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11454490 No.11454490 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick to my fucking stomach thinking about all of the god damn fucking shit inside me i don't understand, I'M SICK TO MY FUCKING STOMACH NOT BEING ABLE TO UNDERSTAND REALITY srsly why don't i get to fucking know why do i have to be a fucking pawn in God's faggot plan holy fucking shit this isn't fucking fair THIS IS FUCKING HORSE-FUCKING-BULLSHIT i've spent so much tiem thinking about suicide over this yet i've never been able to take suicide srsly because something i'm not even aware of inside of me won't let me dear god someone help me SOMEONE HELP ME

>> No.11454493

I know the feel, bro.

>> No.11454506

sounds like someone needs to pick up a bible and let Jesus into their heart.

>> No.11454511


>> No.11454524

rise above OP. worship satan.

>> No.11454529
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>> No.11454723

Look up the Freudian theory on the Id, the Ego, and the Super Ego anon. Sounds like you've either taken too much LSD or you are having some existential crisis.

>> No.11454731

ive been having an existential crisis for 20 fucking years you god damn nigger. what really gets me is HOW THE FUCK ISN'T EVERYONE GOING ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY INSANE OVER EXISTENCE AND FUCK FREUD MOM-FUCKING FAGGOT FREUD

>> No.11454753

Like mathematics, some things are just axiomatic in this world. Try to visualize an ant or a bird trying to contemplate the existence of celestial bodies or a religious deity. They can't even begin to contemplate what such a concept is like, because they don't possess the intelligence to do so. Likewise, something of the nature of existence is just too complex for our current understanding. You must be able to take that as axiomatic if you don't want to end up going crazy over things that are out of your control anyways.

Understand that there is an objective reality independent of your perception. What our minds perceive and contemplate are just observations of such a reality, and in a way, existence is the act of observation of reality. Read Freud or Lacan if you are still skeptical about all this, anon.

>> No.11454760 [DELETED] 

Vaccines clamped your stomach!
Vaccines clamped your parasympathetic which in turn clamped your gut further!
They clamp!
Beware the dread Clamp menace!

>> No.11454765

you are an extension of natural law, consiousness is an emergent property stacked on many other emergent properties that arise from natural laws

do not take a reductionist approach beyond natural law

do not assume your existence to have any meaning different to a rock or fictional idea

have a refined anthropomorphic principle in your pocket so you dont think yourself too self important, understand that you, the ego, are an emergent property of a discernment process

realize that you rely on a constantly changing state to exist, we are order in a decaying process, and that this process spreads out locally in a wave pattern from any arbitrary point in "space"

you are free to give yourself any reason you desire, and consider how cool that is in the leu of the alternatives

"god" is natural law, often described using math conciousness exists within this natural law, as we see it, but there is no reason to assume it to be collective or all spreading, think for yourself on why "god" can never be "all powerful"

we are the closest thing to our description of god. is it more arrogant to hold on to this preception, or let it go? you have the choice to decide that, and thats pretty cool

>> No.11454767

Ignorance is bliss OP. Find a way to enjoy your life and don't question it. Take solace in the fact that essentially nearly everything is calculable other than why anything exists out of nothing in the first place.

>> No.11454771

>You must be able to take that as axiomatic if you don't want to end up going crazy over things that are out of your control anyways.
going crazy is the only way to understand, i WANT to be insane

>> No.11454774

>Ignorance is bliss OP. Find a way to enjoy your life and don't question it.

>> No.11454780
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>> No.11454790

so help me fucking god i will stretch the capacity of this feeble faggot monkey brain/body until i understand god. he WILL speak to me. he DOES speak to me. mark my fucking words, mark my FUCKING words

>> No.11454797

What is your theory on existence then so far? What have you come up with?

