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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11459988 No.11459988 [Reply] [Original]

>online classes for three weeks
corona chan confirmed best nothingburger

>> No.11459991

Shut up plumber

>> No.11460106

>over 4 thousand dead

Are you saying 9/11 was also a nothingburger?

>> No.11460114

>Corona virus can melt steel beams
Corona-Chan did 9/11.

>> No.11460473

Same, no clue in hell how exams are going to work though

>> No.11460484

>3000 people die in car accidents every single day

>> No.11460681


>> No.11460735
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>> No.11460810

If you enjoy the idea of classes being cancelled pls kill yourself

>> No.11460839

He said online, not cancellation
I'm in the same situation, gonna be comfy saving 5 hours of commuting per week

>> No.11460854

If you enjoy the idea of having math and physics classes online instead of in person then neck yourself

>> No.11460945


>> No.11460968

how the fuck am i supposed to do my labs online

>> No.11460999

I'm a freshman so it's not like it really matters, calc 2 and physics 1 are easy no matter what

>> No.11461042

So you agree that the "war on terror" was entirely unjustified and the USA are the real terrorists

>> No.11461059

you don't. we just get automatic A's lol

>> No.11461094

>don't have to drive in
>no lab reports
>classes are still at their scheduled times for some reason
>my internet connection will probably die during an exam

>> No.11461099

I teach lab classes
The lab exams have practical components and technique demonstrations that cannot be moved online
This sucks for the students who are good with their hands and have common sense

>> No.11461102

There isn't a student in hell who is upset about not needing to write lab reports

>> No.11461669


>> No.11461673

Who doesn't, honestly?

>> No.11461677

Nah, you are still a terrorist Abdullah Mehmet and Islam = terrorism. Also, don't worry Jews and Israel will soon be called terrorist too. Our Jerusalem embassy is so we can attack from within

>> No.11461688
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>believing the 4D chess meme in [current year]

>> No.11461698

Are you under the impression that we think we're the good guys?

>> No.11461703

>he thinks students care about labs

>> No.11461712 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11461717

my school is giving students lab data and having them make a lab report

>> No.11462157

now that is truly hell

>> No.11462758

the number of car accidents aren't increasing exponentially, you fuckwit

>> No.11463695

>everything i don't understand is a meme

>> No.11463699

Neither are corona deaths.

>> No.11463746
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Only if you do something against it right now

>> No.11463778

>muh scary chart
The world chart looks quite different.

Wake me up when it reaches 1% of the 600,000 annual common flu deaths.

>> No.11463795

they probably are, car ownership would be dependent on population growth which is exponential and that would increase the amount exponentially

>> No.11463891

is that Jim Watkins

>> No.11463892

Who cares?

>> No.11463914

My lecturers are basically human text-to-speech machines so even if the class is cancelled I lose literally nothing from going over the lecture slides and self teaching the concepts.

>> No.11464095

At my med collage we are gonna take exams by internet (which means i can basically google all the answers while solving it). Thank you based corona and god speed

>> No.11464310

wow imagine being this new. this isnt reddit retard, everyone already knows this, and its not the "USA", its Israel and the JEWSA.

seethe shekelstein, your kind will be obliterated soon inshallah

>> No.11464492

>online classes
Lol loser. I'm going to be NEET this whole month.

>> No.11464495

>Nasdaq, SAP 500, DOW close at worst levels of the day since 1987

Based Corona-chan. Blowing the fuck out of mutts.

>> No.11464501

You'll just move the goal post if that happens. /sci/ pseuds like you will never admit when they're wrong, it's sad.

>> No.11464513

Except I've already said in January that 2/3rds of the world population will get infected and hundreds of thousands will die.

It's still a nothingburger. A repeat of the Swine Flu panic. Common flu kills 600,000 worldwide every year so it would have to be worse than that to be truly panic worthy.

>> No.11464516

I swear to god next time I'm gonna hear the "jusdaflubro" in person, I'm gonna shank a nigga.

>> No.11464523

Swine flu had a death rate of 0.01% and Wu Flu has 3.4% and that's if you trust Chinese stats which is fucking retarded thing to do. Likely much higher. Just admit you were wrong, it's not scientific of you to be this fucking stubborn and hold on to a narrative because you hate /pol/ with every fiber of your faggot being.

>> No.11464527

You absolute buffoon, if 2/3rds of the world got coronavirus, at best 300 000 000 people would die.

