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11459266 No.11459266 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>11452494

Hello, welcome to /asg/ - Actic Science General.
This is where you talk about based science here. The word Actic is just the name of this general.

Genetics, what is it? Well, it's the study of genes. What are genes? Genes are a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, either RNA or protein. Every gene is made up of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) which is a molecule.
DNA is like an instructor, telling the body how it should be and what it should be. Genetics is is like the probability of biology, cause genes are all probability, your hair was more likely due to your mother's/father's hair, or it was random, known as a mutation.
A mutation is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV light and cigarette smoke. All those stuff, made you who you are.
Genetics is useful for studying evolution and natural selection. It develops for advantage and disadvantage, but the most important part is it's all about probability Some say this is unfair from nature, you choose to be something you don't. Like, for example, let's say you have a low IQ, a disadvantage that let's you be able to process less info from the world than the average person, that's unfair and no one asked for that. There came an idea, by a gene in prokaryotic cells called 'CRISPR-Cas9' which allows for the living thing to have it's gene modified. This was an appealing idea to scientists, we could have a good gene, and replace any bad genes with good ones. It's fairly criticised, some say it's dangerous, and we shouldn't mess with nature at times, some believe it's helpful and that nurture is greater than nature.
This all there's for genetics.

Make this discussion based!

>> No.11459269
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Anyone here have any experience with Crispr Cas 9 and implementing the luciferase producing gene into plants? I have recently started on this project and I'd love if any anons could point me to any sources or perhaps have any tips of research they may have done themselves. Thanks in advance, kind /sci/entists!

>> No.11459311

Why are geneticists so quiet about the race iq controversy? There's presumably at least some genetic component considering how geographically isolated populations were for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.11459318
File: 70 KB, 656x755, lääkeapustaja20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I get an internship with a sum of stipent, anons?

>> No.11459339

Genes do not work the way most people think they work. There are 30000 genes and most of them interact with most of the others. It is very difficult to analyze such a system. The traditional way of analyzing has failed (although there were a few successes early on because of low hanging fruits). The silence is mostly because geneticists know very little, much less than what the general public thinks they know

>> No.11459370

we meet again dungus.

>> No.11459373
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>we meet again dungus.

>> No.11459375

both of you. get out pls, i dont this to happen like last time

>> No.11459378

tell that to cockopoopoo

>> No.11459390

again, why do people rationalize IQ

>> No.11459392

black people IQ*

>> No.11459398

do it on another discussion of IQ, but not on a discussion of genes pls, thx - OP

>> No.11459405

so evolution is complex?
ok then, sorry for disturbance.

>> No.11459406

ok then, sorry. i thought you were somebody trying to make a discussion of politics.

>> No.11459466


>> No.11459517

you have to admit, the genes are different in races.

>> No.11459518

yeah but what should we do? kill em? CRISPR should do the work, dungus, please man

>> No.11459521

>yeah but what should we do? kill em? CRISPR should do the work, dungus, please man
CRISPR should be banned to white race though, it does nothing but promote harm, cockopoopoo, please man

>> No.11459523

>CRISPR should be banned to white race though, it does nothing but promote harm, cockopoopoo, please man
why? its extremely useful, are you an anti-vaxx?

>> No.11459526

>why? its extremely useful, are you an anti-vaxx?
anti-vaxx = anti-gemo, yes sure makes sense.

>> No.11459531

>anti-vaxx = anti-gemo, yes sure makes sense.
yes, genetic modifcation could enchance any baby. make us finally eridicate cancer and so on

>> No.11459533

>yes, genetic modifcation could enchance any baby. make us finally eridicate cancer and so on
dude, we're living in reality, not fantasy land where the best stuff happen, show me evidence of CRIPR's progress. please

>> No.11459552

>dude, we're living in reality, not fantasy land where the best stuff happen, show me evidence of CRIPR's progress. please
dude, visit this: https://www.nature.com/subjects/crispr-cas-systems

>> No.11459556

jesus christ, the spam system was being a dick to me for some reason

>> No.11460476

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as 'a gene called CRISPR-Cas9',
is in fact, just Cas9, or as I've recently taken to calling it, the CRISPR/Cas9 editing system.
CRISPR is not an editing complex unto itself, but rather another repeated component
of a fully functioning viral-DNA cleavage system made useful by the CRISPR-associated proteins, guide RNA and tracrRNA comprising a full double strand cleavage mechanism as defined by Zhang et al.