>> No.11454844

my pathetic monkey brain can't be trusted. the best i've got is keep pushing forward, just keep pushing forward no matter what. never stop fighting. never stop creating. pain is the main fuel source for mutation/evolution. invite it. welcome it with open arms

>> No.11456086

Yes the subconscious is actually a distinct being from you and beneath that is the collective subconscious which is not the same as the jungian collective unconscious which is more like an academic abstraction on common symbols within the human psyche. I am talking about a literal collection of spirits weaving together reality as you see it.

>> No.11456518


Read Kant's Prolegomena

>> No.11456753

thanks bros

>> No.11457261

>Is there something beneath the sub-conscious?
Physical layer - nerves, fascia, parasympathetic feedback.

>> No.11457328

Too much LSD, got it

>> No.11457951

Then what even are you if you dont trust your own brain?
Who are you?

Have you considered that your existence is fundamentally different than you take it, than it looks?

It looks like you and I are seperate individuals. But do you believe that is true? What is the difference between your awareness of yourself and your awareness of everything that is not yourself? What constitutes a border? Does the border stay the same always, is it axiomatic? If it does or does not, what consequences does that have?

Answer these questions and you will at least have some foundation to stand on and not be so freaked out all the time

>> No.11458205

>Have you considered that your existence is fundamentally different than you take it, than it looks?
i think so, i look at this existence as a hand-off of biological information that's been traveling and changing for a long fucking tiem
>It looks like you and I are seperate individuals. But do you believe that is true?
I believe we are separate experiments that are closely related
>What is the difference between your awareness of yourself and your awareness of everything that is not yourself?
i am connected to myself via cells n hormones n neuro-transmitters n neurons all being manipulated by electrical currents. I am not connected in such a way to things that are not myself
>What constitutes a border?
>Does the border stay the same always, is it axiomatic?
shit gets cut and fucked up sometimes. i'd say it's axiomatic
>If it does or does not, what consequences does that have?
shit heals and keeps my organs n shit safe

>> No.11458243

You are asking metaphysical questions but only accepting physical answers. This is the root of your struggle.

>> No.11458276

if i go beyond physicality i'll be venturing into the realm of delusional schizophrenia, gotta work with what's in front of me. i can't know what lies beyond until death. hopefully.

>> No.11458282

if i were to get faggy with it, i'd say there's something about emotional energy that holds the key to the next level

>> No.11458284

which is why i crave mania. manic psychosis based in reality

>> No.11458933

New Avatar Power

>> No.11459029

Yes there is. You need Carl Jung.

>> No.11459195

Anon, I know you're upset. You are allowed to be upset. It's confirmation that something IS wrong in your life. And the fact that you are posting here on the science board tells me exactly why.
Science, from my experienced perspective, is wrong when you get down to the smaller stuff. It falls apart. Look into anything to do with the microcosmos and every single scientist will say LOL OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THIS SUBJECT FALLS APART A-HYUCK.

You must look into Independent Spiritualism for answers. It's crazy I used to subscribe to the scientific dogma like it was the best shit ever. But the nihilism begins to set in and the hypocrisy piles up. Be an individual and find your own spirit.

>> No.11459364

>Science, from my experienced perspective, is wrong when you get down to the smaller stuff. It falls apart. Look into anything to do with the microcosmos and every single scientist will say LOL OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THIS SUBJECT FALLS APART A-HYUCK.
i lol'd pretty hard. thanks anon.
>You must look into Independent Spiritualism for answers. It's crazy I used to subscribe to the scientific dogma like it was the best shit ever. But the nihilism begins to set in and the hypocrisy piles up. Be an individual and find your own spirit.
I'm tryin bro. I dig what you're sayin for sure.

>> No.11459453
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You're trying to do all the work yourself and there's really no point. Smarter people than both of us have thought about these issues over the years and their insight can be insightful and calm you down. It calmed me down. Start reading about different types of philosophy and digging into what they wrote and what they were about. YaleCourses on YT has some interesting stuff but for me I really started to calm down the most when reading some things Nietzsche (whatever that dumb cunts name is) wrote.

