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11453024 No.11453024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is circumcision even a discussion? Can't these weirdos just leave other men's cocks alone?

>> No.11453029
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oy vey don't sucking is healthy

>> No.11453032

why is it legal to bind a baby boy, forcibly peel back his foreskin, slice it off without anaesthetic and even sell it off after? I really, truly don't understand it.

>> No.11453121

who's buying foreskin

>> No.11453129

Because jews continue to exist and NPCs have no hard counters to them.

>> No.11453136

Only 2 developed countries medically endorse circumcision: the US and Israel

>> No.11453146

Neither of those countries are developed.

>> No.11453175

Because it doesn't hurt the baby. Are you shocked when we cut a baby's hair or nails?

>> No.11453185

>other people don't feel
Jews are literally sociopath bots. They are full NPC mode and lack conscious thought of any kind.

>> No.11453191

Foreskins have nerves in them. Dead keratin doesn’t. You literal retard

>> No.11453196

He "knows", as much as a philosophical zombie can know anything. He just doesn't "care".

>> No.11453197
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lol, do you think we cut it without general anesthesia?

>> No.11453202

You can't give infants general anaesthesia. Topical local anaesthetics don't really work. That leaves nerve blocks, which involve injecting into the nerve root. The penis is actually supplied by two primary nerves, the dorsal nerve, and one on the underside I forget the name of. So they generally just do a dorsal nerve block which risks permanent nerve damage, and the infant probably feels pain nonetheless.

>> No.11453203


>> No.11453206

Wrong board

>> No.11453209

Tell that to Eduard Bloch, also aren't most people being circumcised Jews? and jews are evil.
(I don't agree with circumcision btw).

>> No.11453215

Back in school after penis inspection I was sent to a surgeon to treat phtmosis. He cut smt, but Im not sure what exactly. All I know is I had to soak my dong in manganese for a few weeks each day.
Am I circumsized or not? How do I know?

>> No.11453216

>All I know is I had to soak my dong in manganese for a few weeks each day.

>> No.11453218


>> No.11453219

30% of men in the world are circumcised, and 2/3 of circumcised men are Muslim

>> No.11453221


>> No.11453225


>> No.11453227

I too soak my dong in manganese for weeks at a time everyday.

>> No.11453230

>Are you shocked when we cut a baby's hair or nails?
Those grow back.

>> No.11453232

What is the correct way to say that then?

>> No.11453237

There's studies that show circumcisions cause irreversible trauma. Fuck off kike pedo faggit

>> No.11453243


>> No.11453246

Thats what old yentls schmear into their crows feet to smooth out wrinkles and mad scientists could always use some fresh stem cells.

>> No.11453256

So jews.

>> No.11453265

>Why is circumcision even a discussion?

Same reason why you consume Kosher products all the time without even noticing.

>> No.11453274

Lmao poltards are so mentally ill, all they do is think about baby dicks the whole day.

>> No.11453292

>not realizing that circumcision is a choice that will adversely affect the rest of that baby's life

>> No.11453294

It won't. I can see why some people freak out and blame their shitty life on a decision that was out of their control tho.

>> No.11453323

cutfag here. i am against the practice unless the male has a bad case of phimosis and needs it, but i'm not sure at what age it would be appropriate. i wish i was not cut but it doesn't really matter much to me and i'm very happy with my dick. that being said, i do think both males and females should undergo genital plastic surgery more commonly when their junk looks gross. many uncut dicks look nice but the anteaters look just as bad as roastie vaginas

>> No.11453499

it a bit cleaner to have a circumcised cock, you get an instant of pain as a baby and your worry’s about dick cheese are greatly reduced for the rest of your life

>> No.11453514

this. i'm actually pretty happy i dont have a flesh penis head incubator keeping my mushroom head all fucking nasty n shit

>> No.11453526

fukken lol

>> No.11453527

do u not have a shower or knowledge of basic personal hygiene. cleaning your dong is literally pull and wash with soap.

>> No.11453531
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>cleaning your dong is literally pull and wash with soap
cutfag master race reporting in. i shower once a week and dont give a fuck about putrid festering dick cheese DISGUSTING

>> No.11453538

>using soap
Enjoy your candida infection

>> No.11453542 [DELETED] 

Cope mutilated dick kike

>> No.11453548
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>> No.11453549

Candida albicans is the most common cause of genital yeast infections. Normally, a type of bacteria called Lactobacillus keeps the amount of Candida in the genital area under control. However, when Lactobacillus levels are disrupted in some way, Candida can overgrow and cause an infection.

>> No.11453554

can u wank without lube??

>> No.11453560
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ya i use a tissue
do you srsly use your dick cheese as lube?

>> No.11453570

are your tissues strengthened by your sperm or you wanking at the speed of a fucking snail.
i would rather fucking use my cheese as lube than have tissue paper stuck on my cock.

>> No.11453587
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well i'd rather have an easy quick clean up then a disgusting dick cheese/lube/cum soup to clean up afterwards and no it doesn't get stuck to my dick i dont just leave the fucking tissue on my cock when im done i wipe away and BAM BACK TO SHITPOSTING

>> No.11453603

i like my cock the way it is so fuck u.
ur mum can clean my dick cheese for me.
and last but not least nice cock bro

>> No.11453605
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>> No.11453616

>for a few weeks each day
Should I go to bed or is this retarded?

>> No.11453620

hey manganese dips might feel pretty good idk.
might kill my dick but hell its a manganese dip.

>> No.11453622
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>> No.11453631

Seems objective

>> No.11453639

Why not just sand it down completely like a ken doll and route all the peepee through the pooper if you love genital mutilation and fear dirty genitals so much?

>> No.11454531

Well, I have a foreskin and I like my penis the way it is. I've not had any problems with it.

Notably however, I find the act of retracting the foreskin, and thus exposing the glans, to be incredibly arousing. This is true even if fully flaccid so it's likely not frenulum or stretch receptor mediated. It's simply exposure of the glans. Arousal and the sexual state doesn't end with orgasm either, it is able to fully end with the foreskin returning to being pulled fully over the glans.

I'm wondering about the psychological effect of permanent exposure.