>> No.11461353

I use CRISPR/Cas9 in Arabidopsis, what do you have questions about?

>> No.11461950

Thanks man!

>> No.11462094
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Because it doesn’t actually matter to daily life.

>> No.11462125

Taking an upper division genetics course at a top 20 university. The professors literally said intelligence is mostly heritable, and said it really fast and never mentioned it again, before beginning a lecture on the most commonly methods to find these correlations with genes. I'm under the impression that real geneticists know more than they really want to know and might have their own opinions but just care about keeping their jobs focusing on their own research, so they don't delve into forbidden topics.

>> No.11462355

true, it's annoying in the age of censorship.

>> No.11462457

get out sad fag, censorship is done to protect you from retarded question which retarded powerful people might believe.

>> No.11462576

Genetics are just a bunch of pseudoscience, no one is still sure what are genes, just the basic tip of the iceberg

>> No.11462599

how do you think genes work?

>> No.11462718

does CRISPR-GEMO work?

>> No.11462726

What exactly are recessive genes? least likely gene to appear? what if we bred 2 recessive genes together?
Will recessive genes always stay recessive whenever breeding with anyone else?

>> No.11462782

yes, as long as there's a gene, they will stay recessive when breeding with anyone else

>> No.11462966 [DELETED] 

>no one is sure what are genes, genetics is false!
>no one is sure what is gravity, physics false!

>> No.11462974

>no one is sure what are genes, genetics is false!
>no one is sure what is gravity, physics false!
choose one

>> No.11463364

mate, there's difference between small branch in big branch, and big branch

>> No.11463498

you still get the point.

>> No.11463505

Anyone, wanna discuss about genetics please?

>> No.11463516



>> No.11463524

lmao, fags being triggered and ignoring instead of discussing it.

>> No.11463559

isn't it a bit problematic? like many people will say 'black people are low IQ' which means they should deported and then stolen from again and yeah you get the point, also genes are really subjective.

>> No.11463574

Why do disabled people exist? Like how does nature allow them to exist?

>> No.11463582
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because nature also allows these stuff to exist

>> No.11463586

in a complex way

>> No.11463597

well, black people should contribute to society or else they're useless and harmful

>> No.11463605

how will genetic editing contribute to anything? it should be illegal and stay that way, there are probably better methods of making the world a better place

>> No.11463756

>genes are subjective

>> No.11463842
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oh pretty interesting anon! I am looking for ways to implement the Luciferin-Regenerating Enzyme (LRE) into bacteria. I was personally thinking of E. Coli possibly, or perhaps V. fischeri. This way a biological light source could be created which has many ways it can be used. Do you know whether this idea is viable? Or perhaps any suggestions for the bacteria I can use :)

Thanks in advance anon!

>> No.11464426


>> No.11464490

is everyone not interested in genetics or what? explain to me.

>> No.11464570


>> No.11464587

you can all tell me if GEMO works, please

>> No.11464925

why is no one reading this thread? just tell me you fags?

>> No.11464930

stop bumping this shitty thread, fag. it's some lowfag 2nd grade explaination

>> No.11464937

genetics is a really complex subject to study.

>> No.11464940

how is it complex?

>> No.11464944

its literally chemistry and math and biology mixed together

>> No.11464957

well, yes but that doesnt make it complex, it's really easy.

>> No.11464963

>genetics ez
do you know what it is about? molecules and maths, with biological stuff.

>> No.11464972

i dont understand

>> No.11464977

>links articles
they're all exgaggerated

>> No.11464980

do you think that genetic engineering could end sexism?

>> No.11464983

>they're all exgaggerated
no they aren't, GEMO will still happen regardless, like the old days when people thought vaccines were dumb crap that didn't do shit

>> No.11464992

>no they aren't, GEMO will still happen regardless, like the old days when people thought vaccines were dumb crap that didn't do shit
GEMO is way different, vaccines have been proven, where has GEMO been proven? not to mention, its not as dangerous as GEMO, because vaccines are just putting stuff in your body while GEMO is changing the 'blueprints' of your body.