I suffered like you and sure I still do to an extent but Im happy that my brain put me through that torture because now I feel more awake and free mind-wise. Its a struggle but don't give up. Praise your mind for trying to work through the shit and start tapping into the works that have come before you. You'll come out the other side bro, and if some christfag doesn't get you first, you'll be better for it.

>> No.11459461
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>existence is the act of observation of reality
wow. Food for fucking thought. Cheers anon.

>> No.11459468
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Enjoy you nervous breakdown. Heed what the people here are trying to tell you. You're sounding like a Altamont after-party.

>> No.11459473

Thanks bro. I don't know too much Nietzsche, but i do know his quote of God is dead from JP explaining it. I dig it. It's interesting how godless hedonism has been a problem for humanity for thousands of years. Reality is strange. I don't understand normies and their love for fucking media. How the fuck are poorly portrayed fictional netflix/hulu/amazon/cable shows acted out by obnoxious cunt actors/cuntresses moar fucking interesting than the absurdity of reality holy fuck

>> No.11459478

I've spent a large majority of my life in an isolated nervous/emotional breakdown. I'm a fucking professional at this shit.

>> No.11459500 [DELETED] 

Is this a real thing? What the fuck?

>> No.11459504 [DELETED] 
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Never had any border/boundary/origin point of my life ever be upheld by another, respected by an authority beyond legal predicate, or inspected beyond casual interest.

I fail to see why any of those questions matter though. If boundaries/borders were real there would be obvious thresholds but even death is a murky one for intellect/imagination so who cares?

>melt my memory and my language, who cares/cared?

>> No.11460776

>wants to understand G-d
>doesn't bother to read at least basic theology
You're right about having the brain of a monkey. People have spent more than two thousand years inspecting these matters and you come here thinking you're unique.

>> No.11460781
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>> No.11461221

While schizophrenia is not a useful state for general behavior, its more useful than a typical mind state for answering questions like this. If you dont have schizophrenia you wont get it by asking questions.

If you want personal experience that can give you answers, take LSD. Take at least 2 tabs, maybe 3. It took 2 before I got my answer. Its impossible to explain, it exists exactly where words do not. I could try to explain it to you, but you wouldnt get it, or believe it. Even if you believed it, you would be believing some fractional idea. you'll be missing information unless you experience it for yourself.

What do you think youll do once you have your answers?
I can assure you whatever you think youll do, youre wrong, you have no predictive power on yourself post realization

Answers exist though. They really are out there, and you can directly witness them, but you have to take the steps to do that.

>> No.11461269

>LSD makes everything go funky so therefore it gives people spiritual truths
LSD fucks with your mind and makes reality seem to fall apart. That’s not because it’s magic, it’s because your entire perception of reality depends on your brain, so when you mess up your brain, reality looks messed up.
Cocaine makes you happier than is physically possible from any normal method. Does that mean it’s a gateway into the euphoria of heaven? No, it means it fucks up your brain.

>> No.11461276

>I could try to explain it to you, but you wouldnt get it, or believe it. Even if you believed it, you would be believing some fractional idea. you'll be missing information unless you experience it for yourself.
please try to explain. im not interested in seeing what my fucked up mind will produce on LSD, i worry enough about what my mind will do on a clean healthy diet without any stress, adequate social activity, and no alcohol or drugs. i used to be a frequent weed smoker and i did mushrooms once. i cant smoke weed anymore, i go right into an anxiety attack every time anymoar.

>> No.11461378

Been on your place, I always have. In the end you'll realize the only way to hace a meaningful life is to accept death and play the game. It stopped the depersonalization for me.

>> No.11461520

It is a gateway to heaven bitch fuck off. Actually lucid dreaming is a gateway to another realm.

>> No.11462645

Take up drinking like everyone else you whiney little bitch

>> No.11463358

i'm not someone who should experience a loss of impulse control