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11455560 No.11455560 [Reply] [Original]

If gullibility is so closely related to stupidity then why are PhDs and other university types all such reliable leftist voters?

>> No.11455574

>If smart people are liberals, then why am I a conservative???
I'm not sure how to break it to you, retard....

>> No.11455586
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You are the sum of your 5 closest friends

>> No.11455591

>Democrat’s trust increased after 2016
Holy shit these people are actually brainwashed

>> No.11455592

Because you literally don't get a job if you don't demonstrate your allegiance to the system. They select for a mix of intelligence and blind obedience.

>> No.11455639

>cute little graph with no source
Only some tiny percentage of PhD students even want to stay in academia, many less maintain that goal. Odds are you're just stupid and trying to confirm your bias.

>> No.11455644

lmao, the demorat score ends with 69. sixity nine 100

>> No.11455647
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>> No.11455651
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It's almost as if the more you learn the more you realize that Liberalism is correct.

>> No.11455658

PhDs are meanngless, come back when the sample size is narrowed down to math, science and economcs PhDs. You know, actual smart people and not retards who took out a huge loan they'll spend the next 25 years complaning about just because they weren't ready to try and find a job with their psychology degree yet

>> No.11455665

I don't personally know anyone with a passion for self-education who is progressive, they always range from far right to liberal. All of the neocommunists and marxist types that people talk about now have been around since the mid 20th century in the academics (aka phds and other university types).

I'm not saying either group is more intelligent, but it definitely seems to me that people who prefer organized styles of education tend to lean far more left than those who learn better on their own or through mentorships.

>> No.11455671

Want to and do are different statements retard. What else are you going to do with that worthless climate science phd? Now go suck the cock of whatever professor is in charge of you this month.

>> No.11455692

A google search gave me a breakdown by degree from a conservative women's website. Don't know where they got the information from but with all the praise they give to Melania Trump and MAGA even a Republitard could trust them.

>> No.11455703

I got to learn neat shit for free before I went and used my education to cash in on the data science meme. Sorry you got rejected to your mid-tier petro engineering reach schools but this is a sad way to cope.

>> No.11455713

Hate to break it to you, but most science PhDs lean left. Probably something to do with having international collaborations and valuing basic research.

>> No.11455747


Because they are punished if they aren't left-leaning.
This phenomenon is typically seen on college campuses where anyone willing to admit they are right wing or conservative face social stigmatization, physical threats and intimidation tactics. It's acceptable to attack conservatives, but not liberals in most academies.

>> No.11455749

>implying you can accomplish anything in physical sciences on your own
>implying your anecdotal data means anything
No wonder you believe in the myth of the individual.

>> No.11455791

Lot of assumptions there buddy, what part of my post hurt you the most?

>> No.11455798

Can you crochet me a doll so I can point?

>> No.11455841

That most PhDs are leftists does not mean that most leftists are PhDs.

>> No.11455852

And when you are forced into party allegiance, you get extremism in party. Super highs, super lows, there's no moderates in Republican party anymore.

>> No.11455893

the thing that you have to understand is that academia is about being intellectually domesticated and a gigantic ass kisser. smart people in academia are only smart in a tangential capacity, they are NEVER in positions of power due to intelligence. this is why most PhDfags who can succeed in the real world get the fuck out of academia as fast as they can.

>> No.11455897

Unless you're trying to be a professor or go into actual research, getting a PhD is a sign of stupidity.

>> No.11455936

False consensus effect- even the smart are vulnerable to it.
Socialistic programs generally see more success in higher IQ nations.
As people, we tend to assume that others see the world in a similar way that we do (False Consensus Effect)
As such, higher-iq people that see the potential mutual benefits of some socialistic programs subconsciously assume that others feel the same way- unaccounting for the reality, where gov't gibs and other programs are ruined by low-iq persons that abuse them.

>> No.11456309

right leaning people tend to go to higher earning career fields, there is not much money in earning a phd

>> No.11456313


>if gullibility is so closely related to stupidity
It’s not though. Plenty of propaganda and misleading narratives prey on a certain level of intelligence on the part of the victim, where less intelligent people may be immune to the swindle.

>> No.11456315

This is actual proof that modern Leftism is a religion. LOL. After the biggest failure in my life time to make a political prediction, Trump's election, the Leftcucks doubled down on their religion, which only a religious person would do.

>> No.11456316
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>tfw phd student and right leaning

>> No.11456322

Wow. That post really made you mad. Maybe consider why that might be and that maybe you could be wrong.

>> No.11456714

Dostoyevsky. The rational mind cannot be understood through reason. There are snakes on this plane and they wear human masks. It’s about control and power. Not virtue.

>> No.11456758

because they want funding and they want to get hired.
even if you're able to do your own thing they will suicide you the second you start posing an actual threat.
and the meme PhDs like woman studies and environmental studies are completely useless unless they create an artificial problem to work on.

