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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 731x631, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11441260 No.11441260 [Reply] [Original]


>The world's tropical forests are rapidly losing their ability to absorb carbon dioxide from greenhouse gas emissions, with the Amazon rainforest at risk of turning from carbon sink to source within 15 years, researchers warned Wednesday.

Tropical forests provide humans with medicine, food, shelter and water and currently account for around half of all terrestrial carbon absorption.

But they are rapidly getting saturated as manmade emissions continue to climb year on year.

Forests act as a carbon sink when the amount of carbon retrieved through photosynthesis outweighs that emitted by tree loss -- be that through fire, drought or deforestation.

But the rate of forest decline varies throughout the world, with the Amazon's absorption ability dropping far faster than the tropical forests of sub-Saharan Africa.

In the Amazon, the forest's carbon sink capacity is predicted to reach zero by 2035.

>"This decrease is decades ahead of what even the most pessimistic climate models predicted," said Wannes Hubau, a forest ecosystems expert at Belgium's Royal Museum for Central Africa.

>"Mortality is a natural part of the cycle of forest trees. However, by pumping so much CO2 in the air, we have accelerated this cycle and blew its magnitude up to unknown proportions," he told AFP.

Despite evidence that in particular the Amazon has been losing its carbon sink ability for decades, several of the emissions reductions scenarios envisioned in the Paris climate deal assume forests will be able to suck CO2 from the atmosphere over the long term.

Several countries have announced plans to plant more trees and many larger companies plan mass-scale afforestation schemes to offset their carbon emissions.

>> No.11441286

Why are people planting trees instead of bamboo?

>> No.11441288

just keep spreading viruses in China. will work itself out

>> No.11441290

The density of bamboo is low.

>> No.11441318

Grows fast but has a very short life.

>> No.11441321

So? Cut it down and burn it. Charcoal is plenty dense.

>> No.11441336

>and burn it
No, use it as construction material. Plants are only good as a carbon trap if that carbon is actually removed from the carbon cycle. That's why trees are shit tier compared to bamboo.

>> No.11441338
File: 2.09 MB, 3090x1418, How to get rid of C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trees are a really shitty carbon sink.

>> No.11441345

Carbon capture schemes don't make any sense if they do not produce any useful byproducts. If you're going to just throw money away like that, it makes more sense to use it on reducing emissions. Greenfags need to learn about scalability.

>> No.11441370

And that's a good thing.

>> No.11441379

Who cares?
Consumers gonna consume.

>> No.11441405
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Countries will start paying companies to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere the moment their major coastal financial centres start getting gently fucked.

>> No.11441461

No they won't. Market worshippers are gonna play musical chairs, and laugh at the losers.

>> No.11441580

We are all going to die because of this.

>> No.11442975
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Can't wait to add this to the list of "failed predictions that were assumed by retards"

>Dire famine by 1975
>Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989
>Ice age by 2000
>America subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.
>New Ice Age coming in the next 50 years (1971)
>Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life’
>Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes
>No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend
>James Hansen forecasts increase regional drought in 1990s
>Washington DC days over 90F to from 35 to 85
>Maldives completely under water in 30 years
>Rising seas to ‘obliterate’ nations by 2000
>New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019
>Children won’t know what snow is
>2002: Famine in 10 years
>2008: Arctic will be ice-free by 2018
>2008: Al Gore warns of ice-free Arctic by 2013
>2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet
>2009: UK prime minister says 50 days to ‘save the planet from catastrophe’
>2013: Arctic ice-free by 2015
>2013: Arctic ice-free by 2016
>2014: Only 500 days before ‘climate chaos’

But oohhhhh no, this it's for REAL guiz, the Amazon and African forests aren't big enough to breathe in the CO2! Fuck off dipshit.

>> No.11442992
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We'll be fine

>> No.11444548


>> No.11444593

Kek, trees dont capture co2 anymore, we can just cut them all down now

>> No.11444597

yes all scientists are mindless uckwads who just waste thier life trying to understand things while some guy on internet puts up some prime ministers stupid statement to make all things discovered as fake

>> No.11444607

Sorry bub, but climatology got radically politicized and has long since become a religion, complete with high priests and doomsday scenarios.