>> No.11465013

>GEMO is way different, vaccines have been proven, where has GEMO been proven? not to mention, its not as dangerous as GEMO, because vaccines are just putting stuff in your body while GEMO is changing the 'blueprints' of your body.
look at this, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/07/190711105621.htm, this is revolutionary dude! changing the 'blueprints' of your body isn't that bad, it may seem bad now. just like vaccines and injecting 'stuff' into your body. GEMO can do good shit too, you hate trannies? you can use GEMO to remove gender dyphoria! hooray

>> No.11465019
File: 14 KB, 278x176, Pepe Reproduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy actual fucking shit this works, i cant believe it

>> No.11465035

what do you think? https://www.dw.com/en/crispr-cas9-babies-likely-to-die-earlier-berkeley-study-says/a-49025884

>> No.11465054

Is dna turing complete tho

>> No.11465132

>what do you think? https://www.dw.com/en/crispr-cas9-babies-likely-to-die-earlier-berkeley-study-says/a-49025884
same thing with vaccines retard

>> No.11465191

transforming E. coli cells is relatively easy, using either chemical- or electrocompetent cells

all you need to do is:
>clone the LRE gene into a suitable E. coli expression plasmid backbone
>transform the cells with your plasmid
>select for colonies expressing your plasmid & thus the LRE gene product

however this isnt really a genetics project, and falls more under the domain of molecular biology

>> No.11465361

no, it still has some problems.

>> No.11465393

>same thing with vaccines retard
it has the ability to more dangerous though

>> No.11465404

>its extremely useful, why shouldn't we use it?
Because we're modifying, flattening and computerising a core part of our organism without anything like full understanding of the impact. Like those CRISPR babies could have a defect now, that we'd have no idea of knowing what it was, or how it might emerge generations down the line, but, those CRISPR babies can reproduce with non-modified people extending and "infecting" the greater population with the result of that computerised flattening and mod introduced into their "genetic code" (which looks like a computer code, but isn't.)

>> No.11465518

>Because we're modifying, flattening and computerising a core part of our organism without anything like full understanding of the impact. Like those CRISPR babies could have a defect now, that we'd have no idea of knowing what it was, or how it might emerge generations down the line, but, those CRISPR babies can reproduce with non-modified people extending and "infecting" the greater population with the result of that computerised flattening and mod introduced into their "genetic code" (which looks like a computer code, but isn't.)
We can keep them monitered, it's not like they will go and do anything they want without us noticing it.

>> No.11465701

>implying that being these type of species is horrible and not for humans
mate, this is the best type of species any creature could wish for

>> No.11465708

>We can keep them monitered, it's not like they will go and do anything they want without us noticing it.
sure, let's do the same thing with illegal vaccines... oh wait.

>> No.11465913

>sure, let's do the same thing with illegal vaccines... oh wait.
retarded fail

>> No.11466028

>retarded fail
make arguments faggot

>> No.11466439 [DELETED] 

thank you, anon! although I do suppose you're right in that this isn't a genetics project.
May I ask how you use/have used CRISPR/Cas9 in your work/projects?

>> No.11466445

thanks, anon! Although I do suppose you're right in the fact that this isn't really a genetics related questions specifically. May I ask how you use/have used CRISPR/Cas9 in your own works/projects? I've only really recently gotten interested in this stuff and I'd love to hear about some other projects!

>> No.11466452

I use the CRISPR to generate plants with deletions in a certain family of redundant metabolic enzymes

These deletions will help to better understand the signaling properties of distinct metabolites within a biosynthetic pathway

>> No.11466470
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>mfw all my emails are getting replied with a short rejection emails.
how am I supposed to get accepted in a lab as an intern, anons? nobody's looking for an intern according to emails that I've received.

>> No.11466644

Can you summarize your emails?

>> No.11466722
File: 8 KB, 918x178, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly like picrel, anon. i'm talking about my interests and what i can do for their lab. i'm writing a couple of words about their papers. idk what to do anymore. it's like 20th or something like that and i lost my interest for this summer already. i'll be finishing my second year this semester btw.

>> No.11466745

You're lying because if you're taking upper division genetics you should know how heritability works.

>> No.11466755

He made dumb, unscientific statements, and one lab redacted some honorary title. What a tragedy.