>> No.11456775

Okay, so none of the shit you guys are spewing is true. There's no underground dark cabal of university professors forcing people to vote liberal or lose their funding. If that were true there would be no conservative professors. The fact there are is proof that no such conspiracy exists. What, did a professor say mean things to you about your conservative beliefs once? Cope. You're just desperately trying to deal with the fact that the smartest, most educated people are liberal.

What, you think physicists and mathematicians go to church every Sunday? Carry guns and worship the confederate flag? Give me a fucking break. Only the dumbest people are conservative.

>> No.11456779

>PhD students and university types aren't stupid
I think you might need to reassess your current image of academia.

>> No.11456782
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lmao,when you btfo yourself with your own conclusions
>b-b-but 1 out of 12 is more than none!!

>> No.11456836

They generally depend on government funding. Often, their research isn't something that will give any kind of short-term payoff. So there's a bit of a natural "leaning" towards the party that's going to hand them more resources.
With that said, the situation is extreme right now because right-wing professors actively get chased out of their jobs.

>> No.11456854

Yeah, well I have no friends. So there.

>> No.11456859

No, the 1 proves there's no conspiracy. If there were that 1 in 12 wouldn't exist. You just can't cope with the fact that you're a dumb conservative.

>> No.11456876

this is more a humanities topic desu.

anyway, my thought is that those that have higher IQs and go on to teach mostly do from altruistic reasons so the mindset is already there. Academics present their case well, but i have not come across one that demands i think like they do, rather that i think for myself.

>> No.11456882

>The conspiracy isn't 100% effective thus it doesn't exist

Is this the power of liberal thinking?

>> No.11456894

Yes unfortunately

>> No.11456949
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>you can only be leftist or a redneck

>> No.11456969

I do those except worship the Confederate flag, not a conservative or democrat though.

>> No.11456981


>> No.11457001

It's being done openly and loudly, with the perpetrators making little (if any) attempt to hide what they're doing.
Denying it at this point means that you know better and you're lying.

>> No.11457355

Maybe academics are left leaning because they depend on federal monies and the left are more in favour of social programs and government funding while the right is more in favour of privatization.

>> No.11457363

>If gullibility is so closely related to stupidity
Wrong premise

>> No.11457377
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>> No.11457393
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No moderates on both side retard

>> No.11457413
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Can anyone really be this stupid? Do you only get your news from r/politics? Sad to see on /sci/

>> No.11457414

That just shows Republicans think every media or people lie. Which is not true. Mass media is somewhat shit because they also want to make money. But most of they write about or make programs about is factual and truthful. So that kind of graph just shows right-wingers stupidity and paranoia.

>> No.11457421

>all PhDs lean left
just go in nuclear power research.

>> No.11457423
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LOL, this must be a troll

>> No.11457433
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the most onions fueled post ive ever seen on 4channel. from the writing style to the mental illness required to type this out

>> No.11458431


>> No.11458433

That pic doesn't need to be interpreted as gullibility but just "support for what mass media says"

>> No.11458438
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You're entirely wrong. Mass Media doesn't care about money, because they get paid by the people who own the banks.

They exist to put out propaganda.

>> No.11458459
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It has to do with a lifetime of conditioning in the education system along with restricting the information they are fed.

The school system rewards you for being an obedient parrot. It also controls what information you are exposed to. Thus you feed them a constant flow of information their entire life that promotes a certain worldview all while conditioning them to accurately repeat that information without internal reflection.

>> No.11458484

In case anyone thought the media can actually be trusted to give you the real story
(behind the scenes footage of what they talk about during commercial breaks)

especially you

>> No.11458500

They have student loan debt.

>> No.11458504

>not all PhDs and "Academics" are equal
>leftist isnt leftwing

>> No.11458505

It won't let me view that video. Even when I go to youtube it tells me I have to watch it on youtube...

>> No.11459571

Blind obedience goes a long way.

>> No.11459622

Because smart people are happy with ambiguity and contradiction. They tend to be secular humanists, but still work towards utopian collectivist ideals, even if deep down it's all kinda pointless.
Idiots tend to have hard and fast rules, nature clearly demonstrates that being a cunt is a good strategy, might is right and all that.

>> No.11459655
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>> No.11459675

The trend is increasing. This indicates there is selection bias going on. They are screening out conservatives through bias

>> No.11459713

I think you mean Conservatives are screening themselves out
Study after study links being right wing to low iq, religiosity to idiocy, racism to poor job expectations.
I'd share some papers, but you'd struggle to understand them. I can post some pictures of a frog if you'd like.