>> No.11445299


They won't, coastal cities will just have levees built around them, have 20' of dirt added to streets or be abandoned. You seriously underestimate how much people don't give a shit about each other.

>> No.11445300

Cut this shit we need wood

>> No.11445315

repeating idiotic statements endlessly doesn't make them true. Meanwhile science has a fantastic track record of predictions while you denier cucks are literally always wrong.

>> No.11445328


>> No.11445339

Is anybody surprised at this? They're sinks, not fucking black holes where the CO2 just disappears from reality. Plants succ up CO2 but they also die and rot, releasing other CO2 and CH4, there's going to be a hard limit to how much extra loading that system can soak, and of course it will eventually be released when the lifespans of trees and animals come to an end. Paris accords were always retarded anyways, yet another scheme to funnel tax money from people already reducing emissions to countries with little incentive to reduce emissions, with the government middlemen of course pocketing a significant fraction of it.

>> No.11445348

Cut deniers out of your lives and prepare to wake was on the street. Its a matter of survival now

Jannies are going to come on strong in a new wave of banning to suppress the pol and b tier trolling in respectable boards

>> No.11445394

All plants are shit tier compared to charcoal. A century or two of carbon storage in nothing compared to millenia

>> No.11445560

we have already lost glaciers in many different areas, and the alps is also slowly losing its snow each year

>> No.11445590

Don’t algae do the majority of the work? Why don’t we GMO algae that absorbs more CO2 and can integrate its genome into the algae population? Algae seems easier to genetically modify than other organsisms

>> No.11445617

People knew this shit was on the cards a century ago. 60 years ago it became widely discussed. 40 years ago it became common knowledge. If anything was going to be done it would have happened by now. So live it up because nothing is going to stop it happening.

>> No.11445631

>Implying CO2 release is a bad thing
Lol, maybe for coastal cities in the short term, but human activity is adding hundreds of millions or even billions of years of life to our planet.

Eukaryotic life is expected to die off in 1.2 billion years due to all the CO2 being buried. But guess what, now we're digging it all up and pumping it back into the atmosphere. The earth will stay warm and ecologically diverse for a very long time thanks to our efforts.

Sure, it'll fuck our civilization up to some extent. But probably not fast enough for it to be an issue any time soon lmao. I'll gladly exchange a few centuries of shifting weather patterns in exchange for a world that stays full of life.

>> No.11445709

Most financial markets are fully electronic now. It would be simple for any of them to relocate inland or to even dissipate over large areas, which has somewhat already happened. Wall Street and the City of London could both be under a hundred feet of water and the financial markets would go on.

>> No.11445929

Yep, those sea levels are rising! Gonna have an underwater Manhattan any day now... Yessir... Wonder why Obama just bought a mansion on Martha's Vineyard, though... And why real estate is still so expensive on the coast. Don't the elites know that the sea levels are rising rapidly like they keep telling us???? Computer models are evidence damn it!

>> No.11446339

The idea that we trees could offset CO2 to an effective degree was always a meme.

>> No.11446688

You would rather see them grow? Just say no to covering the Northern Hemisphere in ice one mile deep.

>> No.11446755

Honestly, the biggest silver lining in global warming is the opening of the arctic trade routes. We are going to see an absolutely ridiculous commercial boom when that happens and suddenly shipping all around the world becomes half the price, or even cheaper, thanks to trade across the arctic.

>> No.11446881
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 68BDDEE4-75F5-476F-A1A6-D9C8A4504F2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa dude it’s almost like the biggest fucking glacier that contributes to rising sea levels is the Pine Island Glacier and they always blamed it on CO2 emissions and then they discovered a fucking volcano under it recently so they moved on to other shit to blame humans for

>> No.11446912

CO2 is good for earth.

