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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 1600x1200, blue-sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1145273 No.1145273 [Reply] [Original]

the sky appears blue because of the reflection of our oceans, so what color is it really?

>> No.1145279


>> No.1145275


>> No.1145280

ocean = blue
so sky = blue

>> No.1145283

the color of you're mother

>> No.1145285

because there is more water than grass

>> No.1145284

Why is it blue over grass??

>> No.1145307

But where does the White colour of clouds come

>> No.1145310

>implying the sky has the ability to work out an average colour.

>> No.1145312
File: 23 KB, 469x428, 1274653638455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1145334

Implying you can prove why the sky is blue...it's just a theory

>> No.1145340


(a geuss)

>> No.1145342

why do people post this retard shit

>> No.1145345

from reflecting so much, they get tired

>> No.1145349

>implying it doesnt

dude it's the fucking sky, it can do whatever it wants

>> No.1145354

Actually, the ocean is blue from reflecting the sky.

>> No.1145362

>implying water isn't blue anyway...

>> No.1145363

lulz i found sum child porn featuren christopeher pooolar bear hearways :tinyurl dawt com / 39poqjq

>> No.1145372

It isn't. That's why it's black when you get really far away from the sky.

>> No.1145381


>> No.1145384

no...it's black because god doesn't want us to see him

>> No.1145393
File: 1.54 MB, 1500x1501, The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope it's still blue

>> No.1145394


>> No.1145399

Uh, now you're IN the sky, of course it's blue then!

>> No.1145402

water is not blue because of the water but because of the particles in it that absorb the blue and radiate it.

>> No.1145404

/sci/ seems to get smarter everyday!!

>> No.1145405

>in the sky
>several million KM away from earth

>> No.1145410


>> No.1145411

wavelength and I just had a craving for a pizza.

>> No.1145412


stopped reading there

>> No.1145413

>implying there's anything above the sky

>> No.1145418

>implying God is not above the sky

>> No.1145422

why do you keep posting this when all it does is create a clutter (a mess)

>> No.1145428

>implying god exists

>> No.1145432

>implying man has never landed on the moon

>> No.1145437

>implying he doesn't

>> No.1145438

why do you complain and then support this behavior (digress)?

>> No.1145440

>implying the government didn't fake it to look better than Russia

>> No.1145442

Why don't you post crap like this more infrequently (much less)?

>> No.1145444
File: 55 KB, 538x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this

>> No.1145447

Why do you continue to urinate (take a piss)?

>> No.1145449

why do you allow it to get popular in the mainstream (the press)?

>> No.1145478

Why don't you admit that you like it (confess)?

>> No.1145482

this thread is exactly what's wrong with /sci/

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1145485

Why don't you guys just give it a break (a rest)?

>> No.1145489

Why do you guys keep bumping this thread, creating such a situation on page 1 (a mess)?

>> No.1145492

Why do you think that you are so much better than /sci/ (the best)?

>> No.1145505

can you just fuck off and play a game (of chess)?

>> No.1145520

Are you giving me a challenge (a test)?

>> No.1145523

well I have been putting money in the 4chan advertisements (invest)

>> No.1145530

I think he was just making a joke (a jest)

>> No.1145549

good...but does he know i'm unbeatable (the best)?

>> No.1145557

Why do animals go south in the winter if they are a bird (a goose)?

>> No.1145564

Why do we fight so many wars with people we are conflicted with (against)?

>> No.1145570

Why do people still believe in Darwinism even though he s a dead guy (a ghost)?

>> No.1145574

Why are we so hostile to that hard working mexican immigrant (a guest)?

>> No.1145580

can you not see that this is Completely unrelated (irrelevance)?

>> No.1145582

why are you doing it wrong? (wrong)

>> No.1145583

Why do we believe that people have an average IQ of 100 when the curve is just a distribution curve (a gauss)?

>> No.1145592

Why is your 'C' capitalized when it shouldn't be in the language you are using (english)?

>> No.1145591

But seriously you guys why is the sky blue? I'm on a mission to find out (a quest)?

>> No.1145596

why do you want to go back to that topic (regress)?

>> No.1145599

Why do you insist on being such an annoying fucker (a pest)?

>> No.1145607

Do you not think that this thread has lost meaning (relevance)?

>> No.1145614

Did the fact that irrelevance has 3 syllables ever enter your consciousness (your sense)?

>> No.1145626

I believe that you should fuck your own mother (wincest).

>> No.1145632

either GTFO or show us a tit (a breast).

>> No.1145637

is it true you have sex with your dog (a beast)?

>> No.1145641

I don't want to take off my clothing, it is a comfy one-piece (a dress).

>> No.1145650

Gentlemen, may I declare win (a /thread)?

>> No.1145647

Why, do you want to have it for a meal (a feast)?

>> No.1145653

someone screen cap this

>> No.1145655

no, but Why wouldn't I use it's fur as a coat (a fleece)?

>> No.1145664

Am I the only one who thinks this thread is a win (the best)?

>> No.1145669

Why should we follow your orders (request)?

>> No.1145695

This thread will never die (it will last)

>> No.1145701

because otherwise I'm gonna rape you (molest)

>> No.1145708

Well then I will have you thrown in jail (arrest)

>> No.1145720

The sky is blue because air scatters blue wavelengths of sunlight.

>> No.1145729

The falseness of this answer makes me sick (detest)

>> No.1145815

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger (niggers)?

>> No.1145818

you guys are all gay

>> No.1145828

Why do you call is all gay (homosex)?

>> No.1145859

Will you guys ever quit (desist)?

>> No.1145884


>> No.1145887


Proving god exists (profess).

>> No.1145924

So do any of you know why the sky is blue? Like for realsies?

>> No.1145947

The sky of the Earth is blue due to Rayleigh scattering, and the same applies to Mars.

>> No.1145953


light refracts off the atmosphere and blue light has a wavelength thats more visible or some shit like that

>> No.1145969

Will you take a break (rest)?

>> No.1146363

Bump (MOAR)?

>> No.1146390

The sky is blue because air is blue. If you look at far away mountains you can see they appear blueish because of all the air in between.

>> No.1146454

It's colored troll.