>> No.11459719

Yeah bullshit mate.


skip to 21:55

>> No.11459728

That's not a cited, peer reviewed, double blind experiment paper anon, it's a rant from world renowned shitposter Ben Shapiro.
And trust me, I know my shitposters
Try accepting my view of the world anon, it makes sense, nice middle class people with white collar jobs agree with me. People in prison and rednecks agree with you.

>> No.11459734
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>tfw to intelligent too not have self-contradictory beliefs

>> No.11459737

Bro, this is a paper that was comissioned in 1989 by three jewish academics, which found that non-jewish elites in America's institutions had a conservative worldview. The paper concluded that it was jewish influence in America's institutions that tipped the political scales left. Jews of course are overwhelmingly left wing, and constitute about 1/3 of America's elite class.

Here is the paper if you're so interested:

And you will say "ah, but the study is old, it can't possibly be relevant today".
And I will retort, yes, these studies are few and far between, because of the insane walls of political correctness that are holding us back from studying these things. The absence of information is not the proof of anything.

>> No.11459743
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>That's not a cited, peer reviewed, double blind experiment paper

>> No.11459763

I am actually flicking through it anon, took me a while to find a free version.
Gut reaction, I'm not keen on their sampling methodology but that might be my own bias coming into play. Might read properly tonight.
I'm not sure it refutes my original iq shitpost argument. It seems to be arguing much more than elites are wealthy and wealthy Americans tend to vote republican. Jews are unusual in that they're more often liberal and have higher rates of education than the mean us population, different job demographics.

>> No.11459770

Because academia is removed from reality. It has to be to move forward.

>> No.11459772

>if people depend on government quotas why are they advocating for more government
low IQ post based on correlation and appeal to authority fallacy.

>> No.11459817

The irony here is that leftists are supposedly more gullible than conservatives, despite the fact that the entire conservative narrative is heavily reliant on
>historical revisionism
>reactionary stances
>propaganda spread by financial and social elites
>religious doctrine
>a forced dichotomy of self-actualization against antithetical notions of racial, ethnic, or national superiority
The majority of which don't stand up to an ounce of scrutiny. Conservatives, historically, have been the fools of the elite, brainwashed into fighting their wars, filling their coffers, and dogmatically and irrationally supporting them. Conservatives never advanced passed feudal-serfdom, and are thankful for the opportunity to become their lord's favorite peon. They are generally so uneducated and brainwashed that, by adulthood, they've actually managed to convince themselves that this unwaivering support of someone else exploiting them is somehow an exercise in essential human rights that makes them, the conservative, more free, largely because they are gullible enough to honestly believe they are just one simple windfall - one or two smart choices - away from being a member of the elite, in spite of the abundant evidence that the system has been thoroughly inoculated against competition and the price of entry is set by and paid to the already-standing elites.

inb4 your REEEE your crocodile tears about how unbased I am for paying attention instead of just listening to what grandpappy told me about how niggers ruin the world, I don't have a very high opinion of leftists either, but a conservative implying they are less gullible than a leftist is a fucking laugh and a half

inb4 you REEE your crocodile tears about my supposed centrism. I'm not a centrist, I'm a so-called "third positionist" named such because rightards and leftism spectrum disorder simps can't imagine a world with something more complex than a forced dichotomy

>> No.11459822

>the only value of education is the financial return
>academia is for purchasing credentials i can use to get a job
Please, continue to imply anyone else is stupid so I can keep laughing at you.

>> No.11459829

The power of conservative thinking is believing the world is out to get you and there has to be some kind of shadow power at play just because your ideas are out of date, don't hold up to scrutiny, and are largely scientifically invalid.

>Academics present their case well, but i have not come across one that demands i think like they do, rather that i think for myself.
This is entirely the case, but since conservatives only think what has been instructed to them, asking them to think for themselves causes feelings of repulsion, fear, and antagonism. It's like how abused spouses will try to fight the cops that come to arrest their abusers.

>> No.11459871

Your reading of that paper is horrendously flawed
>which found that non-jewish elites in America's institutions had a conservative worldview
It also found that orthodox and convert Jews were the most conservative of anyone. It also supports the idea that, by the 80's, Jewish liberal was fading
>The emergence of a small cadre of Jewish neoconservative intellectuals raises questions about the stability of Jewish liberalism. It is at
least possible that they may have weakened the heretofore solid Jewish
intellectual consensus in favor of liberalism (e.g., Kristol, 1983; Steinfels, 1979). The visibility of this group lends weight to the view that
Jews, especially Jews who are elite members of various American
institutions, are not as hostile to conservatism as they once were and
thus do not support liberalism as whole-heartedly as they once did.

There's also literally not a damn thing in the paper concluding that the influence of liberal Jews tipped the political scales left.

>> No.11459873

Conservatives rely on gullibility and lack of education.

>> No.11460053

>Republican's trust tanked after 2016
It's almost as if people in general are just brainwashed retards.