>> No.11464577
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>Swine flu had a death rate of 0.01% and Wu Flu has 3.4%
I can tell you lack critical thinking skills but Swine Flu started out with a reported death rate of 7% and this started out with a reported death rate of 2-3%. Once proper statistical modelling was available for Swine Flu (rather than relying on the - most serious, reported cases) the actual death rate plummeted to 0.09%. This is an exact repeat of the Swine Flu 2009 panic so far, maybe you zoomies are too young to remember it but there were quarantines, flight bans, massive panic, and stock market crashes amid the hysterical media describing the apocalypse, just like now.

When proper testing is conducted, taking into account asymptomatic cases, as it happened in Germany and South Korea, corona ends up being much less scary, with 0.1% and 0.8% death rates respectively in these countries.

The fact that this virus mostly affects the elderly and those with underlying health conditions is also consistent with a low death rate.

Finally, in the Diamond Princess cruise ship, 3/5 of the cases were asymptomatic. If we extend this to the reported cases so far, the death rate also plummets to less than 1%.

You don't even warrant a reply, brainlet.

>> No.11464604

Going by the diamond princess 1%, that's still 50 million deaths for 2/3 of world population infected.

>> No.11464626

And if we extend the 3/5 adymptomatic cases to the RoW results we get a less than 1% death rate. Worthy of concern but hardly apocalyptic.

>> No.11464632

Diamond Princess was full of boomers and seniors btw. The % of asymptomatic cases is probably even greater than 3/5.

>> No.11464638

most college courses have entirely dispensable lectures anyway

>> No.11465047
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>Have to watch video lectures at the same time as class for attendance grade
>have to screenshare during the exam, will be accused of cheating if my internet connection drops
>Boomer professors who don't check their email are already making this a nightmare

>> No.11465094

Most anons here aren't even old enough to remember the swine flu being hyped up like this

>> No.11465212

I agree it's a very mild disease, but I'm 20 and don't remember school getting cancelled over the swine flu panic in third or fourth grade

>> No.11465271
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>Teacher moves exam and final online
>Google shit because I can.
>Get almost perfect score while people are getting 70-80% because muh integrity.
>Getting a 4.0 because of this
Am I fucked up?

>> No.11465274

My googlefu is too weak, I would run out of time. Just look at your notes. You did go to class right anon?

>> No.11465280

Oh yeah I never missed a day. Classes were cancelled and everything is online now. I got 100% on the midterm too.

>> No.11465287

the stress of the situation would have otherwise adversely affected your performance on the final, googling just makes up for the difference :)

>> No.11465344

neither are 9/11 deaths

>> No.11465360

I've seen much worse than that anon. You're a saint, relatively speaking.

>> No.11465497

The reason the world chart looks different is because China has the vast majority of cases, and they stopped the spread

>> No.11465507

>tfw you’re an applied math major
Labs will probably be solving problems with data. Feels gud man

>> No.11465515

Reddit is that way

>> No.11465550

People who think this is nothing are in for a huge awakening. China lied through their teeth, they lied to everyone to protect their economy. They are literally welding people shut in their homes. This is worse than anything we have seen in the past century. It hasn't even fucking begun.

>> No.11465551

>Youngsters are happy to not learn


>> No.11465630

No, you're being reasonable

>> No.11465644

Is South Korea lying too? Because everyone seems to be basing things off their data since their government's response is seemingly as good as it can be

>> No.11465658

The only site ive seen this term used is 4chan my guy

>> No.11465733

>4000 per 7 billion people
yep, this ones going in my nothingburger compilation

>> No.11466337

It's online classes, not class cancellation
I'm just glad I can sleep in an extra hour

>> No.11466752

>don't have to see my Marxist professors or idiotic class mates
>group projects cancelled
>all tests done online so I can google the answers
>don't have to wake up early to get to classes on time
>many assignments simply cancelled
This is amazing. Now I get to chill at home, shitpost, watch movies and drink beer

>> No.11466829
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>> No.11466837

Over 600 schools got shut down because of H1N1 by October. You're either too young to even remember it or your school just didn't bother. I was in high school at the time and my school just didn't bother shutting down.


>> No.11466860

Neck yourself. I hate online classes. I will just lose my ability to socialize while in campus. Plus my house is more dangerous than my campus because my home area is too close to NYC.

Also they still havent talk about me getting my refund since I am not living on campus for the rest of the semester