>> No.11446915

>We’re going to die because earth gets slightly warmer


>> No.11446917

>Wonder why Obama just bought a mansion on Martha's Vineyard, though...

I dunno probably because he’ll be fucking dead of being old decades before the sea levels become an issue there?

>> No.11448259

That's not what they said 10 years ago

>> No.11448270

Yes blogs do tend to misrepresent science, you shouldn't get mad if you intentionally choose to read blogs and then get decieved.

>> No.11448272

I invite you to look at this winning track record of scientific predictions >>11442975

>> No.11448274

You're a fucking idiot if you think CO2 emissions today will effect 100,000 years from now, let alone a billion. The only effect is fucking over humans for the next few hundred years.

>> No.11448275

But my high school teacher was reading from a textbook when I first heard it.

>> No.11448278

No he wasn't

>> No.11448279
File: 16 KB, 700x447, 12_seaLevel_left.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-don't look at the actual data, just pay attention to Obama
>look at the shiny Obama, look over here!
>d-don't look at the data!

>> No.11448285

Nice, yet another disproven denier meme to illustrate your retardation.


>> No.11448289

>CO2 is good for earth.
Pretty sure planets don't give a shit. Rapid CO2 emissions are bad for humans.

>> No.11448292

>slightly warmer
Can you show me faster warming in the last million years? Bonus points: without mass extinction.

>> No.11448295

>scientific predictions
Please show me the published peer reviewed papers these predictions come from.

>> No.11448313

The answer to this question is federally subsidized flood insurance, the coastal housing market is propped up by our tax dollars, ensuring 0 risk among investors. Hell the way federal insurance works, they'll probably make money off of destroyed property.

>> No.11448345
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I already told you over and over again, they're spraying nano and micron sized aluminum embedded in nano-plastic polymers meant to mimic spider web and keep them in the air longer. Eventually all of this settles, along with chemical ice nucleation agents, and it damages their leaves and shuts down their root system. That's what happens when you change soil pH, that's what plants do when there;s aluminum and barium in the soil, they halt (or become unable) to traffic nutrients into their roots. This obviously doesn't lend itself well to fixing carbon, to the extent the rainforest is a net carbon sink to begin with.

These polymers and nano also settle on the surface of the ocean, where it's like putting a plastic bag over it. Ocean can't breathe or get proper light, plankton die. Marine life is rapid dying anyway.

You can call it geonegineering, strategic weather warfare, solar radiation management, or simply chemtrails (which did not come from "conspiracy theorists" confused about contrails, it was coined in a USAF document).

That's how it is. Microwave transmissions don't help either. It's clear that either the power structure is clinging on to the existing order in the face of changing solar activity, or that it's systematically destroying our life support systems. What I've just described is not just "woops", it's deliberately and quietly cutting the legs out from the world's biosphere and thus triggering ecological collapse. Some of what they're spraying could also be nanotechnology. We are the Borg, and all that.

People literally speculate on the climate and disasters and make a profit doing so. The incentive to manipulate exists at many levels. They've been at it for a long time. Since the German and later allied expeditions to Antarctica.
google weather modification history.

>> No.11448347

Take your meds, schizo.


>> No.11448348
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>> No.11448356
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And lastly, I'm not sure about timeline but I suspect as thing as going now, we probably have at most 10 years before most of us are gone. Maybe as little as 5. Hard to wrap one's mind around, but it's a very real possibility you must consider seriously.

>> No.11448361

See >>11448347

>> No.11448367


Look around. Here's your "Brave New World". More like degenerated shithole.

>> No.11448377

>>>11447584 #
I see a retard who didn't read his own sources which shows the effects of umbilical clamping are minor and temporary. I also see he's admitted to being a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. You picked a great example to illustrate how totally not schizo you are.

>> No.11448390

>which shows the effects of umbilical clamping are minor

>and temporary
Unknown and in large part, not readily studiable. Cannot be inferred from the data provided, though odds are you expected everything to be given to you and haven't done further research on your own. With what's known about early childhood neurodevelopment I would expect it to be largely permanent, with the degree of adaptation and attenuation being a function of environment. Regardless of if the child heals, they were still assaulted and damaged.

