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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11443718 No.11443718 [Reply] [Original]

What is matter?

>> No.11443719

nothing's the matter, why do you ask?

>> No.11443764

it doesn't matter

>> No.11443769


>> No.11443782

Idk, what's the matter with you?

>> No.11443834

A reducible regression which allows for emergent features in larger mereological wholes.

>> No.11443852

what is matter?
never mind
what is mind?
doesn't matter

>> No.11443854
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>> No.11443856

Matter is energy. As soon as you answer that you can hear people asking "what is energy"? No one has been able to answer that in qualitative terms except just to measure its effects on other "stuff".

>> No.11443917

energy is conscious magnetism aka aether

*sips tea*

>> No.11443930


>> No.11443969

One of the two temporary forms of mass/energy.

>> No.11444017

>matter is energy
Not an answer.
>matter is mass/energy
Not an answer.

>> No.11444049

It's energy interacting with the Higgs field

>> No.11444054
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>> No.11444060

>what is energy?
Broken symmetry of no energy. ie - it's something temporarily borrowed from nothing

>> No.11444067

Disappointed /sci/

The answer is fields, as far as we know.

>> No.11444075

Oh fuck I'm gonna coom

>> No.11444490

What's a field?

>> No.11444615

mind over matter kek

>> No.11444648


Matter is congealed energy.

>> No.11445632
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They always ask what is matter, but never 'how is matter'

>> No.11445637

actual big brain post desu

>> No.11445652

look into it, literally look into matter and you will find out.

Spoiler: Its nothing, its all in your head

>> No.11445666


>> No.11445822
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derivative of consciousness

>> No.11445859
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>what is mind
No matter
>what is matter
Never mind

>> No.11445873

"if I just decline your answer, I can pretend it's false!"

>> No.11445883

What force confines the energy and causes it to become congealed?

>> No.11445910

A field is a region of points with values. How those values are determined from some primal source is an infinite mystery.

>> No.11446052

I thought fields were just abstractions of force transmission particles

>> No.11446106

if this was a joke it was pretty good

>> No.11446264

Based and checked.

>> No.11446266

What is energy?

>> No.11446270

Literally the opposite. Fields are more fundamental than particles.

>> No.11446274

Values... of what?

>> No.11447970

Volumes with more holes in it, your hands literally can't get trough keyboards because there are holes in it.

>> No.11449410

What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind. Hahaha

>> No.11449442


>> No.11449829
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Knots of quantum fields interacting with what you are made of, oh and these knots interact with the photon field too so we can detect them with our eyes! WHAT A COINCIDENCE?!


>> No.11450000

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm today I will........................
ponder existence.
*hits blunt*
what does joe rogan have to say about it?
>what's the deal with gravity
>accidentally solves the mystery like a boss
First order of business, I will 3D print a joint that has been dipped in LSD

>> No.11450005

ITT: nobody posts that matter is the result of forces orienting around points of conceptual existences which have proven themselves to continue existing due to the forces which have continued to coalesce around them.

Yes, it's circular logic. Yes, reality is self-reinforcing. Yes, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Everything that exists now only exists because it did before, in some form, all the way back to the one form, and whatever came before that.

>> No.11450031

This might go down as Planck's version of Newton's alchemy. Except Newton was limited by technology while Planck is just being dumb

>> No.11450037

A set with ideally four operations that follow a set of axioms

>> No.11450488

Nah, consciousness is fundamental
When looking at the world you have to first consider what sort of instrument you're using, and the first instrument is your consciousness

It's not magic, rather acknowledging the limitations of knowledge

>> No.11450554
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space whirled into more stable forms in comparison to energy, which is also some forms of space, but less stable in it's form
If energy is a rope, then matter is knots on it. and space would be... bad analogy. use the other one: space is the fabric, energy is that fabric being stretched over time, and sometimes that fabric is stretched so much it can tie into knots.

>> No.11450600

An explosion of nuclear energy forged in the core of a star.

>> No.11451394

Matter is anything with mass. Mass is defined through newton's second law as the coefficient between force and acceleration. Any object that can be accelerated has mass.

>> No.11451446

Baby don't hurt me.