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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 726x453, not_a_big_deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11442306 No.11442306 [Reply] [Original]

>this thing will blow over in a week
>the second derivative is already negative [sic]
>it's literally nothing to worry about
>he believes everything he sees in the media

>> No.11442308

>greenland and madagascar not infected
makes me think

>> No.11442310
File: 11 KB, 454x520, EMy8-y5XYAAtalK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes everything he reads on pol

>> No.11442324

the OP is shit people from this board were parroting all of Feb. now that the virus is on every continent, you'd think idiots would take it seriously
>gatekeeping in 2020
i'm a /sci/-native, but here's a (You)

>> No.11442350

>"guys it's [math]x^2[/math], pol told me that and pol is always right"
>it's actually just [math]√x[/math]

>> No.11442369

/pol/ literally believes that the virus is not real and just a conspiracy by the democrats to get people to stop buying stock

>> No.11442375

Coronavirus will spread worldwide.
2/3rds of the population will get it.
And then people will realize it's not really that dangerous and only the elderly are at risk.
It will be forgotten in a year.

Just like Swine Flu.
The whole thing is playing out exactly the same.

>> No.11442386

>dismisses a happening because you hate /pol/ that much
Why can't you just admit you were wrong? It's not very scientifically minded of you to be this stubborn in your opposition to the severity of a thing just because your ideological enemy is interested in the topic.

>> No.11442391

Fake news

>> No.11442436

Have you been outside lately? Everyone is talking about it IRL.

>Coronavirus will spread worldwide.
Already a thing. Are you not paying attention?

You can't tell what "/pol/" thinks since 90% of the posting about it are from bots. Like the cvg threads are just copy-paste posts with a few real people discussing things, but those posts get scrapped up by bots and reposted later on.

>> No.11442448

rent free

>> No.11442449

Too early to declare that. Until now it spread faster. And the main problem is to slow down the speed at which it spreads, because a significant part of the infected have to be cared for in a hospital for at least a week. I don't think any country has the capacity for this if 2/3 of the population get it within a year. If it's 2 years or more then it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.11442460

>90% of the posting about it are from bots
Try starting a thread about corona, won't be long before retards start replying with this conspiracy shit. Not bots, people.

>> No.11442466
File: 59 KB, 768x432, skynews-coronavirus-pyramid_4936657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already a thing. Are you not paying attention?
No, it's not a thing yet. There is no evidence of community contagion beyond China, Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan. Governments are claiming it's 'contained' but it will eventually spread worldwide it is inevitable.

Only a tiny minority requires hospitalization. 20% of all cases required hospitalization, but 95% of cases so far have been symptomatic. A lot of asymptomatic patients are starting to get detected now, mostly outside of China in countries where detection is better. This is actually a good thing, it means the disease is less dangerous than it's thought, cases are getting underreported which means the ratio of serious cases over total cases is lower than what statistics had been showing so far.

Like I said the exact same thing happened with Swine Flu which started with a reported mortality rate of 10-7% and actually ended up having a real mortality rate of less than 0.09%, that is, less dangerous than the common flu.

>> No.11442503

>are starting to get detected now
Isn't there a shortage in testing kitsch, hence the recent boom in european countries recently? Isn't autocthonous transmission occurring in Washington, as well as multiple countries in Europe?

>> No.11442509

>Isn't there a shortage in testing kitsch, Yeah

>Isn't autocthonous transmission occurring in Washington, as well as multiple countries in Europe?
In Europe only Italy as far as I know.
Haven't followed the news from America.
But yeah for sure it's a pandemic by now.
Only thing left is for WHO and governments to acknowledge it.

>> No.11442518

The only reason anyone is thinking about this "coronavirus" BS is because the news and politicians are talking about it 24/7.
You are literally being lead to think by the very people who most want to control how you think.

>> No.11442549

>Using red dots 1/4 the size of states in the USA to label one infection

Bullshit map is bullshit.
Markers are not to any reasonable scale. This makes it look worse than it is.

>> No.11442566

>The only reason anyone is thinking about this "coronavirus" BS is because the news and politicians are talking about it 24/7.
Yeah because it spread to dozens of countries in a month and it's a new virus. Also not sure why you put coronavirus in quotes, lmao
>You are literally being lead to think by the very people who most want to control how you think.
I hear on the news that it is spreading in the US. Why is this bad news? How am I being manipulated by being informed in this case? I should worry about the virus- I was in an airport with an infected person just a few days ago. It's only a matter of time before it reaches my state. Contrarianism =/= intelligence Mr. Anon

>> No.11442572

It's a mathematical model from JHU. The circles aren't to scale, else it would look ridiculous. Plus, the dots need to be discernible when the map is zoomed out. There is a minimum size and a maximum size.