>I also see he's admitted to being a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.
This doesn't make enough sense to even justify a response, I mean what? You seem to making things up out of thin air, yet I'm supposedly the schizophrenic.

By the way, a cursory skim through your pastebin didn't reveal any major changes despite the large version number bump. Can you summarize? I wrote a response to V2 (unposted) and this would facilitate updating it more rapidly. That's all for that, your drama as usual distracts from the topic. Put this in your bizarre fantasy document by the way. It'll get better exposure.

>> No.11448567

if you actually believed your schitzo shit you would do something about it, not shit up 4chan. Now go make the news, shoot some doctors, blow shit up stop being so fucking boring.

>> No.11448573
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I can post graphs too.

>> No.11448599

Those actions are retarded and ultimately ineffectual. Meaning (and even effect) via that sort of martyrdom is a Hollywood dramatic creation. I also don't even consider it, largely on that basis, to be a proper suicide method.

There are various avenues of change which I won't discuss in depth (and don't really have any personal experiences so that I would believe in them), but there's nothing to do beyond spreading the word to get people aware and mobilized, or, via action or some opportunity setting up a leadership role where others might jump ship. These are in many now "old world" mechanics, but they're still there, just deeply buried.

I will say however, I didn't directly realize this at first, but I'm also in effect arming people, and particularly my generation. Especially with the EMR stuff. As I've stated before, with regard to the "sleeping masses" and what's gone in the last 150 years, it really is all a house of cards.

Judging by your attitude I think you yourself feel trapped and are also mourning the fading illusions and brainwashing instilled in us. Take your own advice, stop denying and do something meaningful.

>> No.11448623

Though I will also state that in certain other countries, groups of people are getting together and simply destroying unwanted infrastructure. They don't care about any legal sorcery and slavery to the law, and given that there's ethnic or racial homogeneity, and still functioning community, everyone is in on it together and they just get rid of the unwanted invader. Some reports this is happening in Israel in particular, though apparently it's mostly Arabs responding this way. Cell tower infrastructure installed in a vacant building? They burn it down. Tower put in their village? They get together and light it on fire. Etc. This is why eliminating cultural "coherence", tribes, clans, and so forth, is so important for long term control. I find it bizarre, but apparently most people think this way, and our current paralysis may have this kind of basis.

>> No.11448631

Another not eon that. We used to be this way in the US. Back in the 70's when the Navy's project ELF, Sanguine, Seafarer, and so on was being put in place, people who didn't want it to just destroyed the power lines feeding it.

I blame fluoride and some other things t b, qh.

>> No.11448656

tell yourself that, no one listens to shitposts on 4chan and inaction is consent.

>> No.11448672

> I already told you over and over again, they're spraying nano and micron sized aluminum embedded in nano-plastic polymers meant to mimic spider web and keep them in the air longer.

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.11448675

I view it in terms of two types of morality. One is defined by intention, the other is defined by results. I operate on the latter, but the former does play in as far as ripple effects.

Anyway, not really a discussion worth having. I've told several people, met with the boards of various business, and testified to a State senate committee. I don't have the financial resources to use the legal system to go after these degenerates by brute force on my own, I'm just one person and don't have all that much time (look at my document, it doesn't even have a table of contents), and there simply aren't enough people with a broad enough range of backgrounds to solve problems of this scale. The older generations which are extensively connected are also the most cowardly and apathetic, a major roadblock.

This conversation just shows what you know. If anyone knew the way we'd probably already be there.

>> No.11448734

and no one is listening, people listen to actions not words, put your money where your mouth is. The people responisble have names and addresses go do something.

