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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11462039 No.11462039 [Reply] [Original]

I am almost certain 0/0 is 0, because of this image. No, I am not retarded, and yes I do know about limits. The thing about 0/0 limits is they don't include the fact that its (0/0)*0

My main argument is that ~by definition~ division is "what times the denominator is the numerator", its the inverse of multiplication. Because of this, no matter what number you say 0/0 is its always multiplied by 0 and thus becomes 0.

>> No.11462048

>I am almost certain 0/0 is 0, because of this image.
In which wheel?

>> No.11462049

Is that another name for a ring?

>> No.11462053

Dare to resist, don't bump shit threads!

(except this post explaining to dare to resist to bump shit threads)

>> No.11462059

I don't want bumps i want answers

>> No.11462064

>by definition
no the problem is that you people don't know a single thing about abstract algebra. People long before you have long since made sense of how and why division is possible, under what circumstances, etc etc.. I don't really have much else to tell except to read more ring theory

>> No.11462066

>Is that another name for a ring?

>> No.11462067

I may be a dumbass, but aren't rings just sets with thingies you can do on them?

>> No.11462071

On the members of the set that is

>> No.11462072

Yes but they admit a lot more complicated behavior just by having simple structure on them.

>> No.11462078

Welp i believe you went above my vocab level. I am looking for a proof by contradiction, because i am too stupid to understand anything else.

>> No.11462092

Suppose we have a nonzero division ring or field. Suppose 0/0 is well defined and it equals 0. In general, when we have x = 0/0 (provided you accept basic facts about fields and rings), we say x is any number such that [math] x \cdot 0 = 0 [/math]. However, we see every such x satisfies this relationship, and so we get that every element is zero. However, we supposed that the ring was nonzero to begin with. Contradiction.

>> No.11462095

That is exactly my point, that since x is any number such that x * 0 = 0, therefore (0/0)*0=0

>> No.11462097


>> No.11462099

Why did we suppose the ring was nonzero?

>> No.11462107

Not really. This shows that 0/0 isn't a well defined number since it would have to be equal to everything in the ring.
There are some technical reasons, but it basically comes down to the core reason that [math] 1 \neq 0 [/math] in meaningful contexts. These two elements are considered distinct since if they are not, everything generally ends up being nothing but 0. That is to say, you could give 0/0 some form, but it's sort of a garbled mess that doesn't admit anything worth study.
So we keep 1 and 0, which are the multiplicative and additive identities, separate from our considerations.

>> No.11462110

anon isn't going to understand any nuances of quotient and mapping properties if he can't see why 0/0 isn't well defined in such a context

>> No.11462121

Why wouldn't they be considered distinct? I don't understand what you mean/

>> No.11462126

We supposed the ring is nonzero because then we have an element, at least a single element, that is nonzero. This means we have to consider a 0, which is our additive identity, and a 1, which is our multiplicative identity, and of course all sums of these elements, all multiples of the sums, all sums of the multiples, etc etc. So by supposing we have a nonzero ring, we encounter the first nontrivial case when examining a set of numbers. Namely, the integers are probably the most natural commutative ring to first thing about.

>> No.11462134

I still don't see what the problem with multiplying an indeterminate value that could equal any number in the set by 0 to make it so that it can only be 0 causes a problem

>> No.11462141
File: 4 KB, 260x260, wheels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In which wheel?
Wheel Theory
Anton Setzer - Wheels
Jesper Carlstrom - Wheels: On Division by Zero

wheels bro, keep on rollin'

>> No.11462149

because 0/0 is clearly not well defined. If we follow the contradictory argument, it is every arbitrary element in the field. What this means is one of two things
1) 0/0, which we assumed is an element, is actually a set of unique elements that aren't zero. Contradiction (a type theoretic argument would probably be better here)
2) every element in the ring satisfies x * 0 = 0 by definition of 0, so every element in the ring is 0, but we assumed otherwise. Contradiction

Both of these are consequences of the fact 0/0 isn't well defined.

>> No.11462162


its not just division, it is also multiplication by 0

>> No.11462192
File: 284 KB, 315x407, 1566947910301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!

>> No.11462210

No, this is specifically division by zero. Multiplication by zero is well defined.

>> No.11462256

who will save /sci/ from this daunting unanswered question?

>> No.11463390

0/0 generates a completely new set of reals. Any system by which 0/0 is allowed is, by necessity, 2 dimensional.

>> No.11463427
File: 24 KB, 474x711, foo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. OP is retarded. What did you prove from the image. Nothing. You in essence just multiplied both sides by zero. The result nothing.

Let's start with your argument
Now divide both sides by zero
Well..... we're back to square on. The LHS and RHS are not defined. Hence your argument is false. Try again next time.

>> No.11463441

No one. Because the argument is fallacious.

>> No.11463445

Wheel theory doesn't solve shit, that stupid cross thing is just as much of a dead end as 0 and infinity

>> No.11463457

division is the inverse of multiplication, and there is no unique inverse for zero because x * 0 = 0 for all x. at worst you can argue that it's multivalued, at best you can define something like a projective coordinate system and introduce a point at infinity

>> No.11463491

OP, if you're a brainlet (which at this point I think you're) and still can't comprehend the veracity of your claims, there's an easier way to understand.

Consider the ratio 1/x
What happens if we decrease x?
It becomes very large
Ex 1/0.1=10, 1/0.01 = 100, 1/0.0001 = 10000 and so on

now consider the ratio x/1 or just x.
What happens if we decrease x? It gets closer to 0.
Now multiplying both ratios seem to give us some intermediate answer.
Hence there's no specific number that can satisfy 0/0.

>> No.11463556

I'm starting to think that for f(x)=[0/0]*n, 0/0=1, while for f(x)=[0/0]+n, 0/0=0
Does that even make sense? A number that's 0 under addition, and 1 under multiplication?

>> No.11463615

0*1/0 = 0, 1=0

>> No.11463855
File: 89 KB, 700x662, the-ones-who-say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wheel theory doesn't solve shit
>that stupid cross thing is just as much of a dead end as 0 and infinity
Well, it sounds like someone knows less about wheel theory than wheel theory knows about him! Here's a little tip, kid: you can never hope to defeat your enemies without knowing how they think. And by the time you know enough wheel theory to fight the wheel theoretic, it's already too late. You're already a wheel theorist!

>> No.11464081

>"what times the denominator is the numerator", its the inverse of multiplication. Because of this, no matter what number you say 0/0 is its always multiplied by 0 and thus becomes 0.
But 0 times 1 is also 0, and 0 times 2, 3, 4, etc

Based retard OP trying to redefine basic math

>> No.11464103

>Based retard OP trying to redefine basic math
based retard defies the notion of algebraic structure

>> No.11464153

not an argument chap