>> No.11466795

Countless others spout anti-scientific retardation on the daily and get NEW honorary titles for it, instead of getting anything retracted.
Likewise, countless people got real titles out of bullshit work that isn't even suitable for middle schoolers, let alone fucking doctors.

>> No.11467554


>> No.11467595

>I don't like it so it should be illegal

>> No.11467844

>I don't think it's dangerous so it should be legal

>> No.11467916
File: 181 KB, 1540x1401, storz_2016_fig1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stroz 2016 - Causes of molecular convergence
and parallelism in protein evolution

what do you think about the probability of fixation as it applies to the model in box2?

>> No.11467919
File: 213 KB, 878x1544, storz_2016_box2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is box two. previous posts image was background info on how the terms convergent and parallel are used in the paper

>> No.11467937
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my opinion on CRISPR/Cas9: I use it in my research and how i use it, it is not any worse than having deformities. Before crispr/cas9 there was RNAi. Also, TALENS has been around as a zinc finger binding element as well. the ability to target a very specific site is the appeal of CRISPR/cas9 system. its also very far away from being used to add genetic material effectively. it can be use to target breaks to destroy gene function very effectively. one of the reasons CRISPR/Cas9 fails to work on a per gene basis is because of the concept of pleiotropy or how a single gene contributes to building an organism in many ways. this is contrasted by the defunct model of one gene one trait.

>> No.11467958

What effect does incest have on genes?

>> No.11467972
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not OP, the concept behind inbreeding effects of incest is that it increases probabilities of homozygotic rare recessive alleles. homozygote means the same allele is found in your mother and your father and you now have two copies because your dad and mom are siblings and were carriers for the rare recessive alleles. Rare recessive alleles usually exist at a small frequency in healthy populations (make what you will of the jewish gene pool) and are therefore rarely expressed twice in the same organism. so when you ask what sort of effect does incest have on genes? the answer is that it increases the likelihood of low functioning genes showing up together. the effect incest has on the phenotype, or organisms develop/ed/ing body, is that it is usually retarded.

>> No.11468027


>> No.11468109

Yes but that wouldnt be a homo sapiens.

>> No.11468267
File: 11 KB, 265x236, cutekid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh incest is wrong because genes
i had sex with cousin when she was 17 years old, I was 19, we had a kid together and the kid wasn't as bad as everybody said, here's our baby

>> No.11468388

circumcise him

>> No.11468456


>> No.11468470

it's not your baby exactly, but he has a similar face and a similar skin color, just darker.

>> No.11468471


>> No.11468736

dude, don't reproduce again please.

>> No.11468742

dont give a shit, just because you said. we be reproducin 3 kids after, wat u gonna do bro?

>> No.11468875

what.... the.... fuck....?? Jesus Christ!

>> No.11469019

Why do these threads always turn into a race bait? /pol/tards need to be lined against a wall and shot.

>> No.11469189
File: 40 KB, 650x650, help the retardd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poster you responded to here.
i didnt make a value judgement. jews and muslims do it a lot. incest isnt wrong because of genes. incest is wrong because how would you like to be the fucked up retard in your family? it only INCREASES the LIKELIHOOD if parents are already carriers for the same bad alleles. this likelihood increases as you move from distant family members to siblings. your child might be fine, or in a few years when it is supposed to be speaking, you find out both you and your cousin rolled the dice and it came out bad because you were playing with weighted dice. i hope your little baby does fine, homeboy. itd be nice to not have more retards you know?

also, post pic of cousin, faget

>> No.11470021


>> No.11470665
File: 108 KB, 650x650, 5125431315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so post pic

>> No.11470869

>that time when someone failed to not reply to a bait post and it polluted the gene pool so bad humanity would eventually go extinct in the far future
What did you do, Anon?

>> No.11471134
File: 27 KB, 375x447, screenshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

note: that's not how she looks, but she looks exactly like her. ok bro? i aint sending my pic of cousin, you got to know my cousin aint wantin that shit, she aint a fan of being on da internet

>> No.11471264


>> No.11471272

before u tell me to send my cousin's pic, i wont nigga, no mater what u goin say

>> No.11471279

don't worry anon, keep trying. you will get in soon

>> No.11471560
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>> No.11471868

genes are just sophisticated stuff