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File: 41 KB, 632x459, green blop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11462902 No.11462902 [Reply] [Original]

it grows bigger and melts anything it touches, but slowly. image is an example.

>> No.11462903

can it fart?

>> No.11462908

invoke sun made of ice, masterfully of course

>> No.11462929

what does that mean? explain it scientifically and full of equations please

>> No.11462939

bump i need answers

>> No.11462942
File: 14 KB, 398x397, ice sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-1000 degrees should do the trick

>> No.11462948

bumpy bump

>> No.11462952

cool, can you analyze if we can use it as energy

>> No.11462982

why is radioactivity always displayed as green when it's observed as blue (in cherenkov radiation) or metallic (the radioactive metals) or above purple (gamma rays)?
as for your question, you need to know what isotope this blop is

>> No.11462985


>> No.11462986

I'm not sure, since it's more of a nullifying agent than anything else

>> No.11463003

You need an anti-radioactive red blop that quickly gets smaller to cancel them out. It freezes things though, so be careful.

>> No.11463007

Stop replying to the zim schizo, newfag.
There are no "-1000" degrees, dumbass.

>> No.11463011

>zim schizo
what is that shit?

>> No.11463013

no there's -1000 C degrees retard, kys

>> No.11463014

>doesn't know lava sun vs ice sun
You've outed yourself as the newfag here.

>> No.11463022

A dumbass who keeps larping as this tranny alien and keeps making shitty threads. That's like the third thread this week,

>> No.11463036

>A dumbass who keeps larping as this tranny alien
lol i didnt larp as one
>keeps making shitty threads.
yeah like other threads are better
>That's like the third thread this week,
show me those 'other' threads, retard go to warosu if you want better results

>> No.11463042
File: 8 KB, 249x226, 1342459619924s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute zero
Do you know what they used to call it? Infinite cold.
That's a better name imo, so let's talk about transinfinite cold - times 1000
that's a transinfinite sun
It wins, anon
lava sun never had a chance

>> No.11463068


>> No.11463070

> zim schizo
this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HODM_k2-CN4

>> No.11463155


>> No.11463265

How would gamma rays would like to us if the human eye was able to perceive them?

>> No.11463346

my sides nigga

>> No.11463352

kekkekek what thread lads

>> No.11463438


>> No.11463464

same way with photons, it would hurt our eyesight.

>> No.11463594

it'd be useful to use tungsten. as they slow down melting.

>> No.11464935

tungsten is pretty reactive.