>> No.11442575

>not sure why you put coronavirus in quotes, lmao
Probably because of this: >>11442369

>> No.11442581

It's the opposite. Circles aren't to scale exactly because it's not a scientific model but a tabloid clipping

>> No.11442583
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1583288954218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo, you must always believe everything that media and politicians tell you and worry about it - it's for your own gooooood!

>> No.11442595

You look like an idiot anon, and everyone can see it

>> No.11442602

>tabloid clipping
dumb niggas still in full force

>> No.11442606

>The circles aren't to scale, else it would look ridiculous.
It looks ridiculous right now. It makes it look like there are 1000's of cases in the US. Fuck this map, trying to spread fear for no goddamn reason

>> No.11442610

This is a very embarrassing post. Are you suggesting we ignore the news and listen to something else? People like you are the reason OP made this thread lol

>> No.11442626

>all the smart people check with news talking heads, politicians, and social media to obtain their opinions on the world
>y-you're the idiot

>> No.11442637
File: 182 KB, 1365x633, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tabloid clipping
you're not smart
no, it doesn't. all information concerning cases is provided right there. you're arguing a technicality when the most up-to-date information (as well as sources) are right there. Dumb niggas just think that arguing against something that everybody commends makes them smart, as if defying conventional wisdom makes you seem cool/more intelligent than you really are
>map BAD
>map not good for epidemic!!
this is the thinking of dumb niggas

>> No.11442641

NPC who literally can't imagine not watching """news""".

>> No.11442655

>CDC, WHO, various other international health organizations, news sources, and politicians can't convince me!
>lol, you listen to them? *smug anime jpg*
admit you're a dumb nigga

>> No.11442661

If you need your information in non representative "zoomerish" circle form then yes you are in fact reading a tabloid

>> No.11442669

see >>11442655
oh boy we got a live one here

>> No.11442677

You are frustratingly stupid. It's not about the form of information, you blubbering turd. If it helps, you can just CLICK on the circles and see the number of infected/recovered in a particular location. Being a contrarian doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you a fucking clown (and a dumb nigga). Did you even read the OP?

>> No.11442688

>y-y-you can get rid of the missrepresentation by just individually clicking the circles
Why are they there then I ask.
The answer, to appeal to people who can't understand 5 figure numbers or know the country names and instead need "scary circles" to see what the person making the chart or map wants them to see.

>> No.11442725

>CDC, WHO, various other international health organizations, news sources, and politicians
If I listened to all those I'd be thinking there are 72 genders, white people are the biggest terror threat, and Bruce Jenner is a "she" named Caitlyn.

>> No.11442728

>Why are they there then I ask.
what alternative geographic representation would you suggest using? The idea is clearly to give an idea of disease presence and scale. Note there is a minimum size.
>The answer, to appeal to people who can't understand 5 figure numbers or know the country names and instead need "scary circles" to see what the person making the chart or map wants them to see.
They're trying to communicate the progress of a pandemic in a format that is intuitive and easily understood, which doesn't undermine the novelty of the tool. I'm sure you'd rather a .txt file format with a list of countries and numbers presented that way, but that format is horrific, ugly, and not nearly as informative as this one.
>Translation: These chumps are trying to scare everyone. See this one feature? I'm going to misconstrue it's intended purpose and conclude that this entire map is illegitimate, tabloid trash! Only zoomers look at this bunk, glad I don't
Nitpicking details still does not make you appear any more than a contrarian dumb nigga, maybe even schizophrenic for looking so deeply into such a superficiality

>> No.11442732

and where do you get your information from, Mr. D. Nigga?

>> No.11442742

thank you for admitting to not listening to the CDC and WHO, now I can disregard any further posts you make because you're a retard

>> No.11442749

It is what it is, and what it is isn't science. You might be mad you are getting your info from tabloids and that is fine, just don't get mad at me when called out.

>> No.11442756

see >>11442742

>> No.11442891

>not listening to the CDC
You're the type of person who doesn't wash their hands after taking a shit, aren't you

>> No.11442898

>people panic buying
>been prepping for years
>don't give a shit cause of my superior genes
if you're not a ching chong old or young you literally have nothing to worry. just keep up with basic hygiene and don't eat bats

>> No.11442918

Gender identity is a spectrum, white people are responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks historically, and Caitlyn Jenner is a woman.

>> No.11442999

>not really that dangerous
Enjoy your pneumonia and seeing your loved ones die.

>> No.11443102

>You can't tell what "/pol/" thinks since 90% of the posting about it are from bots. Like the cvg threads are just copy-paste posts with a few real people discussing things
why do people go very far lengths to defend /pol/ when it's one of the shittiest boards?