decade ago why are the people on this board so fucking stupid and clueless? You people are hilariously retarded and inept

I am with anon I don't care what you think you are just trying to derail the thread you are painfully obvious.

>> No.11469399

Where are the spikes in cesium 137 in the geological strata then?

>> No.11469401

You must be same fagging because I find it hard to believe two people this inept posting this close together with the same level of idiocy could happen at the same time

>> No.11469402

I am not your personal tutor do the fucking research you donkey motherfucker

>> No.11469404

Specifically plutonium 239 has a half life of 24110 years.

>> No.11469410

The research suggests there are no examples of the isotopes created by nuclear blasts in the geological record prior to the first known tests.

>> No.11469436

>Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up.
This is incorrect. It's also incredibly ironic since Hancock claims a comet strike destroyed his made up ancient civilization 12000 years ago yet there is no impact crater from that time.


>> No.11469459

his hit the ice sheets over north america

>> No.11469468

Too bad that, without a comet to conveniently destroy all evidence of the made up civilization, you have no excuse for why we haven't found any.

>> No.11469472 [DELETED] 
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t. glowie

>> No.11469477

>schizo claims he can prove something
>asked for the proof
>schizos chimp out and fail to provide proof
Sure retard, I'm the one derailing the thread.

>> No.11469481

That's not a response, stop trying to derail the thread.

>> No.11469487 [DELETED] 
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t. glowies

>> No.11469516

You would still get an impact crater underneath the ice sheet. Also, the Younger Dryas hypothesis requires multiple impacts from a disintegrated comet in North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia, not just on ice sheets. Hancock is a hypocrite.

>> No.11469524

That's not a response, stop trying to derail the thread.

>> No.11469556
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People should pay attention to this, it is someone who knows what's up.

>> No.11469560

OK, schizo.

>> No.11469573

>The problem is stupid people and shills act exactly alike

You can tell them apart. It takes time and practice and is never 100% (as no identification method ever is) but there are tell tale signs.

For one thing, stupid people often don't put in that much effort.

>> No.11469578

The emerging metallurgy disrupted the balance of metal ions in the environment, which made everything rot faster, killed off the megafauna and made people retarded and the people killed each other.

>> No.11469582

I believe he's genuinely that stupid, but I can't help but find it ironic that he could not be any better of a false flag if he tried.

>> No.11469595 [DELETED] 
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Nice doubles with palindrome.

I'd only drop 'day of the rope'. It won't be needed. These lemmings are being slowly poisoned by the system and will defend the system for doing it.

>> No.11469616

>This in itself deserves some study as a real social phenomena. It would be illuminating to understand the mindset of these rats.

As someone who has been browsing this board for a good decade I would be willing to put forth my opinion.

Here you have a mix of things. In many cases it is young men who have yet to be exposed to a broader body of knowledge outside of their government mandated curriculum. They were in the upper quartile of their classes and have a thirsty ego based upon cognitive superiority. They seek to feed that ego here, and 4chan has a long history of a culture conducive to such behavior.

On top of that you do indeed have paid forum spies meant to try to steer global narrative. You also have people training chat bots which will mimic tone and style, which again, historically has been sarcastic and 'ironic'.

Personally, I find the culture of 4chan as a whole to be improving over what it was in the past.

>> No.11469699 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11469738

Yes, people so advanced they ware walking calculators haven't counted up the option, there is more space and there is unlisted danger...

Some traveler went around and coughted, is possible scenario to civilisation wipe out.

>> No.11469753



highly relevant to some things brought up in that pic

>> No.11469828


Highly relevant to all of your posts.

>> No.11469851

Already told you retard. Also, you fail to answer questions and tell me that I can't read. You double fag the only logical fallacy that you have managed to memorize, so far. What are you like 15 years old? Specifically, what do you even want from me?

>> No.11469852

take a nap Mossad you earned your shekels

>> No.11469856
File: 70 KB, 599x632, Economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are free to repost this stuff over there, if you think they will enjoy it.

>> No.11469931

>Already told you retard.

>Also, you fail to answer questions and tell me that I can't read.
Which ones?

>> No.11469946

he's busy posting blacked threads on /pol/

>> No.11469976

Why can't you figure it out if you are so smart? I didn't initiate this. You asked me.I already know what I think and do not require your assistance. What is the challenge? Do you need help with something or are you just being a nuisance?

>> No.11469978

It's amazing how you schizos think you can just make shit up and no one will call you out for it.

>> No.11469982

Why can't you back up any of your claims? Oh because they're lies. You're not even smart enough to lie correctly, you immediately fail to back them up. What a pathetic fag.

>> No.11469997

It's amazing how you think you can just keep calling people 'schizos' and people will take you seriously.

I thought your people were supposed to be good with words.

>> No.11470003

What's amazing is how much you whine about being called a schizo while spouting paranoid delusions.

>> No.11470006

I haven't made any claims, dummy. You are confused because you are shit blasting posts all over the place and lashing out tike you're on some kind of mission. Still, I don't know what you want. You must be pretty simple.

>> No.11470011

I hope your manager notes how limited your repertoire is. You deserve a pay cut.

>> No.11470022

>I haven't made any claims, dummy.
>Already told you retard.
>Also, you fail to answer questions and tell me that I can't read.
>The first sentence is wrong in the article.
You should link all your posts in this thread so we can see all the other claims you "haven't made," dumb schizo.

>> No.11470025

We really need a schizo purge

>> No.11470029

>(((they))) are paying people to reply to my posts because my opinions are so important

>> No.11470040

You aren't commenting to me you absolute tool, kys shlomo

>> No.11470058

> Still, I don't know what you want

>> No.11470063

He mad.

>> No.11470069
File: 321 KB, 768x768, MetaRabbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo calling people schizo
how meta, that you deadpool?

>> No.11470091

>link all
What claims?

>> No.11470419

>What claims?
I already listed a few:

>Already told you retard.
>you fail to answer questions
>The first sentence is wrong in the article.

Here's more:
>the Graham Hancock of today is a model of behavior
>Atlantis was real

I'm still waiting for you to show me where the article claims Hancock calls himself a scientist and which questions I failed to answer. Or you could just admit that you make shit up.