>> No.11448756
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We should be focused on the ocean instead. The terrestrial biosphere is only a fraction of the carbon cycle

>> No.11448770

Lets bring back the CFC's that made a hole in the ozone and let some of the CO2 and heat out. Then we will stop using the CFC's and in a few years the temp will go down and everything will be fine. Problem solved

>> No.11448841

The RF document has been downloaded ~65 times in the last 4 days. Not too bad considering I haven't all that widely advertised it.

>> No.11450357

Who cares? Plant more.

>> No.11450654


Im not a denier but using a graph that spans 100 years to show any kind of proof of global climate change is a fucking joke.

>> No.11450711

Bamboo is a noxious weed.

>> No.11450834

Global climate change isn't the thing being disputed here. It's obvious that the climate is changing, there is absolutely no denying that. What the anon I replied to was skeptical of was the human involvement in recent change. As you can see, models which don't take anthropogenic forcings into account fail miserably while ones that do are surprisingly accurate

>> No.11450845
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And here comes the JIDF shill trying to discredit those who aren't stupid enough to fall for the "eat bugs and live in a pod to save the world goy" meme.

>> No.11450850
File: 91 KB, 720x879, 89516750_10158359767720774_7956440286073192448_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11450870

Go back.
Go ingest 1.25 parts per 10,000 of Botox you stupid retard, it's a small amount so it shouldn't be harmful, right?

>> No.11450874

>Go ingest 1.25 parts per 10,000 of Botox you stupid retard
fuck you beat me to it. i was editing a picture of a soup can to do the mass fraction vs botulinum toxin.

>> No.11450878

Post it anyway, it'll be good to have so I can post it whenever I see his shit argument again

>> No.11451004

Still haven't learned how to read, huh schizo?

>Unknown and in large part, not readily studiable.
Too bad your own link disproves that. Funny how everything you say is supposedly supported by studies you haven't even read but those same studies suddenly don't exist or are impossible when they disprove your delusions.

>This doesn't make enough sense to even justify a response, I mean what? You seem to making things up out of thin air, yet I'm supposedly the schizophrenic.
What doesn't make sense?

>By the way, a cursory skim through your pastebin
Not mine, nice paranoid delusion.

>> No.11451040


>> No.11451047
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>> No.11451075

Go back, you meme-spouting retard.

>> No.11451206

I doesn't taste that bad if you boil it for a few hours

>> No.11451292

The only way to reduce this is by decreasing consumption per capita.
Consumption is set to go up by 60% even though the population isn't set to grow by that much.
Its because capitalism demands infinite growth and consooooooming

>> No.11451440

Actually you're a schizo since you have paranoid delusions.

>> No.11451463

We need to regrow plankton in the oceans. That would help combat climate change more than anything else.

>> No.11451764


>> No.11451898
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Not readily possible. See:

They're dying and staying dead for a reason. Likewise with these forests, the soil microbes are dead.

Some say "technology got us here, man cannot expect to repair the world with further use of technology." And I do see that logic, but the fact is, I think that's really the only option we have. The Earth may have entered a state where it cannot stabilize on its own, therefore we would have to double down on technological means of stabilizing and reversing some of the feedback loops we've disrupted. That could be energy/frequency weapons, perhaps to alter the methane in the atmosphere or enhance plant growth (see eg Magnetism and its effects on the living system" by davis and rawls). Nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and biomimetics to clean up and mimic roles previously filled by biological systems.

And lastly, we should prepare for the high probability that we're lose the capacity for large scale organization, and therefore industrial output and anything resembling collective action. In this case, if everything truly is as dire as some say, we should accelerate our development of AI, give it access to a database of genes from different species, and in the case we're all destroyed, allow it to have access to our infrastructure. Enough to bootstrap a manufacturing base and sensor network, while it goes about fixing things to the extent possible. Perhaps this has already happened at least once.

Don't know. The insects are clearly pretty well killed off, and trees are rotting from the tops, bottoms, and inside. The light is wrong, the air is wrong, something is very wrong. That's my own observation. With some many entities and agendas at work it's hard to tell what's actually true, if they're trying to lead you into something (a trap), or so on. I recommend Ergo Proxy to anyone who also thinks this way.